Day of textile and light industry workers. Day of Light Industry Workers

Light industry provides 40% of all the necessary consumer needs of the citizens of our country. Despite this, workers in this area are not revered, as doctors or teachers, but they invest no less work and bring no less benefit. The humble workers of the light industry celebrate their professional holiday every year on the 2nd Sunday of June.

When they celebrate

The Day of Light Industry Workers is celebrated in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. For the first time this holiday went down in history as an official celebration, under Soviet rule, in 1980, on October 1, by the decree of Brezhnev L.I. (First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU of the USSR from 1964-1982) "On memorable and festive dates."

After the collapse of the USSR, the entire industry fell into decay, hard times came for the whole country, then people were not up to the holidays, and the day of light industry was forgotten for a while. They began to celebrate this celebration again in 2000, after the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. dated 17 June. According to the official document, the day of the light industry worker is celebrated every second Sunday of the first summer month, i.e. in June.

Whose holiday is this

According to the international classification, light industry includes 25 divisions: textile production, footwear, leather, clothing, knitwear, silk, chemical, etc. This holiday is celebrated by both veterans and active workers in these areas of production. The celebration is celebrated on a special scale in the Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Novgorod regions. These areas are considered the center of the textile and light industry in Russia.

Almost every fifth family in Russia works at light industry enterprises, and of course they take part in festive events, go out of town, collect a festive table, invite guests to share the fun with them. Because This holiday falls on the summer period, then as a festivities, the management of enterprises organize mass field trips, picnics, competitions. Fairs, exhibitions, fashion shows are held in the central palaces of the city.

Interesting facts about light industry

1. Every year, 82 million tons of textile fibers are produced in the world, the production of which requires 6 billion tons of coal and 8 billion liters of water.
2. The most popular types of fabric: linen, cotton, polyester, viscose, lycra.
3. From 1996 to 2011 there was a sharp decline in light industry, during which time almost 3 million people lost their jobs.
4. According to statistics, the average lifespan of women's clothing is 3 years, men's - 6 years.
5. The first clothing that man invented was a loincloth, the second was a skirt.
6. In the Middle Ages, a person's belonging to a social class was determined by the color of clothes, so the rich wore red shades, the poor - gray and brown, bankers and merchants - green.


More than 2 million people work in Russia's light industry. They produce consumer goods: clothes, shoes, underwear, everything you need for everyday life. All these domestically produced goods are much cheaper than imported ones, but the quality is not inferior to foreign analogues. On this day, do not forget to congratulate your family and friends on their professional holiday, they will be very pleased to know that their work is appreciated and respected. Our tokens of attention will be the best gifts for them, and compliments and praise will give an incentive to work with great enthusiasm.

Not every specialty has a professional holiday. However, the category of specialists, which will be discussed in this article, has been celebrating its day for more than thirty years. Weavers, knitters, fashion designers, tailors, furriers and even furniture assemblers... All of these professionals celebrate Light Industry Day, which every year falls on the second Sunday of June. Help

What date is the day of light industry: in 2017 it is celebrated on Sunday 11 June

Which countries celebrate: mandatory in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Also, this professional holiday is celebrated in some other countries of the former USSR, but not on such a grand scale.

Who established the day of light industry workers: in Ukraine it was approved by the President by Decree of June 9, 1994 (No. 285/94)

Celebration traditions: Most often, outstanding specialists are awarded on this day, and fashion shows are also held.

The Ukrainian climate implies an impressive wardrobe: every average citizen of the country has at least three seasonal sets of shoes and clothes in which you can feel comfortable on the street in any weather. Ukrainians with above average income most often prefer branded items, although many Ukrainian designers are in trend today. As for the majority of consumers, they are happy to purchase clothes from domestic factories and companies. It is to all employees of this industry that the day of light industry 2017 is dedicated. Today these are the following areas:

  • Clothing industry (fur, haberdashery, shoes);
  • Textile industry (silk, cotton, knitwear, linen).

The main task of such enterprises in Ukraine is to pay back the day invested in them as quickly as possible, to be distinguished by high mobility of production and prompt change of assortment depending on fashion trends.

history of the holiday

The factory industry appeared quite a long time ago: in the eighteenth century. This was facilitated by technological progress: special looms and spinning machines appeared. Thus, labor moved from manual to machine. And it is not surprising that the nineteenth is a time when many enterprises developed at an incredibly rapid pace. The development was also facilitated by the fact that the factories now worked not by driven serfs, but by hired workers interested in the result and earnings. Then a rather protracted economic crisis set in in this area, but after the war, enterprises began to work with renewed vigor. In 1980, the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers was solemnly approved. After the collapse of the USSR, a huge flow of foreign products poured into the Ukrainian market, which practically ousted domestic producers. However, there is currently an active recovery and rebranding of many manufacturers.

How is Light Industry Day celebrated in Ukraine?

Despite the fact that there are certain difficulties in the industry, this holiday is necessarily celebrated at every enterprise. Just imagine: in the country more than four hundred thousand people are involved in this field, and about eighty percent of them are women. It is not surprising that on the second Sunday of June, the Day of the Seamstress in Ukraine, you can meet large women's companies in cafes and restaurants. There are no special celebration traditions: rallies and festivals have not been held since Soviet times. Today, at the official level, only the best employees (both the country and a separate factory) are awarded. Also on this day, employees, as a rule, receive well-deserved bonuses, after which they go to corporate parties.

Some interesting facts

  • the largest jute factory in the country, which produces nets, bags, twine and rope, is located in Odessa;
  • the main centers of the knitting industry in the country are Lvov, Kyiv, Lugansk, Kharkov, Donetsk and Zhytomyr. Here Tailor's Day is celebrated without fail;
  • the best shoes and leather are produced in Kyiv, Lvov, Zaporozhye and Nikolaev;
  • There are more than 200 professional educational institutions in Ukraine, where specialists for the light industry are trained.
  • imports of things from developed European countries into the country are not so high, the main supplies of fabrics, clothing and equipment come from Asian countries.

Congratulations on the Day of Light Industry


And a tailor and a seamstress
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break,
Pattern so as not to be lost,
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything to succeed in life
Who does life need to connect with?
To avoid frustration
For you to succeed.


Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, needed and appreciated.
On this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
May it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success and luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be eternal.
Be loved and don't be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt like smoke.


Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In light industry: from chiefs to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you yourself,
Well, the quality with design is like that of world brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, center prosperity.


Guided by the mind
But they are greeted by clothes!
We would like a little
Be in tune with fashion too.
Fabrics for fun
And cover it so that it is not a "bag",
shoes with sturdy heels,
And a good trail of perfume...
Congratulations to those people
From under whose magical hands
A miracle suddenly appears
Lots of things we need.
We count on you -
fashion designers and weavers,
Perfumers and tailors.
Congratulations on a good hour
Happy Labor Day!
We always need your work!


Light industry with us -
This is the most, the highest class,
You offer goods to the people,
And you, in fact, wear it!

You for this from the people - honor, praise!
We want the factory to bloom
To improve the quality all the time
Your money didn't fit in your wallet!

So that success always accompanies you,
And the director often gave an award,
So that families have joy and peace,
So that happiness covers you with your head!

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As a result, the industry developed so well that the USSR came out on top in the world in the production of shoes and second in the production of textiles and garments.

After the collapse of the Soviet state, the industry fell into decline. Large volumes of production provided the needs of the domestic market. The population of the Russian Federation was noticeably smaller than the inhabitants of the USSR. Opening borders didn't help either. As it turned out, the quality of Soviet/Russian products did not ensure their competitiveness in the world market. In addition, due to the break in established business, many enterprises were left without raw materials. Another disadvantage is that they were not able to buy it at the new market prices. In the 1990s, a general decline in production in Russia was recorded.

If in 1990 the light industry accounted for almost 12% of all Soviet production, then in 2003 in Russia this figure fell to 1.4%.

Traditionally, the Ivanovo region stands out in the Russian Federation. In this region, the light industry occupies 33% of the total production volume. No other Russian region has such indicators. For example, the indicator of the Jewish Autonomous Region (second place) is 7.9%.

The question is often asked: why do we need these professional holidays? To have an extra reason to drink? Professional holidays are an occasion to remind about a particular profession. Tell about its difficulties and importance for the state and society. These holidays allow people of a certain profession to unite. Psychologists even give a fashionable word today - team building.

No burden on the country's economy. Professional holidays are celebrated on weekends and do not result in an additional non-working day. The day of an employee of a particular field is actually a birthday. They celebrate it once a year, say words of congratulations, wish you all the best and success. You can arrange a colorful show by presenting the latest developments to the public and telling a story. A holiday is a positive charge of emotions, and with a good mood, you work better.

In one article it is not easy to reveal all the nuances of the topic. If you have any additional questions, ask your consultant. The expert will answer them and provide qualified assistance.

Knitters, weavers, tailors, fashion designers, furriers have their solemn date - Light Industry Day. It has existed for over 30 years and is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of the first summer month.

What is light industry

The industry is engaged in the manufacture of consumer goods from various types of raw materials. It includes several sub-sectors:

  • Sewing: fur, haberdashery, shoe.
  • Textile: silk, cotton, knitted, linen.

The enterprises also manufacture industrial and technical products for the food, chemical, aviation, furniture, and automotive industries. The peculiarity lies in the quick return on investment, high mobility of production and the ability to quickly change the range of manufactured goods.

Light Industry Day: the history of appearance

The factory industry arose in the 18th century. The impetus for technological progress was complex machine tools and apparatus: a spinning machine, a weaving machine. It was a transitional stage from manual to machine labor.

In the 19th century there was an intensive growth of many enterprises. This was due to the fact that there were capitalist factories that used the labor of hired workers, and not by the end of the century they determined the industrial development of Russia.

Light Industry Day was not celebrated in those days. The main enterprises were located in the centers (tailoring, weaving, lace). employees was very low, as there was a lack of mechanisms and a poor raw material base in production. The situation was aggravated by the economic crisis.

Only in the 20s of the 20th century did the establishment of the knitwear, clothing, and shoe industries begin. The construction of new cotton, silk-weaving, silk-winding factories began. After the war, the enterprises quickly recovered and began to work with renewed vigor. And in 1980, the Light Industry Day was approved. It is like a reward for people for their continuous work, as a memory of our history.

Industry today

Nowadays, the industry is of great importance - to dress, put on shoes for all the inhabitants of the country. There are also problems:

  • low wages of workers;
  • operation of obsolete equipment;
  • the appearance of goods illegally brought into the country;
  • lack of own funds from enterprises.

Despite the difficulties, light industry is celebrated in June, on the second Sunday of the month. National fanfare is not heard to the employees, festivals and rallies are not held everywhere, but each enterprise organizes the presentation of awards and a solemn speech with words of gratitude. It is customary in the family circle to congratulate relatives and friends who work in this industry. They are always pleased to receive congratulations on Light Industry Day, for example:

Now it's time to congratulate

Dear person

No, I won't lie

You've already plowed a third of a century.

The work of the master is afraid,

And the industry is growing

I wish work

Brought income to the house!

The climatic conditions of the Russian Federation make it necessary to have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in the wardrobe of every Russian. This allows people to comfortably spend time outdoors. Many people buy imported clothes for themselves, but consumer demand for domestic products is also not small.

Light industry employees celebrate their professional holiday in early July. Most of the workers in this industry are women. On this day, all employees of the clothing and footwear industries and everyone who is somehow connected with the textile industry deserve congratulations.


Officially, the Textile Worker's Day in the Russian Federation was approved by the President at the beginning of the 21st century. But this holiday has been celebrated for more than 30 years.

Until the 18th century, wool and linen were the main raw materials for Russian light industry. In the manufactories of that time, serfs mainly worked. Despite the flourishing of the new textile factories, handicraft workshops remained the dominant form of production.

In the 19th century, a gradual transition to factory production began. From the middle of the 19th century, manual machines began to be replaced by more modern ones - mechanical ones. By the end of the century, half of the enterprises switched to machine production.

During the First and Second World Wars, the Russian manufactory suffered huge losses. In production, the volume of manufactured products fell several times. It was only in the 1940s that the industry was fully established and restored.

  • 1970s - the textile industry reaches the pinnacle of its development.
  • Since the 1970s, active production of synthetics has begun: acetate silk, lavsan, nitron.
  • From 1965 to 1986 The USSR occupies one of the first places in the production of wool.
  • Since the 1980s, a sharp decline in production efficiency has begun.

From 1990 to 1998, the productivity of the textile industry fell catastrophically. The volume of production decreased several times. The number of imported goods in the Russian markets began to prevail over domestic ones.


In honor of this holiday, large-scale festivities are held at factories and enterprises of this industry. Employees try to organize interesting and vibrant concerts, corporate parties and other events.

In addition to corporate events, successful factories and textile corporations hold fashion shows. Most often, these shows present fashionable products from the finest fabrics. They are carried out to increase the number of consumers and increase credibility in the market.

It is also customary to celebrate this holiday in the family circle. Relatives, friends and colleagues gather at festive tables, share their professional experience, tell interesting and funny stories.

Do not forget to congratulate light industry employees, because they make a huge contribution to the comfortable existence of mankind.
