Childhood crises, mind you. Age crises in children - how to help a child overcome an age crisis

The psyche of the child in the process of development goes through certain stages, which are called critical periods. Why critical? Because during these age intervals contradictions arise in the internal state of the child, his relationship with parents and society changes. Overcoming the crisis, the child moves to a new stage of mental development, and depending on how a small person overcomes difficult periods, the formation of his character, inner world and self-awareness depends. If parents misbehave during this difficult time for the child, then the risk of developing neuropsychiatric diseases in him will be very high.

The crisis in children usually begins and ends imperceptibly. It lasts for several months, but with an unfavorable course, it can be delayed up to 1-2 years.

There are several critical periods:

Period 1 year
- period of 3 years
- period of 7 years

One year old baby crisis

At this age, a child opens up new opportunities for mastering the world around him. He can walk and speak a few words. There is a sense of independence, emotions begin to appear. During this period, many things that the child wants can not be done.

Frequent parental prohibitions can lead to violent outbursts. Therefore, it is necessary to prohibit only what is really impossible, and this “impossible” should be the same and constantly, and in this those around should be in solidarity. Do not forbid the superfluous, let there be some things that the child can do. He must be given the opportunity to cognize the world, otherwise mental development will be insufficient and belated. During this period, try to pay more attention to the baby, play with him, talk a lot. He understands everything and remembers a lot.

The child must adhere to the daily routine, spend feeding by the hour so that he does not expect food and is not naughty.

Create a safe environment in the house so that the baby, exploring the world around him, does not get hurt. Rejoice in his success with him.

Crisis of the 3-year-old child

If the baby shows negativism, rebelliousness, stubbornness and arbitrariness, then he has begun a critical period. The child begins to oppose himself to the adult.
I want to decide everything myself and do everything myself. When an adult asks for something, the opposite action follows.

There is a protest against the demands. The kid seems stubborn, but this stubbornness is caused by the desire to be heard and the desire to show that he also has his own opinion, which should be taken into account.

This is the age when will, independence, independence are formed. The essence of the new behavior of the child pursues certain goals:

The child wants without fail to bring his actions to the final result, even despite the obstacles,
- he wants to demonstrate his successes to an adult, without whose reaction these successes lose their value to a large extent,
- at this age, self-esteem is aggravated - resentment intensifies, emotional outbursts often occur over trifles.

How to get out of this crisis?

1. You need to understand that your baby behaves so badly not because he is “bad” in fact, but because he still does not know how to do it differently. But, of course, understanding alone is often not enough to deal with tantrums. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for possible conflicts.

There is no need to do anything until the child is completely calm. Chances are, you've already found several ways to soothe your baby. Someone ignores such outbursts of negative emotions. But still, it is best to stop the brewing hysteria simply by switching attention. Three-year-olds get distracted very quickly, and a new toy, story, or suggestion to do something else can stop a tantrum and keep you on your toes.

2. Encourage your toddler to be independent. Let him make mistakes, but that's okay, because they happen before your eyes. But then, in adulthood, he will avoid many serious problems. It has been noticed that when parents limit or ridicule a child's desire to be independent, the development of the little man goes wrong: will and independence are transformed into an acute sense of shame and insecurity. Determine for him that line, beyond which the child should never, in any situation, observe them. For example, you must not touch an electrical outlet, cross the road at a red light, etc. In other cases, give the baby the freedom to do as he pleases.

3. Give him the right to choose. Don't force him to do what he doesn't want to. Offer him an alternative, and let him choose. You will remain calm, and the child will gain confidence that his opinion is taken into account. Stubbornness subsequently develops into will, into the achievement of the goal. And you are able to turn it in this direction, and not turn it into a “donkey” character trait for life.

4. The game is important for a child at this age, which now serves as the main source of knowledge of the world for him. Throw life themes for this game, participate, play roles, and your child will completely trust you.

Crisis of 7 years of age

In some children, it may occur at 6 or 8 years of age. At this age, there is an intensive growth of the body, some changes occur, teeth change. The child enters a new status - he becomes a schoolboy.

There may be negativism towards one's past life. Children laugh at the things they were interested in before, at the clothes they wore, at the games they played. Now they are attracted to the school. There is a desire to study, to communicate with peers. At the same time, there are times when you do not want to go to school, as a rule, this is due to the fear of not meeting the expectations of teachers and peers.

The main manifestations of this period are the exacerbation of aggressiveness or shyness, the appearance of fears, self-doubt, and frequent doubts about one's abilities. The child begins not only to experience feelings, but also to comprehend them, to look for the reason.
Analyzing himself, he pays attention to how people around him react to him, his actions and actions. Weak self-esteem is often wounded and self-esteem becomes overestimated or underestimated.

The child begins to imitate adults first, and then peers, loves to grimace and grimace, which is very annoying to parents. It can close, or, on the contrary, be deliberately cheerful.

Now, before doing something, he increasingly thinks and calculates the consequences of his actions. The game is still preserved, but fades into the background - the understanding comes that there is another, adult life. Most of all, the child now wants to be respected.

Ways to resolve the crisis

1. To make the child feel more confident at school, take the time to intellectual and psychological preparation. Teach him to read and count easier. It is more important and more difficult to prepare him mentally. It is good if the future student will be able to find contact with peers and teachers, when necessary, obey the general rules and, at the same time, be able to defend his opinion.

2. If the child is busy and does not ask for your help, do not interfere. By doing this, you will let him know that you believe in his abilities and capabilities.

3. Slowly but surely shift the responsibility for his personal affairs to him.

4. Give him the opportunity to know the dire consequences of his action or his inaction. As a result, he will begin to mature and become more conscious.

5. Sometimes encourage him to show care and participation, citing fatigue or poor health.

Pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

If your child began to behave in a completely unusual way, often being capricious, quarreling with peers and / or adults, moving away from you and generally becoming “somehow not like that”, then this does not mean at all that he does not love you, got into a bad company or not well educated. Perhaps he simply reached a stage in his development called the age crisis. Psychologists identify 6 such crises that consistently arise from birth to adulthood. We will consider the features of each of them in this article.

What is an age crisis

The development of a small person is a process extended over time and very unusual. Throughout its length, stable periods are replaced by crisis ones and vice versa. Stable ones are characterized by the gradual accumulation of new skills and abilities, for example, a baby has learned to walk, a child of older preschool age can already arbitrarily memorize the necessary information, etc. During these periods, changes occur, but they are very portioned and it is possible to notice them only when a neoplasm appears (speech, voluntary memorization, etc.). But with crisis periods, everything is quite different.

During such periods, the development of the child is very rapid and noticeable to the naked eye. Changes during the crisis stages can be compared to a revolution: they are very turbulent, they begin suddenly and also end when certain goals are achieved. They can be very difficult for both a child and an adult, and can proceed in a fairly smoothed form. However, normal human development is impossible without these crises, and every baby must go through each of them. There are 6 crises of childhood:

  • neonatal crisis
  • One year old (infancy)
  • 3 years (early childhood)
  • 7 years (childhood)
  • 13 years old (teenage)
  • 17 years old (youth)

Although the name of each crisis includes a specific age, this does not mean that this stage will occur exactly on the 3rd or 13th birthday. It can start a little earlier or a little later - six months or even a year before / after the specified age.

neonatal crisis

We can say that a child is already born in a crisis. This is due to the fact that it changes the intrauterine existence to an independent life outside the maternal organism. The baby needs to get used to a new type of breathing and nutrition, to unusual conditions, light, sound, etc. The adaptation period begins, which lasts about 1-2 months.

During this period, it is important to surround the baby with maximum care, care, and attention. The first months of life are the most difficult for both the child and his parents. But when the crisis passes, it turns out that the baby is already more adapted to life and begins to establish its first social contacts with its immediate environment, i.e. mom and dad.

One year crisis

The crisis of infancy is connected with the fact that the child masters walking and speech. Now he has more space for research, the ability to walk makes it possible to take objects belonging to adults and previously inaccessible.

At the age of one or two years, a child may show negativism, which becomes a response to various restrictions on the part of adults and their misunderstanding. The kid is faced with the fact that “I want” and “need” can often not coincide, and this causes him dissatisfaction. During this period, various affective outbursts and aggression may occur: the child cries and falls to the floor, demanding something, is offended, can throw toys at an adult, etc. The first desire to do everything on their own appears.

Typical signs of the onset of a crisis of 1 year: a child gets a tattoo and buys a sports car.

It is very important during the crisis of one year to show patience, tact and wisdom. Shouts, punishments, indulgence to whims will do little good. During affective outbursts, it is best to distract the baby with something (for example, show some animal or bird) or try to negotiate with him. If you forbid something to a child, then always explain why it is impossible. The desire for independence should be encouraged, otherwise the baby will stop showing it, and later will refuse to perform even simple actions, explaining this by the fact that he does not know how (to dress, eat on his own, etc.).

Crisis 3 years

The crisis of early childhood is one of the most difficult age-related crises. At this time, the child becomes difficult to educate, it is often very difficult to find a common language with him. The kid seeks to oppose himself to adults, to show that he is an independent person, separate from his mother. Most often, the following manifestations can be observed:

  • Negativism. All the behavior of the baby is completely contrary to what adults offer him. The child will refuse to do something, not because he really does not want to, but because it comes from an adult.
  • Willfulness. The desire for independence is very pronounced here, you can often hear the phrase “I myself!” from the baby. At the same time, he will be very offended and may even show aggression if this independence is not given to him.
  • Obstinacy. The child rejects the previously established way of life, all the rules and norms of upbringing established in the family. He refuses to go to bed, walk, etc. at normal times, doing some usual things, going to kindergarten, etc.
  • Stubbornness. If the kid demanded something, he will stubbornly insist on his own. At the same time, he does this not because he really wants to, but because he expressed such a desire to an adult.
  • Depreciation. During this period, for the first time, a child has criticism in relation to an adult, whose words, deeds, will were previously accepted unconditionally.
  • Despotism. A kid of this age can show jealousy, aggression, often fall into tantrums.
  • Protest riot. Almost all aspects of the behavior of a small person are of a protesting nature, and for no apparent reason.

Also during this period one can observe fantasizing and fiction aimed at protection from punishment (“it was a babayka who came and ate all the sweets”), a demonstrative manifestation of feelings, a desire for evaluation.

The desire to suppress this crisis will not yield results. To cope with these manifestations, an adult must be very patient and show cunning and ingenuity. For example, knowing that the child will resist sleep, offer him to do anything, just do not lie down and do not close his eyes. It is also not recommended to confirm the tantrum (give what it was called for), otherwise it will become a natural way to achieve what you want.

Crisis of seven years

At this age, the child strives for new social contacts, begins to focus on external assessment, acquires a new social status - the status of a student. The kid loses his childish spontaneity and naivety - now it is much more difficult to understand him than just recently. The main manifestations of the crisis are mannerisms and pretentiousness of behavior, antics, some strangeness and incomprehensibility of actions, aggressiveness and affective outbursts.

As a rule, all these manifestations disappear when the baby enters school and begins to learn new activities. Significant adults outside the family (teacher, friends of parents, etc.) can also help to cope with them. This is due to the fact that during this period, assessments of strangers are important and necessary for the child to form self-esteem and self-image.

Crisis of 13 years

The teenage crisis is the second brightest and in many ways similar to the crisis of 3 years. It is associated with hormonal changes in the child's body and with the transition to a new stage of development (transitional between a child and an adult) and is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Emotional instability. This is due to a greater extent with a change in the hormonal background and the failure of some body systems. Adolescents often have mood swings from elevated to depressed, and it is difficult for them to control their feelings and emotions.
  • Feeling of adulthood, the desire to appear adult. A teenager does not want to be called and look like a child. By their behavior, manner of dressing, etc. he strives to show that he is already an adult.

This guy definitely managed to look older...

  • Striving for emancipation. A child of this age actively strives to separate himself from his parents: he shows maximum independence, carefully hides his personal life and experiences, etc.
  • Conflicts with parents. The teenager believes that they do not understand him, they react very violently to any manifestations of guardianship and care from their parents, as well as to their criticism, prohibitions, etc. This leads to frequent conflicts between generations.
  • The desire to communicate with peers. If even earlier the child sought to communicate more with adults and was guided by them, now peers and slightly older children become authorities for him. There is an active interest in people of the opposite sex.

Also during this period, one can observe excessive interest in one's own appearance, frequent changes in image and interests, difficulty in communication and deterioration in school performance. A teenager is looking for himself in this world, seeks to declare himself as an adult. Parents are encouraged to give their children more freedom, to recognize their independence and the right to privacy, to treat them as equals.

Crisis of 17 years

As a rule, it occurs on the threshold of a new life, i.e. before leaving school. Crisis manifestations are associated with the realization of one's responsibility for the future choice. At this age, all kinds of fears can arise (of a new life, before entering a university, before the army, etc.), increased anxiety, nervousness.

During the crisis of adolescence, family support is very important. Parents should participate in the life of the child, but give him independence, especially in choosing his future. Also, work with a young man / girl to gain self-confidence will be of great help.

The age crisis is an inevitable phenomenon in the normal development of the child. In these difficult periods for him, parents need to be patient and try to provide their children with maximum help and support. Think back to that age. You have probably experienced something similar. Get into the position of a child and deal with crisis manifestations together with him.

Every child has crises during which he withdraws from his parents, withdraws into himself and becomes too emotional.

Crises in children by year can be overcome if you listen to the advice of psychologists.

Knowing certain rules, the parent will be able to find a common language with the child and prevent.

Psychology and concept

Crisis age - what is it?

The childhood crisis is called transition period between age groups.

This happens at the completion of certain stages of development. This phenomenon occurs due to physiological and psychological changes.

How the crisis manifests itself depends on the child's temperament and social relations. If in one case its manifestation is strong, baby became nervous, then in another it can be practically unnoticeable.

Psychologists say that during such periods, even the most calm children become very nervous, irritable, and even. They react emotionally to familiar words and phrases, trying to prove their case.

At the same time, young children cry, stomp their feet, throw toys and lie down on the floor. An older child usually argues with parents, provokes a conflict, does not try to find a compromise.

According to experts, such phenomena can't be avoided. They are important for the development of the child, the formation of his psyche and social relations.

The duration of crises usually does not exceed several months, but under the influence of negative factors, certain circumstances, the duration increases.

Signs of a child crisis and how to survive it

For every age certain signs of a crisis. To cope with this difficult period, you need to listen to psychologists.

first year of life

The crisis of 1 year is characterized by several signs that a parent should be aware of. Consider a table:

Features Unwillingness to obey, tearfulness, harsh. A baby can be affectionate, and after five minutes start crying for no reason. Appears: the child requires all the attention of the parents to be riveted to him. Screams and crying are observed if mom or dad turned away, distracted by their own business.
Causes of the crisis at this age There is an active physiological and intellectual development. The kid learns the world, rebuilds, which affects his behavior. It may seem to him that he has become an adult and his relatives do not need to obey. For this reason, children throw tantrums.
What actions cannot be taken Parents during this period should not demonstrate their power, shout at the child, bring him to tears. They should remain friends, not enemies. At this age, children are sensitive to the tone of voice of loved ones, so you need to speak strictly, but do not break into a cry, otherwise it will negatively affect the psyche. It is worth showing tolerance without using corporal punishment.

Children at this age become very touchy, get very upset if their mother yells at them and scolds them for something. You need to be more affectionate, hug the baby during tantrums, because physical contact is important to him: he feels the warmth of his mother and.

If the child began to show independence, it is not necessary to forbid it.

For example: he wants to eat with a spoon himself, takes it in his hand, you must allow him to try to eat on his own. This will have a beneficial effect on its development.

In addition, you need be his friend: play together, watch cartoons. Joint pastime and the attention of parents will give the child a sense of security. He will understand that he is loved and appreciated, then the crisis will be overcome easier and faster.

One and a half years

It is not difficult to recognize this period at this age. The following signs:

The reason for these actions is intellectual development of the child. He has a strong desire to know the world, to touch the things around him, but at the same time, childish capriciousness and a desire to attract the attention of his parents to himself are manifested, as if showing what he learned, what he found.

During this period, you can not show negative emotions and yell at children. Let them be more independent.

Mom should observe the actions of the baby but do not control every step. He will be happy if they begin to perceive him as an equal, if they play with him.

At two years old

At two years old, the child even more strongly manifests his independence.

Short words and phrases appear that the baby uses to express independence.

Most children at this age say: “I don’t want”, “I won’t”, “no”, “I myself”. They try to do everything on their own, help their parents and believe that they know everything better than adults.

Whims appear when they something is forbidden. Then crying appears, the child knocks his legs on the floor so that he is allowed to fulfill his plan.

He especially likes to answer all the questions of the elders "no". It's becoming a new toy, so answers like this shouldn't be taken seriously.

You only need have patience and not scold the child, trying to explain that this is not always the appropriate answer.

The reasons for this behavior are first manifestations of personality traits. The child gradually begins to realize himself, certain preferences are formed, a model of behavior is laid.

3 years

At three years old child becomes more independent: tries to prove to adults that he is equal to them, knows how to do a lot himself.

The main signs of the crisis of three years are:

  1. Negativism. Children cease to obey their parents, refuse every request: they do not want to go home, although they are already tired on a walk, they refuse to eat, although they have long been hungry. They simply do not want to agree on anything with their relatives.
  2. obstinacy. He stops listening to anyone, pretends that they are not addressing him, can run away for a walk, suddenly make a mess in the room, scattering toys.
  3. Despotism. The kid goes to great lengths so that everyone in the family obeys only him: he can pick up his sister's toys, hit one of his parents if they do not allow him to realize what he wants. It seems to him that he is in charge and everyone should obey him.
  4. willfulness. Three-year-old children do everything to look like adults: they try to turn on electrical appliances themselves, cross the road without holding their mother's hand. At the most unexpected moment, they can run away, and on a walk they try not to notice the presence of adults.

During this period, it is important to explain what cannot be done, what actions are strictly prohibited. It is necessary to speak strictly and warn of punishments.

6 years

Crisis of this age radically different from what happened in the past.

The child is no longer, will not cry in a public place and knock his legs.

The restructuring of the body manifests itself in a different way:

  1. Abrupt change in behavior. It changes dramatically: instead of telling all the secrets, secrecy appears, instead of obedience, rudeness arises.
  2. Formation of fears. It is at this age that fears begin to appear. Someone admits that he is afraid of insects, and someone of the dark.
  3. No interest in the game. What you liked before is no longer interesting. A favorite doll or car can lie on the shelves of the closet, the child will never come to them.

Children begin be rude adults, become unbearable in communication.

But even in this case, there is no need to be rude and shout, you should punish them, speak as seriously and strictly as possible, so that they understand that you need to answer for misconduct.

AT 7

Appears when the child realizes that he will soon be going to school and has there will be new responsibilities, friends You will have to make many decisions on your own.

He understands that he is growing up, but he is not used to new responsibilities yet.

Adulthood borders on childishness, which affects the behavior negatively: the child can be capricious, becomes restless, mimics adults.

Outbursts of anger, irritability, absent-mindedness are possible, which affects school performance badly: the child gets low grades, is afraid to tell his parents about them, becomes secretive.

AT 8

During this period the child loses innocence and trust. He becomes more mature, there are actions and phrases that are characteristic of an adult.

It seems to him that he can make mistakes in important matters, narcissism is lost and dissatisfaction with his own appearance may appear. The kid may refuse to wear certain clothes, going to school for a long time, choosing what to wear for a long time.

May appear criticism of oneself and others and even teachers.

This is expressed by dissatisfaction with communication, frequent conflicts.

Inappropriate behavior with outbursts of anger and the tendency to fight is growing.

It is very important for loved ones to immediately solve such problems, talk more with the child and explain to him that he will be punished. Good behavior, on the contrary, should be encouraged.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky says that the child should be given the opportunity to be independent, his rights, freedom and control over every step should not be infringed.

It's important to be there but as a mentor or friend, not an enemy or despot. They do not scold him for misconduct, but strictly talk to him, making it clear what exactly was done wrong, how to behave correctly.

You can not impose your opinion, especially if it is a question of choosing clothes, toys.

You should consult with him as often as possible so that he can Express your opinion.

It is necessary to establish contact with the child, to become friends so that he can trust loved ones.

Children have crises that manifest themselves in different ways at each age. Having studied their signs, having listened to the advice of psychologists, it will be much easier to overcome these periods.

Crises of childhood. Psychologist's advice:

The concept of "age crisis" heard most of the parents. Most often, with these words, a crying baby is presented, destroying everything around and not wanting to hear anything, or a rebellious teenager with bright green hair and an earring in his nose.

But this is only the external side of the crisis, which does not arise from scratch. The true reason is the achievement of a certain stage in the development of the nervous system, without passing through which the harmonious development of a small person is impossible. During such periods, our child, more than ever, needs support, attention and all possible help from loved ones. Fighting only with external manifestations can aggravate the transition of a small person to the next stage of personality development.

When do these "terrible" crises occur? In fact, the boundaries of age-related changes are quite blurred, since the development of each child occurs according to an individual pattern.

In preschool children, the following are conditionally distinguished:

Neonatal crisis. "I was born!"

Of course, the little creature that was born is mastering a new environment for it. There are not so many external manifestations of such a crisis - after all, all the baby needs during this period is food, sleep, love and care of parents.

But oddly enough, it is during this period that the baby's trust in the World is laid. Needless to say, a newborn needs constant attention to his needs from his mother, and positive emotions emanating from her. At this stage, the child especially acutely feels the emotional states of the adults around him and either “infects” with calmness from them, or, on the contrary, gets nervous and cries when everything is not in order in the family.

Crisis of early childhood. "I know the world"

The crisis of early childhood is associated with the new capabilities of the baby and his completely natural need to study the essence of objects and phenomena. The greatest difficulty during this period is the inability to forbid anything to the baby without causing him a violent protest.

The crisis of 1 year is aggravated by the fact that the baby begins to realize his isolation from his mother. The child understands that the most important person in his life can leave, leave him alone. Therefore, during this period, contradictory behavior of the crumbs is observed - the baby either cannot move a single step, or, on the contrary, shows independence and makes a scandal when trying to help.

How to cope

It is possible to facilitate the passage of this important stage in the life of a small person if you follow some rules.

  • Keep all dangerous things away, secure your home and create a favorable environment for research activities.
  • Distract the baby. His attention during this period easily switches from one object to another, so instead of the next “no”, you can use the trick and offer the child something more interesting.
  • Keep prohibitions to a minimum and strictly follow them. Define for yourself a small list of such actions. There should be as few categorical “no” as possible - about 5-10 points. This will allow you to set some boundaries of what is permitted, without greatly limiting the child in research activities.
  • If the baby needs attention, put things aside and play with him. This is not a whim, but an urgent need for security.
  • Do not use threats: "Here I go and leave you alone!". During this period, such statements can undermine the baby's faith in himself and affect his self-esteem in the future.
  • Try to be sympathetic to the negative emotions of the child. It is still very difficult for him to cope with conflicting feelings. Even a hysterical baby needs acceptance, understanding and support.

It is possible to reduce your own negative reactions if you understand what the baby wants to say with one or another action. For example, a child running away for a walk wants to feel that his mother is needed, because she must follow him.

Does the kid demand some thing that he can’t and make a scandal about this? Try to put yourself in the place of a child. On the one hand, he is interested, which means it is very important to get what attracted his attention. On the other hand, he feels his own dependence on the wishes and opinions of adults.

Crisis in a 3-year-old child

Even those who do not have children have heard about the crisis of 3 years. It appears as something terrible and incomprehensible, when a baby from an obedient and sweet child suddenly turns into an uncontrollable rebel.

Nevertheless, during the formation of a personality, there are no “suddenly” and such behavior of a child is a necessary stage in growing up and becoming aware of oneself in this world.

At the age of 2.5-4 years, the baby begins to realize himself as an independent person and "build" his own "I". What actually happens to the baby when he becomes uncontrollable?

  • During this period, the child begins to form his own opinion, which may differ in many respects from the opinion of the parents and flow into a real rebellion.
  • The kid begins to determine for himself the boundaries of what is permitted in interaction with others. Therefore, there may be an acute reaction to the prohibition or its direct violation. It is not uncommon for children to also hit or be rude.
  • The child forms his own views, and they, as you know, need to be followed. This can result in stubbornness, often unreasonable from the point of view of adults. In fact, the baby is simply trying to stick to the once chosen position. After all, he decided!
  • It is especially difficult for a child to accept his dependent position during this period. He has a desire to do everything himself, he can react sharply to the offer of help.
  • The denial of previous authorities can result in children's negativism, when the child begins to reject the proposals of people who directed him before. Moreover, such behavior is directed, as a rule, primarily to the closest person - mother.
  • The baby has a desire to lead, to tell parents how and what to do, because before only they could set the "rules". Now the young family member is trying to defend his right to give commands.

How to cope

Based on the foregoing, this is a really difficult period in the life of a family. It is no less difficult for the child himself. Therefore, if you notice that the baby is going through a crisis, special attention should be paid precisely to the reasons for the occurrence of certain negative reactions. Only in this way it will be possible to best help the baby survive a difficult life stage, and parents to save their own nerves.

To minimize the negative manifestations of the crisis, adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Let the kid do whatever he wants, of course, within reason. Do not try to do something for him, but prompt and show once again how he can cope with the problem on his own.
  • Learn to back off. This is one of the best ways to deal with children's negativism. Is the child rebelling against a daily routine or rule? Find a compromise.
  • Offer your child as many choices as possible, while cutting off unacceptable options as gently as possible.
  • Distract the child if he is too persistent in something.
  • Try to praise the child for initiative and independence in those aspects that you consider useful, even if the baby did not do it brilliantly. Next time will be better.
  • Gently but firmly set your own boundaries. Do not go along with the child if he tries to command or tell you what to do.
  • Do not let the baby get his own way by tantrums or screams. This behavior may persist in the future. If you cannot calm the child at this moment, it is better to let him be alone, and then offer a compromise.
  • Use cunning in the fight against children's negativism. If the previously rejected proposal of the mother called a protest, let another family member try to repeat it.

As for the bans, one way or another during this period there will be more of them. After all, the baby will literally test you for strength. During this period, it is important to clearly establish the boundaries of what is permitted, since it is on them that the child will begin to focus in the future.

Crisis in a 7-year-old child

The kid is growing, it's time for him to go to school, and here again there are tantrums and protests. Such behavior is associated both with the internal state of the baby himself, and with a change in his environment and routine.

Firstly, the way the child receives information is changing and the learning process is replacing the game perception, which requires endurance, perseverance and discipline.

How to cope

The psyche of each child is individual, it does not always have time to fully adjust to a new way of gaining knowledge - hence fatigue, nervousness, capriciousness. It is important to understand that a new rhythm can be difficult for a baby. Do not punish him for blots in a notebook or mistakes, try to praise him for his achievements.

Let the baby rest more. Do not insist on visiting circles and sections. Offer him various ways to relax after the learning process - a warm shower, naps, the opportunity to walk and play.

Changing the external environment also has a significant impact on the child during this period. He is no longer just a separate unit in the totality of children. Now, more than ever, the baby begins to feel like a part of a group, a class. And in the class, as you know, not everyone is equal - one studies diligently, the other is the ringleader in games, the third knows how to stand up for himself.

Trying to define his place within a group of children, the child may become nervous due to failures in school or communication. It is important during this period to identify the cause of the baby’s emotional behavior, and not label him as “lazy and lazy” if the portfolio flew into the corner again, and the previously obedient son flatly refuses to do the lessons.

It is important to note that the crisis of 7 years can come either earlier or later than the due date, or it may even go smoothly and without problems. Everything will depend on the temperament of the child, his readiness for school and the load on the fragile nervous system.

Correct understanding of the emotions experienced by the child in a particular case. His internal contradictions and the direction of development of a small personality will make it easier to overcome the crises of growing up.
