Children about industriousness lesson in Sunday school. God wants you to obey his word

Learning tasks: to acquaint children with the types of labor: spiritual, mental, physical. Fix previously received . To enrich the vocabulary of children with words: spiritual, mental, physical, diligence.

Development tasks: develop the ability to listen and answer questions, develop arbitrary memory, imagination, speech.

Educational tasks: to educate in children love and interest in work on the examples of the work of holy people, parents, the children themselves. To teach respect for the work of adults, arouse interest and respect for any kind of work.

Vocabulary work: diligence, mental, physical and spiritual labor.

Material: box, illustration of the painting "Three Heroes", illustrations, pictures depicting different types of child labor; checkboxes.

Preliminary work: examining illustrations depicting the work of adults, reproductions of the painting "Three heroes", memorizing the words of a physical education minute.

Used methods and techniques: visual (showing illustrations), verbal (questions, explanation, use of a literary word), game (surprise moment, plot-game situation), practical (labor task).

Lesson progress

The children join hands and enter the room. The teacher shows the children the box, but does not open it.

Educator: Children, I have a box in my hands, but not simple, but magical, it is called the “Casket of Diligence”. Industriousness means loving work and working willingly. If we want the magic Box of Diligence to open, what do we need to do, what do you think? (Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, guys, work hard. Labor, children, is different. When we work with our mind: we think, decide, fantasize, labor is called mental. When our heart and thoughts turn to prayer, to God, the Mother of God, angels and holy people, this is also work, and it is called spiritual. But when we do something with our hands, strain our muscles, and even get tired - this is physical labor. In order for us to understand this, I propose to go with me on a journey by train. I will be the driver of the train today. Let's join hands, connect our trailers. The wagons are you.

Educator: Children, but we have forgotten the most important thing, to ask God for what? (Children: Blessings.)

Educator: That's right, children, blessings. Before starting any business, you need to ask the Lord for help. You and I asked, prayed from the bottom of our hearts, and prayer is also work, and it is called spiritual. Let's join hands and let's go. Go.

(Children follow the teacher, holding hands, imitating a train ride, stop in front of the illustration "Three Heroes".)

Educator: We arrived, our first stop was Bogatyrskaya. Guys, who do we see in this picture?

Educator: Well done, you know. Who were the rich people? What were they doing? (Children: Defended the Fatherland.)

Educator: What should be the defenders of the Fatherland? (Children: Strong, brave, dexterous.)

Educator: Of course, and also, first of all, they must be hardworking and obedient. When our boys grow up, where will they go to serve?

Educator: That's right, in the army and will also be defenders of the Fatherland. And so that you are strong, dexterous, courageous, what needs to be done? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Well done, guys, we will do physical education to be strong, strong, dexterous and healthy. Let's take the flags and do some exercises:

Raised hands up(raise hands up)

Waved-waved(Waving flags)

Dropped, one-two-three-four.(Hands down)

Stretched on toes(Rise up on your toes )

Looked at each other. (Children turn their bodies left and right).

They smiled.(smiling)

Inhaled with the nose.(They take a deep breath)

Let's say the word "PEACE".

I am a hero today.

Educator: Put the flags back and let's go on our journey. Stop "God's Temple". Let's remember, guys, what does the word "God's Temple" mean?

(The teacher shows an illustration of a priest and people praying in a temple.)

Educator: The temple is the house where God always lives. He listens and sees everyone who comes to him and turns in his prayers to God for help. Prayer is also work, the work of our soul, our heart. And it's called... (Children: Spiritual work.)

Educator: We go further on a journey (suitable for an illustration depicting children who draw, read, study at school). Stop "Umnyashka". Isn't it, children, a very beautiful name? In order to be smart, you also have to work hard. And such work is called mental.

Educator: The next stop is the final "Kindergarten". What, children, is the name of our kindergarten? That's right - "Teremok" (shows pictures of children planting and watering flowers).

Educator: What do you see in these pictures? (Children's answers.)

Educator: How do you work in kindergarten, at home? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Well, I see you have a little mess in the play corner. Some toys are scattered, lying in the wrong place. Let's do our best to put things in order. And we call such labor - physical.

(Children do their work.)

caregiver(takes the box) : I think our box is about to open. We put our labors into it. Spiritual work (we prayed), mental work ( you listened carefully to the teacher in class, remembered, answered questions), physical labor ( you put away your toys, did physical exercises). (Opens the music box.) Our "Box of Industriousness" has opened. Now we will put our labors, our obediences into it.

Target: Introduce children to the industrious Ruth. To form in children a love of work, the skills to be always ready to help someone who needs it.

Bible story: Ruth (Book of Ruth selectively 1, 2, 4 ch.)

Key Verse: “Go to the ant, you lazy one, look at its actions, and be wise” Proverbs 6:6

During the classes

1. Greeting. Organizing time.

Greet the guys, find out how they are doing. Ask about how the weekend was spent.

Offer to pray. Lead them in prayer.

Rhyme for prayer:

I will close my eyes
I'll fold my hands
Lord Jesus
I pray and say:

2. Prayer

God! You are almighty, kind and strong. We thank You for everything we have. You bless our every step. I'm sorry if we upset you in any way. We invite you into our lives, to our classes. Be our protector, guardian, mentor. We place ourselves in Your hands. Be merciful to us. Glory to You and praise! Amen. (You can have those who want to repeat the prayer after you).

3. Song

Learn the song "Ant". You can just read the poem. And sing some song of the choice of the children. (See Applications)

Lots of kind ant
Got myself some friends.
And now the ant
All around are friends.

He works all day
And does not like idleness, laziness.
He is a worker ant
For family and friends.

So the kids should all
Be strong in a good deed
And love your friends
Like a smart ant.

God, we are your children
Like those ants
Help us to love work
And cherish friends.

Rhyme to get attention

Children, please come here.
We will listen
God's words.

4. Motivation

Have you ever watched ants? What can be learned from them? Effort, diligence, or maybe laziness? (Listen to the children's answers)

You can learn hard work from ants. Here is what the Bible says: “Go to the ant, you lazy one, look at its actions, and be wise. He has no boss, no supervisor, no master; but he prepares his bread in the summer, he gathers his food at harvest time” Proverbs 6:6-8.

5. Bible story (use illustrations)

This story is recorded in the Bible in a book called Ruth (point to the location of the biblical story). Ruth lived with her mother-in-law Naomi.

Their husbands died, and they returned from the land of Moab to Judea, to the city of Bethlehem. Who was born there, remember?

They returned to Naomi's home during the barley harvest. Ruth was a hardworking woman and was not accustomed to sitting idle. They probably didn't even have food. And so she said to her mother-in-law: “I will go to the field to pick up the left spikelets?”

“Of course,” Naomi replied. And Ruth went to the field, which belonged to the rich man Boaz, who was a distant relative of Naomi.

The reapers were harvesting barley in the field, and Ruth followed them and picked up the fallen spikelets. She worked very hard. The owner noticed this and asked the reapers what kind of woman she was. They told him about Ruth. He realized that Ruth was taking care of her mother-in-law. Boaz praised Ruth and not only did not drive her out of the field, but also allowed her to gather spikelets all over the field, fed her and gave her water to drink. He took care of Ruth and Naomi, seeing the girl's diligence, her kind heart. Then Boaz married her.

So God blessed the industrious and caring Ruth, who was not afraid of any work. He gave her a new husband, then a son, and Naomi lived with them and enjoyed all God's blessings.

God looks at us and sees everyone's heart. He wants us not to be lazy, but to be industrious, like Ruth.

There is a verse in the Bible that tells us that sloths should not beg for food because they have not earned it. That's how it sounds: "... if anyone does not want to work, he does not eat" 2 Thess.3:10. If a person does not want to work, he will be hungry. This is God's law.

6. Golden Verse

“Go to the ant, you sloth, look at its actions, and be wise” Proverbs 6:6

7. Practical application

1) The task "Choose the correct answer." Children must listen to the question and choose the correct answer.

What was Ruth doing when she came to the field?

(She lay down to sleep under a tree, began to dig the ground, collected spikelets, chatted with the reapers)

What did she collect in the field? (Berries, ears of barley, nothing, seeds)

What did Boaz say when he saw Ruth's work? (Kick her off the field, didn't say anything, let him collect spikelets helped her)

What is the name of Ruth? (Sloth, hardworking, beauty).

Our people have come up with many proverbs that characterize the work of people or idleness. What do the expressions mean: “if you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove”, “you can’t easily catch a fish from a pond”? (listen to children)

2) Cleaning the classroom. So you will now show which of you is hardworking, and which does not like to work. Prepare washcloths, napkins. Invite the children to wipe the dust in the classroom from the desks, furniture, wipe the leaves of flowers, window sills. Divide the work among them.

Now you can see who is capable of what. All well done, you try. God wants us not to be lazy, but to work to the best of our ability, as Ruth did.

3) Game task: "Week - day after day"

Seven cards are required depicting different types of activities.
On Monday - draws while sitting at the table;
on Tuesday - sweeps;
on Wednesday - works in the garden;
on Thursday - bake pies;
on Friday - erases;
on Saturday - playing with friends in the park;
Sunday attends church service.

Cards must be different colors. On each card-point it is necessary to write the name of the day of the week. The task can be complicated by creating a chain of seven cards that are interconnected like puzzles. Post all the cards on the board. List the days of the week in order. Pay attention to what color each card is and what is depicted on it. Then shuffle the cards and let the children collect them in the correct order. Keep the conversation going with leading questions.

What are we doing on Monday? And on Sunday? Etc.

8. Summary of the lesson

Both God and people greatly appreciate the hardworking. A hardworking person never sits idle. Express the hope that all children will be hardworking, patient and God will bless them.

9. Prayer

Lord, You can do everything, You know everything. I beg you, help these children grow up to be hardworking. Give them the desire to work not only for themselves, but also for others. Glory to you forever and ever. Amen.

True: The respect of parents is valuable before God.

Target: Teach children to help their parents and take care of them.

Christian ethics: Family (help to parents).


- Guys, tell us about your mother, what is she like? (kind, wise, affectionate, sometimes strict, beloved, the best).

Today you will hear a Bible story about a mother and her daughter.

Bible story:

  1. A family of 4 is moving from Bethlehem.
  • The father is dying.
  • Naomi's two sons marry and also die (about these events - very briefly).
  1. Naomi releases her daughters to their people.
  2. Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem.
  3. Ruth working in Boaz's field (warm-up).
  4. Boaz's conversation with Ruth.
  5. Ruth brings barley and half of her meal to Naomi.
  6. Boaz marries Ruth.
  7. Naomi becomes a happy grandmother.

Warm up:

Children line up in two columns. The teacher scatters 10 spikelets in front of each team. At the start, the children start the relay race: one child collects spikelets in a basket, the second pours back onto the floor. At the end of the relay, the children give the filled baskets to the teacher. The teacher thanks the children for their diligence and quick harvest. At the end of the lesson, everyone can take one spikelet as a keepsake (if there are more than 20 children in the class, then more spikelets should be cooked).

Review questions :

Each child must answer at least one question. For the correct answer, the teacher gives the child a spikelet on which the golden verse of the lesson is written.

Review questions should include the following:

  • Why did Ruth go to the foreign people with Naomi? (Ruth loved Naomi)
  • How did Ruth work in Boaz's field? (diligently, diligently, much)
  • When your parents ask you to help them with household chores, do you do it diligently and with pleasure, like Ruth, or are you lazy?
  • What did Ruth bring from Naomi's field? (barley grains, wheat and your lunch)
  • Guys, you are treated to cookies, sweets, and which of you shares this with your parents?

When each child has a spikelet in his hand, the teacher reads the golden verse. Then the girls repeat, raising the spikelets high above their heads, then the boys, then all together.

Golden Verse:

"Honor thy father and thy mother" Deut.5:16

“Do not only take care of yourself, each one, but each one also of others” Phil. 2: 4


Craft 1: A heart is a gift for mom. Children paint a heart, thread a ribbon into a hole made by a hole punch, tie it with a bow.

Craft 2: Distribute pictures to children - Ruth with a basket and spikelets. The craft is painted, the spikelets are put in a basket.

Prayer :

Thank the Lord for mom, pray for her needs, health, desires, etc.

On this page you can view and download sample lessons on the main programs.

PROGRAM "Bible Lessons for Kindergarten"

"Let the children go and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14)

Preschool is a great time to start talking to children about the Lord, His creation and His laws, and to introduce children to the Bible. The Bible Lessons for Kindergarten program is designed for children ages 3 to 5. It includes lessons on the Old and New Testaments, as well as worship lessons (section "I can praise God") and moral lessons (section "The Bible is my rule book"). Each lesson is accompanied by a creative craft and a worksheet for children 4-5 years old. And also at the end of each section there is a lesson - a repetition, which includes various games and tasks for repeating the topics covered.

Targets and goals:

  1. Introduce children to the main Bible stories and characters.
  2. Draw a parallel between what is written in the Bible and their lives.
  3. Teach children perseverance, the ability to listen and answer questions, as well as accustom them to a certain order of children's ministry (worship, Bible lesson, games, etc.)

Lesson 4. | Don't brag about yourself, brag about the Lord

PROGRAM "Developing lessons for kindergarten"

"Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity" (Vasily Sukhomlinsky)

The development of the child should be harmonious and consistent. This also applies to the children's ministry, which is organized for the little ones in the Church. It is worth paying attention not only to the spiritual development of the child, but also, given his age characteristics, to pay attention to his comprehensive development. Kids like everything: listen to fairy tales, dance, memorize poems and songs, and also do something with their own hands. The program "Developing Lessons for Kindergarten" is designed for children aged 3 to 5 years. The program is divided into 4 main sections, which include certain types of activities: music week, creative week, theater week, construction week. Some lessons can be held with the kids in the summer or used as a separate project for the kids, alternating weeks. You can also do partial lessons or use ideas from those lessons. You can involve parents and conduct joint activities for children with parents.

:Targets and goals

  1. To instill certain skills in children through various types of creative activities, as well as teach children to cope with the tasks.
  2. To develop in children an interest in learning, learning and further development, as well as to teach children patience, perseverance and discipline.
  3. To identify the abilities and talents of children and help them develop these abilities.

Lesson 1.| Introduction to musical instruments

PROGRAM "Learning, learning, developing"(for preschoolers)

"Bible Study"

"1st time in first grade." A new stage in the life of every child. A time when a lot of things change in a child's life. New skills, new daily routine, new friends, new experiences. This is the time when the child will have to learn a lot. It is necessary to master the skills of reading, writing, learning to draw and create, to learn everything new and unknown. And all this should be very interesting and exciting. How to turn this into an exciting adventure, a game and an opportunity to LEARN, KNOW AND DEVELOP together with your beloved, wonderful child? The program for preschoolers and younger students can be used in the classroom
Sunday school or at home with parents.

The program includes:

  • short bible stories designed for independent reading by a child;
  • questions at the end of each story to review the story together with the teacher or parents;
  • "golden phrase" for learning by heart;
  • a worksheet for each story for the child to complete independently;


PROGRAM"Bible Study"(Sunday School)

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17)

The Word of God is the foundation of our faith, the foundation of our whole life. That is why it is so important to study the Word of God with children. For kids, it may just be an introduction to biblical stories, stories about the life of biblical heroes. And at an older age, it is important to show that the Bible is a book of rules for us and a guide for our lives. These are not just stories that happened a very long time ago. From them we can learn lessons that can help us today.

Targets and goals:

  1. To instill in children the skills of not only reading, but also meditating on the Word of God.
  2. Draw a parallel between what is written in the Bible and our daily life.
  3. Teach children to use spiritual laws and principles in their lives, and to try to live the commandments of God.

The Bible Study program consists of 2 parts:

  • "Studying the Old Testament"
  • "Studying the New Testament"

The program is designed for children from 6 to 11 years old. For each lesson, worksheets have been developed (in the program "Old Testament Study" - this is a "diary of reading the Bible") for two age groups: 6-8 years old and 9-11 years old. Biblerings are also designed for these age groups.

PROGRAM"Children of Destiny"(Sunday School)

“Instruct a young man at the beginning of his journey; he will not turn away from it even when he is old…” (Proverbs 22:6)

The program "Children of Destiny" is designed for children aged 6 to 11 years. Each year of study is designed to study one of the sections.
These are not just theoretical lessons in this section, but also exciting games, puzzles and assignments to consolidate the material covered. There are biblerings at the end of each section. These are bible quizzes on topics covered. Our goal is not only to test the knowledge of children, but also to give them the opportunity to express themselves.

Targets and goals:

  1. Introduce children to Christian values ​​and guide them to strive to live the Lord's commandments.
  2. Teach children to manage their lives and character. Teach them to serve people and lead others.
  3. Help every child to discover their talents.

Teen program

“Dig into yourself and into the teaching; do this constantly: for by doing this you will save yourself and those who hear you” (1 Tim. 4:16)

Adolescence is associated with certain difficulties, but at the same time, it is a great time when the formation of a teenager's personality takes place. On the one hand, there are changes in both physical and spiritual development. Mixed feelings, many questions. On the other hand, this is the time when you can delve into the knowledge of yourself and God. A teenager develops a value system. He is in search. He needs clear guidelines in life. Therefore, it is so important at this age not only to read the Word of God, but also to meditate on it.

Targets and goals:

  1. Deeply study the Word of God and learn to meditate on it.
  2. Conduct conversations with teenagers on topics of interest to them.
  3. To identify the talents and abilities of children and gradually prepare them for the ministry, and also begin to involve teenagers in various ministries as helpers.

Theme |

PROGRAM"Praise Lessons"

“Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings You have made praise” (Psalm 8:3)

Worship lessons are offered to all Sunday School children, regardless of musical ability or participation in a worship group. It is advisable to divide the children into 2 age groups (younger and older) and conduct lessons for younger children in a simplified form. It is recommended to hold worship lessons once a month, as a separate project, or in the last months of the school year to end the school year with a concert. The form of the lesson allows you to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about music and its main purpose - the glorification of God. A variety of types of classes and forms of education are used: conversations, interesting meetings, concerts, quizzes, video screenings and listening to music, singing, games and creative tasks.

Targets and goals:

  1. Contribute to the formation of the emotional world of children, their physical and spiritual emancipation.
  2. Reveal the meaning and power of worship.
  3. To identify musically gifted children, help them develop their musical abilities and involve them in worship.
  4. To promote the development of creative activity and initiative.
  5. To instill the ability to understand music, broaden your horizons.


When conducting lessons for toddlers, it is very important to use visual aids. Pictures applications contain various pictures that can be used for games with children 3-5 years old, as well as visual aids for lessons. Pictures are divided into different categories: animals, birds, marine life, fruits, musical instruments, etc. Examples of picture games can be found in TEACHER'S HELP / GAMES FOR KIDS.

Pictures| clothing


The camp is a special place and time when boys and girls come together to learn something new, develop their talents with the help of professional leaders, be in a wonderful atmosphere, meet the living God and get to know Him better.
Particular attention in the camp is paid to the spiritual component. The general theme of the camp is very important, to which everything is subordinated. These are general services for children, and a Bible hour, where each group, together with their mentor, can discuss and reinforce the theme of each day. All activities, games and creativity also correspond to the general theme of the camp.

Targets and goals:

1. Organization of leisure activities for children in the summer.
2. Giving children the opportunity not only to relax during the camp, but also to reveal their talents and grow spiritually.
3. Involvement of parents in Sunday school activities (as leaders and their assistants).
4. Involvement of youth and adolescents in the ministry to children (as helpers).
5. Attracting specialists to conduct master classes during the camp.

All materials posted on this site are the property of their respective owners.

A conversation about industriousness
  1. Definition of "labor" and "industriousness" by counselors. Introductory talk with children's answers (2-8 minutes)
  2. Mini-lecture "Bible about industriousness" (8-10 min)
  3. Conversation "How to cultivate industriousness?" (4-6min)
  4. Work with proverbs. (3-6min)
  5. Creative work. (3-6) min
  6. Reflection.

Conversation flow:

  1. Work serves as a means of subsistence and material support, almsgiving, the creative realization of human abilities, a cure for laziness and despondency, an educator in virtues.

diligence - virtue , love of work, desire to work diligently and conscientiously.

“Love labor: it, in conjunction with fasting, prayer and vigil, will free you from all defilements. Bodily labor brings purity to the heart; purity of heart causes the soul to bear fruit.” Rev.Anthony the Great .

St. Theophan the Recluse wrote that every deed should be taken as given by God, then fussiness, carelessness and carelessness about household and public affairs will go away.

I. Opening talk

Listen to E. Moshkovskaya's poem "Slacker".

Bitterly lives Lyzheboka -

Bed Lazyback High.

The floors are far from the bed.

Get down Sluggish - Moroka! ..

Here lies Lezheboka.

Sleeping couch potato No time limit.

Already lay Both sides ...

Sleeping and sighing deeply:

If only there were two sides! ..

What kind of person is called a couch potato?

Why do you think people are lazy?

What is the opposite word for "lazy"?

Who lives better in the world - a lazy person or a hardworking person? Why? (Children answer.)

Indeed, a hardworking person gets joy from the very process of work and from its results. His life cannot be called boring and monotonous - he will always find an interesting occupation for himself. A hardworking person sooner or later achieves success in any business, enjoys the respect of colleagues and comrades. While the lazy one wastes his time, spends his days in fruitless daydreaming.

2. "Bible about industriousness"The counselor tells.

Having settled the first people in paradise, the Lord God instructed them to cultivate paradise, in other words, to work. Care and care for the Garden of Eden were then given to people not as a punishment, because at that time the first parents, Adam and Eve, were still sinless, but as a necessary opportunity to achieve happiness through work.“And the Lord God took the man [whom he had made] and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it” (Gen. 2:15 ). Thus, from the foregoing, a logically justified conclusion follows that a hardworking person is pleasing to God, and a lazy person and a loafer violates God's command about work in the form of cultivation and care by the forefathers of the Garden of Eden.

This episode can be considered allegorically. The Garden of Eden acts in this example as a symbol of a happy life. And labor in the form of cultivating the Garden of Eden appears as a necessary condition for the prosperity of the Garden of Eden. Thus, work, in the form of cultivating paradise, is the path to heavenly life, happiness.

Labor, obligatory for all people, was confirmed by God when the sinful forefathers were expelled from paradise.“In the sweat of your face you will eat bread” (Gen. 3:19 ). Coming into the world of people and bringing the Good News to people, Jesus Christ did not cancel the obligation to work given to man by God in the Old Testament, but confirmed this by the fact that He Himself constantly worked, earning His livelihood by the craft of a carpenter.

Along with this, in His teaching, Jesus Christ commanded not only to work obligatorily for each person individually, but also to help other people through his work. That is, Jesus Christ advised to work not only for ourselves, but also for our neighbors (that is, the people around us). Even if they are hostile towards you.“If your enemy is hungry, feed him with bread; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink” (Prov. 25:21).

True Christians should do as the Apostle Paul said:“For we strive for good, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men” (2 Cor. 8:21 ) . When sending His Apostles to preach, Jesus Christ said that"the worker is worthy of his livelihood" (Matt. 10:10 ) . Sending out seventy of His disciples to preach, the Savior of the world said these words:“The worker is worthy of his reward for his labors” (Onion. 10:7 ) .

Providence, diligence and planning of affairs are not prohibited anywhere in the teachings of Christ. On the contrary, Jesus Christ Himself with His disciples had a box of money that allowed them to buy their own food. That is, the fact that they take care of their food suggests that Jesus Christ and His Apostles showed foresight, purposeful actions and efforts to buy their food. After miraculously saturating the people with bread and fish, Jesus Christ ordered to collect the remaining pieces, apparently in order to save them for a future meal.“And when they were satisfied, he said to his disciples, Gather up the remaining pieces, so that nothing is lost” (John. 6:12 ). This episode from the life of Jesus Christ also speaks of the Savior's display of frugality, foresight, and care, as well as planning for the further use of leftover food.

In his epistle to the Thessalonians, encouraging labor, the Apostle Paul wrote:“If anyone does not want to work, then do not eat” (2 Thess. 3:10 ) . The encouragement of labor is expressed by the Apostle Paul in 2nd Epistle to Timothy:“The working farmer must be the first to taste the fruits” (2 Tim. 2:6 ) .

Thus, from all of the above, it becomes obvious that both the Old and the New Testaments encourage industriousness, condemn idleness and laziness, and do not prohibit foresight and concern for the good deeds of a person.

(it would be best for the leader to say this in his own words, but sometimes inserting phrases from the Bible, so I give the full text, but it is not necessary to reproduce it all, but choose the most important thing for yourself)

3. Conversation "How to cultivate industriousness"

Why do you need to work at all? Some lazy people are not at all bored with life, perhaps they do not even know that they are lazy. Listen to the statement of the famous Russian scientist, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev:“Idleness does not at all consist in the fact that a person sits idle, with folded arms in the literal sense. No, the slacker is always busy, talks on the phone, sometimes visits for hours, sits at the TV and watches everything, sleeps for a long time, thinks up different things for himself. In general, a slacker is always very busy.”

Is this pastime useful?

Will such a person be appreciated? give someone an example?

What does such an aimless life lead to?

What is the significance of labor in the life of mankind? Scientists, philosophers, writers from different countries pondered this question. I will read to you a statement by the Russian writer Vitaly Zakrutkin.

Labor made a man a man. Labor lifted man to his feet, strengthened his arms, perfected his unique brain. Everything that has been created on earth for thousands of years - from a stone ax to a microscope, from the first plowshare to the Eiffel Tower - has been created by labor. Only labor brings happiness to a person, lengthens his short life, gives confidence that the descendants of the departed, using what he created during his lifetime, will remember him with a kind word.

Counselor: Some people are lazy, others are hardworking - why is that? Hard work and laziness are innate qualities? (Children answer.)

Does the development of industriousness depend on education? What role do parents and teachers play in this? (Children speak up.)

Describe the labor process in which you participated (harvesting, repairing an apartment, hiking, fishing, etc.). Did everything work out for you?

What qualities are required to carry out the intended work? (Will, purposefulness, responsibility, desire to learn, self-discipline.)

Interestingly, the labor process itself helps a person to develop these qualities.

And if everything is given to a person without difficulty? He gets whatever he wants without any effort. Will it affect his character?

What traits will dominate? (Children speak up.)

4. Work with proverbs

(The leader divides the squad into 2 groups. Each group receives a card with a proverb, explains its meaning.)

Belly and head - lazy people always have an excuse.

Lazyback and the sun does not rise at the right time.

A lazybones and a slacker - two siblings.

The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.

Patience and a little effort.

You can't pull a fish out of a pond without effort.

Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.

Laziness is the mother of all vices.

5. Creative work

Counselor: Is it possible to get rid of laziness? How? Find a cure for laziness. Submit your recipes. Or Imagine a store for lazy people. What products can be sold in it?

(Work in groups or individually. Any real or fantasy recipes are welcome.)

6. Reflection.

What new did you learn today? What conclusions did you draw for yourself? What is the value of labor?
