Crochet diagonal cord. Crochet caterpillar cord: step-by-step MK with a detailed description of the knitting progress

I suggest you try crocheting a cord. Very often in various knitted products there are different ties ... Usually, the authors suggest tying and tying it for ties. This is not always convenient, because you can not guess with the size ...

I suggest you learn how to crochet a cord a little differently, namely:

How to crochet a cord - master class

To begin with, we knit two air loops. Insert the hook into the first loop of the chain and knit a single crochet. There are two loops on the hook.
We remove the loop that we just knitted from the hook and hold it with our fingers.
We knit the loop remaining on the hook with a single crochet.
Again we put the second loop on the hook and also knit it with a single crochet. A simple knitting needle can be of good help with this action ... Just hold the knitting needle in your left hand, and the hook in your right hand and act: throw the first loop on the knitting needle, crochet in the second, return the removed loop to the hook and knit it too))).

We continue in the same spirit. We knit the loops alternately. Knitting DO NOT TURN! All the time, first we knit the right loop (we remove the left one and hold it), then the left one)))

Here is such a crocheted cord

Try it! The lace is wonderful! Why is he good? It is the same on all sides ... You can knit it to the length that you need, and without counting anything. Such a lace is perfect for, but you can make not only ties out of it ... For example, you can sew it on top of a product such as a finish or use it to knit arms and legs for small toys - talkers (talkers are toys whose arms and legs dangle freely )))

And you can also knit such a cord on knitting needles. It is also called - a cord with two loops ... By the way, it can also be knitted with three loops ... but more on that another time ...

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How to tie a lace

Crochet is probably the easiest way to knit cords. But even with all the simplicity of knitting, there are several options for hook cords.

1) The easiest is to knit a simple chain of air loops. Especially well such cords are obtained from thick yarn or yarn with several additions.

2) The second, a little more interesting, is to tie a chain and knit a series of connecting posts along it.

3) The third is to tie a chain and knit a row of double crochets (this is not even a cord, but rather a ribbon).

4) The fourth, already full-fledged lace - take a few threads (from several balls, for example), from 3 or more, tie all the ends in a knot. From one thread, tie an air loop and stretch a second thread through it, then a third, and so on. Actually, in fact, the entire cord is knitted with air loops, but in appearance it will differ from the cord knitted with knitting needles. The knitted cord is knitted, and the hook cord is similar to a store cord, like a shoe cord.
The method is very convenient, besides, you can make multi-colored cords, for this you need to take yarn of different colors, it turns out very beautifully.

Now consider knitting cords with knitting needles.
3-5-7 loops are cast on, depending on the thickness of the yarn, and 1 row is knitted on them with knit ones (without any edging ones). Then the loops from the right knitting needle are transferred to the left, do not turn over to the wrong side. Next, we knit the 2nd row, again we translate the loops, and we knit the next one and so on.

Of course, it is most convenient to knit such cords on short stocking needles; it is not necessary to transfer loops from one to another - they simply shift to the other end of the knitting needle.

Another very interesting way - on the coil.
On one side of the coil, 4 studs are driven in at the same distance from the center.
Carnations should be without hats, 0.5-0.7 mm high. The end of the thread is lowered into the hole of the coil and pulled out from below.
The thread from the ball is circled around the studs (from left to right) so that a loop lies on the spool.
For the second time, the first stud is circled with a thread from above, the 1st lower thread is hooked and thrown over the stud (Fig. a).
A thread-loop remained on the carnation, with which it was circled a second time. Crochet the bottom thread near the next carnation (Fig. b).
This is done in turn on each carnation. Each time, removing the loop from the stud, pull the end of the thread from the bottom of the coil.
So, moving the thread in a circle from one carnation to another, they knit a cord that comes out from the bottom of the coil. Having connected the cord of the desired length, the loops are removed from the nails and fixed together with a needle.

Well, and finally - a way for the laziest.
All you need is just such a machine for knitting shoelaces:

Spin the handle to your heart's content!

How to knit a lace with Knitting needles

I bring to your attention several ways of knitting such cords.

1. Cord on two loops

Such a cord can be knitted in 2 ways. First way. We collect 2 loops, remove the first loop in the usual way, that is, with a pigtail along the edge, and knit the second one out. We turn the work and repeat this row again. So we knit until the cord reaches the desired length. The second way. Cast on 2 loops. Knit their faces, then transfer the loops to the left knitting needle, leaving the working thread behind. Note that the job is not rotated in this method. Knit the stitches again and slip them back onto the left needle.

2. Round cord with 3 loops

To knit this cord, you need 2 stocking needles, in which both ends are working. Cast on 3 stitches, knit them, then move the knitted stitches to the other end of the knitting needle and knit their faces again. pet., passing the working thread from behind. Please note that with this knitting, the work does not actually turn over.

3. Round cord with 4 loops

Cast on 4 sts. on stocking needles and knit this cord in the same way as the cord on 3 loops.

4. Flat cord on 3 loops with a looped edge

Cast on 3 sts, remove the first st, purl the other 2 sts. Turn the work and again remove the first loop, and 2 pet. Knit out.

5. Cord on 2 loops of knots

Cast on 2 sts. Knit 2 persons. pet. Turn work. First pet. Remove so that a knot forms around the edge. To do this, remove the loop in the usual way, without straightening the thread, but simply transferring it to work. Knit the second loop. Repeat this row until the cord is the desired length.

6. Flat cord on 3 loops with knotted edges.

Cast on 3 sts. Knit their faces. pet. Turn work. Remove the first pet. with the formation of a knot. 2 next pet. knit faces. Turn the work again and, removing the first pet. with a knot, knit 2 persons. pet. Repeat this row until the cord is the desired length.

7. Convex cord on 3 loops with knotted edges.

This cord is knitted in 2 rows. Cast on 3 sts. 1 row: remove the first pet with a knot, then knit 2 persons. pet. 2 row: the first pet. remove with a knot, then knit 1 out. pet. and 1 persons. pet. Repeat these 2 rows.

8. Cord with a thickened edge on 5 loops

The cord is knitted on 2 rows. Cast on 5 sts. 1 row: 1 pet. remove with a knot, 2 pet. knit faces together, yarn over, 1 st. remove, leaving the working thread behind, finish row 1 out. 2 row: 1 pet. remove without a knot, 1 out. pet., 3 persons. Repeat these 2 rows until the cord is the length you want.

9. Complex cord

Cast on 2 sts. Before starting a row, bring a free knitting needle under the working thread on your finger and, holding this thread, transfer it to the front side, as when knitting a purl loop. Slip off the first stitch and knit the last stitch. facial. There will be 3 loops on the needle, one of which is formed before starting the knitting of the row. Then, with the left knitting needle, throw the second loop over the just knitted one. You will have 2 loops on your needle again. Turn the work and repeat the knitting of the row.

10. Flat openwork cord with knotted edges

Cast on 3 sts. 1 row: 1 pet. remove with knot, 2 yarn over, 2 sts. persons together. 2 row: 1 pet. remove with a knot, 1 out. from nakida, lower the second nakid, 1 person. pet. Repeat these 2 rows until desired cord length.

Another way.

In this way, you can make flat and voluminous cords from all types of yarn.

On one needle from a set of stocking needles, cast on from 3 to 10 loops, * move the loops to the end of the knitting needle (without turning!), Pull the thread behind the loops and knit all loops with facial ones, repeat from *.

After several rows, stretch the cord lengthwise for a better distribution of loops.

Homemade shoelaces or how to make your own shoelace

Whether you need a drawstring for a bag, a hat tie, or a string for a bunny, you have many options for making it.

twisted cord

Calculate how long your lace should be. Add another third to this length, and then cut a piece of yarn four times longer. Fold the piece of yarn in half and make a knot on each side. Have a friend grab the folded end, or hang the end on a doorknob. Twist the yarn until the cord is very tightly woven, all the while trying to stretch it. Pinch the yarn in the middle, then fold in half, trying to stretch the cord all the time. (If you want to make a long cord, you will need a helper.) Slowly release a few inches from the folded end of the cord so that the cord unfolds back on its own. As a result, you will get a strong cord of four strands (Fig. 1).

Braided braid

Calculate how long your shoelace should be, then add another half to that length. You will need at least three pieces of yarn of this length. If you want to make a thick cord, you can double or even triple the number of threads. Tie the threads in a knot at one end, hang the knot on a hook, attach to a board or nail with a stapler. Start weaving a braid of three strands, alternately putting the right thread on the center, then the left on the center, and so on. When you braid the braid, tie a knot at the other end.


Take two double needles and cast on three or four stitches.

*Knit them with facial loops. Move the stitches back to the other end of the needle without flipping the work. Pull the yarn tight.

Repeat from * until you have the length of cord you want. This cord is similar to those cords that are knitted on special devices. On stocking needles, the cord knits faster.

You can buy a special knitting tool for knitting such cords, and with one turn of the handle you will quickly tie it. Examples of such devices:

Cord in the beginning and end rows

Cast on as many stitches as you need for the cord, then bind off all stitches on the next row. Don't tighten the loops too tight or the cord will turn into a spiral.

Cord woven on the fingers

For this cord, take two skeins of yarn of different colors.

1. Make a slipknot at the end of one strand and slip a loop over one index finger. In the same hand, take the second thread and hold it together with the first. Insert your other index finger into the loop and pull on a new loop of the second color (fig. 2).

2. Remove the thread of the first color from the index finger, transfer the ends of the thread to the other hand and pull the working end of the thread of the first color to tighten the loop (fig. 3). cord of the length you need. Cut both threads, then pull one end through the last loop of the other color and tighten (fig. 4).

Lace tied on a spool

From the end side of the coil, 4 cloves are driven in at the same distance from the center (Fig. 5). Carnations should be without hats, 0.5-0.7 mm high. The end of the thread is passed into the hole of the spool and pulled out from below (Fig. 6). The thread from the ball is circled around the studs (from left to right) so that a loop lies on the spool (Fig. 6, spool on the right). For the second time, the first stud is circled with a thread from above, the 1st lower thread is hooked and thrown over the stud. A thread-loop remained on the carnation, with which it was circled a second time. Crochet the lower thread near the next carnation. This is done alternately on each carnation. Each time, removing the loop from the stud, pull the end of the thread from the bottom of the spool (Fig. 7). So, moving the thread in a circle from one carnation to another, they knit a cord that comes out from the bottom of the coil. Having connected the cord of the desired length, the loops are removed from the nails and fixed together with a needle.

We present a master class in pictures with a description of knitting a durable cord or crochet harness.

1. We collect 5-10 loops (in MK - 7) and crochet a row with a single crochet. I have a 3.5 mm hook and 110 m / 100 g yarn, that is, quite thick. Experiment with yarn thickness, hook size, and number of stitches to see which one works for you.

2. Turn over the work. Now we need to connect the work into a ring. The arrows show the loops through which we will knit the next row of single crochets.

3. Connected into a ring and begin to knit the next row. Jumper loops through which a new row is knitted are the first loop pulled when knitting a single crochet. Just look carefully at how you knit a column, how such a jumper turns out behind the work, and everything will become clear to you.

4. We knit the first column after connecting the work into a ring.

5. The first column of the new row is ready.

6. Our work is already beginning to resemble a cord! We continue to knit further - we find jumper loops on the outside of the work and we knit single crochets through them. The jumpers we need and the direction I marked with arrows.
