Didactic (verbal) games for the development of speech. Card file for the development of speech on the topic: games for the development of speech

Every mother wants her baby to learn to speak as soon as possible. Every child develops at their own pace and some will learn to speak sooner and some later. But, parents can always help their baby in this difficult skill for him - the ability to speak. How to do it? Of course, with the help of games!

There are many interesting and exciting games for the development of children's speech.

Pipes and whistles

To begin with, take simple, elementary small pipes or whistles, which will be very easy to blow. Try to choose whistles that are bright and comfortable for the baby, which make pleasant sounds. Try to just blow with the baby in turn, then you can complicate the task and blow several times, and then try to whistle some simple melody.

Who is longer or louder

Choose a sound, such as "a" or "u", and compete which of you can stretch it longer or louder. The kid will undoubtedly like such a game, it will train his speech apparatus and help him learn letters in the future.


Take one of your toddler's favorite toys, like a teddy bear or a doll, and invite him to take him on a tour of the house. Let the child, as best he can, show and tell the toy where he sleeps, where he eats and where he plays. You can speak for the toy, ask questions on its behalf. Such a game develops not only speech, but also teaches the child to navigate well in space, memorize the names of household items and actions.

What the animals say

You can use animal cards or animal figurines. Tell the baby if he still does not know what sounds this or that animal makes. For example, a pig grunts - oink-oink, a goat bleats - bee-beee. When the baby has already learned how each animal speaks, you can simply show him a card or a figure, and let him say the sound of this animal. Such a game is very conducive to the development of speech and allows you to acquaint the baby with the animal world.


Find or come up with small rhymes, something like - "Geese, geese - ha-ha-ha, you want to eat - yes-yes-yes." Read them to your baby loudly and with expression, and ask them to repeat after you the last repeated syllables. Such a game trains speech well, and also forms the skills of the correct pronunciation of words.

Quiet Conversations

Whispering is very conducive to the development of speech and hearing. So offer your baby such a game - put the toy to bed. Let him take his favorite bear, bunny or doll, sing him a lullaby, as he can, of course, and put him to sleep in a crib. Tell the baby that now, while the toy is sleeping, you will talk in a whisper so as not to wake it up. You can ask the baby any questions, just chat about this and that, but certainly quietly. After a while, when the toy wakes up, you can start talking loudly.

Finish my words

Choose 10-15 easy words that your child already knows. And invite him to finish each word for you. For example, you say - "I-blo ...", and the baby finishes the word "... ko" for you. If it is still difficult for a child to pronounce such words without seeing objects, then you can show them to him, or arm yourself with pictures. Such a game develops speech well, as well as trains attention and memory.

Repeat after me

If the baby is already able to say small sentences, then you can use small rhymes and nursery rhymes. For example, "The sun is setting, Masha is going to bed." Ask your child to repeat the entire line after you. Thus, you will learn new words, train your speech apparatus and, over time, learn to memorize entire poems.

Let's talk on the phone

All kids are drawn to phones. And even if the child is not talkative at all, you can easily chat it up, armed with a handset. You can use a toy phone or take a real one, but it's best to turn it off while playing. Sitting opposite each other, you pretend to call the child, and let him answer you. You can ask any questions, and if nothing comes to mind, then remember Chukovsky's fairy tale "My phone rang." Then you can switch roles, and let the baby “call” you himself.

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Preschool age is the most fertile period in a person's life, when the main mental processes develop intensively: thinking, attention, memory, speech, the main qualities of the personality are laid. Of particular importance in the development of a preschooler is given to speech, since it is speech and closely related thinking that provide great opportunities for understanding the world around us. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the timely development of other mental processes. Parents need to understand that the child will certainly master speech, but how quickly and well it will depend on the people around him. Therefore, it is simply necessary that from an early age, close people actively develop and enrich the baby's speech. Among others, the most effective means in this matter are didactic (educational) games for the development of speech.

What are speech development games for preschoolers?

In order to properly organize speech development games at home, it is advisable for parents to get acquainted with the features of didactic games and their difference from other types. At the same time, understand in what directions the development of speech in preschoolers is going.

The main feature of such a game is that it necessarily sets a learning task, which is solved with the help of certain rules and actions. For example, in the popular game "Object Lotto", the task will be to consolidate children's knowledge about the objects of the world around them and their properties. In didactic games, the main directions for the development of speech will be:

  1. Vocabulary Enrichment
  2. Formation of grammatical culture
  3. Formation of sound culture
  4. Making a connected speech

Didactic games for vocabulary enrichment

Important: enriching the vocabulary of children is the main thing that parents should work on. It must be remembered that adults are an example for children, and in those families where they speak a rich literary language, the child will have a correct, well-developed speech. There is no need to wait for a certain age, relatives can already tell the baby about the objects of the world around them. This is how the child's passive vocabulary is accumulated, which then becomes active.

The accumulation of the passive vocabulary of a preschool child should include words denoting objects of the surrounding world, their properties, purpose, and relationship. In addition, it is necessary to activate the dictionary by all means so that the child can use a large number of words in colloquial speech. For this purpose, educational games are suitable for home learning to expand the quantitative stock, to consolidate the lexical meaning of the word.

"Bag of words"

A popular game like the “wonderful bag” helps preschoolers build vocabulary and teach them to match a word and an object. It can be carried out with children of all ages, the difference in each age group will be the complication of the verbal series. Younger children consolidate the names of objects, older children pay more attention to the properties and purpose of objects, their relationship. The host prepares a beautiful bag where small toys familiar to children are placed. The child must feel for an object in the bag and name it, for example, a ball, a spoon, a rope, a cube. Then the object is pulled out of the bag and it is checked whether the child named correctly.

At an older age, the rules become more complicated: you need to grope and get the item according to the description. For example, the presenter gives the task: “Find a round, smooth, bagel-like thing that you can put on your finger (ring)” or “A soft, fluffy lump loves milk very much (toy kitten)”, or “Long, heavy, metal (spoon)” . Taking out the object, the child must complete the remaining properties (color, shape, purpose). If the game is played in a subgroup of children, the winner is the one who correctly found and named all the items.

"Is this place called...?"

An educational game that teaches a child to understand the lexical meaning of a word. It is useful because you can play in any situation: during a walk, in the country, at home. An adult names a common concept, and a child gives it a name. For example, the place where children study (school); where kids make Easter cakes (sandbox); where books are given out for reading (library), where people come to watch films (cinema). Be sure to encourage the child who understood and named all the words. For kids, the game will still be difficult, so you can start with middle preschoolers of four or five years.

"What's right?"

A playful game, similar to the previous one in terms of the task: you need to choose the correct interpretation of the word, for example, a spoon is an object for digging the earth? for drawing? for food? Is the chair an object for sleeping? for driving on the road? for sitting? Watering can - a subject for drinking? for watering flowers? to store buttons? Such funny concepts will amuse the child and help to correctly understand the lexical concept.

"Guess what it is?"

The task of the game is to correctly recognize the object by its parts. For example, the presenter says: “Cabin, propeller, motor, wings, landing gear (aircraft); body, engine, wheels, steering wheel, headlights (car); walls, roof, windows, foundation, pipe, door (house); sidewalks, roadway, pedestrians, cars (road). In a game for kids, you can use pictures to rely on visual material. Older children work on auditory perception.

"What did the artist forget?"

The game helps to consolidate the name of the parts of objects, activate the vocabulary of children. An adult prepares pictures depicting objects that are missing any parts: the house has windows, the chair has legs, the teapot has lids, and the bag has handles. The child must correctly name the missing part and complete it. For older children, you can gradually complicate the plot of the pictures and increase the number of missing details, for example, tea utensils on the table.

"Object lotto (domestic and wild animals, dishes, flora, transport, furniture, clothing and other topics)"

All kinds of lotto-type tasks provide excellent material for enriching the vocabulary and getting to know new words. The rules are simple: the children are given large cards, the host takes the small cards one by one and names them. Children try to find the corresponding item on their card and close it. The winner is the one who collects big cards faster. As a complicated version for the development of auditory perception, the presenter does not show small pictures, but calls them.

Developing games are carried out in a similar way:

  • “Whoever screams: a dog barks, a cat meows, a rooster crows, a cow lows”,
  • “Who has a house: a bear has a den, a mouse has a mink, a bird has a nest?”,
  • “Whose cub: a cow has a calf, a sheep has a lamb, a goat has a goat, a dog has a puppy, a bird has a chick.”

They make it possible to fix in the speech of children the names of animals, their cubs, habits, habitat. The rules are similar to previous games: find the matching picture among others. Enigmas can keep you interested in rather monotonous activities. For example, "Guess to find the correct picture":

Yesterday, all day long, I was preparing a lair,
I raked up little leaves and moss.
I worked for a long time, fell down without strength,
And in the evening he applied a bunch of grass (bear).

Ran a bump
Near the stump.
And the bump has a black nose
And in thorns back.
On the spines of leaves
From oak and aspen (hedgehog).

How quiet in the autumn forest!
An elk is going to graze.
And behind her among the pines
A little one is jumping ... (elk).

Under the bushes on the edge
I see gray ears.
They stick out of the grass
Little ears ... (hare).

Here sits a ball of fluff.
Nose, black ear.
And let you go to the lawn -
The strekacha will ask like a bunny

Piglet and crochet tail.
Of course you know him.
He's a big pig baby
And it's called - ... (pig).

Games for the formation of speech culture of preschool children

Important: parents should know that the formation of a grammatical culture of speech is necessary for mastering the correct construction of sentences, difficult grammatical forms, and understanding literary speech. All these skills are of great importance in further education at school, as grammar makes speech understandable and beautiful.

Often, young children have serious speech errors. For example, they can incorrectly pronounce the endings of nouns (many girls, dolls, bears), change the gender of nouns (beautiful dress, give me ice cream, a big window), incorrectly pronounce indeclinable nouns (on the piano, at the coat), verbs (search instead of look, go ride instead, jump instead of jump), communion (broken toy, sewn dresses). All such speech errors, to which parents may not respond or be touched by children's distortions, lead to their strong consolidation in speech, and in the future one has to turn to speech therapists to correct them. To prevent this from happening, parents need to pay attention to the formation of the correct culture of speech. The period of word creation, which touches adults so much, lasts from 2 to 5, and then work on the mistakes is already underway. Therefore, it is better to immediately teach your child, properly organizing children's games.

"Who lives in the house?"

The game perfectly guides children to master such a grammatical category as the gender of nouns. You can solve such a difficult problem for the benefit of the kids, if you show imagination. For example, an adult cuts out houses with windows, it is possible from thick paper, selects pictures, for example, a window, an apple, a flower, a rooster, a car, a candy, pies, books. It is good if the child takes an active part in preparing the attributes for the game. This will raise interest in the task: “Different pictures live in four houses, each has its own house, signed with the words “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”. You need to correctly resettle all the items. You can check the correctness of the choice with words - assistants: he is mine; She is mine; it is mine; they are mine. Tasks are designed for the development of speech of older preschoolers.

"Composing poetry"

Such speech games are intended for children from 4 - 5 years old, as they require a certain amount of experience. Tasks teach children to use the cases of nouns correctly. In this game, the ability to pronounce plural words of the genitive case is practiced, since it is in this form that preschoolers make the most speech errors: without shoes (shoes), for children (children), from sweets (candy). In order not to turn the game into a boring activity and maintain game interest, you can use comic poems by famous authors S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky or compose similar quatrains yourself, for example:

From snails OK, shell ek
And green frogs ek.

After reading the quatrain, ask the child why Marshak thinks that boys are made of snails, shells and frogs? Is what the author says true? If this is a joke, what else can boys be made of? Invite the child to dream up on this topic, picking up words in rhyme. The adult starts and the child continues:

What are boys made of?
What are boys made of?
From cars OK and ball to her,
And already to her, and dove to her.
Chocolate OK and frog ek,
and favorite toys ek.
That's what boys are made of!

"Basket of words"

To work with the word, enrich the children's vocabulary, older preschoolers can be offered a game to convert the word into a diminutive form with suffixes - ik And - OK. It is interesting to play this game in a group of children, for example, at a birthday party, when several children of different ages gather, or at family leisure. The players sit in a circle, a leader is selected by a counting rhyme, who picks up a basket. All participants say: “You have a body OK throw everything at him OK". The child replies: "I'll put it in the back OK sugar OK, colob OK, boat OK, shoe OK, pie OK". If the player makes a mistake, he gives a phantom (any small object). When the basket passes all the participants, you can redeem forfeits by completing any task: sing a song, guess a riddle, dance, come up with a rhyme for a word, for example, “I will give you a lot of sweets, but give me the bike.” You can continue the game by changing the basket for a beautiful package. In this case, the players say: “You have a package in your hands. ik throw everything at him ik". The player says: "I'll put it in a bag ik ticket ik, bike ik, Hello ik, bracelet ik, omelette ik, bouquet ik, gun ik". So that the children do not lose interest in the game, an adult needs to make preparations in advance: a set of words or pictures to help children.

Games for the formation of sound culture

In kindergarten, as part of preparation for school, much attention is paid to improving the sound pronunciation of preschool children in accordance with the norms of their native language, which implies the ability to perceive and reproduce all sounds, work with a word, control the volume and speed of speech, use intonation for expressiveness, logical stress. All these skills make it possible to successfully study reading, writing at school, competently perform dictations, and creative work. What didactic games for the development of speech in preschoolers can be offered for home use?

"Word Chain"

The game develops auditory perception, the ability to manipulate the word. The rules are similar to the well-known game of "cities". The participants stand in a circle, the leader starts the game with a word, throwing the ball to the player. He comes up with a word that begins with the last sound of the previous one, for example, before m - m s w b - w ub A - A rbu h - h oloto, etc. The main thing is that the players must clearly pronounce the word and highlight the last sound.

"Say a word"

The goal of the game is similar to the previous one: the development of auditory perception. An adult throws the ball to a child with a syllable, and he must continue the word and return the ball. For example, le - le That, zi - zi ma, Not - Not bo, honey - honey after all. Words are selected from two syllables, the child’s desire to find several options is always welcome, for example, le - summer, laziness, babble, sculpt.

"We populate the houses"

The game teaches preschoolers to highlight syllables, helps the correct pronunciation. It is better to play individually with the child to get a good result. To maintain interest even among small children, an adult can use a game moment: different words came to visit - pictures and want to settle in houses (drawn or built from cubes). In a house with one window, words with one syllable will live, with two windows - two-syllable words. For example, a child clearly pronounces the words "cat, hedgehog, wolf, elk, lynx, mole; squirrel, fox, cat, hare, honey, after all, woodpecker, ka-ban, co-va (you can use pictures from "Lotto") Alternatively, a mix (mixture) of pictures of different subjects is used.To complicate the game with older preschoolers, riddles are introduced, and then a guess-picture is found.

Games for the formation of coherent speech

Competent and beautiful speech is, first of all, the ability to coherently express one's thoughts. The formation of coherent speech, as it were, generalizes the work of the previous directions, therefore, in games, the connection between the enrichment of the dictionary and the grammatical structure of speech, the education of sound culture will be traced.

What happens if...?

The game well develops the ability to meaningfully conduct a dialogue, expands vocabulary, brings up the cultural speech of preschoolers. You can start playing from the age of four or five, gradually complicating the actions at the senior preschool age. The rules are quite simple: the adult begins the phrase as a cause, and the child ends with the effect. Topics can be different: weather, nature, wildlife, household items and more. For example,

  • If we plant a seed in the ground, then ... (a flower will grow).
  • If you do not water the plant, then ... (it will die).
  • If it started to rain, then ... (you need to take an umbrella, put on boots).
  • If there is cold ice cream, then ... (sore throat).

Alternatively, you can modify phrases that may end not with a consequence, as in the first version, but with a cause. For example,

  • Children are dressed in warm jackets, because ... (the weather is cold outside).
  • We're going on vacation because... (mom and dad are on vacation).
  • The cat loves milk because ... (it is delicious).
  • My brother goes to school because... (he's big).

Be sure to encourage the children's original answers, and write down the most interesting ones, so that later they can discuss at the family council and praise the child.

"Advertising (word drawing of the subject)"

The whole family can take part in this game, as it is desirable to show the child various options for describing objects. Adults set an example of how to properly characterize any object so that you want to play with it or use it in a domestic situation. The driver closes his eyes, and one of the participants talks about the subject. The driver tries to guess what is at stake. At the first stage, it is better to use items that are very well known to the child, for example, household household or edible items, or toys. Then, as knowledge is accumulated, one should talk about other items that can be seen in a toy store or grocery store. For example,

  • This is a kitchen utensil, it is metal, with a transparent lid. She has a bottom, walls, handles. Without it, you can not cook a delicious soup or compote (pan).
  • Both adults and children love her. It can be round or like bricks, white or brown, wrapped or boxed. It is very sweet in taste, without it it will be sad at the holiday, you can even decorate the Christmas tree (candy) with it.

Adults should encourage the child when he tries to make his own description of the objects. After the game, you can arrange a family tea party, having fun discussing the advertisements of the game participants.

Such didactic games for the development of speech in preschoolers will definitely help parents form a competent beautiful speech in a preschooler, which will help him to study successfully at school.

These didactic games for the development of speech of children of preschool and early school age (grades 1-3) allow the child to learn how to compare objects, objects, phenomena, contribute to the development of speech, observation and the ability to cognize the multifaceted essence of the surrounding reality.

"Selection of adjectives"

This game is interesting for children of any age, it has several degrees of game complexity: kids need a visual single image, older children need a verbal one and at least 2-3 images. The content of the game is as follows: the host shows a toy, a picture or calls a word, and the participants take turns calling as many signs as possible corresponding to the proposed object. The winner is the one who names as many features as possible for each of the presented items. For example, "dog" is big, shaggy, kind, cheerful, hunting, old, etc.

"What happens?"

This game is similar to the previous one, the difference is that a noun is selected for the original adjective. For example, "green" - tomato, spruce, grass, house, etc. Poetry can serve as an emotionally attractive basis and incentive for participation in the game.

Subsequently, children can be invited to name everything that is cheerful, sad, evil, kind, quiet, loud, fluffy, smooth, cold, rough, prickly, fast, slippery, surprised, calm, solemn, playful, funny, mysterious, bright and etc. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the meaning of the word is understood by both the child and adults identically.


The goal of the game is to recognize an object, an object by a group of adjectives, epithets or by a group of words-actions. The words proposed as an initial support should be associated with the child's sensory and practical experience. For example, "green, curly, slender, white-trunked" - birch; "sparkles, warms the earth, disperses darkness" - the sun.

Games with words need to be gradually complicated, not only increasing the child's vocabulary, but also training his ability to easily find the right word. In order for the child to “scoop out” the necessary word from memory without much difficulty, it is necessary to diversify the options for games (“What happens?”, “What does it do?”). In the future, the main rule of such games is the absence of repetitions.

"Chain of Words"

This game is used with children of older preschool age and is carried out mainly in a verbal version, since it can be quite difficult to predict children's answers and quickly select appropriate pictures for them. The essence of the game is the selection of words - nouns and adjectives, characterizing in their association any object with similar qualitative features (cold - wind, ice cream, water, battery; wet - clothes, hair, paper, asphalt; can't swim - brick, earth , screw, etc.). That is, children make up a kind of "train" of words, where the words-trailers are interconnected. For example, the original word is "cat".

What happens to a cat?
Fluffy, sweet, colorful...
What else is colorful?
Rainbow, dress, TV...
What else could be a dress?
Silk, new, straight...
What else can be direct?
Line, road, look...etc.

"Who's doing what"

This game enriches the vocabulary of children with words-actions (verbs) and allows not only to activate monologue speech, but also the expressiveness of non-speech means of influencing listeners. Within this option, there are several ways to organize the game action.

a) For the game, you need a set of subject pictures (a picture, a hammer, an umbrella, a clock, a cat, a dog, a ball of thread, a newspaper, etc.). Children are shown pictures (one by one) and asked questions: "What can be done with this? What is it for?" You can also do the following: ask questions that reflect the specific use of the object, and the children point to a particular picture. For example: "What can I hang on the wall? What can I knit a scarf from? Where can I hide from the rain? Who guards the house? What can I read? Who catches mice? How to find out what time it is? How to hammer nails?"

b) With older preschoolers, the game can be played without a visual basis. The host calls the object, phenomenon, object, and the players take turns calling the action performed by this object, and the noun for the next player. For example, the host says: "Car". The child replies: "He's on his way. The artist." The next player: "Draws. Hand", etc. In the future, several verbs are invented for one noun. For example, "wind" - howls, raises dust, plucks leaves, inflates the sail, turns the wings of a windmill, refreshes, disperses clouds, etc.

c) The game can be complicated by the use of non-verbal means of expression: gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. The task of children is to name the activity for one or more actions. For example, an adult raises both hands - this action can mean lifting an object, hanging clothes on a rope, etc .; or raises his hand, puts one finger on the lower right corner of an imaginary page, turning it over - this can mean either reading a book or viewing a notebook, magazine.

d) A more complex version of the game is to combine verbal descriptions and non-verbal means of expression. To organize the game action, soft toys are needed - a cat and a dog. After the children got to know them - examined, played - offer to describe their appearance, habits, place of residence, show what the cat does when it is stroked. When does she see the mouse? When does he see a thread with a bow? When does he see the dog? What else can a cat do? What can a dog do? How does she act when she sees a cat? Master? When does he get a piece of meat?

Be sure to praise the child if he found a good word, movement, posture, gesture, showed activity and interest in finding expressive means. This is how children's observation, accuracy of perception and mental activity (memory, imagination) develop. Next time you can use other objects, but they should be familiar to the child. The nature of the proposed tasks and questions can be expanded, and subsequently invented by the children themselves.

"Selection of objects for action"

The child is asked to name objects that perform certain actions. For example, "who and what swims?" - man, board, dog, ship; "is it warm?" - sun, stove, heating pad; "flies?" - an airplane, a bird, a butterfly, a fly, a fluff, a balloon, yellow leaves from trees.

Game "Add a word"

This game develops memory, the ability to classify objects into groups and can be played in different ways.

Option 1. An adult starts the game: "I put apples in the basket." The child continues, repeating everything said earlier and adding his own word corresponding to the one named by the first participant in the game: "I put apples and lemons in the basket." The next player repeats the sentence and adds a word from himself. And so on.

Option 2. Words are added based on a given letter or using a sequence of letters in the alphabet. (If it is difficult to find a word-name for the next letter, then it is skipped. At the same time, if the game is played with older preschoolers, then it is quite acceptable to use a reference table with the image of the letters of the alphabet.) In the first case, it will sound like this: "I put it in the basket watermelon, ... pineapple, ... apricot, ... orange ", etc. In the second, this is: "There is a vase on the table, and in it are oranges, bananas, grapes, pears ..."

Game "Complete the offer"

This game differs from the previous one in some complexity, since the main rule is not only to remember and reproduce everything that was said earlier, but also to make sure that the sentence does not lose its meaning and that the game partners can continue it as long as possible. The content of the game is as follows: the leader calls any word, and each of the participants in turn adds his own word to it, repeating the entire previous one. When spreading a sentence, words can be placed in its various places (at the beginning, end, middle), but they must be added taking into account the semantic content. For example, the original word "sun":

Sun was shining;
The sun shone brightly;
the sun shone brightly in the sky;
the spring sun shone brightly in the sky;
the spring sun shone brightly and played in the sky;
in the sky the spring sun shone brightly and played with rays;
the spring sun shone brightly in the sky and played with golden rays;
in the blue sky the spring sun shone brightly and played with golden rays;
in the blue sky the spring sun shone brightly and played with its golden rays;
in the blue sky the gentle spring sun shone brightly and played with its golden rays ...

In this article:

At the age of 2-3 years, there is an active development of speech motor skills in babies, although, of course, not for everyone. And in this case, a loving mother should come to the aid of the baby, who should be armed with various educational games for children aimed at speeding up this process.

In order for the baby to have fun playing, you need to create a relaxed atmosphere around him and make classes as interesting as possible. The main thing is to attract his attention, and then the learning process will go much easier and faster.

Effective games for the development of speech

It is necessary to start conducting educational games after the baby has reached the age of one. At this time, everything new is learned by the crumbs much faster, so you should not miss such a chance. The following games are great for helping to master the first, most difficult, speech skills.

"Who is longer?"

The essence of the game is quite simple. Mom calls any vowel or consonant letter. The task of the crumbs is to replay the mother, stretching out the named sound longer.

Play Who's Longer? you can do it with the whole family - this will only interest your child. It is allowed to engage in at least every day, but it is better to alternate fun with another so that it does not bore the baby. This exercise develops not only speech, but also the respiratory system of the child.


A very fun and interesting game that forms the skills of correct pronunciation and trains the articulatory apparatus of the crumbs. It involves reading small sentences by the mother, and the task of the baby is to repeat the last syllable of each line. For example:

“Winter has already come - ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma.

We will have fun playing - army-army-army, army-army-army.

It's raining outside - det-det-det, det-det-det.

Such rhymes can come up with every day - so the crumbs will be much more interesting to play. Such a creative approach will speed up the development of the baby's speech. You need to play "Repeat" with children at the age of 1-2 years.

"See the Bunny"

Such a game improves not only the speech motor skills of the crumbs, but also teaches him to navigate in space. To hold such an event, you will need your baby's favorite toy (in this case, a plush bunny).

Mom's task: pick up a toy and tell your child in her voice that she wants to get to know the house. Ask the kid to take the bunny in his hands and show him all the most interesting things in the house. But not only show - the baby should try to tell his plush friend about everything that might interest him.

After examining the nursery and the living room, go with the child to the kitchen, where, in the same “toy” voice, ask him for the name of the various kitchen utensils and items that are there. Be sure to ask what they are for.

Do not fill the baby with all the questions at once - it is better to play this game with him every day, gradually “talking” to him. If you start asking him about everything at once, he will get confused, and even lose interest in the game.

The game "Show the Bunny" is intended for children who are at least 1.5 years old. But if your child at 1 year old is already learning how to connect words and phrases into sentences, you may well work with him until he reaches the age of two.

"Sleeping Doll"

This game is aimed at the development of the speech and hearing apparatus. To carry it out, you will need a doll, a rubber baby doll or a soft toy. Then everything must be done according to the algorithm below:

  1. Ask your child to put the doll to sleep by singing her a lullaby.
  2. When the toy "falls asleep", let the baby gently lay it in the crib and cover it with a blanket.
  3. While the doll is "sleeping", tell the child that you need to talk in a whisper so as not to "wake her up.

During the “sleep” of the toy, talk to the baby, ask him about what they will do when the doll “wakes up”, what they will play, etc. Your goal is to teach the baby a coherent conversation. It will not be easy, but do not put pressure on the baby, and even more so do not yell at him. Such actions can discourage him from playing such games for a long time.

Finger games for the development of speech motor skills

Finger games are designed for the development of speech in children at the age of 10 months. Due to the conduct of such classes, fine motor skills develop, which positively affects the articulatory apparatus of the crumbs. They involve doing the so-called "finger gymnastics" based on the use of funny nursery rhymes.

It is not necessary to do everything according to a template. Mom may well pick up rhymes herself, and for each line come up with finger movements that will convey the meaning of what was said.

Such training is divided into several stages:

  1. Mom shows the baby a scene only with her fingers.
  2. Under pre-prepared rhymes, the mother moves both her fingers and the baby's fingers.
  3. Adult and baby perform finger movements synchronously.
  4. The baby performs the movements on his own, the adult pronounces the verse, and if necessary, helps the child to do finger gymnastics correctly.
  5. The child independently performs the exercise and pronounces the rhyme, the mother only prompts and helps him a little.

Little children who have not reached at least one year of age, you only need to show finger "performances". You should learn them together already when the baby learns to pronounce phrases. One and a half year old babies and older children are perfectly amenable to learning.

To begin with, mom will need to practice by learning one nursery rhyme on her own, and coming up with interesting finger movements for her. For example:

"Early morning Cockerel

sings songs,

Cleans the tail, comb,

The round dance leads.

Children love to play with it

Songs to sing and dance.

Come up with a movement for each line, practice for several days, and only then proceed to classes with the child. Many kids are simply delighted with such exercises, especially if they are offered new verses every day.

Articulation gymnastics for children 1-3 years old

Classes in articulation gymnastics with a small child are especially necessary if there is a pronounced one. There is a whole range of exercises that are performed to strengthen and improve the work of all elements of the articulatory apparatus (tongue, cheeks, frenulum, lips).

Classes with a child need to be made colorful, entertaining, unusual. It should make the baby delight and desire to exercise every day. Then the process of development of the speech apparatus will begin to move much faster.

Here are some effective exercises that you can do daily. You need to deal with a child who has reached a year and a half (or at least a year) of age.

Exercise "Pancake"

Smile broadly and stick out your tongue. Place it on the lower lip and hold for 5-7 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the lip is relaxed and does not rub against the teeth. Even slight tension is an indication for repeated manipulation.


This is one of the simplest exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus in a child. The baby just needs to stretch his lips in a smile so that his teeth are not visible. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Do 3-4 sets per day.

Exercise "Piglet"

Extend the lips with a tube, and then move them to the right, to the left and in a circle. Perform the procedure for 1-3 minutes.

Game "Pendulum"

Open your mouth a little, stretch your lips in a wide smile and stick out the tip of your tongue. At the expense of the mother, the child should alternately touch each corner of the mouth with the tip of the tongue. Repeat movements should be at least 10 times, gradually increasing the duration of classes.

All exercises that make up the complex of articulatory gymnastics must be performed in a sitting position. At the same time, the child should be relaxed and set in a playful way. Only then will such activities be useful.

Breathing exercises for the development of speech in children

Such exercises are especially important because they train the child's respiratory system. The principle is simple: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is on the exhale that most of these exercises are performed.

Exercise "Fly, butterfly!"

To complete this exercise, you will need to cut out several butterflies from multi-colored paper. Attach each butterfly to a not very long thread, and then attach all the figures together to a cord or a thin wooden block. Hang the blank for the game so that it hangs at the level of the baby's face.

Show your child butterflies, then say something like: “Look, what beautiful butterflies - colorful, small, interesting. How can they fly!

After that, lightly blow on the butterflies to show the child what is required of him. Tell him, “Look how far they have flown! Well, come on and try it. Will they fly as far as you?”

The task of the baby is to take in as much air as possible through the nose, and with all the force to blow on paper butterflies. You must ensure that his shoulders remain straight, he does not rise on his toes, does not even get a little air into his lungs, and does not puff out his cheeks. Blow should be done carefully so as not to cause dizziness.

Exercise "And the first snow fell"

This game will require you to have a small piece of cotton, divided into many small pieces. They will serve as snowflakes. After placing the “snowflakes” on the table, say: “Look how many snowflakes. All of them are reminiscent of winter, and if you love this time, let's blow on them together.

Show the child how to do the exercise correctly, after which he must repeat the procedure himself. Play these games every day for 3-5 minutes.

Such exercises should be performed only if the child wants, so do not force them to learn against their will. By doing this, you can achieve an effect that is exactly the opposite of what you expected.

Role-playing games

Role-playing games not only help develop the speech apparatus, but also improve memory, thinking, fantasy and fine motor skills.

So, with a child, you can play anything, imitating:

  • family;
  • school;
  • shop;
  • beauty saloon;
  • holidays, etc.

Such games have their own algorithm, which must be followed. It includes the following steps:

  1. Topic selection.
  2. Careful development of a game plan.
  3. Creating a situation.
  4. Distribution of roles.
  5. Game start.
  6. Maintaining the child's interest in fun by inventing various unexpected twists and turns.
  7. End of game event. The ending should be logical so that the kid understands what the game was for.

To make it more fun to conduct such classes, it is better to play with the whole family. This will benefit both the baby and the parents.

Educational games for children from 2 years old

Children aged 2 years and older already have some communication skills, so the task of parents is to consolidate and develop them.

For this purpose, an interactive training complex "Mersibo" was created, which consists of exercises aimed at:

  • performing breathing exercises;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • conducting sound-letter analysis;
  • improvement of non-speech hearing;
  • teaching the basics of grammar (children from 3 years and older);
  • development of logical thinking;
  • improved attention;
  • stimulation of full-fledged thinking, etc.

All games that make up the Mercibo training course are played in visual mode. This is provided by sets of pictures that are displayed on the screen of a special multimedia board.

Who is the training complex for?

The Mercibo exercise book is used mainly in preschool educational institutions that do not have access to the Internet. This is a paid course, however, the training program is quite extensive, so it has gained immense popularity not only among kindergarten teachers, but also among parents.

Classes according to the "Mersibo" method help to develop the articulatory and respiratory apparatus, strengthen memory, develop ingenuity, teach you to fantasize and think logically. Such games contribute to a significant replenishment of the child's vocabulary, prepare him for school.

Interactive complex "Mersibo" can be installed on a home PC so that at any time you can open a particular game and start working with your child. But if you are of the opinion that parents should teach the child, then the options for home games presented above will help you out at any time and in any weather.

Useful video on how to develop the speech of a child 2-3 years old

Games for the development of speech. Senior group of kindergarten.

"Who's talking?"

Target: expansion of vocabulary, development of speed of reaction.
Stroke: the teacher alternately throws the ball to the children, naming the animals. Children, returning the ball, must answer how this or that animal gives a voice:
cow mooing
Tiger growls
The snake hisses
mosquito squeaks
dog barking
wolf howling
duck quacks
The pig grunts
Option 2. The speech therapist throws the ball and asks: “Who is growling?”, “Who is mooing?”, “Who is barking?”, “Who is cuckooing?” etc.

"Who lives where?"

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge about the dwellings of animals, insects. Consolidation of the use in the speech of children of the grammatical form of the prepositional case with the preposition "in".
Stroke: Throwing the ball to each child in turn, the teacher asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, answers.
Option 1.
teacher: - Children:
Who lives in a hollow? -Squirrel.
Who lives in a birdhouse? - Starlings.
Who lives in the nest? - Birds.
Who lives in a booth? - A dog.
Who lives in the hive? -Bees
Who lives in a hole? - Fox.
Who lives in the lair? -Wolf.
Who lives in a den? - Bear.
Option 2.
Where does a bear live? - In a den.
Where does the wolf live? - In the den.
Option 3. Work on the correct sentence structure. Children are invited to give a full answer: "The bear lives in a den."

"Give me a word"

Target: development of thinking, speed of reaction.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to each child in turn, asks:
- The crow croaks, and the magpie?
The child, returning the ball, must answer:
- Magpie chirps.
Sample questions:
- The owl flies, but the rabbit?
- The cow eats hay, and the fox?
- The mole digs minks, and the magpie?
- The rooster crows, and the hen?
- The frog croaks, and the horse?
- A cow has a calf, and a sheep?
- The bear cub's mother is a bear, and the squirrel's mother?

"Who is moving?"

Target: enrichment of the verbal dictionary of children, development of thinking, attention, imagination, dexterity.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to each child, calls an animal, and the child, returning the ball, pronounces a verb that can be attributed to the named animal.
The dog stands, sits, lies, walks, sleeps, barks, serves (cat, mouse ...)

"Hot Cold"

Target: fixing in the child's imagination and vocabulary of opposite signs of objects or antonyms.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, pronounces one adjective, and the child, returning the ball, calls another - with the opposite meaning.
Hot Cold
Good bad

"What happens in nature?"

Target: consolidation of the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, must answer the question asked.
It is desirable to play the game by topic.
Example: Theme "Spring"
The sun - what does it do? - Shines, warms.
Streams - what are they doing? - Run, murmur.
Snow - what does it do? - It gets dark, it melts.
Birds - what are they doing? - They fly, build nests, sing songs.
Drops - what does it do? - Ringing, dripping.
Bear - what is he doing? - Wakes up, gets out of the den.

"Who can perform these actions?"

Target: activation of the verbal dictionary of children, development of imagination, memory, dexterity.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the verb, and the child, returning the ball, names the noun that matches the named verb.
teacher:- Children:
There is a man, an animal, a train, a steamer, rain ...
A stream runs, time, an animal, a person, a road ...
A bird is flying, a butterfly, a dragonfly, a fly, a beetle, an airplane ...
A fish swims, a whale, a dolphin, a boat, a ship, a man ...

"What is it made of?"

Target: fixing in the speech of children the use of relative adjectives and ways of their formation.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, says: “Leather boots”, and the child, returning the ball, answers: “Leather boots”.
teacher: -Children:
Fur mittens - fur
Basin made of copper-copper
Crystal vase-crystal
Wool mittens-woolen

"Spread it out"

Target: orientation in space.
Stroke: Fyodor's character asks the guys to help her: put pots and pans on the bottom shelf, plates, spoons, knives, forks on the higher shelf, and saucers and jugs on the topmost shelf.

"Who was who?"

Target: development of thinking, vocabulary expansion, consolidation of case endings.
Stroke: the teacher, throwing the ball to one of the children, names the object or animal, and the child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, answers the question of who (what) the previously named object was:
Chicken - egg
Horse - foal
Cow - calf
Dud - an acorn
Fish - caviar
Apple tree - seed
House - brick
Frog - tadpole
Butterfly - caterpillar

Bread - flour
Wardrobe - board
Bicycle - iron
Shirt - cloth
Boots - leather
Strong - weak
adult - child

"What vegetable?"

Target: development of tactile, visual and olfactory analyzers.
Stroke: the teacher cuts the vegetables, the children smell and taste them. The teacher gives a sample: “The tomato is sweet, and the garlic is spicy”

"What does it sound like?"

Target: development of auditory attention and observation.
Stroke: the teacher behind the screen plays various musical instruments (tambourine, bell, wooden spoons). Children must guess what it sounds like.

"What happens in autumn?"

Target: teach the seasons, their sequence and main features.
Stroke: pictures depicting various seasonal phenomena are mixed on the table (it is snowing, a flowering meadow, an autumn forest, people in raincoats and with umbrellas, etc.). The child chooses pictures that show only autumn phenomena and names them.
