Long curly pubic hair. Need or not hair in intimate places

Sometimes a girl, even with her best friend, is uncomfortable denouncing such an intimate topic as pubic hair. What to do with them? Do they need to be removed? And if you get rid of excess vegetation, then how? In this article, you can find out everything you wanted to know about it, but were embarrassed to ask.

Why do you need hair in the intimate area

To be honest, until now, official science has not come to a consensus. But the following versions look the most plausible:

  • Pubic hair in women is a mechanical barrier between the genitals and the external environment. They work like a filter and don't let anything in.
  • They are needed to highlight the intimate area in order to attract the male. It is understood that the conversation is about the times when everyone went naked.
  • Vegetation on the pubis well retains the smell of pheromones secreted by a woman to attract the opposite sex. According to statistics, a significant proportion of rape victims did not remove their pubic hair, which also fits into this theory.
  • Lush curly vegetation partially absorbs various blows.
  • They help regulate the temperature in the groin and pubic area.
  • Pubic vegetation used to serve as a signal that a person had reached puberty. Today, for this you need to look at your passport.
  • They support normal microflora. A certain amount of beneficial bacteria lives in a woman’s vagina, and without a natural barrier, they die, which entails a change in the acidity of the environment and the growth of pathogenic cells and fungi.
  • Pubic vegetation plays a big role in the excitation of nerve endings during intercourse.

That's why pubic hair grows. There are many reasons, you can choose any you like or all at once. It remains to be understood what to do with them in the conditions of the modern world, when not a single self-respecting woman will go to the beach with a scruffy bikini area.

Should hair be removed

Girls begin to develop pubic hair between the ages of 10 and 15. Sometimes earlier, and at 9, and at 7, even at 5 years old. But this is more an exception than a general trend. Modern teenagers are almost all accelerators, but everything related to puberty is within the statistical norm.

Vegetation on the pubis is a secondary sexual characteristic. Her growth continues until about 16 years of age. So at this age or even a little earlier, a young girl needs to decide what to do with her.

Today, more than half of all women, one way or another, get rid of pubic hair. The rest either retain a natural look, or seek a compromise, for example, do not remove, but trim.

How to care

If a decision is made to preserve the vegetation in its natural form, this does not mean that it does not need to be looked after. Pubic hair is naturally stiffer, and due to the special structure of the root bulb, it is also curly. If you shave them for a while, they become even thicker and tougher.

Therefore, the vegetation on the pubis is washed - with herbal shampoos, and then softened with balms, oils or lotion. That is, any means for hair on the head.

A haircut

If you can not delete, then you just need to cut off the excess. Haircut is of two types:

  • natural, when excess length is removed with a trimmer or machine (you can use scissors);
  • artificial - using different methods of removing vegetation, a clear contour is formed, sometimes an intricate pattern, and the remaining hair is cut.

Today, a natural-artificial style is in fashion - the vegetation along the contour is removed minimally, so that everything looks natural, but well-groomed. And a special chic is considered to be stained in the same color as on the head.

Removal Methods

There is epilation and depilation. In the first case, the hair will be removed along with the root, in the second - only part of it above the skin surface. Epilation and depilation have their pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at specific procedures:

  1. Shaving. It's fast, inexpensive, and available for do-it-yourself use. But the disadvantages are that it is easy to injure yourself, the blade strongly irritates the skin and the effect of smooth skin disappears after a day.
  2. Wax (hot and cold method). When waxing, a long-term result is guaranteed, and the hairs will be thinner every time. But the procedure is extremely painful and you need to prepare for it in advance - grow vegetation at least up to 5 mm, use an exfoliating scrub, etc.
  3. Removal with an epilator. The advantages are the same as with waxing, in addition, you can already remove 3 mm hair. Cons - soreness, the appearance of ingrown hairs, and the high cost of a good epilator.
  4. Cream. Depilatory removes hair well, the effect lasts for a long time. But the remedy is aggressive - irritation and allergic redness may appear. Experts usually recommend applying the cream only along the contour, but avoid getting it into deep areas.
  5. Shugaring. Epilation with dried sugar syrup. Effective, can be carried out at home, the method does not cause allergies, and there are fewer ingrown hairs. But the way is painful.

Salon procedures

In addition, you can get rid of pubic hair in the salon: using the above procedures, as well as using modern technologies. In the salon, the client (or client) can be offered the following procedures:

  • photoepilation: under the influence of a beam of light, the hair follicle is destroyed;
  • laser hair removal: hair removal with a directional laser;
  • enzymatic removal: hair removal with infrared heat and enzymes;
  • electrical stimulation: conductive needles are brought to the hairs, and under the influence of discharges, the hair follicle is destroyed.

Ingrown hair problem

Ingrown pubic hair is almost certainly the result of depilation. That is why cosmetologists so persistently remind you of the need to use exfoliating products after hair removal. So, if there is an ingrown hair on the intimate area, then you need:

  • Pull it out with tweezers if at least the tip sticks out.
  • Contact a dermatologist if the bump is inflamed, growing in size and hurting.
  • Use a scrub - you may be able to loosen the hair and remove it.
  • The bump can be lubricated with drugs such as Proderm, Baziron, Dalacin. They will relieve redness and swelling.

What else do you need to know about ingrown hairs in the intimate area? Here is some useful information:

  • sometimes a person is simply genetically disposed to ingrown hair, less often this problem occurs due to the special structure of the skin, and epilation is a kind of trigger;
  • if there are too many ingrown hairs on the pubis, refuse epilation - use other methods of caring for the bikini area;
  • in difficult cases, consult a doctor;
  • with self-removal, you need to use only sterile instruments;
  • treatment of the pubis with "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin" will reduce the risk of possible inflammation after epilation.

Long before you had a selection of sexy selfies with your man, people were forced to make alternative souvenirs. For example, in Victorian England, lovers exchanged strands of hair (you guessed it, not out of my head). This hair was usually kept in beautiful boxes, but some men did not stop there and hid it in their hats. You won't believe why. Like talismans that increase their male power!

2. Pubic hair is used to make wigs.

In the distant 1600s, many prostitutes, due to the prevalence of pubic lice, were forced to shave their pubic hair. However, it was impossible to do without hair in the bikini area, then for some reason it was considered sexy, and women needed their replacement. They made pubic wigs usually from fur, cloth or even beaver skins. It's hard to imagine, but it turns out that such an unusual detail is still used in filming.

3. Pubic hair absorbs odors

There are many theories as to why we have pubic hair, and one of them is that we need it to absorb odors. In particular, they can absorb pheromones, ensuring that your intimate area will smell as attractive as possible to potential partners.

4. There is a scale for measuring an intimate haircut

In fact, there is quite an official tool for measuring pubic hair. The Tanner scale, developed in 1969, describes the puberty of adolescents based on the observation of changes in primary and secondary sexual characteristics, in particular, pubic hair. Depending on the type and area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair distribution, the scale has five stages.

5. With age, they begin to fall out.

There are, frankly, very few positive things about getting older, but one of them is that as you age, your pubic hair gets thinner and may even fall out completely. This is due to various hormonal changes that occur with old age and occurs in about a third of women.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity ask many questions about pubic hair. Why do we need hair below the waist, how to care for it and is it worth shaving? In this publication, we will give answers to all questions, based on the opinions of anthropologists, urologists, hairdressers.

Hair in the groin - a sign of brutality?

Exactly. The presence of pubic hair is a key difference between a mature man and a boy. Anthropologists think so. Women are also sure that the hair between the legs is a sign of a real male. The groin contains glands that secrete pheromones. Hair increases the area of ​​distribution of individual odors. Women are sensitive to male pheromones. Smells attract them like magnets. Therefore, owners of lush vegetation between the legs can count on the favor of the girls.

Pubic hair curls - why is this happening?

That's how nature intended it. Pubic hair is thicker and coarser. This is due to the fact that the main purpose of the hairline is to protect sensitive parts of the body from friction. The vegetation between the legs also performs other functions. Pubic hair is a natural defense against bacteria. For this reason, many do not shave off the vegetation in the groin. Following such a trend or shaving off hair is a personal matter for everyone. But we must not forget that curly hair retains the smells produced by the body well. Therefore, men with lush vegetation attract women.

What is pubic hair care?

There is nothing difficult in this. If you want to have a lush head of hair in the groin, smear your hair with a balm. This is an effective tool that gives hair volume and silkiness. Is this relevant for men? How to say…
If additional volume is not needed, limit yourself to simple. Then the hair will be clean and well-groomed.

How long does pubic hair grow?

Don't worry. Too long hair does not happen, so the hair does not break out of the legs. People who have never cut vegetation in the intimate area do not feel discomfort. On average, the length of the pubic hair is 2-7 cm. This is a limitation laid down by nature. But there are also exceptions to the rule. South Africa has a unique record. The man's pubic hair reached his knees. This is a phenomenal phenomenon. But, was the man happy with him?
- This is a rhetorical question.

Possible baldness in the groin?

With age, changes occur in the body. After the age of 50, the amount of testosterone decreases in the stronger sex. For this reason, the hair in the groin becomes thinner and falls out. This age change is undeniable. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that in extreme old age the vegetation in the intimate zone will disappear.

I want to shave my hair. What will be the consequences?

An interesting study was conducted at the University of California. His results make you think about whether you need to shave off the hair in the groin. It was found that would-be hairdressers are in trouble. Men end up in the hospital with wounds that were obtained while shaving a sensitive area. This is due to the fact that there are many blood vessels under the skin.
The statistics are sad: 83% of injuries to the penis are cuts from a razor, and 22% are punctures with scissors. But that's not all. In many cases, damage from hot wax appears. Does this happen?
- Yes, if you pour candle wax on yourself.

Is it possible to guarantee 100% security?

Even with proper handling of the razor, one cannot be completely calm. Your little thing changes in size. In the normal state, the skin on the penis lies in folds. Lots of bacteria live there. As long as harmful microorganisms are on the skin, they are not terrible. If the skin is injured by a razor, an abscess and even Fournier's gangrene can form. There is a lot of information and pictures on the Internet about this. Check them out if you want to know the truth.
- We warn you right away: the spectacle is terrifying.

What to do: take an example from the ancestors and not shave off the vegetation in the intimate area?

The choice is up to you.
If you do not like the lush hair between the legs, use advanced techniques. This refers to epilation with wax or sugar. Such procedures cause pain, but for the sake of the result, you can endure everything. Smooth skin lasts for several weeks. This is an excellent indicator. You can go the other way, using an electric razor. This is a good alternative. If you are sure that the vegetation between the legs gives sexuality and attracts women, just observe daily hygiene.

What unites all mankind? That's right, pubic hair. There are no people whose “charms” have not touched the hair carpet. And whether you shave them or not, the fact is that they were originally there.

This place has many names, many stories associated with it. There is still a fierce battle going on about the look of a pussy, so let's study the issue from a scientific point of view, from the purpose of pubic hair to shaving it.

Why do you need pubic hair

Pubic hair may have pheromones or chemicals that your body produces. Their mission is extremely simple - to send subliminal messages to other human "animals", including potential partners.

One theory is that the scents your pubis exudes work like a sex trap for the guy who was just walking by. We are all animals no matter how hard we try.

Many scientists believe that the apocrine sweat glands, which are found in abundance in those areas of the pubis where there are many hair follicles, do not work until puberty. This idea fits perfectly with another theory about pubic hair: that they are signals to would-be companions that the girl has matured, that she has gone through puberty and is now able to produce offspring. In the most primitive sense, pubic pheromones are a signal of maturity.

However, there is a completely different point of view. Completely different. Radically different. It may seem strange, but pundits, who clearly have something wrong with pheromones, believe that no pheromones exist.

This uncertainty, however, does not affect the third theory, according to which pubic hair plays the role of guardians of the purity and purity of the virgin. Not in the sense that it is impossible for an ardent young man, inflamed with lust, to break through the bushy jungle, the pornography of the 70s proved the opposite, but in the fact that the hair protects the vagina from pollution and various infections. Some have gone even further and given them the honorary title of "friction pillows during sex or other physical exercise." Sounds exotic, but it's real.

On the other hand, let's not forget about thermoregulation, which is baked almost all the hair on the body. They fight for your warmth, and you remove them!

To shave or not to shave

We declare right away: we are not trying to introduce a fashion for extravagant thickets from the pages of PlayBoy of a sample of commercials of the 71st year. There is simply a theory based on scientific research, according to which getting rid of the "bushes" leads to bad consequences. From 2002 to 2010, there were about 11,700 "grooming injuries" in the genital area. Really dangerous and bloodthirsty hygiene.

Still, many understand what they are risking, but do not change their habits.

95% of people surveyed in 2015 by the American National Medical Journal shave their pubis at least once every four weeks.

For many, a clean-shaven pubis is synonymous with cleanliness and increased attention to the body and health. But having pubic hair doesn't automatically equate to the unflattering term "dirty" vagina! As many gynecologists say, if you wash your pubis every day with soap and warm water, then there will be no difference. Just do not need to stick soap inside the vagina, this is fraught with serious irritation of the vaginal microflora, and everything is so tender there. It's okay if you personally feel cleaner by shaving your pubis, but don't feel "dirty" just because you can go a few days without shaving.

Men treat women's hairiness differently. Interviewed all in the same medical journal in the majority (60%) expressed themselves in favor of the smoothness of intimate places.

Big number. A lot of people literally force their girlfriends to shave. Of course, there are lovers of "lush exotic" or simply those who want to understand with whom he is having sex - with a woman or a girl. As Hank Moody used to say: “When I'm down, I would like to see curls on my pubes. I'm not talking about lush bushes from Playboy 70s, but something that will show me that cunnilingus I do to a grown woman. But be that as it may, no one has the right to force their partner to shave intimate thickets just because they like it better. “Couldn’t you cut a path to your clitoris, otherwise I can’t see it,” sounds no less disgusting than: “Ugh, you have hair there!” Some kind of idiocy is obtained.

And there's only one good reason to shave, wax and stuff.

If hair removal makes you feel much sexier yourself, then shave for health. Do what you think is right, if you feel more comfortable, then delete it. Only a feeling of aesthetic purity can justify all the pain and unpleasantness of the process. As you can see, there is no reinforced concrete "for" or monumental "against" - it's a matter of taste and patience.

In the last few decades, the body, clean from excess hair, has firmly come into fashion. Both women and men are actively engaged in fighting nature - destroying even the smallest hints of hair in unwanted places. And especially a lot goes to the pubic area and armpits. Someone struggles with hair at home, and someone systematically visits special salons, leaving a “lot” of finances in them. At the same time, both men and women wonder why pubic hair and armpits are needed?

Why do we need hair under the armpits and between the legs?

Both in the groin and in the armpits there are not only ordinary sweat glands, but also large sweat glands. They actively produce pheromones. Many scientists are sure that hair in these places on the body is necessary in order to increase the area of ​​evaporation - in order for pheromones to evaporate not only from the skin, but also from the hair.

What are pheromones and why do we need them?

There are long-range and short-range pheromones. The first of these are small and highly volatile substances, they are exactly the same for all of us. Such substances are able to attract individuals of the opposite sex. But they do not provoke sexual desire, but only inform the body about the presence of a number of other organisms capable of mating.

As for short-range pheromones, they are heavier and poorly flying substances. Such particles can be transmitted from person to person during close contact and kissing. Short-range pheromones give other people information about your personal genetic profile. Thanks to this, the body is able to calculate the probability of biochemical (genetic) compatibility. In the event that the likelihood of compatibility is especially high, and the body is ready for this, there may well be an interest in a representative of the opposite sex.

The sensitivity of women to the influence of pheromones largely depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. After all, the sensitivity becomes as high as possible during the period of ovulation, when the probability of fertilization is most possible.

Scientists say that if a girl is offered to choose a men's T-shirt with the most pleasant smell from a pile of things, the choice will be made in favor of the man who is the most suitable for her in terms of compatibility.

Why do people need pubic hair?

It is believed that nature cannot create anything superfluous. So pubic hair does make sense. If we talk about pubic hair from a biological point of view, then they are not only an indicator of the onset of puberty, but also perform other rather important functions. The hairline in this area is designed to protect the genitals from the effects of cold, forming, as it were, an air cushion. Hair is necessary for the full thermoregulation of the groin area, both in heat and in summer.

Also, pubic hair in women helps prevent the penetration of aggressive bacteria and infectious particles, and they also help maintain a full-fledged microclimate in the vagina. In addition, the hairline helped our ancestors protect themselves from small insects that could get inside. After all, not all the time people wore shorts ... By the way, you can read. This information is on topic. Many gynecologists recommend not to shave off all the hairs, but to eliminate them only in the bikini area, while the rest should be carefully trimmed.

Hair as protection for the lymph nodes

It is known that both in the inguinal region and in the armpits there are several rather important lymph nodes. And some scientists are sure that the vegetation in these parts of the body is necessary to protect the organs of the lymphatic system from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you should not try to sunbathe as much as possible in the armpits and bikini area.

Why else do you need hair in the armpits

Do modern people need armpit and pubic hair??

Today, each of us has access to daily hygiene procedures. And the hair under the arms and on the pubis cease to perform such important functions. Therefore, their importance for modern man is not very noticeable. And sometimes an abundance of hair in such places can, on the contrary, do harm. Indeed, in extreme heat, bacteria actively multiply in them, which, in the presence of additional factors, can lead to the development of a number of unpleasant diseases. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend shortening the vegetation, but there is no need to rush to get rid of it completely.

There is evidence that systematic plucking, shaving and epilation of hair in intimate places indirectly leads to weight gain. And some scientists argue that the complete elimination of pubic hair can cause an accelerated onset of menopause and. These data have not yet been confirmed by many scientific studies, and the editors of "Popular about Health" draws your attention to this, but perhaps they are still worth paying attention to.

Ekaterina, www.site

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