Montessori drawings for newborns. Black and white contrast pictures for newborns

This is true, but it does not fully apply to newborns.

Kids love bright toys because their eyesight is not yet developed, pastel colors and halftones are not for them.

And newborns see so vaguely that for them the perfect contrasting combination of black and white.

Black and white pictures for newborns are the best way to stimulate vision. They really like such pictures, they look at them for a long time and carefully.

These should not be any real pictures, complex images at all. Best of all, simple motifs, geometric patterns, faces, but large enough, clear and contrasting.

But what to do - where to get such pictures and how to show them? There are several options for this.

1. Clothes, diapers, bedspreads, rugs with a black and white pattern

No, no one is asking you to decorate the entire nursery in black and white. But if the kid comes across something with a black and white pattern, he will be very interested. It can be a mother's shirt with polka dots or a checkered bedspread.

2. Actually pictures

These can be either special black and white pictures for newborns that can be found on the Internet and printed, or your own hand-drawn drawings with black marker on white paper.

Face pictures for newborns are especially interesting. Pictures can be shown or attached in some way in the field of view of the baby - to the crib, for example. The kid will love everything.

3. Black and white crib mobile

Since you are unlikely to find such a thing on sale, you can make a mobile with your own hands. For example, sew black and white toys for newborns on a felt mobile. You can also hang just pictures “facing” the child to the mobile, or special black and white cubes for newborns.


4. Cards and books for newborns with black and white pictures

For example, “Hey baby! Book for newborns”, which is a separate card connected by a ring into a book.

Other books come with special clips for cribs or strollers.

Such cubes can be found on sale, but an easier option is to print a “pattern” of such a cube (see below), cut it out and glue it. Cubes can be hung over the crib or attached to the mobile. Your baby will be enchanted!

Anything can be drawn on the cubes, but remember that face pictures for newborns are very useful. Offer him painted emoticons or animal faces with eyes.

Here are some options for cubes that you can save to your computer and print.


Download black and white pictures for newborns. How to make a mobile from cubes for a child with your own hands and how to deal with printouts correctly.

Black and white pictures for newborns perfectly stimulate the development of vision in the first months of life. Early development gurus such as Cecile Lupan and Sarah Brewer wrote about them in their book Superchild. In the first days of life, a child's vision is not as sharp as that of an adult. It distinguishes objects at close range better, and black-and-white images are more visible than color ones due to the structural features of the retina during this period.

The period from birth to six months is very important for the development of a child's vision, because it is during this period that the eyeball, the paths leading from it to the brain, and the areas of the brain responsible for receiving and processing visual information are most quickly and intensively formed.

How a baby's vision develops from Newsweek magazine.

Photo courtesy of Irina's babyblog.

Psychophysiologists speak of this period as critical for the formation of the visual system. It is the first 6 months of a child's life that are most favorable for external stimulation and development of the visual system. As a result of such exercises, visual functions are significantly improved: light perception, visual acuity, color perception, contrast sensitivity, field of view.

Classes can be carried out on a changing table, in a crib, on a bed, etc., but it is better that the light source is behind the baby's head.

It’s worth starting with the simplest lines and following a clear black / white contrast.

In the first months, it is important to teach the child to look at pictures, focus and follow objects.

Where to hang black and white pictures

  • in bed
  • stick on walls
  • hang on the fridge
  • into large cubes
  • make cards, collages or a book, show the baby in turn,
  • a ball or a mobile over a bed with drawings,
  • development mat.

How to use black and white pictures for newborns

    Show your baby pictures while you walk around the apartment with him, feed him or put him on his tummy. A visually rich space (and constant visual stimulation) has a direct relationship with a baby's restful sleep.

    Don't show the baby too much pictures immediately and watch the reaction. If he does not focus on the drawing and does not show interest in it at all - do not be discouraged (everything has its time).

    Practice tracking: we catch our eye on the picture and move it slowly to the right, to the left, up and down, then over time we complicate the trajectory: in an arc, diagonally, in a circle.

    Use while lying on your tummy and crawling. The kid tries to raise his head higher and higher, and he will be interested in seeing something there that catches the eye.

    Attract and switch attention, soothe.

Changeimage can once every 3 days. If you like the picture, you can leave it for a longer time.

Distance from child's eyes to image aged 10 days - 1.5 months - about 30 cm . The size of the drawings is better than A4 or A5 (its quarter).

From 3 months old, images can be replaced with colorful, complex and “hygienic” ones - the baby will begin to drag them into his mouth.

How to do:

  1. You can draw any picture by hand.
  2. print
  3. Make a mobile with your own hands from cubes. We print out pictures from a pdf file (there is already a ready-made layout for cubes), cut it out, glue it in the form of cubes, hang it on a ribbon (here is your imagination).

I made two toys for the baby from 10 cubes. I printed it on medium-thick photo paper, it turned out glossy and very beautiful) They hold even without glue, but still it’s worth gluing for strength.

Download black and white pictures for newborns:

Most of the information about everything that surrounds us, i.e. about 80%, a person receives through vision.

Therefore, when a child is born, in order for him to fully develop, stimulation of his vision is necessary.

From birth, a child carefully studies everything around, and he constantly needs new and new impressions. A newborn reaches for everything that he sees, and it is this desire that is decisive for his development.

The child turns over, subsequently crawls to everything that interests him, and thus, cognizes the world.

When do children begin to see?

Children begin to see from birth, they are born with this ability. In the first two or three months, children distinguish only black and white pictures, everything else appears to them as shades of gray tones.

In addition, the newborn sees better at close range.

The radius of his vision is limited: to the right and left - at an angle of thirty degrees, up and down - at an angle of ten degrees. The distance of the object from the baby should not exceed ninety centimeters. Accordingly, during breastfeeding, the child focuses on all objects that are at a distance fifteen to twenty centimeters.

Two weeks after birth, the baby begins to distinguish between mom and dad.

The peculiarity of his vision is such that when the baby looks, he distinguishes only clear, not blurry black and white lines and figures. Children see other colors as shades of gray. This feature is associated with the structure of the human eye. The retina contains a series of cells called cones and rods. Rods allow you to see only black and white objects and drawings, and cones make it possible to see colors and their shades. When a baby is born, his wands work more actively, so he sees everything in black and white.

Cards and pictures

There can be any number of them. It is quite acceptable to draw pictures yourself using a black felt-tip pen or marker, pencil, gouache, watercolor or ink, or you can download ready-made drawings. They are easy to download on our website, print and use for classes with newborns.

Pictures can be made in various sizes: 10x10 cm or the size of an A4 page.

Black and white drawings can contain images of any objects: vegetables and fruits, geometric shapes, trees, schematic images of faces, numbers, letters, etc.

You can choose different sizes of black and white schemes, since objects in the world around you also differ in size.

For the development of good vision in newborns, they should be placed at a distance of thirty centimeters from the eyes of newborns: during the first two months, children focus their vision best at this distance.

To do this, just download them, print, cut and stick on the desired surface. On the basis of black-and-white schemes, cartoons for babies were even filmed, where black-and-white pictures for newborns float across the screen to pleasant, calm music.
Black and white pictures for newborns, if used in the first three months of a child's life, can bring him considerable benefit.

Pictures with colored elements (red and blue)


Application results

According to the observations of scientists, children are born with the same number of neurons, after birth start to set connections between neurons.

The more children can see and observe, the more connections are made.

When a child looks at black-and-white diagrams, connections between neurons are established, which are most activated by eight months and remain at the same level until four years of age. It was noticed that the kids with whom they are engaged in black and white drawings show more attention, calmness during the wakefulness period. The stimulation of vision is favorable for the development of children.

How long can you work with pictures?

How many, when and what black-and-white pictures for newborns to show, the child will tell himself: he will look at some black-and-white pictures with interest and glance at others only occasionally.
Classes for the development of good vision in newborns according to black and white drawings should be carried out in the first two to three months.

At four months, black and white pictures for newborns are no longer relevant, because by the age of three months babies begin to recognize blue, and then yellow and red, they know how to focus their eyes on objects located close and far.

For the active development of the child after three to four months, more complex color images will already be required.

The mobile above the baby's bed with black and white elements can be made not only from paper, but from fabric.


So, when babies begin to see, distinguish lines of clearly defined objects, i.e. By about 2 weeks after birth, parents can use black and white pictures to develop their newborn's vision. It is easy to download them on our website or draw them yourself.

How many pictures are needed?

The more images the baby sees, the better. Of course, this does not mean that images should flash before your eyes. Let the child stop looking, examine what he saw: he himself will make it clear that the images have become uninteresting to him. Look closely at the expression on the face of the baby, follow his emotions, and you will understand what else is needed for the development of your child.


Vision is very important for normal development. It is by seeing objects that your child will want to know what they are called. The desire to reach for objects, roll over, crawl and walk also comes from curiosity and the desire to explore everything that he sees around. In the first 2 months of life, your baby sees best at close range.

At birth, a baby's field of vision is more limited than your own. Most likely he will look at objects that are no more than 30 degrees to the left and right of him, 10 degrees above and below and at a distance of no more than 90 cm from the body. When he lies in the crook of your arm and suckles at the breast, he can naturally focus on objects at a distance of 17 - 20 cm. Usually, by 2 weeks, he begins to recognize the face of his mother and father. His vision is 10 to 30 percent less sharp than yours, making it harder for him to see fine lines. He sees them as a blurry gray mass. Newborns are more comfortable with contrasting black and white patterns than with colors, because during this period their rods (cells in the retina that are sensitive to low light and distinguish only between black and white) work better than cones (cells that see colors in bright light) . Newborns prefer straight or broken lines to curved or wavy ones. In addition, they are attracted to simple images of faces.

By 6 weeks, the baby can clearly focus on objects at a distance of about 30 cm and usually begins to smile. (Babies who received stimulation before birth often smile as early as 1-3 weeks after birth.) He is particularly attracted to images of faces and concentric circles. In addition, he will look more closely at the outer edges of the drawings than at the middle.
The number of synapses between neurons in the visual cortex, which interprets information from the eyes, begins to increase in the first 2 months after birth.

Between 2 and 4 months, the number of synapses begins to increase dramatically and increases by at least 10 times. It is at this time that your child's vision improves dramatically, and he can already follow objects with his eyes or turn in the direction of the sound. He begins to like more complex drawings (4 concentric circles, not two) and curved lines and shapes, rather than straight or broken ones. In addition, his behavior shows that he remembers what he saw.
Many babies begin to see colors by 2 months because the cones start working in the retina. But before 3 months, they may not see blue as well as red or yellow.
By 4 months, the baby sees all colors and can focus on both near and far objects. He really likes to watch you and other people, especially children. He will still prefer curves to straight lines and tend to more complex designs. In addition, he has a sense of volume, and by 4 - 5 months he will begin to reach for the objects that he sees. By 7-8 months he will be able to grab objects and put them in his mouth. In children who receive prenatal stimulation, all this happens much earlier.

A child whose environment is visually enriched is usually more calm and attentive during wakefulness than a child who is not stimulated. If your child is unable to see in one eye - due to congenital cataracts, for example - surgery is needed. Otherwise, the brain will rebuild and stop receiving signals from the retina of the affected eye. If the cataract is removed later, vision will not be restored to the eye, despite the fact that it will be functionally healthy. This is called brain blindness. However, if the cataract occurs later, normal vision may return.

The number of synapses in the visual cortex peaks at 8 months, remains at a maximum until 4 years of age, and begins to gradually decrease over the next 5 years, reaching half as a result of partial removal.

Interesting new research shows that little boys recognize each other's gender at just 3 months old, even when they are fully clothed - something many adults hardly do. The researchers conducted psychological tests among 60 three-month-old children who were shown images of boys and girls in identical clothes, as well as trucks, dolls and older children. Boys were more interested in looking at pictures of other boys of the same age. The girls looked at the boys as much as they looked at the girls.

Binocular vision continues to develop during the first four years of life, and is fully developed by age 4. Visual acuity practically comes to 5 years, but is fully formed only by 10 years.


You can draw yourself on a white sheet of paper with a black bold marker, black gouache or even ink. You can print ready-made templates. What we draw - we draw geometric shapes (the baby gets acquainted with shapes), emoticons (knowledge of emotions), silhouettes of animals, insects (nature), vegetables, fruits, and anything - up to broken lines and punctuation marks. The key here is contrast.
Placement options - you can draw pictures of different sizes, as it suits you, you can draw them on cardboard boxes glued with white paper, on boxes from cassette discs (it’s convenient to put in front of a child), on boxes of perfume, packages of chips " Pringles", light bulbs, etc. Particularly creative parents will be able to make a black and white mobile - also a great educational toy for the first weeks of life. Pictures can be flat or three-dimensional (you draw on a sheet of paper or a cylinder or a cube, for example), static and moving (cut black strips of paper, circles, hearts and butterflies, for example, attached to a bar over a white background - a sheet of paper) , which will entertain your baby also by moving to the beat of a light breath. You can do something like lining the side of a crib.

You can make such “long-playing cubes”! At first, the baby will just look at them with interest, and when he grows up he will play with them, this is useful for developing motor skills, and then you can even learn letters and numbers from them!

Now on sale you can find special inexpensive sets - soft toys for coloring, why not turn it into our black and white manual? If you try, you can also buy mobiles with ready-made contrasting b/w toys. So the choice is yours!

Here are some excerpts from the mothers' conversations:

  • From birth, I show the simplest ones - squares, triangles, lines. When can I move on to complex pictures of straight and broken lines? Per month? And when to wavy? By the way, faces also consist of wavy lines, but they say kids like them. When do you start showing them? Or will the baby himself make it clear when he is ready to move on to the next stage?
  • Exactly! Let's try different pictures, see which ones he looks at more closely, and which ones he looks over and turns away!
  • Is it necessary to glue them with adhesive tape, I'm afraid it will shine?
  • No need! Pictures are used at an age when the child will not yet pull them into his mouth.
  • I am very concerned about the size of the cards. I think this is a fundamental question. How not to harm. Have you met different answers in the literature, from A4 to 1 / 4A4?
  • I was also interested in this question when I was making cards for my second child. Then I realized that I need to do different things, because the objects that the child examines in the room are not the same in size. Cards are a simulator for the development of vision. You will understand which is more interesting for the baby. I show Sasha both A4 and Zaitsev's cards - they are small (13 by 13 cm). The son watches with pleasure.

You can’t ignore Wee See cartoons for babies, also in black and white. Geometric shapes move smoothly across the screen to the very beautiful music of The Polyphonic Spree, written, by the way, especially for this project.

Another cartoon.

And a few more entertaining minutes to the accompaniment of beautiful music ...

Many companies produce ready-made black and white toys, such as mobiles (as I said above) and developmental rugs.

Dare, dear mothers - you will certainly succeed!

Site materials used

In order to develop visual perception in a newborn, speech therapists and psychologists recommend engaging with a child from an early age using black and white pictures and photographs for newborns.

Between birth and six months, their rods, cells in the retina that are especially sensitive to weak light and distinguish only between black and white, function better than cones, cells that are sensitive to bright light. Active kids prefer to look at straight or broken lines, concentric circles, simple images of faces. Newborns look more closely at the outer edges of the black and white pictures than at the center.

For the normal development of the child, vision is very important, therefore, exercises for its development are very significant. Contemplation of objects encourages the child to reach out to them, touch them, and later learn how they are called and used. Up to three months, the child does not distinguish colors, so it is black and white pictures that are great for the development of children. To help the baby develop vision, mothers can use black and white pictures as early as the seventh to tenth day after birth. These should preferably be abstract images. After two or three days, the baby will lose interest in these pictures, then you need to change them to new images.

How to deal with developing pictures for newborns?

Let's consider how to deal with a child according to developing pictures for newborns: at a distance of thirty centimeters from the child's eyes, show the card to the baby. After making sure that the child has fixed his gaze on it, move the black-and-white picture to the right, then to the left to develop horizontal tracking. An activity in which the picture approaches and moves away from the baby develops vertical tracking. The older the child becomes, the more difficult the trajectory of movement of objects for tracing: the drawing can be moved along two diagonals, in a circle, along an arc, in a wave-like movement.

Pictures can be shown, or you can attach sheets of paper with black and white contrasting patterns to the wall of the crib. They need to be changed as the complexity of the image increases - this will help the baby focus his eyes. You can also use black and white photographs of parents and family members, toys as educational pictures for newborns.

From the pictures you can make a child black and white: hang cards on a hanger, crossed pencils or a stretched ribbon on threads. You can also replace the hanging toys on the finished mobile with black and white pictures. Play material can also be hung on the walls throughout the house, when the baby can visually focus while sitting in the arms of an adult, thus walking around the house will be more interesting for the newborn.

Educational pictures for newborns

Educational black and white pictures can be bought ready-made in the store or printed out on your own, for example, such as are presented in our gallery.

A one-year-old child can complicate the task - the pictures can depict numbers, letters, household items, fruits, vegetables. The next stage of development are designed for early learning to read.

Pictures in black and white are not only useful for the early development of the child, but also give mommy valuable minutes while the baby is busy contemplating, doing himself or doing household chores.
