Supplementation is required to comply with certain temporary. The concept of supplementation and complementary foods

mixed It is called breastfeeding and artificial milk formulas.

artificial feeding is feeding only with milk mixtures.

The indication for transferring a child to mixed feeding is the presence of clinical signs of underfeeding (child anxiety between feedings, flattening of the weight curve, thicker stools, rare urination) and the results of control feeding.

Indications for transfer to artificial feeding are the state of health of the mother or the lack of milk in her.

Dokorm It is called supplementary nutrition with milk mixtures.

Supplementation rules:

1. Supplementation is given after breastfeeding;

2. Depending on the amount of breast milk, supplementary feeding is prescribed after each feeding, after 2-3 feedings, in the form of self-feeding.

3. Apply the baby to the breast at least 3-4 times a day (otherwise lactation decreases).

4. A child should receive no more than 2 different mixtures per day as supplementary food.

5. If the volume of supplementary feeding is small (30-50 ml), it should be given from a spoon, if the volume is more than 50 ml - from a bottle with a nipple.

6. Supplementation is given immediately after feeding (if the child has not eaten, do not give supplementary food again after a while).

8. In case of violation of digestion processes, preference is given to sour-milk mixtures. Their number should not exceed ½ of the daily amount of food.

9. The mixture is prepared immediately before use.

Rules for mixed and artificial feeding:

1. Control over the quantity and quality of food should be stricter than with breastfeeding.

3. The timing of the introduction of corrective additives and complementary foods is the same when using adapted mixtures as when breastfeeding and are prescribed in the same sequence. When feeding a child with unadapted mixtures, complementary foods are introduced 1 month earlier.

4. It is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic requirements for cooking.

5. Breast milk should be stored as long as possible, even in small quantities.

So, with mixed and artificial feeding, milk mixtures should be used.

Types of milk mixtures:

Adapted Blends- These are mixtures that are close in composition to human milk. These include:

Sweet - ("Nutrilon", "Vitolakt", "Similak", "Bona", "Tutelli", "Pilti" and etc.);

Sour-milk ("Vitolact sour-milk", "Biolact adapted","Bifilakt", "Laktolin", etc.)

For unadapted mixtures also include sweet (whole milk, "Krepysh", "Health", etc.) and sour-milk (acidophilic milk, kefir for children, "Biolact-1.2", etc.). Satisfactory development of children can only be achieved with the use of adapted formulas. Sour-milk mixtures are recommended for children with unstable stools.

Simple non-adapted milk formulas, due to an inferior composition that does not meet the age needs of children, cannot be recommended for long-term use as the main source of nutrition. They can be used in exceptional cases, subject to the obligatory correction of the diet with the missing food ingredients.

There are also dietary dairy products for clinical nutrition, also used in infants with various pathological conditions and diseases.

For premature babies -"Detolakt-MM", "Humana - O", "Novolakt-MM".

For children allergic to cow's milk- "Nutri-Soya", "Similac - Izomil", "Bellakt - Soya", etc.

For children with anemia- "Nan-Nan", "Detolact", "Similak", etc.

For children with genetic disorders- low-lactose mixtures.

For enteral nutrition- enpity, inpitan.

Biologically active additives:

BAA - 1b (with bifidumbacteria)

BAA - IG (with specific anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin)

BAA - 1l (with lysozyme) and others.

"The period of infancy" (physical and neuropsychic development).

Breast age lasts from 29 days of life to 1 year. The name itself emphasizes that during this period of life, the contact between mother and child is closest, the mother breastfeeds her child. The main processes of adaptation to extrauterine life have already been completed, the mechanism of breastfeeding is sufficiently formed and very intensive physical and neuropsychic development is taking place, motor skills are being established, intelligence is beginning to form.

Features of the period of infancy can be considered:

1. A pronounced anabolic orientation of metabolism, as there is a very intensive growth - body length increases by 50% (from 50-52 cm to 75-77 cm), body weight triples (from 3-3.5 kg to 10-10, 5 kg). The energy requirement of a child exceeds the need of an adult by 3 times (per 1 kg of weight). If an adult had the same energy needs as a child, then an adult would need to get 10-12 liters of food per day. The high intensity of metabolism explains its frequent violations in infancy:

- diathesis (exudative-catarrhal, lymphatic-hypoplastic);

- hypovitaminosis;


- rickets;

Hypotrophy and paratrophy

And etc.

2. A relatively large amount of food (per kg of body weight) received by a child places an increased demand on the work of the child's gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, at this age, the nervous regulation and the enzymatic system of the gastrointestinal tract are not yet mature enough. The combination of these factors quite often leads to gastrointestinal disorders.

3. The child's intestines are abundantly supplied with blood, its mucosa has increased permeability, so it can be easier for harmful agents to enter the body and cause a general reaction of the body (causative bacteria, toxins, allergens, etc.).

4. Unstable immune status. The newborn has passive immunity (received antibodies from the mother in utero). At 4-6 months, passive immunity decreases, there are no active ones yet, therefore, in infancy, children are prone to infectious diseases (ARVI, streptoderma, etc.)

5. In infancy, the child lies a lot, so the lungs are poorly ventilated. The respiratory tract of the child is narrow, the protective properties of the mucosa are reduced. These factors explain the frequent pathology of the respiratory system in infants.

6. The skin and mucous membranes of an infant are rich in blood and lymphatic vessels, are easily vulnerable, and have increased permeability to harmful agents (viruses, microbes, toxins, allergens).

7. In infancy, preventive vaccination is actively carried out.

Knowledge of the features of the infancy period will allow the average medical worker to competently organize the care of a child of this age and protect him from possible complications associated with these features.

The main areas of care are:

Control over physical and neuropsychic development;

Rational feeding;

Hygienic care;

Physical education and hardening;

aesthetic education.

under physical development is understood as a set of morphological and functional characteristics of an organism, due to hereditary factors and specific environmental conditions.

Physical development- a complex of genetically determined traits, the implementation of which depends on environmental conditions.

For example: if the parents of the child are tall, then the genotype of the child suggests his tall stature, but if the child is often sick, malnourished, lives in poor conditions, then he will have a much shorter height than determined by the genotype.

The role of hereditary factors And environmental conditions in physical development is clearly seen in a phenomenon called acceleration (earlier puberty, physical and mental development).

Acceleration due to a change in the genotype, a consequence of a large migration of the population. The average height of children in cities with all-Russian construction projects is higher than in cities with a stable population. The role of social conditions cannot be ruled out either - the pace of acceleration in developed countries is higher than in underdeveloped ones. The term "Physical development" in clinical pediatrics is understood as a dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight) and biological maturation.

The most obvious and simple way to evaluate the physical development of a child is by its anthropometric indicators.

Anthropometric measurements were introduced into medical practice in the 30s of the XIX century. The main anthropometric indicators are:

Body mass;

body length;

Head circumference;

Chest circumference.

To assess physical development, it is necessary:

1. Determine the age

2. Carry out anthropometry

3. Determine the somatotype (hyposomy-low growth, normosomia-normal growth, hypersomia-high growth) according to the tables of growth series at different ages

4. Determine the harmony of development (correspondence of mass and height) according to the tables of mass values ​​at different lengths

5. Determine the option of physical development according to the tables of options

6. Make a final record of the anthropometric study.

Breast milk is the best food for children of 1 year of age, so most young mothers prefer breastfeeding. However, in some situations it becomes impossible to give the child the necessary amount of nutrient fluid, which is why the full development of the baby is in jeopardy. Supplementary feeding during breastfeeding will help solve this problem.

Supplementary feeding, unlike complementary foods, is not required for all children. Experts say that a baby does not need to be supplemented if there is enough milk. However, not every young mother knows how to correctly determine whether her baby is full. Often, women unreasonably introduce supplementary foods out of false fears that they have little milk, and thereby provoke a worsening of lactation. In the future, this may lead to a complete transition to artificial feeding.

The following signs indicate that the baby is not getting enough breast milk:

  • the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • while sucking the breast, the baby behaves restlessly, cries, throws the nipple;
  • the child's body is dehydrated (symptoms are lethargy, dryness and pallor of the skin).

A reliable way to determine whether a baby is full of breast milk is the wet diaper test. To carry it out, you need to stop using diapers for a day and monitor how many times a child urinates within 24 hours. If the baby wets the diaper at least 12 times, this means that he is getting enough breast milk.

In order to find out exactly that the child is not full, it is necessary to take into account all of the above signs at once. If a woman no longer feels hot flushes and a feeling of fullness in her chest, as at the beginning of the lactation period, and it is not possible to express milk between feedings, but the baby is gaining weight well and feels normal, the introduction of an artificial mixture is not required.

Feeding methods

If there is a need to supplement with a mixture, it is not recommended to use it for this, even despite all the convenience of this supplementary feeding method. Sucking from a bottle is much easier for a baby than feeding from the mother's breast, so after the introduction of supplementary feeding, the baby may refuse natural feeding. In addition, the use of bottles quickly leads to the formation of an incorrect latch on the nipple.

If a woman still chooses this method of feeding, she should give preference to anatomically shaped nipples with a small opening. The bottle should be offered to the baby only after it is applied to the breast.

There are also the following feeding methods:

  1. Syringe. For this method, a sterile 5-10 ml syringe without a needle is used. The tip of the product must be inserted into the corner of the child's mouth and, slowly pressing the piston, apply power. The syringe may have a long and thin soft tube at the end, in which case you can simultaneously insert a clean finger into the baby's mouth with the pad up so that the baby sucks it like a mother's breast. Unlike a bottle, a syringe does not promote breastfeeding rejection or interfere with proper nipple latch.
  2. Spoon. In this case, a simple teaspoon is used: mixture or milk is drawn into it, and when the baby opens its mouth, the food is poured in a quick movement onto the middle part of the tongue or behind the cheek. You can also use a soft silicone spoon with a built-in food container. It is made by manufacturers of baby products specifically for the introduction of supplementary feeding during breastfeeding.
  3. Cup. You can use any small cup with thin walls or a special plastic container for supplementary feeding. When giving milk or formula from such a cup to an infant, do not pour food down the infant's throat. He must "lap" or sip the liquid himself. This method of supplementation is suitable even for premature infants.
  4. Breastfeeding. With this method, the Medela breastfeeding system or its analogues, made by hand from a simple bottle, are used. This device looks like a container with two small long tubes in which formula or breast milk is placed. During feeding, the baby suckles at the breast and at the same time receives food through the tube. With this system, women can easily coordinate their actions when applying the baby and giving supplementary food, since the use of the device does not present any difficulties.
  5. Pipette. This is the most time-consuming method, because the volume of the pipette does not allow you to give a nursing baby a lot of food at a time. Therefore, feeding in this way is used only when the child does not need a large amount of formula and if other methods do not work.

Each woman herself chooses how to give the mixture to the baby while breastfeeding. The main criteria should be the effectiveness of the method and the convenience of the method for the mother herself.

What formula to choose for supplementary feeding

The formula for supplementary feeding should be chosen carefully, taking into account not only the age of the infant, but also the characteristics of his body. For babies up to 6 months, the most suitable is highly adapted artificial nutrition, which is as close as possible in composition to breast milk (Nan-1, Nutrilon-1, Hipp-1).

For children prone to the development of allergies, a hypoallergenic mixture is required (Frisopep, Nestozhen, Nutrilak GA), in case of problems with the tummy, preference should be given to fermented milk Nan-1 and Nan-2. If the baby suffers from lactase deficiency and cannot digest lactose (a protein found in all dairy products and in breast milk), you can only supplement it with a lactose-free mixture (Nutrilon Lactose-Free, Nutrilak Premium Lactose-Free, Bellakt).

When choosing baby food, it is important to pay attention not only to the price and popularity of the product, but also to other characteristics - composition, expiration date. It is also necessary to make sure that the mixture dissolves well: it largely depends on how convenient it will be to give it to the baby.

When starting to supplement a baby with formula while breastfeeding, you should definitely consult a pediatrician who will help you choose the most appropriate type of artificial nutrition.

We calculate the amount of supplementary feeding

When using a mixture, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of food so as not to overfeed the baby and not provoke a deterioration in lactation, leading to premature termination of breastfeeding. You can determine exactly how much mixture your baby needs at a doctor's appointment.

To find out the right amount of supplementary feeding during breastfeeding on your own, first you need to calculate the amount of milk that the baby should eat per day. It is important to take into account the age of the baby. The simplest way to do this is considered to be the bulk method. According to this formula, an infant eats a daily volume of food equal to 1/5-1/8 of body weight (see table).

So, at 3 months, a baby who weighs 5400 g should consume 900 ml of milk per day (5400: 6 = 900).

The next step is to calculate the amount of food required per feeding. Here you should determine how many times a day the baby eats. A three-month-old baby is applied to the breast 6 times a day, which means that he normally eats 150 ml per feeding.

If you weigh the baby before and immediately after eating, you can see how much milk the baby was able to suck. Based on this, it is calculated how many grams of the mixture should be additionally given to the child in the current feeding.

There are also others while breastfeeding. Among young mothers, a method associated with the results of the “wet diaper” test is popular. If the child, instead of the prescribed 12 times, urinated only 8 times, then the mixture he receives should be enough to “wet” the diaper 4 more times.

For infants up to 3 months, for each act of emptying the bladder, there are 30 ml of food, i.e., the missing daily volume of the mixture in this case will be 120 ml. The norm for infants older than 3 months increases to 40-60 ml per urination.

When making calculations, it should be borne in mind that the total amount of artificial mixture with mixed feeding should not exceed half the daily amount of food.

How to properly feed

Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the baby, the rules of mixed feeding state that it is necessary to introduce supplementary feeding gradually so that the child's body can adapt to food that is unusual for him. In the first days, you can give the baby a mixture in the amount of 1/3 of the total daily volume of artificial nutrition. If the baby does not experience constipation, diarrhea, allergies, bloating and colic, the introduction of the mixture is allowed to continue. In this case, it is imperative to carry out the application of the child to the breast both before and after feeding with artificial nutrition.

There are 2 schemes explaining how to properly supplement the baby with formula while breastfeeding. According to the first, the total daily amount of the mixture should be divided into 5 parts and given to the baby at regular intervals from 6 to 24 hours. If we talk about the exact time, supplementary feeding should be given at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours. The second scheme involves supplementing each time before falling asleep and after waking up. The amount of food is also divided into equal portions. It is not necessary to feed a baby with artificial nutrition at night.

What to do to increase lactation

Even if a woman had to supplement her baby, she should do everything possible to keep breastfeeding. To do this, you need to put the baby to the breast as often as possible, especially at night, eat foods, drink plenty of fluids and practice skin-to-skin contact.

Supplementary feeding during breastfeeding is a special type of nutrition that is used in relation to children under six months of age. Thanks to this, all the substances and components necessary for growth and development enter the child's body. There are a number of reasons why it is necessary to make up for the lack of mother's milk. In the feeding technique, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules, only in this case the baby will feel good and gain weight correctly.

How to properly feed a baby?

A common mistake most young parents make is to feed their baby too early with additional food. It should be noted that after the birth of the baby, mother's milk does not immediately appear in the required volume. When a baby cries, the cause is not always malnourished.

Immediately after childbirth, the situation with insufficient feeding is considered normal even by specialists in this matter. During this period, all women are struggling to adapt to a new mode of functioning. Colostrum always appears first, which has a high calorie content. The baby needs very little. In the first three days after the baby is born, his nutritional needs are minimal.

If you feed a newborn from a bottle, then he instantly calms down. From this, parents conclude that the baby lacks the volume or quality of milk. That is why a mistake is made with the complete transfer of the child to formula feeding.

Supplementary feeding with a mixture should be introduced in the following situations:

  • The baby is constantly crying and acting restless. In such a situation, it is not at all necessary that there is not enough milk, perhaps the baby simply does not know how to eat properly. A woman should teach him to take the nipple well and not to capture air when feeding. In this case, in no case should you use bottles and pacifiers. Because of them, the child learns to do the wrong latch on the nipple. The situation may even lead to damage. A woman is advised to increase the number of attachments to the breast. The baby becomes too nervous and irritable. The child often cries if he has a small frenulum in his mouth.
  • Frequent breastfeeding can also play a cruel joke. However, immediately after childbirth, the number of approaches per day can be up to forty years. Later, the intensity will decrease to twelve times. Everyone's physical needs are different. The main thing is to make sure that the baby has no illness. Mom should not forget that warmth and affection will also help to remove whims and crying.
  • When pumping, a small amount of milk is produced. In the event that feeding is carried out exclusively at the expense of the breast, then the woman should completely abandon this procedure.

Proper diet up to six months does not involve the use of water. The mixture is introduced into the diet only as a last resort, and you must first get the advice of a specialist in this field. Most often, the situation occurs only for medical reasons.

Expression can increase lactation

Breastfeeding formula should only be started if:

  • The baby was born prematurely and has a weak body. In this case, he is simply physically unable to suckle the breast well. When supplementing, all the necessary substances enter the child's body, so it is quickly restored.
  • Neurological abnormalities were diagnosed. In this case, not all babies have a sucking reflex. It does not appear even with regular breastfeeding. The diagnosis can be made even in the hospital. It is important for parents to fully follow the recommendations of doctors who suggest switching to an artificial feeding option.
  • The mother does not produce the required amount of milk. Most often, such a symptom is considered temporary and indicates the presence of errors. The reason lies in the insufficient number of attachments to the chest. You should not try to immediately force the child to live according to the regime. Over time, all biological processes are synchronized, and a sufficient amount of breast milk will be produced in the mother's body.

Babies are allowed to be formula-fed only temporarily. Parents should make every effort to maintain the possibility of breastfeeding. To fix the problem, you should be constantly next to the baby, even in a dream. It does not need to be limited in the time spent at the breast. Thanks to this, it is possible to solve the problem within a maximum of seven days.

What should be included in complementary foods?

At the first stage of introducing a new diet, it is necessary to determine its composition. For its introduction into the body, it is convenient to use a bottle or nipple. However, it should be understood that these attributes will forever put an end to a woman's attempt to continue breastfeeding.

It's all about the difference in technique. Although, according to all external characteristics, this paraphernalia completely repeats the anatomical features of a woman's chest. A baby who has access to these two ways of eating at the same time almost always chooses a bottle. does not exist for a long time.

A bottle with a spoon is used for the convenience of feeding

What is the difference between a bottle and a mother's nipple:

  • A deep latch is not needed when using a pacifier. This technique should only be performed on the mother's nipple.
  • With the natural method of feeding, the child helps the absorption of food with the tongue. When using the pacifier, it is stimulated by the gums.
  • Any liquid flows out of the nipple without any effort. When trying to eat breast milk, the baby should actively move his mouth.

At its core, eating from a bottle is much easier. That is why babies prefer to refuse breastfeeding. They stop feeding on breast milk completely, and switch to mixtures. Therefore, if it is possible to establish lactation, then the baby should not know the sensations of feeding from a bottle.

This method should be resorted to only in case of certain medical indications. In other cases, everything should be done to establish a natural feeding option.

Additional artificial feeding tools

Using a spoon

You can introduce supplementary feeding into the baby's body using a special silicone spoon. It is allowed to fill it only halfway and pour the composition over the cheek. Avoid getting on the root of the tongue, because in this case the risk of involuntary vomiting increases. The next portion is allowed to be given only after the previous one is gone in the mouth.

Today, spoons that are sold complete with a bottle are very popular. Thanks to the device, it is possible to correctly control the flow of the composition at the time of sucking from the bottle

Using a Syringe or Pipette to Supplement

The method is based on a similar principle of operation. In this case, the composition is infused in small portions into the buccal region. Mommy can help the baby slightly open her mouth. For convenience, it is recommended to use a special pipette. A syringe is also suitable, from which the needle is previously removed. You can also use a dispenser with any drug for a child.

Using a special cup

Any child will not be comfortable drinking from a large adult cup. It is recommended to use a vessel made of safe material, which is small in size.

At the first stage of feeding, it is only necessary to slightly moisten the lip with the composition. The baby should respond to this with an intense movement of the lips and tongue. Next, a small amount of feeding is applied to the sponges again. Moms say that this is one of the easiest ways to accustom your baby to new foods.

For feeding it is convenient to use a special cup

Unique SNS system

This unusual development is used to supplement the baby. It is customary to use a silicone bottle. For ease of use, a tube is inserted into it. The process consists in the fact that the woman puts the vessel around her neck and fixes the tube next to the nipple. At the time of breast capture, the child must take into his mouth and the tube through which the additional composition for feeding will be transmitted. As a result, the child receives milk and formula at the same time.

This method is not often used in our country. It was invented by foreign experts. They consider it an ideal option for introducing new food into the baby's diet. At the same time, the mother manages to constantly maintain contact with the baby, which receives all the necessary components for proper growth and development.

Basic rules for supplementation

It is very important to properly introduce the artificial food option. To do this, the mother is first advised to familiarize herself with the following rules:

  • For a child, mother's milk is the only source of nutrition. It contains several times more useful components for growth and development. That is why doctors recommend breastfeeding only before formula.
  • If the baby does not eat up the entire composition to the end, then you should not insist either. Parents only need to make sure that he is completely full. This is easy to control by observing its behavior. He turns away from his mother and no longer makes sucking movements.
  • Portions should always be the same size. If a woman noticed that during feeding a part of the composition was spilled, then this volume should be added already during the next feeding.
  • The child will eat better if he is in a good mood. When crying, you constantly have to calm him down. To do this, it is recommended to change the position or use special devices for greater comfort for the baby.

The sucking reflex can only fully realize the mother's breast. That is why, to solve many problems, it is recommended to often apply the baby to the breast. In this case, the woman receives additional stimulation of the mammary gland. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain stimulation directly of lactation itself. For this purpose, it is recommended to completely exclude supplementary feeding for a certain period from the child's diet.

How to determine the required amount of the mixture?

The mixture is most often used so that the baby can gain weight. For this, the woman is voiced all the standards that must be adhered to throughout the entire period of feeding.

The norm of the amount of food depending on the age of the baby:

  • two months - 60 grams;
  • three months - 90 grams;
  • six months - 240 grams.

The reasons why the real needs of the baby cannot be indicated:

  • It is difficult to determine the amount of milk that the baby drinks from the mother's breast per day.
  • Thanks to this approach, you can completely switch to artificial feeding.

Today, there is another approach to solving the problem in this area. On his side are American and European scientists with extensive experience in this field.

Ways in which you can easily calculate the required amount of formula for a child:

  • Carefully analyze the volume and frequency of urination within 24 hours. On average, their number should be equal to 12. In this case, the child receives a sufficient amount of nutrition. In some cases, it is not advisable to introduce supplementary feeding at an early age of the baby. It is important to pre-calculate the number of wet disposable diapers.
  • The volume of the mixture is calculated taking into account the age of the child. For example, at three months, the baby should urinate about ten times a day. In this case, it is advisable to give an additional 60 ml of the mixture. It is important to get advice on this matter from your doctor or breastfeeding consultant. They will be able to correctly form the overall picture and the need for the child to supplement.
  • To stimulate the natural production of milk, all means should be used. First of all, the baby must have constant access to the breast. Completely restrict his access to nipples and pacifiers. At night, you should also feed the baby. The optimal period for this is 3-8 hours in the morning.
  • If the baby's urination was sufficient, then the mixture is not given in full. To get a complete picture, the diaper count is carried out over several days. As soon as this figure reaches 12 times, the mixture decreases in volume.

How to give formula to your baby:

  • The total volume is divided into five equal parts and is given in accordance with a specific schedule. The time interval should be the same and divided between six in the morning and twelve at night. Experts do not recommend giving the mixture at night.
  • The mixture is offered to the child not only before falling asleep, but also after he wakes up. The main task of any parent is to make sure that the entire volume is used up within 24 hours.

Supplementary feeding is completely abandoned if the amount of urination has become normal. You can use the mixture only if there are no harmful factors that can negatively affect natural lactation. A woman should increase the frequency of putting the baby to the breast, teach him how to properly grasp the nipple, and eliminate the dummy and bottle. It is advisable to keep the child in your arms at all times. In this case, a specific bond is formed between him and his mother.

Supplementation during breastfeeding cannot completely eliminate the need for formula for the baby's body. It is recommended that you first try to resolve the major errors. In this case, the mixture can only temporarily solve the problem. Breastfeeding experts recommend not supplementing your baby until six months of age. An exception can only be the presence of a certain disease or the inability of a woman to breastfeed.

Very often, the concepts of complementary foods and supplementary foods are confused by parents. For them, this is the same thing, however, I hasten to assure you, these two terms have different purposes, which need to be very carefully considered.
In order not to get into a mess and not harm your baby, we will analyze every nuance in detail.

Proper nutrition of the baby in the first year of life

The first year of life is a great test for the child's body, during this period of life his body adapts to the outside world. Until now, he developed in his mother's tummy and received ready-made nutrients adapted to his digestive tract. Having been born, nature took care of his future fate in the form of breastfeeding.

WHO and UNICEF promote natural feeding around the world, provide the necessary information to nursing mothers. The first 6 months of life, the child should eat only mother's milk.

What is a supplement?

Supplementary feeding is an auxiliary food necessary for a baby with a mother's milk deficiency. It is administered in case of a decrease in lactation due to physiological factors or another reason.

When to understand that the baby needs supplementary feeding?

Very often, mothers begin to panic at the continuous crying of their child, believing that he does not have enough milk. Transferred to artificial nutrition and very in vain. There are many reasons, how to determine that the baby does not receive the required amount of milk can be on the following grounds:

  • if the mother's lactation is reduced, the baby makes several sucking movements and releases the breast, accompanied by crying;
  • the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • constant lack of milk can lead to frequent illnesses of the child due to weakened immunity, decreased physical activity, lag in psychomotor development;
  • lack of stool in a child;
  • reduced diuresis when the baby pees less than 7 times a day;
  • control weighing allows you to determine the lack of milk, the procedure consists in weighing the baby before and after feeding. In this case, it is determined how much milk the baby received in one feeding and whether this amount corresponds to his age.

Not considered absolute signs of a lack of milk:

  • constant crying of the child;
  • lack of a feeling of a rush of milk in the mother;
  • superficial sleep in a child, frequent awakening;
  • frequent urge of the baby to feed;
  • lack of milk in the mammary gland when expressing after feeding the baby.

If the fact of a shortage of mother's milk is established, supplementary feeding is recommended for the child. In other words, after the breast, the baby makes up for the shortage with the help of an adopted milk formula or donor milk.

The milk formula is selected individually by the doctor according to the age and condition of the baby, for example, there are lactose-free formulas intended for premature babies, etc.

Supplementation is best administered using a spoon that mimics the release of breast milk. .

Remember. Supplementary feeding is not the basis of a child's nutrition and is always introduced after the main feeding.

Complementary food with what it is eaten ...

If supplementary feeding is a little easier, then complementary foods are a more complex and scrupulous event. In this case, the main thing is consistency, slowness and attentiveness.

- this is the introduction of new nutritional components into the child's diet. The digestive system of children in the first years of life is imperfect, therefore, it is necessary to adapt the child to "adult" food gradually so as not to bring the baby to various pathological conditions.

As a rule, complementary foods are introduced at 6 months if the child has previously received only mother's milk. If the baby was on artificial or mixed nutrition, complementary foods are introduced earlier at 4 months.

Complementary foods are a kind of training of the digestive system, expanding the range of nutrients received, the acquisition of new taste sensations by the baby. By the way, if you do not know When to start introducing complementary foods to a child? (opens in a new window) you can use the special table of feeding lines.

Children who were introduced to complementary foods ahead of schedule, while the rules were not followed, suffer more often from diseases of the digestive tract in the future.

In order for your baby to grow up strong and healthy, it is necessary to introduce the first complementary foods correctly. Many mothers believe that they should not bother with the gradual introduction of new foods into their child's diet. Thinking, if from the first spoon, there are no deviations, then everything is in order. In the future, this approach leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergic reactions.

Dear parents, the absence of any deviations from the first spoon is not proof that the adaptation to the new product was successful. The habituation of the child's body to a new component of nutrition occurs within a week.

So, your baby has become quite an adult, he is 6 months old, it is time to try a new taste palette, start a new adventure with vegetable puree (initially it should consist of one type of vegetable, preferably white, to avoid allergic reactions), although some pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods from single-component cereals (containing only one type of cereal).

Enter carefully, starting with half a teaspoon. I recommend that mothers keep a food diary, where they will keep records of complementary foods, so it is easier to understand from which product the child has an allergy or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another important point is that it is advisable to give the first complementary foods to the child in the first half of the day, so that it is easier to observe the reaction of the baby.

When a child already receives a full dose of one of the types of complementary foods and there are no negative reactions, then you can move on to another type of product.

Is it necessary to give complementary foods when the first teeth appear or at half a year?

Today, there are opinions of some pediatricians that it is better to introduce complementary foods with the appearance of the first teeth. Maybe this statement is due to the fact that teeth are needed for the chewing process, but today there is baby food on the market that is designed for a certain age.

As a pediatrician with extensive experience in the field of pediatrics, I hasten to disagree. Firstly, the first teeth can appear both in the early stages and much later, for example, by the year. Secondly, their appearance may be accompanied by a slight rise in temperature, clear discharge from the nose, diarrhea, and a decrease in appetite. This is a kind of stress for the child's body, which does not need to be aggravated by the introduction of the first complementary foods or new products. Complementary foods are given to the baby only with the exclusion of pathological conditions, in order to avoid possible complications, according to the age of the child.

Unlike supplementary feeding, complementary foods are given at the beginning of feeding, then the baby can be supplemented with breast or formula milk.

Types of complementary foods

  • vegetable complementary foods, fruit;
  • dairy products and cottage cheese;
  • milk cereal porridge;
  • meat, fish, egg (yolk).

Complementary feeding schemes

6 months

  • first food vegetable puree or fruit puree (introduction of hypoallergenic fruit juices)
  • second food porridge is better to start with buckwheat or rice porridge, they are hypoallergenic.
  • third food dairy products, cottage cheese.

7-8 months

During this period, meat is introduced (start with turkey meat, chicken), yolk.

9-10 months

It is allowed to introduce non-fatty fish.

Complementary foods resemble the principle of layering, when the range of products gradually expands, thereby the baby is preparing to eat adult food.

Complementary foods are introduced only when the child is healthy, as in case of illness it can lead to complications. Remember food from the "adult table" is categorically not suitable for kids!

Dear parents, if you hurry up the time by starting to feed your child with your usual food, you will not only harm him, but can also lead to the development of various diseases.

In this article:

Sometimes there are situations when supplementary feeding with a mixture becomes necessary. Irregular lactation, maternal illness, and insufficient weight gain by the baby are common causes of mixed feeding. Supplementation is the introduction of an artificial mixture into the infant's diet, which should supplement the mother's lactation on a temporary or permanent basis.

When is supplementation needed?

There are a number of reasons that justify mixed feeding. As practice shows, against the background of the modern rhythm of life, there are plenty of them.

Situations when you need to supplement formula while breastfeeding:

  • Irregular or disturbed lactation . Sometimes a child simply does not have enough breast milk, which is reflected in his body weight.
  • Mom's disease . If a woman is forced to take medications that are not allowed for breastfeeding, pediatricians recommend not breastfeeding and transferring the baby to an adapted milk formula. This step will protect the baby from pathogenic microflora and drug metabolites that penetrate into mother's milk.
  • Rhesus conflict . The incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the newborn is an indication for artificial nutrition.
  • Time trouble . Not all women manage to stay on maternity leave for several years. Can a breastfed baby be supplemented with formula in this case? Yes, it's better than completely switching to artificial nutrition.

What products are used for supplementary feeding?

The formula for supplementary feeding of newborns should be as close as possible to breast milk in composition. It is not difficult to purchase a product of high quality and adapted to the needs of the baby - on the shelves of stores there is a sufficient assortment of domestic and foreign baby food, which can be offered to the baby from birth.

The milk of domestic animals - cows or goats - is not currently used in pediatrics. These foods have been proven to negatively affect a child's immune system, digestive tract, and kidneys. There is also a risk of infection of the baby with brucella and other pathogenic flora, which can be transmitted from sick animals. Supplementing a newborn with a mixture eliminates this possibility.

Mix volume

If the baby does not have enough milk during breastfeeding, he must be supplemented with artificial formula, the volume of which must be calculated correctly, but how to do this? There are two ways.

To find out how much breast milk a baby receives during the day, it is weighed before and after feeding. On the basis of the obtained difference and the age needs of the child in the volume of food, an appropriate conclusion is made. This method helps to quickly and easily determine whether it is necessary to introduce supplementary feeding and how much formula the child needs.

You can also find out if the mother has a shortage of milk by counting wet diapers. To this end, for one day it is required to abandon disposable diapers and swaddle a newborn in the old fashioned way. On average, a baby urinates 12 times a day. If this happens less often, add 30 ml of formula to each feeding until the number of wet diapers is within the norm.

No need to calculate the required amount of supplementary feeding "by eye". Such actions can lead to digestive problems, an increase in the volume of the stomach and overweight of the child, if you make a mistake and overfeed the baby.

Choosing a mixture

After deciding on the need to introduce supplementary food for the newborn, the young mother faces the task of choosing the right product. Modern adapted formulas are close in composition to mother's milk, so choosing high-quality baby food these days is not difficult at all.

How and what mixture to choose to avoid allergies and digestive problems? A good mixture contains unsaturated fats necessary for the full development of the nervous system and brain. Most products include pro- and prebiotic supplements, which eliminate the possibility of digestive problems in the baby. Nucleotides have a positive effect on the formation of immunity, and lutein is useful for the organs of vision. It is also important that the infant formula includes iodine, taurine and other trace elements.

The age of the child and his well-being also play a role in deciding which mixture is better to feed the newborn. The composition of baby food changes in accordance with the growing needs of the baby, so you need to pay attention to the labeling of the product. Usually, for babies under 6 months old, the mixture is labeled with the number "1", for older children - "2" and "3".

If the child has digestive problems, for example, colic or, it is better to choose a fermented milk mixture. With lactase deficiency, pediatricians advise lactose-free products.

The tendency to spit up frequently can be eliminated by feeding a highly viscous anti-reflux formula. For allergic babies, a hypoallergenic product is better suited, while a nursing mother should not forget about compliance.

Before purchasing the mixture, you need to read the instructions. It is important not only to purchase a quality product, but also to learn how to cook and store it properly. So, what formula to choose for supplementary feeding? It depends on the age and needs of the baby.

How to introduce supplement?

The correct introduction of artificial nutrition into the baby's diet guarantees the success of mixed feeding.

  • Breast milk is the only true source of nutrition for a child. . It contains all the necessary list of trace elements, vitamins and salts that the baby needs during the period of growth and development. Therefore, it is possible to supplement with a mixture during breastfeeding only on the condition that the newborn first of all emptied the mammary glands of the mother in full.
  • If the child does not finish eating the proposed mixture to the end, you do not need to force him . You can determine the satiety of the baby by his behavior: he does not make sucking movements, turns away from the bottle or pushes it away with his hand. It is necessary to supplement the breastfeeding child with the same amount of the selected mixture, without reducing or increasing this volume, including before bedtime.
  • Babies eat better when they are in a good mood. . If the baby is overexcited, cold, or something hurts, constant crying will interfere with normal food intake. Therefore, first, the mother must eliminate all adverse factors, and only when the child calms down, you need to supplement him with a mixture.
  • The hole in the bottle should not be too big. . Quick and easy saturation with an artificial mixture leads to the fact that soon the child completely refuses the breast. If possible, it is recommended to replace the bottle with a dessert spoon.
  • Temperature the finished mixture should be comfortable for the baby - not higher than 38 ° C.

If you follow these simple rules, supplementary feeding with a mixture while maintaining breastfeeding will avoid a quick transition to artificial feeding of the baby.

What to feed with?

A bottle equipped with a nipple is a familiar attribute for every young mother. But pediatricians advise using it only under extreme circumstances. This method of feeding newborns with formula is a direct threat to lactation.

Long-term observations indicate that children who have tried the nipple for the first time begin to take the breast with reluctance and soon categorically refuse mother's milk.

So, how to properly supplement the mixture of a newborn with the help of simple devices?

A young mother can choose which method is best for her:

  • Dessert or teaspoon . This is the easiest way to feed a baby without a threat to lactation. The child is supplemented with a mixture by means of a spoon, subject to a modest amount of food.
  • Pipette or syringe . This option is also suitable for supplementary feeding with a small amount of the mixture, that is, you should not feed the baby in this way at night. In addition, the process itself takes a lot of time and effort from both the mother and the child, but does not affect the process of producing breast milk.
  • small cup . Another simple, but not very convenient method that allows you to supplement your baby with formula. In the absence of experience and skills, milk can partially spill out of the dishes, so it is quite difficult to determine how much was eaten by the baby and whether he ate. But this method best demonstrates how to properly supplement your baby with formula at night.
  • Mom's finger . Feeding in this way is safe for lactation, but it is rarely used due to the length of the process. The finger is best used to awaken the sucking reflex in the baby.

If it becomes necessary to introduce supplementary feeding while breastfeeding, the mother should make as much effort as possible to maintain lactation.

How to return natural feeding?

With mother's milk, the child receives a maximum of useful microelements, hormones, protective antibodies and nutrients. If there is not enough breast milk, you can supplement the baby with a mixture, but at the same time the woman should think about whether she is doing everything to maintain lactation.

Frequent attachment of the baby to the breast, regardless of how full it is, will help solve the problem. In this case, the woman receives stimulation of the mammary glands, and the baby realizes the sucking reflex in full. Limit the time of his stay at the breast should not be. Co-sleeping and breaking the habit of supplementing a baby with formula while breastfeeding can solve the problem of a lack of mother's milk in 7 days.

Additionally, a woman can take herbal and homeopathic remedies aimed at improving lactation. Also, we must not forget about good nutrition, compliance with the drinking regime and the exclusion of stress factors. Sometimes these simple recommendations free a young mother from worries and anxieties about how to feed the baby.

The relevance of the problem of mixed feeding does not lose popularity at any time. It can be solved only through an integrated approach, which necessarily takes into account such indicators as, the state of his health, the presence and number of urination.

How to choose a mixture and introduce it into the child's diet? A product suitable for age and individual needs should be administered carefully, preferably not from a bottle and not exceeding the norm. But even after the introduction of supplementary feeding, a young mother needs to make efforts to eliminate the mistakes made during breastfeeding until lactation is restored.

Helpful video about supplementing your baby with formula
