Experts told where and how to find a rich husband. Features of wealthy people

An article about where and how to meet a rich man.
About where meet a man a lot has already been written. But having in this very big and successful experience, I consider it my duty to contribute to the topic of where to meet the guy of my dreams. So, you have already read many books and articles on how to be irresistible, how to please a man, what to talk about with him, how to behave on the first and subsequent dates, and how to maintain and develop your relationship. But the smallest is missing. HIS. The one who will give you true love, family life happiness and harmony. Or IH. Those who will give you bright and unforgettable emotions, as well as a trip to Mauritius, a Hermes bag and Damiani earrings. In general, it doesn’t matter which particular man or men you are interested in dating. this moment. The main thing is that you are interested in Dating. Below I will give a list of the most promising places to meet successful and wealthy men.

1. Internet, Internet and more Internet This is number ONE on my list today. A lot has already been said and written about this, but still great amount girls, still do not believe in the opportunity to meet decent men on the Internet. And now, WARNING! There is a HUGE number of smart, interesting, successful and, most importantly, free and single men on the Internet! I state it from the rich personal experience, as well as the experience of my close friends. With the help of the Internet, I met very interesting and worthy men. Among them were two multimillionaires. (Yes, yes, a multimillionaire, but where do you think very busy and rich people meet, who move along the same route work - home - work?!). And at least two of my friends are married to young people whom they met on the Internet. If they succeeded, why can't you? In fact, when hearing about online dating, many people think only about a dating site. Now I want to write a few words about other alternatives to online dating, namely: forums, community sites, social networks, chats, diaries, blogs. There are a huge number of forums of interest: forums for cyclists, BMW lovers, Feng Shui experts, as well as defenders environment. Decide what area of ​​life you are interested in and go ahead! Find a forum on your favorite topic in all the multitude of the Internet, while the forum must be made professionally, with the ability to post an avatar photo (do not put any funny pictures etc., the avatar should be only your most beautiful picture!). After that, you will have to become an active commentator and author of numerous forum posts. So you will attract attention to yourself, and over time, the one for whom you actually registered on this forum will appear. Also remember, when choosing the topic of the forum, think about who more women or men will be on the forum with such topics. Try to choose topics that are interesting for men.

2. Clubs of motorists Dating with the help of a car in different variations are becoming more and more popular. But if you are not the owner of a steel horse, do not rush to get upset. This method is for everyone! In almost any city there are a lot of clubs of fans of this or that brand - Mitsubishi club, Subaru club, etc. (more detailed information about clubs in your city you will find in the search engine). As a rule, various events are held in all these clubs, as well as regular meetings in cafes and bars. To come to such a meeting, you do not have to show a driver's license, as well as documents for a car. But keep in mind, there will really be a lot of talk about cars at such meetings, so to be completely sure, you can invite a car enthusiast friend or friend, brother, neighbor, classmate with you, whose knowledge is enough at least to know which side the brake and gas are on . And of course, you will feel much more confident if, before going to such a meeting, you still dedicate certain time study the basic properties of the car, as well as read about the features of the brand of car, with fans of which you are going to meet. It is also a good move at a meeting to pretend to be a potential buyer of a car and ask in detail about the pros and cons of this brand from the most nice guy at the meeting.

3. Courses, classes, trainings The proximity of interests and the same hobbies can incredibly bring together and make friends even strangers. And psychologists have already said a lot about the benefits of having a common hobby for couples in love. So I propose to kill two birds with one stone, or maybe three. First, the courses are perfect place to meet new people. Secondly, you get to know like-minded people, which already initially gives you a head start for development. romantic relationship, and thirdly, you get additional knowledge and broaden your horizons, which makes you an even more interesting person. But here, as in the previous method, the main thing is to choose the topics of classes that are of interest to men. As an example, I can give courses in public speaking, business English (German, etc.), management courses, MBA courses, courses for directors, producers, forex club, as well as all courses related to sports. Also pay attention Special attention for short-term trainings and seminars on personal development, efficiency improvement, resource management and time management. As a rule, participants in such courses are ambitious and aspiring people who have already achieved some success in life. And of course, the rule “the more expensive the training (seminar), the more high-quality contingent will attend it” applies here. I understand that it is not always possible to afford such expensive trainings, but you can find alternative ways: ask management at work for payment (or partial payment) for professional courses / trainings, agree on payment in installments for such training with the organizers, join an organization and a club whose members are provided with significant discounts on such trainings .. if you set a goal, you can find and relatively inexpensive trainings attended by successful people. Well mandatory condition the success of dating in such courses or trainings - Active participation, questions for teachers, participation in discussions, etc. You must be seen and heard! prepare questions and interesting offers in advance. And finally, if you work in an international company, then surely your company is already a member of such an international organization as the EBA (European Business Association), which very often holds various meetings, and free courses for employees of companies that are members of this organization. Be sure to ask your HR or marketing department about this. It may turn out that your company is a member of other equally interesting organizations. Find out all about the social events held by such organizations.

4. National holidays, receptions, exhibitions, embassy parties If you live in a fairly large city, then surely in your city there are a large number of all kinds of public organizations, clubs, communities. And all of them from time to time hold meetings, events, as well as celebrations, which you can get to even without being a member of such an organization. So, start, for example, Chamber of Commerce (website: This organization holds at least once a month a variety of open format meetings by appointment. You will find more detailed information on the website. The contingent at such meetings is the most diverse, but as a rule there is always a large number of top management of international companies, which is already quite good. The main thing is to be active! Stock up on business cards and go. The advantage of this dating format is that you can calmly introduce yourself first and offer to exchange business cards, supposedly in order to expand the circle of business acquaintances .. well, then all the cards are in your hands, try to make the most favorable impression and keep the conversation going for at least a few minutes and stay in interlocutor (the longer your conversation is, the higher the chances of being remembered!). From my own experience I can say that the success of dating at such events depends only on you!!! If you overcome your shyness and offer to exchange business cards for at least one person, then everything becomes much easier and at the end of the evening you have in your hands a stack of contacts of at least 20 successful men. And believe me, many will be interested in continuing not just a business acquaintance! After such meetings, I receive 2-3 offers to drink coffee, visit a national restaurant or another similar party. So keep it up!!! Also, such events include: buffets after exhibitions (if your company participates in any professional exhibition, ask the marketing department if you can’t go to a buffet after such an exhibition), conversation clubs, charity events, events held by embassies in honour national holidays etc. Set a goal and look for information about such events on the Internet.

5. Lobby bars of expensive hotels, business lunches in prestigious restaurants. Not the best in my opinion effective method, but the good thing is that with the help of this method you can meet really very successful men. Every city has expensive hotels, and all have bars where anyone can have a cup of coffee with a delicious cake. Sometimes the guests of such hotels are very high-ranking officials, owners or managers of multi-million dollar companies, ambassadors, diplomats, stars, athletes, etc. the list is endless. So the habit of occasionally visiting such birrs for a cup of coffee can serve you well. Have you also been to prestigious restaurants for lunch? If so, then she should have been amazed at the incredibly large number of male companies at the tables. Business lunch for many business men a great opportunity conduct additional negotiations in an informal setting or meet with friends who do not have enough time. Complex lunches even in the most prestigious restaurants at least once a week can be afforded even by girls with not very high earnings. The disadvantage of this place of acquaintance is that, as a rule, men are in the middle " business day”and all their thoughts are absorbed in work, leaving no room for romantic acquaintances. However, the probability of meeting an interesting man in such places is still very high!

6. Give me a ride Prince Charming on a white horse The method is suitable not for everyone, but in terms of efficiency, for example, for me it occupies one of the most high positions. Are you going to meet your girlfriends on Friday evening or in a cafe with friends and have already picked up the phone to dial a taxi number? Forget! If you are not a resident of a very remote area, where one car appears per hour, then feel free to go outside and catch a car! How more central district, where you will catch the car, the higher the probability that the prince will really give you a lift in a Lexus, and not grandfather-? The main thing here is to remember a few rules. First rule: safety first! Don't get into a car with a few guys, drunk or suspicious men, trust your intuition and don't be afraid to refuse a trip if the driver seems suspicious to you! The second rule: if a taxi driver or a collapsing six stops, offer to give you a ride for a very low cost, as a rule, taxi drivers leave, and if they do agree, don’t be upset, you saved money on a taxi anyway and you will definitely be lucky in next time! Third - do not expect the prince to stop immediately, sometimes you need to wait 5-10 cars, sometimes more .. it all depends on your perseverance. I will say one thing, there has not yet been a case that I caught a car in the center and really didn’t agree to give me a ride on a 10-12 car an interesting man, and sometimes the prince can already sit in the first car that stops. The fourth rule - the more prestigious the area, and also better restaurant(cafe, cinema, club), near which you catch a car, the higher the likelihood that you will be lucky to meet a really successful man. Good luck!

7. Supermarkets A lot has already been written about this method. But in my personal list of places for dating, he also occupies a leading position and has proven his effectiveness in practice, so I cannot but give him his due place. Again, as in any method, there are little tricks. The first trick: successful men are successful because they devote a lot of time to work, so do not expect to meet them in particularly large numbers during the day on a weekday. The optimal time is Thursday evening, Friday (best), daytime on Saturday and Sunday. Trick two: choose where to shop. I understand that it is much more convenient to shop near your home, BUT, the probability of meeting a really successful person in a mini-market on the outskirts of the city is hundreds of times lower than in the city center, in a prestigious supermarket (in each city, as a rule, there are several favorite supermarkets wealthy people). There is also a very high probability of successful acquaintance in good culinary arts, as well as premium supermarket chains (for example, Furshet-Gourmet), wine boutiques and gourmet shops. Trick three: the longer you spend in the supermarket, the more likely the acquaintance. Walk, look, read, choose, take an interest, consult. I repeat, the longer the better! Trick four: most likely, acquaintances occur in two places in the meat departments and in line at the checkout. In the meat departments, men, as a rule, are completely at a loss and are in dire need of advice - do not be shy, do not wait for a question, if you see a man who has been trying to make a choice for ten minutes - do not be shy, advise first. In line at the checkout, it is easiest to get acquainted. Here you can ask where the man found exactly the kind of mayonnaise that you were looking for in the supermarket and did not find what kind of interesting green fruit it is and whether it is tasty, you can also just exchange a couple of insignificant words while waiting in line. Therefore, before you get in line, wait until a really interesting man comes in line. Do not try to get in line if there is a pensioner in front of you.

8. Public organizations, political parties One of the best places. But for success here, you will have to be active and participate in numerous events and congresses, so try to choose an organization or party whose interests are at least somewhat close to you. The membership of such organizations and parties is 60-80% male. And not just men, but ambitious and purposeful men. So find an organization in your city, carefully read the provisions on its activities, call and tell us how you got inspired by the ideas of this organization and want to contribute to its activities. And then be fully armed at the numerous congresses and conferences held by this organization. Dating here is not easy, but very easy! To be honest, when I was still a student, I was a member of one youth party, and I happened to attend congresses where the leading political figures of the country were present, and I had the opportunity to see them with my own eyes. My head was not yet occupied with questions romantic dating, so I missed the glances of high-ranking officials that they cast on a beautiful and young student. If I had been a little quicker then, my chances of meeting a politician would have been incredibly high. Tskk that do not delay and go!

9. Sports club An old, long-explored way, which, nevertheless, has not been canceled by anyone, and which can lead in any dating rating. As with many other ways to meet rich men, remember that if you want to be rich, think like a rich person. So try to try on the shirt of a successful man and imagine the perfect club and dating time. I understand that prestigious sports clubs are not cheap, but you can always figure out how to find golden mean. The main thing to remember is that rich people are usually busy people who devote a lot of time to work or social life. So don't expect to see successful men at the gym during the day, or at 6:30 pm. Rather, you will see them not earlier than 20 00 pm or at 8 am. And do not try to get acquainted with a man when he or you will do strength exercises. It is best to do this at the exit, in the locker room, in the rest room, etc.

10. Rich girlfriends A controversial and not implemented method for everyone, but it is definitely very effective. If it so happened that among your girlfriends there is a middle class, again, do not rush to get upset. Start looking! Look on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki for old school friends (who were the daughters of rich parents at school), girls from the yard, courses, camps, trips, etc. Go through all the places where you have ever met rich girls/women. And reconnect with them. As a rule, no girl will refuse a spontaneous friendly offer for a cup of coffee from a former classmate or classmate. And then you simply have to charm your future girlfriend and make your meetings regular. Flatter, compliment, fill your worth with the opportunity to get invitations to interesting places or acquaintances with the artistic elite of the city. It doesn’t matter how or what, but you should find at least something that will interest your rich acquaintance and give her the impression that you are worth keeping in touch with. Well, then it all depends on you. The closer you can become with such an acquaintance, the better. The main thing is to get an invitation to a birthday, holiday or trip out of town. Believe me, there will definitely be successful people at such an event. And don't forget the other women! If it turns out ?? that the event is more like a bachelorette party of rich women (and it doesn’t even smell like men), don’t be upset, impress, try to please as many ladies as possible, and exchange with them phone numbers under any pretext. Perhaps when you get to another woman’s birthday, next time you will be surprised by the number free men present at the celebration!

Where to meet a rich man: 5 "fish" places + TOP-5 Moscow restaurants where wealthy bachelors dine + 8 tips on how to interest a rich man.

Life in the metropolis is like this: you didn’t have time to blink, as the turmoil and eternal traffic jams dragged you into this groundhog day called “weekdays”. She surfaced - and you are 30. So, in fact, it happened to me.

In line for cat food for my “first cat for now,” I froze in place with bulging eyes: where is my man? No, I'm serious. When did I manage to turn into a “strong independent”?

Then, having missed my turn and a glass of cappuccino in a nearby coffee shop, I firmly decided that I wanted to.

Arriving home, I immediately plunged into the Internet. Poking around with a spoon in ice cream, I stubbornly searched for answers to the questions: Who is this “rich man”? What are you interested in and why is it so popular? And the most important thing: ?

You're interested too, I know. Catch the answers below.

TOP 5 ideas where to meet a rich man is the easiest way

Of course, many of the girls are eager to meet a rich man ...

Everyone's motive is different. With silicone dolls, this is never to work and be something like a personal decoration for a man. Some want to get out of the oppressive financial situation.

My motive is as follows: by my 30s I’m well on my feet, I butter bread regularly and with a less successful man I will be frankly bored.

Whatever your motive is, it's your life, and no one has the right to judge you for your choice.

Idea number 1. Dating websites

“A rich man is, first of all, a successful man,” I wrote in my notebook. “He knows how to achieve his goals, conducts business correctly, values ​​his time, so he spends it efficiently. A rich man is often stubborn and hardworking. Or just ... a foreigner!

Yes, the first item on my list of conclusions is dating websites with foreign suitors! I drove into Google “sites where you can” - and there is where the soul can roam.

To be honest, several of my acquaintances actually got married this way. All you need is to go to any site you like and register. I liked that for girls, registration on almost all sites is free - men pay for communication.

To start dating men “with money”, you just need to click the “Registration” button:

The method is really simple, but there are pitfalls. For example, on the Internet and live, the man you managed to meet may turn out to be two completely different people.

But if you're ready to practice your English and fly out of your motherland's nest, then this way of getting to know you is definitely yours.

Idea number 2. Sport - is life!

The second place where you can meet the rich and beautiful on my list is deservedly occupied by sports clubs .

Wealthy representatives strong half mankind has catastrophically little free time, and therefore they spend it qualitatively. I can’t imagine the head of an oil company, Arnold Aristarkhovich, in a disco bar with a liter of unfiltered.

Prestigious sports centers, yacht and golf clubs, tennis, swimming pool... Raising their lives to a new quality level, these guys cannot imagine it without physical activity.

And, girls, you don’t need to pretend to be drowning in a pool in order to get to know the most daring “rescuer” - moderation is the main thing in everything.

Idea number 3. The way to a man's heart is through...

I also realized from my intercourse with Google that a rich and successful man is a living being. And he eats sometimes. As a rule, in good and expensive restaurants. Because successful men want quality service, impeccable presentation of dishes and delicious taste. And not butriks with sausage from a bag.

Sure, come in your own best outfit and order a glass of water - not the most good idea. From the lonely glass on the table and the glance wandering around the hall, it is immediately clear - the "bait" that came to meet someone. Hardly worthy man fall for such a cheap trick.

By the way, especially for you, I have prepared the TOP 5 restaurants where rich men dine (look for this information below).

Idea number 4. For those who love sports...from afar

Theatres, exhibitions and concerts are places where rich men are unlikely to go alone or with friends.

Rather, a man can be dragged there by his wife. And this is not best condition where you can meet.

But car racing, horse racing, football matches, boxing and everything that is saturated with testosterone and money is quite likely.

Of particular interest to me was the fact that rich men fly to the matches of their favorite teams in different countries. I wonder how many suitors I missed while I thought football was boring?

Idea number 5. A rich man is a good man

Charity events.

To be honest, I was surprised at how popular charity has become. The rich and successful are increasingly willing to share their well-being with people in need.

I respect this, and such men seem to me the most interesting, I really want to get to know them. Therefore, the nearest charity event is mine!

Rich man - where else are they found?

If you are now a free bird and just looking for a job, this option, where to meet the rich and handsome, is just for you. Load your gun of success and kill two birds with one stone!

Expensive shoe and clothing stores, car dealerships, sports equipment stores, luxury beauty salons, class A sports clubs, premium restaurants... Young and energetic people are always required for such professions.

If education and qualifications allow, take the bar higher. Oil companies, large construction firms, banking and legal spheres– good chance meet a rich and successful man.

... and you can also look for a man "with money" here:

Travels- an integral part of the life of every person who wants to expand their horizons. A rich man certainly loves to explore the world. AND !

I’m not hinting at anything, but dozens of travel agencies are regularly looking for tour operators or guides.

Ski resorts, European and Asian countries, America, the best beaches in the world - here every year you can meet thousands of rich and even famous men who come to rest with friends. Therefore, there is someone to meet.

... True, there are those who come to rest with their halves, families and mistresses or lovers. But this is no longer our field of action.

TOP 5 places where rich men dine to meet them

The next morning I made an appointment with the dentist. Arranged on the same day general cleaning in the apartment, threw out half a closet of things “someday I’ll wear it”, rubbed myself with a scrub and filled the refrigerator with vegetables.

Does that surprise you? explanation to my strange behavior you will find in the next section with recommendations, .

In the meantime, let me return to my last promise: to tell you about 5 Moscow restaurants where you can get acquainted with the “prince with money”:

    Who doesn't know this incredible restaurant at the "top" of Moscow?

    Rich cities often come here for an amazing wine list and amazing views. Moscow is visible here at a glance, and the dishes melt in your mouth.

    Average check: from 300 thousand rubles.

    Restaurant La Maree.

    In this seafood restaurant, you can try various exotic and not so reptiles, as well as royal lobsters.

    Of course, it's expensive.

    Mario restaurant.

    In secret - gossip is in the air that the place is popular with the rich and ... criminals! Allegedly criminal authorities and various mafiosi are Mario's regulars.

    Believe that here you can meet dangerous man or not is everyone's business.

    The only thing I can say for sure is that it is very expensive.

    Mega restaurant.

    Too expensive and very luxury.

    The probability of meeting a rich man in such a place is almost 100%.

    Restaurant Solux Club.

    Asian cuisine restaurant. Very expensive.

    And if you love miniature Chinese men, your soul will have somewhere to roam here. The regulars are mostly businessmen from China, Korea, and Japan.

Having decided where I can meet my future fiance, I set myself one more question. Frightening with its importunity, it hangs over me from the 7th grade.

Then I fell in love with Igor Kladov and spent every day thinking about how to win his heart. “What if he never likes me?” I agonized.

Years have passed, but the question remains the same. In search of an answer, I called a council - my unmarried friends.

Already at 21:00, armed with a notebook and a pen, I sipped Margarita in the bar at Andryusik, the man of my friend Sonya.

Sonechka always acts as an expert at our meetings. A living confirmation of this is her wonderful and successful husband in business.

"How to interest a wealthy man" flaunted on the top line. And here are 8 tips we brought out during our “meeting”:

    Nonsense - no.

    A rich man will never choose a stupid woman as his companion. This is the first thing that the girls and I unanimously agreed on.

    It is important that you have a hobby that you enjoy and develop from.

    Learn the difference between Baroque and Gothic, Monet from Van Gogh, Beethoven from Bach. And sign up, finally, for piano lessons, you have been wanting for so long!

    You can be infinitely smart, but what's the use if your screeching makes a man's ears bleed?

    Endless research by scientists has shown that low "velvet" voices are better perceived.

    And find a middle ground in the conversation - Sonya had to listen to more than one story about her future husband's fishing before he proposed to her.

    The body is our temple.

    A rich man is unlikely to want to meet a woman who treats her body without love and shoves fried potatoes with mayonnaise into it. Remember that dimples adorn only the cheeks, not the hips!

    Sports are a must!

    This has an additional plus: you can make joint runs with a man, and his desire to change his position in bed will not turn into a pinched sciatic nerve for you.

    A rich man is not a "money bag".

    It is important to understand that a rich man has achieved his position through hard work. Respect his money, don't demand anything.

    Sonechka paid for herself on her first date with Andryusik.

    Of course, the choice is yours. But looking at them happy couple I'll take my wallet to the first meeting.

    Show wisdom.

    Do not have intellectual debates with a rich man, do not try to suppress him, show your superiority.

    At a minimum, any person does not like it if someone tries to humiliate his dignity. And secondly, a worthy man simply will not allow you to do this. And you will again be left with nothing.

    At the same time, you should not make a fool out of yourself. Be yourself, speak sincerely, speak boldly and broadly, listen more.

    Health and appearance.

    Don't forget to take care of your appearance. If you have extended eyelashes, but “crumbs remain on your mustache,” you definitely won’t get to know a rich man.

    clean hair, neat manicure, radiant skin and healthy teeth are the base.

    Throw away rhinestones, summer knitted boots and a cap with an embroidered crown from the “luxury” closet. If for you the word style and “leopard” are on the same plane, we have problems.

    Take care of your health equally. Rashes on your skin can indicate a number of diseases, bad breath or flatulence - also reduce your chances of meeting a rich man to zero.


    Why are men crazy about Sonya? Yes, because when communicating with her, “I want to live,” as our mutual friend Makar.

    Laugh more, learn to see beauty in small things. Don't complain and don't whine. Ask for help - yes. Whine and be offended by the whole world - never!

    Remember, every day is a holiday. For this, we together took a sip of Margarita.

    No availability.

    We have such a tradition: take a second cocktail and go to intimate topics. They voted unanimously against sex on the first and even second dates.

    Andryusik, who sat down with us, assured: rich men are not interested in affordable girls. And Marina told how she didn’t depilate on purpose before a date in order to protect herself from rash acts.

Who knows better “fish spots” than a charming sexologist and psychologist?

Where to find a rich man in Moscow? - Secrets from Inna Paustovskaya:

After analyzing a bunch of articles, gathering a council of friends + Andryusik, I found several answers to the question that dawned on me on that ill-fated Thursday: where to meet a rich man?

Now, with cured teeth and an eye twitching from the diet, I am ready to go to my bright future. I hope that I will meet you in one of the “fishy” places for rich suitors ...

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For many of us, our mother read fairy tales before going to bed in which beautiful princes always saved their princesses, and after that "they lived happily ever after." So we grew up, and the desire to meet our prince remains to this day. But where are we to look for our prince? Where to find a rich man who can love us and live a long life?

Today we have to find out the answers to these questions and sort them out on the shelves.

So, what is the prince today? Modern "princes" are wealthy men who are engaged in big business, have luxurious moving and non-moving property, and also travel to the most intimate corners of our vast world.

It is these representatives of the stronger sex who are able to give us everything that we can only dream of. Thanks to their capital, they can provide us with a bright and rich life.

What girls prefer successful men?

In order to answer the questions of how to find a rich man and make him look at himself, the fair sex needs to use their female secrets and tricks. But in order for a guy with the means to arouse interest and a desire to get to know each other, you need to understand who they like.

So, let's consider the main qualities that everyone who wants to know how to find a wealthy man should possess:

    We all know that men love with their eyes. And potential grooms are spoiled not only with their money, but also with the beauty of the female. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to your appearance. great importance if you are wondering how to find a rich guy. To do this, you should go to a beauty salon, do a neat manicure there, choose a haircut and hair color that suits you with the help of a stylist, and also make a light, elegant make-up.

    Apart from beautiful appearance, the looks of potential suitors are captured by elegant, graceful and self-confident ladies. It is such representatives of the fair sex that remind them that they are wayward natures that are worth striving for and taming. Having learned where to find a rich guy and noticing the desired goal, in no way should you rush to meet it yourself, you need to give young man take the first step yourself.

    Erase the inscription from your face: “I want to get married urgently”, behave easily and naturally!

    Communication is important for the stronger sex. If you wish to build strong relationship and find a life partner, and not a lover for one or more nights, then take care to be able to maintain a conversation with a person who has achieved great heights in his career and managed to see a lot in his life. Take an interest in his business, career. Listen to him, but don't be smart. Show interest in what he has to say.

    Believe me, there are very few in his life who, without envy or rivalry, want to hear about his affairs.

  1. Cheerful, optimistic and happy beauties are always pleasing to the eye, and wealthy people are motivated to accomplish new feats. Therefore, forget about all your problems and learn to live happily.

How to attract the attention of a wealthy man?

If you are a fairly liberated and self-confident person, then in order to attract a male gaze, you can use some extraordinary ways.

For example, you can wear a bright and sexy T-shirt with a screaming inscription: "I am looking for a husband." If, in combination with this T-shirt, bulging breasts and graceful figure, then you will definitely be able to get attention from the male sex. You can also duplicate this message on the glass of your car, where you also indicate your personal phone number.

Of course, you can run into calls from strange and crazy types, but if you drive in right places and near the right cars, that is, where it will be easy for a girl to find a sponsor, then you can quickly achieve the desired result.

How to recognize if a man is wealthy

In pursuit of a future husband, it is very important not to fall for the hook and not become the bait itself. Therefore, even if you know where to find a wealthy man and regularly visit “cereal places”, it is very important to be able to recognize them in order to be sure whether they are really wealthy and whether they are worth spending your precious time on.

Consider the main criteria by which you can determine the status of a person:

    Shoes. If people with high status prefer to relax from expensive clothes, then from quality shoes they will never give up. This element of appearance is for them not so much an indicator of a large income, but how much they give them comfort. The shoes of such people are always clean and neat, because they attach great importance to them.

  1. Accessories. Pay attention to his watch. Wealthy people do not follow the latest fashion trends in clothing, but prefer prestigious brands in their choice of accessories. So, learn to distinguish real brands from fakes.

Where to find a wealthy husband in Moscow

We found out who the modern prince is and what kind of girls he likes, it's time to find out where to meet a rich man.

Successful people prefer certain habitats. It is there that they feel great and have the opportunity to communicate with their peers. If you want to find a rich man, then you should definitely know about these places and immediately go there in search of your future husband.

You can meet a rich man in the following places:

    Restaurant. Everyone loves good and delicious food. And people with a certain income like to do it in expensive, elite establishments. In these places, they can taste really gourmet dishes, as well as maintain their status in society. Would you like to meet such a person? Then “arm yourself” and quickly go to dinner to meet a rich man.

    Fitness Centre. Today correct image life comes first. Therefore, many people value their health very much and devote a lot of time to it. If you want to know where to find a rich lover, then boldly put on the most stylish sports set that successfully emphasizes your dignity, and go to the gym.

    Charity Evenings gathers in one place many potential sponsors who want to help sick children or endangered animals. On such evenings, they especially acutely feel that they are needed. Thus, getting to know a wealthy person, telling him what a great thing he is doing, will not be difficult for you.

    social events. Not all successful business people like to "go out", but they still do it to maintain status and make new acquaintances. Come to such parties, and you will definitely understand how to find a male sponsor.

    Marriage agency or dating sites. If you dream of moving abroad and living, say, in Sweden, Canada, England, the USA or in other countries, then you already know where to look for a rich husband. It is up to you to decide whether to search on the sites on your own or entrust this matter to professionals in the agency.

    Expensive resorts in Monaco, Cannes, Nice, the Maldives, Miami. It is these cities that are the places where to find wealthy man easy peasy. There they are always in a great mood, and do not mind spending free time with beautiful beauty.

  1. Business trainings, seminars, forums is a central place where people gather who already have a financial foothold behind them, but for whom this is still not enough, and they want to improve themselves in order to get more in their lives.

In our article, you learned about which girls are preferred by enviable gentlemen, as well as where to find a rich man who may soon become your husband. So, armed with knowledge, it is urgent to take action.

Keep it up, because you deserve it!

Where can you meet a rich man? This question worries a fairly large percentage of women. They set themselves a clear goal, which they strive for all their lives. One goal is not enough for this, it is necessary to take this desire seriously. You need to do a lot of work on yourself before you rush to meet your dream.

How to meet?

If you set a goal to meet a successful man, then you should initially think carefully not only about where you can meet him, but also take your appearance seriously. Successful people carefully select people for their environment, and they are especially meticulous about those who accompany them everywhere.

It is quite problematic to meet a rich man, but there are still chances. It will be much more difficult to conquer him. Often people who have achieved success themselves, in addition to the bonus in the form of grandiose finances, have some disadvantages. So, for example, they quite often show sharpness, nervousness and captiousness. Making their way through the financial steps, they create a kind of armor that does not allow people to approach them. Such men quite often have a negative attitude towards ladies who do not even try to hide their thirst for money, and indeed towards all girls, because they think that they are interested in well-being, and not in the soul.

Regardless of the reason you want to meet a successful man, never ask about his earnings, otherwise you risk ending your conversation ten minutes later. These people know best how to betray and go over their heads. The main thing is to convince a man that you are really looking for loving person and life partner.

Also, do not forget about competitors who also dream of getting a tidbit of this cake. In order not to yield to these beauties, you should think over your outfit in advance by studying the images of several wives of the oligarchs. In no case do not wear overly revealing clothes if you are in the mood to build a relationship. The outfit should talk about your upbringing and lifestyle. Thus, you must attract and intrigue a rich man.

Before main meeting choose a worthy outfit and take care of your inner state. In order for a man to pay attention to you, you need to create an image of a girl from his circle. Clothing should be elegant and appearance- neat and fresh.

In a conversation with a successful man, you need to be able to maintain various topics let him talk about what is bothering him. Often big businessmen just need a good listener.

In addition, men of this class are different intellectual abilities, so he needs a well-read and smart girl next to him. Do not be too zealous and show him all your knowledge at once: It looks very affected.

Places where you can meet a rich man

There are many places where you can meet a rich person. It is clear that these are not supermarkets and markets. A person of this status visits only establishments upper class which are not easy to get into.

Expensive restaurants, hotels

Successful men with a decent fortune spend time in the right places and with the right environment where they are most likely to meet. The list of the most visited establishments depends on income and age. Before you set out to meet your destiny, you need to soberly assess your capabilities.

Ski resorts

Quite a lot of wealthy men are into winter sports, especially skiing. If opportunities allow you to visit one of these resorts, you can safely go there for lessons and for the opportunity to meet a wealthy person. In addition, the likelihood of meeting a rich man exists when visiting summer resorts.

Horse racing, golf

One of the most affordable options is a visit to an equestrian club or golf. Here it is enough to buy tickets to choose the appropriate outfit.

Work in a large corporation

You can get acquainted with a rich man without leaving your workplace, you just need to occupy an important position and have an attractive appearance. AT this case it is worth considering that if your romance ends badly, you will have to quit your job.

Work in a company store

There is also an option to get a job in a branded store, where you will have the opportunity to exchange a couple of phrases with customers. It is sporting goods stores, insurance companies and travel agencies that significantly increase the chances of meeting such a man.

Work in a company car dealership

There is also a chance to meet a successful man while working in a branded car dealership, for example, BMW, Mersedez, Audi. But, unfortunately, there are a number of requirements for working in a salon that are quite problematic for an ordinary person to meet.

After you start dating a person from high society, be prepared that he may ask you to give up your old life and, at his first call, always be there. Under no circumstances should you expect any romantic deeds or extreme sentimentality. During candy-bouquet period you will be alone quite often. And he will not listen to your claims, like an ordinary man. If you are ready for this, then you can safely achieve your goal. Good man with a high level of prosperity can be found anywhere, the main thing is to be very careful and not despair.

"What to do? I am a beautiful, cheerful, smart 25 year old girl. I am not from Moscow. I want to marry a guy who earns at least 200 thousand dollars a year, because I want to be able to stay at home with our future children.

I understand how it sounds, but 200 thousand a year is the income of the middle class in Moscow today, so not too much. Are there guys on this site who make $200,000 a year or more, or their wives? Tell! I met with a businessman who earns about 50-100 thousand a year, but I said to myself: Stop! 100 thousand won't bring me to a house in the center of Moscow.

Here is what interests me in particular:

  1. Where do you single rich men spend your free time? Give me addresses: bars, restaurants, gyms.
  2. What age should I target (I'm 25).
  3. Why are some women leading luxurious lives so simple?

I saw really "simple women", boring, with whom there is nothing to talk about; but they are married to incredibly wealthy men. And I saw damn attractive girls who are bored in the bar alone. What's the matter here? I wouldn’t be looking for the guy I’m looking for if I wasn’t absolutely sure that I could match him in all respects: appearance, culture, intelligence, ability to manage the house and keep the warmth of the hearth.”

Her letter did not go unnoticed: a guy who earns more than half a million a year answered her offer like a real financier and trader:

“I have read your post with great interest, and have carefully considered your dilemma. I offer an analysis of your predicament. First, I'm not wasting your time: I meet your requirements, as I earn more than 500 thousand dollars a year. And this is how I see it all. Your offer, from the point of view of a guy like me, is definitely a bad deal, and here's why:

To strip everything else from your letter, you offer a simple deal: you offer your beauty in exchange for my money. Wonderful. But here's the problem: your beauty will fade, and my capital will only grow ... in fact, the probability of increasing my capital is very high, but you will definitely not become more beautiful! So in the language of economics, you are a depreciating asset, and I am a profitable asset. And you are not just a depreciating asset, your value is falling faster and faster!

Let me explain: you are now 25, and you will surely attract the attention of men for another 5 years, but less and less every year. At 35, no one will look at you. Here in the stock market, we would call you a "trading position", and marrying you is like "buy and hold." But buying you (which is what you're asking) is bad business, so I'd rather rent.

If my words seem cruel to you, consider this. If my money disappears, so will you; so when your beauty fades, I will need a way to get out of this asset. It's very simple. So the deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage. Separately, I want to note that in my early career I learned a lot about the efficiency of the market. And I'm surprised that such a "beautiful, funny, smart" person like you has not yet found a "daddy".

I find it hard to believe that for such attractive girl, as you describe to yourself, 200 thousand dollars a year have not yet been found. By the way, you can always find a way to earn money yourself: in this case, we would not have to have this difficult conversation. In general, I want to say that you are the right way- the classic "squeeze and throw" strategy. I hope I helped you. Yes, if you are ready to discuss any rental options - let me know))”

Second answer:

“I also read your post with great interest. I am a trader, 28 years old, I fully fit your condition of a gentleman with a salary of 200 thousand dollars a year. In fact, I earn more than a million, so I can well provide a woman with a comfortable life at the level of the real middle class (and not the lower middle class, which are forced to huddle in two-bedroom apartments).

I am sympathetic to your desire to marry a wealthy man. Milk must be sold before the expiration date. But since this milk is of excellent quality, won't you sell it at a bargain price? I'd like to answer some of the questions that the previous gentleman overlooked, as well as give some constructive advice on where you'd better look for the right pair.

I, like the previous commentator, believe in the efficient market theory; I'm surprised that $200,000 hasn't been met with you yet. There are plenty of wealthy lawyers, bankers and hedge managers in Moscow. So what's the deal? It seems to me that the problem is that you were not focused enough in your search.

The stumbling block, it seems to me, is that you are looking for in a potential groom not only money, but also other qualities, such as attractive appearance, character and sense of humor. However, those of the men who possess these qualities understand from an early age that they do not need money to attract quality women.

As they say - if you can get free milk, why buy a cow? You need to look for those who are rich in money but poor in other ways. They are not so easy to spot, because you are biologically wired to automatically ignore and ignore them. However, when during the next dinner party you are introduced to a short, plump, bald man who is nervous and fussy while talking to you - pay special attention to him.

I have an inspiring story for you. One of my acquaintances (just like you - a graceful and educated girl) was able to lasso one such man, who turned out to be one of the top 10 leaders of Gazprom. This story is one of those that gold-digger mothers tell their gold-digger daughters before going to bed.

As for the shortcomings of the groom, it turned out that everything is not so bad. With several hundred million in the bank, she was able to launder it and train it a little. Such a marriage should be considered as buying a house in disrepair with an unlimited budget for repairs (and yourself, accordingly, as a brilliant developer). However, I must warn you that in the matter of improving your spouse, it is important not to overdo it and not bring him to the point where he begins to be attractive to other women - younger and prettier than you.

The trick is to make him presentable while at the same time convincing him that you are the best he can ever achieve! This confidence, as well as Botox and joint children, will be insurance against a drop in your value (I prefer the term "sour milk").

I wish you every success in your trading enterprise. As for me, I am also available for short-term leasing. However, for marriage, I prefer a woman who brings beauty, brains, and initiative to the negotiating table. I don't want to spoil my gene pool and raise a whole brood of Paris Hilton.”
