Endovasal electrocoagulation with subcutaneous vein transection in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Electrocoagulation is a process with which you can perform several functions - remove polyps, cauterize or cut tissue. Recently, its functions have increased, and the methods have been applied by the dermatology and cosmetology industries. For example, now with the help of coagulation with electric current, you can get rid of varicose veins.

What is the procedure

The application of current is the process of sealing problematic vessels back under the epithelium layer.

As a result of insufficient tone of the walls of blood vessels, the capillaries overflow with blood bodies and subsequent stretching. As a result, this becomes the cause of translucence.

Dilated vessels, unfortunately, cannot be narrowed back, but you can get rid of the areas that caused the problem.

Electrocoagulation allows you to do this thanks to:

  • thermal influence. In the process, the tissues are heated;
  • dynamic influence. Thus, the structure of capillaries changes;
  • physical and chemical influence. This contributes to the mutual attraction of cells;
  • biological influence. Accelerates the death of unnecessary tissues and the restoration of healthier ones.

As a result, the blood from the affected vessels evaporates, and gluing occurs between the walls.

Damaged vessels are first excluded from the blood supply process, and then, due to a lack of nutrients, they resolve.

On the skin, this will be noticeable, as the emerging vascular network will disappear.


The procedure takes no more than an hour, and almost immediately after it the patient can go home.

It does not leave behind any scars or damage - the skin will be clean without a single hematoma.

Patients rarely experience pain symptoms. The only thing that can remain on the skin is redness and swelling, which will disappear in a few days.

Applicable for the following problems and pathologies:

  • varicose veins;
  • trophic changes in veins;
  • trophic disorders of the limbs;
  • rosacea;
  • expansion of capillaries;
  • hemangioma;
  • birthmarks;
  • vascular stars.

One of the treatment options is electric coagulation.


Each case has its own characteristics and requires certain methods.

For example, when removing varicose veins, it is worth noting the effectiveness of the procedure if the diameter of the vessels is more than 0.3 mm.

The method of electrocoagulation depends on the type of pathology.

If it is necessary to eliminate vascular formations, and the cosmetologist intends to perform the operation, it will go like this:

  1. First, the site is treated with antiseptics;
  2. The patient is given an anesthetic;
  3. A current conductor is placed under the skin, which begins to transmit electrical impulses.
  4. After the end, the treated area is re-treated and then the ointment is applied.

If asterisks are removed, we can talk about two possible options for conducting:

  • using a monopolar electrode;
  • using bipolar electrodes.

In turn, bipolar types of electrocoagulators are divided into monoactive and baiktive. The former imply two electrodes - active and inactive, the latter are both active.

In any case, no matter which method is chosen, the patient's skin must be decontaminated.

The duration usually depends on the choice of method, as well as the area of ​​the affected areas, which will affect the magnitude of the pulses delivered.


Since coagulation with the use of electric current does not exclude the impact on healthy tissues, undesirable consequences may occur during the process. Complications after electrocoagulation:

  • profuse bleeding. This is mainly due to the inexperience of the doctor, who can make a mistake. It also depends on the degree of fragility of the vessels themselves;
  • skin burn. It can happen if healthy tissue becomes very hot during the procedure.

It is important that the attending physician has experience. This will reduce the risk and make the operation as painless as possible. Also, after taking the patient, it is worth providing the skin with thorough care.

How to care for the skin of the legs during the rehabilitation period

After coagulation, it is very important to take care of the areas that have been exposed to current.

If you approach this responsibly, the process will not take much effort.

The affected area must be treated regularly.

This is done with the help of antiseptic solutions. Then you can switch to special ointments or creams containing vitamins and nutrients.

In what cases is it contraindicated

There are cases when electrocoagulation has contraindications. The reason for this is the possible negative consequences in the form of deterioration, as well as other clinical cases.

  • acute reaction of the body to the current;
  • allergy to disinfectants;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • problems with blood sugar;
  • psychical deviations;
  • cancerous diseases.

Also, do not sign up for a session for those who have implants or a pacemaker.

During pregnancy

In one third of pregnant women, as a result of pregnancy, meshes of damaged vessels appear. A logical question follows: “Is it possible to carry out electrocoagulation in this case?”. Doctors strongly recommend abandoning this idea, since during pregnancy the risk of complications increases markedly, the procedure may affect the health of the child as well.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike other procedures, electrocoagulation noticeably wins, having a fairly large number of advantages. Among the advantages are:

  • simplicity of the procedure;
  • efficiency;
  • the absence of various hematomas and skin lesions after surgery;
  • no restrictions in the choice of body area for treatment;
  • quick preparation of the patient for coagulation;
  • guaranteed result;
  • fast skin recovery;
  • visual control of not only a specialist, but also a patient;
  • virtually no side effects.

However, electrocoagulation is not as ideal as it seems, and its main disadvantages are:

  • the use of anesthesia;
  • the presence of pain;
  • possible risk of damage to healthy tissue.

Everything that is written above answers the question: "Electrocoagulation - what kind of procedure is this?". If the skin has varicose lesions or vascular networks, and there are no allergic reactions or other serious diseases, then you can safely make an appointment with a doctor.

Interesting video: how electrocoagulation is used

One of the methods used not only in cosmetology, but also in medical practice is electrocoagulation. It is used if surgical care is required, but classical methods of surgery cannot be applied. An example of this would be rosacea or vascular network. Electrocoagulation of blood vessels is distinguished not only by the jewelry procedure, but the need for it must be confirmed by both medicine and cosmetology.

The principle of operation of electrocoagulation

To carry out this procedure, you need a special device - a coagulator. It is a small apparatus equipped with a maniple, which ends with a kind of "ear". A charge of electricity is supplied to the "ear". The current passes through a vein or capillary, causes protein coagulation, while the vessel narrows and is not so noticeable on the skin.

During the procedure, the doctor decides on the need for anesthesia. Removal of one or two vessels, in general, does not require anesthesia.

Positive properties of electrocoagulation

The procedure of electrocoagulation has a number of positive properties:

  1. It is applicable to any part of the face.
  2. There are no age restrictions for application.
  3. Suitable for all skin types.
  4. Almost painless procedure. There may be a slight burning, stinging, or tingling sensation, but this is not pain.
  5. Short recovery period.
  6. Skin defects are eliminated immediately, from the first session, so a second session is not required.

Contraindications for electrocoagulation

If you decide to carry out electrocoagulation of the vessels on the face, you must take into account a number of medical contraindications:

  1. Do not conduct electrocoagulation for expectant and nursing mothers.
  2. Herpes in the acute stage.
  3. Poor blood clotting.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Heart disease.
  6. Tendency to scarring of the skin.
  7. In the presence of a pacemaker, the procedure is strictly prohibited.

After the procedure, you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, since the skin treated with a coagulator is very easily scarred.

Do not use electrocoagulation on small stars and vessels, there will be no effect.

Technique of electrocoagulation of blood vessels on the face

Electrocoagulation is a very simple procedure, which is also confirmed by the video.

First you need to treat the skin with an antiseptic. When sealing the vessel, an electrode in the form of a needle is inserted into the thickness of the skin, approximately a millimeter. After working through all the vessels, the skin again needs to be treated with an antiseptic. Next, a corticosteroid ointment is applied.

After electrocoagulation, in order to avoid suppuration and inflammation of the wounds received during the procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with one of the antiseptic solutions twice a day. Preferably not alcohol, because it dries the skin a lot. Chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate is best suited.

After a coagulation session, crusts will appear on the skin, which in no case should be touched, and especially torn off, because this can cause scarring.

Vascular electrocoagulation is one of the few procedures that are aimed specifically at combating these non-aesthetic vascular stars on the face, and quite successfully, as evidenced by the reviews of many patients.

Reviews of electrocoagulation of blood vessels on the face

Lilia, 43 years old:

Hope, 30 years old:

Christina, 41 years old:

Galina, 29 years old:

Marusya. 37 years:

Victoria. 45 years:

Karina. 35 years:


Features of the pathological process

Couperose is classified as a dermatological disease that can be experienced by both men and women. Children do not develop rosacea.

There are a number of factors that predispose to the development of rosacea. First of all, it's genetics. If parents suffer from vasodilation on the face, the child will also face pathology in adulthood. To reduce the risk of developing the disease, it is necessary to avoid negative environmental factors (sudden temperature changes, hypothermia). The following also contributes to the development of rosacea:

  • Bad habits. Tobacco smoke and alcohol leads to the expansion of blood vessels on the face. The result is unattractive red stars.
  • Spicy and hot food. Such food provokes blood flow to the face.
  • Coffee. This product has a strong stimulating effect on blood circulation, which only exacerbates the situation with the vessels.
  • Stress. Emotional overload can also lead to the development of rosacea.

If the vascular network on the face has already appeared, you should not despair. There are many methods to quickly get rid of the problem. However, treatment should not be postponed until later. Couperosis is fraught with unpleasant complications. Together with vascular expansions on the skin, the aging process is accelerated. The epidermis does not receive the necessary nutrients from the blood. Patients with rosacea can look 5-10 years older than their peers. The face loses its natural look, the skin becomes pale, and the red stars begin to stand out brighter.

What is photocoagulation of facial vessels

This hardware procedure allows you to effectively get rid of dilated vessels on the face in just a few sessions. The hardware technique is based on the use of a laser. This is not a surgical procedure. The session can take place in a beauty parlor. However, the choice of a specialist must be approached with all seriousness. It is preliminary recommended to study the reviews about the doctor and the clinic.

Laser photocoagulation of blood vessels on the face is one of the most common methods of combating rosacea today. If you perform the procedure at an early stage, when the unpleasant symptoms are not yet very pronounced, you will be able to get rid of the problem almost immediately. The laser beam penetrates the affected vessel and heats it up. As a result, the vessel sticks together and dies.

What happens after the procedure? The blood no longer circulates through the dilated vessel and begins to look for workarounds.

New capillaries form under the skin.

Thanks to this procedure, it is also possible to rejuvenate the face.

Experts say that photocoagulation is the only reliable way to get rid of dilated vessels on the face.

No cosmetic procedure can give the same result.

In addition to rosacea, laser photocoagulation may have other indications. These include: vascular malformations, phlebectasia, telangiectasia. The procedure has proven itself well when removing vascular extensions, with a diameter of up to 1 mm. The advantage is that the laser can remove vascular formations under the skin without injuring the epidermis itself. In the latest equipment, all parameters are correctly selected - the depth of the laser wave, power, pulse duration. Most laser machines are equipped with a skin cooling system. Due to this, the patient does not feel discomfort during the procedure.

Photocoagulation technique

The effectiveness of the procedure is explained very simply. Vascular tissue has the ability to absorb light rays of a certain length. At the same time, melanin has a completely different absorption spectrum. Due to this effect, the laser destroys the tissue of damaged vessels, and the skin of the face does not suffer. In the process of photocoagulation, blood vessels become very hot and "stick together". The session does not affect melanin-rich tissues at all.

Removal of the spider vein by laser is performed in a certain sequence. In most cases, anesthesia is not needed. Anesthesia is performed only if the patient is hypersensitive or if a large vessel needs to be removed. If there is a need for anesthesia, it is performed one hour before the main procedure.

Vessel processing must also be carried out correctly. The specialist begins to act with a laser from a thin part of the vascular network to a thickening. The procedure is performed until the vessel brightens and disappears altogether. Point by point, the specialist removes damaged vessels. Depending on the neglect of rosacea, the entire procedure can take from several tens of minutes to two to three hours. To remove blood vessels on the face and body, a laser of various powers is used.

infrared photocoagulation

This method is considered relatively young, but it may well compete with laser removal of blood vessels. Infrared rays help to get rid of fairly large vessels. The technology is also used in the treatment of varicose veins. There is equipment for the treatment of rosacea on the face. Under the influence of infrared radiation, the blood coagulates. A crust appears on the surface of the affected area, which disappears after a few days.

The advantage of this technique is the rapid removal of damaged vessels. It only takes a few seconds to complete one section. Several dilated vessels can be removed in one procedure. The treatment is practically painless. The patient may feel only a slight tingling sensation during the session.


Both laser and infrared vascular removal on the face can show really good results. However, these procedures are not suitable for everyone. There are relative and absolute contraindications. Vessels cannot be treated for any blood diseases. The doctor will not undertake a session with a pregnant or lactating woman. Contraindications also include any chronic inflammation in the acute stage, oncological diseases, pathologies of the cardiovascular system. If the patient is taking medications that affect the composition of the blood, photocoagulation will also have to be abandoned.

The patient may also have individual contraindications. The procedure is not well tolerated by everyone. Therefore, during the first consultation with a specialist, it is necessary to discuss all the nuances.

Rehabilitation after photocoagulation

If the exposure was carried out on a large area of ​​the face, minor side effects may appear immediately after the procedure. This is hyperemia and slight swelling. Therefore, patients who plan to remove the vascular network should take a vacation or sick leave. Unpleasant symptoms usually go away within a week. To reduce negative manifestations, the specialist applies cold lotions to the face immediately after the photocoagulation session. To avoid infection of the affected area, an ointment with an antibacterial effect selected by the doctor is applied to the face.

A common complication after photocoagulation is hyperpigmentation. In this regard, many experts recommend carrying out the procedure in the winter. And if it is not possible to prevent exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to use a face cream with a high level of protection. Within a few months after the removal of the vessels, it is not recommended to place a sauna or bath, otherwise the dilated vessels will appear again, but in other places.

Crusts often form at sites exposed to laser or infrared radiation. Under no circumstances should you remove them yourself. This can lead to scarring. The crusts usually fall off on their own a few days after the procedure.

Within a month after the removal of the vessels, it is necessary to protect the face from the effects of negative factors. You can not be nervous, supercool. You will also have to give up increased physical activity.

When the procedure needs to be repeated

If there is a predisposition to the formation of vascular networks, it will be possible to solve the problem only with the help of high-quality prevention. If you do not follow simple rules, the trouble will appear again. Statistics indicate that after the removal of dilated vessels on the face, 70% of patients seek help again after a few years.

Large vessels on the face are not always removed the first time. In some cases, you have to repeat the session 2-3 more times.


A little about rosacea and spider veins

Photo: rosacea

Primary in the formation of a network of dilated vessels on the face is a violation of the regulation of vascular tone from the nervous system.

That is, when the vessels receive an impulse of insufficient intensity from the nerve endings, their lumen narrows insufficiently. They overflow with blood, their walls lose their elasticity and stretch.

All other causes that are most often voiced in the literature, such as the effects of ultraviolet radiation, alcohol, cold and emotions, are just consequences of a primary violation of nervous regulation.

Undoubtedly, all these factors accelerate the appearance of a network of dilated vessels on the face, but even their complete exclusion will not save a person from rosacea.

Accordingly, it is impossible to cure rosacea. You can only remove the dilated vessels that are visible on the surface of the skin, and thereby improve your appearance. Any methods of removing dilated vessels in rosacea give only a temporary effect, since new ones will gradually appear in place of the removed ones.

Video: Removal of spider veins

How to reduce the risk of their reappearance

Usually, before the procedure for rosacea, it is recommended to undergo a course of procedures aimed at strengthening the vascular wall of the skin capillaries. It could be:

  • mesotherapy;
  • a course of glycolic peels;
  • course of photorejuvenation procedures.

Then you should ask your cosmetologist to develop a maintenance treatment regimen for you so that in the future you do not create conditions for the appearance of a vascular network.

Video: What is rosacea

Contraindications to electrocoagulation of blood vessels on the face

  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • intolerance to electroprocedures;
  • intolerance to drugs for local anesthesia (if the pain threshold is low);
  • blood clotting disorders.

How is the session

Photo: removal of spider veins

The procedure for removing the vascular network and asterisks by electrocoagulation is technically simple and does not take much time. Its only drawback is the inability to remove all dilated vessels if there are many of them and they are located in close proximity to each other.

This is due to the fact that the skin at the site of exposure to the active electrode of the electrocoagulator turns red, and dilated vessels are no longer visible on it. In such cases, the removal is carried out in several stages with breaks between procedures of 1-2 days.

For coagulation (soldering) of vessels, a needle electrode is used, which is inserted into the skin to a depth of 1 mm. Before the procedure, the skin is necessarily treated with an antiseptic solution.

Since the effects are point and short-term, anesthesia is often not required for the procedure. Local anesthesia with lidocaine spray may be performed. After all visible vessels have been treated, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic solution and a corticosteroid ointment is applied to it.

Skin care after the procedure

In order to avoid inflammation and suppuration of wounds from electrocoagulation, it is necessary to treat the skin with any antiseptic solution 1-2 times a day. In order not to dry the skin, you can take an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine instead of an alcohol solution.

Prices in Moscow salons

Video: Laser coagulation

Photos before and after


Causes of damaged capillaries

For the purpose of prevention, it is important to know why red blood vessels appear on the face. Damage to the superficial capillaries is more susceptible to women, as well as people of both sexes with fair and sensitive skin.

However, the main triggers are:

  1. Heredity. If the fault of dilated capillaries lies in genetics, then they are most likely to occur on the face, especially in the area near the nose.
  2. Ultraviolet rays damage the skin and provoke their deformation.
  3. Aggressive cosmetic procedures, such as deep cleaning, can destroy the surface layer of the skin.
  4. Change in hormonal background. Applies to older women and pregnant women.
  5. Acne often provokes inflammation of the vessels on the face.
  6. The use of steroid drugs.
  7. Alcohol negatively affects the walls of the capillaries, causing them to weaken (see Alcohol and blood vessels: how alcohol affects the circulatory system).
  8. Extreme weather conditions, including a sharp change in temperature regimes, affect blood circulation in the vessels.

In most cases, the expansion of venous capillaries and the occurrence of spider veins do not have an exact cause. However, there are specific instructions for their elimination.

Vessel removal methods

After revealing red spots or a mesh, the question arises of how to narrow the vessels on the face to their original appearance. There are several therapeutic methods for eliminating an unwanted cosmetic defect. Basically, they are divided into two groups - hardware minimally invasive intervention and home remedies.

The hardware methods include photocoagulation, laser removal, electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy.


Photocoagulation of vessels on the face involves the removal of damaged areas by heating the vessels. Thus, they are destroyed.

However, nearby tissues are also exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, due to the high morbidity, the method is used quite rarely. In addition, it is only suitable for small cobweb nets.


The method consists in the fact that the doctor introduces a special sclerotizing substance into the lumen of the vessel, which allows you to seal the defective vein. The advantage of the method is that it is suitable for large areas, in particular dark spots. However, it may leave marks on the skin. For the face, it is better to refrain from this method.


Electrocoagulation of facial vessels is ideal for clotting small lesions. Modern high-frequency electrosurgical devices transmit electrical energy to tissues while remaining cold.

For therapeutic purposes, a metal ball from 2 to 5 mm is introduced into the capillary, at the end of which there is an electrode. In this case, the skin must be absolutely dry in order to avoid the penetration of electrical frequencies into nearby tissues.

laser removal

A feature of laser defect elimination is the use of modern technology. Under the action of the laser beam, the vessels are heated, followed by blood clotting and blocking of the capillary walls (see Removal of spider veins on the face with a laser is a safe and effective way to treat rosacea). After that, the damaged tissues evaporate.

Sealing vessels on the face with a laser can occur in different ways, in particular:

  • using dyes and laser flash. The treated areas are instantly lightened, covered with a thin crust, which disappears after a few days;
  • by means of laser luminescence and copper vapors: vessel walls are heated up to 70°C, after which they are glued together. The advantages of this treatment option are the complete absence of crusts;
  • with diode laser: especially effective for large areas.

The entire procedure of laser elimination of blood vessels lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. It is practically painless and highly effective, has no serious side effects and is characterized by high efficiency. The main disadvantage is the price.

Each of the methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which the patient has to evaluate.

Types of vascular elimination

The cobweb of blood vessels on the face can look different and be treated in different ways.

Folk ways to remove blood vessels

Patients are interested in how to reduce blood vessels on the face without medical intervention.

For this, the following proven methods are used:

  1. The use of a compound of vitamin C and lysine. The first component relieves irritation and inflammation, while the second reduces redness and restores the integrity of blood vessels.
  2. Superficial vessels on the face can be removed with aloe vera. The gel from the plant is applied directly to the redness.
  3. Apple vinegar able to relieve inflammation of the blood vessels located under the surface of the skin, as well as reduce the size of the affected areas of the skin. To do this, a warm compress is applied to the skin for 15 minutes. You can also apply daily washing.
  4. Grapeseed oil ‒ an excellent antioxidant that attacks dilated capillaries and eliminates them.
  5. Red vascular spots on the face can be removed with witch hazel, known for its hemostatic effect. For therapeutic purposes, daily application of the product to the skin is recommended.
  6. horse chestnut seeds can reduce the likelihood of developing spider veins, as they treat inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Combination of chestnut seed and grape seed oil, applied to the skin at night, allows you to eliminate an unwanted defect.

Although redness of the vessels on the face is mainly a cosmetic problem, you should still consult with a phlebologist and endocrinologist.


The essence of the procedure

Coagulation performed using electric current is the sealing of problematic vessels.

They become translucent due to the insufficient tone of their walls. The defect leads to overflow of capillaries with blood, stretching, loss of elasticity.

If the vessels have already expanded, then they remain so. It is impossible to return them to their previous position, you have to take care that the problem areas of the system are excluded from it.

This can be done by electrocoagulation, that is, exposure to electric current. It has the following influence:

  • thermal, which causes heating of living tissues to a high temperature and burns;
  • dynamic, that is, changing their structure;
  • physicochemical, in which the attraction of cells to each other is destroyed;
  • biological, that is, stimulating the death of some and the regeneration of other tissues.

Electrocoagulation apparatus

All this together leads to the evaporation of blood from problematic vessels, the convergence and gluing of their walls. Pathological segments first cease to participate in the blood supply system, and then resolve. Outwardly, this is manifested by the disappearance of the vascular network that appears on the skin.


Electrocoagulation is not the only way to remove rosacea or protruding vessels on the legs. But this method is common, despite the existence of newer procedures, due to the advantages:

  • the session ends in a short time;
  • preparation for the procedure is not needed, and rehabilitation requires minimal effort;
  • there are fewer contraindications to manipulation than to other methods of getting rid of protruding vessels;
  • the skin recovers quickly after the procedure;
  • the number of possible side effects is minimal;
  • the list of indications is quite wide, with each of them an excellent effect is likely.

Features of the

To get rid of dilated capillaries, you need equipment that generates a low-frequency electric current. An impulse is applied to the skin using a maniple to which an electrode is attached. Carrying out the procedure on different parts of the body differs in some nuances. It makes sense to use electrocoagulation if the diameter of the problematic vessels is at least 0.3 mm.

On the face

Electrocoagulation of blood vessels on the face is carried out in stages:

  • First, the skin is freed from cosmetics. Then it is wiped with an antiseptic.
  • From above, the problem area of ​​​​the face is treated with lidocaine. But if the area of ​​the skin that needs to be changed is small, and the patient's pain threshold is high, anesthesia can be dispensed with.
  • The specialist acts on the vessels with a current using a needle conductor. The electrode is placed into the skin to a depth of 1 mm, without passing any dilated capillaries. With each dive, an impulse is applied that "cauterizes" the vessel, making it invisible immediately.
  • When the entire area of ​​​​skin with rosacea is treated, the face is again wiped with an antiseptic. A soothing corticosteroid ointment is then applied to prevent complications.

In most cases, it is possible to solve the problem in a single session. But if there are a lot of dilated capillaries, you have to do it in several procedures, carried out at intervals of 7-10 days.

The fact is that the skin turns red from exposure to electricity, and part of the problematic vessels becomes invisible to the specialist. The work to remove them is quite painstaking, since the capillaries on the face are small. And in order not to keep the patient in the chair for hours, with a large affected area, it is better to do it in 2-3 sessions.

For information on how electrocoagulation of blood vessels is carried out, see this video:

On foot

Electrocoagulation of vessels on the legs can be carried out using the monopolar method. The skin in the places of their expansion should be disinfected with an antiseptic solution. An inactive electrode is placed under the thigh or lower leg (depending on which area has the problem). It looks like a flat metal plate.

An anesthetic gel is applied to the surface of the skin where the dilated vessels are located. It should be there for 20 - 30 minutes, after which the product is washed off, again treating the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem area with an antiseptic. Next, the active electrode enters the process.

The specialist works with it in the same way as with the procedure on the face. And in this case, it is possible to conduct several sessions. After all, for one of them you can make no more than 30 injections with an electrode. Upon completion, the skin is again wiped with an antiseptic.


The procedure is not allowed to be done in all cases where a problem is detected.

Contraindications to electrocoagulation are the following features:

  • tendency to the appearance of hypertrophic or keloid scars;
  • intolerance to the body of electric current;
  • allergy to anesthetic cream;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • herpes, if the procedure is performed on the face;
  • general infections;
  • epilepsy, mental disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • acute period of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of metal plates or implants in the leg.

Some of the obstacles to electrocoagulation are relative. And over time, the procedure can still be done.

Possible Complications

Features of the impact of electric current on living tissues make it possible for some complications to occur after the procedure.

Rare complications with electrocoagulation The reasons for their occurrence
Bleeding It can appear against the background of damage to neighboring vessels directly by the electrode due to a doctor's mistake. The same problem occurs when the external signs of the prevalence of the problem are still subtle, and the areas near the protruding capillary are already weakened and easily damaged.
Suppuration of the wound After the procedure, a scab remains at the electrode insertion points. If you accidentally or deliberately rip it off without waiting for the final healing, infection is not excluded.

Bacteria can also enter the wound during manipulation if the skin has not been sufficiently disinfected. Immunocompromised people are more likely to get suppuration

Preservation of scars or white spots on the skin after the eschar has healed When the electrode is inserted into the lumen of the vessel, adjacent tissues also heat up. Such a feature of the influence of the current can cause a local burn, a violation of the distribution of the pigment in the skin. Defects result from

To avoid complications, the procedure should be done by an experienced specialist using modern equipment. Equally important is aftercare. It is impossible to tear off the crusts formed after electrocoagulation, wet them with water. To prevent infection, you can wipe the skin with chlorhexidine.

Star prevention

The vascular network on the skin is the first harbinger of the development of varicose veins and evidence of capillary weakness. Therefore, the problem may reappear in other areas of the body or face. To prevent this from happening, preventive measures are needed:

  • Balanced diet. Prevention consists in the use of a large amount of vitamins C, B, K, P. These vascular-strengthening components are found in many vegetables and fruits, but 2 times a year you can take them in the form of drugs.
  • Refusal of alcohol and smoking. Bad habits force the vessels to narrow and expand unnaturally, which further weakens their walls and disrupts the functioning of the venous valves.
  • Protecting the skin from temperature extremes. Do not get involved in the bath, a lot of lying in the sun or in the solarium. It is undesirable and a long stay in the cold. Be sure to apply protective creams.
  • Use of professional vascular strengthening procedures. This is mesotherapy, glycolic peeling or photorejuvenation. More intensive manipulations affecting the skin should be carried out with caution, after consulting with a doctor. Daily care should also be careful, without the use of rough scrubs, strongly narrowing agents for alcohol.
. It is especially useful for preventing the appearance of vascular formations on the legs. You need to walk a lot, you can ride a bike, swim, do some yoga exercises. It is important to avoid heavy exercise, as well as long standing or sitting.
  • Wearing compression stockings if you have problems with your legs. They do not need to be worn all the time, but should be worn, for example, before playing sports or on a long trip.

Electrocoagulation or laser: which is better?

With the advent of laser technology to combat dilated vessels, many patients prefer it. There are reasons for this:

  • radiation acts only on problematic capillaries, without affecting neighboring tissues;
  • It is impossible to “miss” and not fall into the vessel;
  • the likelihood of complications is much lower;
  • the recovery period is shorter.

Electrocoagulation of dilated vessels is one of the first outpatient methods to eliminate rosacea and asterisks, tested more than once. Therefore, if there are indications, it is not always worth choosing more expensive procedures. Removing an asterisk will cost only 300 rubles. And the effect will be no worse than after the laser.


Electrocoagulation is the effect on the tissues of the human body using an electric current. This method has long been used in surgery to dissect tissue and small vessels, or in the treatment of cervical erosion. And more recently, cosmetologists and dermatologists have begun to use it to remove neoplasms and skin defects.

  • dry corns
  • Hypertrophic or
  • Benign neoplasms -, condylomas
  • on the face and legs

Contraindications for electrocoagulation

Removal by electrocoagulation is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Blood clotting problems
  • Malignant neoplasms on the skin
  • A tendency to form keloid scars - large bumpy growing scars (the scars themselves are not a contraindication)
  • Active phase of herpes
  • Poor electrical tolerance
  • Pregnancy and lactation

Types of electrocoagulation

For electrocoagulation, high-frequency electrosurgical devices (ECHF) are used, which are also called coagulators, radio scalpels, radio knives. It is the first name that most accurately reflects the essence of the technique: EHVCh allows the use of alternating electric current of certain frequencies for surgical manipulations.

Currently, ECHF devices are used to eliminate skin formations by contact (electric cauterization or desiccation) or non-contact (electric fulguration (spray coagulation) or plasma coagulation) method, in which the working electrode of the ECHF device does not come into contact with the patient's skin.

Progress of electrocoagulation

To carry out the procedure, an electrocoagulator is required - a special device that heats up under the influence of an electric current. At its tip is a small loop that glows the most.

Electrocoagulation of papillomas and other formations is carried out simply. First, the impact site is completely disinfected, sometimes a special anesthetic gel is applied to it. Then the red-hot loop touches the place that needs to be removed, due to which it and the tissues around it are cauterized.

For many neoplasms, cauterization is done several times, in layers, for their complete removal.

Vascular treatment

Very often, electrocoagulation is used not only for burning out papillomas, but also for punctures at the site of problem vessels that are visible through the skin. In this case, the device looks like the thinnest needle-electrode that pierces the skin and acts on the vessel. This is also accompanied by mandatory anesthesia. The procedure requires maximum concentration from the doctor so as not to damage neighboring tissues.

Under the influence of current, the vessels are heated, coagulated, and their walls stick together. Over time, due to a stop in the flow of blood, the vessel resolves, and the spider vein completely disappears.

Advantages of electrocoagulation

  • The method is quite simple and effective.
  • The device is inexpensive, so the procedure is cheap and can be done in almost any clinic.
  • Low trauma
  • Safety for the body
  • The patient does not need to be specially prepared for a long time
  • Most of the time it's all done in one session.
  • You can visually determine the depth and area of ​​impact
  • There is absolutely no bleeding - small vessels are sealed
  • The removed material can be sent for histological examination to determine if it contains cancer cells.
  • Infection of tissues located around is completely excluded

Cons of electrocoagulation

  • Requires local anesthesia due to painful procedure
  • Long wound healing
  • The wound surface needs to be treated frequently
  • Neighboring tissues are also affected, although they are healthy
  • After the procedure, pain and discomfort persist for a long time.

Rehabilitation after electrocoagulation

After electrocoagulation, the burn site remains painful, swollen and reddened for a long time. It is very important that during this period it is not exposed to the action of the sun and ultraviolet radiation, and that water does not fall on it. If you neglect these rules, then you can easily introduce an infection or provoke suppuration under the crust. The crust, of course, cannot be removed either.

In the first week, you need to take care of the wound in a special way - treat it every day with a five percent solution of potassium permanganate. In the first three weeks, you can not visit the solarium, beach, swimming pool, sauna and bath. Cosmetic creams, lotions, scrubs and hard washcloths should not be used for two weeks.

IMPORTANT: If after two or three days the pain has not decreased, but only intensified, then be sure to visit a doctor - this may be a sign of serious inflammation.

After the crust peels off on its own, a pinkish skin opens under it, which gradually darkens. Soon, the site of exposure becomes the same as healthy skin around the neoplasm. Healing after electrocoagulation is faster where the skin is thinner, for example, on the face.

Photos before and after

Which is better: electrocoagulation or laser removal of defects

Every person, regardless of gender and age, strives to have beautiful, healthy and clean skin. For this reason, in the modern world, services such as laser removal of aesthetic defects or electrocoagulation are offered by most clinics and salons, and each institution strives to recommend its methods for eliminating skin imperfections.

Electrocoagulation and laser removal of appearance defects are two separate procedures that have certain similarities and differences presented in the table.

Comparison criteria

Laser removal of defects

The mechanism of influence on tissues

The high resistance of the skin contributes to the heating of the tissues at the point of contact between the skin and the electrode, due to which the tissues lose moisture and burn

The focused laser beam has a high temperature, due to which dehydration and tissue combustion occurs.

Ways to remove aesthetic defects

Skin formations are affected by an electrode that burns them to the very base, the upper part of the formation is held with tweezers, and the electrode cuts off the defect from the skin near the base

The laser beam destructures the formation on the skin from its upper part downwards, gradually moving deeper

Possibilities of the technique

Papillomas, molluscum contagiosum, milia, plantar warts, hemangiomas, dry calluses, genital warts, age-related keratomas, moles, atheromas, asterisks in rosacea, vascular network, skin neoplasms on the stalk (warts, fibromas, xanthelasmas)

Papillomas, molluscum contagiosum, milia, plantar warts, hemangiomas, dry calluses, genital warts, age-related keratomas, moles, atheromas, asterisks in rosacea, vascular network, tattoos that need to be removed, keloid and hypertrophic scars

Method limitations


Not all types of laser are suitable for the elimination of formations on tanned and swarthy skin.


Intolerance to electrical procedures and anesthetics, impaired blood clotting, herpetic skin rashes, infectious diseases in the acute stage, wearing a pacemaker, suspicion of malignancy of the skin neoplasm, rapid growth of benign neoplasms, systemic blood pathologies, leukemia, increased skin sensitivity to light (systemic lupus erythematosus , photodermatosis), diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation), mental illness, diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertensive crisis, heart or lung failure of the 3rd degree).


Possibility of a biopsy

If the mass is large, the sample obtained during the procedure can be sent for histology. With a small size of the formation, a biopsy is first performed, then the remnants of the defect are removed by electrocoagulation

Taking the material for a biopsy is carried out before the laser procedure, the remnants of the formation are destructured using a laser beam


The procedure is painful, in many cases anesthesia is used

Features of the rehabilitation period

A wound covered with a dark crust remains at the site of the removed formation. It disappears after 1-1.5 weeks. It is necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment


Slight reddening of the tissues around the wound, swelling of the soft tissues in the area of ​​intervention, some soreness of the wound

Possible Complications

Suppuration of the wound may appear, it is possible to form a scar at the site of the eliminated defect

Cost in rubles

From 200 rubles

From 600 rubles

The action of electrocoagulation

Removal of the neoplasm is carried out using a device - an electrocoagulator. The loop with which the neoplasm is removed is heated by an electric current. Electric current causes volumetric thermal damage to the tissue around the area to be removed, a dry crust appears at the site of removal. After its rejection, there may not be a trace on the skin at all (if the formation was small and shallow), or a small depigmented spot may remain, which will disappear over time. The electrocoagulation method allows you to remove the neoplasm in one go, and samples of the removed tissues can be used for additional tests. This method allows you to control the depth of exposure.


  • herpes in the active phase;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • intolerance to electroprocedures;
  • intolerance to anesthetics;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • inflammatory reactions in the removal area;
  • somatic diseases in the acute stage.

Recovery period after electrocoagulation

Epithelialization, elimination of crusts is 10 - 14 days.

home care

After the procedure, antiseptic treatment is required at home for 5-7 days.

Laser photocoagulation: the essence of the procedure, indications, effect and cons

Laser photocoagulation of blood vessels is the effect of laser radiation for thermal destruction of the vascular wall. The most effective treatments for lower extremity telangiectasia are sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation.

Indications: telangiectasias - superficial vessels of the skin, visible to the human eye.

The essence of the procedure: laser photocoagulation - the laser heats the blood inside the capillary and "solders" its walls. It is used to remove telangiectasias on the face and small - up to 2 mm wide - on the body. Getting rid of telanginasia is best postponed during pregnancy.

Carrying out technology: the laser beam acts on the vessels, as a result of which the walls of the vessels stick together. Possible complications. Temporary hypopigmentation.

The effect of the procedure: visible vessels disappear.

Minuses: this method is ineffective for the treatment of vascular lesions of the legs. Restrictions: not applicable for dark skin types.

Vein sclerotherapy: course, technology, recovery period, possible complications

Vein sclerotherapy- a popular, effective and safe method for the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins. It is based on the introduction of a special drug into the diseased vein - a sclerosant, which, under certain conditions, “fills up” the diseased vein, and it subsequently completely disappears. Sclerotherapy for a long time, and in some cases for life, guarantees a good medical and cosmetic result. Only in 25% of patients with advanced disease, sclerotherapy cannot provide a complete cure.

during one procedure (course) of sclerotherapy, the doctor can make from 3 to 10 injections. The number of injections depends on the characteristics of the lesion of the veins and the type of sclerosing drug. It may take from 1 to 5 (on average 2-3) courses, depending on each specific case.

Before the sclerotherapy procedure:

  • be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking hormonal drugs (contraceptives, estrogens, etc.);
  • stop taking aspirin, trental, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs 2 days before treatment. These medicines can increase tissue bleeding and increase the risk of bruising;
  • You should not drink alcohol and smoke for 2 days before and after sclerotherapy.
  • do not epilate, use lotions, creams;
  • take a hygienic shower, wash your feet with regular or antibacterial soap;
  • come for treatment in comfortable, spacious clothes and shoes;
  • 1.5 hours before sclerotherapy, it is advisable to eat lightly.

Technology of sclerotherapy:
Sclerotherapy is a painless medical procedure. For its implementation, special thin needles or microcatheters are used (thin tubes with needles thinner than a human hair). Modern sclerosants are absolutely safe and have an anesthetic effect, so their administration may be accompanied by only a slight burning sensation. If during treatment you experience any discomfort (pain, nausea, dizziness, etc.), tell your doctor immediately. At the end of sclerotherapy, a special elastic bandage is applied to the leg or a compression stocking is put on, which should be worn around the clock and cannot be removed without the doctor's permission.

Recovery period after sclerotherapy

  • it is necessary to walk for 10-30 minutes;
  • remember that the drug contains alcohol, so after sclerotherapy you should not drive;
  • do not limit physical activity. Walk at least 1 hour daily;
  • avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time;
  • do not take hot baths for 2 weeks and do not visit the sauna and bath for 1.5-2 months;
  • in the first 3 days after sclerotherapy, you should not do aerobics, gymnastics and on an exercise bike.

Possible complications of the sclerotherapy procedure

Itching of the skin depends on the type of sclerosing agent and usually disappears within 1-2 hours after the procedure, in some cases it can occasionally occur for a day or more; temporary darkening of the skin along the sclerotic vein occurs in 5-8% of patients. Light brown stripes of skin in some cases can last up to 1 year; peeling of the skin is observed in less than 1% of cases. At the same time, a small superficial wound is formed at the injection site, healing without a trace after 2-4 weeks; allergic reactions are very rare. Their risk is highest in patients who are allergic to other types of medicines; pain at injection sites or along a sclerosed vein is noted in a small number of cases.

Pulling pain at the injection sites usually occurs during physical exertion and can last for 3-9 days; in rare cases, 2-4 weeks after treatment, a thin reddish vascular "mesh" may appear along the sclerotic vein, usually disappearing on its own within 4-6 months; short-term swelling in the ankle area can be observed during the treatment of varicose veins and vascular "asterisks" located in this area, as well as when wearing shoes with high heels or with a narrow block during treatment; inflammation of the vein - thrombophlebitis - a rare complication of sclerotherapy that occurs in 1 case per 1000 patients. Thrombophlebitis occurs when the doctor's instructions are violated and the elastic bandage is removed independently.

With rosacea on the skin, the most perfect facial features lose their attractiveness. And legs with protruding veins no longer seem beautiful. Both problems need to be addressed, one of which may be electrocoagulation of blood vessels. This is a minimally invasive method that will quickly get rid of blue and red lines on the skin.

Read in this article

The essence of the procedure

Coagulation performed using electric current is the sealing of problematic vessels.

They become translucent due to the insufficient tone of their walls. The defect leads to overflow of capillaries with blood, stretching, loss of elasticity.

If the vessels have already expanded, then they remain so. It is impossible to return them to their previous position, you have to take care that the problem areas of the system are excluded from it.

This can be done by electrocoagulation, that is, exposure to electric current. It has the following influence:

  • thermal, which causes heating of living tissues to a high temperature and burns;
  • dynamic, that is, changing their structure;
  • physicochemical, in which the attraction of cells to each other is destroyed;
  • biological, that is, stimulating the death of some and the regeneration of other tissues.
Electrocoagulation apparatus

All this together leads to the evaporation of blood from problematic vessels, the convergence and gluing of their walls. Pathological segments first cease to participate in the blood supply system, and then resolve. Outwardly, this is manifested by the disappearance of the vascular network that appears on the skin.


Electrocoagulation is not the only way to remove rosacea or protruding vessels on the legs. But this method is common, despite the existence of newer procedures, due to the advantages:

  • the session ends in a short time;
  • preparation for the procedure is not needed, and rehabilitation requires minimal effort;
  • there are fewer contraindications to manipulation than to other methods of getting rid of protruding vessels;
  • the skin recovers quickly after the procedure;
  • the number of possible side effects is minimal;
  • the list of indications is quite wide, with each of them an excellent effect is likely.

Features of the

To get rid of dilated capillaries, you need equipment that generates a low-frequency electric current. An impulse is applied to the skin using a maniple to which an electrode is attached. Carrying out the procedure on different parts of the body differs in some nuances. It makes sense to use electrocoagulation if the diameter of the problematic vessels is at least 0.3 mm.

On the face

Electrocoagulation of blood vessels on the face is carried out in stages:

  • First, the skin is freed from cosmetics. Then it is wiped with an antiseptic.
  • From above, the problem area of ​​​​the face is treated with lidocaine. But if the area of ​​the skin that needs to be changed is small, and the patient's pain threshold is high, anesthesia can be dispensed with.
  • The specialist acts on the vessels with a current using a needle conductor. The electrode is placed into the skin to a depth of 1 mm, without passing any dilated capillaries. With each dive, an impulse is applied that "cauterizes" the vessel, making it invisible immediately.
  • When the entire area of ​​​​skin with rosacea is treated, the face is again wiped with an antiseptic. A soothing corticosteroid ointment is then applied to prevent complications.

In most cases, it is possible to solve the problem in a single session. But if there are a lot of dilated capillaries, you have to do it in several procedures, carried out at intervals of 7-10 days.

The fact is that the skin turns red from exposure to electricity, and part of the problematic vessels becomes invisible to the specialist. The work to remove them is quite painstaking, since the capillaries on the face are small. And in order not to keep the patient in the chair for hours, with a large affected area, it is better to do it in 2-3 sessions.

For information on how electrocoagulation of blood vessels is carried out, see this video:

On foot

Electrocoagulation of vessels on the legs can be carried out using the monopolar method. The skin in the places of their expansion should be disinfected with an antiseptic solution. An inactive electrode is placed under the thigh or lower leg (depending on which area has the problem). It looks like a flat metal plate.

An anesthetic gel is applied to the surface of the skin where the dilated vessels are located. It should be there for 20 - 30 minutes, after which the product is washed off, again treating the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem area with an antiseptic. Next, the active electrode enters the process.

The specialist works with it in the same way as with the procedure on the face. And in this case, it is possible to conduct several sessions. After all, for one of them you can make no more than 30 injections with an electrode. Upon completion, the skin is again wiped with an antiseptic.


The procedure is not allowed to be done in all cases where a problem is detected.

Contraindications to electrocoagulation are the following features:

  • tendency to the appearance of hypertrophic or keloid scars;
  • intolerance to the body of electric current;
  • allergy to anesthetic cream;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • herpes, if the procedure is performed on the face;
  • general infections;
  • epilepsy, mental disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • acute period of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of metal plates or implants in the leg.

Some of the obstacles to electrocoagulation are relative. And over time, the procedure can still be done.

Possible Complications

Features of the impact of electric current on living tissues make it possible for some complications to occur after the procedure.

Rare complications with electrocoagulation The reasons for their occurrence
Bleeding It can appear against the background of damage to neighboring vessels directly by the electrode due to a doctor's mistake. The same problem occurs when the external signs of the prevalence of the problem are still subtle, and the areas near the protruding capillary are already weakened and easily damaged.
Suppuration of the wound After the procedure, a scab remains at the electrode insertion points. If you accidentally or deliberately rip it off without waiting for the final healing, infection is not excluded.

Bacteria can also enter the wound during manipulation if the skin has not been sufficiently disinfected. Immunocompromised people are more likely to get suppuration

Preservation of scars or white spots on the skin after the eschar has healed When the electrode is inserted into the lumen of the vessel, adjacent tissues also heat up. Such a feature of the influence of the current can cause a local burn, a violation of the distribution of the pigment in the skin. Defects result from

To avoid complications, the procedure should be done by an experienced specialist using modern equipment. Equally important is aftercare. It is impossible to tear off the crusts formed after electrocoagulation, wet them with water. To prevent infection, you can wipe the skin with chlorhexidine.

Star prevention

The vascular network on the skin is the first harbinger of the development of varicose veins and evidence of capillary weakness. Therefore, the problem may reappear in other areas of the body or face. To prevent this from happening, preventive measures are needed:

  • Balanced diet. Prevention consists in the use of a large amount of vitamins C, B, K, P. These vascular-strengthening components are found in many vegetables and fruits, but 2 times a year you can take them in the form of drugs.
  • Refusal of alcohol and smoking. Bad habits force the vessels to narrow and expand unnaturally, which further weakens their walls and disrupts the functioning of the venous valves.
  • Protecting the skin from temperature extremes. Do not get involved in the bath, a lot of lying in the sun or in the solarium. It is undesirable and a long stay in the cold. Be sure to apply protective creams.
  • Use of professional vascular strengthening procedures. This is , or . More intensive manipulations affecting the skin should be carried out with caution, after consulting with a doctor. Daily care should also be careful, without the use of rough scrubs, strongly narrowing agents for alcohol.
. It is especially useful for preventing the appearance of vascular formations on the legs. You need to walk a lot, you can ride a bike, swim, do some yoga exercises. It is important to avoid heavy exercise, as well as long standing or sitting.
  • Wearing compression stockings if you have problems with your legs. They do not need to be worn all the time, but should be worn, for example, before playing sports or on a long trip.

Electrocoagulation or laser: which is better?

With the advent of laser technology to combat dilated vessels, many patients prefer it. There are reasons for this:

  • radiation acts only on problematic capillaries, without affecting neighboring tissues;
  • It is impossible to “miss” and not fall into the vessel;
  • the likelihood of complications is much lower;
  • the recovery period is shorter.

But the use of a laser technique will cost more, and in addition, electrocoagulation in some cases will provide the best result. Therefore, it does not disappear from the list of services of beauty salons.

Electrocoagulation of dilated vessels is one of the first outpatient methods to eliminate rosacea and asterisks, tested more than once. Therefore, if there are indications, it is not always worth choosing more expensive procedures. Removing an asterisk will cost only 300 rubles. And the effect will be no worse than after the laser.
