Blue agate has magical and healing properties of the stone. Blue Agate: Stone of Love and Harmony

Agate color range

Almost everyone recognizes agate, even people who do not understand gems. This variety of chalcedony is distinguished by its striped color with soft transitions from one shade to another, bright and varied colors and varying degrees of transparency.

The unique structure of the stone is explained by the fact that it consists of layers of differently colored chalcedony, which gives the mineral its unique striped color.

There are no less than one hundred and fifty different types of this stone. The classification is based on their differences depending on the color, characteristic features of the pattern or types of inclusions that are found in the mineral.

The white agate variety, also known as milk agate, gets its name from its soft milky white color with alternating opaque and translucent layers, giving the processed mineral a “velvety” appearance. Due to its ease of processing, this type is especially popular as an ornamental material: jewelry is made from it: beads, bracelets, rings, cameos and decorative items, and is also widely used in finishing works, for example, for inlaying frames of mirrors, boxes, furniture and other items everyday life.

In addition to purely practical applications, white agate was widely used for magical purposes. In ancient times, pieces of it were thrown into the plowed ground to attract fertility. It was also believed that this would help protect crops from pests and natural disasters. For the same purposes, they used burying next to plants.

They also believed that the gem has a certain influence on the one who wears it. So, among the main properties is to give its owner confidence and reveal the talents and abilities inherent in him by nature. Worn by women, white agate helps them maintain harmony, peace and love in the home. It is also believed that the stone is sensitive to everything that happens to the owner. There is an opinion that in case of danger it can darken.

This beautiful white stone has also found its use in medicine. Lithotherapists, for example, recommend wearing it for those who suffer from respiratory diseases (cough, asthma, bronchitis), joint diseases and excessive excitability, as well as sleep disorders. It is considered especially good for children, as it protects them from fears and activates their overall development.

When processed, blue agate is characterized by beautiful wavy stripes and streaks of various shades of blue - from almost whitish to pure sky blue - encircling the entire stone.

Like any of the agates, the blue subspecies is considered to be a strong talisman that protects the owner from the bad influence of the outside world. Since ancient times, people have believed that this stone brings peace and quiet to its owner, calms anger and relieves irritation. It also helps you express your thoughts and feelings more easily, instead of suppressing them.

In the old days they also believed that blue agate jewelry endows its wearer with courage and endurance, gives patience and vitality. For creative people, this mineral is an indispensable assistant, as it stimulates creative abilities and helps to express them more fruitfully.

On the other hand, blue agate was also known as a stone of love - it was believed that it would help lovers avoid hasty and rash decisions, cool impulses of feelings and help curb emotions, making relationships more harmonious and balanced.

From a medical point of view, blue agate is indicated for those who suffer from various types of rheumatism and osteochondrosis, as well as throat diseases of any nature. Wearing this gem also helps with infections, as well as damage to the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

Red agate is perhaps one of the most beautiful of the entire agate “family”. A rich, cherry red color, the stone looks very bright in the light, playing with all shades of scarlet.

It matches the color - warm and lively, and its properties that nature has endowed this mineral with. It also helps to activate the vital energy of the one who wears it. The stone is able to encourage active action even with a lack of self-confidence, which is especially good for people who are timid and prone to doubt.

Like all agates, red is a powerful protective amulet. He protects his owner from robbery and brings him happiness and prosperity. Its beneficial effects on health are also known. Thus, red agate has long been used to treat kidneys, relieve stress and insomnia. But for people engaged in mental work, this stone will help strengthen concentration and develop analytical skills.

From time immemorial, red has been considered the color of love, and therefore it is not surprising that red agate is one of the talismans for lovers. It will be indispensable both for those who want to “add fire” to their feelings, and for couples seeking to strengthen their relationship.

The blue variety of agate is attractive for its deep, soft blue color of different shades, which, when mixed, create an indescribable play of color in the stone.

This mineral has long been revered as a powerful amulet that helps maintain peace and balance in one’s surroundings. That is why he was often kept at home to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the family.

Blue agate is also useful for those who want to strengthen their willpower and courage, and also learn to distinguish between good and bad deeds. This talisman stone will protect its wearer from dangers and negative energy influences, give long life and protect from human envy.

Blue agate is considered a particularly good helper for anyone whose activities are related to the earth and plants. In this case, the stone supposedly promotes growth and productivity, for which it must be kept directly in the garden or vegetable garden next to the plantings, or even buried near the plants.

Our ancestors also believed that wearing such a gem would help its owner in difficult life situations, endow him with such traits as honesty and justice, and at the same time help to distinguish between ill-wishers and liars.

The blue mineral was also used for treatment, as it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It was also used to get rid of headaches, diseases associated with digestion, and also to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Gray agate is beautiful with its special, restrained range, consisting of a variety of shades of gray, from smoky to thick ashy. This gives it exquisite sophistication and its own unique charm. It is not for nothing that this stone looks especially advantageous in jewelry, especially in combination with gold.

The properties of the gray type of agate are associated with its characteristic “even” range. This mineral is a stone that awakens and strengthens justice in a person, as well as developing feelings of harmony and balance. It helps the wearer avoid conflicts and smooth out rough edges in relationships with others, anticipate tense situations and find the best way out of them. Gray agate is a “peacemaker”, so it is often recommended to be worn by those engaged in business or any other activity that involves communication and building connections with people.

It is also recommended for those who are prone to squabbles and showdowns; the stone will help them find inner peace and learn to pacify their aggression. But gray agate will only harm a hypocritical or deceitful person.

This mineral will also be indispensable for those who want to improve their health. Gray agate has long been known as a healer of toothache (it is best worn in the form of earrings), cardiovascular diseases and gout. It will also help get rid of bad dreams, as well as with prolonged cough and asthma.

Pink agate is a very feminine and delicate stone of stunningly beautiful color: shades can vary from soft pink, almost creamy, to juicy crimson (sometimes even with a slight lilac admixture) with fancy stains.

Matching the delicate coloring is the main property of this mineral - the pink gem is designed to preserve peace and well-being in the family, and at the same time strengthen feelings and relationships between spouses. Also, it was the pink variety of agate that was considered a symbol of fertility in different parts of the world. But this mineral has another quality. In the old days, it was considered the stone of gamblers and gambling people in general, supposedly giving them luck and a happy occasion.

Pink agate is also useful for those who, due to their work, are forced to communicate with a large number of people, since the stone is capable of absorbing all the negative energy directed at the owner.

From a medicinal point of view, pink agate is also not without beneficial qualities. It alleviates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also helps get rid of diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. It is also worth wearing for those people who suffer from various heart ailments or have weak immunity. It is also used for stone massage.

Fire agate is a rare and unusual species, without a doubt the most fancy and luxurious of agates. It won’t be difficult to recognize it: the fiery (or, as it is also called, Mexican, based on its deposits) mineral has a characteristic multi-colored color with a “fiery” tint inherent only to it. This rare phenomenon can be explained simply: in its structure, Mexican agate is a multitude of tiny chalcedony bubbles, each crystal of which absorbs and scatters light.

This stone is extremely difficult to cut, and therefore it is almost impossible to find a specimen cut according to standard patterns. Often craftsmen leave it in the form that the mineral has by nature, so as not to disturb the unique structure. The play of color in this rainbow pebble is simply amazing: from gray-green to fiery orange and red hues. Less common (and therefore more highly valued) are inclusions of green and blue or light blue, as well as violet.

Like all agates, their fiery “compatriot” has its own properties and characteristics. It is believed that this orange agate is the strongest amulet against damage and the evil eye, “burning out” all negative messages from the environment of its owner. It helps those who decide to engage in self-development, in particular meditation. There is an opinion that in-depth contemplation of the reflections and play of light in stone attunes a person to higher spheres and helps to establish a connection with the subtle planes of existence.

Yellow agate stone is very cheerful and positive. It has long been valued by people for its ability to heal a variety of ailments. It was believed that wearing products made from yellow agate improves the immune system, sharpens hearing and vision, and also has a beneficial effect on the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Ancient healers and modern lithotherapists use this mineral to treat blood vessels and diseases of the lymphatic system, skin diseases and to remove excess fluid from the body (as a result, regulating body weight). It is also suitable for those who want to gain the ability to clearly and beautifully express their thoughts, since yellow agate grants eloquence and organizes thoughts, and also brings inspiration and creative insight to the owner.

Brown agate is an indispensable assistant for everyone who strives for high achievements in life, because it gives the one who wears it self-confidence and victory in all endeavors. It can also be used as a talisman to cleanse the energetic space of negative energies, or as an amulet if fears, nervousness or sleep disturbances bother you. In modern medicine, this mineral is often used to make massage devices - rollers and balls, since the stone has a positive effect on energy points on the human body, removing energy blocks and clamps.

Striped agate is also known as Botswana agate (from one of the deposits), and it was called striped because of its clearly defined layered structure, which is why the stone seems to be surrounded by uniform lines of different widths. The striped mineral is used not only in jewelry, but also to treat skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis) and eyes. Its effect on the gastrointestinal tract, digestion and lung function is also beneficial. For example, for skin irritations, it is recommended to take a bath with a stone on the body for 15-20 minutes, and to treat internal organs, drink water infused with the mineral. It is also known for its calming effect on the psyche and as a protector against bad habits.

Brazilian agate is characterized by a very beautiful, recognizable color, formed by very thin layers of brownish, white and different shades of gray that surround the stone in a circle. Because of this feature, “Brazilian” is very popular as a material in jewelry. It is used not only for making jewelry (beads, earrings, bracelets), but also decorative items: candlesticks, paperweights, coasters, figurines and more. This gem is also used for medicinal purposes. Like many of its “brothers”, it is indispensable for massage, as it has the property of relieving muscle spasms. It is also used for the prevention of respiratory diseases and for hearing, vision, digestive disorders or inflammatory processes in bone tissue.

Purple agate has a rich lilac color, sometimes with darker or even black streaks. This agate is primarily famous as a strong amulet against the evil eye and energy effects. In addition, this stone helps to reveal hidden abilities such as clairvoyance and parapsychology. It will also be useful for those who practice meditation - contemplation of the mineral cleanses the chakras and helps to tune in to higher vibrations. Purple agate also has purely practical, medical uses. It is often used for the treatment and prevention of nervous and mental disorders, as well as for disorders of the functions of internal organs and systems.

African agate, in essence, is not a natural type of stone, but a method of its processing, in which the mineral is exposed to high temperatures and sudden cooling. As a result, it becomes covered with a web of fine, beautiful cracks. And if the surface of the mineral was tinted before treatment, these cracks will become lighter against the general background. Like other members of the agate “family,” African agate is a strong protective stone that has a beneficial effect on the owner’s energy. It will be useful for people suffering from diseases of the throat and lungs, those who have poor eyesight or have obvious disorders associated with the nervous system: fears, insomnia, nightmares and anxiety.

At the moment, there are a large number of places where you can find blue agate. Countries where the mineral is mined include Mexico, Uruguay, the United States of America, Russia, Australia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Germany and South Africa. The abundance of deposits of this gem has led to the fact that the stone is considered semi-precious and its cost is not exorbitant. At the same time, the incredible beauty inherent in crystals fascinates.

How are blue agates treated?

Agate is a powerful stone from a medicinal point of view; it was used by ancient physicians, healers and healers to combat a variety of diseases. The mineral exhibits healing properties better in cases where it is constantly in contact with the owner. The stone has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Knowledge of this possibility was preserved in ancient Egyptian writings. Court doctors prescribed wearing these jewelry in cases of heart disease.

In addition, many medieval pharmacists who were in the service of wealthy nobles claimed that blue agate had a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain; they often wore tiaras or necklaces made of this mineral.

In ancient Indian culture, they noticed that this stone has a good effect on pregnant women and their children. Therefore, those who could afford it still wear blue agate bracelets today. For women in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the stone helps to get rid of discomfort. At the same time, the gem is able to cure a person from various infections, colds and viral diseases, it helps maintain the condition during fever. Jewelry with a heavenly stone can often be seen on English lords and their companions. This pattern is caused by the effect of the mineral on the skin. It helps improve her condition in general, it gets rid of acne, pimples, and counteracts the appearance of age-related wrinkles.

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Sapphirine – Blue Agate

Blue agate in its pure form is rare; most often you can see its various shades of blue and this-blue stone. Like all layered chalcedony, blue agate can be seen in combination with other layers, of course the most common inclusions are light and dark colors (from fine white to gray and thick black). A gem that has a uniform color without foreign inclusions has acquired its own trade term - Sapphirine. This designation is very conditional and in addition to agates, quartzites are also mistaken for sapphirine. The term itself, which is consonant with the name of the Sapphire stone, is very much loved by traders, jewelers and gemologists, as if distinguishing this mineral from the general series and thereby inflating its initial cost. But in terms of its chemical composition and properties, it is a simple agate.

Saturated blue agates are practically never found in nature. This is most often a tinted stone; its color will fade over time. It is not difficult to distinguish a fake; when tinting, the paint cannot penetrate into the deep structure of the stone and only 1-2 millimeters of the surface is painted; this can be seen very clearly if you break off a small piece. But if you bought blue agate, which later turned pale, this is also a quite common phenomenon; stones tend to lose their color and fade in the sun.

The gem “plays” very beautifully in the sunlight, especially when made in the form of a thin cut or cabochon. Earrings and beads are often made from it, without being framed in precious metals, since the stone is considered primarily ornamental.

Sapphirine - deposits and production

As mentioned in the last chapter, the gem is rarely found in its pure form, but its inclusions can often be found in black and gray agates. Such stones look alive, as if a transparent standing fog over the river is shining through the rays of the sun. The stone is usually mined using open methods - called on the territory of Russia. A striking example of such deposits are the areas of the Lena and Yenisei rivers. Blue agates are also found on the Black Sea coast; they wash ashore in the form of small pebbles. Smaller deposits are located in the Kemerovo region near the village of Yachmenyukha, where agates are mined using mine and open-pit methods.

The largest and oldest Sapphirine deposits in the world are located in Mongolia (Eastern Gobi), Brazil, Kara-Dag Mountain on the Crimean Peninsula and China.

General information (composition and physical properties)
Magical properties of agate
Who is agate suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Blue agate in South American wedding traditions

In South America there is a tradition associated with sappherine. When a man proposes marriage, but gives his beloved a blue agate pendant. The bride must wear it without taking it off until the wedding day; this ritual is believed to help fertility. It is difficult to say where this belief came from; this ritual can most often be seen in Brazil. According to modern researchers, the ritual arose against the backdrop of a mixture of different ethnic cultures.

In the European manner, blue agate is considered to be the stone of creative people, poets and writers. So, in search of inspiration, writers of past years and even contemporaries peer into this gem, trying to discern arbitrary images and thereby find a source of inspiration. It is believed that it is best to keep the stone on a desk on a slight elevation, so that natural sunlight falls on it. And in fact, when the mineral is positioned in this way, it begins to “glow” with coolness. However, unfortunately, when agate is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it begins to lose its blue color. Poets describe this phenomenon as the transfer of energy from stone to paper, and the writers themselves are only its unwitting servants.

Blue agate is a unique stone, and not at all because it is quite rare and is not found in nature as often as other representatives of the quartz group. This mineral is not deprived of healing powers, magical properties, or external attractiveness, for which people have valued it since ancient times.

Blue agate is still relevant today, and it is used not only to create jewelry, but also in interior design. Moreover, various useful devices are made from this stone, for example, counterweights and mortars for grinding powders, which can last forever, which is explained by the high strength and density of the material.

Description of the stone

Blue agate is a stone of unprecedented beauty. And if the imagination of some people is struck by the unusual colors of quartz, then others prefer the outlandish patterns with which the stone is literally dotted. This feature is not typical for all blue agates, but only for those that have a layered structure. The layers can be completely transparent, gray, purple or blue. They can be clearly seen if you make a cut from the stone.

It happens that jewelers are not satisfied with the natural color of a stone, and in order to make it more expressive and “interesting”, the mineral is tinted, tinted or stained. There is nothing strange or shameful in this, since the ancient craftsmen were also engaged not only in jewelry processing of the stone, but also in its coloring, however, for these purposes, the simplest dyes were previously used, which prevented the fading of the mineral and made it even more beautiful. It is worth noting that natural stones have always been valued more than painted ones, although they are inferior to them in beauty.

Healing properties of the stone

Blue agate is especially recommended to be worn by people involved in the field of art, as it tends to enhance and develop creative abilities. Lithotherapists believe that blue quartz has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and can help a person suffering from respiratory diseases. To do this, you just need to purchase agate beads and wear them constantly.

For medicinal purposes, not only jewelry is used, but also geometric shapes (pyramids, balls, cubes), which are simply applied to the sore spot for a while. For example, if a person suffers from a migraine, he can simply apply an agate pyramid to his head. A pregnant woman can be protected from miscarriage by a cube of blue agate, which should be placed on the lower abdomen. Asthmatics, heart patients, and neurasthenics are recommended to constantly wear a necklace made of this stone.

Magical properties of blue agate

Since ancient times it was believed that blue agate is the best stone for meditation. And this is no coincidence, since the blue color allows a person to concentrate and “collect himself internally,” thanks to which he can calm down and begin to make informed, or even truly wise, decisions.

Ancient sorcerers believed that only an amulet made of blue agate could protect a person from the spells of others and evil spirits, and modern magicians are confident that this stone is the best protection against the evil eye and flows of negative energy that befall each of us every day. So that the amulet does not lose its miraculous properties and does not lose its power, it must be stored in cool water.

Cost of blue agate jewelry

For all its advantages, blue agate is a relatively inexpensive stone, although much depends on its grade, shade, quality of processing and even structure. For example, a modest set consisting of a necklace and a pair of earrings can be purchased for 1500-2000 rubles.


Semi-precious blue agate is a type of chalcedony and is formed by silicon oxide. Concentric circles of different shades are visible on its surface. The color of individual zones depends on the chemical composition of the stone and varies from dark blue to white. This beautiful jewelry stone is found all over the world, but its best and largest deposits are located in Brazil and Uruguay, as well as in Sweden and Germany.

POWERS OF BLUE AGATE................................... ............ .....
This stone has a powerful harmonizing energetic effect and helps overcome fear and stress. In Ancient Egypt, blue agate was considered to have powerful healing powers. It increases intelligence, helps to concentrate attention, teaches how to communicate with others, eliminates uncertainty and fears, suppresses negative emotions and generates positive emotions.

It is indispensable in the treatment of diseases and ailments of the throat, helps increase muscle tone and heals burns. In addition, agate helps restore memory. The blue color allows us to attribute agate to the elements of water, white - the moon. It follows that agate dispels anxiety and creates an energy flow that strengthens our nervous system.

From a psychological perspective, blue agate helps to unblock innate shyness, enhancing the abilities of self-expression and communication on a higher plane of mind. Blue agate will help heal a broken heart. In the old days, gardeners wore agate jewelry on their hands because it was believed that this stone promoted plant growth and rich harvests.

Today, the slow energy of agate can be used in situations where it is necessary to grant someone forgiveness or cope with the loss of a great love. The gentle vibrations of this stone are the perfect healing remedy for a broken heart. Restoring peace of mind after the breakup of a passionate and deep love relationship can be difficult. Often such emotional upheavals are accompanied by disruption of the usual schedule of work, sleep and eating. But agate is truly a wonderful healer that will help you release accumulated grievances and launch a survival strategy.


a light blue stone with white or darker lines.
Blue Ribbon Agate is a wonderful healing stone.

Its gentle energy is cooling and soothing, bringing peace of mind. It is effective in activating and healing the throat chakra as it allows one to freely express thoughts and feelings.

It opens the way to the use of higher energies. This agate is one of the strongest supporting stones. It neutralizes anger, infection, inflammation and fever.

On a psychological level, Blue Ribbon Agate counteracts the suppression and inhibition of feelings that are caused by the fear of being underappreciated and rejected. In the relationship between parents and children there is often categoricalness, and as a result, feelings are restrained, and a lack of self-expression blocks the throat chakra - an attack of suffocation occurs. Blue Ribbon Agate gently breaks old patterns of repressive relationships and encourages a new way of expressing feelings. It helps men express and accept their sensitivities.

On a mental level, Blue Ribbon Agate helps put thoughts and feelings into words and relieves mental stress. On an emotional level, the calming energy emanating from this stone neutralizes feelings of anger.
On a spiritual level, Blue Ribbon Agate so brightens the throat chakra that it allows the highest spiritual truths to be expressed. Agate is a stone that leads to spiritual vibration and brings deep peace.


Blue lace agate promotes the expression of thoughts and feelings, relieves fear of rejection and oppression, relieves stress and tension; has a beneficial effect on the throat chakra, removing blocks; softens anger and gives peace.
Agate gives strength and courage, increases self-esteem and strengthens the sense of “I”, awakens vitality, consoles and calms, bestows love, relieves anger and feelings of bitterness, helps to speak the truth.
Blue lace agate dispels all worries and fears, radiating calm. Place the Lace Agate stone between two lit blue candles to relieve tension and quarrels and create a harmonious environment in your home.
Agate is often used in magical rituals aimed at attracting love. But this same stone will help you get rid of the bad feelings that your ex-lover causes in you. To heal mental wounds, retire to a quiet room, sit down and pick up the agate. Close your eyes and tune into the energy of the stone. Hold it in your hands or place it on your heart chakra (center of your chest). Visualize your heart being pierced with pain. Then try to see how the healing rays emanating from the stone fill your heart, releasing the grievances, anger, suffering and sadness that have accumulated there. Feel the joy: your heart is filled with love. Slowly open your eyes. Repeat this exercise several times to get rid of sadness and bitterness. Clean the crystal thoroughly.
Blue lace agate will help you stay calm while driving. Blue lace agate is a beautiful light colored stone with wonderful patterns. In ancient times it was worn as a talisman of truth. The owner of the stone could only speak truthful words. This peace-giving stone is associated with the element of water and helps to relax and relieve tension. In today's busy world, the calming influence of this crystal prevents emotional outbursts due to various incidents on the road. Endless traffic jams or quarrels with other drivers can make you angry, and in anger you risk losing caution. But if you have blue lace agate with you, it will relieve tension and help maintain composure.
Place Blue Lace Agate on your car's dashboard or carry it in your pocket. If you are angry about some incident on the road, park your car in a permitted place, pick up the crystal and gaze into its peaceful depths. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Try to feel how this supportive stone normalizes your blood pressure and relieves irritation and anger. If you are stuck in a long traffic jam, simply twirl the stone in your hands like a “rosary for the nervous” to avoid succumbing to irritation. Clean the crystal every time after use.
Blue Lace Agate increases vitality and self-esteem, strengthens the mind and strength of personality, restores calm and relieves stress, and promotes open expression of feelings.

HEALING PROPERTIES OF BLUE AGATE.................................... ........... ........
Due to its color, blue anat is associated with the 5th throat chakra (Vishuddha). It is responsible not only for the condition of the throat and speech apparatus, but also increases communication skills and erudition, makes a person tell the truth.. Blue agate helps communicate with others and teaches you to listen to them, feel sorry for yourself less and meet challenges that strengthen the spirit.

Vishuddha - Translated from Sanskrit as - pure. The chakra is located at the level of the throat, just below the jugular cavity. The chakra is responsible for sound and is the speech center that controls communication and self-expression. Crystals corresponding to the fifth chakra. Blue crystals. Turquoise (turquoise), aventurine, amazonite, blue agate, blue fluorite.

Meditation with crystals is best done while lying down. The normal length of a crystal for meditation is 3-5 centimeters. Crystals can be processed or not, it doesn’t matter, because the crystal lattice of the crystal “works”. It is best to place stones on a naked body, not forgetting to cover yourself with a warm blanket or rug. We place the crystals in the area of ​​the fifth chakra - this is the jugular cavity. The procedure with crystals lasts 30-40 minutes.
After meditation with crystals, which is also a healing procedure, you can pick up, for example, tourmaline and obsidian. This is done in order to “not get stuck” in the Higher worlds and to ground yourself.
Method for cleaning and preparing stones: Place the resulting stones in whole (brown) rice for 24 hours. After cleaning, the rice should be thrown away! It is advisable to do the procedure for cleansing and recharging stones and crystals at least once a month. And it’s better every time after working with crystals.

Blue agate helps to cope with situations that cause fear or nervousness, such as a job interview or oral exam, enhancing the ability to express oneself. Blue agate leaves our self-doubt in the past.

First of all, you need to find a quiet, calm place and lie down on a carpet or other comfortable surface, pressing your back firmly to the floor. Then you need to put the blue agate on your throat, where the throat chakra is located. Focus on the chakra, calling on positive memories to help. Think about situations similar to the upcoming one, from which you have already emerged victorious. Remember to concentrate on the throat chakra (this is the “door” through which the energy of blue agate enters), try to calm down and feel ready for the previous tests.
