History of the Yves Rocher brand. Cosmetics "Yves Rocher": reviews of professionals and customers

With the passage of time and the gradual development of scientific and technological progress, more and more various beauty products for the face, body and hair appear on the shelves.

They are able to instantly give the skin radiance, the body - smoothness and velvety, and the hair - a chic shine and a healthy look.

However, as a rule, such cosmetics contain many chemical additives that can not only benefit, but, at times, harm both the skin and hair, and the whole body as a whole.

In addition, most of these cosmetics are tested on animals, which, of course, is very sad.

Knowing this, many girls prefer brands of natural skin care cosmetics. One of these brands is Yves Rocher cosmetics, which I will tell you about now.

Care cosmetics "Yves Rocher", according to the manufacturer, is created exclusively from herbal ingredients. Moreover, each plant is carefully studied from all sides beforehand: how useful it is for a person, whether it can have any side effects, and as a result, whether it is worth using it at all in the production of cosmetics.

Those plants that have passed this rigorous selection subsequently get their place in a specially created botanical garden in La Gassilly, in which, by the way, there are now more than a thousand plant species, some of which are listed in the Red Book.

“But how can you benefit your skin and hair with just herbal ingredients?” - you ask. “After all, this is the same as simply applying a decoction of herbs to the skin. And hair - how to clean their hair from pollution only with herbs without the same notorious sulfates? It's impossible."

Not at all. This is possible, and you are not entirely right if you think that if cosmetics are natural and made from herbal ingredients, then no chemicals are used in them.

Are used. And how. However, these substances are less aggressive and are better for everyday use without harming your body.

I will explain more clearly using the example of the same sulfates. Most shampoos usually use ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate. These are very aggressive substances that negatively affect the condition of your hair, especially if you use shampoo with them daily.

Why are they added to shampoo? For economic reasons: these substances are inexpensive and clean hair well.

Now let's move on to Yves Rocher shampoos, which are used in the production of TEA lauryl sulfate. These substances are also chemical, but they are safer for humans and suitable for daily use.

The effect on the hair of TEA lauryl sulfate is softer and less aggressive. These substances are many times more expensive than the usual sodium lauryl sulfate, and which, of course, is reflected in the prices of Yves Rocher shampoos.

Greater naturalness always costs money.

The same example applies to other substances, for example, surfactants, parabens and others, which Yves Rocher manufacturers either do not use at all or use softer substitutes.

As for the reviews about Yves Rocher cosmetics, they are very diverse: from enthusiastic responses to not very pleasant statements. Let's take a closer look at this issue and start with hair care cosmetics.

Today, Yves Rocher produces several series of hair cosmetics, each of which suits a certain type and structure of hair.

So, for dry, brittle, severely damaged hair, a series with oats and calendula is perfect, which will not only nourish the hair with useful substances, moisturize them, but also, thanks to vitamin extracts from oats, will promote faster hair growth.

However, this series must be used as a whole, since one shampoo or one mask is not able to work properly.

If you have oily hair that is prone to falling out, then the stimulating series with red grapes and camellias will suit you. Thanks to the extract of red grapes, these products fight well with oiliness, preventing a large release of sebum.

At the same time, camellia extract promotes faster hair growth while preventing hair loss.

In the arsenal of Yves Rocher there are series for the care of normal hair, as well as a series suitable for the care of all types of hair.

However, it should be remembered that the hair gets used to the effects of certain components, and therefore the effect of their use gradually decreases. Therefore, experts recommend using a new series of skin care cosmetics every 1.5 - 2 months.

As for facial care cosmetics, Yves Rocher also offers several series here, depending on the type of skin and on the age category (from 25, from 35, from 45 and from 50 years).

There is also a special series for special care for problem skin prone to inflammation and acne.

Each series is based only on those herbal ingredients that will be useful for a given age and skin type. The company's specialists claim that all components have passed strict quality control, according to which all products must be environmentally friendly and safe to use.

Women who use Yves Rocher creams praise the BIO facial series very much
. It is based on a mixture of the most beneficial plants and consists of several serums, lotions, day and night cream, as well as an eye contour care cream and a lip balm.

Serums (day - "Energy", night - "Treasure of the Night") are created on the basis of extracts of 14 plants, which are designed to ensure the beauty and youth of your skin.

Night Serum helps to smooth out fine wrinkles around the eyes and lips, as well as to intensively nourish your skin (it is achieved due to the content of jojoba and sesame oils in it).

BIO eye contour care intensively moisturizes the skin around the eyes, smoothing wrinkles and eliminating bruises and bags under the eyes. This balm will serve as a good base for make-up, which does not require additional use of the base.

Regenerating BIO-lip balm smoothes the skin of the lips, giving it softness and eliminating peeling. Thanks to the content of small shimmering particles, you can use this balm as a lip gloss.

However, Yves Rocher creams and masks are not suitable for everyone, and therefore, before using this or that product, it is recommended to carefully read the composition and test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow, since plant extracts contained in cosmetics can provoke allergies, acne or other skin diseases.

Yves Rocher, in addition to face and body care cosmetics, also offers a large selection of decorative cosmetics, which is famous for its high quality and, at the same time, affordability.

More recently, Yves Rocher manufacturers have developed a BB cream based on herbal ingredients, which contains exclusively natural ingredients.

Vitamin E even acts as a preservative, which, in addition to preventing the product from spoiling, has a very beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizing it and preventing its aging.

Foundations from Yves Rocher
have a high level of coverage, perfectly hiding all the imperfections of the skin. In addition, most of them have a UV protection factor.

Shadows and eyeliners Yves Rocher
, unlike similar products from other companies, are more stable and may well last all day.

Lipsticks and glosses
are presented in a wide variety of shades: from soft beige to rich cranberry, which allows you to choose the color you like.

The advantage of Yves Rocher lipstick is that it does not contain harmful substances, such as: parabens and additives, designed to ensure long-term preservation of products.

Instead, manufacturers use more beneficial substances, such as vitamin E, as mentioned earlier, and do not use parabens at all.

In conclusion, it should be added that natural cosmetics are certainly much more beneficial for you, your skin and hair. However, alas, it is not suitable for everyone.

And if the condition of your skin and hair only worsens when using this cosmetics, then perhaps the best option for you is to stop using natural cosmetics.

Love yourself and be healthy!

Brand: Yves Rocher

Tagline: Yves Rocher - Creator of herbal cosmetics

Industry: Perfumes and cosmetics

Products: make-up and face, body, hair care products

Year of foundation: 1959

Headquarters: France

Performance indicators

The number of employees is over 15 thousand people. (2011)

In the Yves Rocher group of companies, which operates in 88 countries, the Russian branch ranks second in terms of turnover (2010 data), only behind France.

In Russia, the Yves Rocher brand came in 1991, opening a boutique in the center of Moscow on Tverskaya Street. By 2011, there are already more than 260 boutiques in 110 cities and 27 beauty salons in Russia. After a global rebranding, they became known as "Plant Beauty Studios" and "Plant Beauty Institutes", respectively.

history of the company

The history of the company and the Yves Rocher trademark of the same name began in 1959, when the enterprising Frenchman Yves Rocher created the first natural cream based on buttercup buttercream in the attic of his house. As conceived by Roche, his products were to be created from natural ingredients and be available to a wide range of consumers. The first patents for new perfumery and cosmetic products were obtained in the same 1959. Today, Yves Rocher has more than 50 patents for the use of active ingredients.

At first, Yves Rocher sold her products by mail, having at first about 5,000 addressees. Gradually, their number grew and eventually reached the number that required not only to increase production, but also to think about opening their own store. At the end of the 60s, Rocher opens the Le Brel factory, which employs 150 people, and 5 years later, when Yves Rocher is already 35 years old, he has the first complete range of cosmetics, his own design and production.

In 1969, Yves Rocher opens his first exclusive store on Boulevard Haussmann in Paris. By that time, 149 items of products were developed in his laboratory, which are produced at his own factory in Brittany. The success was overwhelming and throughout France, Yves Rocher stores began to open one after another. Since 1973, Yves Rocher began to develop a network of its own Beauty Centers. 30 years after the opening of the 1st plant, the company "Yves Rocher" employs more than 7,000 people, and the network of its own stores already included 35 establishments.

Since 1988, the company has diversified its activities by opening a chain of children's clothing stores, popular in France, "Petit Bateau" (Petit Bateau), which translates as "Little Boat". In total, Yves Rocher owns 8 brands: Daniel Jouvance, Pierre Ricaud, Isabel Derroisné, Kiotis, Galérie Noémie.
In 1989, the Yves Rocher Corporation becomes the first cosmetics company in Europe to replace animal testing with vegetable protein tests.
In 1991, Yves Rocher came to Russia, opening its first Yves Rocher store in Moscow, and by 2011, more than 260 boutiques - Studios of Herbal Cosmetics - are successfully operating in Russia.
In addition to his entrepreneurial activities, Mr. Yves Rocher served from 1962 to 2008 as mayor of his hometown of La Gassilly in the province of Brittany, was general councilor (1982) and member of the regional council (1992). Yves Rocher's services to France and the whole world were marked by high awards - he was an Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor (1992) and Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor (2007).

In 1992, Yves Rocher handed over the management of the company to his son, and in 2005 it was decided that Brice Rocher, the grandson of the founder of the company, would manage the cosmetic empire. In 2009, at the age of 80, the founder of the company, Yves Rocher, died.

Brand history

A native of the town of La Gassilly in the French province of Brittany, little Yves Rocher was the son of a hatmaker and owner of a fabric shop. At that time, hats were an indispensable headdress, and all the inhabitants of the surrounding villages bought goods from the hatter Rocher. But, when Yves was only 14 years old, the family was left without a father. And the whole inheritance was a small fabric shop, which barely allowed him and his mother to make ends meet.

Once a customer came into the store - an old woman who did not have money to pay for the goods. The woman's reputation was mysterious - there were rumors that she was a healer and a sorceress. Yves agreed that he would give the fabric, and then go to her house for money. A few days later he went for a debt: the old woman lived far from the town. Approaching the house, the boy found his customer collecting medicinal herbs. The woman told Yves about the properties of plants, and especially the most valuable of them - buttercup chistyak. The new owner of the shop was very interested in the possibilities that nature opens up, and became interested in a new business - the study of useful plants.

A few years later, Yves turns the attic of his house into a real mini-laboratory, where he explores combinations of herbal extracts: something is constantly brewed, boiled, smoked there ... The work is bearing fruit: together with friends, he creates the first healing cream based on the same lusty bastard. Cosmetics at the beginning of the last century was a luxury available only to wealthy people. But Yves Rocher decided to break the stereotype that only the rich can afford self-care with her help, and began to sell the invented cream at a more than affordable price. There was no end to buyers, and soon an advertisement for the sale of a new product appears in the national newspaper Ici Paris. Letters from buyers are not long in coming, and the town post office begins to work to send numerous parcels with jars. Yves Rocher renders a courtesy to each client - he gives a small present in response to a letter of thanks. This is how a tradition was born, which is not violated to this day: regular customers are not left without a pleasant gift from the company. Two years later, the first factory opens in La Gacilly, and the former fabric dealer is expanding his botanical knowledge, and with it the business he has begun. And at the age of 28, Yves becomes the mayor of the city of La Gacilly.

Success is never complete without envious people. Pharmacists file lawsuits and find different ways to crush a budding entrepreneur. However, for him they are only the engine of new ideas. Roche decides to turn to the famous Parisian consultants with a proposal - to make female beauty democratic and create a line of herbal cosmetics accessible to ordinary people. But Paris is the kingdom of expensive brands, and his idea does not find a response.
Returning to his hometown, Yves continues to develop his ideas, studying the beneficial properties of not only buttercup but also other plants. They become a passion, a conviction, a vocation for Yves Rocher. Hand cream based on arnica and “jelly with brown algae microparticles” is added to the buttercup chistyak cream, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds in a matter of weeks. Efficiency is confirmed by consumer feedback: Ms. Gayol from Lons-de-Saunier, who lost 8 kg, wrote: "I literally feel how excess fatty tissue melts under my fingers during the massage."
Soon there are so many different creams, lotions and ointments that it becomes necessary to release a catalog of goods. So in 1965, the famous Green Book of Beauty appeared - cardboard cover and glossy pages - with pictures and descriptions of the beneficial properties of each product. The idea finds a lively response among buyers, but ... 1968 for France is the time of strikes: the work of the post office, on which the business depends, is paralyzed. The logical decision is to make trade independent of postal services. So in 1969, the first store appeared, selling Yves Rocher herbal cosmetics, which later grew into a whole network. The store on Haussmann Boulevard still exists today.

Beauty salons are also opening, where every woman can receive both professional beautician care for her face and body, and directly in the store to buy additional care for home use. Today, Yves Rocher shops and beauty salons are the largest network in France (about 600 shops and salons).

In 1976, Yves Rocher wrote the book "100 plantes 1000 usages", the title of which can be translated as "100 plants, 1000 uses".

2008 is one of the most significant years for the company, because Mr. Yves Rocher, during a ceremony at the Elysee Palace, receives the Order of the Commander of the Legion of Honor personally from the President of France, Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy.

2010 is the year of the 50th anniversary of the Yves Rocher brand, in honor of which it makes a special gift to the planet - it promises to plant 50 million trees around the world, of which 3 million are planted in Russia (Arkhangelsk region, Altai).

Sources: Lenta.ru, en.wikipedia.org, synews.ru, woman.ru

love stories

The Yves Rocher company gave me a honeymoon trip.

I love Yves Rocher cosmetics. One day I had time and, without planning, I went into the salon and did a cosmetic procedure. Then it turned out that I won a ticket to the resort, however, I could not go.

I believe that the brand is a very symbolic and loud word, and in order for the brand not to lose its significance, you need to constantly nourish your name with good emotions. Old and strong brands that have long found their approach to the consumer deliver a lot of positive impressions from using their services. A brand like Yves Rocher, for example, is always ready to satisfy its customers with excellent product quality, excellent service and a sea of ​​pleasant gifts. There would be more such wonderful services from our global brands.

History of the most popular brand Yves Rocher started with a simple cream with celandine extract, created in the attic of a house in the small town of La Gacilly in France. That is how a young man named Yves Rocher began the history of the brand more than 50 years ago, today with more than one and a half thousand Beauty Centers in 88 countries, about 13 million customers worldwide and the popular Green Book of Beauty catalog, currently translated into 20 world languages.

First " Yves Rocher Green Book of Beauty”, created in 1965, was a list of cosmetics, currently numbering at least 500 items and increasing by a hundred every year, as well as a variety of useful tips about the beauty and health of women. Since 1959, goods have been distributed by mail, even then the famous words of Yves Rocher became the company’s motto: “Nature is the source of beauty!” the best of nature. Plant experts and scientists in the best laboratories develop and use more than 150 active natural components, while paying great attention to the environment and fulfilling obligations to it.

Today, Yves Rocher is more than 700 items for body and face care, cosmetics, perfumes, sun protection, as well as a men's line of products. The company's mission - to create beauty and happiness based on nature, but at the same time preserve it - today is one hundred percent fulfilled.

A little history about Yves Rocher..

Yves Rocher is a company producing decorative and medical cosmetic products. This brand of cosmetics was created in 1959. The founder of Yves Rocher cosmetics was an enterprising Frenchman named Yves Rocher. He named his own cosmetics company after himself.

A native of the city of La Gassie in the province of Brittany in France, little Yves Rocher was the son of a traditional hat maker and the owner of a small fabric store. At that time, everyone needed hats, and all the inhabitants of the surrounding villages purchased hats from the hatter Rocher. But, Yves Rocher, at the age of 14, lost his beloved father, and the family - the breadwinner. And the entire legacy of the family was a small fabric store, which barely made it possible for him and his mother to make ends meet.

And one day a customer came into this fabric store - an old woman who did not have any money at all to pay for her purchase. This woman had a very mysterious and mystical reputation. There were rumors about her that she was a fortune teller and a sorceress. Yves Rocher agreed with her that he would give the fabric, and as soon as he could, he would go to her house to take money for the goods. Some time later, Yves Rocher went for a debt, but the old woman lived far from his city. Finally finding her house, he approached it and saw that his customer was collecting medicinal herbs and plants. An elderly woman told the boy about the healing properties of these plants and flowers. Little Yves Rocher was very surprised and interested in all the opportunities that nature opens up and gives us and became very interested in a new business - the study of plants and herbs.

Yves Rocher developed his first moisturizing natural healing cream in the attic of his house, which was based on buttercup chistyak. After that, Yves Rocher decided to create cosmetics that would include only natural ingredients and components. Yves Rocher sought to ensure that such therapeutic cosmetic products were available to everyone who wants to rejuvenate their skin of the face and body.

Yves Rocher received his first patent for new perfumery and cosmetic products in the same 1959, when the cosmetic company had just opened. Today stamp Yves Rocher cosmetics has more than fifty-five patents for the use of active ingredients in the development of its products.

Of course, at the very beginning of the development of the distribution of Yves Rocher cosmetics, it was sold only through the mail, and it was not yet delivered to stores. But the demand for these products is growing day by day. Customers really liked that the cosmetics they use are natural and made with the help of plant and natural ingredients. Women immediately felt the effectiveness and saw the result after applying Yves Rocher cosmetics.

In the late 60s, Yves Rocher opens the Le Brel factory. More than one hundred and fifty people worked at this factory, and five years later, when Yves Rocher was already 35 years old, a huge amount of cosmetic products developed using his recipes and methods went on sale.

In 1969, when Yves Rocher saw that more and more women wanted to buy his cosmetics, he decided to open his own shop, specialized only in Yves Rocher cosmetics. Yves Rocher opens it on Haussmann Boulevard in Paris. In this special exclusive store, women had the opportunity not only to purchase cosmetics, but also to consult personally with the creator of these products.

By that time, more than one hundred and fifty types of cosmetic products had already been developed in his laboratory. All of them were produced at his own factory in Brittany. Yves Rocher

In France, Yves Rocher cosmetics stores began to open one after another. The cosmetic products of this brand have really deservedly gained their popularity and fame. And all this, thanks to the safety of products, high efficiency and effectiveness, natural and natural composition of cosmetics and its impeccable quality.

And since 1973, the cosmetics company Yves Rocher begins to create and promote a network of its own Beauty Centers. And thirty years after the opening of the first cosmetics factory, Yves Rocher already employed more than seven thousand people, and this network of specialized exclusive stores already included thirty-five establishments.

In 1976, Yves Rocher published his own book "100 plantes 1000 usages", the title of which, translated from French, means " 100 plants, 1000 uses».

In 1988, Yves Rocher decided to open a chain of children's clothing stores "Petit Bateau" (Petit Bateau), which means "Little Boat" in French. This French children's clothing store is still very popular. All children's clothes from this store are made from natural and natural materials such as cotton, linen, silk, wool and so on.

In addition, cosmetics company Yves Rocher owns eight brands in the field of cosmetic products, these are brands such as Pierre Ricaud, Daniel Jouvance, Kiotis, Isabel Derroisne, Galérie Noémie.

In 1989, Yves Rocher was announced as the first cosmetic company to refuse to test its products on animals, and began to try and test its cosmetics on vegetable proteins.

In 1982, Yves Rocher was general councilor and member of the city's regional council since 1992. For such outstanding services to France, Yves Rocher was awarded a large number of awards. Yves Rocher also became an Officer of the Order of the Legion of Honor in 1992, and since 2007 he has become a Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor.

But in 1992, Yves Rocher announced that he was transferring the management of the Yves Rocher cosmetics company to his son. Since 2005, it has been decided that the Yves Rocher cosmetic empire will be managed by Brie Rocher, grandson of the founder of the company. And in 2009, at the 80th year of his life, the founder of the company, Yves Rocher, passed away.

The Yves Rocher cosmetics company is, of course, primarily a manufacturer of herbal and natural cosmetics. Care and protection of the environment and nature is one of the key objectives of the Yves Rocher brand. In 1989, this cosmetics company opened its own botanical garden and the Vegetarium is a garden museum where you can learn everything about nature.

In 2010, Yves Rocher celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. To commemorate this date, the company is launching a program to plant fifty million trees worldwide.

"Nature is the source of beauty"

Yves Rocher (Yves Rocher) is not only a world-famous brand for the production of high-quality natural cosmetics, but also a legendary success story that has been going on for several decades. Yves Rocher is an original French brand that appeared in the world thanks to the dream and determination of its creator, Mr. Yves Rocher. Today, like many years ago, all the company's cosmetics are made from natural ingredients and it has millions of fans in every country. However, let's talk about everything in order.

History of Yves Rocher

The history of the development of the company Yves Rocher is more like a fascinating legend. More than 50 years ago, a simple and modest boy from the French town of La Gassilla began his journey dedicated to female beauty. Yves Rocher from childhood was fond of biology, plants and their properties, he could spend hours alone, watching the world around him. It is not surprising that a young man named Yves Rocher locked himself in the attic of his own house and spent a long time there until he created a simple but effective cream with celandine extract.

The young Frenchman was lucky that at that time he was the mayor of the city and he was worried about the constant drain of brains to big cities, and he happily jumped at the opportunity to create additional jobs - this is how the first factory for the production of cosmetics based on natural plant ingredients was opened in the town. . People willingly went to work there and after a few years the problem was solved.

Yves Rocher's company could have become one of many, had it not started selling its goods by mail since 1959 - it became a sensation, and also surprisingly convenient. Women liked this way of getting products. In addition to mail delivery, the company did its best to create working, high-quality cosmetics at an affordable price.

In 1965, Yves Rocher released his first "Green Book of Beauty Yves Rocher" - this is the official catalog of the company's cosmetics, which is valid even now, which includes all the company's products. To date, it contains more than 500 items of cosmetics, as well as advice for women. Later, the book was translated into more than 20 languages ​​of the world.

In 1969, the first Yves Rocher cosmetics store opens in Paris. The store appeared on Boulevard Haussmann in Paris and immediately won recognition among French women.

Since 1973, Yves Rocher has changed the concept of his company and the format of stores - the active development of the network of Beauty Centers begins. From that moment on, many of the company's stores combine a store and a beauty parlor, where you can not only buy products, but also get a full consultation from specialists.

At one time, Yves Rocher made a bet on the naturalness of cosmetics and did not fail - the company's stores began to open in many countries of the world, and the number of grateful customers only increased.

Yves Rocher went further and opened his own laboratories, and also engaged in independent cultivation of plants in the fields and plantations. Throughout the history of development and today, Yves Rocher has paid great attention to ecology and nature, which has resonated with many buyers.

The first Yves Rocher store was opened in Russia in 1991 and since then the company has been expanding its horizons in Russia and the CIS countries.

The President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, has repeatedly spoken warmly about the work of Yves Rocher and called him "a great French entrepreneur." Yves himself devoted his life to improving the quality of brand products, he preferred to be in the shadows and not shine in the tabloids. Yves Rocher passed away in 2009 and the management of the family business passed to his grandson, Brie Rocher.

Why Yves Rocher

Today, Yves Rocher cosmetics are 1500 Beauty Centers in 88 countries, 30 million satisfied customers, and the Yves Rocher brand is one of the most recognizable companies in the world. The company's arsenal includes more than 700 items, including cosmetics for face and body care, decorative cosmetics, perfumes, men's line and sunscreens.

All Yves Rocher cosmetics do not contain ingredients of animal origin and are not tested on animals. For the convenience of customers and to enhance the overall effect, all products are presented in series.

Marche Yves Rocher is not alien to environmental issues and its specialists pay great attention to the protection of nature. The company's cosmetics are environmentally friendly, and its manufacturers are trying for the well-being of future generations. For the production of cosmetics, only renewing parts of plants are used. Moreover, rare plant species are not used at all.

Yves Rocher Top Products

It's not a secret for anyone that over the years the company has acquired not only grateful customers, but also well-known and loved by many cosmetic products.

  1. Fragrance Ming Shu (Ming Shu)
  2. Perfume YRIA (Iria)
  3. Hydra Seve face cream
  4. Shower gels Les Jardins du Monde (Jardin du Monde) with aromas of almonds and coffee
  5. Eau de Toilette Les Plaisirs

What Yves Rocher products to pay attention to

No manufacturer can be perfect in all plans, and Yves Rocher is no exception, the company has its strengths and weaknesses, as well as products that have won the love of many buyers, including:


In terms of aromatic products, Yves Rocher has no equal - their perfumes and toilet waters are of excellent quality, with good durability and unusual notes. In addition, Yves Rocher perfumes have another plus - they are affordable.

Shower gels

The company has some of the best shower gels in its price segment - large volume, convenient packaging, a huge assortment and constant updating with seasonal fragrances. The gels lather well and the smell remains on the skin several hours after bathing.


All Yves Rocher cosmetics are made on the basis of natural ingredients, therefore, the company's creams work and fully fulfill their purpose.

What gives Yves Rocher besides cosmetics

Free shipping

The company very often offers completely free shipping on orders over a certain amount. The goods go for a short time - no more than 2 weeks and everything arrives in a securely packed box.

Permanent promotions and gifts

Yves Rocher does not skimp on promotions, special offers and sales. The company also actively gives gifts and additional bonuses, for example, in the form of free delivery,

Customer care

Yves Rocher is a company "with a human face", every client is loved, appreciated and respected here. The company always gives individual gifts for personal holidays, sends congratulations and postcards.

Special conditions for corporate orders

The company has prepared its own collection of gifts for significant dates and holidays of your employees. Flexible terms of cooperation and cashless payments. Possibility to make a gift in the form of a gift certificate.


Yves Rocher produces not only colorful catalogs that are loved by customers all over the world, but also catalogs in Braille for blind women.

What is the best way to buy Yves Rocher products?

Yves Rocher products can be bought in three ways: in company stores, in an online store, or place an order through a mail catalog or even by phone. Both for new and regular customers there is a flexible system of discounts, various gifts, promotions, bonuses and many other pleasant surprises. When buying products online, do not forget to use.

Yves Rocher is a French cosmetics company that positions itself as a manufacturer of herbal cosmetics and perfumes. Cosmetics Yves Rocher / Yves Rocher has a distinctive feature from the rest: the product is based on a vegetable base, which makes cosmetics, according to the manufacturer, natural and harmless. The corporation has its own fields where specialists grow the necessary plants.

Yves Rocher also guarantees the safety of every ingredient and every formula of its products - all of which are carefully selected and tested for dermatological safety. From suppliers of vegetable raw materials from other countries, the company's specialists also require strict adherence to the rules of the Charter of Plants developed by it. The main condition of this Charter is the rejection of the use of GMOs and various plant species that are under threat of destruction. Products are imported from France and sold through their own channels, without intermediaries: through company stores, catalogs and the Internet.

Brand history

The Yves Rocher Corporation got its name from its founder. In 1930, in the small French provincial town of La Gasilla, a boy was born, the basis of whose life was the craving for knowledge of the world and love for nature. Since childhood, Yves Rocher was fond of biology, studied the structure of plants, observed the world around him. The idea to make a business out of a hobby appeared after one day an old healer shared with Yves a recipe for a healing ointment. Later, this ointment formed the basis of the first buttercup cream created in the attic of one's own house. At the time of the founding of the company, Yves Rocher was 29 years old. In 1959, in his hometown of La Gacilly, the first laboratories for the study of the properties of plants were opened and the first Yves Rocher cosmetics were created.

The first official store in Paris, where Yves Rocher / Yves Rocher cosmetics were sold, was opened only 10 years after its foundation. Having mastered sales first in France - Belgium, the corporation quickly entered the international level, rapidly conquering the market in other countries. In 1989, Yves Rocher became the first European company to officially stop testing its products on animals.

A few years later, in 1993, Yves Rocher launches the first eco-friendly shampoo filler in the Hamamelis range (Witch Hazel). This innovation has reduced the use of plastic by 75%.

The next step in the direction of caring for the environment was made in 2006 - the corporation refused to use plastic bags in stores. Instead, the production of fabric eco-bags was launched.

Since 1991, Yves Rocher has come and firmly established itself on the Russian trading market. The first store was opened on Tverskaya Street in Moscow, and currently there are 238 branded boutiques and 25 salons in Russia in more than 90 cities. In 2010, in the year of its 50th anniversary, the company received the Love Brand award and entered the top three favorite cosmetic brands in Russia.

Today Yves Rocher is one of the largest French cosmetics companies, which is present in more than 80 countries and has more than 700 products. According to the corporation, Yves Rocher / Yves Rocher cosmetics are loved by every third Frenchwoman.
