Measuring basal temperature in early pregnancy. Basal temperature in early pregnancy

The simplest and most accessible way to determine early pregnancy is to measure basal temperature. Those women who are looking forward to the birth of their baby are probably familiar with this method.

It appeared simultaneously with the calendar method of contraception, and usually successfully complements it.

In this article we will talk in detail about diagnosing pregnancy. in the early stages using this method, deciphering the indicators and their norms for different periods.

Basal temperature is internal temperature human body. It is measured using a thermometer in the mouth, female genital organs or anus. The measurement should be done early in the morning, as soon as the woman wakes up. In this case, place a thermometer by the bed so that it is easy to reach.

For cycle control and planning pregnancy, its timely determination, it is necessary daily, from the first day of menstruation, to measure the temperature and record the result on schedule. The most informative way to measure temperature is through the rectum. For this purpose, a regular mercury thermometer is optimal, as it gives the most accurate results.

Early in the morning, after waking up, while the body is in a relaxed state after sleep, you need to insert a thermometer and wait 5-7 minutes. The result obtained is recorded in a notebook for keeping a chart, or saved in a mobile application.

Norm of indicators in different periods

On the days of menstruation, the normal indicator is temperature 36.7 – 36.9 degrees. By the time of ovulation, it begins to rise, reaching its peak - 37.2-37.4 degrees. After ovulation the temperature should start to decline– if conception has not occurred. This usually happens 7-8 days before the expected date of your period. In the days before menstruation, it drops to 36.8 -36.9 degrees. If conception has occurred, the temperature continues to remain at 37.1-37.4 degrees.

Elevated temperature is typical for the first trimester of pregnancy. After 19 weeks she begins gradually decline, increasing again by the third trimester - this is a harbinger of an early birth.

Immediately after conception has occurred, the basal temperature rises by several tenths of degrees and continues to remain at this level, which makes it possible to identify pregnancy. If before your period the thermometer consistently shows 37.2 degrees, you can be congratulated. We can expect an addition to the family soon.

Basal temperature before delay

As mentioned above, the method of measuring basal temperature can allow a woman to plan conception and determine pregnancy.

If you are keeping a temperature chart, pay attention to the following points:

  • after ovulation, the temperature dropped for one or two days, to 36.9-37 degrees;
  • after this jump, the temperature rose again, reaching 37.1.-37.3 degrees.

This factor indicates completed conception. Next, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the body begins to produce progesterone, which affects the increase in body temperature. In the early stages of pregnancy, the temperature remains between 37.1.-37.3 degrees, without falling before the onset of the expected menstruation.

Delay temperature

If you have a late period, but have not yet tested using pharmacy strip tests, you can use the diagnostic method by measuring basal temperature.

If the temperature is within 37.1 – 37.3 degrees– you are most likely pregnant. Only colds, hidden infections, or physical activity before testing can affect the result.

In the evening, body temperature is often elevated - this is due to physical activity during the day. If you are going to take your temperature, remember that you need to rest for at least 3 hours before doing so to get the correct result. If you already know for sure that you are pregnant, you can measure your temperature at any time of the day, as this will allow you to notice any deviations in time and take action.

In the evening the temperature can be from 37.2 to 37.6 degrees during pregnancy.

Basal temperature at 20 weeks of pregnancy

Basal temperature is highest during the period of active production of progesterone in the body. This period lasts during the first trimester, then, by 19-20 weeks, indicators are declining. Further temperature measurements, as a rule, are not carried out, because the method ceases to be informative.

Optimal indicators for a period of 20 weeks are 36.7 - 36.9 degrees.

“I have a temperature...” - what does this mean?

Here we have collected the transcript standard indicators, which will help you figure out whether you are pregnant or wait for your menstruation to arrive soon.

Temperature 36.9

  • During pregnancy - threat of miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, more than 19 weeks.
  • Before the delay - your period should come soon, there is no pregnancy.

Temperature 37.0

This temperature before the delay may indicate the imminent arrival of menstruation(depending on when you took the measurement), mild inflammatory process.

If the temperature begins to rise slightly, the attachment of the embryo has taken place quite recently. During pregnancy, indicates a lack of progesterone and the threat of miscarriage.

Temperature 37.1

Before the delay, there is a high probability that there was conception. It should go up a bit within a week. If the temperature drops, the onset of menstruation is imminent, spontaneous abortion. If pregnancy is confirmed - normal, a slight lack of progesterone is possible.

Early pregnancy chart by week

After the 18th week of pregnancy, the temperature decreases and its indicators are within 36.9 – 36.6 degrees.

Now you know what to focus on when measuring and maintaining a graph. Advice - if you notice while already pregnant, sudden drop in temperature or its jump - consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid the threat of interruption.

A healthy woman resorts to measurements most often because of the desire to conceive a child. BT during pregnancy differs significantly from the indications that are observed in other periods of life. If appropriate BT indications arise, which are inherent in pregnancy, then we can talk about a successful conception. BT also becomes interesting in each period of gestation - from 1 to 40 weeks.

Basal temperature data is taken in three places:

  1. In the mouth.
  2. In the rectum (rectally).
  3. In the vagina.

The most accurate readings are temperatures measured in the rectum. They are reduced in the first phase, that is, to 37°C. They range from 36.2 to 36.9 degrees, which is individual. The most important thing is that the BT readings in the second phase (the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes, that is, after ovulation) are at least 0.4°C higher than the previous ones. This “morning” temperature persists until the onset of menstruation:

  • 1-2 days before menstruation, BT drops.
  • On the day of menstruation it increases.

Basal temperature is strictly controlled by the level of hormones produced by the body. During pregnancy in the second phase, the temperature gradually increases or is already high until menstruation is missed or even more. This indicates high levels of progesterone and estrogen, which regulate the process of maintaining pregnancy.

Based on basal temperature, you can calculate days favorable for conception, as well as periods when you don’t have to worry about the safety of sex. This is also regulated by hormone levels. Basal temperature also helps to identify various abnormalities in reproductive function. For example, at 3 and 4 weeks of pregnancy (according to obstetric indications), the temperature should be more than 37°C.

If there is a delay, but the basal rate drops, this indicates a negative process of conception (pregnancy is not observed).

How to measure?

Basal temperature is an easily changing thing. A woman must follow the rules of her measurement to get the correct data. These rules are the same for all women: both pregnant and non-pregnant.

You should use one thermometer, which can be mercury (preferably) or digital. It is inserted into the rectum 2-3 cm and held for 5-7 minutes. Measurements are taken strictly at the same time (the run-up can be up to 30-60 minutes maximum). Everything happens in the morning, when the woman has just woken up and has not yet gotten out of bed.

Other rules for drawing up a BT schedule are:

  • Measurements are taken over 4 consecutive menstrual cycles for a more reliable picture.
  • Measurements are taken after waking up from sleep, which should last at least 5 hours. In the morning, a woman should, without getting out of bed or stretching, take a thermometer and measure her temperature.
  • While the temperature is being measured, you should lie still.
  • All data is recorded in a notebook, where the date and exact data about the BT are indicated. At the same time, notes are written down regarding what distorted the BT readings, for example, the use of alcohol or medications the day before.

Basal temperature is not taken during the daytime. Only in the morning is it reliable. With activity and movement, body temperature rises, which distorts the readings.

BT distortion can be affected by:

  1. Alcohol consumption.
  2. Sexual contact the day before.
  3. Diseases in which the general body temperature rises.

During pregnancy, it should be taken into account that BT is within normal limits for 2 weeks after conception. Then hormonal changes occur that distort the data. At week 9, BT will not be of much interest than at week 1 or 2. However, if the doctor has prescribed it to be measured, then his recommendations should be followed.

Diagnosis in the early stages

During pregnancy, BT remains high until pregnancy delay and beyond. Diagnosis in the early stages is made after conception in the first weeks. The temperature rises to 37 and above (by 0.4-0.5 degrees) and on the day of the delay it will rise by another 0.2-0.3. However, everything is individual: in some women the temperature may not rise above 37°C.

The BT schedule will sometimes behave strangely during the first week. For example, on the 6th day the basal temperature may drop, which does not indicate pathologies. Sometimes this occurs after ovulation on days 7-10, which indicates implantation retraction, which may be accompanied by bleeding.

The next day or 2 after the drop, the temperature rises again to a high level. Such changes in the second phase may indicate fertilization.

Other signs of pregnancy may include the following cases (if there is no short-term temperature rise in the second phase):

  • Increased BT is observed for 3 days or longer than in previous cycles.
  • High BT lasts at least 18 days - a sure indicator of pregnancy.
  • A third upward jump in temperature is observed, dividing the graph into 3 phases.

Low BT during pregnancy

You should pay attention to what the basal temperature is when pregnancy occurs. Its normal value is 37.1-37.4°C. However, sometimes lower temperatures can be observed. Low BT is not an alarming sign during pregnancy, but you should pay attention to it.

Gynecologists often advise measuring BT throughout the first trimester. This occurs in cases where a woman has previously had miscarriages, threatened miscarriage, or fading pregnancy. Low temperature in the first trimester may indicate:

  • Lack of progesterone, which regulates normal gestation.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • Freezing of the fetus.

A sharp drop in basal levels below 37 degrees may indicate insufficient progesterone production. In this case, visiting a doctor should be mandatory, especially if other alarming signs arise:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Increased uterine tone.
  3. Bleeding.

You should not panic that BT has dropped to 36.9°C if there is no discomfort, abdominal pain, or bleeding. This is not considered normal, but the individual characteristics of the female body may play a role here. You should be examined by a doctor so as not to worry about low BT.

If BT drops to 36°C, this is an abnormal sign. Here, fetal freezing or spontaneous termination of pregnancy may occur. In any case, you should consult a doctor urgently.

It is also necessary to make a visit to the gynecologist if BT drops to 36.8 degrees or below and lasts for a long time. This may require testing for hormone levels. However, if low BT appears only once, then you should not worry. This could be an error in measurements or a temporary change in the condition of the female body.

What does increased BT mean?

A high BT should also attract attention. What does her increased performance indicate? If 38°C is observed for a long time, then you should seek medical help, since we are talking about inflammatory processes in the body or ectopic pregnancy (BT may be normal in this case).

A slightly elevated BT (37.7-38°C) is normal, which may indicate individual characteristics of the body.

We should not forget about the various factors that influence BT measurements. If a woman takes medications, is sexually active, and moves after waking up, then the indicators will be different, which is natural.

A slightly elevated BT is quite normal if the woman feels well and nothing bothers her, and her hormone levels remain normal.

Internal BT at various stages of pregnancy

Changes in internal BT at different stages of pregnancy should be considered:

  • The 3rd week corresponds to the 1st embryonic week. At this stage, BT shows 37-37.5-37.7 degrees and slightly higher. A mark below 37°C indicates deviations and the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • The 4th week is marked by BT indicators in the range of 37.1-37.3°C, the maximum limit is 38°C. Higher rates indicate infectious or inflammatory processes.
  • The 5th week should be stable within 37.1-37.7 degrees. If it repeatedly increases or decreases, then you should pay attention to other signs: nagging pain, hardening of the abdomen, softening of the mammary glands, etc.
  • Week 6 remains the same: 37.1-37.7°C. If the temperature increases or decreases significantly, then we may be talking about fetal death.
  • The 7th-8th weeks are marked by BT indicators within the range of no lower than 37.1-37.3 and no higher than 38 degrees. If the indicators are abnormal, you should undergo additional health diagnostics (ultrasound). By the end of this period, the fetus becomes less susceptible to various factors, but it is better to continue to maintain a BT schedule.
  • The 9-10th week should maintain the previous indicators within the range of more than 37 and below 38 degrees. Otherwise, the help of a doctor is recommended.
  • The 11th week is marked by a slight decrease in BT to 37-37.2°C. If the temperature remains high, then you should contact a gynecologist.
  • The 12th week is determined by BT levels of 37-37.8, maximum 38 degrees. Ideal values ​​are 37.6-37.7°C.

In the following weeks, the BT level remains within normal limits - around 36.6-36.8 degrees. Too high or too low BT indicates hormonal disorders, threat of miscarriage and other pathologies. At the 40th week, BT increases to 37.4 degrees or more (by 0.5-0.8°C). Some women also experience a high fever before giving birth.


Basal temperature helps in solving many problems, including throughout pregnancy. It’s not enough just to conceive, you also need to carry it to term, which is 40 long weeks. A lot can happen during this period. For a favorable prognosis, it is necessary to measure BT throughout pregnancy in order to note deviations from the norm and seek help in time.

By correctly reading the basal temperature chart during pregnancy, even before a missed period, the expectant mother can track its onset. You also need to know what factors can distort the result so as not to mistake them for deviations in the development of pregnancy.

Characteristic indicators at different stages of the cycle

Basal temperature, as one of the methods for determining a day favorable for conception, is widely used nowadays, although the measurement does not provide a 100% guarantee and has a sufficient number of disadvantages. When planning a pregnancy, you need to start preparing in advance and, for comparison, take readings from at least 3-4 cycles, building a curve connecting daily temperature points.

Before we talk about building a digital axis, let’s figure out what normal values ​​should be displayed on it:

End of the menstrual cycle

  • At the end of menstrual bleeding in the first period of the cyclic process, the thermometer shows approximately 36.2-36.5°C. It is at these marks on the thermometer that the egg matures with the participation of estrogen, which controls this process.

Temperature before and after ovulation

  • On the eve of ovulation, there is a slight drop in temperature by a few tenths of a degree, and then an increase to 37°C and above. This indicates the release of the cell and its movement to meet the sperm in the fallopian tube.

An example of a graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before delay

  • After the fusion of germ cells, the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay (photos of examples confirm this) consistently shows slight fluctuations between 37 and 37.5 ° C throughout pregnancy.

  • If fertilization does not occur, a few days before menstruation, a gradual decrease in temperature begins and from the first critical day it becomes 36.8 ° C or lower.

Pregnancy diagnosis according to schedule

Elevated temperature marks on the curve are the first indirect sign of completed conception, then it will be confirmed by nausea, pain in the mammary glands, changes in mood, taste preferences, etc., and the final line will be marked by two identical stripes on the test.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy before delay – 36.9°C

The moment of fertilization itself passes unnoticed for the woman, but implantation of the embryo into the endometrium can be recorded. In this case, the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is 36.9°C or slightly less on days 5-7 after ovulation. Approximately this period of time is necessary for the fertilized egg to reach the uterus and begin implantation into its wall.

At this moment, slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be felt, and mild bleeding from the vagina may be present, as a symptom of the attachment of the fetus. The decrease will be visible for only a day, and then the curve will return to the values ​​​​that were before the decline and will no longer deviate.

Signs that distort indicators

We examined the normal course of pregnancy in the early stages and its inherent adequate meanings. But sometimes the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay, examples have deviations, both in the direction of increasing and decreasing temperature values. They are caused by certain reasons related to the influence of internal and external factors on the woman’s body.

When a shift in indicators occurs once, it can be attributed to errors in temperature measurements that occurred due to a completely understandable reason:

  • Insomnia;
  • Short sleep, less than 6 hours;
  • Cold;
  • Sexual intercourse 3-4 hours before measurement;
  • Excessive physical activity the day before;
  • Stress.

Dangerous deviations in the basal temperature chart during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

If an increase of 37.5-38°C is observed and continues for several days, an inflammatory process in the woman’s reproductive system can be suspected. This could be an infectious disease, or possibly an ectopic pregnancy. Attachment of the fertilized egg in the wrong place can cause a peculiar reaction with temperature jumps up and down and the curve turns out to be somewhat incorrect with atypical depressions.

Frozen pregnancy or miscarriage

A decrease in indicators, with confidence in conception, below 36.9 ° C, is also a cause for concern. In this case, a frozen pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage is suspected. This state of temperature values ​​is explained by a decrease in progesterone levels occurring due to fetal death. It is no longer necessary to support the development of the embryo; the corpus luteum gradually reduces its production, and the hormone content in the blood drops. He is no longer able to maintain elevated basal temperature numbers, and it drops.

If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, the temperature will be below 36.9°C on the chart during pregnancy before the delay.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy before delay (video)

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about how to correctly measure basal temperature during pregnancy before a delay.

To make sure that you are drawing up your basal temperature chart correctly during pregnancy before the delay, video materials and examples of girls on the forums will help you get rid of doubts about the sequence of actions and understand the temperature values.


When drawing up a temperature curve, one should not forget that each organism is characterized only by its own values, so it is not the numbers themselves that are important, but rather the difference between the first and second phases of the cycle, which should be no less than 0.4°C.

The method of measuring basal temperature (BT) was invented back in 1953 in England. It is based on measuring temperature after a night's sleep, at rest. It is important to know that the rules for measuring temperature are quite strict, and you cannot deviate from them: every tenth of a degree matters. Measurements are taken only with a mercury thermometer in the mouth, vagina or rectum. The last method is considered the most convenient. Measuring basal temperature helps determine whether ovulation occurred during the cycle and whether the long-awaited conception occurred. What should the basal temperature be when menstruation is delayed in order to understand whether pregnancy has occurred? Let's try to understand this issue.

How to measure temperature correctly? Prepare a notepad and pen in advance: it is better to write down the results immediately, so that later, based on the dynamics, you can build an appropriate graph. You should not expect that the method will immediately bring results: it may take several months to figure out exactly what is happening with the hormonal background of your body.

The rules for measuring BT are as follows:

  • The same mercury thermometer is used, which should be at hand;
  • The temperature is measured daily at the same time after sleep, the difference should not exceed 30 minutes;
  • All measurements are taken immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, in a lying position;
  • Measurement time – 5-7 minutes;
  • If you cannot accurately determine the indicator, record the bottom number in the chart.

Basal temperature during a delay, as well as on all other days of the cycle, must be measured after at least three hours of sleep, otherwise the readings will be inaccurate. This is where the certain complexity of the method lies: any movement, stress, sexual intercourse the day before can affect the result. It needs to be recorded in any case, but make a note in the diary about what factors could change the indicators.

Temperature during pregnancy before delay

So, BT shows changes in a woman’s hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle and indirectly indicates ovulation. Women use this data to determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child.

If the cycle occurs without deviations, then the basal temperature before ovulation will range from 36.5 to 36.8 degrees. A jump to 37 degrees indicates that ovulation has occurred. BT values ​​decrease one to two days before the onset of menstruation. The temperature during pregnancy until the delay will thus remain at 37 degrees, and this is a serious reason to assume that the test will soon show the coveted two stripes.

Let us repeat once again that it is necessary not only to record BT indicators, but to draw up a graph from them in which changes will be better visible. This is very easy to do: draw coordinate axes on a squared sheet of paper. The horizontal axis is the days of the cycle, the vertical axis is the basal temperature indicator. The resulting points on the graph need to be connected with lines. In this case, peaks and valleys in temperature will be obvious.

Are basal temperature readings always reliable during a delay? First, in order for pregnancy to occur, ovulation must first occur. If there was no ovulation in a given cycle, conception is impossible. In this case, the increase in temperature has nothing to do with pregnancy, and can be caused by many other factors. However, the chart will be useful for you to show it to the gynecologist.

In general, it is better to use the BT measurement method to determine ovulation and suitable days for conception. It cannot be considered 100% reliable for determining pregnancy - for this there are other methods based on measuring the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in a woman’s blood or urine.

However, if a woman has not been able to get pregnant for a long time, then drawing up monthly BT schedules will, of course, bring clarity to the features of her cycle.

You should be wary if the basal temperature rises too much when your period is delayed (up to 37.5 degrees or higher). Such indicators may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. votes)

If you are planning to become pregnant soon, it makes sense to monitor your basal temperature chart. This way you can reliably track the onset of ovulation and find out about pregnancy even before your menstruation is missed. More about this in the article below, which also provides examples of basal schedules during pregnancy.

The human body is a very complex system. It constantly undergoes cyclical changes and processes beyond our control. This is especially true for the female reproductive system. Still, it is possible and necessary to track some processes, in particular basal temperature. Such information will not only help you choose the best day to conceive a child, but also monitor the condition of the fetus throughout your pregnancy.

Basal temperature is body temperature measured in the rectum, mouth, or vagina. The temperature indicator, when measured, is influenced by the hormonal component in the woman’s body. The higher the level of progesterone in the blood, the higher the basal temperature.

It is worth noting that basal temperature should only be measured in a state of calm, preferably after a night's sleep that lasted at least 7 hours. This is due to the fact that during the day the temperature constantly changes depending on the woman’s activity, and in the morning, when the body awakens from sleep, BT will be the most constant.
The effectiveness of the method is accurate only under the condition of constant monitoring of basal temperature. Regular measurements should be carried out for at least three months, in compliance with all rules, until the planned conception of a child.

How to measure basal temperature

In order for basal temperature readings to be most accurate, when measuring it you need to follow these rules:

  • Basal temperature should be measured in the mouth, vagina or rectum. The last option is considered the most informative. It is worth noting that it is necessary to measure BT during the study period in the same place, otherwise the graph will be considered inaccurate;
  • In order to avoid instrumental error, it is necessary to use the same thermometer. It can be mercury or electronic - your choice;
  • basal temperature should be measured in the morning, at the same time every day;
  • It is best to measure your basal temperature without getting out of bed; try not to even sit down before the procedure, as the body should be in a state of complete rest;
  • the duration of the measurement should be 5-7 minutes or until the sound signal, if using an electronic thermometer;
  • You need to start charting your basal temperature from the first day of your cycle and do not interrupt measurements even during menstruation.
  • measurements were made at different times of the day;
  • the body was not at rest;
  • the woman suffered from viral diseases (ARVI) with an increase in body temperature;
  • while maintaining the schedule, the woman took medications, in particular hormonal ones;
  • During the cycle, the woman was very active and slept little (there were long trips or air flights);
  • on the eve of the measurement, a large amount of alcohol was drunk.

Basal temperature chart during a normal menstrual cycle

As mentioned above, basal temperature measurements should be taken starting from the first day of the cycle. So, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, with proper functioning of the woman’s reproductive system, BT should be equal to 36.4-36.7 degrees.

By the middle of the cycle, this figure drops to approximately 36.2 degrees. Then it sharply increases to 37 degrees and above. This mark on the thermometer indicates the onset of ovulation and the most favorable days for conception.

After ovulation is completed, the temperature drops again, to approximately 36.7 degrees.

Basal temperature chart for an anovulatory cycle

The anovulatory menstrual cycle is a period when the female body does not experience ovulation and maturation of the corpus luteum. At the same time, the regularity of menstruation is maintained.

It is worth noting that the anovulatory menstrual cycle is normal and does not indicate any changes in a woman’s reproductive health. It happens once or twice a year.

The graph of basal temperature during the anovulatory menstrual cycle fluctuates at around 36.4-36.7 degrees and does not increase in the second phase.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy before delay

Thanks to basal temperature indicators, you can find out about pregnancy even before your period is missed. The fact is that the hormone progesterone is responsible for the increase or decrease in BT. During ovulation, its content in the blood increases significantly, and the temperature of the internal organs increases. So, if conception has occurred, then its quantity does not decrease, which means the temperature remains the same. If you notice that BT has not decreased after the expected end of ovulation and remains at 37 degrees or higher, then you can most likely be congratulated on the successful conception of the fetus.

The BT chart during pregnancy before the delay is not a 100% accurate indicator, so it is also recommended to do a test strip.

Basal schedule during pregnancy, photo:

Basal temperature chart during early pregnancy

If you are sure that pregnancy has occurred, you should not stop keeping the schedule. After all, with the help of information about temperature during pregnancy, you can monitor the condition of the fetus and the possibility of inflammatory processes.
It is especially important to monitor the BT schedule during early pregnancy if:

  • you have previously had miscarriages;
  • the previous pregnancy ended in fetal death;
  • you are under treatment;
  • There have been cases of ectopic pregnancy.

In the first trimester, normal basal temperature should be kept at 37-37.2 degrees. If it increases, especially exceeds 37.5 degrees, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Examples of basal temperature charts during pregnancy.

Temperature chart during pregnancy

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then after 20 weeks the basal temperature will decrease, and marks of 36.8-36.9 degrees should appear on the graph. If you see a slight increase in BT in the second trimester (by 0.1-0.2 degrees) - do not be alarmed, this may have happened due to heavy loads on the body or your activity the day before.

Just as in the second trimester, in the third trimester the basal temperature is slightly lower than what it was immediately after conception and remains at approximately 36.9 degrees.

A reason for concern may be an increase in basal temperature in the second and third trimester above 37.3 degrees. This may indicate:

  • inflammatory processes, in particular the pelvic organs;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • placental abruption.

It is worth noting that tracking the BT schedule during pregnancy week by week is extremely important until the 18th week. After the 20th week of pregnancy, this procedure is practically useless, since both you and the baby will be under constant medical supervision. Compared to regular examinations with a doctor, the BT schedule will generally not be informative.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy. Video
