How to avoid getting sunburned at sea and get a beautiful tan - the secrets of sun protection. What to do if you get sunburned? How to avoid getting sunburned? What to do to avoid sunburn

The sun is the main source of vitamin D; it serves as an excellent antidepressant, improves mood, and helps fight fatigue and irritability. But abuse of sunlight leads to heat, sunstroke and burns, premature aging of the skin, and increases the risk of cancer. Still, how to sunbathe correctly? Here you need to remember the golden rule - everything is good in moderation.

Rules for healthy tanning

For a proper and long-lasting tan, use the following recommendations.

Preliminary preparation of the skin for tanning

A couple of days before your trip to the sea, do a peeling (at home). It will exfoliate dead cells and smooth out uneven skin, resulting in a smoother tan.

Nutrition for proper tanning

Sunbathing on an empty stomach or on a full stomach will be uncomfortable for you. The best option would be to have a meal an hour and a half before going to the beach. You can eat a little salty food and drink tea, preferably green. Products that promote tanning include those containing carotene - carrots, peaches, apricots. Products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E - eggs, fish, seafood, vegetable oils, nuts - will help protect your skin from sunburn. Use medications with caution, as some medications increase skin sensitivity to sun exposure.

Best time to tan safely

Remember that sunbathing on the beach is best from 9 to 11 am, or after 17 pm. If you sunbathe in the thick of it, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., you won’t notice how quickly you’ll “burn out,” and instead of an evening walk with friends you’ll have to lie on the couch, smearing yourself with sour cream or kefir.

The basic rule of proper tanning

Proper tanning requires moderation: gradually increase your time in the sun, taking into account your individual tolerance to sunlight. It is best to sunbathe little by little, in small portions. Then the tan will lie on your skin evenly, even if you initially have white skin, and will delight you on long winter evenings.

Protect your head and eyes from the scorching sun

When under the scorching sun, do not forget to cover your head with a hat, it will protect you from overheating. The eyes are also sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so wear sunglasses.

Using cosmetics for proper tanning

Before going out into the sun, do not use eau de toilette, perfumes and essential oils, as well as creams based on glycerin or petroleum jelly. And don't forget to apply sunscreen with high SPF and/or UVA content to your skin. They protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Choose sunscreen based on your skin phototype. Fortunately, the store has a very large selection of sunscreens.

Proper use of sunscreen for proper tanning

Sunscreen must not only be chosen correctly, but also applied to the body very skillfully and carefully. In general, sunscreen should be applied at home, 30 minutes before going out, but not on the beach, and certainly not after you have already “burnt.” Many of us only apply cream to our shoulders and back. That's all. What, the skin on other parts of your body is very rough and does not need care? Or will the rest of your body lie in the shade? Don't think. So don’t forget to apply the cream to your armpits, earlobes and neck. You must also apply a special protective cream or special oil to your hair. Protect your lips with chapstick.

Basic rules for staying on the beach

  • When sunbathing while lying down, remember that your head should be slightly elevated. Therefore, if you are not sunbathing on a sunbed, place a small improvised cushion under your head.
  • After leaving the pond, dry your body with a towel, because water droplets on the body focus sunlight like a lens, which can lead to burns.
  • Do not quench your thirst with too cold or alcoholic drinks. For this, water with lemon or mineral water is best.
  • Don't sleep on the beach. If you still decide to sleep in the fresh air and at the same time get a long-awaited tan, let there be a person nearby who can wake you up and turn your sunbathing body on the other side in time. After all, it is unlikely that a neighbor sunbathing nearby will care whether you are asleep or in a deep faint, whether you sunbathe on one side or whether you need a full tan.

After the beach

After you have sunbathed on the beach, it is best to take a cool shower at home to at least somehow cool your skin that has been heated during the day. Long baths are not recommended, since the top layer of your skin will dry out very quickly, and you will easily lose that beautiful tan you were striving for... After-sun products will also come in handy. They must be applied to already cleansed skin with light massaging movements so as not to harm the sensitive layers of the skin. These products will help restore the moisture balance of your skin and soothe irritated areas.

Have a nice rest and even tan!

1. The most important thing: the first sunbathing sessions should not last more than 20 minutes. And if you are one of the fast-burning representatives of I-II according to Fitzpatrick - and haven’t sunbathed yet this year - even less.

2. If you are taking medications, consult your doctor before sunbathing. Some medications can increase the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, provoke photodermatosis or the appearance of hyperpigmentation. In particular, ibuprofen and some other antipyretics and pain relievers, antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, and herbal remedies based on St. John's wort can have a photosensitizing effect.

3. Apply sunscreen 20-25 minutes before going outside: The chemical filters included in most new generation cosmetics do not begin to act immediately.

4. Keep in mind that daytime face creams with SPF are often not suitable for the beach. Firstly, because SPF 6-15, which most of them have, is not enough for the beach. Secondly, the filters included in their composition can only protect against UVB rays, while on the beach protection from both types of ultraviolet waves - UVA and UVB - is required.

The program experts will tell you more about the most important rules of skin care before and after tanning, how to tan correctly and choose sunscreen cosmetics. "In the shape of".

5. Don’t forget: a tan obtained with the help of “auto-bronzant” does not protect against sunburn. Unlike a regular tan obtained in a solarium or on the beach, self-tanning does not cause the formation of melanin in skin cells - a pigment that not only gives the skin a brownish tint, but also weakens the effect of ultraviolet radiation.

6. Don't skimp on sunscreen: apply them in sufficient quantities (at least 20 ml should be used on the face and body in one “session”) and renew the protection every 2-3 hours: after a couple of hours, sun filters lose up to 50% of their “working ability,” and if we use a lot swim or play sports - and more.

Protective moisturizer Protective Daily Moisturizer SPF 30+, Ultraceuticals with broad-spectrum physical and chemical filters and antioxidants that slow down skin aging - green tea extract and vitamin E

Waterproof sunscreen for face Expert Sun Aging Protection Cream, Shiseido with moisturizing and anti-aging effect with broad-spectrum filters and Profense CELTM complex, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and age spots

Sunscreen cream for sensitive skin with very high protection level SPF 50+ (PPD 42) Anthelios XL 50+, La Roche-Posay, free of perfumes and parabens

High protection nourishing sunscreen cream Advance UV Defense SPF 30, SkinCeuticals with Mexoryl SX and XL sun filters, alpha-tocopherol and plant antioxidants

High protection tanning milk "Maxi-Spray" SPF 30 Protectyl Vegetal Maxi Spray, Yves Rocher with formulawater- andsweat-resistant

Protective anti-aging skin cream for face and body with a high degree of protection Intelligence Soleil SPF 50, Dr. Pierre Ricaud with Acti-Liss formula for moisturizing, nourishing, preventing skin aging and the formation of age spots

Sun protection stick Targeted Protection Stick SPF 35, Clinique for sensitive skin areas with a water- and sweat-resistant formula, antioxidants and skin softening ingredients

Sun protection stick Super Stick Solaire SPF 30, Sisley for sensitive areas of facial skin with camellia oil, mango and shea butters

7. Another very important nuance that everyone remembers, but when they get to the beach, they usually forget: do not sunbathe from 11 to 16 hours, when the sun is the most active and you can get a sunburn in literally 5-10 minutes. In addition, as dermatologists never tire of repeating, the sun at this time is also especially harmful, so the best option would not be to just sit under an umbrella. In general, go indoors or at least under a wide canopy. And keep in mind that in near-equator latitudes, “hour X,” when it’s very easy to burn, comes earlier: starting from 10 a.m., the sun is mercilessly hot (by the way, at the same time, at the same time, the risk of getting a heat stroke increases).

8. Remember: you can get sunburned even in the shade or on a cloudy day, but in water you get sunburned faster. Even when the sky is overcast, about 40% of solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface. In addition, light sand and water perfectly reflect ultraviolet rays - and the amount of “irradiation” that the skin is exposed to increases.

Natalia Gaydash

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the aesthetic medicine clinic “TriActive”

Those with a large number of moles and fair skin that easily burns in the sun should be especially careful with the sun. Not all moles degenerate into melanoma, but close monitoring is necessary for each nevus, as well as for any skin tumor in general. It is necessary to undergo diagnostics (screening) every year and it is better to do this before traveling to hot and sunny countries.

9. Keep in mind that the back, face, décolleté and shoulders burn faster. therefore, it is worth applying products with a higher SPF to these areas (on the face, the nose and ears burn most quickly). Also, after water procedures, you should put a hat on your head and a pareo over your shoulders or put on a light beach tunic: this will additionally protect your skin from the direct sun.

10. If you suddenly don’t have sunscreen on hand, and there’s no way to buy it, olive oil will help out. It has a small sun protection factor, approximately SPF 2-4 (shea, sesame, avocado and jojoba oils act in a similar way). However, if the skin has not yet tanned and is far from the skin tone of sultry beauties who never burn in the sun, representatives of phototype IV like Penelope Cruz or Selma Hayek, It’s better to stay in the shade: natural sun filters do not provide long-term and sufficient protection on the beach.

How to avoid getting a sunburn instead of a beautiful tan? What products to use before, during and after sunbathing.

To make everything clear from the beginning, let us clarify that there is no “safe” tanning. If the skin begins to change color, it means that it has sensed danger and is trying to protect itself from harmful ultraviolet radiation as best it can, namely by producing melanin.

But since it is almost impossible to hide from the sun in summer, and you don’t want to, there are ways to minimize the harmful effects of the sun. We are, of course, talking about several rules and recommendations for the use of sunscreens.

What you need to know about the sun and tanning

Briefly about the benefits and harms of tanning. Only scientifically proven facts:

  • Tanning cannot be absolutely safe, even in a solarium;
  • The lighter the skin, the more sensitive it is to the sun's rays and the faster it gets burned;
  • 90% of all age-related changes in the skin are associated with the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • Ultraviolet B rays are responsible for skin burns after unprotected sunbathing;
  • Ultraviolet rays of type A cause no less harm, as they destroy collagen in the skin and over time provoke premature aging of the skin;

  • No sunscreen can provide 100% protection from the sun's rays. The best ones can block 98-99%, in addition, not everyone knows that sunscreen needs to be applied generously, about 1 spoon of product only for the face, and for the whole body at least 30 ml per 1 application. So, you can tan even using a good sunscreen.

It is worth canceling that the lighter a person’s skin, the less adapted his body is to life in hot climates. Often, people with very fair skin cannot get a golden tan at all. The skin gets a burn, which then goes away and everything returns to normal.

If you have fair skin, your risk of developing skin cancer is many times higher than that of darker-skinned people, so don't take sun protection lightly. At sea, do not go outside without applying a high protection cream, and sunbathe under an umbrella. Believe me, even with such protection, you will get a tan, but not burn.

Rules for sunbathing:

  • In the middle of the day, from 12 to 16 hours, it is not recommended to sunbathe. If you still prefer to be on the beach at this time, sunbathe under an umbrella. A certain amount of rays also pass through the fabric, and the skin will receive a moderate dose of radiation, unable to burn it;
  • When outdoors or on the beach, always apply sunscreen or lotion with a factor of at least 25 to all exposed skin;
  • Sunscreen should be applied every 2 hours and after swimming;

  • If you spent the whole day outside, it is recommended to take a cool shower in the evening and use a cream containing panthenol and aloe;
  • To get an even and beautiful tan, you should take care of exfoliating your skin in advance. A body scrub, coffee or a rough washcloth is suitable for this.

There are not many rules and it is not difficult to follow them; the main thing is to adhere to moderation in everything. A little sun will not harm, and even if you are not afraid of burns, always remember that nothing ages the skin like the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Read also about How to choose sunscreen

What to do if you still get burned. First aid

Burnt skin needs to be cooled first, so cold showers and compresses will help a lot.

Further, panthenol and aloe are considered the best remedies for sunburn. Before going on vacation, it is often recommended to stock up on creams and lotions with these ingredients in advance. Anti-burn agents must be applied frequently so that the epidermis recovers faster.

One way or another, ultraviolet rays cause significant damage to the skin and all we can do is try to minimize this damage in order to reduce the risk of developing melanoma (cancer) and premature aging of the skin.

How to avoid getting sunburned at sea and get a beautiful tan - read and remember the most effective ways to protect yourself from the sun this summer.

The holiday season is in full swing, which means that when you are at sea, you will again meet vacationers with burnt noses and shoulders, rushing to their room to quickly smear themselves with sour cream. How can you avoid such a fate and not ruin your vacation, and still arrive home with a beautiful southern tan?

Wherever you go - to Sochi, Crimea, Turkey or other resorts, remember - The rules that will help you avoid getting sunburned are universal for everyone.

Firstly, I would like to note the category of light-skinned people, red-haired with light skin, owners of many moles and children. Fair-skinned people are very sensitive to direct sunlight because their skin contains little melanin, a pigment produced by the skin to protect itself from the sun. Melanin, in response to exposure to sunlight, turns the skin dark. Have you ever wondered why the peoples of Africa have black skin? Black people have an abundance of melanin in their skin, so they are not afraid of burns. Nature, as unnecessary, did not reward Europeans with such protection from ultraviolet radiation, therefore, When going to sea, remember:

  • in summer, the sun is closer to the earth, and accordingly, its rays are more active;
  • at sea, the sun's rays reflect off the water and sand, increasing the intensity many times over;
  • In the first days of being at sea, your skin is most sensitive to burns, as it has not produced a sufficient amount of melanin.

How not to burn in the sea and sun - basic rules that will help maintain beauty and health

  • use sunscreen - the greater the degree of protection, the better. Choose products that contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide - these are natural “screens” from UV rays. Please note that the most effective products are those marked PDD up to 42 and SPF 50; for Central European skin type, SPF 30-40 is suitable. This means that you can be in the sun for up to 300-400 minutes, and 500 minutes, respectively;
  • be sure to wear a hat, otherwise the burnt parting on the scalp will peel off unsightly;
  • renew your sunscreen after swimming in the sea or pool;
  • do not visit the beach during “dangerous” hours, namely from 12:00 to 16:00, at this time there is a high risk of getting heatstroke.

How to avoid sunburn for children at sea - sun protection for the little ones

  • Apply children's sunscreen with an SPF index of at least 50 points to your child's skin;
  • headwear is a strictly required attribute of games on the beach
  • sufficient clothing - cover the child’s shoulders with a beach towel, and do not neglect swimming trunks or a swimsuit.

Please note that people with “dangerous” hypertrophied moles should limit their exposure to the sun. It has been proven that UV rays have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and can provoke melanoma - skin cancer. Of course, this does not mean that you need to hide in your room and be content with the bathroom. Choose a cream with maximum PDD and be happy at sea - lubricate your skin, paying special attention to moles.

Surely, there is not a single woman who would not dream of having an attractive, even tan, which is why we decided to touch upon the topic of how to get a beautiful tan at sea and what is required for this. Some girls claim that this is almost impossible without visiting a solarium, others believe that sunbathing is generally harmful to health and it is better to go with pale skin, others believe that this can only be done in direct sunlight. There are a lot of opinions, so it’s worth understanding this issue in more detail.

A few important rules on how to avoid getting sunburned

First, it’s worth considering some rules that will help you achieve an attractive tan:

All these rules must not only be remembered, but also observed. Now let's finally discuss the topic of how to get a beautiful tan at sea and not get burned.

Have you noticed redness after sunbathing and don’t know what products are best to use?

It is worth noting that the tan will largely depend on the girl’s skin color.

  • Type 1 – light skin

It is quite difficult for girls with this skin type to tan. The fact is that even a short stay in the sun leads to a person starting to burn. However, there is a way out of this situation - you need to use sunscreen, and then you can get a beautiful and charming tan. It is advisable to buy cream for sensitive skin, but avoid buying special tanning oils.

  • Type 2 – medium color, closer to light

This skin is known for tanning quite easily and quickly. In some cases, the skin does not even turn red, but immediately becomes dark. Such girls are recommended to use moisturizing creams, and also to be in the sun for no more than 2 hours a day, since the skin quickly acquires a dark brown tint and can quickly burn.

  • Type 3 – dark skin

On the one hand, such girls are very lucky - they almost never get sunburned. On the other hand, they are also not recommended to spend long periods of time in direct sunlight. You should use high-quality products to ensure an even tan.

In order to find out how to get a beautiful tan at sea, you can read special forums where girls share their impressions of certain tanning products. At the same time, do not forget about the above rules and take into account the color of your own skin.

This question is asked by many girls who want to get a charming tan at sea during their vacation. Is it possible? If yes, then how?

Of course, nothing is impossible. Moreover, sometimes 2-3 days are enough for tanning. Then another question arises: how to get a beautiful tan at sea in a week?

  • First of all, you should remember the favorable and unfavorable hours for tanning.

For example, from 6 to 10 am solar activity is the least and it is safe to be on the beach. From 10 o'clock in the morning the sun begins to get hotter, but it is still relatively safe to be on the beach. From 12 to 16 it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, because you can get burns, but not beautiful skin. From 16 to 17 there is average solar activity, and after 17 it is safe to be on the beach again. Keeping these hours in mind, you can easily get a flawless tan in a week without risking anything.

  • You should apply products (cream, gel) throughout the week to avoid getting burned.

For such areas of the body as lips, nose, eyelids, special sticks are made that are easily applied to hard-to-reach areas and help to get an even tan.

  • It is better to go to the beach for a short time, but every day, than to go there once for the whole day.

The first option will allow you to gain attractive skin in just 6-7 days, after which you can calmly show off to your friends, and your loved one will not be able to take his eyes off such a beautiful and sweet person.

Proper nutrition for tanning

This may seem strange to some girls, but even the foods we eat can have a certain effect on skin tanning. For an ideal and even tan, it is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin D, which is found in cottage cheese, eggs and milk. In addition, you should add more fresh vegetables to your diet, for example, carrots, tomatoes; fruits (apricots, apples) are good.

It is worth remembering that sun rays reduce the content of vitamin C in the human body, so its amount should also be increased independently.

We hope that today you learned how to get a beautiful tan at sea with oil, special creams and other means. We also looked at how skin color can affect your future skin tone and how you can get a tan in just a week. At the end, we looked at what foods should be eaten to achieve the ideal result. All these methods will help you get a flawless tan that will add some zest to your appearance and make you the most beautiful in your environment.

Personal experience and tanning products
