How to communicate with a man on the phone. Communication with a man: mistakes women make when talking on the phone

Hi all!

I think I can express the opinion of all guys - girls, we are annoyed by your stupid chatter on the phone. Well, imagine the situation: you are beautiful and young, guys are lining up to get your phone number. And I'm no exception. Here is the treasured number in my hand. I call you the next day and what do I hear? I found out about all your relatives and friends, who lives with whom and who got you pregnant. Do I need it? And this is only the first conversation on the phone. And the last one. Because once is enough.

Dear and respected girls, would you like to know our male opinion about what to talk about on the phone to make it interesting for us? Then read the article to the end and maybe something will interest you and you will take note of it.

First telephone conversation with a man

Now the girl does not need to sit and wait for days on end for the young man she likes to call. Nothing stops her from calling first. This is completely acceptable.

  • firstly, this girl is not indifferent to me, but I still can’t say the same,
  • secondly, there is no easy conversation, everyone feels the tension and the conversation does not go well.

What I would like to advise a girl who calls a guy first:

  1. Before calling, relax and try to remember something pleasant, smile and cast aside all fears and dial the number. It all depends on the first phrase. It can be general, like “how are you”, “what are you doing”. Well, of course, there are individuals who regard such phrases as a hint of control over their personal lives, but I’m talking about normal guys now. Usually such phrases are enough to start a simple casual conversation.
  2. Don't start asking us riddles. Questions "Guess who's calling?" or “Do you know who gave me your phone number?” drives me crazy. I think I'm not the only one. All you have to do is say hello and say your name. If I liked a girl, then of course I will remember her name and will not ask again who is calling and ask to remember how we met.
  3. And now we are already talking. My dears, I don’t want to know in the first minutes of our communication about problems in the family and studies. No, this is not callousness and soullessness. Answer honestly yourself - would you like to solve the problems of your potential boyfriend after seeing him just once? No and no again. The conversation should be light and relaxed, and not cause yawning and a desire to end it as soon as possible.

Specific topics for conversation. Examples of flirting are found.

You can give a thousand and one pieces of advice on how to interest a guy over the phone, but if he doesn’t share your joy in communicating, then you shouldn’t continue the conversation, much less make an appointment. Just politely say goodbye, and burn the phone number, throw it away, or, in case of emergency, eat it. And remember - don’t call him ever again!

Now I will describe the situation exactly the opposite. I liked the girl, or maybe I talked to her for many months on the Internet and so I dialed her phone number. The first thing I would like is for the girl to answer my call and not ask for half an hour who he is and why I’m calling.

The topic of the conversation can help guide you through the process. But I would advise girls not to start a conversation about something they don’t understand. And what’s worse is when they also start arguing about unfamiliar things. It's at least funny.

What should a girl do, what should she be interested in during the first conversation?

You know, there are a lot of topics that you can talk about on the phone. And these are not tedious conclusions and philosophical speeches. Everything is much simpler. Here is an approximate list of topics that I would be happy to talk about:

  • cinema and music;
  • hobbies and sports;
  • books and literature;
  • travel attractions and museums;
  • equipment and cars.

But I repeat once again, do not start a conversation on any topic if you do not understand it. This applies not only to communication between a guy and a girl.

And again he calls

So, the first telephone conversation was successful. Perhaps there was already a first date, but no one canceled telephone conversations. It's too early for the girls to relax.

So that we men do not lose interest in you, we need to constantly flirt with us, even on the phone. However, there are several nuances that I would advise you to pay attention to. After all, communication with a guy shouldn’t end on the first date?

Examples of interesting questions are found.

Radiate kindness

Important points that a man feels during a conversation:

  • If you're not in the mood, don't call the guy. This is transmitted even over a distance.
  • But if you like the person, then your mood should improve on its own during the conversation.
  • Be polite and friendly.
  • Speak with a smile. We capture this mood, how can I say it, with the fibers of our masculine, but so sensitive soul.

But don't overdo it. Let’s say my favorite snail has died, and a girl says sympathetic words with a smile. It seems that they are mocking my grief and I cannot believe in the sincerity of the words.

Watch your intonation

The agonizing wait for a call from the man you like is finally rewarded. His name appears on the phone’s display and you take the device with trembling hands. No need to worry so much. This creates unnecessary tension between interlocutors.

Psychologists advise that in order to cope with anxiety you need to lower the timbre of your voice and everything will be fine.

Let the man get a word in

Girls, you won’t believe it, but we also have something to say. That's why:

  • take pauses in the conversation, do not rattle incessantly,
  • but it also happens otherwise - the pause drags on, then take the initiative and bring up an interesting topic.

Call me by name

It's so nice when a girl mentions my name in conversation. He calls me affectionately - Yura, Yuri, Yurochka. This is for example. But so that the name does not lose its attractiveness, she does not use it every other word.

Telephone etiquette

Girls, remember, the same person starts and ends a telephone conversation. But there are times when something or someone interferes with communication or there are some things to do. In this case, apologize and ask the guy to call you back.

Under no circumstances talk to someone at the same time or solve your problems. It just makes guys angry, even infuriating.

If a man is forced to interrupt the conversation and asks permission to call back, there is no need to think about the topic when it is convenient for you. Just agree and indicate a time when it will be convenient for you to hear the young man.

Speech control:

  • Girls, learn to speak correctly.
  • Do not use slang or swear words. Never! Remember, never.
  • Also follow your train of thought. There is no need to jump around like a flea on topics. Even a child prodigy cannot follow the course of such a thought. And the question arises: is it necessary to do this? Listening to such a girl is simply not interesting and boring.

And what I would like to say in conclusion. Telephone conversations are good for communication, but not suitable for sorting out relationships. If the relationship and the guy were even a little important to you, do not break up with him over the phone. Show some respect to this poor guy.

Yes, he's a bastard. And he must personally see what “treasure” he is losing. Therefore, I would advise you to do beautiful hair and makeup, wear the best dress and come to the meeting. Let the guy's jaw drop from such beauty and he will regret what he did more than once.

But this is such a small digression. Communicate and meet, my dears, and may everything be fine with you.

To avoid awkward pauses during communication, it is important to choose the right topic, especially at first. Then, after the first words and phrases, the girl will easily determine whether the young man is suitable for her and will draw her own conclusions from the answers to the questions that interest her. Knowing the basics of male psychology will help you think through some details of the conversation in advance.

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The way partners communicate is important, since communication in the virtual and real worlds differs significantly.

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    What to talk about?

    When communication takes place in messengers, social networks or on dating sites, it is much easier to support even an unfamiliar topic, since there is time to think about an answer or question. You can completely interrupt the conversation or search for information on the Internet, and your confusion will also go unnoticed.

    Correspondence in most cases is used to get to know a person, his preferences, and to study character traits and personal interests as best as possible. And at the first meeting you already have some idea about the man.

    During a face-to-face meeting, a pause will be very inappropriate. It is important for a young man to see a girl’s interest in communication.


    If the conversation started on social networks, there will probably be minimal information about the guy there - his age, name, place of work or education, hobbies. Most people also have personal photos on the Internet. From this information, a first impression of a person is formed, and a girl can understand whether this type of man is suitable for her.

    If a woman likes a young man, she will begin communication with familiar phrases. A little later, in order to learn more about the interlocutor, the lady can ask the following questions:

    1. 1. “Do you like to travel?”, “You have very beautiful photos on your page. Where else have you been?”, “Where do you dream of being?”
    2. 2. “You have good music on your playlist, do you also like this group?” (performer, have you been to concerts...).
    3. 3. “Do you like to watch movies?”, “What is your favorite movie?” (actor, actress, when I was in the cinema, etc.).
    4. 4. “You have a great figure in the photo. Are you into sports?”, “How long ago?”, “Which gym do you go to?”, “What training programs do you prefer?”
    5. 5. "You have so many friends online. Do you communicate with them often?"
    6. 6. “Do you like clubs?”, “What other establishments do you know?”, “Where have you been in our city?”, “Where is it worth going?”
    7. 7. “Where do you work or study?”, “Why did you choose this particular profession?”

    This list is just initial recommendations. Each of these topics can be developed and leading questions can be asked if the man is interested. The girl should try to tell herself at the same time and, as it were, answer her own questions. It is recommended to start them with compliments, then the guy will be pleased that they are so interested in him. Data that is publicly available will help you choose the right topics for conversation and make the conversation interesting and long-lasting.

    The interlocutor's reaction to some questions may be ambiguous or incomprehensible. There is no point in continuing such topics. You should talk about something else so that the man’s obvious desire to communicate is visible.

    A girl should remember that guys are often taciturn, and this does not mean that they don’t like something. They are less emotional and reserved, even in the virtual world. Special attention must be paid to this factor.

    Talking on the phone

    Often the first conversation takes place over the phone. You should start your acquaintance with friendly phrases and subsequently try to make the conversation as informative as possible. If after the communication there is a real meeting, then during the dialogue it will be enough to discuss only the time and place, without asking unnecessary questions.

    It often happens that people living far from each other met on the Internet and communicated in writing for a long time, but this was not enough for them, and it was decided to switch to voice messages or phone calls. In such situations, the woman already has an initial impression of the guy, knows his way of thinking and lifestyle. Using existing data, you can develop some of the most interesting phone topics and add new ones.

    • everyone's professional activities;
    • hobbies;
    • relationships with friends or relatives or your own in the future;
    • plans for the near future;
    • achievements that have been prominent in each of the interlocutors lately;
    • recent films watched or books read, impressions.

    Such communication provides more opportunities to understand each other. You can change the intonation, tone of voice and feel the mood of your partner.

    First meeting

    The first date and the beginning of live communication plays a huge role in the development of a couple’s future relationship. In order for a man to like the company of a lady, to find him interesting and not bored, it is advisable, at least at the first meetings, to focus on the interests and desires of the young man, carefully and imperceptibly supplementing the picture with information about himself.

    A large number of people think that the main thing in conversation is the art of beautifully expressing your thoughts. But in real life, a much more important criterion for communication is the ability to listen to your partner, not interrupt, not confuse your thoughts, and not allow your anxiety to influence the course of communication.

    There are cases when the image of a man from the Internet does not correspond to reality when meeting, expectations remain unjustified and the girl is disappointed. But even in this case, you should not start a conversation about your impressions - the interlocutor will be unpleasant, and the girl will be left with a negative aftertaste. There is no need to rush to conclusions, because during communication people get to know each other better and can change their initial opinion. Even if this does not happen, you should keep your disappointment in your interlocutor to yourself and not express it.


    If a girl doesn’t know at all what to talk about at the first meeting, a list of acceptable topics will help her, which will allow her to avoid awkward pauses during the conversation:

    1. 1. Pleasant impressions from any detail of the date. This could be the guy's punctuality, his nice suit or good taste in clothes, a bouquet of flowers or any other gift he gave to the lady, a meeting place, a beautiful landscape or good weather at the moment. Unobtrusive words will allow you to initially compliment a man. Guys always appreciate it when their positive qualities or actions are paid attention to.
    2. 2. Events that happened during the day. It would be acceptable to show interest in how the guy got to the date, whether there were any traffic jams, and how his day went.
    3. 3. Neutral topics. During a conversation, you should pay attention to your partner’s mood, the level of his relaxedness and openness. If the man is still quite reserved, you can discuss something neutral: recent news, opinions about what is happening around the interlocutors at the time of the conversation (furnishings, service, interior of the establishment, number of people, nature).
    4. 4. Personal topics. It’s not worth starting communication with personal things. Such topics are suitable if the basis of the conversation is openness and sincerity, if the partner is interested in the girl and wants to open up to her as soon as possible. These include interests and hobbies, activities at work, family relationships, personal life, past and plans for the future. It is important at this moment to notice the man’s reaction, his readiness to answer such questions. If something goes wrong and the conversation does not work out, then you should not intrusively continue the discussion.

    The conversation should be casual and easy, not reminiscent of an interrogation. You can dilute it with interesting stories, memories and jokes on the topic. Self-irony and the ability to laugh at oneself is a great art. A good sense of humor indicates the absence of complexes, which is why its owners attract guys.

    To maintain intrigue, a girl should not tell all the information about herself at once. There are topics that can only be raised after a man asks. These are sexual preferences, inability to cook, lack of education and other secrets that do not always characterize a lady from the best side.

    Over time, people get to know each other from all sides, and countless topics for communication appear.


    To win over a man, to please him and interest him, a girl needs to pay attention to his words and feelings, give emotional and informational feedback.

    A lady should be able to give answers to the same questions that she asks a guy during a conversation, since the most natural reaction to most of them is a counter one - “And you? "

    Sometimes it may seem that you have run out of topics to talk about, but in fact there are still many questions that you can ask a young man during communication in order to get to know him:


    Questions on the topic

    “What kind of team do you have?”, “Are there any friends among your colleagues?”, questions about management


    “Why are you interested in this profession? Tell me more about it, it’s very exciting.”

    “Do you have brothers or sisters?”, “How old are they?”, “What do they do?”


    “What do you remember most often?”, “What unforgettable moments were you in childhood?”

    “How did you do at school?”, “What are the grades on your certificate?” Most often, men like to talk about how they studied with excellent marks or played truant and were popular hooligans

    Books or movies

    “What films (books) can you recommend?”, “What genres do you like best?”

    The topics of books and movies should be combined so as not to offend your interlocutor. Some people don’t like to read, but prefer movies, and vice versa

    Free time

    “Do you often have days off?”, “What do you prefer to do on such days?”


    “What do you like in girls?”, “How long did your last relationship last?”, “Why did you break up?”

    Bad habits

    “Do you have bad habits?”, “If so, how often do you smoke (drink)?”

    Girls often think that they are not good enough for a man to like them for who they are. This gives them a reason to hide something and not say anything, to play the role of an “ideal princess.” This should not be done, because over time, the guy will still find out what the lady tried so hard to hide. Firstly, the young man will feel offended that he was deceived. And secondly, the woman herself will find herself in a bad light and the level of trust in her person will decrease significantly.

    If during a conversation a guy asks questions that the girl doesn’t want to answer, you just need to explain that at the moment you don’t want to talk about it, it’s a taboo topic or a childhood psychological trauma, etc. You can’t talk only about positive qualities and hide flaws. A woman has the right not to know something and not understand something; at such moments, it will be much nicer to admit inability and ask to teach or show by example than to depict an all-knowing eye. And men do not approve of pretense and lies in any form.

    Several universal themes

    There are several more neutral topics that can be discussed both at the first meeting and later:

    1. 1. Art. A girl who understands music, painting and literature has some advantages. It is easier for such a lady to find a common language with people of any class. Men from intelligent, educated families are usually attracted to sophisticated, feminine natures with a high level of IQ. Reading classic works, having an idea of ​​the paintings of famous artists, and understanding historical events will never be superfluous and will help with choosing an interesting partner.
    2. 2. Gadgets. Not all girls have the ability to understand technology. But if this quality is present, it can become an advantage. Usually a man is genuinely surprised that a woman herself reinstalled the system on her computer or updated the software. This knowledge can seriously interest a guy.
    3. 3. Food. It would be appropriate to talk about cooking in a cafe or restaurant. You can discuss menus, cuisine in different countries, and combine this topic with travel. It wouldn’t hurt to tell about your favorite dishes, cooking skills, special recipes or secrets.
    4. 4. Mystic. Men are often interested in the topic of belief in something supernatural. A conversation about zodiac signs, stars, mysterious events that happened in life will certainly appeal to a guy who is interested in this subject.

    What should you not talk about?

    You shouldn’t tell a man on the first date about how fun it is to go shopping with your friends or what a manicure you got at the beauty salon. Gossip about girlfriends, about people he doesn’t know, the manifestation of envy towards someone - a man will not approve of all this, and the conversation will not lead to anything good. The topics should be interesting for both partners, so that the guy remembers the communication only in a positive way, and he wants to ask the lady out on a date again.

    Talking to a man about an intimate topic is also undesirable in the first meetings. The girl should remain secretive and not talk about bed and passionate desires. Otherwise, the man will consider her too accessible, which will discourage all interest in further communication. And if he started the conversation, you need to carefully, without showing your embarrassment, move the conversation in a different direction. Then the lady’s reputation will be untarnished, and the guy will want to continue pursuing her.

    Whatever topics a girl chooses to communicate with a young man, it is important for her to remain natural and feminine, to show kindness, care and understanding. If a woman is able to see the situation from any angle, knows how to empathize and support, then the man himself will show signs of attention and a desire to meet as often as possible and, perhaps, over time will even become her husband.

Telephone communication can be a great way to get closer to a person and get useful information. How to talk on the phone with a man so that he strives to bring the real meeting closer? The most important thing is not to limit yourself to stereotypes . Call first, invite to a meeting, ask provocative questions... Just do it right!

Use your phone for business

Until you're close enough to vent to each other over the phone, call a man to agree on something or tell him important information. The reason for this could be congratulations on a professional holiday, setting up a date, etc. This behavior will allow him not to get bored ahead of time, it will show that you value his time and are not going to take it away in vain. Just don’t look for flimsy excuses to hear his voice.

If he himself decides to continue the conversation, support him, but you still need to be able to stop in time and, citing urgent matters, retreat. It is better for him to remain unsatisfied than satiated. Phone calls should not replace real communication - it is better to offer to discuss everything during the meeting.

Ask to call back

If you are embarrassed to call yourself, it seems to you that you are intruding, dial his number and politely ask if you are in the way. If he doesn’t have free time right now, ask him to call you back when he has it and hang up. Now the next step will be his.

Control your voice

If you want to drive him crazy with just your voice, develop sexual notes. To do this, speak evenly, but not monotonously; the timbre of your voice should be slightly lower than usual. Remember how you talk as soon as you wake up - men really like the voice of a sleepy girl. Try to control your laughter and avoid shrill notes in your tone.

Follow the rules of good manners

No matter how bad your mood may be, when a man calls, control yourself. Don't take your bad mood out on him. It’s better to say you’re tired and ask them to call you back at another time, or promise to do it yourself when you feel better. Try to be alone during the conversation so that no one distracts you.

Show interest in your interlocutor. If you don't know what to talk to him about, ask him how his day was, what's new, remember what he's been working on or thinking about lately, and ask how things are going. Don't forget about compliments.

Don’t be afraid to seem stupid and not understanding anything - guys are flattered when they feel smarter than women. If you don’t understand something, say so, ask for an explanation if you are really interested. Be specific and direct. If you speak in riddles, your interlocutor will become tired and irritated. In general, try not to use your phone as your main tool for building relationships.

We are women, and we love to talk on the phone: loudly, chaotically, not always to the point, but often a lot. They are men and they are just talking on the phone.

For them this process is not pleasure or relaxation, but pure receipt of specific information. If you want your call to bring your man joy no less than a delicious dinner, you need to understand the principle of communication with him. Let's examine the average representative of the stronger sex for telephone calls blah blah blah. So, how to make a man convulse with happiness from your call and wait for the next one?

When should you not call?

What kind of people are these, men? It’s not always possible to chat with them on the phone. And all because for the most part they are very busy people. This is firstly, and secondly, each of us knows that a man loves with his eyes, so he finds it much more pleasant to have a live conversation than to talk on the phone. We, of course, also like one-on-one communication, but when a man makes a phone call, the “it goes in one ear, out the other” system often kicks in.

In order to be heard, it is necessary to exclude morning calls, especially during the so-called time of “early roosters crow”, when your loved one is watching his next dream. Calling at the beginning of the working day is also not a very advantageous time. In the morning there are often a lot of things to do that suddenly pile up. He may not be saving the universe, walking grandma across the street, or standing at a Green Peace demonstration, but his business is marked as "urgent" and has to be dealt with expeditiously. He's also busy during the middle of the workday, whether it's signing million-dollar contracts or assembling a computer. During his lunch break, he wants to chat with his colleagues, discuss job prospects, trends in the housing market, new cars and, of course, gossip about women.

May men forgive us, but discussing the feminine charms of your girlfriends cannot be called anything other than gossip. By the evening, he does not expect your call, because you will meet soon. However, if only for a second, to clarify what dishes to include on the menu for dinner (it is better to ask what he will choose, meat or fish, but not to say that he will have to stop by for bread on the way home). And late in the evening, if he decides to sit at the bar with friends, the last thing he wants to do is listen to complaints about the small amount of attention allocated to communicating with you. Does it seem like he's not expecting a call at all? No! All these rules are canceled in two cases. Which ones?

What can I tell you, dear?

1. You want to have phone sex

How they adore him. This is where the man becomes active. All matters are postponed: the Galaxy will wait, and the world will not collapse. The most important thing is that only you describe the entire process of imaginary copulation. However, if he is a bad boy, he will probably want to insert a couple of sensitive phrases into your conversation. Such a call will especially come in handy if you call him after you feed him, give him something to drink and go into the next room, so that you can seduce him not only over the phone, but also after making all his fantasies come true.

2. You are calling about an issue that is important to him.

This importance may lie in issues related to work, apartment, car, bank, family, critical situations, and so on. Naturally, mentioning a bank does not mean that you have lost your rent receipt and don’t know where to find it. Speak clearly, briefly and to the point. Leave gossip, rumors, scandals and investigations for a personal meeting. However, smart girls put this off for a conversation with their friends.


● Be cultured and polite. Men love to be greeted, said goodbye and given verbal kisses. But hanging up and insulting someone - such behavior will lead nowhere.

● Be honest. Lying over the phone is absolutely no different from lying face to face. It will be unpleasant for us to hear lies.

● When talking with a man, you should not lose your train of thought, jump from one story to another and return to the one that was discussed not so long ago. Even scientists have proven that a man thinks with the left hemisphere, while a woman, on the contrary, thinks with the right. The consequence of this is that a man thinks sequentially and logically, while women think about everything at once. Therefore, when we lose a thought and later return to it, a man wonders what we are talking about.

● You can’t break up on the phone. Bad habit! Horror! You must admit that it is much more pleasant to dress up, style your hair and put on beautiful makeup, memorize your speech clearly and throw the last scoundrel alive so that he is “envious” of the beauty he is losing, rather than making do with a telephone farewell.

● We wait for the end of their remarks. It is ugly to interrupt not only men, but also women. These are basic rules of decency. You should always listen to your man until the end, even when he is wrong. Only a rude person is allowed to interrupt, since our beautiful lady ears are not designed to listen to nasty things.

● Try not to talk to him while he is driving. This is difficult and unsafe, even if it has an automatic transmission, drives in the rightmost lane, and the speed does not exceed 60 kilometers per hour. The road is a dangerous thing; the most terrible situations can happen on it, even with a car that is standing still on the side of the road. While driving, a person must evaluate every situation that occurs every second. Take care of his safety.

● Don't talk to a man when he started a parallel conversation before you. Call back later.

I would like to add an interesting fact. Statistics say that in recent years men have begun to communicate much more by phone than before. Sometimes the amount of time spent talking is much greater than that of women. This is due not only to the fact that communication has become more accessible, but also to the fact that women began to correspond more by SMS and email. So men are still talkers!

In the modern world, telephone conversations occupy, perhaps, first place among all possible methods of human communication - whether we like it or not. But here’s the problem: women just want it, but men are not very happy with this circumstance. Because, according to psychologists, representatives of the stronger sex, it turns out, are not very fond of such a convenient means of communication. And if they continue to use it, then only for one reason: where to go?..

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Photo gallery: How to have a conversation on the phone with a man?

Beautiful ladies must take this feature into account before talking on the phone with a man in order to prevent various misunderstandings. Most of us can chat with our friends on the phone for hours, receiving incomparable pleasure from it. How many men have you met who are capable of groaning and grunting into the phone just as selflessly throughout the evening? Even if you came across such people, those around you probably treated them with a slight tinge of contempt: they say, these are women’s weaknesses. And they were right. Psychologists have long been convinced that long telephone conversations supposedly “about nothing” are a favorite pastime of the fair sex, and this style of communication is fundamentally alien to normal men. Even worse, there are quite a few among them who, at the mere thought of answering the phone or making a call themselves, begin to sweat, turn pale and tremble. They are more likely to agree to spend the evening alone with their mother-in-law, but will not pick up the home phone. But sometimes we simply have no other opportunity to communicate with our loved one! What to do now? Nothing special, you just need to take into account the specifics of male psychology - that’s all.

Night predators

The way partners behave in bed, the same way they develop relationships on the phone. Ladies, as a rule, want bright manifestations of tenderness, and so that they last longer. And the gentlemen strive to finish everything quickly, so that they can quickly return to their serious, truly masculine affairs. Therefore, if you have decided to have a conversation with your lover about this and that and want to be heard at the same time, try calling him at night. The fact is that representatives of the stronger sex by nature have one peculiarity: at night they are less distrustful, more sincere and more willing to make contact.

Rude people

It is common for many men to abruptly end a conversation, and they do not at all find this reprehensible from the point of view of politeness. They simply decide that you have already provided them with all the information they need, from their point of view, and therefore hang up with a clear conscience. It never occurs to men to utter meaningless phrases at the end of a conversation solely for its smooth completion. Therefore, do not be offended by your loved ones for this - they have such a style, and they themselves are unlikely to change it. It’s better to make an agreement with your husband or friend for the future so that, if he feels an irresistible desire to hang up the phone, he warns you a second before with a conventional phrase like: “Okay, we’ll discuss the rest later.”


“I’ll call you” - this phrase is as old as time. How many times have women believed such promises from gentlemen and how many times have they been deceived in their expectations! And all because they didn’t know: very often this phrase is pronounced by a man instead of another. But the other one would have sounded like a sentence: “It’s over, I don’t love you anymore.” And not every representative of the stronger sex has the strength to voice it. But the non-binding promise to call allows him, firstly, not to traumatize the soul of his former lover, and secondly, to get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity, saving his face, so to speak. Therefore, when you hear this phrase from a man, do not take it literally. Well... hope is the last thing to die!


Another, no less vibrant question: is it possible to make peace with a man over the phone if you quarreled? It all depends on the specific situation. For example, you suspect that the conflict between you is just an excuse, but in fact your relationship has reached a dead end and is most likely doomed to an inglorious end. Then it is useless to appeal to the feelings of your beloved, like the heroine Irina Muravyova from the film “Car-Naval”: remember how she sang with anguish: “Call me, call me!!!” He won't call. And most likely never again. And if you want to call him, then get ready, having tuned in to having a conversation on the phone with a man, to hear at the other end of the line that you have the wrong number. But even if a quarrel occurred simply because one of you got excited, it is better to establish relationships not over the phone, but face to face. Then you will have a much greater chance of success. It is worth agreeing over the phone only about the place and time of peace negotiations.

Lazy people

It’s amazing how selective men’s hearing is, and you’ve probably seen this before. Your spouse perfectly distinguishes, for example, the faint crackle of sparkling wiring in the next room, but does not hear at all the loud telephone trill above his head. You rush headlong from the kitchen to the living room in order to answer the call, and are surprised to notice that your husband is sitting at arm’s length at the machine and calmly reading a newspaper. And in response to your indignant exclamations, with the look of an innocent baby, he asks: “What, did someone call us?” The fact is that he is absolutely sure: in 99 cases out of 100 they call you, not him. Then why pick up the phone if you still have to hand it over to you? There is only one way to change the situation. Tell him that you, having voluntarily taken on the labor of washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming, cooking, sewing, knitting, taking out the trash, etc., still expect such an honorable duty - to answer the phone - divide by two.

Jealous people

Many people are familiar with this picture: your boss called you at home, wanting to immediately discuss the tactics of tomorrow’s negotiations, and you listen intently to his words. But suddenly you notice that an indescribable range of feelings appears on your husband’s face - approximately the same expression he had when he was present at the birth. You become confused, the conversation with the boss is not going well, a little more - and it’s time for you to quit. And the reason for it all is the inexplicable jealousy of men towards their girlfriends’ conversations on the phone, inexplicable from a scientific point of view, no matter with whom. What to do in such cases? If possible, immediately leave with the device to another room, as they say, out of sight. If you have a visiting gentleman, then turn off your phone completely during his visit - love is worth it!


Do you think that if there had been a telephone in the time of Romeo and Juliet, would the ardent young man have used it to declare his love? Psychologists believe that it is unlikely, especially when his friends or household members are nearby. He would still prefer to sneak under the balcony at midnight to talk about his feelings without fear of prying ears. After all, any representative of the stronger sex is so afraid that he will be accused of veal tenderness! For this reason, he will not utter his cherished words even at gunpoint, if there is even the slightest suspicion that other people might overhear him. So don’t be offended by your gentleman when, in response to yours: “I love you,” he restrainedly mutters at work: “Me too” (this is at best!), or even just sniffs into the phone. If you want to hear reciprocal words of love from your man, make your confession only in person, when you meet.

To summarize, we want to give you one piece of advice: to avoid misunderstandings, communicate with your beloved man by phone as little as possible. If he is beyond your reach, it is better to correspond with him. Everyone knows what wonderful love messages adorn the stories and novels of the world literary classics. But I don’t remember a single such telephone conversation...

What does he tell you on the phone...

1. “Sorry, someone is ringing the doorbell” (at home) or “I have a visitor” (at work).

2. “What, didn’t the answering machine record my words that I said when I called you in your absence?!”

3. “Unfortunately, I’m very busy right now. When I’m free, I’ll definitely call you.”

4. “Hello! I don't understand what happened. Do you have more important things to do than me?”

5. “Hello, is this a dry cleaner? Ooh, I think I dialed your phone number by mistake!”

6. “Can I call you back a little later? Now I’m watching a football match with my favorite team.”

...and what does that mean?

1. “At the moment I have much more interesting things to do than chat with you.”

2. “Damn it, I forgot to call you again, although you asked me about it just now!”

3. “I have no desire to talk to you, not today or ever.”

4. “I really miss you, and although I hate the phone, I still call to make a date.”

5. “I’m a little shy when I call you, so I’m looking for a suitable excuse.”

6. “Can I call you back a little later? Now I’m watching a football match with my favorite team.”
