How to answer a girl when asked what you do. What to text a guy? What to write to a girl? Find an interesting activity

Most often on the first date, unless of course the girl is interested in you, she tries to get to know you better, and can ask a lot of questions. Not all questions deserve to be answered seriously, and it is not always required. But in most cases, to seduce a girl, you need a serious base of trust on her part. And one of its most important components is the availability of comprehensive information about you, your studies and work in particular. On the other hand, the girl is trying to understand how much you can be interesting to her in the long run. So for seduction, it will be extremely useful for you to learn how to answer the questions “who do you work” and “what do you do” correctly and interestingly.

In general, there is a slight difference between these questions, and although they are related, the girl, asking this or that question, unconsciously places emphasis on what interests her in you first of all.

What is your profession?

By asking this question, the girl apparently wants to evaluate how well you are arranged. Next to this question, there may be an often unvoiced satellite question “how much do you earn”. And although it will not sound from the lips of a decent girl, nevertheless, from your answer, the girl will already be able to draw her conclusions. By varying your answer, you can control the girl's impression. Here are some suggestions for what to avoid in your responses:

  1. You don't have to answer in one word. This may cause additional questions only if the girl is very interested. Otherwise, she, having received a simple answer “programmer”, will launch her own associations on this topic, possibly unfavorable to you, and the conversation will come to a standstill.
  2. You shouldn't be secretive. You don't need to be a secret agent. This can destroy trust, or, in combination with your image (not very expensive clothes), present you in a completely bad light - “some kind of muddy sucker who pretends to be who knows what”.
  3. No need to throw dust in your eyes, invent. Any deception or show-off, behind which there is nothing, sooner or later will become apparent. Or the energy spent on maintaining the legend will increase with each new date with this girl.
  4. It is not necessary to talk too complicated and boring, with the air of “this is a boring and interesting thing to anyone”, and even more so to directly declare it. If you yourself are not interested, then why do it, and why is it boring to talk about it?

Instead of all this, it will be much more productive if you try to do the following:

  1. Tell who and where you work, while emphasizing the importance of your work, and explaining with clear examples what exactly you do.
  2. Tell interesting or funny stories that happened to you involving colleagues, clients or superiors. But preferably without professional humor.
  3. In addition, you can tell how it happened that you did exactly this, and talk about future plans - career and professional ambitions.
  4. If you don't have a job, or it's boring, uninteresting, or poorly paid, say it very briefly and focus your story on your immediate plans to find a good, interesting job in your specialty.

What are you doing?

This is a broader question, and most likely implies that it is not very important for a girl whether you work or not, and how much money you earn. This happens if she is a student and you are a student, and she doesn’t really care if you work or not. Another option - you have all the attributes of a successful person: a cool car, nice clothes, you invite her to expensive places on dates. The girl can already imagine where it all comes from. In these cases, the girl is more interested, perhaps, in your lifestyle. And will she be interested in spending some time with you.

In this case, this question can be considered as an incentive to communicate and tell about yourself in more detail. However, it will be better if you tell a few words about your work and how you receive money. But perhaps not making such a strong emphasis on it.

How smart, beautiful or funny to answer the question "What are you doing?" or "What are you doing"?

One of the most common questions at a meeting or in a telephone conversation is a question like: “What are you doing?” or "What are you doing?" Such a phrase simply baffles many, as they immediately begin to think about what exactly to tell the interlocutor now. For others, such questions are annoying, since it is quite difficult to find an unambiguous answer to them. In this article, we will try to find some interesting and ironic answers to the question: “What are you doing?” or "What are you doing?"

How to beautifully answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?": answers

How beautifully to answer the question "What are you doing?" or “What are you doing?”?
  • If you were asked a similar question, but you have nothing or no reason to answer it, you can tactfully avoid the answer by saying a simple: “Nothing special, and you?”. In this case, the interlocutor will either start a story about his affairs, or simply end the conversation - everything will depend on his intentions.
  • If a young man is on a date or is simply next to the fair sex, and he is asked a similar question on the phone at that moment, he can beautifully answer like this: “I enjoy the company of a charming girl!”, “I spend the most wonderful moments in my life!” or "I'm going to get married!".
  • If a loved one asks a question, you can answer like this: “I think about you!”, “I listen to your beautiful voice!”, “I admire you!”.

How to originally answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?": a list of answers

How to originally answer the question "What do you do?" or "What are you doing?"?
  • Dry crackers!
  • Testing a nuclear weapon!
  • Brandishing a Jedi sword, so be careful!
  • I save the world!
  • I help the president solve important political problems in the country and the world!
  • Guess! If you guess right, you'll get a prize, if you don't guess, you'll be punished!
  • I’m thinking about how the inhabitants of the city of Gus-Khrustalny are called - goose-khrustalevtsy, geese crystal or goose-crystal.
  • I'm wondering where to hide my wife's corpse.
  • Made love, and then decided to talk to you.
  • I sit on Santa's lap and recite a poem.
  • Are you just asking, or are you really interested?

How to intelligently answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?": options

How to intelligently answer the question "What do you do?" or "What are you doing?"?
  • Improving the Hadron Collider!
  • Looking for errors on Wikipedia.
  • Spraying particles of my intellect in a conversation with you.
  • I develop the speech apparatus.
  • I strain my oculomotor muscles in order to examine you.
  • I listen to you ask me this question.
  • I live and breathe air.
  • Eat, drink, sleep.
  • I am engaged in a very complex process - I consume oxygen, and in return I produce carbon dioxide.

How to answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?" sarcasm?

How to sarcastically answer the question "What do you do" or "What do you do?"?
  • Trying to make a straight face in response to a stupid question.
  • Believe it or not, I'm talking to you.
  • Why are you interested? Do you want to use this information against me?
  • Cool question! I would also like to know how to save the world from global warming?
  • Already done everything!
  • I do 60 beats per minute, and this is only with my heart alone.!

How to witty answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?": answers

How to witty answer the question "What are you doing?" or "What are you doing"?
  • Oriflame or Avon.
  • Hamsters soul.
  • I breed kittens - 3-4 kittens per bucket of water.
  • What you should have been doing for a long time - I'm getting smarter.

How fun it is to answer the question “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”: Answers

How fun to answer the question "What do you do?" or "What are you doing?"?
  • I'm hammering nails!
  • I eat goats - will you?
  • I salivate at the ceiling.
  • I suffer from a secret disease - nonsense.
  • My soap.
  • I decided to re-watch "Santa Barbara" again, I've been watching the last season already.
  • I listen to the radio.

How to answer the question "What are you doing?", "What are you doing?" funny joke?

How to respond with a joke to the question "What do you do?" or "What are you doing?"?
  • I'm devising a plan to rob a bank. Are you with me?
  • Congratulations - you're the tenth person to ask this question today! What an original world this is!
  • I sleep and see a terrible dream in which they ask me this question!
  • I decided to hit the figure with buns.
  • There is such a thing as rest.

The guy asks: "What are you doing tomorrow?" - what to say?

The girl's ironic response to the guy's question "What are you doing tomorrow?"

If you need an ironic answer, then you can use the following options:

  • Yes, as always, I stop the horses on the move and walk through the burning huts!
  • I teach a hare to smoke!
  • Teaching a cat to talk!
  • Like all girls, I dream of a prince on a white horse.

An answer with a hint from a girl to a guy to the question “What are you doing tomorrow?”

If the girl’s goal is to make a positive impression on the guy and give him a hint, then it’s better to answer with the following phrases:

  • Walking with the best man in the world!
  • I drink wine in my favorite restaurant in a pleasant company. Are you by chance working as a companion?
  • Walking arm in arm with a copy of Bruce Willis (or whatever the guy looks like).
  • I am casting in Viagra. Do you want to stay with Meladze for a day?

How to answer the question "What are you doing?": Video

Previously, there was a saying that a bore is a person who, in response to the question: “How are you,” really tells how he is doing, moreover, in great detail. Therefore, many tried to answer this question in monosyllables and uninteresting, not being afraid to pass for a person without a creative streak. Saying “Great” or “Good” every time is too trivial. With such an approach, you definitely won’t get into a cohort of witty people. After all, even such a simple question “how are you?” can be answered with creativity. And here's how.

How to answer the question: "How are you?"

In addition to the fact that there is a folk saying “like soot is white”, you can invent something yourself. It all depends on who your interlocutor or interlocutor is, whether you want to continue the dialogue with him or her, or whether you need to cut off the thread of the conversation at the moment and run away about your business. By the way, the question can be asked not at all in a personal meeting, but by phone, in a chat or on a social network. For such cases, there is another duty "weapon" - emoticons, or symbols of emotions. 1) Reply with humor A great way to answer this question is to joke. Especially when everything is bad - by this you will show that you do not lose your spirit even in the hour of problems. Here are the options:
    Not "good", but the same letter. By the way, horseradish is a vegetable, if anything ... And very spicy! Great, can't wait! What business with such cases! Affairs??? They don’t exist, I’m not a business person ... The one who does something has things to do, and I have a rest! Let's leave the business for businessmen, and let's go to have fun! Well, what can be the case when it is raining outside the window (snow, sun, moon, night, XXI century, etc. - according to the situation).
2) Send emoticons or funny video Various options for emoticons or stickers are perfect for answering this seemingly banal question. Video cuts are also suitable, most often no more than a few seconds, with various phrases suitable for the situation. If you are at a computer, then you can find a thematic demotivator that reflects the essence of the problems that are currently burning for you. For example, a photo of a man on a paraglider descending on a beach infested with crocodiles. You can also find a video quote from the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” (for those who have not watched - a film about the Great Patriotic War, about pilots), where one of the heroes flying on a wrecked plane answers on the radio: “Everything is fine, I'm falling! 3) Answer witty and funny The same phrase can be remembered in a telephone conversation, if something really went wrong in your life. You can use something close to this one:
    I'm flying, just jumped with a parachute. And what? Not noticeable? Oh, I'm poor, unhappy, so tired, because every time I have to come up with an answer to the question "How are you?" In Africa, children are starving, otherwise everything is in order. Everything is in chocolate, even a cell phone! Yes, it's okay, yesterday she received the Nobel Prize for her contribution to the development of the study of grooming and rearing of laboratory rats, as well as for the discovery of nanotechnology that will help penguins overcome global warming and survive it in Hitler's secret bunker. My work is great! Looking forward to more inquiries about my personal life! Relatively. If you compare it with Marx, then it's great, if you compare it with a multimillionaire, then not very much.

How to answer a guy in an original way to the question “how are you?”

Here, in front of whom you really want to show off your wit, it is in front of the opposite sex. Humor brings people together and disarms. These would be great answers:

    Good mood, it would be nice to walk, but there are no offers yet. Wonderful. After all, you are talking to me. Excellent, I'm improving in all directions! Will you join? Guess! Hint - I smile when I talk to you.
When you don’t have the best relationship with a guy, and you want to push him away from you in various ways, you can give one of the following answers:
    Constant mood swings, a pulling stomach, taut nerves like a string, and all sorts of other filth, in general, PMS. And how are you? How am I doing, what do you think? I was reading my favorite book, and now I had to digress because of some people walking around here. Do you have any good reason for asking me this?
In addition to the negative and positive, the answer can be neutral, but at the same time closed. It is necessary not to push the person away from you, and at the same time show that the conversation is now inappropriate:
    Everything is fine, beautiful marquise... I am engaged in self-digging. I meditate.

How to answer the question “what are you doing?” to interest the interlocutor

Here it is important not only to pass for a witty person, but also to hook, intrigue the interlocutor. For example, like this:
    Right now? I'm answering your question! And you guess three times! Guess what, I have a cookie. I talk (communicate online, chat, etc.) with a smart person.
The last answer implies some kind of continuation, like:
    And who are you talking to? (And who is this smart one?) With you (You).

"How are you feeling?" - What to say to a guy you like

From this simplest question, you can inflate an invitation to some action or conversation.
    Today I have a paycheck at work, and the mood corresponds to the size of my salary. I have a bottle of good, Armenian, five-star mood, if you were by my side, everything would be great. I want to raise my nose up, and he looks down with a hook ...
The first example is intriguing, because I want to ask further: "What is your salary?" After that, you can start a long unobtrusive conversation. The second example is an open invitation to spend the evening together. The third answer will indicate that you cannot cheer yourself up, but still try to joke. This is a veiled invitation to action. The guy will either have to entertain you on the phone, or offer to go somewhere together.

How to answer an ex-boyfriend's question "how are you?" to offend him

Such questions from the "former" are not always sincere. A lot of times a guy might want to tease you. And what is most interesting, this is done due to the fact that the “former” himself feels uncomfortable when meeting you, but wants to show that he is on a horse. Therefore, you need to answer in such a way as to besiege him:
    The mood was wonderful until I met you, my dear. Excellent. What did you think that the Earth would stop rotating without you? I creak slowly, and very annoyingly! I won't tell you, you'll be jealous! Great, unlike some. I'm sorry, I had an autism attack since I saw you.

How to answer a stranger to the question: “how are you?”

They say that this method of communication or dating is common in the United States, while our people are not so liberated, and some still consider ordinary street acquaintances to be bad manners. And if you yourself do not think so, then you may simply not like the interlocutor who has fallen on your head from nowhere. Then you can "shave" it:
    What are you talking about? And what exactly? What, can you help? What do you think? Why do you need my business? Absolutely nothing; I'm doing my homework, I can't be distracted. Sorry, but I'm busy; Working; I watch movies; How are you? Why do you want it? Is it really important for you to know? I think how to get rid of an annoying interlocutor.
It's good to answer something in rhyme:
    On the head - not a bump! I bought pants! Like a church mouse! They drank all the money.

In addition to the question “How are you?”, There are a few more banal questions that you have to deal with almost every day. And if questions of such a plan bother you with their triviality, then you can diversify everything with the help of answers. 1) How are you?
    I am like Mars - there is no life, but everything is on fire. And things have already passed by. Some are worse. What's the matter? Everything has already been handed over to the investigative committee. I feel like a zebra. Nothing has changed since yesterday's meeting. Everything seems to be fine, but, unfortunately, no one is jealous. Life beats with a wrench and on the head. I'm like a button - every time - in the loop. “Hrenosho” (and let them guess where the mistake is).
2) What are you doing?
    I draw American presidents. Hiding from Scotland Yard workers at an underground Masonic organization. I spit at the ceiling and try to dodge. I envy black envy. I grow above myself. I print money on a printer. Counting bribes, sitting behind blackout curtains. Investigating the brutal murder of a huge fly in a student cafeteria. I cleanse the aura of my phone book from evil spirits. I'm answering your text message.
3) How is life young?
    Yes, just like the old one. Oh, it's not a young life anymore. Sings, blooms and smells. How about your old one? When I return to my youth, I will tell you. My life conveyed your greetings. Younger every day. Now I'll ask her. Yesterday she was interested, she says, not bad. Yes, she somehow passed by, leaving me the old one.
4) What's on the personal?
    Everything is fine (in rhyme). I'm going on the offensive. A lot of yours died. Not calm. Like in a fairy tale: the farther, the worse! There are intense battles. Indecent (again in rhyme). The enemy is running. The horizon is clear. Came out a winner.
5) What's new?
    And what do you remember from the old? .. Here, I bought bread ... I grow, bloom, grow old, everything is as usual. Here I met you It seems that it is going to rain... So you won't tell right away... It seems that the dictator came to power, but I don't remember in which country. I don't know, probably another Santa Barbara season. 275 puppies were born in the world. The moon seems to have lost its course...

What to ask instead of "how are you?"

    How are you doing? What's up? Like at home? How are things, really? What are you doing? How was your day? What was at work (study)? What did you do today? What plans do you have for the future? How are you (yourself)?
All these questions also belong to the category of banal. They can be asked to anyone, even strangers. But if you want to show concern for someone, then you need to ask the person exactly what he is living now. If studying, then ask a question regarding the school, college, institute. If you communicate with a young parent, then you need to ask how the child is. Talk about babies is truly endless. Only a conversation about pets can compete with this topic, because they are like children to us. what a person is passionate about, and to be at least a little in the subject herself. And then everything will work out!

Hello dear readers! Recently, I was taken aback by a question from one client: how to answer the question what are you doing in an original way? She is an ordinary accountant without exciting hobbies, after work at home she watches her favorite series and does nothing interesting. But the girl really does not want to answer about her boring job. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that there are two options that can help in this matter.

Standard Questions

We constantly ask each other the usual questions: how are you, what are you doing, what are you doing in the evening, how are you feeling. You can answer them in two ways.

The first is a polite "everything is fine, things are fine." Without any details.

The second option is to describe in detail your experiences, talk about problems, pour out your soul, so to speak. Each of these options will be appropriate in its own way.

It is unlikely that we will open our souls to a simple acquaintance. At work with colleagues who do not know us so well, we are accustomed to keep our distance, not to tell all the details of our personal lives. But with friends, we allow ourselves to speak more frankly and in detail.

When strangers ask me now “what do you do in life”, I answer - I save people's souls and collect characters. Although earlier she answered much less interesting, just to be left behind. Everything comes with experience and you understand how to answer one or another standard question when meeting.

If you don’t feel like answering, you can always change the topic to another direction, ask a question to the interlocutor. People are very fond of talking about themselves, so you can divert attention with a simple question about a person, to which he can answer in detail.

Today I offer you two options for the development of events.

  • The first is to learn how to spell correctly.
  • The second is to find an exciting hobby.

Both options are viable and can work together. Choose the option that is closer to you.

Develop eloquence

Thanks to your conversational skills, you can describe even the most boring job so beautifully that people around you will think that you are doing the most interesting thing in the world.

Agree, the answer "I'm a simple accountant" looks terribly boring and uninteresting. Add some details, embellish something, find brighter words. And here is the Robin Hood of the financial flows of a huge company, which makes sure that the authorities do not rob the poor and do not take all the profit for themselves.

To develop eloquence, you need to read a lot, watch speeches by skillful speakers, go to courses, expand your vocabulary, expand your base of synonyms and antonyms. Speech can be varied, beautiful and lively. But this is gained with experience.

Another point that helps in speech is a sense of humor. They say that it is either there from birth or not. It's a lie. A sense of humor can be developed. Learn to come up with witty answers, read humorous magazines, watch TV shows. Gain experience in making jokes.

After all, there are several formulas by which almost all comedians work. Again, this is about experience. I never considered myself a very witty person. But having dealt with this issue, today I can give out a couple of funny phrases and often hear from colleagues and friends that I have a great sense of humor. Develop!

I suggest you read the article "". There you can get important and necessary information for yourself. Remember that it takes practice everywhere.

Find an interesting activity

Remember, there will always be a person who is interested in more interesting things in life. Don't try to impress everyone. It's impossible. Be yourself and look for hobbies that will be of interest to you in the first place.

If you can’t get away from answering the question “what do you do”, then the second way is suitable for you - to acquire an exciting hobby. There are so many great opportunities available today, and we only use them to look at cats on the Internet. There are large databases of open and free courses, online seminars and lectures.

Clay modeling, aircraft modeling, cooking from all over the world, painting, seedlings - home gardening, homemade jewelry and much more. You can find a lot of activities that you can fill your free time with.

Then you don't have to lie, blush and shy away before answering the question "what do you do." Non-standard activities are more than enough. Find your hobby, the hobby that you like, in which you can discover your potential.

Tell me, how do you usually answer all these standard questions? What's the most original answer you've ever heard?

Develop yourself and do not obey the opinions of others!

How to answer in an original, beautiful, funny way?

Nobody wants to be boring, and you also want to answer comments and questions in an original way, with enthusiasm, somehow beautiful or cool, funny. The best way is to relax and just be yourself, catch the wave. To do this, you can chat and laugh with friends, watch some funny video, in general, cheer yourself up. But if you are in thought, here you will find tips and ready-made recipes that can be answered in a given situation. What is the best way to respond to a comment? What to say?

Starting a Conversation: Answers

What to say to "Hi"?

This is the most common way to start a conversation - a person writes "Hi" and waits for a response. If you know who it is, you can answer Hello, Misha(or whatever his name is). This will save you from the possible question “Why are you not answering”, and you can continue the conversation normally.

If a person writes "Hi, let's get to know each other?" Try to understand who it is. Go to his/her page. Do you want to get to know this person? Answer Hello! Oh sure. You can add: Tell about yourself in short. To look friendly, you can "smile". Add a smiley face to the answer, like this - :) If you do not want to meet, write Hello, I'm not looking for new acquaintances, sorry. By the way, perhaps the guy writes “let's get acquainted” just to raise self-esteem. He wants to please himself, to be interested in him. In fact, maybe he doesn’t need to get acquainted and he is even afraid of girls in reality. Try to find out.

It all depends on your desire to be friends. If a person just wants to add you as a friend, there is little sense in such friendship (maybe he is competing with friends who has more friends). Let's just subscribe to the page. But if this person is interesting to you (look at his or her page), why not - make friends, chat, you have nothing to lose. You can answer in jest: Come on if you're not afraid.

How to answer the question "How are you"?

They say that a bore is a person who, to the question “How are you?” starts to actually tell how he's doing. Therefore, it is not surprising that you want to answer somehow interesting, intricate and not boring. And most likely, the interlocutor does not need a detailed report on how you are doing, he just wants to communicate with you. can you just answer Yes, it's ok, how about you?

"What are you doing?" - what to say?

Likewise, this question is asked to start a conversation. Answer briefly, for example: I'm lying on the couch, bored and then ask your question: And you?“Of course, if you don’t mind chatting now.

"Why are not you sleeping?" - what to say?

Answer got enough sleep or, if you want more playfully, So this is not a dream? I thought I was sleeping. And to give a certain hint, you can write Not with anyone. Well, you can honestly answer: I'm just surfing the Internet, I don't want to sleep yet.

"What's new?" - how to answer?

A man wants to show that he is interested in you (even though he may not actually be). If you want, tell him what's new Let's say in the last week. Maybe something made you special impression(film, TV show, words or deed of a friend, acquaintance). Mentally put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and think about whether he will be interested in what you are going to tell. If yes, then tell me.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" - how to answer?

Similarly, a man wants to show his interest in you. Do not be boring and do not describe household details, but look at the hint above, in response to the question "What's new?"

We start the conversation first

What to text a guy? What to write to a girl?

Go to his or her page. Look at the photos, study what the person is interested in. Perhaps you have some common interests. Here you can easily find a reason for a question that he will be interested in answering, and you - to listen to the answer.

A good way to start a conversation is to simply write Hello. A person will look at your page and respond if he likes you.

You can leave a comment on any photo, this can also be the beginning of a conversation. But if you're dating a girl, keep in mind that they're usually fed up with compliments.

If you already know each other and communicate for a while, you can directly write what you want meet, go somewhere(on a date). Being honest in expressing feelings is the best way. But also do not be boring, as if your whole life is now fixated on this person. It's good if you're into something that you can talk about.

Responses to compliments

How to respond to "beautiful"?

“Beautiful” or “very beautiful” - these are the guys who most often write in the comments to the photo. It is unlikely that a girl will post pictures where she looks ugly, so it is clear that you are beautiful in all your pictures! And writing “beautiful” as a compliment is the first thing that comes to a guy’s mind if he wants to attract attention, somehow stand out among others, and maybe win you over. Let it be stupid, but if you are pleased, you can answer something to hint that you are not against further communication. For example, Glad you liked it, thanks mom and dad. You can just put a heart(click "Like" on the guy's comments). If compliments from this guy do not interest you, do not answer anything.

Relationship talk

"Have a boyfriend?" What to say?

If you have a boyfriend, say yes, there is. But if you don't want to come clean because you want to hook up with this guy too, say no. Or, for example, Do you want to become one? For fun, you can still answer And you have?

What to say to an ex?

Your ex is texting you. What to answer him? You're not sure. On the one hand, you want to send him away, on the other hand, to return pleasant moments (even if you don’t admit it to yourself). What to do? If he wants to get you back, and you basically admit such a possibility, offer to meet and talk. Don't reveal your feelings. If you do not want to see him, write that you are not ready to talk yet. And if you're already dating someone else and you definitely don't want your ex, tell him you're happy and let him live his life. Be a queen!

"I love you". What to write in response?

If a guy is suspiciously easy to confess his feelings, then keep in mind that his words may not be true. But if you love him and are confident in him, then answer Me too(love you). Otherwise, just say that you Nice.


How to answer "May I ask a question?"

This means that a person wants to ask you a question, but not some nonsense, but a more serious one. Maybe related to your personal life. Or maybe this person wants to find out how you feel about him. Anyway, you can answer: Oh sure!- this will show that trust has already appeared between you, and you are not averse to seeing the question.

If the question turns out to be such that you do not want to answer it, write: May I not answer this question? Please don't be offended.

How to answer the question "Why?"

Let's say a guy offers to meet, but you don't want to. He asks: "Why?" - that is, he wants to understand the reason and at the same time still hopes that you will change your mind. Most likely, he is offended. "Why?" - how to answer this question? The best thing tell the truth. For example, you don't want to date him because you don't like him. Then write like this: "I don't like you." This will be enough.

And how to answer "Because?"

By asking "Why", you can get the answer "Because". Apparently, a person wants to say something in the spirit of “Is it really incomprehensible ?!”. If you don't understand, ask politely: Please explain. Don't be rude.

"What are you?" What to answer, what am I?

What can you say about yourself? What am I? Imagine that your good friends are talking about you. How would they describe you? What are you - serious, funny, beautiful, cool, cool? So answer. Write Literally in two or three words to interest the guy, but at the same time not to scare him if you have an interest in him. After all, girls love to intrigue men.

"I thought you wouldn't answer"

With these words, the man, as it were, expresses: he thought about you and was worried that you would no longer want to communicate with him. But since you did answer, he is very happy and looks forward to further communication and development of relations.

Why does a person not write, answer?

He may not have read your message. Or read, but did not answer, because he forgot or he was distracted. Don't beat yourself up, it doesn't mean anything. Later try to write again, give a signal. If you communicated in VK, but the communication was interrupted, you can still send SMS.

How to respond to rudeness?

It is best to ignore the boor, that is, do not pay attention to him and do not answer anything. And for complete peace of mind - block this person, if possible. More about it here:

How to respond to an offensive, negative comment?

You can answer like this: Look, something is happening in your life, and I know that it has nothing to do with me. This is not written in a good mood. Something makes you project your problems onto me. I'm sorry whatever happened to you. But I know for a fact that this has nothing to do with me. Have a good day!


What to say to "Come on"?

"Come on" is a vulgar way of saying "bye" or "goodbye"; it means something like "give a paw", that is, a hand to shake it goodbye. can you just answer Bye or, if you want to hurt a person, tell him that “come on” is vulgar, that only a gopota says that.

How to say goodbye

Sometimes you want to say goodbye in some beautiful or original way, but this can make a strange impression. Better just write For now, let's talk later or Look, I'm going to be a little busy right now, let me text you later. Or you can write Until communication.

Add a comment. Here? Yes, easily!

You can add, submit, leave a comment down here to practice. Or show others how beautiful and original you can write! Spam and insults are removed, don't worry.

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