How to get hired. The best spells for decent work, career growth and increased income

One of the main aspects that determine a person's life is work. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many, their cherished desire is to find employment in a job that would provide for a person and bring him moral satisfaction. Special spells for a good job, which will delight you with a high salary and comfortable working conditions, will help you achieve what you want.

How does the power of a conspiracy to work manifest itself?

When you read a spell for a good job, you call on higher powers to help you, so circumstances will be favorable. Prayers said immediately before leaving for an interview are especially effective. Their strength will ensure a favorable situation, and communication with a potential boss will go well; you simply won’t meet people who don’t like you.

Perhaps on this day they will be busy with other things and will not be able to attend the interview. Then a person who is more inclined to approve your candidacy will communicate with you. Sometimes the conspiracy works in such a way that a desired vacancy suddenly becomes available or a recruitment occurs for another position that is preferable to you.

Conspiracy to get a job

You can make a successful career only if you manage to find a job you like, and small magical rituals will help with this. Start your search for a suitable vacancy with such a ritual. On the new moon, make a purchase - buy a handkerchief and say to it 7 times:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will have prosperity and good luck on my journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and won’t get a refusal.”

The charmed nosepiece should always be carried with you. But, performing this simple ritual does not mean that a job will be found by itself. A spell text to get a job as soon as possible is a kind of help. The contractor does the main steps to find the desired vacancy himself.

A powerful spell for success during an interview

When going looking for a job or interviewing for a profitable position, use a simple conspiracy. Say three times:

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile tenderly, feed me well, pay me well, and not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The effect of this text is such that the future boss will be inclined, after the first minute of the interview, to accept the person for the position for which the applicant came to apply.

Conspiracy for money work

In the morning, or at most until the end of the first half of the day, make a spell for bread, then cut it lengthwise: feed one part to the birds, eat the other at lunch. So, say out loud over a loaf of bread:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows to the waist, greets you joyfully. So, wherever I go, they greet me joyfully, greet me, welcome me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, say thank you, and even tell me to come.”

Conspiracies for the desired job

Having a suitable money job in mind, but at the same time doubting the likelihood of getting hired for it, perform a magical spell. To make sure you get hired, light a candle around noon and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say the following text out loud without stopping, repeating it until the candle burns out.

“I’m riding, riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they do not offend me with refusal. There is no refusal for me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse me anything, open doors will greet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen."

Another ritual can be performed just before leaving home for an interview. Touching the bread with your lips like a kiss, say:

“Just as from year to year the bread of God is revered, served and accepted with a low bow, so I, the servant of God (my name), are accepted everywhere with great joy and contracted for honorable work. Amen."

When entering the office of your superiors, clasp your thumb into a fist and cross the threshold on your left foot, say to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me away from me in all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

Strong spell on icons

Purchase an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as Christ the Savior, from the church dungeons, a couple of thick candles and collect holy water there. When going to bed, place icons on the table, place candles in front of them, and light the wicks. Between the candles place a cup (clay or ceramic) with prepared holy water. Crossing the water three times, say:

“Breadwinner-father, mother gave birth,

Bless us for good work.”

Now take three sips of the holy liquid and wash your face with the rest. This ritual must be carried out for three days in a row.

A powerful spell for a piece of incense and a candle

Bring home from church a small piece of incense and a candle. At night, closer to midnight, place the incense on a white piece of paper, light candle. Read the plot:

“There is a church in an open field. In that church, the Most Holy Mother of God stands behind the throne of the Lord, embroidering a church chasuble. I’ll come closer to (name) of the slave, bend down lower: “Most Holy Mother of God, bless me on this Lord’s day, and for honest work, cover me with the shroud of the church, servant of God (name).” Lord, I am following your path, Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, angels on the sides, the Holy Spirit above my head, heavenly powers are with me. Help, Lord."

After reading the text of the conspiracy, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days. Then burn them in such a way that the smoke goes out the window.

The simplest and most effective spells for a good job

The following texts read at dawn have great power:

“Work, work, let me, the servant of God (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Amen."

“O Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede, for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job I want, so that I don’t regret it - don’t grieve. Forever and ever. Amen."

“Lord Jesus Christ, who transformed water into wine, transform my, servants of God (name), empty troubles into golden troubles. Let me find a good job. Amen."

Also, at any time of the day you can perform such a ritual with a conspiracy. Place a pebble on the table (usually crushed stone with sharp edges). Having crossed yourself, throw it over your left shoulder towards the corner of the room and say:

“A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and for me, the servant of God (name), - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen."

Do not touch the stone for a month. Let him lie in the place where he found himself.

A conspiracy to avoid being refused the desired job

While at home, on the day the interview is scheduled, tie a knot in the thread, saying:

“Just as this knot was tied very tightly, so for the servant of God (his name) the matter quickly and firmly developed and he was accepted for the desired job. Amen."

Like any conspiracy, this text must be repeated three times, while tying a new knot (there will be 3 in total). A thread with knots is placed on the threshold of the house and the door is closed. When you go to find a job, cross the threshold. Now luck will go with you, which will help you quickly find a good job.

There is even more information about rituals and conspiracies to get a good job in this video

For most people, work is the main source of livelihood. To find a good position, job applicants use any tricks and get upset when other candidates pass them by. To prevent this from happening, magicians advise using rituals and conspiracies of white magic. A correctly performed ritual guarantees the applicant that he will be hired.

Conspiracies for successful employment

Rituals and spells for a successful job search can be done at home, without turning to professionals. They are easy to perform and accessible to any beginner. All rituals are performed only on the waxing moon. If the plot is difficult to remember, you can write it down on a piece of paper and just read it. The effect of the conspiracy will not be affected by this.

Ritual with a scarf

For this plot you will need a new green handkerchief. They buy it on the first day of the new moon. Every morning, when going to work, you should bring a scarf to your face and say the following words: “I’m going on a long journey and I’ll bring good luck. The road will be a joy for me and the envy of my enemies. Wherever I go, I’ll find work everywhere.” At the end of the conspiracy they say: “So be it.” After this, the scarf is folded and placed in the pocket.

This enchanted handkerchief must be carried with you constantly until a good job is found. They wrap the first salary in it and let it lie at home for a day. Many magicians advise not to spend the first money immediately after receiving it. They must spend at least one night at home. The next day you can dispose of them as you wish.

One paper bill from the first salary is left as a talisman.

With bread and coins

A very effective ritual can be performed using bread. Before going to an interview, they chant a piece of bread, which is then fed to the birds. This is done in the morning, on the eve of an important meeting.

They bring the piece to their lips and whisper the following words: “Just as people honor bread, so they will honor me at my new job. I give the bread to the birds, I take the work for myself. I accept it with joy." At the end they must say: “So be it.” Words are a key, a key is a lock.” After this, they give the bread to the birds along the way and calmly go to the interview.

Another similar ritual is performed in the following way: they buy bread in a store with the condition that the seller gives change in small change. Both coins and bread will be involved in the conspiracy. In the evening, the coins say: “They gave you money and they will give you work. I bought bread and will buy more.”

They are placed in pockets and worn throughout the entire lunar cycle. The next day, before work, they go to church and give a loaf of bread to the first beggar.

With milk cream

Cream symbolizes life in full abundance. This product is involved in many money rituals. It can be used in rituals aimed at finding decent work. It is extremely important to find not the first job that comes along, but a highly paid one, so that the applicant and his family do not live in poverty, but can afford whatever they want. For this ritual you will need the following things:

  • Beautiful clay cup.
  • Cream made from fresh milk.
  • Two candles.
  • Green fabric.

The cream is poured into a cup, placed on a green cloth and two candles are lit. They stir them with a spoon and pronounce the following spell: “I’ll get up very early and go out into the pole field. There is a tall oak tree there, and behind it there is a country road.

Once I find a foot, I’ll find half a dime, the second time I find a foot, I’ll find a dime, and the third time I find a foot, I’ll find gold. My whole road will be paved with money. I will live and live and not know grief. Let it be as I have said.” At the end they say “Amen” and cross themselves three times.

The cream is drunk in three large sips. This ceremony can be performed not only by applicants, but also by members of their families. Before going to bed, read the Lord's Prayer once and go to bed. If the ritual is carried out correctly, it will begin to act within seven days.

So as not to survive from the workplace

Sometimes it happens that a job has been found, but new colleagues are plotting and trying to survive the newcomer. For such cases, magic provides appropriate conspiracies.

Every morning before work or on the way to it they read the following words: “I came as a successful merchant, I will leave as a clever businessman. Just as a lion rules over animals, so I am revered at work. My words are strong and right. Let it be as I have said.”

If the bosses find fault and make excessive demands, they should be appeased with a conspiracy. As soon as another conflict occurs, brew tea or coffee and put a few spoons of sugar in a cup. They approach the boss’s office and, stirring with a spoon, quietly say the following words:: “Sugar, sugar, calm down your temper. Just as sugar sticks, so (boss’s name) sticks to me, asks for advice, and can’t cope without me. Do not work, do not serve, do not eat, do not drink. My words are in your ears. Key to the lock. Lock with a key." You don’t have to drink the drink, but only take one symbolic sip.

If the team is caught in a rare conflict, such a ritual should be carried out. It will require the following items:

  • Dead cockroach.
  • Twelve grains of wheat.
  • Two candles.

On the first Sunday of the new moon, they perform the following actions: light two candles, place grains and a cockroach in front of them. Then the following words are said: “I am a cunning fox, a brave wolf and an important lion. Wherever I am, everyone worships me and spreads out before me. My staircase is only up. They love me, honor me, and invite me to work. Just as the cockroach disappeared, so will my enemies disappear. Let it be as I have said.” After this, the cockroach is buried in the ground near the work, and wheat grains are scattered in different corners of the work place.

This conspiracy can be carried out every month.

Vanga's conspiracies for work advise contacting your guardian angel for any reason. To attract money, there must be money talismans in the house. These can be any silver coins or paper bills.

The famous healer advised perform rituals on the night from Friday to Saturday and only during the waxing moon. Anyone who wanted to get rich had to lie in bed and, closing his eyes, mentally imagine how he received huge money and spent it. Vanga believed that after some time the thought would definitely materialize.

To ask an angel for good luck, they addressed him with the following words: “My guardian angel. You look at us from above and see everything. Help me cope with failures, find prosperity and peace. Everything depends on you, and I really need your help.” At the end of the conspiracy they say “Amen”.

On coffee beans and stump

This conspiracy to get a job is done only on a waxing moon, like the previous ones. To carry it out you will need the following items:

  • Two candles.
  • Seven coffee beans.
  • Green fabric.

On Sunday evening, they retire to a separate room and perform the following actions: they spread a green cloth on the table, put seven coffee beans and light two candles.

Looking closely at the decomposed grains, the following words are said: “The moon in the sky shines and shines, so my career blossoms. Neither evil envious people, nor enemies, nor picky bosses will interfere with me. Everything will be as I said. There is power in my words.”

Cloth with coffee beans tied into a knot and leave overnight. In the morning, they take the grains with them and scatter them at the workplace. According to people, positive changes will begin within twelve days.

While walking in a park or forest, you should find two stumps growing nearby. They sit on one of the stumps and say the following: “I’m twisting and turning, I’m looking for a good place. Give me a new day, damn it. It’s a new day and a new job.” Saying these words, they change seats from one day to another. After which they leave the park without looking back.

With three candles

You will need three candles of different colors. One of them should be green, the other should be brown, and the third should be white. Since the candles will burn completely during the ritual, you should take care of a good candlestick in advance. In addition to candles, you will need the following items:

  • Cinnamon.
  • Basin with water.
  • Sunflower oil.

This conspiracy is strong. To find a good job, wait until Thursday and proceed to the next steps. The candles are lit one after the other: first the black one, then the green and white ones. Hands are smeared with cinnamon. Take a lit candle in one, and sunflower oil in the other. Over a basin of water they begin to pour oil on a candle and say the following: “I ask for what is mine by right, I will return what is mine to my liking. There will be no obstacle for me from my enemies.” These words must be repeated until the black candle burns out.

Then they take the green one and say the following words: “I will take the job according to my liking and according to my legal right. Come to me, work, from Sunday to Saturday.” They wait until the green candle burns out and begin the ritual with a white candle. While it burns down, the following words are said: “I will live in abundance to the envy of all attacks. There is power in my words, so be it.” The next day, without delay, you should start looking for a good job.

On an indoor flower

You can use a house plant to get hired. The plot is strong, despite its simplicity. Take any indoor flower. They put him in a pot and at the same time pronounce the following words: “My wealth is growing, blooming. Blossom and grow, bring me good luck.” This is repeated every time any procedure is performed on a flower. For example, water, trim leaves or feed. If the flower withers, you should not delay it, but purchase a new plant as quickly as possible.

Rules for conducting rituals

In order for the rituals to work, certain rules must be followed. They are simple, but their implementation is extremely important for achieving your plans:

  • All rituals must be performed exclusively in a sober state. You should not overeat before the ritual, and you should not starve either. The condition should be comfortable; headaches or other unpleasant distracting ailments are not allowed.
  • All conspiracies to find a job are performed only during the waxing moon.
  • The best days of the week are Thursday, Wednesday and Sunday. Moreover, for a successful career, Sunday is recommended (the day of the Sun), for making money or looking for a new job - Wednesday (the day of Mercury - the god of trade), and for respect and honor in the workplace - Thursday. This day corresponds to the planet Jupiter, which symbolizes power, honor and power. The prayer to be hired after the interview is also said on Thursday.
  • It is extremely important to create conditions so that no one interferes during the ceremony. All animals should be removed from the room and the TV and music should be turned off. To avoid distractions from street noise, close the window tightly. All rituals are advised to be carried out late in the evening, when family members go to bed.
  • All things used in monetary rituals must be new, intact, with a clear pattern and preferably green. An old thing symbolizes poverty. It is not without reason that they recommend getting rid of broken and unnecessary things as quickly as possible.
  • You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed until it begins to be performed. No one should see the ritual or participate in it.
  • A successful plot to attract employment will not take long to come true.

Magicians advise using your own imagination as much as possible and imagining work or wealth in the form of a living creature or an animated object. In this way, you can quickly materialize the object of desire and fulfill your plans. All rituals are quite effective and efficient. Which one to choose is up to the applicant himself.

Today the problem of employment is relevant, because without work it is difficult for a person to support himself and his family. If you have problems with employment, a conspiracy to find a new position, undergo a medical examination, return to your previous place, etc. will come to the rescue.

To obtain the desired result from a conspiracy, you must adhere to certain rules established by professionals.

  • The best time to read a prayer is early morning. It is also effective at sunrise or sunset.
  • Prayer requires access to an open space, so when performing a ritual indoors, you need to open a window, preferably on the east side.
  • The ritual is performed on an empty stomach or at least three to four hours after breakfast.
  • The attitude should be positive, and speech should be calm, clear and confident.
  • The little plot can be read in one sitting.
  • The text is pronounced with a church candle lit in advance, first they make the sign of the cross three times, then read
  • It is important to believe in the result of magical influence.
  • The text of the conspiracy is voiced 3, 5, 7 or even forty times.

Conspiracies for hiring

Before going through a job interview, you need to read the spell in order to get hired. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the ceremony not so much for one hundred percent obtaining the desired position, but for help and creating a favorable atmosphere, it will make you positive. In addition, your appearance and demeanor are important.

If you have a cat at home, then before the interview, pet your pet and say:

“I will not go on foot, but I will ride on a mustachioed cat, so that they will not refuse me work, neither in summer nor in winter, neither in the morning nor in the night. I live according to God's Covenant. God, take it upon yourself to accept and hire me for a good job. So that the team is respected and loved, not undervalued, but valued as an employee, so that no one says a bad word. Cross and cross, it’s a necessary thing with a great ending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading these words, you need to take three cat hairs with you to the interview and put them in your wallet.

On the way to your intended place of work, you should whisper the following words onto your left shoulder:

“In this and that place the Lord is with me, giving me luck and self-confidence. Let it be so".

Immediately before entering the establishment, the following conspiracy is also read:

“God, send me, Your servant (name), success and good luck! Amen".

Before the conversation, read the following prayer:

“As the bread of the Lord is revered, as it is served to guests with a bow, so may I, the servant of God (name), be received everywhere with love and respect. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the interview, you should also make sure that you are hired. To do this, the plot must be read when you have already left the employer’s office. Stand facing south, it is important to pronounce the text in a whisper or in a low voice:

“The southern sun illuminates me and shines brightly, it drives away the rays of trouble and adversity. Warm winds blow and bring good luck to me. The waters come to the flowing shores and provide work. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To take it for the night read the following text:

“Archangel, lead me on a clear and bright path, where every door is open to me, smiling people and successful deeds. There are three sea fish and three crowns, and whoever counts their points will signal my luck. My word has the first role, my deed has the second role, and ill-wishers have no role. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order to be accepted for the desired position, a strong conspiracy is read out on the day on which the interview is scheduled. To carry out the ceremony, a thin church candle is lit and during its burning the prayer is read by heart:

“I am racing on a rich forged chariot harnessed to a whitish golden-haired mare. I rush to the place where they called me, where they expect me and joyfully accept me, do not refuse me, but ask me to work. I will not receive a refusal either on today, or on tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or in any month or year, for everywhere I will be endowed with honor and glory. Not a single bad sound will be made against me, they will not refuse me anything, they will greet me openly, as they have waited and waited for a long time, they will believe as they believe in themselves. A cross with a cross and a matter with a successful ending. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Assistance during medical examination

It is important to take care in time to improve your health and successfully pass the medical examination. There are many spells for feeling good when applying for a job. One of them is read on a tree and has the following text:

“A painful illness, a painful and viscous illness, strives for this tree, crawls from me to its crown. From now on, he does not torment and exhaust the servant of God (name), but strangles this mighty tree. I give up my illness, but I absorb natural strength into myself and live with all my good inner strength. Amen".

The spell can come from a mother for a son or daughter, in which case the address is pronounced in the third person.

Hex from pain

To help the strong one, apply the index finger of the leading hand to the sore spot and move it around clockwise, saying:

“(Name of organ) my (me), do not torment and do not cause pain in the body of God’s servant (name). As the sun floats over the horizon, so the pain in you recedes and does not bother me. Let it be so. Amen".

Ritual to improve health

One of the most popular is the spell for water to improve health. However, to carry it out, you must first find a spring with the purest water, it is usually located near holy places, and fill a small vessel with it. It is specifically for this water that the following conspiracy will be pronounced:

“Mother water, pure and healing water, just as you give all people a drink and wash them, so help me, the servant of God (name). Overcome the excruciating pain (name of the organ), cure the illness, so that I don’t have to endure this. Amen".

Ritual for illnesses and the evil eye

If the ailment does not torment you at the moment, but you do not want it to manifest itself during a medical examination, you can use Before the ceremony, a church candle is lit and placed on the table. The plot is strong, so it should be read during the waning month phase. The most successful day for the ceremony is Tuesday. After pronouncing the text, take one sip of water and wash the rest. The remains are sprayed all over the body. The candle is allowed to burn out.

The plot goes like this:

“Just as I was born from a mother, a servant of God (name), and she supported me through all illnesses and sorrows, so you, clean and transparent water, dear and understanding, help, protect from all sorts of illnesses and save from the evil eye, deliver from condemnation and ghost, evil cursed conversation, wash away everything bad from my body, from the body of God’s servant (name). Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Magic text from Natalia Stepnova

Natalya Stepanova offers many effective spells for health. One of them annually (leap year does not count). It sounds like this:

“I, the servant of God (name), walked along the road and came out to the blue and deep sea, with my red face towards happiness, my back towards dark grief. Yes, a small fish and a white sea queen will soon swim across the blue sea; there is nothing in the world that can compare with beauty and health. The eyes of the fish are like glass, the fins are like tin, the head is like gold, the soul is like bast. The queen fish does not hear anyone's pain, the water of the sea sways her and shakes her rhythmically, she does not know a single disease. So let me, the servant of God (name), not know the disease and not suffer from it. May it be so for centuries and for better times. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Magic for getting your old job back

If you or your husband or son need to return to your previous job, turn to white magic so that your plans will definitely work out. Before visiting the previous employer, the following conspiracy is read:

“Just as no living creature can live without water, so I, the servant of God (name), cannot do without labor. Help me, Lord, to return to my old job and gain honor and respect again. Let it be so. Amen".

There is another version of the conspiracy that helps you get back. You need to whisper the following words onto a piece of bread:

“Just as you, the bread of God, are the head of the table, so the servant of God (name) was respected everywhere and given work. So help me, Great God, to turn onto the path to my former work, so that they will receive me with joy. Let it be so. Amen".

Other conspiracies

A powerful plot for good luck in work is read. To carry out the ritual, you will need holy water and a church candle purchased on Wednesday. In the evening, it is placed on the table, and a jar of water is placed in front of it. The candle is lit and the sentence is spoken.

A good and well-paid job is one of the life priorities of every person. But, alas, not all applicants are able to get a lucrative position, even despite many interviews. In such cases, conspiracies to get the desired job will be a real lifesaver. Anyone who has already chosen a workplace for themselves and wants to gain a foothold in it in conditions of fierce competition and gain the favor of their superiors can take advantage of such rituals.

Of course, when applying for a vacant position, conspiracy alone is not enough. Magic in this case acts more as an assistant and an additional means of reinforcing inner confidence. The conspiracy creates an atmosphere of determination, efficiency, optimism around the applicant, increases his attractiveness in the eyes of a potential employer, thanks to which his superiors begin to see him as the most suitable candidate for the vacant position.

It will also be useful if the applicant works on his appearance and familiarizes himself with the advice and recommendations of psychologists regarding correct behavior during an interview.

You need to follow certain recommendations when using the conspiracies themselves to get a job. As a rule, magic words guarantee success if they are spoken during the waxing phase of the moon. Quickly obtaining the desired position is facilitated by a magical text read on Saturday, and on Wednesday rituals are performed that are designed for a high level of salary (due to the strong monetary energy of this day).

If you decide to use rituals, be sure to follow two rules

  1. When using a conspiracy to get hired, you should absolutely not doubt its power and effectiveness. If you are overcome by doubts and uncertainty, this will create an energy block that will become an obstacle to the fulfillment of your desire.
  2. One more condition - confidentiality. If you tell someone about the ritual, the magic words will clearly not have a beneficial effect and may even harm your career in the future.

Failure to follow the rules for reading the plot can have bad consequences and lead to disaster!

A conspiracy can be pronounced during any action that is directly related to obtaining the desired position (viewing advertisements, traveling before an interview, the interview itself, after a conversation with a potential boss, etc.).

Below are examples of the most popular conspiracies, the effectiveness of which many people have seen from their own experience based on reviews. These texts can be read by both the applicant himself and his loved ones - husband, wife, mother and others.

Spells for independent reading

Before going to an interview

The plot is suitable for those who keep a cat at home. Before going to the interview, you need to pet your furry pet and say:

“I won’t go on foot, but on a black cat.” There was no way for me to be refused, (your name), neither in summer, nor in winter, nor in the morning, nor in the afternoon. I live by God's covenant. Lord, take my care that I get a job. So that no one has a word against me - neither bad nor any. So that I am loved and respected, appreciated and not underestimated. Cross with cross, a good deed with a good ending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Then take 3 cat hairs and hide them in your wallet. You should have them with you at the interview.

On the way to an interview

On the way to an interview with a potential employer, you need to whisper the following text over your left shoulder:

“And in this place God is with me.”

You need to pronounce it 3-7 times, after each time you need to be baptized, saying:

“Lord, send me, your servant (your servant) (own name) , good luck! Amen!"

To get a job

It is spoken out before the conversation with the employer. The applicant should kiss the edge of the white bread and then say:

“As they honor the bread of God, as they serve it with a bow, as they receive it with a bow, so let me, God’s servant (God’s servant) (your name), would be greeted with a bow and received with joy everywhere. From now on and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Words after the interview

The plot is read after the interview. Upon leaving the employer’s office, the applicant must stand facing south and say in a whisper or in a low voice (required) the words:

“The sun illuminates me, and drives away trouble with its rays. The wind blows me, brings good luck to me. The waters are coming to the shores, work is being brought to me. Amen!"

It is advisable to do the ritual outdoors.

To be hired for the desired position on a candle

The spell will be stronger if you say it on the day of the interview. To do this, you need to light a candle from the church (preferably a thin one) and recite the following words by heart (exactly as many times as it takes for the candle to burn out to the end):

“I am riding on a forged chariot, a golden-haired mare. I’m going there, where they wait for me and respect me, but don’t offend me with a refusal. They will not refuse me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on any day, nor in any month, nor in any year; honor and glory await me always and everywhere. No one will say a bad word against me, no one will ever refuse me anything, open doors will always greet me, everyone honors me, everyone believes in me as if they were themselves. Cross with cross, the matter has a good ending. Amen!"

See also another type of ritual in this video:

Happy is the person who has found a job or occupation that brings money, immediately and for a long time. However, there are only a few such people. Most people have to spend a lot of time looking for a suitable job in their life. The place that will captivate you, give you material returns, be both an outlet and a financial basis. By using a conspiracy to get hired, you can thoroughly help yourself in getting such a job.

The issue of successfully getting a job can be completely solved with the help of magical power. You just need to figure it out, understand what problem you have at the moment. If you are looking for a job at all, then you need to strengthen one side of your luck. When you have decided on a vacancy, but you need to win the employer over to your side, this is a slightly different task and a different ritual is used.

Each magical recipe encodes a certain moment that has a stronger influence. By understanding the algorithm for the interaction of the phases of the moon, days of the week, and gender of the applicant, you can most effectively solve your own problems.

In addition to rituals, to achieve your goals in finding and successfully getting a job, it would be useful to make your own amulet. Also in this situation, amulets against the evil eye help to protect yourself from envious people, sometimes they are the main cause of failure.

Rituals and spells to help you find the job you want

Letter to spirits, magical helpers

To find a good job, you can attract the power of wish-fulfilling spirits to help you. This powerful ritual will help you find a slave if you have trouble finding one. A wish letter is written addressing powerful magical creatures. For the ritual you need to prepare four wax candles, a sheet of paper and a poppy.

Light four candles, arranging them so that two are on your right and left, and two are in front and behind you. Write the words of your desire on a piece of paper and then fold it into an envelope. A handful of poppy seeds are poured into this envelope. They will serve as an offering to the spirits, appeasing them and inducing them to help you.

“Witchcraft powers, please help me! Speed ​​up the fulfillment of my desire. Give me a job that pays money and pleases my soul. May these poppy seeds nourish your strength and become an offering for your goodwill. I bring them as a token of gratitude for the ambulance! Amen!"

Carry this letter with you always, it will strengthen your chances in finding a job, as it has very quick consequences. It will attract various offers into your life and help you get what you want.
