How to make an origami paper horse step by step. How to make a horse out of paper? Video tutorial on creating a modular horse

Suitable for school age children (from 7, 8 years old).

You can make such horses with your children and decorate a Christmas tree or room with them. A real and simple symbol of the coming year can be decorated with felt-tip pens or pencils. Or you can play with them, for example, by arranging horse races.

Materials and tools for one horse:

  • A4 paper of any color. 80gr. density
  • Scissors

Simple DIY origami horse - assembly diagram:

1. Fold a piece of paper diagonally as shown in the picture and cut off the excess part. It should be a square.

2. Unfold the square and now bend it in the opposite direction. Expand. You will get lines like this.

3. Now fold the square exactly in half in two different directions. Expand.

4. You will get a square with outlined lines.

5. Now, using the existing lines, bring the three upper corners to the lower corner.

6. Fold the right and left corners of the figure to the central marked line. Then make a fold as in the picture from top to bottom.

7. Using scissors, cut the top layer of paper to the top line.

8. Fold back the cut top layer of paper as shown in the picture.

9. Roll the resulting workpiece towards the center line.

10. Turn the workpiece over and do steps 6-9 now with the other side.

11. You will get a figure like this.

12. Turn the figure 180 degrees so that there is a triangle in front of you with one corner at the top. Make folds at the top:

  • on the left is a horse's head
  • on the right is the horse's tail

13. Unfold the folds and make them internal, as in the picture.

14. Origami horse is ready. A simple photo assembly diagram will help you make a whole herd of horses.

Have fun and enjoy your creativity!

How to make a paper horse: step-by-step master classes for children. A paper horse on clothespins, a jumping rope horse, a bookmark horse and a paper horse using the origami technique, simply and quickly.

How to make a paper horse

Today we will make a horse together with the children. In this article you will find four master classes on making this fun toy with children:

  1. Paper horse on clothespin x: making a horse with preschool children.
  2. Horse - jump rope. We make a toy for playing with children.
  3. Horse - bookmark. Master class for children of senior preschool and primary school age.
  4. Horse - mask made of paper using the origami technique.

Master class 1. Paper horse on clothespins

Materials and tools for making toys - horses

To make a toy you need:

  • thick white cardboard,
  • acrylic paint stamps,
  • yarn,
  • bamboo clothespins,
  • hole puncher.

How to make a horse with children: step-by-step description

Step 1. Cut out the horse detail from cardboard according to the template.

Step 2. Use stamp paint to paint the part on both sides. Move the stamp from top to bottom abruptly, imitating wool fibers.

Step 3. Draw an eye, a point on the nose (nostril) and a bridle.

Step 4. Using a hole punch, make several 2-3 holes in the mane area and one in the tail area.

Useful idea.

I have a homemade hole punch - a part of a nail is welded to one side of the inside of the pliers, and a hole to size is drilled on the other side. You see this tool in the photo. Step 5.

Cut yarn for mane and tail. Step 6

And at this stage we will learn how to tie knots. Using a hook, pull the yarn through the holes and tie knots.

Now the mane is ready! Step 7

Tie the tail in the same way. Step 8

And the last step - the horse needs legs! Let's take clothespins. They can be painted the same color as the horse itself. Or you can leave them as they are. Attach clothespins to the horse's body. And the toy is ready!

Clothespins allow our paper horses to stand on their own.

This is what kind of horses the children got.

This is the kind of hippodrome we have!

When making a paper horse craft with your children, remember the poems that describe its appearance, stroke the mane and tail, and tap the clothespins with its hooves. The following poems will help you in making crafts with children:
Skok-skok, skok-skok,
Tail and mane on the side.
How smooth is it?
You are my horse.
I'll clean it with a brush

So that your fur shines.
Clack, clack, clack, clack!
I am a horse - gray side!
I'll knock my hoof
If you want, I'll give you a ride!
Look how beautiful I am
Both the tail and mane are good.
Clack, clack, clack, clack!

Clack, clack, clack, clack!
The horse will ask the foal:
"Tell me, my dear,
Who has a mane like that?
Who grows up so beautiful?
And he will answer for him:

“You, my sweet, yoke!”
I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Creative task for children

What other animals can you make using cardboard and clothespins? And to use knotted yarn?

In this video master class you will see how you can very quickly and easily make a horse - a bookmark for books out of paper. The horse is made from a small square of paper using the origami technique. It can be done very simply and quickly. And such a horse can be used not only as a bookmark, but also to decorate a holiday table and home.

The video is in English, but it shows the making of the horse step by step in great detail, so everything will be clear. Very simple and original! This horse will appeal to both adults and children. The author of the video is Leyla Torres.

Master class 3. Horse - jump rope

And now we will make an unusual horse - a toy. This is a horse - a “jump rope” for children’s games, that is, a horse on a stick. The horse is made from a piece of pipe - insulation for pipes, fabric and paper. The base of the horse is made of a soft pipe bent in half, the hair of the horse is made of fabric. And the eyes and nostrils are made of paper, which is attached with double-sided tape. The author of the video is SamodelkinA.

Master class 4. Horse - a paper mask using the origami technique, simple and quick

Another great idea is a paper horse mask. The video shows in detail how it can be done. The mask is made using the origami technique, and its production is accessible even to children and beginners in this technique. Video author: Origami 4ik.


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The graceful horse is the favorite animal of many of us. This animal, captivating with its beauty and power, has long been revered as a symbol of animal strength, courage, grace, loyalty at the same time, freedom, glory and fearlessness. It is believed that if you keep a horse figurine on your desktop, success, luck and prosperity will certainly visit you. In addition, according to the figurine of this fearless animal, it helps strengthen your business reputation. And if you want to show a small sign of attention and give your loved ones a small present with meaning, we recommend that you learn how to make a horse out of paper.

How to make a horse out of paper using the origami technique?

Origami is the now popular art of folding various paper figures, originally from ancient Japan. To create a horse, we only need a sheet of A4 paper and scissors.

  1. To begin with, we need to make a square out of a rectangular sheet of paper: to do this, bend one of the corners diagonally, and then cut off the excess with scissors.
  2. Unfold the paper and then fold it along the other diagonal to create another line. Expand.
  3. Then fold the sheet in half horizontally and unfold.
  4. Fold in half along a vertical line and unfold. As a result, we should get a paper square with clearly marked lines.

  5. Fold the sheet first along a diagonal line, then the sides need to be folded along a diagonal fold and hidden inside the workpiece to form a rhombus.
  6. Both sides of the top diamond need to be folded towards the center. Then we bend the upper triangle of the figure towards the middle.
  7. Unfold the top diamond and use scissors to cut the top sheet from the bottom edge to the horizontal fold in the center.
  8. Bend the resulting triangles to the top, forming two identical rhombuses.
  9. Each diamond needs to be folded horizontally in half towards the middle.
  10. Then turn the workpiece over to the other side.
  11. With the top diamond, repeat steps 5-8.
  12. Turn the paper horse craft over 180 degrees and bend the triangle in the central part with the corner up.
  13. Pull out and spread the edges of the figure so that you can find a small square marked with lines.
  14. Fold the square in half horizontally and fold its sides towards the center. This will be the body of our future paper origami horse. Iron the folds of the figure.
  15. Let's take care of the “limbs” of the horse. Fold the top right triangle to the side so that the bottom side of the piece forms a horizontal line. Unfold and bend the corners inward along the marked fold lines.
  16. Bend the upper left triangle slightly.
  17. Unfold and bend the corners inward along the marked lines.
  18. All that remains is to bend the very tip of the head inward so that the cute face of our horse is not so sharp.

DIY horse made of buttons and paper

An original and unusual horse is made from such accessible materials as paper and buttons. Moreover, thanks to this combination, the legs of the graceful figure can move.

The amazing and extremely entertaining art of origami allows you to make amazing crafts with virtually no glue or scissors. To create a small masterpiece, just use one square piece of paper.

The year of the horse is just around the corner, so let's learn how to make the simplest paper horse. This will be an unexpected surprise and a pleasant handmade gift.

This ancient art appeared in Ancient China, but was more developed in Japan, where various gifts, symbols and figurines for ceremonies were made from paper. So, for a wedding, paper butterflies were made as a gift for the bride and groom.

A little about the history of origami

Origami can be modular or simple. the first type is more complex and involves the use of several parts from different papers, connected into a single whole. The second type of simple origami was invented by origami designer John Smith, in which one piece of paper is only folded and bent in the desired directions. This, of course, limits the possibility of using a variety of techniques, but this method becomes available to any novice craftsman for creating paper.

You can make amazing figures with origami, without the need for glue or scissors. This is not at all difficult to do. Let's make a paper horse together. It will be a smaller copy of a real animal.

Paper horse. Beginning of work

  • - Take the papers in your hands, A-4 format;

  • - Fold the corner to the opposite edge. For manufacturing, you need a triangular part that appears on the fold;

  • - The remaining part of the paper should be cut off.

Making horse parts

  • - Now you need to bend the resulting triangle diagonally and unfold it. A fold line will be needed;

  • - Once again you need to bend and straighten one side so that you get a square;

  • - We straighten the second side in the same way;

  • - Then you should bend a small corner and then straighten the resulting figure. You should get a small square at its base.

  • - Now bend the figure so as to get a pentagon, the acute corner of which will be at the bottom.

The final stage of work

The craft is almost ready. All that remains is to use scissors.

  • - You need to take scissors and cut the acute corner of the resulting pentagon into 2/3 of the figure. You should end up with several paper ends;

  • - Next, we form the horse’s muzzle from one end. Fold it to the right and cut it again.

  • - The second end needs to be folded several times until a narrow strip is formed, which then needs to be turned to the side. This is how the horse's leg turned out. The second leg also folds. And the two remaining legs too.

Here is one of the schemes on how to make the simplest and most beautiful horse out of paper:

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

So you have learned how to make a horse using the origami technique, out of paper. This activity is fun and easy.

And, most importantly, even if you don’t succeed right away, try again and again, because skill is honed only with time. Which means everything will work out!

Let's make a symbol of the New Year 2014 - a horse using the origami technique. We offer you a convenient diagram with photographs on how to make a horse out of paper. Check out all the ideas for New Year's gifts and crafts

website – Navigator in the world of gifts and souvenirs

Making such a paper horse will take 10-15 minutes. To do this, you only need a square sheet of double-sided paper.

1) Fold a square sheet of paper in half in both directions and then along both diagonals.

2) Fold the sheet diagonally. Then we bend the sides inward along the fold line, creating a rhombus. Fold the two side corners of the top layer towards the middle.

3) Bend the top corner down. Cut the top layer in the middle to the fold line of the triangle. We bend the resulting 2 triangles upward in turn.

4) We bend the resulting two rhombuses in half lengthwise. We turn the figure over and repeat the steps, starting from the 2nd point - we fold the two side corners of the top layer towards the middle.

5) Cut the middle of the top layer to the fold, bend the two triangles up and fold them in half lengthwise. Turn the part upside down. We unfold the right triangle to a plane and bend the lower part in half to form a tail.

6) We unfold the left triangle to a plane and bend the upper part in half to form a head. The horse is ready!
