How to make very scary makeup for Halloween. Halloween makeup: do it at home

In order for the image created for the Halloween holiday to be complete, it is necessary not only to choose a costume and do a suitable hairstyle, but also to do makeup. To create some images, you don’t even need makeup, but rather complex makeup.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to contact a professional make-up artist or make-up artist, the result will be magnificent. But in most cases, you can cope on your own.

Quite often it is required to make a white face for Halloween, since the main characters of this holiday should be deathly pale. This type of makeup must be done if you are creating the image of a vampire, skeleton, geisha, ghost bride, etc. Let's look at how you can whiten your face at home.

What kind of white Halloween face paint can you use? The main requirement for the paints used is that they are completely safe for the skin. You need to understand that by applying paint to the skin that is not intended for leather, a person is at great risk. The body’s reaction can be unpredictable, and it’s good if everything ends with the formation of a rash on the face. A more severe allergic reaction, including fatal anaphylactic shock, may also develop.

Therefore, when planning to do makeup using paints for the first time, do not be lazy to conduct a simple sensitivity test. You just need to apply a couple of strokes of paint to the skin of your wrist or elbow and wait a couple of hours. If after removing the paint there are no traces of redness on the skin, then you can use this product.

Read also: Everyday makeup for brown eyes: main stages of application

What means do you use to paint your face on Halloween? Here are the possible options:

  • face painting;
  • theatrical makeup;
  • art paints: gouache, watercolor;
  • Flour-based home remedies.

Let's look at how to properly use these paint options.

Face painting

These are special water-based paints that are harmless to skin. This version of paints can be used even for children. Face painting is sold either like ordinary art paints in jars, or in dry form. In the latter case, it must be diluted with water.

If you plan to use the paint once or twice a year, then it is better to choose the option with powdered paints, since such makeup lasts longer. Face painting is sold in children's stores, entertainment centers and stores selling theater products.

Apply the paint using a sponge to cleansed and moisturized skin. If you want to make your skin look deathly pale, you can add a little blue or green to the white paint. It is better to apply makeup in two or three layers, the next layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. But since the makeup dries quickly, the makeup won’t take much time.

The makeup is washed off with plain water; if paint accidentally gets on your clothes, don’t worry, it washes off easily.

Theatrical makeup

Another good option is professional makeup, which is used by theater actors. This paint option can be purchased either in specialized stores or ordered online.

Read also: Makeup of singer Natalie - trying on the image of a star

Theatrical makeup is not water-based, but fat-based. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with, but the effect is much better.

Rules for working with makeup:

  • It is recommended to cleanse the skin well first, preferably using a scrub or tonic;
  • then you need to apply a makeup base or any cream, you can use baby cream or Vaseline;
  • Make-up should be applied with a slightly damp sponge, trying to apply the product evenly without gaps or streaks;
  • After applying makeup, the skin must be powdered with loose white or transparent powder; you can use talc or rice flour.

Artistic paints

You can also make white makeup for Halloween using artistic paints. You can use gouache or watercolors. But applying acrylic paints to your face is strictly not recommended.

However, the use of artistic paints does not give the best results. Gouache strongly tightens the skin, watercolor adheres worse and takes a long time to dry, and you have to apply the paint in several layers.

But the most unpleasant thing is that the layer of artistic paint on the face begins to crack after drying. Therefore, you will need to try to keep your face still (don’t talk, don’t use facial expressions, etc.), which is extremely inconvenient at a holiday.

However, for some looks, a cracked layer of paint on the face can even come in handy. For example, the image of a zombie or a broken doll will only benefit from this. But the image of a geisha will be greatly spoiled by cracked paint on the face. To make a more permanent makeup, you should mix white gouache with Vaseline. You need to mix the substances in small portions.

Home paints

Halloween makeup for girls is in high demand among their loving mothers. Bright makeup, although not as terrifying as that of adult women, is increasingly being worn on the faces of very young people. What children's Halloween makeup for girls will be fashionable this fall and how to choose the right look for your little princess?

First things first.

Best Halloween Look

  • In order for your child to shine at any event dedicated to the feast of All Saints, you first need to decide on the right look.

  • Character. The outcome of the event depends on the choice of the right character. Ask your child what kind of hero she likes, accept her opinion, try to listen to the girl.

Costume. Its “recognition” depends on how correctly and accurately the costume is made.

  • To create an outfit, it is better to stock up on: old unnecessary clothes, gloves, knee socks, a hat or scarf, bandages, ropes, wire, false nails, cardboard, wigs, etc.

Hairstyle. Pay attention to your hair. It can be done as follows: combed and secured with varnish, the strands are dyed, decorated with shiny varnish, skull hairpins and a hoop with horns.

Makeup options for girls for Halloween

  • Halloween makeup for girls will help complete the look. Without this final touch, the entire costume will lose its zest and become ordinary. Pay attention to the quality of the makeup cosmetics used. Your princess's delicate skin should not experience discomfort. Here's some Halloween makeup for girls (brief description):

  • Makeup “Zombie Girl”. The secret is the gray paint on the face. Bruises and bruises are painted with red, yellow and purple colors. The lips must be black; if you wish, you can add scars.

  • . The most common and popular make-up photos are cat photos. The cute cat image is especially good for girls aged 9 to 10 years. The face is powdered, cheekbones are drawn with blush. Using shadows and a pencil, draw the cat's eyes, eyebrows and nose. You can also use makeup for the nose. With its help, a mustache and muzzle are drawn. Red lipstick is perfect for depicting a cat's tongue.

  • Make-up "Clownness". We already know what clowns are like from dozens of horror films. Therefore, such a clown makeup is perfect for Halloween. Using make-up in different bright colors, recreate the appearance of a clown on your face and portray an ominous smile.

It’s up to you to decide what your daughter’s face makeup will be like for Halloween. We offer step-by-step instructions for applying the most common types of Halloween makeup for girls.

Draculaura Makeup (“Monster High”) for Halloween

The bright and colorful appearance of the cartoon vampire is incredibly popular among modern children. We invite you to help your child get used to such a favorite role. To reproduce the makeup of a good-natured monster, you will need:

  • children's makeup in different colors;
  • sponge or sponge;
  • water-based makeup for children's body art;
  • glitter for children in a pencil;
  • dark lipstick in brown shades.

Step-by-step application instructions:

  1. Wash and moisturize your baby's face with baby cream.
  2. Apply baby body art makeup in a soft pink color to your brush. If pink is not available, mix white and red paint to the desired shade. Using light strokes, spread the paint over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area of ​​the upper eyelids and lips.
  3. Using a sponge, go over the entire surface of the face to smooth out the layer of paint and remove any unevenness. After this, carefully walk over the surface of the upper eyelid, avoiding contact with the eyes.
  4. Draw shadows with a bright pink shade of paint, not reaching the eyebrow by 1 cm. Also paint the lower eyelid, starting from the beginning of eyelash growth, with pink.
  5. Apply glitter to the area between the eyebrow and pink makeup. For this purpose, use special pencils for drawings on the face.
  6. Draw eyebrows with brown paints. You can also use regular brown eyeliner.
  7. Line your eyes. The black arrows should be thin at the inner corner and widen much more towards the outer corner. Fold the lower eyelid too.
  8. Using black makeup or a pencil, draw eyelashes from the natural growth line and highlight them well.
  9. Apply dark brown or purple lipstick to your lips. Apply white face painting to a thin brush and draw fangs on the surface of the lower lip.
  10. Using a thin brush with pink makeup, draw a heart on the left cheekbone.

To complete the look, wear a Draculaura wig. Voila, Halloween makeup for girls is ready.

Makeup for Frankie doll (“Monster High”) for Halloween

Another makeup option for an All Saints Day party for a growing fashionista. In general, doing Halloween makeup for 12-year-old girls with your own hands is not so easy. This option will save you from the problem of finding a decent image. You will need:

  • baby cream;
  • gray-green face painting;
  • black eyeliner;
  • pink and purple shadows;
  • false eyelashes;
  • mascara;
  • lip gloss;
  • black eyeliner;
  • black and white wig.

Step by step, children's Halloween makeup for girls is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. Wash your face, apply baby cream and let it absorb.
  2. Apply gray-green face painting with even strokes onto the surface of the face with a wide brush. Paint the entire surface, including the eyelids, neck and ears.
  3. Use black eyeliner to draw thin eyebrows.
  4. Apply pink shadows with a creamy texture (you can use the same face painting) on ​​the upper eyelid, slightly bringing the outer corner higher towards the eyebrow.
  5. Using a thin brush, apply the same pink shade to the lower eyelid, connecting the outer corners.
  6. Distribute the purple shadows over the pink ones onto the surface of the entire eyelid. Repeat the purple line on the bottom one.
  7. Using black eyeliner, draw neat arrows, bringing the outer tip right through.
  8. Time for false eyelashes. Gently apply special glue to artificial eyelashes and attach them to the growth line of natural eyelashes. Tint your lower eyelashes with mascara.
  9. Girly makeup in Frankie's style includes super-bright lips. Use red lipstick or lip gloss, carefully filling in any imperfections.
  10. Using a pencil, apply scars on the surface of the face and neck, repeat everything with black eyeliner.

Frankie's appearance will be completed with a black and white wig in the style of the good monster from Monster High.

Makeup for girls for Halloween “Vampire”

Suitable for girls 10-11 years old and older. Impressive and easy to implement, makeup is sure to please everyone who wants to shine on Halloween. Its peculiarity is that it is quite possible for a child to apply it independently. To apply this type of makeup, face painting is not required. You will need:

  • light foundation;
  • light powder;
  • black, light, red and yellow shadows;
  • red lip pencil;
  • bronzer;
  • burgundy and red lipstick;
  • set of makeup brushes.

Here's how to do DIY makeup for Halloween for a girl:

  1. Cover your face with the lightest possible tone using a wide brush.
  2. Apply very light powder over the cream. Blend well.
  3. Use black shadow to fill in your eyebrows. They should become wider and more expressive.
  4. Using your finger, distribute light shadows around the eyes, smearing them thoroughly.
  5. Apply light yellow eyeshadow to the upper eyelids.
  6. There is a red tint of eyeshadow around the eyes.
  7. Apply bright red eyeshadow to the lower eyelid.
  8. Draw the lower eyelid with a red pencil.
  9. Apply a bronze tone to your cheekbones, highlighting the thinness of your face.
  10. Cover your lips with burgundy lipstick.
  11. Use red lipstick or gloss to apply bloody marks around the lips.

If you decide to completely transform your child, you can purchase red lenses and a vampire jaw. But even without these accessories, the vampire’s makeup will be quite realistic.

Halloween makeup for girls is a great way to show your creativity and have fun with your child. Young princesses will certainly appreciate your efforts. Be fully prepared before the holiday.

Video: Halloween makeup for girls “Vampire”

Makeup plays a huge role for a person when celebrating Halloween. It is he who brings anyone closer to something unearthly and mystical. Options for effective and “scary” make-up are presented in this article.

Halloween- an ancient holiday that is accepted celebrate on the last day of October. People celebrate the completion of the harvest. Exactly 31st they organize celebrations for this occasion. Since ancient times soil was considered a deity, because she fed a person. That's why people thought it was important "pay homage" earth and bless it for the next harvest season.

But, besides thanking the soil, people believed that it was on this day that it had power, and therefore they were afraid of it. It’s not for nothing that Halloween is called the holiday of “all the dead.” It was believed that the earth, endowed with power, resurrect dead and buried ancestors in it.

To prevent the resurrected dead from bringing devastation and chaos into the world of the living, it was decided to use all possible means to scare them away. For this purpose l people dressed up in scary costumes and masks, similar to images of ghosts and evil spirits. The resurrected did not recognize people and considered them similar to themselves, and therefore went away into the ground the next morning.

Halloween traditions continue in our modern world. Not every country and family celebrates this holiday. But, nevertheless, everyone knows about it and everyone is interested in it. Halloween Parties They are organized by many public organizations, student companies, groups and even schoolchildren. This holiday has deep religious roots and therefore has the right to exist.

It is customary to celebrate Halloween lush and fun. Every family should decorate their home according to the theme of the holiday. In addition, unexpected guests can come to every house. They should definitely be accepted by treating them to something tasty. That is why it is customary to arrange special “food zone”(“Food zones”, from the word “food” - “food”). These areas may contain sweets, snacks and drinks.

Food zone decoration for Halloween

Halloween Yard Decoration

Home Decoration for Halloween

Easy and simple makeup for Halloween

Besides that everyone should have your specific costume on Halloween, he should definitely stick to his style. Think over the image in advance. Depending on who you would like to be, you should also come up with makeup.

Make-up can easily replace your mask, which is sometimes inconvenient to wear all the time. If you are not a fan of heavy makeup, you will need a few ideas for creating a “light” and unobtrusive, but scary makeup. When applying this “make-up” you can use simple women’s decorative cosmetics.

By the way, women on this day should not be “ashamed” to apply a huge amount of makeup on their faces. Halloween allows you to rely not only on sexuality, but also on “scary beauty.”

Some simple Halloween makeup ideas:

Simple Vampire Makeup for Halloween

Simple Halloween Makeup

Women's Halloween Makeup

Easy makeup for Halloween

Men's makeup and Halloween makeup for guys

As practice shows, it is much easier to do makeup for a woman than for a man. The reason for this is the man’s lack of education in cosmetics and inability to handle them. Nevertheless, there are a few simple ideas“make-up” that every guy can repeat.

Necessary cosmetics for applying “scary” makeup:

  • Black contour pencil. This is a universal tool that will help you easily and simply draw patterns on your face, “like on paper.” To do this, you should ask a cosmetics store for a black eyeliner. Ask for a soft pencil. This product is very gentle on the skin and leaves a rich color. With a pencil you can draw scars sewn up with thread, outline eyes, extend the line of the mouth, draw a spider and much more.
  • Red lipstick. You want a matte red lipstick without any pearlescent color. Here you don’t have to worry too much about the quality of the product, because lipstick always fits well on the skin. You need it in order to draw imaginary bloody marks and abrasions.
  • Shadows. An eyeshadow palette is sold in every cosmetic store. You need to find or ask the seller to offer you matte shades of eyeshadow without pearl or glitter. These shadows can be applied to any part of the face and give it the desired color. For example, green for Frankenstein, blue for the Witcher, purple for the zombie, and white for the ghost.

Professional makeup costs much more. However, this tool allows you to draw the most realistic bloody streaks, bruises and abrasions on your face. Using makeup is not difficult in principle, but it is best to ask a professional for help.

Some easy Halloween makeup ideas for guys:

Makeup option for guys for Halloween

Halloween Makeup

Easy makeup for guys for Halloween

Scary makeup for guys for Halloween

Makeup for girls for Halloween

As already mentioned, makeup for Halloween - a special part of the female image. Only on this day can a woman not be afraid to do too vulgar or showy makeup. The fact is that according to the unofficial rules of the holiday, every girl should be on this day maximum sexy. In this way, she expresses her nature and natural beauty.

You can do makeup using familiar cosmetics, or you can use makeup to give your face maximum expressiveness. It's good if you can afford it extend eyelashes and nails- this will give your image perfection.

Makeup and makeup ideas for girls for Halloween:

Halloween Makeup Ideas for Girls

Eye makeup idea for Halloween Spectacular “scary” Mexican makeup for girls for Halloween

Simple Halloween Makeup for Girls

Cat makeup for girls for Halloween

How to do witch makeup?

Witch - one of the most popular images for women. It is believed that the witch has great power and the ability to lure any man. Girls often wear robes and make appropriate Halloween makeup.

Witch makeup application:

  • First of all, you need to make your face as bright as possible, since a witch is a mystical creature (she does not have a “healthy glow”). Use white powder for these purposes, apply it with a puff and rub thoroughly, and also in order not to leave unpleasant lumps and do not create a “mask effect”.
  • Use dark brown powder to give your face texture. Blush will make you look flushed, and you don't want that. Dark brown powder will highlight your cheekbones and chin. Apply dark powder as well. on the wings of the nose, to visually make it more elongated.
  • Outline your eyes with a black eyeliner pencil to give them expressiveness. You can also use black or purple shadows. If possible, stick on eyelashes. This will simultaneously brighten your eyes and give them a feminine look.
  • It is best to paint your lips with light lipstick. To do this, you need to choose white, purple, lilac shades of lipstick without pearl. This lipstick will make your lips look lifeless.
  • Using a black contour pencil Draw a spider or spider net on your cheek if desired. This will give your image style and originality. You can even draw a mole on the noma - this is also a symbol of a witch.

Witch makeup options for Halloween:

Witch makeup option for Halloween

Halloween "witch" makeup for girls

Witch look and makeup for Halloween

Make-up dolls for Halloween, how to draw?

The doll is the same very popular image among young women. It allows a girl to reveal her full sexuality and attract men. To create an image, you will, of course, need special clothing and decorative elements.

It's best to dress up in fluffy polka dot dress. Such a dress should have flounces or “lanterns” on the sleeves and abundance of frills on all edges. You can make them yourself using ribbon, sewing it onto a regular dress. Do not forget decorate your hair. You can wear a cap, or you can tie a pair bows on ponytails (or braids).

The hair should be curled into curls, since the doll must have a fluffy and curly hairstyle.

Makeup creation:

  • Even out your complexion using foundation or powder, removing all skin imperfections. The doll's face is a perfectly flat surface on which bright colors should be placed.
  • Apply shadow to your eyes. There should be a lot of them. You should choose a striking color that will match your attire. Apply shadow to the upper and lower eyelids. Feel free to color your eyelid and under your brow bone.
  • Apply eyeliner to your eyelid. This should be a curved line of medium width raised into the corners. It is needed to give visual volume to the eyelashes.
  • If you have an ability - stick on the eyelashes. This is one of the most important elements of the entire image. Each doll must have beautiful, long, curled eyelashes.
  • Lips should be painted brightly pink or bright red color. Add volume and definition to your lips with a lip liner.
  • Apply to cheekbones soft layer of blush nice pink shade.

Halloween “doll” makeup options for girls:

Halloween doll makeup

Spectacular doll makeup for girls for Halloween Simple doll makeup for girls

Bright make-up of a doll for Halloween

Vampire makeup for Halloween, how to do it?

Vampire makeup can be done for both women and men. It requires universal tools and techniques, as well as the presence of an insertable plastic jaw with fangs. You can buy such an element in a souvenir shop.

Creating a Vampire Makeup:

  • Apply to face light foundation or powder. This is necessary in order to give the face a painful and “not alive” appearance. Apply makeup evenly, without lumps, but don’t be afraid to create a “mask effect.” In this case, he is not scary.
  • Under the eyes should be make small dark circles. For this, you can use matte eyeshadows in blue, purple or black. This is done in order to give the face even more lifelessness.
  • Line your eyes thickly with a black eyeliner pencil. Girls should Apply mascara to your eyelashes and, if desired, glue on your eyelashes.
  • Lips should be whitened using matte white eye shadow or very light lipstick. Women can paint their lips with a bright red color to match the color of blood.
  • Draw a thin stream of flowing blood from the lips in the corner of the mouth using a red contour pencil and bright red lipstick. This expresses the vampire's method of feeding - human blood.
  • Using dark powder or dark shadows in gray and black colors draw on your cheekbones with a blush brush. Highlight the chin so that it is sharp.

Vampire makeup options for girls and guys:

Vampire makeup for girls for Halloween

Simple Halloween Vampire Makeup for Girls

Vampire Makeup for Guys for Halloween

Zombie makeup for Halloween, how to draw?

Zombie – the image of an inanimate person. Literally speaking, this is the “living” dead. That is why makeup should be as close as possible to the “dead man” look.

Makeup creation:

  • Whiten your face using a light-colored foundation or light powder. Try to apply makeup as smoothly as possible, without lumps or “mask effect.”
  • Create bags and bruises under the eyes with shadows. The same should be done on the upper eyelid. You can use shadows to create dark spots all over your face, which will look like fading and rotting skin.
  • Black contour pencil draw your eyes tightly. Girls can put on eyelashes, but if they don't, it will give their image more expressiveness.
  • On the face should make a few bloody smudges in areas of dark circles. You can also draw streams of blood flowing from the mouth. This can be done with lipstick and a red contour pencil.

Halloween zombie makeup options:

Spectacular zombie makeup for Halloween

Zombie makeup for Halloween

Zombie makeup for guys for Halloween

The scariest Halloween makeup

Some professional makeup artists are able to create such a realistic image that fear and fright of others cannot be avoided. Scary Makeup Simple Halloween Makeup for Kids Video: “Halloween Makeup, TOP 5 Scariest Makeups”

Halloween is the most terrifying and scary, but no less long-awaited and beloved holiday for children and adults. When else but on the eve of All Saints' Day, you can try on the images of villains, fairy-tale heroes, negative movie characters, monsters and other evil spirits. Moreover, in order to transform into a monster, you don’t always need a special outfit or an expensive costume. Good makeup on the face, hand or other part of the body is often more than enough. At the same time, not only girls, but also boys/men or even children can do homemade Halloween makeup with their own hands using an ordinary cosmetic bag. By the way, for children's makeup for All Saints' Day, special face painting is well suited, which will definitely not cause an allergic reaction on the child's skin. However, high-quality cosmetics can also cope with children’s Halloween makeup without any problems. In addition, this economical makeup option allows you to create almost any of the most popular Halloween looks at home. Regular shadows, eyeliner, lipstick and powder will help you turn every boy or girl into a vampire, witch, zombie, cat, skeleton, pirate with a beard or maniac Jason. See for yourself with simple and easy master classes with pictures and videos on how to create terrifying Halloween makeup from our article today.

Easy Halloween makeup at home for girls “Scarecrow” - step-by-step master class with photos

Let's start with a very light make-up of a popular fairy-tale character for Halloween for girls - the scarecrow. In order to embody the image of the famous Scarecrow from “The Wizard of Oz” at home, you will need a completely standard set of cosmetics. And to complete the image of this character at home, in addition to light Halloween makeup for the “Scarecrow” girls from the master class below, you will need a straw hat.

Necessary materials for easy Halloween makeup for girls “Scarecrow” at home

  • black eyeliner
  • liquid lipstick or coral gloss
  • false eyelashes
  • white eyeliner
  • light eye shadow
  • liquid eyeliner
  • Foundation

Step-by-step instructions for Halloween makeup for girls “Scarecrow” at home

Make-up “Cat” at home for Halloween for children and adults - lesson with pictures, step by step

The following “Cat” makeup at home for Halloween with pictures is suitable for both adults and children. To create it you will need a minimum of cosmetics and a hoop with cat ears. You will find all the details of creating Halloween cat makeup for children and adults at home in the lesson with pictures below.

Necessary materials for making a cat on Halloween at home for children and adults

  • Foundation
  • bronzer or dark color corrector
  • black eyeliner
  • black liquid eyeliner
  • light beige and dark shades

Step-by-step instructions for “Cat” makeup at home on Halloween for children and adults

Quick and easy makeup for girls “Elsa” for Halloween - master class at home

Not every little girl wants to be a witch or a zombie on Halloween. A quick and easy “Elsa” Halloween makeup for girls from the at-home master class below is suitable for those little ones who prefer princess looks. To create this quick and very easy to do fairytale princess Elsa makeup at home, you will definitely need face painting and a special stencil.

Necessary materials for quick Elsa makeup for girls for Halloween at home

  • face painting in white, blue and light blue
  • brush and sponge
  • stencil with snowflakes
  • glitter, rhinestones and glue

Instructions for creating easy makeup for girls for Halloween “Elsa” at home

Easy Halloween makeup for children “Witch” - master class with pictures, step by step

Halloween witch makeup for children from the master class with pictures below can also be called quite easy to perform. To perform it you will need children's face painting and a little artistic talent. All the details of creating light Halloween “Witch” makeup for children in the next master class with pictures.

Necessary materials for easy “Witch” makeup for children for Halloween

  • green, purple, black makeup
  • thin brush
  • pointed hat

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on light Halloween makeup for children “Witch”

Do-it-yourself scary “Skeleton” makeup for Halloween for a boy - step-by-step master class

As a rule, boys prefer to make their own scary makeup on Halloween, for example, creating the image of a skeleton. By the way, applying such makeup at home is as easy as shelling pears. At the same time, a DIY image with a scary skeleton makeup for a boy for Halloween is always relevant and in demand.

Necessary materials for scary make-up “Skeleton” for Halloween for a boy with his own hands

  • white and black makeup
  • thin brush
  • flat foundation brush

Step-by-step instructions for making a scary skeleton makeup for Halloween for a boy with your own hands

Simple Halloween makeup for boys and men “Vampire” - master class at home, photo

The following version of a simple vampire makeup for Halloween at home is suitable for both boys and men. To create it you will need makeup and a little time. Learn more about how to make a simple vampire makeup for Halloween at home for a boy or a man in the next master class with photos.

Necessary materials for simple Halloween makeup for boys, men “Vampire”

  • white and black makeup
  • Red lipstick
  • black eyeliner

Instructions at home for creating a simple vampire makeup for men and boys for Halloween

How to apply “Zombie” makeup for Halloween for guys - step-by-step master class with photos

To create a truly terrifying Halloween look, all you need to do is apply zombie makeup that is perfect for a guy. The Halloween makeup option from the next master class is easy to repeat at home, even without special equipment and materials. Read more about how to do zombie Halloween makeup for guys below.

Necessary materials to apply zombie makeup to a guy for Halloween

  • long-lasting makeup base
  • Foundation
  • black pencil
  • thin paper
  • PVA glue or medical glue
  • theatrical makeup
  • sculpture makeup

Step-by-step instructions on how to apply zombie makeup for Halloween for guys

Hand makeup for Halloween at home for children and adults - step-by-step master class with pictures

Original and scary Halloween makeup at home for children and adults can be done not only on the face, but also on the hands. Particularly popular are various types of scars, lacerations and punctures. In the next master class, we invite you to master Halloween hand makeup at home for children and adults, which in itself can be a complete look for the holiday.

Necessary materials for hand makeup for Halloween at home for children and adults

  • sculpture makeup
  • silicone gel
  • cotton swabs for ears
  • tassel
  • baby powder
  • scalpel
  • theatrical makeup
  • pen
  • fake blood

Step-by-step instructions for hand makeup for Halloween at home for children and adults

Scary “Jason” face makeup for boys for Halloween—step-by-step tutorial with video

If you want to excite everyone on Halloween, then be sure to apply scary face makeup (for boys) to the image of the maniac Jason. Of course, creating this makeup will require certain skills and special materials. But in the end, the scary “Jason” face makeup for Halloween for boys from the video below turns out to be really scary.

Original Halloween makeup for guys with “Werewolf” beards - master class with video

The next original Halloween makeup “Werewolf” is a real find for guys with beards. The video tutorial, which you will find below, clearly and in detail shows the entire process of transforming into a terrible wolf man at home. Therefore, anyone can repeat the original werewolf makeup for Halloween for guys with a beard.

Quick last-minute Halloween makeup - step-by-step master class with video

When there is little time left before the start of the Halloween party, a quick last-minute makeup option will come to the rescue. In the video below you will find some original and simple ideas for creating scary images in 5 minutes. This quick, last-minute Halloween makeup look is perfect for kids and adults alike.

Scary Halloween makeup for adults and children on the face, hand or other part of the body can be quick and easy to do. To do this, just use one of our master classes with pictures and videos on creating frightening images: skeleton, zombie, werewolf, witch, vampire, Jason. And for those who prefer to transform into good children's heroes on Halloween, lessons on Elsa or cat makeup are suitable. We are sure that not only boys and girls, but also adults (girls, boys and even men with beards) will be able to find a suitable makeup option for themselves, which they can easily implement at home.

The celebration of Halloween and its fun, slightly scary style has already become a tradition in our country. This is the night on the eve of All Saints' Day, when otherworldly creatures and souls of the dead, according to legend, could appear to ordinary people. Nowadays, children and adults are having fun by dressing up in “spooky” costumes and demanding sweets in exchange for their lives.


The most familiar things for this holiday are magical creatures and wizards themselves. Witches have always been a prominent representative of this part of the “monsters”. Proper makeup preparation and application will help a girl of any appearance turn into a real witch.

Funny fabulous

Creating a rather kind image of a witch from children's fairy tales is a very easy task. All actions are performed in 5 steps.

  1. The entire face and exposed neck area should be covered with pale green paint, which is used in body art. The thin rim around the eyes can be left clean.
  2. The same paint, only black, is used to outline the eyes and draw long arrows above the upper eyelid, continuing them almost to the temple. You can draw a thin cobweb on one cheek, and wide wrinkles under the eyes.
  3. Glue thin fur strips onto real eyebrows. On the nose, cheek or chin - a voluminous “wart”.
  4. The lips are painted with bright lipstick, preferably red, and along the border they need to be outlined with a black or dark brown pencil. This contour can be supplemented with thin transverse lines that imitate cracked skin.
  5. Add some pale purple creases on the cheeks and forehead. Complete the look with long tousled hair and a special witch hat.


Evil witches can also be very attractive. This look is also easy to achieve using your usual cosmetics in brighter colors.

  • The skin of the face, neck and décolleté (if it is low) is covered with an even layer of light foundation and powder.
  • For the eyes it is better to use silver, black and blue shadows, and use smokey eye makeup. Instead of the usual arrows, it is better to draw a neat thin web on one side.
  • From the cobwebs, if desired, the patterns continue in the form of spiders, tree branches, bats further on the temples, cheeks and forehead.
  • Similar patterns can also be applied to the décolleté, neck and arms.
  • Next, false eyelashes are glued on and decorated with silver paint on the tips.
  • Complete the look with lipstick in a dark burgundy, brownish or even purple shade. Be sure to use a lip liner to make them very contrasting on pale skin.

In this video you will find an example of creating the makeup of a rather scary witch:

The image of “unbuttoned” monsters

Now the idea of ​​“unbuttoned” skin has begun to gain popularity. It looks pretty scary and it seems difficult to implement. However, you will not need many materials that are always at hand. First of all, you need to choose the right size zipper. It is desirable that the fabric base be light. This is necessary to create a perfect transition on the skin.

The look will also require bright red paint for body art. It should imitate blood, so you should carefully choose the shade.

First, the usual makeup is done according to all the rules, since most of the face will look completely natural and natural. After that, let's get to the main thing.

The zipper is glued to the face, starting from the hairline to the chin. Its upper part is buttoned, and from the bridge of the nose it is unbuttoned. The bottom corners of the zipper may end at the jawline, or they may continue further. Then, approximately in the middle of the neck, the two stripes begin to converge into a single whole again.

On the sides of the zipper, we “paint” the fabric base exactly in the color of the skin using foundation. Then it seems to “grow” out of the face. The whole secret is to paint over the part outlined by the lightning with bright red “blood paint”.

Skeleton people - an image for a creepy party

There can be a lot of variations on this theme. Here are a few ideas from which you can choose the one that suits you.


  • The entire face and neck are tinted the same pale beige or grayish shade. Next, only black or dark gray paint is used.
  • The nose is painted over completely, starting from a point half a centimeter below the bridge of the nose. Even the edging of the nostrils should be black.
  • The eyes will also be dark. Moreover, it is necessary to apply the paint so that there is an almost round dark spot around the eye. They even grab the eyebrow from above. Thin, slightly rounded and barely visible lines, similar to inverted commas, are drawn upward from the inner edges of the eyebrows.
  • The mouth will also be unusual. First, draw a thin strip on both sides of the yawns. It continues on the left and right until the middle of the cheek. From this stripe up and down you need to draw small lines perpendicular to it no longer than a centimeter. The same lines continue along the lips. They simulate an x-ray of teeth.
  • In the middle of each cheek, the area under the cheekbones is painted black, showing the emptiness just like in the picture.
  • At this point, the makeup can be completed, but if the girl is going to wear a very open dress, then you can continue to “draw bones” on the neck and upper chest.

Skeleton beauty

This kind of makeup is done according to a similar principle, but it is more suitable for real ladies.

  • The face and neck are tinted in a pale shade, completely even in all areas.
  • On the nose, only the triangle is carefully painted over with black. In the upper part, its edge can be extended with a thin line almost to the bridge of the nose.
  • Makeup for one eye is classic. The eyebrow is drawn, on the upper eyelid there is a thick, even line of eyeliner and long eyelashes.
  • The second eye is similar to the “X-ray” eye, but more accurate. The black spot completely covers the lower eyelid, and the upper one - to the outer border of the eyebrow. Around this spot, draw neat rectangles with pointed corners using thin eyeliner. There are one or two dots in each, and here and there between the rectangles there are small curls or commas. Ultimately, it will look like a round piece of fabric with lace around the edge.
  • When drawing the mouth, the greatest care should be taken, since all the lines must be very thin and clear. We start from the side where the “normal” eye is. From the center line of the lips (which is located between the yawns), thin short lines are drawn up and down, which end in visible dots. Moreover, at first they are no more than a few millimeters, and towards the center of the lips they reach a centimeter. There is a decrease again from the center.
  • From the “lace eye” side, the line continues up the cheek. It may bend a little and be thicker. There are also short transverse strokes around it with dots at the ends. This entire line imitates a scar that has been sewn up, but has not yet healed.

In the next video you will find an example of creating a simpler skeleton makeup for a girl:

Getting ready for a school party - make-up for children

Makeup for school Halloween celebrations is less realistic and bloodthirsty than for adults.

Even scary skeletons and other terrible creatures will be more kind and soft. Your favorite fairy-tale characters may also be present here.

Sugar Skull

The translation of this expression is sugar skull. This is an integral attribute of the holiday in Latin American countries.

  • Cover the face and neck with white or very light foundation.
  • We designate completely round eye sockets around the eyes. The outer line should be very smooth and black.
  • We completely paint the inside of the circles with black, and on the outer line we draw red neat small petals. Thick, greasy lipstick is suitable for this. If desired, the petals can be outlined with a thin black outline.
  • In the center of the forehead between the already completed eye sockets you need to apply a drawing. It could be a flower, a card symbol, a cobweb. From it to the temples there are thin patterned lines, always symmetrical. For drawings and patterns, you can use a bright blue color.
  • On the nose, paint over a small protruding triangle with a pencil, which is outlined in red with a small indentation of a few millimeters. All lines must be drawn carefully and evenly.
  • Lips are painted with lipstick of the same color that was used for the petals.
  • Then continue the center line of the mouth in both directions, using blue.
  • Black transverse small stripes are added to the lips and the blue stripe - symbolic teeth.
  • The chin is also decorated with a pattern. You can use the same one as on the forehead, only smaller in size.

Straw man

A mandatory attribute is a disheveled straw hat, which was always worn by scarecrows.. And then - a very simple makeup that will turn anyone into a revived straw man.

  • From the line of the lower eyelashes we draw rays of different sizes with black eyeliner, and apply mascara thickly to the eyelashes themselves.
  • Instead of blush, there are peach-colored circles on the cheeks. It is advisable to choose a lipstick of the same shade and apply it slightly beyond the lip line.
  • Draw a triangle on the nose using the same black eyeliner. The middle of it is painted over with apricot, and small black lines are applied to the outline as if the nose was sewn on.
  • Draw a line from the corners of the mouth along the center line with a black pencil or eyeliner. It also has dashes imitating a seam.


Another cute character you can wear to a school party this holiday. The whole secret is that only part of the alien essence will be visible on the face. You will need a thin zipper glued to one side of the face, which will mark the border of the alien. The zipper is fastened at the bottom. Its upper ends begin to be glued from the hairline so that the area opened by the triangle covers only one eye. That is, “unearthly” will be half the forehead, the eye and a small triangle under the eye on the cheek, indicated by lightning. Its buttoned end goes down to the extreme point of the face. The edges of the zipper are camouflaged as if it were part of the skin. Cover the inside space up to the hair with a thick, fatty cream and allow it to absorb. Then, in random order, apply a thick layer of blue, cyan, violet, pink shadows with mother-of-pearl.

The shades should gently flow into one another. You can also add any colors you like. The main thing is that they are pearlescent.

The last stage is gluing the shiny star stones. They can be of different sizes - from two to 5–6 mm. Around several of the largest ones you can draw several shiny rays. And in conclusion, you will find a video with an example of creating makeup for a creepy doll:
