How to wash pillow bumpers for a baby crib. How to wash soft bumpers for a baby crib

After purchase, any item must be washed, as the fabric can accumulate harmful bacteria during production and sale. Playpen bumpers are first subjected to this procedure to get rid of dust and other substances that can lead to an allergic reaction. From this article you will learn whether it is necessary to wash the sides of the crib after purchase, how to do it correctly, as well as the features of washing this product with various fillings.

Basic rules for performing the procedure

Children's sets are made from natural fabrics, so they can withstand many washes. Let's consider the basic rules for washing this product:

  1. To disinfect the fabric and remove dust, you must thoroughly wash all parts. This can be done without using a washing machine, soak it in water, the temperature of which should be about 40 degrees, with the addition of baby detergent, and leave for an hour.
  2. If the Velcro are separate elements, they are washed in the same water. The detergent composition is added in small quantities to thoroughly rinse the fabric and filling material.
  3. When working with a washing machine, set the delicate or manual mode so that the number of revolutions is minimal.
  4. After rinsing, the product must not be twisted, otherwise it will become deformed.
  5. For drying, the elements are laid out in a horizontal position, when the main moisture has drained, they are hung and left to dry completely. It is important that there is no accumulation of moisture inside the filler, otherwise mold and mildew may develop.

Purchasing a new item does not mean that it is perfectly clean, so in any case it is necessary to wash the sides of the crib.

Foam filling

Parts for the playpen have padding polyester or foam rubber filling, and a new type can also be used - holofiber. Now we’ll look at how to wash the bumpers for a children’s bed with foam rubber. Sequence of actions when washing bumpers:

  1. First, stains on the surface are removed; for this purpose, special gels that are safe for health are used.
  2. All additional elements, that is, Velcro and garters, are tied into one bundle and then placed in the machine.
  3. Removable parts can be washed separately by placing them in a special bag and then loaded into the machine. When performing the procedure, phosphate-free products are used.
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Features of a bumper with padding polyester

How to wash the bumpers for a children's bed with padding polyester? The product can be placed in the washing machine only if it is carefully stitched, otherwise the padding polyester will roll into one place and it will be difficult to fix it. If the item is not quilted, then it is better to wash the crib item by hand. The sequence of work with this type of filler is as follows:

  1. Initially, stains on the surface are removed, they are washed with laundry soap or gels for children's clothing.
  2. When processing manually, the temperature of the liquid must be maintained at about 40 degrees, and you should not rub the item too much. To do this, you can take a soft brush or perform gentle movements with your hands.
  3. How to wash baby bed bumpers in a washing machine? To do this, set the delicate mode, additional rinsing, and the lowest temperature. In this case, they do not resort to the use of conditioners and other softening compounds.
  4. Drying is done in the open air; this procedure does not take much time.

Holofiber filling

Products with holofiber can be machine washed, but it does not pill and retains its shape. Can these crib bumpers be washed in the washing machine? Hand and machine washing is allowed, at a temperature of 45 degrees. Since holofiber does not lose its shape, you can use regular rinsing and spinning. To dry the product, hang it in a vertical position.

Do I need to wash the sides after purchasing? Certainly. This process is mandatory in order to completely clean the product, no matter what material it is made of.

Frequency of the procedure

How often should I wash crib bumpers? Bumpers are refreshed once every three months. If such treatment is carried out frequently, the fabric may fade and the item may become deformed. If the parts are removable, they can be detached and the contaminated surface can be cleaned.

Read also: How to get rid of various odors from towels

If your child is susceptible to allergies, then you need to know how to wash crib bumpers. Treatment is carried out frequently, and special compounds are added to clean the dust.

In conclusion, I would like to again note the importance of carrying out this procedure both after purchase and during everyday use, since the fabric can absorb dust and dirt. Especially when it comes to children's things.

How to wash baby crib bumpers, effective means

  • 1 Washing recommendations
  • 2 Subtleties of working with different materials

Recently, it has become popular to purchase special bumpers for a baby crib. Sides are soft rectangular elements that are placed inside the crib. They contribute to the safe stay of the child inside the crib and his restful sleep. Most often, the sides are white, but in some cases they have a nice color that is interesting to the baby.

In this article we will talk about how to wash baby crib bumpers, what the regularity of such procedures should be, and what are the peculiarities of working with different fillers.

With such sides the child is reliably protected

Despite the fact that the sides most often look like new throughout their entire service life, and contact with the baby can be considered minimal, it is recommended to wash them regularly. Washing and cleaning will help remove dust and dust mites, which at such a tender age can contribute to the development of allergies in a child.

It is recommended to wash the sides for the first time immediately after purchase. Relevant recommendations are most often presented on the packaging. (By the way, it is quite possible to sew the sides yourself, and additionally disinfect the synthetic padding under the lamp.)

In most cases, these inserts are made from natural materials, which means they are not susceptible to wet processing. However, you should still carefully study the label, find out the permissible temperatures and washing methods.

When washing for the first time, keep the following important points in mind:

  • The first wet treatment is carried out not so much with the aim of removing any contaminants, but rather in order to disinfect the material of the sides. It is permissible not to even use washing powder, but simply set the temperature to the maximum possible for the material.
  • While the sides themselves are being washed, you can process additional elements: ties, Velcro, all sorts of accessories, toys included in the kit. As with the sides themselves, soaking in high-temperature water will suffice.
  • If you don’t want to wash the elements of the crib, you can disinfect it with steam. A steam generator, steamer or iron with a similar function will help with this. Steam through gauze or thin cotton fabric so as not to spoil the appearance of the product.

After wet processing, each washed element of the sides should be thoroughly dried, since mold can quickly grow on damp things in a warm children's bed.

Cushion bumpers with multiple fasteners

In the future, you should monitor the condition of the inserts and wash them as needed, as well as carry out scheduled washing. The frequency of scheduled washing should be at least once a quarter. There is no need to wash the crib elements more often, since serious mechanical stress on the wet material will contribute to its rapid wear.

If stains appear, they can be spot cleaned. If the contamination has penetrated deep into the material, a full wash is necessary.

It is very convenient when the bumper for a child’s crib consists of not one, but four parts, each of which can be individually cleaned. During processing, you should be careful with the fastening mechanisms so as not to damage the structure.

In some cases, children are so active that the filler on the sides can bunch up. This will be your signal to wash, after which the side will return to its normal state.

Bright colors of soft inserts in the crib

If the baby quickly gets the sides dirty, then it is quite possible to put special covers on them for protection. These covers will not cause any inconvenience to the baby, but it is better to remove them during night sleep. Let them protect the sides only while the child is awake.

Subtleties of working with different materials

Most often, the filler for the sides of the crib is padding polyester or foam rubber. However, regardless of the type of filler, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules for wet processing:

  • Before washing the bumpers, it is advisable to remove any serious dirt from the fabric. Folk remedies or household chemicals with enzymes can help with this, depending on your preferences.
  • During preparation for washing, fasteners and decorative elements are removed from the sides. Velcro, ties, inserts, toys are washed separately so that they do not deteriorate themselves and do not damage the washing machine.
  • If there is heavy contamination, it is recommended to use hot water at the maximum permissible temperature, as well as washing powder without phosphates. In principle, any hypoallergenic washing powder for children's clothes will do.

Recently, foam bumpers for cribs have been actively losing demand. This happens because foam rubber does not allow air to pass through and collects dust, which is absolutely unacceptable for use near children.

If you have sides with foam padding, we recommend regularly knocking them out, washing them and airing them outside or on the balcony. It’s gratifying that the sides with foam filling can be washed without any problems. Just put them in the washing machine and select the delicate cycle. The foam dries quite quickly.

Convenient bumper format with calm colors

For sides with padding polyester filling there are a number of more specific rules:

  • Before washing the sides filled with synthetic padding, you need to carefully inspect them. They may be stitched or not. If they are stitched, then you can wash them in a washing machine, but if not, then only delicate hand washing will do, otherwise the filler will gather in lumps, which will be difficult to break.
  • For hand and machine washing, you should select a temperature within 40°C degrees. As a detergent composition, it is advisable to use a gel for washing children's clothes, or, in extreme cases, powder. We do not use conditioners, fragrances, softeners and other household chemicals.
  • We carry out the treatment with calm, gentle movements, not too hard. For washing it is convenient to use a brush with soft bristles. After washing, we rinse thoroughly, but if we use a washing machine, then we set an additional pass. We spin the machine at minimum speed, and don’t twist it too much by hand, just squeeze the material.

The sides dry quickly enough; they need a warm, well-ventilated room. It is even advisable to hang them on the balcony or street so that they dry faster. After drying, there is no need to iron the crib inserts; they should already look neat and clean.

Regular washing and cleaning of the sides of your baby's crib will allow you not to worry about the health of your child, and, of course, the neat appearance of clean fabric is always a pleasure.

Another interesting article on the topic of washing: How to wash leather pants.

How to wash baby bed bumpers

The key to a baby’s good mood depends on the quality of sleep. Nothing should distract him. Sound and healthy sleep is primarily associated with the quality of bedding.

Basic hygiene rules help parents fully raise and educate their baby.

Fabric bumpers on a children's bed create coziness and ensure a comfortable stay for the child in it. They prevent little hands and feet from getting caught in the bars of the crib, reducing the risk of injury while parents are away.

The young researcher is constantly studying the surrounding drawings, which are often decorated with the sides of a crib. Young mothers are often interested in the question of how to keep this part of the bed linen clean, what and how to wash it.

Washing after purchase

Any item, even one that looks perfectly clean, must be washed, because it may contain harmful substances after production. Children's bedding sets are made from natural fabrics that can withstand numerous washes. Before you wash the bumpers for the first time, you need to pay attention to some points.

  1. The main purpose of the first wash of a new item is not to get rid of stains and dirt, but to disinfect the fabric. It is not necessary to do this using a washing machine; just soak it in very hot water for an hour, adding a little baby powder.
  2. If Velcro and decorative elements are not sewn to the sides, do not forget to wash them in soapy water.
  3. The presence of a steam generator in the house allows you to process children's things in a short time. New sides can be refreshed using gauze or cotton cloth. There is no need to remove them from the crib. A powerful iron will also do an excellent job with this task.
  4. It is not recommended to unscrew the sides, as this may disrupt the shape of the product.

Particular attention must be paid to drying the sides. You need to hang it on a rope and wait until it dries completely. Remaining moisture in the inner foam can lead to the formation of mold and mildew.

Frequency of washing sides

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. It is enough to refresh the crib bumpers once every three months. Regular inspection will help you detect new stains and help you decide whether to wash them. Frequent cleaning will cause deformation of the product and fading of the fabric.

When purchasing sides, pay attention to models that consist of several elements. In this case, you can remove only the dirty part and wash it separately.

Parents of allergy sufferers should know how to wash bumpers without harming the child's health. Washing should be done as often as possible using special products so that dust on the fabric does not provoke an attack in the baby.

Before washing the bumpers, read the manufacturer's labels. The main thing is to choose what type of washing is suitable for a particular product. Hand washing will preserve the sides filled with silicone filler. Foam rubber is machine washable.

Pay attention to some important manipulations that are carried out even before washing:

  • disconnect all removable parts and place them in a washing bag so that they do not damage the washing machine;
  • Pre-wash strong stains with baby soap or a special stain remover;
  • If you only need to refresh the sides, the same washing rules apply as for a new product.

Is it possible to wash baby crib bumpers in the washing machine?

Whether to wash the bumpers is one of the many tasks that new mothers face immediately after the birth of their baby. Everyone will agree that a child is a great happiness, but also a big hassle - feeding, washing, cleaning, treatment, vaccinations, kindergarten... Modern technologies make our lives much easier - a washing machine, automatic rocking chairs, cribs with pendulum swings, baby monitors , steamers, microwaves, blenders, etc. But even with them, we must know how to behave in different situations related to the baby.

Baby bed bumpers are a modern invention that need to be looked after accordingly.

Sides - why and should they be washed?

Today, for modern children, the trading industry offers a lot of new things that our mothers and grandmothers did not even suspect. Sides that hang on the walls of the crib are one of these innovations. Now their purpose is well known - they prevent the baby from accidentally hitting the walls of the crib, and also protect from drafts. Sides with a developmental slope are available for sale. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to wash this attribute for a nursery and whether it is necessary at all.

The answer to the last question will be unequivocal - you can wash it, because this concerns not only the order in the children's room, but also the health of the baby. It is necessary to wash the product immediately after purchase in order to wash off the factory dust - after all, the child will come into contact with it immediately after he is placed in the crib. How to take care of this further? It is better to wash the sides immediately after stains form - this way they will come off better without leaving a mark. It is necessary to subject them to periodic washing - once a month, because... Dust quickly accumulates on them, and this can cause allergies in the baby.

The sides accumulate dust, so regular washing is required.

After the purchase

As soon as we have purchased soft sides for the crib, we can safely apply the following rules for the first wash:

  • Our main task is to disinfect the product and remove factory dust. In order to wash it for the first time, you don’t even need to use the powder, or take a small amount of it. As usual, we get acquainted with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the care of the item.
  • It is better to wash not only the canvas itself, but also all decorative elements, ties, and Velcro. We use hot water, up to 40 degrees.
  • If processing in the washing machine is not recommended, steaming the product is a good option. Here we need either a powerful iron or a steamer. You need to steam the sides through gauze or thin cotton cloth.

After wet processing, our attribute for the nursery needs to be thoroughly dried, especially since there is filler. A balcony and sun are best for this.

We must know that any accumulation of moisture will ultimately lead to the formation of mold, mites, etc.

Decorative elements are washed along with the canvas

Foam rubber and synthetic winterizer

Most often today you can find sides with padding polyester or foam rubber coating on sale. Foam rubber can be safely machine washed, because... it does not fall off and keeps its shape regardless of whether it is sewn to the outer fabric shell or not. But with padding polyester the situation is different. It can be placed in the machine only if the product is well quilted, otherwise the filling will bunch up and it will be very difficult to straighten it out, because. The fabric is stitched on all sides. If we are dealing with a non-quilted product, it is better to wash it by hand. Next we follow the instructions:

  • Before the main wash, we need to remove individual stains. This is done by washing in laundry soap, using profile gels with enzymes or safe folk remedies. The best option would be soap for washing children's clothes.
  • All removable elements must be removed and placed in a laundry bag. In the absence of one, you can simply tie them in a knot so that when draining the water they do not clog the washing machine.
  • Peel-off toys are also placed in the bag, but it is better to wash them separately.

For machine washing, the sides should be placed in a special bag.

In the vending machine

If the product is well stitched, then you can safely put it in the washing machine. First of all, we will select a suitable powder - it should not contain phosphates. Today you can see a large number of powders for children's things on sale, but you also need to be able to understand among them. It is better to take a small package for testing. The best are granular powders that do not create dust, have no strong odors or none at all, and contain mild bleaches. The best option would be a liquid product.

We choose a delicate mode with a temperature of thirty to forty degrees - depending on the degree of contamination. If the product is externally clean, without stains, you can get by with cold water. Spin – no more than 800 rpm. It is better not to use air conditioners.

On hands

The principles of hand washing are similar to washing machines. Here, instead of powder, we can use laundry soap diluted in water. Soak the sides for half an hour. We wash it carefully, there is no need to rub or twist it too much. We squeeze only to expel excess water; Then it is recommended to hang the product over the bathtub to allow it to drain. It is good to use a soft brush to remove stains. You can squeeze it in a centrifuge or machine - this way the sides will dry faster. It is best to dry on the balcony or close to the radiator, but not on it.

In conclusion, let us remind you of the general rule for children's washing. As when caring for a child in general, in the process of washing children's clothes we must adhere to the basic rule - do no harm. Therefore, if we know that the baby is susceptible to allergies, then it is better not to use washing powder, but to make do with laundry soap for the first six months or even a year. We will be calm about the baby’s health, and children’s things will not lose their appearance and will always be clean.

The key to a baby’s good mood depends on the quality of sleep. Nothing should distract him. Sound and healthy sleep is primarily associated with the quality of bedding.

Basic hygiene rules help parents fully raise and educate their baby.

Fabric bumpers on a children's bed create coziness and ensure a comfortable stay for the child in it. They prevent little hands and feet from getting caught in the bars of the crib, reducing the risk of injury while parents are away.

The young researcher is constantly studying the surrounding drawings, which are often decorated with the sides of a crib. Young mothers are often interested in the question of how to keep this part of the bed linen clean, what and how to wash it.

Any item, even one that looks perfectly clean, must be washed, because it may contain harmful substances after production. Children's bedding sets are made from natural fabrics that can withstand numerous washes. Before you wash the bumpers for the first time, you need to pay attention to some points.

  1. The main purpose of the first wash of a new item is not to get rid of stains and dirt, but to disinfect the fabric. It is not necessary to do this using a washing machine; just soak it in very hot water for an hour, adding a little baby powder.
  2. If Velcro and decorative elements are not sewn to the sides, do not forget to wash them in soapy water.
  3. The presence of a steam generator in the house allows you to process children's things in a short time. New sides can be refreshed using gauze or cotton cloth. There is no need to remove them from the crib. A powerful iron will also do an excellent job with this task.
  4. It is not recommended to unscrew the sides, as this may disrupt the shape of the product.

Particular attention must be paid to drying the sides. You need to hang it on a rope and wait until it dries completely. Remaining moisture in the inner foam can lead to the formation of mold and mildew.

Frequency of washing sides

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. It is enough to refresh the crib bumpers once every three months. Regular inspection will help you detect new stains and help you decide whether to wash them. Frequent cleaning will cause deformation of the product and fading of the fabric.

When purchasing sides, pay attention to models that consist of several elements. In this case, you can remove only the dirty part and wash it separately.

Parents of allergy sufferers should know how to wash bumpers without harming the child's health. Washing should be done as often as possible using special products so that dust on the fabric does not provoke an attack in the baby.

Washing feature

Before washing the bumpers, read the manufacturer's labels. The main thing is to choose what type of washing is suitable for a particular product. Hand washing will preserve the sides filled with silicone filler. Foam rubber is machine washable.

Pay attention to some important manipulations that are carried out even before washing:

  • disconnect all removable parts and place them in a washing bag so that they do not damage the washing machine;
  • Pre-wash strong stains with baby soap or a special stain remover;
  • If you only need to refresh the sides, the same washing rules apply as for a new product.

Soft bumpers for a newborn's crib are a very convenient device for the safety and comfort of the baby. Let's talk about what and how to wash the bumpers with foam rubber or synthetic padding for a baby crib.

Young mothers may be interested in the question: how often should soft crib bumpers be washed?

When the child is very small, does not yet crawl or roll over on his own, the soft sides can remain clean for a long time. However, dust accumulates on them, and the sides need to be washed at least once every three months, even if they look clean.

If the child is active, crawls, plays with the bumpers in the crib, the bumpers need to be washed more often, especially if stains and visible dirt appear.

How to properly wash soft bumpers for a baby crib?

Basic rules for washing bumpers filled with foam rubber or synthetic padding:
  • The washing temperature should be chosen no higher than 40 degrees;
  • When washing in a washing machine, select the delicate wash mode at minimum speed;
  • use safe washing powders and detergents for children's clothes;
  • do not put too much washing powder so that it does not remain in the fibers of the fabric;
  • pay attention to rinsing the sides; when machine washing, use an additional rinse cycle;
  • Do not twist the sides after washing so that they do not become deformed.

Which washing powder is suitable for washing soft bumpers for a baby crib?

You should wash soft bumpers for a baby crib using the same safe means as for washing baby diapers and clothes.
After washing, detergent particles remain in the foam or synthetic padding of the soft edge in any case.

The child not only touches the side with his arms and legs, he inhales the air into which particles of dried washing powder fall.

If you wash the bumpers with regular washing powder with chemical surfactants and fragrances, your child runs the risk of developing allergies or respiratory diseases. At an early age, children are very sensitive to the effects of harmful substances contained in washing powders. In addition, they spend most of their time in the crib.

Trying to ensure the safety of the child in the crib is the most important task of parents.
Soft sides protect the baby from impacts on hard parts of the crib and from drafts in the apartment. But harmful washing powders are fraught with other, no less serious, dangers. To prevent soft sides from accumulating a dangerous concentration of harmful substances inside, you must use natural soap-based washing powders.

Even if the crib bumpers are poorly rinsed and a little natural powder remains in the foam or synthetic padding, this will not cause any harm to the child.

So, to wash soft bumpers for a baby crib, you can use special soap-based baby laundry powders:

All of the washing powders listed are suitable for both hand and machine washing.
Safe, phosphate-free washing powders based on natural soap are suitable for washing any children's clothes, bed linen, soft crib bumpers, clothes for parents and older children.

While the child is small, it is better not to keep aggressive detergents with chlorine, phosphates, surfactants and fragrances in the house, so that the air in the house and all objects with which the baby comes into contact are clean and safe.

How to dry and iron a soft crib bumper after washing

After washing, you should not immediately hang the rim to dry so that the filler does not form clumps.
First you need to lay the side on a towel and let it dry a little. When the excess water has drained and the side has dried a little, you can hang it to dry in a well-ventilated place.

Soft sides for cribs with synthetic padding or foam filling usually dry very quickly. While the sides are drying, you can temporarily replace them with large terry towels rolled up.

Usually, soft crib bumpers do not need to be ironed. If you really want to iron the edge, you need to do it at the minimum temperature.

It is not recommended to steam sides with foam rubber and synthetic padding fillings.
If the soft side has a removable cover, you can iron it separately.

Soft sides with synthetic padding or foam filling for a baby crib are a useful device for the safety of the baby. Wash soft crib bumpers properly by hand or in the washing machine with safe baby wash detergents.

To ensure the comfort and safety of your baby, you can purchase crib bumpers. This purchase will not only protect your child from bruises, but will also allow him to have fun and study with bright small drawings on the sides. It is important to wash the crib bumpers on time and correctly.

It is recommended to wash the sides of the crib for newborns regularly, otherwise you cannot avoid the development of allergies in the baby due to dust and dust mites. The first wash must be done immediately after purchase. Modern bumpers are made from natural materials that are wash-resistant.

Things to consider before washing

  • The product needs not so much washing as disinfecting.
  • If the material and filler of the product allows, then you can not use powder, but simply run the mode at maximum temperature and wash it that way.
  • Don't forget about processing Velcro. A simple soap solution is suitable for disinfecting them.
  • You can treat the edges using a steamer.
  • You need to dry the sides thoroughly so that there is no moisture left in the creases, which can cause mold to form.
  • If it is possible to do without washing, then it is recommended to clean the sides point by point - in places of contamination.

If your bumpers consist of several parts, you can wash them separately.

The sides need to be washed at least once a quarter.

If your baby is very active, then you can buy bumpers for the crib with an oilcloth surface.

Washing in a washing machine

Regardless of what filler is used to seal your product, it is recommended to perform a number of simple steps before washing:

  1. The first step is to get rid of the stains. To do this, you need to dilute a soap solution and treat problem areas with it. You can use professional gels to clean stains from any surface. This measure will simplify the procedure for caring for the crib bumpers.
  2. We must tie all ties and Velcro into a knot, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the washing machine.
  3. If the sides are equipped with removable elements in the form of toys or rattles, then they need to be removed and processed separately.
  4. For washing, you need to use a hypoallergenic washing powder that is safe for children's health.
  5. You can add softness using fragrance-free fabric softener.
  6. Be sure to read the product label as it contains detailed instructions on recommended care.
  • Place the product in the drum and wash in accordance with the recommended temperature.
  • Dry thoroughly.


To wash crib bumpers manually, you will need to follow a number of simple steps:

  • Use a temperature of 40 degrees.
  • The detergent is suitable in the form of a liquid powder or mild shampoo. Do not use products containing chlorine.
  • Prepare dishes, detergent and start cleaning.
  • Movements should be gentle.
  • Gently squeeze and rinse several times.
  • Dry. You can carry out this procedure on the balcony or outside, if the weather permits.
  • To ensure that the product retains its color for a long time, you can add a little salt to the water when rinsing.
  • It is recommended to iron the sides gently so as not to spoil the filling.

Manufacturers offer a large selection of this type of product; sides with foam pads have faded into the background. This is explained by the peculiarity of the material: it serves as a place for dust accumulation and does not allow air to pass through. It is appropriate to use such bumpers only in those moments when your baby is too active. For ventilation, it is necessary to ventilate the room regularly. You can wash these bumpers by hand or using a washing machine.

To remove stains from the surface of the sides, you can use ordinary wet wipes for caring for baby skin. This measure will help you get rid of dirt on the product and do without washing.

Not all experts recommend ironing the bumpers for a children's bed, explaining that as soon as the fabric gets stretched, all the irregularities and creases will straighten out. If you decide to iron the sides, then avoid high temperatures, otherwise the filler will be deformed.

Baby bumpers will allow your child to move freely in the crib and protect him from possible injuries. Modern and practical design will allow your child to sleep peacefully. But it is important to wash the product correctly and in a timely manner.
