How to remove a stain from greasy cream. Don’t know how to remove old grease stains from clothes at home? Proven reliable methods will help

In everyday life, we often come across products that contain fatty components. Often, our clothes are left with hateful traces of grease, which are very difficult to remove, especially if there are no effective products at hand that will help in the fight against grease stains.

Many people know how to remove grease stains from clothes without resorting to dry cleaning. Still, some nuances should be taken into account.

No matter how hard you try to avoid encountering grease stains on your clothes, sooner or later they will end up on your favorite item. The fact is that we are surrounded by products that are based on a fatty base. And when dining at a restaurant, or trying to prepare a masterpiece of home cooking, the chances of getting grease on your clothes significantly increase.

In the modern world, an incredible amount of all kinds of stain removal products are produced. But they are not always available when the consumer is faced with a problem such as a greasy stain on everyday wardrobe items. And the cost of effective stain removers is quite impressive. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what home methods you can use to remove grease stains from clothes, using only those products that are at hand for any housewife.

It is worth noting that before you begin the stain removal process, you need to prepare the item. To do this you need to do the following.

  • The fabric must be cleaned of foreign dust and dirt. To do this, you can purchase and use clothes brushes. Remember that the more contaminants there are on the fabric, the more difficult it will be to get rid of grease stains.
  • Prepare the necessary tools that will be used in the fight against stains. This could be a cotton pad, a cloth, or a clothes brush.
  • Choose the necessary method for cleaning fabric from grease stains.
  • Test the selected product on a small area of ​​fabric to ensure its effectiveness and that the product will not harm the fabric structure.

Important! Grease stains must be removed immediately upon detection. The older the stain, the more difficult it is to get rid of.

At home, conventional products that are found in almost every kitchen have long demonstrated their effectiveness in combating traces of fat. Among them are:

  • gasoline-containing substances;
  • table salt in combination with baking soda;
  • turpentine;
  • acetic acid and ammonia;
  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap.

Let's study in more detail the most reliable methods of removing fatty traces from fabric using these simple substances.

Regular table salt can become an indispensable aid in the fight against stains on clothes of various origins. Using this component will help save your favorite item from unpleasant traces of grease, and will help remove traces with maximum efficiency and speed.

It is worth noting that the use of table salt as a stain remover has been practiced for a long time. However, we must not forget that You won't be able to get rid of old stains with table salt. It will only work great on fresh stains. Therefore, when you put a greasy stain on your favorite clothes, do not delay, and try to deal with it as quickly as possible.

In order to remove a greasy stain from an item, you need to cover the area of ​​the fabric exposed to grease with fine table salt. With careful movements, you need to wipe the fabric with salt, and after the fat begins to gradually be absorbed by salt crystals, the mixture will need to be removed from the clothes and a new portion of salt should be added. This procedure must be repeated until all the fat from the fabric is absorbed into the salt and leaves the fabric without a trace.

Speaking about how to remove an old grease stain from clothes using salt, it should be noted that this is quite possible. To combat the stain, you need to prepare a concentrated solution based on table salt. To do this, you can combine 0.5 cups of salt with warm water until it is completely dissolved, and treat the area of ​​tissue damage. You can also simply soak the area of ​​fabric that is prone to grease stains in warm water and sprinkle salt on top. After waiting 20-40 minutes, the clothes will need to be rid of salt and rinsed. For greater efficiency, the procedure will have to be done 2-3 times.

Laundry soap has long gained fame as an excellent means of combating any kind of pollution. Grease stains are no exception, and laundry soap will definitely help eliminate them effectively and quickly.

In order to remove greasy stains on clothes, you need to rub a bar of soap with a grater and place the resulting substance on a section of fabric. After this, use gentle movements to rub the mixture into the stain and leave the item overnight. This method is ideal for cases where the stain is detected immediately after it appears and has not had time to dry.

You can also prepare a solution based on purchased laundry soap and soak the damaged fabric in it. To do this, grate a bar of soap and stir it in warm water until the soap component is completely dissolved. After this, the item must be placed in the resulting solution and left to lie there for several hours (as a rule, experienced housewives advise more than 5 hours). After the required time has passed, the fabric must be removed and washed in a way convenient for you.

If the trace of grease is fresh, and you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible, then you should rub the stain with ordinary laundry soap and sprinkle loose sugar on top of it. After this, the fabric should be left for 15-20 minutes, then the greasy mark should be washed off in warm water.

Baking soda has long won a secluded place in every kitchen. This ingredient is used to create culinary delights, and in addition, soda is considered an excellent stain remover that anyone can use at home.

In order to remove a fresh grease stain from fabric fibers, sprinkle the damaged area of ​​the fabric with soda and gently rub it into the greasy stain. Gradually, the fat will begin to leave the tissue and combine with the soda crystals. This operation will have to be repeated several times until the resulting trace of fat completely disappears.

If the above method does not provide much support, then you need to pour soda into warm water, and then add a few drops of ammonia there. The resulting substance should be mushy. It needs to be applied to the stain, and the soaked item should be left for several hours until the applied substance dries completely. After this, the soda must be carefully removed from the fabric, and the clothes must be washed by hand with laundry soap.

To remove old greasy marks, baking soda is often mixed with tooth powder (regular toothpaste is also suitable) and mustard powder. All components must be in equal proportions. After the product is ready for use, it must be applied with gentle movements to the fabric and left to stand for 1-3 hours in a dark and cool place. At the end of this time, the clothes should be washed in any way that is more acceptable in the given situation.

Important! You should not mix baking soda with active ingredients that are part of an acidic environment (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.). Such a product will be useless for combating greasy marks.

In order to get rid of greasy stains using ammonia, you must remember that this product is only suitable for dealing with greasy marks on white clothes. If you are thinking about how to remove grease stains from colored clothes, then it is better to refrain from using ammonia.

If the grease trace is fresh, then you just need to wipe the stain with a prepared solution of household ammonia, after which you will have to wait 15 minutes, and then thoroughly wash the item in your favorite washing machine. If the stain has already dried, then after using ammonia, you need to carefully wash the stain with warm water, dry it with an iron and wipe with hydrogen peroxide.

Important! Do not use ammonia to remove grease from colored clothing. Ammonia will affect the color scheme, which will become somewhat lighter, and if the concentration of the substance is exceeded, a white spot may appear at the treatment site.

When talking about how to remove grease stains on clothes, it is impossible to ignore such an indispensable assistant as acetic acid. However, when using it, it is worth remembering that 9% vinegar will help as a stain remover. It should be noted that it is better not to use more concentrated vinegar-based products, since there is a high probability of completely destroying the item.

Experienced housewives claim that acetic acid is an indispensable aid when working with greasy stains on white clothes. To remove traces of grease, you need to carefully treat the damaged area with acetic acid, and then wash the item in running water using laundry soap.

If you need to remove a stain from colored clothing, it is better to use vinegar in combination with other products, for example, table salt and mustard powder. All these important and inexpensive components should be mixed in equal proportions and dissolved in warm water. After this, the area of ​​damage to the fabric must be treated with the resulting composition and the fabric must be left for several minutes, after which it must be washed. If you have to work with an old stain, you need to soak the clothes in the resulting substance overnight and then wash them several times.

Despite the fact that petroleum products are considered sources of greasy stains, they can also act as an effective means of combating them. If you have put a greasy mark on clothes made of delicate fabric, for example, silk, cashmere or viscose, then you should be especially careful in dealing with greasy marks so as not to damage the fabric and ruin the item.

Purified gasoline and blotting paper will do an excellent job of removing stains from delicate fabrics. You need to take two sheets of blotting paper and place them on both sides of the greasy mark on the fabric. Then you need to moisten a small cotton swab with purified concentrated gasoline and wipe the stain with gentle movements. Under the influence of gasoline fumes, the fat will transfer from the fabric to the blotting paper, which should be replaced over time.

The procedure should be repeated until no greasy marks remain on the fabric. After finishing cleaning, clothes should be washed in warm water. It is worth using both washing powder and conditioner.

Important! Remember to use fabric conditioner after using gasoline as a stain remover. It will help remove all unpleasant odors from the item later.

When talking about how to wash a greasy stain on clothes with your hands, you must remember that before doing this you need to treat the fabric with a cleanser. At home, ordinary potato starch can be an excellent stain remover.

It is worth noting that the use of the method of removing traces of fat from fabric using starch must be used in situations where the fabric cannot be washed. To completely get rid of the stain, you need to carefully apply a thin layer of starch to the stain and gently rub it. Next, you should leave the item alone for a few minutes (10-20 minutes). After the required period, the clothes will need to be carefully wiped with a damp cloth.

If we are dealing with an old stain, then the starch will need to be additionally heated. To do this, you need to apply starch to greasy marks on the fabric, cover it with a dry, clean cloth and run a heated iron several times.

The fat will gradually be absorbed into the starch, and after repeating several such procedures, your item will look like new, completely returning to its original condition.

Ammonia and turpentine are an ideal means of combating old greasy stains

One of the effective methods of combating old greasy marks on clothes is considered to be a combination of purified turpentine and pharmaceutical ammonia.

In order to remove stains from fabric, you need to mix purified turpentine (if you don’t have it on hand, you can get by with purified gasoline) and ammonia in equal parts. Next, you need to carefully apply the resulting substance to cotton wool and carefully wipe the stain several times. After performing this procedure, you need to leave the clothes for several hours, and only then you can wash them in warm water.

If we are dealing with delicate fabrics, then in this case it is necessary to mix the resulting mixture of ammonia and turpentine with crushed sawdust. After this substance is applied to the damaged area of ​​​​the fabric, you must wait until the sawdust has dried, and only after these manipulations can you start washing.

How can you remove greasy stains from clothes if traditional methods do not help?

In practice, getting rid of greasy marks on fabric can be extremely problematic, and often even time-tested folk remedies are not able to help cope with this task. If you are faced with such a problem, then the only way to effectively remove greasy marks from clothes is to use specialized chemical reagents.

You can remove even the oldest stains using any stain remover, which can be found in a huge selection at your nearest hardware store. They contain active components that will help remove traces of fat from fabric fibers, completely freeing the item from fat. Generally, stain removers are best used when dealing with old stains.

If the greasy marks on the fabric are fresh, then you can remove them with more affordable means - shampoos and dishwashing detergents. These substances will also perfectly remove greasy marks from fabric, but provided that not much time has passed since the grease hit the clothes and the stains have not dried out.

Important! Do not rub grease stain removers too hard into the fabric. Otherwise, the fat may spread to a new area.

Even the most tidy person is not immune from the appearance of a greasy stain on his clothes, especially when there is a child in the house. If you can’t remove a stain, don’t get upset ahead of time, because there are many different effective methods.

Principles for removing grease stains on clothes

Often the appearance of stains on clothes is the reason for parting with the item. This is done by those who do not know that greasy marks are much easier to remove than stains, for example, from coffee, wine, ink or berries. Therefore, you should not rush to conclusions and throw away your favorite sweater or jeans; it is better to listen to useful recommendations.

Of course, the easiest way to deal with stains is immediately after they appear, as they say, “hot on the heels.” If they become old, this will significantly complicate the task, but even in this case you should not despair.

If we talk about the principles of fighting stains, the main one is timeliness, and the important elements of the process of removing greasy marks include the following actions:

  • peace of mind and hope to preserve the thing;
  • the use of not only chemicals, but also improvised means;
  • correct choice of product in accordance with the nature of the contamination;
  • determination of the level of oldness;
  • taking into account the quality of fabric and colors.

Traditional methods of removing stains

You can find special stain removers on the household goods market, but people are used to inventing and experimenting, using various available means.

The most popular of them is liquid or dishwashing gel. The removal method is as follows:

  • Apply the product to a dry cloth with a greasy stain and leave for 25-30 minutes (or longer).
  • Soak for several hours in hot water (the temperature should be acceptable for the texture of the material).
  • Wash by machine or by hand, the stain will disappear.
Ammonia It is also an effective remedy that can remove greasy marks on clothes. If the stain is fresh, then just a few drops of ammonia applied to the stain will help. Then this area should be wiped with a clean sponge or soft cloth.

Before using ammonia, you need to apply it to the wrong side of the fabric for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. If the fabric has not undergone any changes, you can safely begin removing the stain.

A mixture of soda and salt(1:1) sprinkle on a stain dampened with water for at least 30 minutes. After that, wash with soap and be sure to rinse thoroughly.

Vinegar and half water Apply to the greasy mark for about 15 minutes. Already during this time it will be noticeable how the stain dissolves and almost disappears. Subsequent washing will help get rid of unpleasant dirt.

Factory stain removers

The chemical industry produces a huge number of different products that can easily deal with greasy stains, here are a few of the most popular:
  • "Frau Schmidt"– designed to remove any stains, including greasy ones. It contains bile soap, which is a catalyst for dissolving fat. Its advantage is that it is not harmful to the skin of the hands.
  • "Vanish"– contains zeolite enzymes that can break down fat. It is added to the wash or applied directly to the stain, which will disappear, and the item washed with this product will acquire its former brightness.
  • "Ecover"– it contains only plant and mineral substances, therefore it is an environmentally friendly preparation. Stains from grease and other types of dirt are removed without any unpleasant health consequences.
  • "Amway Pre Wash"- instant action. After spraying it, the stain dissolves and disappears before our eyes. This product does not contain harmful chemical components, therefore it is absolutely harmless to the skin of the hands and is not dangerous if inhaled.

Methods for removing fresh grease stains

To all the remedies listed above, you can add several that are effective only in advanced cases. It is important to notice the appearance of a stain promptly and begin to act immediately.

Shampoo for oily hair rub into the dirty area and after half an hour wash by hand or in the machine.

Powdered absorbents: baby powder, potato or corn starch, peeled chalk. Moisten the stain a little, apply powder to it, place a piece of clean cloth on the stain and press. After a few minutes, wash and the stain will disappear.

Laundry soap contains alkaline components that dissolve fat well. Soak the stained clothing in a soapy solution, leave it overnight, then wash and rinse well. There will be no trace left of the stain.

How to remove an old grease stain?

To combat advanced grease contamination, you can use, in addition to those listed above, the following factory products:
  • "Sarma Active"– contains active components that can dissolve and bring the item into perfect condition. It must be applied to the stain, left for 20-25 minutes, then washed.
  • "Antipyatin"– this product can be in different forms: spray, powder, soap. It is used as a booster by adding to washing powder during soaking or washing.
  • "Udalix Ultra"– this universal remedy will help cope with the most advanced stains. It must be added during the soaking period. The effect will not be long in coming.
  • "Just a minute"– copes well with cleaning old stains on jackets and down jackets, eliminating the need to go to the dry cleaner. 15 minutes after application, the stains disappear. Next you need to wash and rinse. If the item cannot be washed, you should clean the problem area with a sponge. After the procedure, ventilate well in the open air due to the unpleasant odor.
There are also several ways using tools that are always available on the farm.

Ammonia with turpentine is one of the most effective means. The main condition is to carry out the process in a room with good ventilation, preferably in the fresh air. Apply the mixture (1:1) to the stain for approximately 35-40 minutes, then wash with washing powder and rinse well.

Petrol It can dissolve not only grease, but also oil paint. You also need to be careful with it and not carry out the procedure indoors. You can use a gasoline lighter for this. Apply gasoline to the stain, after 20 minutes wash the area where it was, and then thoroughly rinse the item completely with the addition of rinse aid to get rid of the persistent odor.

Glycerol Apply to the area with the grease stain for about 45 minutes, after which you need to wipe with a piece of dry cloth. Then wash in the machine.

Before using the above methods, you should place a cloth under the stain, cover it with another layer of cloth and iron it with a warm iron. Thus, under the influence of heat, the stain is “refreshed” and is easier to remove.

Fighting grease stains on colored clothes

Perhaps the most reliable means for colored clothes would be factory remedy, specifically designed for this purpose. The packaging will provide detailed instructions for use.

Also suitable for colored clothes laundry soap, with which you need to intensively rub the contaminated area, then leave for long soaking. Afterwards, as usual, wash and rinse well.

You can also use the one mentioned above ammonia, but you need to add to it acetone And denatured alcohol. This method is applicable only to fabrics with durable coloring.

The same ammonia diluted with water with added salt will help. This concentration will not harm colored clothing or spoil the coloring.

When removing stains from colored items, a caution must be observed: before the procedure, it is necessary to test the fabric for color fastness. You should only use products that do not leave lightened marks.

How to remove grease stains from jeans, suede, leather and delicate fabrics?

For those stained with greasy stains jeans Many of the existing methods are suitable, except those that corrode the paint. Otherwise, a light spot will appear instead of a greasy one, which will also not look aesthetically pleasing. Dishwashing liquid, gasoline, Vanish, Antipyatin are suitable.

There is also one good old folk method based on the use of grated raw potatoes. After a half-hour “lotion” from the potato pulp, take a slice of stale black bread and clean the contaminated area. After the procedure, wash it and be pleasantly surprised by the result.

To remove grease stains from suede clothing the market offers ready-made means, but you can also cope on your own, using means that the housewife will always have at hand.

So, the first method is to treat the stain with a mixture of starch and gasoline. After 30-35 minutes, you need to comb the suede fibers using a vacuum cleaner with a small brush attachment.

Another way: crush the chalk, combine it with ammonia, and bring it to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture to the stain, let it dry, then scrub the area with a soft-bristled brush.

Leather clothes requires special care. As for removing grease stains, you can use many of the listed products, in particular, gasoline, turpentine, chalk, alcohol, as well as formaldehyde, acetone and kerosene.

Before processing leather clothing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory steps:

  • prepare a clean piece of soft cotton cloth;
  • moisten it with water;
  • wipe the surface of the skin;
  • let dry thoroughly;
  • start treating the stained area.

Do not dry leather items near hot radiators, otherwise the leather may become deformed. To avoid harm, before starting to remove stains, you need to do a test by applying the selected product to the hidden area.

To remove old greasy marks, it is best to take formaldehyde (half a glass), soap shavings (1 tbsp.), ammonia solution (1 tbsp.). Apply the resulting mixture for 1.5-2 hours. Then wipe and remove the remaining product using a clean soft cloth and warm water.

Get rid of greasy marks on light thin fabrics Tooth powder will help, which is applied to the problem area for 2-3.5 hours. Then you need to shake it off and iron it with a warm iron, and then wash it in the method for delicate items.

From the surface silks And wool remove greasy stains with the following composition: glycerin (20 g), ammonia (10 g) and water (250 ml). After applying the product, wait until the stain disappears and rinse.

Old fat with delicate fabric removed with heated glycerin. Then wipe with a rag soaked in gasoline and wash, adding a little stain remover to the water.

Before removing difficult stains, you need to heat them with steam. This can be done over a kettle or an iron with a steamer. After this procedure, the effectiveness of removing grease stains will significantly improve.

Removing grease stains (video)

This video describes how using water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide you can remove a stain that did not come off with normal washing.

A greasy stain on clothes is not a death sentence. There are many options to eliminate it. The easiest way, but more expensive, is to use special factory products. But improvised materials can be no less effective. It is very important to have patience - if it doesn’t work the first time, you need to repeat the procedure.

Each of us may encounter an unpleasant situation when a greasy stain appears on our clothes. As a rule, such ingrained contaminants are quite difficult to get rid of. For removal, you can use modern means or traditional methods.

Features and rules for removing grease stains

First of all, before breeding it is necessary to make preliminary preparations. This will remove the stain more effectively.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Clean dirt from clothes and dust with a dry brush;
  • Prepare the necessary “inventory”, for example, a brush, a cotton swab or a small white cloth;
  • Prepare the solution. It is recommended to try a weak consistency and, if necessary, gradually increase;
  • Test the prepared solution. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to any unnecessary fabric and analyze the result. If there is no damage, then you can use the solution.

Methods for removing grease stains

Folk remedies

You can easily get rid of fresh dirt using natural remedies. Let's look at the most common methods:

Laundry soap can remove stains from almost any type of fabric; this method is especially suitable for fresh stains that have not had time to be absorbed

Household chemicals

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of chemicals in stores that help get rid of greasy stains.

Everyone will be able to find a suitable product with the necessary qualities, as well as a satisfactory price.

Austrian remedy Frau Schmidt. Perfectly removes impurities from various formations. An important point is that it is suitable for all types of products. It contains bile soap. To remove grease stains, apply the product to the item, leave for 2 hours and you can safely wash it in the usual way. The cost of the stain remover is about 230 rubles.

Vanish for colored laundry it will easily help remove any stain. To do this, you just need to apply the product to the stained area. The cost is about 160 rubles.

Belgian remedy Ecover copes well with any contamination. Contains plant and mineral components, due to which it decomposes without leaving harmful substances. To clean the stained area, apply the product for a few minutes before washing. The cost is about 230 rubles.

Spray stain remover Amway. Removes any contamination without prolonged exposure. It is enough to spray the spray on the dirt before washing. The cost is about 250 rubles.

Removing stains from different materials

Removing grease stains from each fabric has its own specific nuances:

  • Greasey stains from cotton can be easily removed with table salt. A prepared solution (a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water) helps remove fat from light-colored items. Apply the contents to the stained area and rinse with water. In addition, a variety of household chemicals will clean the product. Regardless of the method you choose, you must wash the item as usual.
  • Delicate fabric requires careful handling, so the problem of removing grease stains is quite urgent.
  • These include types such as wool, silk, satin and even some types of chintz. Traditional methods (tooth powder, vinegar with water) and various household chemicals will help in the matter of removal. To remove grease stains from synthetics, you can use
  • using any of the traditional methods described above, or apply a stain remover to the stain. If a greasy stain has formed on the carpet or upholstery, it can be removed using home remedies.

First of all, it is necessary to collect the remaining fat so that the stain does not spread further. This can be done with a napkin. Then apply salt, soda or starch to the contaminated area and leave for 15 minutes. After the time is up, vacuum. If there was a lot of fat, then this procedure must be repeated several times.

Delicate fabric requires careful treatment, so the problem of removing grease stains is quite relevant

Features of removing stains from white and colored items

Every person has at least one white item in their wardrobe, so it is important to know how to remove dirt, including grease stains. This stain on white is considered one of the most difficult. Chalk will cope wonderfully with the problem that has arisen.

. It contains an absorbent substance that prevents further spread of fat into the tissue. In addition, chalk perfectly disguises dirt. When removing fat from white items, you should never use bleach or household chemicals on colored items.

Removing greasy stains from colored fabrics is different from cleaning white clothes. By choosing a stain remover, you make the task much easier.

  • When washing colored items, do not use the following:
  • Bleaching,
  • Acetone,
  • Petrol,


When removing fat from white items, never use bleach or household chemicals on colored items.

Getting rid of old stubborn stains

Of course, you can get rid of old pollution using a variety of chemicals or use traditional methods. They are no less effective and efficient than household chemicals bought in a store.

  • When removing grease stains, flammable agents such as gasoline, acetone, ammonia and others are often used.
  • In addition, these substances are also found in purchased household chemicals. Therefore, when using these components, you must be careful and careful, and carefully follow safety precautions. Throughout the entire removal procedure, you should use rubber gloves and safety glasses.
  • This will help avoid possible negative consequences.
  • When carrying out the cleansing procedure using the above-described means, be sure to open the doors and windows. This will create a passing draft and prevent dangerous vapors from accumulating.

All cleaning products must be stored in tightly closed containers.

and in hard-to-reach places, so that the possibility of containers falling into children’s hands is excluded.

Thus, you can get rid of greasy stains on clothes using traditional methods or a variety of chemical household products. The most important thing is to start cleansing as quickly as possible, using available ingredients.

There is no need to rush to take clothes spoiled by grease to the dry cleaner. You can also get rid of oil traces at home if you use homemade recipes tested by many housewives using improvised means and methods for removing grease stains from fabric.

It is advisable to start removing grease stains from clothes as soon as the stain is planted. Otherwise, stubborn dirt will be very difficult to remove.

The first thing to do when a fresh stain appears on a blouse or other clothing is to rub it with salt. Sprinkle salt on the mark and leave the cloth for a few minutes. The salt will absorb the oil and the item without much effort. But what if the grease stains on clothes are old and can they be removed?


This product will help you easily remove dirt. Should be dissolved 5 tbsp. l. table salt in 500 ml of hot water and immerse the soiled material in the solution. It is necessary to leave the product until the oily trace has completely dissolved.

After soaking, the dirty area can be washed with washing soap and washed with your hands. After this, the laundry is sent to the washing machine.

To prepare the working solution, dissolve 3-4 tbsp. l. wash in 3 liters of hot water. The item is immersed in the solution and left for a couple of hours, after which it is washed by hand. After this procedure, you can load clothes into the washing machine. If washing the dishes does not help, then you need to use stronger detergents.


Without radical washing at home, you can wash grease stains from things using ammonia. To clean fat from fabric you need 1 tsp. Dilute ammonia from the pharmacy in 100 ml of water.

The solution is poured onto the oily mark and the item is left for 5-6 hours. After this, the product must be rinsed in plenty of water and put in the washing machine. If the stain is not too large and has not yet become very old, then ammonia will definitely help get rid of it. This product can be used for light and white fabrics, but ammonia is not suitable for dark materials, as it has a slight bleaching effect.

Laundry soap

A good way to remove grease stains from any type of fabric is to wash it with simple laundry soap. The contaminated area is moistened with warm water and then soaped with washing soap. The item must sit for at least 2 hours.

After this, the product is washed by hand and sent to the washing machine.

You can also prepare a strong soap solution by grating 100 g of soap and dissolving it in 2 liters of water. The product is soaked in a soap solution for an hour and then washed. Finally, the item is sent to the washing machine.


A good way to remove grease stains from fabric is simple toothpaste. The advantage of this method is that with this method you can save clothes made of any type of fabric, even expensive wool or natural silk.

The contaminated area is moistened and then rubbed with toothpaste. The item should sit for 2 hours. After this, the fabric is washed by hand with laundry soap.

If you need to wash off colored stains, it is better to take gel toothpaste. For white clothes, whitening toothpaste is suitable.


An excellent way to remove grease stains from clothes, suitable for all types of fabrics, is to wash them with mustard. It is necessary to dilute 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder with water to make a paste. The paste is applied to the contaminated area and left for a quarter of an hour.

After processing, the material must be washed first with your hands and laundry soap, and then put the product in the washing machine. If you need to remove fat from raincoat fabric, then mustard is perfect.

Potato starch

A good, gentle way to remove grease stains from clothes is potato starch. Starch is suitable for processing items made from delicate fabrics.

The stained area is first moistened with lukewarm water and then sprinkled with starch. The item should sit for an hour. Then cover the dirt with a paper napkin and iron it - all the fat will be absorbed into the starch and transferred to the paper. The napkin should be changed when it becomes dirty. Instead of starch, you can use baby powder.

Steam treatment

You can eliminate greasy marks by steaming your clothes. This can be done with a steam generator or an iron and steam function. You can simply hang the textiles over a pan of boiling water.

When the material is saturated with moisture, it is necessary to wash the fat by hand in washing powder or with laundry soap.


You can wipe off greasy stains from clothes made of any material using pharmaceutical glycerin. This method is suitable for clothes made of capricious, delicate materials, such as pure wool or silk, satin.

A couple of drops of the substance are applied directly to the blot, and then after half an hour the item is washed in warm water.

You can also prepare a homemade cleansing mixture:

  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • 1 tsp. glycerin;
  • 1 tsp. water.

Everything is mixed and applied directly to the stain. The composition must be left for half an hour, and then the product must be washed.


If the product cannot be washed, you can try to get rid of oily marks using alcohol. The process of using alcohol is simple: pour a little product onto a cotton pad and soak the dirty mark with it. After 30 minutes the procedure must be repeated.

You may need to clean with rubbing alcohol several times, but this can be used to clean carpet or upholstered furniture that cannot be washed. Alcohol is also suitable for cleaning the keyboard if grease has dripped onto it.


The area with an oily trace should be treated with pure turpentine using a cotton pad or simply soak the contaminated area in the substance. After a couple of hours, you will need to wash the textiles in washing powder. After this treatment, the textiles should be thoroughly rinsed and air dried.


To remove old blots, you must use only highly purified household gasoline. Typically, automobile fuel is not suitable for these purposes.

Soak a cotton cloth in gasoline and place it under the mark. The top contamination is treated with a cotton swab soaked in gasoline.

After such treatment, the item will have a sharp, unpleasant smell. Therefore, the product must be washed and rinsed with fabric softener, and then air dried.

Wood sawdust

It is necessary to soak clean sawdust in purified household gasoline. When the wood is completely saturated with fuel, it is generously sprinkled on the stained area. When the gasoline is completely dry, the sawdust is removed, the material is shaken off and washed in washing powder in the usual way.

Ammonia + table salt

Even old oil marks can be easily wiped off with this solution. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. ammonia from the pharmacy and 1 tsp. fine table salt. When the salt dissolves in the solution, soak a cotton pad and carefully clean the contaminated area. After this, you need to wash the material with fabric softener and air dry.


Table vinegar will help deal with blots on colored and dark matter. Table vinegar should not be used for white linen, as it may turn yellow.

Water the contaminated area generously with table vinegar, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse. After using vinegar, the colors of the drawing will become brighter and more saturated, as the vinegar sets the paint, and all oily marks will disappear.

Shaving foam

This is a very accessible method for single men, which helps eliminate impurities of various origins. Apply a thick layer of foam to the problem area and leave it for 5 minutes. After this, the laundry can be thrown into the washing machine and washed with washing powder.


The substance perfectly cleans delicate materials such as silk, satin, cashmere. The laundry should be laid out evenly on a hard surface and the moistened blot should be sprinkled with crushed chalk. The laundry should sit for three hours.

After time has passed, the chalk should be shaken off, and the material should be covered with a paper napkin and ironed with a hot iron. All that remains is to wash with washing powder and rinse the laundry thoroughly.


Regular hair shampoo will help remove small traces of oil from delicate items, but only for oily hair types. Such products perfectly dissolve fat, they will also help remove blots.

A little shampoo is dissolved in a basin of warm water and the laundry is immersed in the solution for about 2 hours. All that remains is to wash off the dirt manually and rinse the material.

Tracing paper

A well-known way to get rid of traces of oil is to iron it with a hot iron through tracing paper. But it is important to heat the iron to medium temperature. Several layers of blotting paper are placed under the mark, and the mark is covered with tracing paper on top.

Baking soda + washing powder

It is necessary to mix these two components in equal parts and dilute a little with lukewarm water. When the powder has dissolved in water, apply the mixture directly to the oily mark and rub in lightly. Leave the composition for at least 15 minutes, after which the entire product is washed in washing powder. For this recipe, dishwashing detergent can replace the powder.

Large pollution

How can you remove grease stains if the area of ​​contamination is very large? Numerous oily blots often appear on kitchen towels, napkins and tablecloths, and on gardening textiles. Every housewife is faced with the need to wash off grease. It is especially common to wash kitchen textiles in the summer during the preparation period, when oil flows like a river in the kitchen.

A very simple method will help you bleach oil-damaged textiles.

Classic recipe

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 250 g washing powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

First, bring the water to a vigorous boil in a large saucepan, then add the remaining ingredients to the boiling water. When the powder and salt dissolve, turn off the stove and immerse the textiles in the solution.

Products should be soaked in the solution until it cools completely. Approximately 10 hours will pass. Then the remaining particularly stubborn stains are washed by hand and the laundry is rinsed. After soaking, you can additionally load the laundry into the washing machine with bleaching powder.

Grease stains can appear on any surface and are often difficult to get rid of. Regular washing, soaking, and the use of conventional products do not help. You can remove a greasy stain without any extra effort if you follow all the recommendations.

Fat is difficult to remove from all types of fabrics. Its peculiarity is to penetrate into the fiber, destroying the appearance of the product. Stained areas on clothes are an unpleasant sight. To remove dirt, you should treat the stained area with auxiliary products that will dissolve the greasy stain.

The process of removing a fresh stain will be easier, but old stains will require maximum effort and financial costs. Before cleaning the product and removing the substance from the surface of the fabric, you need to determine the type of clothing that has been affected. In the future, the choice of control methods will depend on this.

Greasy marks can be found on household furniture that is more susceptible to human contact. Matte parquet floors, wooden floors, tiles and walls in the bathroom, wallpaper, kitchen sofa or doors can suffer from streaks and stains. The main thing is not to be nervous if this happens. You can trust specialists in this matter or remove old stains yourself.

First aid for fresh grease stains

Most people prefer to wear knitwear, jeans, cotton or linen, which often results in unpleasant food marks. Washing machines have a program for washing products; you just need to select a mode. Chiffon dresses or blouses can also get dirty; dirt from such a transparent fabric is difficult to remove.

We need to study pollution by looking at the blurred boundaries. Here you need to know the time of occurrence of bold shading. Can be determined by some features:

  • provided that the contamination has occurred recently, its color is darker than the surface on which it appeared;
  • if the stain is old, then the shade becomes lighter and without shine, the mark has become ingrained into the fabric fibers.

Contaminants of this kind are removed using improvised means:

  1. Using table salt, you can clean any product that has come into contact with vegetable oil. Salt will be an ally in the fight against pollution from wine drinks and berries. Sprinkle the resulting stain and rub in thoroughly using massaging movements. When excess fat is absorbed, the process is repeated. The product must be washed. Wash viscose on a delicate program.
  2. Silk fabrics and woolen items will need delicate care. It is better to use starch or talc. They are considered gentle. You will need to turn the item inside out (pants, trousers, shirt, jacket), sprinkle the stained area with talcum powder, and cover with gauze. Apply an iron and press down with a weight for a couple of hours. If that doesn't work, feel free to use starch by sprinkling the area and leaving it for 15 minutes. Afterwards, shake the item and add powder, repeat everything in time. The method is suitable for cleaning: a varnish raincoat, a polyester down jacket, a sheepskin coat, leather shoes, rubber boots, a suede jacket or bag.
  3. An excellent option for removing greasy marks is dishwashing detergent. You need to wet the mark with water and rub the detergent. Leave for ten minutes. After time has passed, rinse with water. When the product has dried, wash it in the washing machine. If stains appear again, repeat the cleaning process.

When removing dirty prints from light-colored products, you should pay attention to the color of the detergent. Too saturated ones need to be carefully diluted with water, and then gradually applied to the fabric, observing how it manifests itself against a light background. Here you will need extreme caution, because the product can be ruined in a matter of seconds by painting the area of ​​contamination in an unknown color.

Features of removing old grease stains

To remove old grease stains from clothes, it is necessary to note some features in this process:

  • before starting cleaning work, it is necessary to remove any remaining dust on the surface of the fabric with a damp sponge;
  • the detergent is applied to the wrong side;
  • you need to treat the fabric with a clean cloth;
  • it is necessary to wet the area near the greasy contamination, gradually approaching the boundaries;
  • The detergent should first be tested in an inconspicuous place.

The main thing is not to increase the proportions by making the solution too concentrated, because your favorite thing may suffer from this.


Ammonia is suitable for cleaning synthetic items from greasy stains. You can prepare the following solution:

  • ammonia – 1 tsp;
  • warm water – 0.5 tbsp.

Apply the resulting mixture to a light-colored rag and saturate the damaged area. Iron with a napkin.


The following method will help in removing old grease stains on silk items. Glycerin is applied to the dirty area of ​​the fabric. After half an hour it is washed off. You can make a solution obtained by mixing glycerin with water and alcohol in a volume of 0.5 tbsp. l. Apply the resulting mixture to the product and wait 10 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.


Use the product with extreme caution, moisten a cloth and place it under the cloth. The top is treated with gasoline. The contamination should disappear, and the product should be washed and washed. Acetone is suitable instead of gasoline. This method is suitable for dark clothes.

When removing greasy stains, you should remember that acetone, gasoline, and ammonia are dangerous to health. Don't forget the rules for working with chemicals. The room needs to be ventilated.

Laundry soap

With soap (at least 72%), it is good to remove various types of oil stains, especially on delicate items. The process of cleaning fabric is simple. Lather the greasy stain with soap and leave the clothes overnight. Wash. If a mark remains, repeat the process.

Steam treatment

You can destroy dried greasy deposits using steam. An iron and a built-in steam generator will help with this. You need to bring the iron and spray steam. You can use a container of boiling water. Then we clean the steamed area using one of the methods described above.

Lemon acid

Lemons have the ability to whiten various stains. This may include marker marks, ingrained rust, and blood. It is worth applying the acid to the problem area, sprinkle with salt and leave for a while. You can bleach fabric that has lost its freshness and whiteness by boiling it with citric acid.

Review of effective outputs

Special products for greasy stains have different compositions. If a bleaching component is present, the product is recommended for use on white items, active oxygen for colored items, and enzymes for all types of fabrics.

  1. Astonish oxy plus has good reviews. Includes baking soda and effectively removes stains without harming clothes. Overpriced and difficult to find in stores.
  2. Faberlic (Edelstar). It comes in the form of a pencil that you can take with you on a trip. Perfectly removes stains from coffee, tea, ink and brilliant green.
  3. Amway. Manufactured as a spray. Has an unpleasant smell.
  4. Vanish. It is produced in the form of a pink liquid. Nice smell. Removes greasy marks. In demand.
  5. Bleach Bos Plus Maximum. A budget option. Perfectly copes with assigned tasks. Designed for white.

A greasy stain is not a death sentence. The modern market has a wide selection of household chemicals, and the media offer a range of folk methods. All you have to do is choose the ones that suit you.
