What a wedding 12 years together. What to give for a nickel wedding? Traditional gifts and original solutions

Each joint wedding date unites the family even stronger. It is celebrated in each home in its own way, according to traditions, level of income and scope of imagination. You can spend a significant day with your dear guests, but a private holiday can also leave indelible impressions on your soul. Even if we are not talking about a round date, such as 12 years of marriage.

What is the anniversary called?

Twelve years lived together is called a nickel wedding. This name may sound completely unpoetic, but nickel symbolizes the strength of relationships. And this is exactly the quality that all married couples strive for. This date is usually not celebrated on a grand scale, preferring to have a romantic celebration for two or get-togethers with family. On this day, socially active spouses invite close friends and relatives to visit to share with them the joy of a significant event.

The wedding that happened twelve years ago is still alive in the memory as a vivid and dear memory. The two halves have long become one and are attracted to each other like a magnet. Life together has already had many difficulties and delights. Common children were born, life improved. It's time to take the time to strengthen relationships, light the fire of sensuality and establish harmony.

On the 12th anniversary of marriage, a married couple exchanges nickel gifts, emphasizing that feelings are still strong and indestructible. There are still three years until the anniversary, but we have managed to unite so many years together for the sake of joint plans and goals. There are so many shared achievements and touching moments ahead. A nickel wedding is a wonderful occasion to remind each other of marital fidelity and love.


The significant date of marriage has its own established traditions. This applies to folk beliefs and family life. Many spouses return to memorable places of past meetings and acquaintances. Often couples order colorful professional photo sessions, create a romantic atmosphere in their home, or retire to a cozy hotel. The bridal suite is the perfect place to start a new tradition for one strong family.

Another beautiful tradition can be “repeat marriage.” To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend money on another wedding celebration. It’s enough to just buy nickel rings and exchange them at the place of your fateful meeting or first kiss. You can prepare new vows of fidelity as a symbol of undying love. Try to forget the grievances and do everything to tie family ties stronger.

An excellent tradition would be to shower spouses with nickel coins. They symbolize wealth and promise it to the “newlyweds,” and they predict harmony and comfort for the couple’s home. It so happened that a couple who has been married for 12 years wraps gifts in foil and prepares congratulations in prose or poetic form. Gifts made of metal are welcome, according to the interests of the family as a whole or to each spouse individually.

What can you give?

On this anniversary, it is difficult to spontaneously choose nickel gifts. You don’t have to focus on this particular metal. An ideal gift from family and friends would be household items such as:

  • cupronickel silver set of spoons and forks;
  • a lamp as a symbol of light illuminating a family alcove;
  • memorial cards for husband and wife;
  • silk tablecloths or bed linens.

Silk is also a durable material that can be used to emphasize the strength of a marriage bond. It’s not for nothing that a nickel wedding is also called a silk wedding. In principle, any gift from guests will be meaningful if you invest it in it and convey it to the heroes of the occasion.

What to give your spouse from your wife?

Having crossed the ten-year mark, the spouses are already well versed in each other’s preferences. Based on her husband’s taste, the wife will easily select the right gift and will enjoy finding it and presenting it on the cherished date. So, if the head of the family likes long hikes or fishing, a nickel flask would be a suitable gift. It is worth decorating it with engraving as a keepsake and it will undoubtedly become the thing that the spouse will not part with during a short separation from home.

In general, you should always choose gifts for your loved ones, focusing on their hobbies and interests. But a new gadget, accessory or decoration will please the stronger half of the couple in any case.

What to give to your wife?

It's easy to please the woman you love with a beautiful piece of jewelry - it will be an ideal gift. But it’s worth finding out in advance which stone suits her according to her zodiac sign, then the new ring, earrings or pendant will also become a talisman for her, namely:

  • An Aries can be pampered on their 12th wedding anniversary with an amethyst bracelet;
  • Taurus will be amused by a necklace with turquoise or agate earrings;
  • Gemini will love jewelry with jasper or beryl;
  • Cancer will appreciate a ring with a bright ruby;
  • Leo will be delighted with jewelry with amber and chrysolite;
  • the Virgo wife will be delighted with earrings with jade;
  • Libra will definitely appreciate a pendant with coral or lapis lazuli;
  • a strong Scorpio will look harmonious in a ruby ​​or aquamarine set;
  • enterprising Sagittarius will be happy to try on a ring with topaz;
  • Capricorn will be surprised by an onyx brooch;
  • Aquarius will be amused by sapphires in earrings or a gift in the form of a garnet bracelet;
  • Pearls are suitable for Pisces.

Important! The decoration will protect its owner from illness and ward off the evil eye. As a rule, women are very attentive to significant gifts and will be grateful to their husband for his care.

Celebration of the occasion

After a day spent together, with or without a photo shoot, the spouse can have a symbolic feast in honor of their couple. According to tradition, the table is set with nickel silver cutlery or a set with a nickel sheen.

As for the dishes on the holiday table, each family cooks according to its own preferences and budget. If the weather permits, you can grill meat or fish steaks over an open fire. The preferred alcoholic drinks are wine and champagne.

An important condition is not to bother the hostess with preparing the table, since this is her holiday, on which she should shine and rest her soul. A good idea would be to organize a small scenario for the twelfth anniversary. Dancing and competitions are welcome, and the toastmaster does not have to be called from the agency. A family holiday would be better suited to having your own person as the ringleader at the table. Surely one of the guests will easily cope with this role.

It is recommended to end the event with a tea party with a real nickel samovar. By taking the time to get this rarity, the couple will provide an unforgettable experience for themselves and everyone gathered for the holiday. A symbol of comfort and warmth will decorate the table with a birthday cake and treat everyone to unusually aromatic tea. Coffee is traditionally served in a nickel pot. For those who like to surprise on a grand scale, a chocolate fountain instead of sweets is suitable. Chocolate-covered fruits are a good substitute for cake, although few couples refuse this dessert.

Pie is not something that is served to guests attending a twelfth anniversary. The gala evening deserves custom baked goods that symbolize something personal for each individual couple. This could be the equivalent of the birthday cake with rings and swans cut twelve years ago on your wedding day. Or a delicious biscuit and cream surprise from close friends of the spouses who wish them a sweet life together for many years. How to celebrate, everyone will decide for themselves, but advice in this event will not be superfluous. Especially when it comes to strengthening a marriage that has endured and improved over the years.

You can learn about the celebration and pleasant surprises for the married couple who are celebrating 12 years of marriage in the video.

What wedding occurs after 12 years of marriage? How is it usually celebrated? What is the best gift for a celebration? Below you will find answers to these questions.

Our ancestors called wedding anniversaries, associating a certain period in the life of the family with some material. What wedding is celebrated on 12 years of marriage? It is generally accepted that after so many years the relationship between spouses is strong, but feelings have already begun to dull somewhat, so they need to be nourished from time to time. The twelfth anniversary is called the nickel anniversary. In order for nickel to shine as well as a precious metal, it needs to be looked after and cleaned regularly. Likewise, the union of two loving people requires “care”: it is important to pay attention to the other half, take care of each other, remain faithful - then the family will survive any adversity.

A nickel wedding anniversary is also called a silk wedding; 12 years of marriage are compared to nickel or silk, since these materials were once very expensive. It was believed that by the 12th year of marriage, the relationship gains weight, since it has withstood many tests. Some celebrate the nickel wedding at 12 years and six months - halfway to the silver wedding.

It is not customary to celebrate the twelfth anniversary in a grand manner. This date is considered an excellent occasion to remember important events in family life. To do this, the couple walks through memorable places, remembering the first date, marriage proposal, wedding day, etc. You can end the day with a romantic dinner or a trip to the cinema. Time spent together will remind you of the tender feelings that bound your union.

If you plan to invite guests to your nickel anniversary, then limit yourself to a narrow circle. May your closest friends and relatives share your happiness with you. Be sure to place nickel utensils on the table as a symbol of the anniversary. By the way, before this date, the housewife carefully cleaned all the nickel items in the house. It was believed that they could be used to judge family relationships. If the products looked untidy, it means that the spouses cannot find a common language and often quarrel.

What to give for a nickel wedding

The answer to the question of what is given for a 12th wedding anniversary lies in what kind of wedding it is, that is, in the very name of the anniversary. For a nickel wedding, of course, it is customary to present items made of nickel. Items made from alloys that contain this material are also suitable. It is better that the gift is useful. Usually guests opt for pots, cutlery, and samovars.

If you are invited to an anniversary celebration, discuss the gift with other guests. This will help avoid repeating presentations, because everyone usually starts from the name of the date.

Since a nickel wedding is also called a silk wedding, many guests, when thinking about what to give to the heroes of the occasion, proceed from this name of the holiday. An excellent gift would be silk bed linen, which will remind the spouses that passion should never fade.

Any anniversary is a reason to once again please your soul mate. On the twelfth year of marriage, you can give each other nickel jewelry or silk scarves. If you decide not to adhere to traditions, then the gift can be anything, the main thing is that it pleases your other half.

Each anniversary of marriage is a holiday for spouses and a reason to spend a joyful, fun day.

The number 12 is endowed with a special mysticism - it is present in many legends, is often found in natural phenomena, and is considered very significant.

Therefore, 12 years of marriage is a date, although not round, but very important. It is called solidly - a nickel wedding. And he reminds the spouses that after 12 years of marriage, relationships are already like metal, but they should be given shine and purity.

Nickel is a unique metal that was previously considered precious, along with silver. He is beautiful and radiant, and this is exactly how the relationship of the spouses should be on this date.

A nickel wedding is a reason to celebrate magnificently and solemnly. This day should be remembered by everyone for a long time, bring freshness and variety to family life, and remain a warm memory. There are many traditions and rules - what should be the atmosphere at the holiday, what to give and what congratulations should be, who to invite, and so on.

Traditions and laws of nickel wedding

A nickel wedding is also called a silk wedding, and a family after 12 years of marriage really resembles silk - strong, smooth and precious. This is what a couple is like during this period - their relationship has already become smooth, both spouses have learned wisdom and understanding, their union is a real treasure.

An important custom for a silk wedding is to give each other silk handkerchiefs. These scarves are not just accessories, they will serve as amulets for the couple, they must be stored carefully and with love.

In the morning, the spouses wake up together and say their congratulations to each other, and then must give each other a silk scarf. This ritual will greatly strengthen the union and make it more harmonious and reliable.

How to prepare for the holiday?

A nickel wedding is a great occasion to make your home perfectly clean. Over the 12 years of marriage, how many different types of rubbish have accumulated in the house! All this needs to be thrown away without regret, or given to someone. Throw away or repair everything that is broken or damaged, do not leave any old or unnecessary things in the house.

A nickel or silk wedding is a holiday that unites spouses, because 12 years is a special date and a magic number. On this day, the hostess covers the marital bed with new silk linen, on which a new stage of personal married life should begin.

All metal utensils in the house must be cleaned and polished to a dazzling shine! On the holiday table there should be as much sparkling dishes and cutlery as possible, as well as candlesticks, coasters, figurines, trays, etc. The table should shine!

How to celebrate?

The anniversary itself can be noisy and fun. How many guests there will be is not so important, the main thing is that there are at least twelve of them, and all of them are dear and desirable to the spouses. Guests should give gifts, congratulations, and prepare original toasts and surprises with sincere joy.

You can celebrate 12 years of marriage at home or in a restaurant - this anniversary does not have strict rules in this regard. The main thing is that the hall or living room, the place where the celebration will take place, is decorated festively and beautifully, so that everything is in shiny metallic shades, and there is as much silk around it as possible.

Silk tablecloths, napkins, chair covers, curtains and decor are an indispensable attribute of the holiday, which is called a silk wedding.

It would be nice for spouses to dress in silk - both men and women. The hostess may wear a beautiful and elegant white or metallic silk dress, while the host may wear a silk shirt and tie. Guests, as a sign of respect, wear silk accessories - scarves, gloves, ties.

Nice gifts for a nickel wedding

Whatever the anniversary, it always requires special themed gifts. What to give for a nickel wedding, what should be the congratulations to make the union happier?

Family greetings and gifts should be special and valuable. The husband must definitely give his wife jewelry - not from nickel, but from another noble light metal.

These could be earrings, a pendant with an engraving or a portrait, a bracelet, or maybe a beautiful set. Nickel itself is a beautiful metal, but can sometimes cause allergies if worn on the body, so you should choose silver or beautiful jewelry.

In addition to jewelry, a husband can give his other half a silk dress or a set of luxurious silk underwear - this is a very personal and pleasant gift that will be appropriate and improve the relationship. And, of course, red roses are an eternal symbol of love!

As for the wife, she can give her beloved husband a silk shirt or an expensive silk tie. And also metal - cufflinks, tie clip, pin or ring.

  • Relatives can give something memorable and valuable to the heart. Their congratulations are important and should be filled with love and respect. They can give a portrait on silk, or a silk blanket with photographs of the family, or they can also give a luxurious silk robe.
  • Guests can safely give silk decorations for the home - tablecloth, bed linen, decorative pillows, curtains. It would be appropriate to give the hostess accessories - a scarf or scarf made of silk, a handbag, gloves, a case or box, upholstered with this wonderful material.
  • You can and should also give metal objects to your home, for example, dishes, sets of good pots, cutlery. Metal interior accessories and home decorations are very suitable: figurines, candlesticks, photo frames, coasters, trays, boxes, lamps and even chandeliers. The main thing is that the gift is beautiful and from the heart.

A nickel or silk wedding is a wonderful occasion for spouses to remember the pleasant moments of life and thank each other for them.

Let the best words ring out - talk about how dear your spouse is to you and how proud you are to have such a family, thank and give love from the bottom of your heart. And build a happy life together - until your golden wedding and beyond! Author: Vasilina Serova

And now exactly twelve years have passed since the wedding. For spouses who have lived side by side for so long, this is a serious date.

The relationship is already very strong and established, the husband and wife are accustomed to each other, as a rule, the passion goes away and a partnership appears. A married couple has joint property, common interests, children are growing up, and their career is established. There are many plans and ideas ahead that need to be implemented.

Let's look together at what to give for a 12-year wedding anniversary, both from the guests and the husband and wife to each other.

Why is the twelfth anniversary called the nickel wedding?

The twelfth anniversary is called the nickel wedding. This date is compared to nickel because it is a very durable metal that is silvery-white in color and never tarnishes. The same is true for a married couple, after living together for 12 years, subject to constant care for each other, support and mutual assistance. In addition, nickel is a valuable metal, just as a couple who have been married for so long is valuable.

This anniversary has another name - silk. A silk thread indicates that a married couple, over twelve years of marriage, has become very strong, just like a strong thread of silk, which is very difficult to break. So break up the couple after such a long period of time.

Although a nickel wedding is not an anniversary, it is worth celebrating by inviting the most dear and close people of the celebration to the celebration.

What can you give for a 12 year wedding anniversary?

When planning a celebration, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail: from wishes (we recommend choosing from us) to a present for spouses for whom this date is important in their lives.

There won’t be any particular difficulties in choosing a gift, since the twelfth anniversary has two names, so you should start from one of them.

  1. One of the symbolic and at the same time useful gifts in every household is dishes. Let it be made of nickel or cupronickel items: a set of gift cutlery, unusual items for tea drinking, Turks.
  2. A wonderful gift for a 12-year wedding anniversary will be designer candlesticks, original chandeliers, floor lamps, lamps or figurines that will decorate the family nest.
  3. It could be a painting by a famous artist or a portrait of the couple in a nickel frame.
  4. If you want to make an expensive gift for a couple, then you should all unite and present together pieces of furniture that have nickel-plated elements: a desk or dining table, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers. Bath accessories. Such things will be very useful for the family.
  5. Based on the second name of the wedding, it is worth presenting products made of silk fabric: beautiful bed linen, tablecloths, curtains.

When accepting congratulations and gifts on this significant day, do not forget about each other. You need to pay attention to your significant other. This is also very important for a couple who have lived side by side for twelve long years.

What to give your husband for 12 years of marriage

A loving wife who has been married to her beloved for so many years knows exactly what to give him, his interests and hobbies. The gift for your spouse should be related to the metal that symbolizes the twelfth anniversary.

  1. Is the man interested in fishing and hunting? Then there will be no difficulties in choosing a surprise. Give him a new spinning rod, an original nickel-plated flask with engraving, a folding table or something from a weapon.
  2. For a business man, this could be: a cigarette case, a custom-made nickel-plated pen, an ashtray, cufflinks, a metal business card holder, an unusual flash drive or leather folder, a document suitcase with nickel inserts.
  3. It can also be cute little things for your husband: a photo frame, a wristwatch with a nickel dial, an engraved lighter, figurines, a keychain.
  4. A good gift for your beloved husband for 12 years of marriage would be a set of tools and power tools: wrenches, drill, screwdriver.

What to give your wife for her 12th wedding anniversary

It’s not difficult to please the woman you love. All you have to do is choose a surprise that she has long dreamed of or that matches her interests and hobbies.

  1. Any lady will be pleased to receive jewelry as a gift. These can be nickel surprises: a ring, pendant or earrings. Or jewelry made of more expensive metal that resembles nickel in color. Your spouse will be delighted with such a gift.
  2. Various accessories with nickel inserts: hair clip, umbrella, bag. Or it could be a chest for the pleasant little things that every woman has.
  3. You can also give your wife a light silk robe or a sexy set of underwear for her 12th wedding anniversary.
  4. An excellent gift for your loved one will be the household appliances she dreamed of: a coffee maker, food processor, mixer, blender in a metal case.

A nickel wedding is another step to marital happiness. They still have a lot to go through together, carry out plans and realize their best ideas. And it doesn’t matter what the spouses were given for their twelfth wedding anniversary, as long as it was done with all my heart and soul.

Despite the fact that a nickel wedding is not an anniversary, and according to various sources it should be celebrated either after 12 or 12.5 years of married life, it is customary to celebrate this milestone in the life of a family on a grand scale.

This anniversary focuses on such an important aspect as mutual understanding between spouses, maintaining liveliness in relationships and the fullness of feelings experienced for each other, which symbolizes the bright silver shine of polished nickel.

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The site provides only informational information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I'm not selling anything ;)

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Psychological features of the period

Having lived together for 12 years, often a couple gets so used to each other that they forget about the passion that connected them at the very beginning of the relationship.

Nickel, which symbolizes this date, shines like a precious metal, but only if it is looked after and thoroughly polished regularly. Likewise, the relationship between spouses during this period should not be left to chance; affection and care must be invested in them so that they remain as good as ever.

In many European countries, this anniversary is usually called the silk anniversary, and in the USA, according to the latest traditions, it is called the pearl anniversary. It is worth noting that nickel was initially mined with great difficulty, which is why it was considered a precious metal and was valued no less than silver and gold. Pearls and silk are still considered quite expensive and luxurious gifts of nature. The twelfth wedding anniversary is symbolized by durable, expensive natural materials, because upon reaching this milestone, relationships acquire special value and strength, but at the same time require attention and care.

Usually by this time the children have already grown up and are quite independent: they go to school, clubs and sections, and meet with friends in the evenings. It is important to use the freed up time to bring passion back into the marital relationship, renew it and make it more interesting: for example, go to the movies and exhibitions, attend friendly parties, have romantic dinners in restaurants or even at home. The more time a couple spends together in interesting and entertaining ways, the longer their love will live.

Gifts for a nickel wedding

A nickel wedding is one of those anniversaries for which choosing a gift for the spouses is not at all difficult. Taking into account the European traditions of calling this wedding a silk one, the range of possible gifts is quite wide:
  • Kitchen utensils and cookware sets made of nickel alloys with other metals;
  • Grandfather clock with shiny nickel dial;
  • Chandeliers, curtains and other interior items containing nickel;
  • Household appliances: TV, laptop, refrigerator, microwave oven, convection oven, etc.;
  • Various items sewn from natural silk;
  • The picture is in a heavy beautiful frame;
  • Coffee tables and other pieces of furniture that include metal legs or other elements.

Surprisingly, the traditions of the 12th wedding anniversary do not prescribe what gifts spouses should give each other, which allows you to choose a practical gift. The only wish is that the surprise should reflect some important event in the life of the spouses or remind of a pleasant period spent together.

Nickel wedding: traditions

Traditionally, the twelfth wedding anniversary involves a kind of repetition of the green wedding - the wedding day. However, this does not mean that you need to invite 50 or 70 guests. It is not customary to invite all friends and distant relatives to this holiday: only the closest people on each side are allowed to be present, whom the spouses will be sincerely happy to see.

Traditions require visiting all significant places for the spouses: for example, the place of the first kiss, a favorite park for walks, gardens and squares that were visited for the wedding, and most importantly, the church in which the wedding took place. Such an excursion will certainly remind the couple of the love and passion that once cemented their union, and has now grown into a deep and strong feeling.

In the evening, the spouses must arrive at the banquet place late, and the guests, like 12 years ago, line up in a “corridor” and greet the couple with coins.

If you plan to celebrate the holiday at home, prepare carefully: you need to polish all nickel items until they shine, since family relationships are traditionally judged by them: if they all shine like silver, it means that the spouses’ feelings do not fade.

How to celebrate a nickel wedding?

Still, reconstruction of wedding events is quite a troublesome task. Plus, if you're a traditionalist, you've probably held an event like this before (probably more than once). However, if you have enough imagination, you can celebrate the holiday according to your own individual scenario, and such a wedding anniversary will even be more interesting and entertaining. There are many options:

Tea party.

Nickel is a metal that is often added to alloys of teapots, samovars, trays and cutlery, making these items shine like silver. Isn't this a reason to throw a tea party?

This format allows you to invite friends and children to visit, which will make the holiday fun and lively. Invite guests to try several different, delicious varieties of tea and try a variety of desserts. You can order a chocolate fountain or purchase a fondue set and offer your guests a sweet version - everyone will be pleasantly surprised! Strong alcohol, given the lack of snacks, is not welcome at such a party, but wine, champagne and especially mulled wine are ideal!

Party for two "1000 and 1 night".

In Europe, the 12th anniversary is called a silk wedding. If you don't like large crowds of people or just want to spend this anniversary together, this is a great reason to throw a 1000 and 1 night party!

Send the children to grandma or friends, decorate the bedroom with flowers, make silk sheets, turn on oriental romantic music and light candles. Prepare or order light snacks, fruit platters and wine.

The wife needs to dress up in silk robes, like oriental beauties (for this occasion, you can attend a couple of belly dancing classes), and the husband needs to be a sheikh. Together you can smoke a hookah, taste wine and fruit, and spend an unforgettable night of passion in the full ambience of the exotic orient.

Family celebration in nature.

It is quite possible to go hiking with older children (after all, most couples get married in the warm season, and there should be no weather obstacles). Nickel is a natural resource, and therefore closeness to nature can easily be associated with the theme of the holiday.

It would be ideal to visit a cave or simply spend the night in a tent near a pond. To prevent the holiday from turning into a banal picnic, you need to think through fun contests and competitions for the family, and also make sure that there are sufficient reminders of the wedding day at the holiday. For example, before going to bed, you can all watch an album with photographs of the couple or a video from the green wedding day. This will not only unite the whole family, but will also allow you to escape from the usual surroundings of the city and enjoy fresh air.

A nickel wedding is not only a good occasion to remember how it all began, but also to revive old feelings, meet with friends or simply communicate better with your own children. The main thing is that mutual understanding and feelings in the family do not fade, but shine like new nickel, because nothing is scary for such relationships.
