Garnet stone: properties and effects on humans. Garnet stone: magical properties and who is this mineral suitable for? Benefit and harm to humans

Garnets are one of the most popular varieties of precious and semi-precious stones, the history of their use dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt. Nowadays, they are used in industry, in scientific research, in jewelry.

The name "garnet" comes from the Latin "granatus". So in ancient Rome they called the grains of the fruit of the pomegranate tree. Since only red stones were originally called garnets, their resemblance to pomegranate seeds is obvious. Thus, the stone was named by analogy with the object most similar to it, known to the ancient Romans.

What colors are pomegranates: photos and varieties of stones

Today, garnet is not a specific gem, but a whole group of minerals. Types of garnet are united by the silicate origin of the stone, and they are separated depending on the cationic salt-forming component. The composition and crystal structure of garnet determine certain properties of the stone.

The main characteristics of the pomegranate

Chemical composition:

A3B 2 3 , where A = Mg, Fe 2+, Mn2+, Ca and Β = Al, Fe3+, Cr and Ti 4+



Color in daylight:

any but blue

Color under artificial light:

changes from shades of green to shades of purple only with stones with alexandrite effect


Hardness index:

Dash color:

Transparency level:

opaque, translucent, transparent

Density indicator:

3.47 - 3.83 g/cm³

Refraction value:




What color the garnet will be depends on the predominant element of a particular stone. Garnet colors can be absolutely anything. The most famous varieties of garnet are listed below, indicating the prevailing types of coloring of the stone and the characteristics of the composition.

Almandine- lilac-red, with a purple or violet hue. The color is due to the combination of iron and aluminum in the composition. The most common of the entire group. The name comes from the distorted Asian "Alabanda" - the place where cut stones were brought from.

Hessonite- orange, yellow or red-orange. A ferruginous variety of Ceylon brown grossular.

Grossular- yellow-green. Due to its unusual coloring, it received the name derived from grossularia (lat. "gooseberry"). The composition is dominated by calcium and aluminum.

Tsavorite- a variety of grossular, bright green "emerald" color.

Demantoid- green. The color is due to the high content of chromium, which is rarely found in the composition of garnet group silicates. Is a gem.

pyrope- rich red with lilac and violet. The name comes from the Greek expression "fire-like". The composition is dominated by magnesium.

Rhodolite- pink-violet, is considered one of the subspecies of pyrope. Magnesian-ferruginous variety.

Color changing grenades - pyrope mix And spessartine.

In addition to the jewelry varieties listed above, there are more than a dozen types of garnet that are rarely used by jewelers.

In the photo - varieties of pomegranate, differing in the color of the stone:

Where garnets are mined: stone deposits

Since silicon, which is part of garnets, makes up a large proportion of the minerals of the earth's crust, there are a lot of places where different types of garnets are mined, and they are dispersed throughout the world. The most promising in terms of development are deposits that are associated with metamorphic crystalline schists, gneisses and amphibolites, for example, Karelian. The world's largest reserves of garnet silicates are concentrated in the Keivskaya ridge on the Kola Peninsula, it is from these rocks that it consists. Also, garnets are often mined together with - they are formed in the rocks accompanying kimberlite pipes, most often it is. Such developments are concentrated in South Africa and Yakutia. Among the most famous are Czech garnets, stones of deep wine-red color, which for a long time were considered the benchmark for the entire group of minerals. The largest pyrope found in the Czech Republic, kept in the Trebnica Museum, weighs almost 470 carats. The places where garnet is mined also include stone deposits located in Brazil, Ukraine, the USA, Azerbaijan, Finland and Canada.

The structure and composition of the crystal determines the presence in garnet of such characteristics as the hardness of the stone, the formation of particles with sharp cutting edges during splitting, and ferromagnetism. In addition, they adhere perfectly to the base of canvas or paper. Therefore, they are widely used in the abrasive (grinding materials), construction industry as an additive in cement and ceramic masses, as a more affordable analogue of precious corundums (, ruby) in instrument making and electronics, to create lasers.

Each copy passes strict control. Only transparent or translucent samples with an interesting color are suitable for jewelry. The precious class includes almandines, pyropes, rhodolites, hessonites, grossulars, topazolites, demantoids. They are listed in ascending order of price. The photo shows samples of a garnet that has the qualification of a precious stone:

Individual samples are of interest to specialists and collectors in their original form. A natural garnet crystal, consisting of stones fused into a druse or brush, is of value even without processing. Collectible specimens are found in Karelia (Schueretskoye deposit and Kitelya) - most often these are bright scarlet intergrowths of almandines. Andradite and hessonite druze, found in Primorye and Azerbaijan, are popular with aesthetes and connoisseurs.

The brushes of demantoid and topazolite are most highly valued. The green color of demantoid and saffron-honey topazolite already increase the exclusivity of the stone, and the form in which they are found - brushes of small crystals with a bright sheen covering the walls of mineralized cracks in the surface of ultramafic rocks, makes them a valuable decorative material. Stones are mined in the Tamvatneyskoye deposit in Chukotka.

Uvarovite crystals are also collected, similar to emerald due to the high chromium content. Most of the uvarovite brushes are mined at the Saranovsky chromite deposit in the Urals. The size of the crystals in them is usually small, no more than 1 mm in diameter: a brush with a crystal larger than 3 mm is considered unique, and the price for it will be several times higher.

How much do natural garnets cost: price of stones per carat

The development of the production of synthetic garnets began in the 1960s. Initially, methods for their production were investigated for industrial purposes: to be able to create a crystal with the desired parameters of hardness, transparency and refractive index of light. Later it turned out that artificially grown garnets, the so-called garnetites, are good for use in jewelry, especially the yttrium-aluminum variety. They have a strong luster, play well and are cost effective.

Determining how much a garnet can cost, a stone is evaluated according to several parameters. First of all, the cost will depend on the color of the garnet: the stone must be evenly and richly colored. In addition, the price of garnets depends on the size of the stone, its transparency, cut and authenticity.

To distinguish garnetite from the original, you need to look at the sample in the light: rings and lines can be found inside where the crystal grew, inclusions of small air bubbles. In addition, artificial grenades do not have the ability to be magnetized. Natural samples rarely exceed the size of the seed of the tree from which they got their name, while the technology allows you to grow a stone of any size.

Garnets in the photo are examples of stones that are of natural origin:

So how much does a natural garnet stone cost? There is also no general price for grenades. Different types of grenades differ greatly in the amounts that you have to pay for them. While red garnets are inexpensive, green garnets can be very expensive.

Color-changing grenades deserve special mention. This is called the alexandrite effect, the ability of the mineral to change color depending on the nature of the lighting. Mineralogy explains this phenomenon by the presence of chromium ions, and for jewelers it serves as another criterion for determining the cost of two-color stones: the contrast of colors is evaluated. The price of natural garnet varies depending on the type of stone. Commercial quality pieces are valued at $50 to $400 per carat, while top quality stones can fetch up to $1,500 per carat.

Magical and healing properties of pomegranate

In the mythology of antiquity, a lot of attention was paid to the pomegranate tree; its fruit has several versatile meanings. So, having arisen from the blood of the deceased and resurrected Dionysus, the pomegranate symbolized life and death, turning into an attribute of the patron saint of the dead Hades. The latter, having fed his captive Persephone with pomegranate seeds, entered into an engagement with her by this act, after which the fetus was depicted in the hands of the goddess Hera, who was in charge of marriage, family relations and childbearing. In many myths - for example, about the exploits of Hercules and the extraction of the golden apples of the Hesperides or the apple of discord, which served as the beginning of the Trojan War, the pomegranate, which at that time was also called the "Phoenician apple", was meant. During the times of monotheism, the symbolic interpretation was not lost or changed, and the pomegranate fruit can be found on the images of Renaissance Madonnas.

All of the listed magical properties of garnets were inherited by the stone of the same name. Piero d'Apono, an alchemist known in France, in whose language he wrote as Pier di Boniface, mentions the pomegranate's ability to expel evil spirits from the human body. The Qur'an states that the Fourth Heaven consists of carbuncle, and Christianity associates with the red color of the stone a reminder of the blood shed during the crucifixion and a symbolic reminder of the sacrifice of the Son of God.

The fair sex, being in a position, wore it without removing it until the very birth, so that pregnancy and the birth of a child would proceed without complications. Warriors and travelers believed that such a talisman would protect against dangers, strengthen the health of the owner and give him purposefulness. The Persians called the pomegranate the "royal gem": it was believed that jewelry with it would help the owner control other people.

During the Middle Ages, the crusaders, going to the Holy Land, put on a garnet ring to protect against poisoning and dangerous wounds. The same rings were given to ladies, symbolizing the passionate feelings of lovers.

It is argued that the pomegranate does not tolerate liars, greedy and dodgy people, bringing good luck exclusively to the rightful owner.

The listed characteristics of the pomegranate are considered relevant to this day. Wearing a stone is a good way to reveal your inner potential, strengthen your willpower, and decide to make a choice in an ambiguous situation. For those who often need to use leadership qualities, the use of garnet talismans is suitable - the stone will increase the owner's influence on others and give him the energy needed by the one who is always ahead. For those who are naturally shy, soft, prone to introversion, it is better to refuse to wear a pomegranate: in this case, it will only disturb the hidden passions of the owner, leaving him in a confused state of mind. That is why the protagonist of Kuprin's story suffered, whom acquaintances described as an exceptionally quiet, modest and polite person: the bracelet, passed down in his family from generation to generation, so emphasized the strength of his feelings that he forced him to commit an impulsive act and let the woman know about her existence, which ultimately led to tragedy.

With constant wear, it directs the wearer's thinking in a positive direction, and in a difficult situation helps to maintain the presence of mind. In the language of the stone, garnet has a romantic meaning and corresponds to falling in love or strong affection. Rings and jewelry with him were given to beloved women and true friends, thus assuring them of their devotion and gratitude. One of the most famous garnet gifts is the necklace of the wife of Bedrich Smetana, which the composer presented to his wife Ulrika, with whom he lived long and happy years of marriage.

The symbolic meaning of the stone also implies healing properties, in particular, the effect on the circulatory system. It is used to get rid of cardiovascular diseases, stop bleeding. In Asia, it is worn on the chest or neck, curing lung diseases or bronchitis. A stone in a silver frame heals inflammation and headaches, in gold it helps with fever and sore throat. Wearing it accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body in case of poisoning, as well as the healing of burns.

Astrological properties of pomegranate for zodiac signs

It makes no sense to talk about the astrological properties of all pomegranates, since different pomegranates differ quite strongly from each other in properties. Scarlet ones help a person to gain calmness, prudence and wisdom, green garnets contribute to the development of the ability to rationally allocate time and resources.

If only red stones are taken for astrological research: almandine, pyrope and rhodolite, then the jewelry councils of Great Britain and the USA consider them birth stones of the month of January. Aquarius and Capricorn are representatives of the zodiac signs born at this time, and the pomegranate stone will be a good amulet for them. Green garnets: grossular, demantoid and tsavorite are not included in the official lists of birth stones, and astrologers mainly correlate them with the elements of the earth and the "earth" signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. The color-changing pomegranate is still the subject of controversy among astrologers. Most of them draw a complete analogy between color-changing garnet and alexandrite, and recommend wearing jewelry with this stone to Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius and Capricorn. As you can see, all the signs of the zodiac to whom the pomegranate is suitable are stubborn, persistent, active, strong-willed people, and the properties of the stone to strengthen the charisma of the owner, to dispose people to him will be used most fully.

In literature

The popularity of the stone ensured its mention in many works, both as a plot factor and as an artistic means of comparison. So, he is found in one of Arthur Conan Doyle's detectives, Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. In Persian and Georgian poetry, the image of a red stone is used to describe female beauty, wealth, or bloody battles. The garnet bracelet is the central subject of the story of the same name by A. Kuprin.

Precious minerals have long been famous not only for their decorative properties. People also endowed them with magical characteristics. Some improve health, others attract luck or love. Crystals feel the mood of the owner and are able to respond to diseases. It is important to choose and find exactly your stone, because it can bring happiness to its owner.

Garnet stone: magical properties and significance for humans

Garnet is a precious stone. Under this name, there is a whole series of minerals, united by one formula, but different in shades. The color scheme is diverse and exists in almost the entire spectrum, except for blue. Green, yellow, orange and black stones have not gained such popularity among jewelers as purple and blood red pyropes. In ancient times, people distinguished stones only by color. All known crystals of bright red color were called carbuncles (embers). It is thanks to the red tint and resemblance to the grains of the pomegranate fruit that it got its name.

The red color of the carbuncle has historically been associated with the color of blood. That is why it was considered an amulet for lovers. In addition to mutual love, he supported the family hearth, saved spouses from betrayal and restored strength for marital relations. The properties that a garnet stone possesses are further enhanced in a gold setting.

In conjunction with the precious metal, the pebble accumulates and gives the owner power over the surrounding people. Pendant with a stone in a gold setting, presented to a loved one or beloved, provided a long-term relationship with the chosen one. Pregnant women wore jewelry with a red garnet stone, knowing that its properties are also beneficial for the baby. It was believed that children will be born and grow up strong and healthy.

Purposeful individuals receive all the magic of red crystals. For a calm person, bright pyrope is not suitable, it will begin to “get bored” and may become cloudy over time. Hematopoietic properties were attributed to pebbles of bloody shades (pyropes). That is why men often took amulets with red stones to war, so that in case of injury, they would quickly restore their strength. Stones also helped to cope with difficult life situations or overcome difficulties. The embodiment of passion and movement, red garnet shares magical properties with all who suit this stone.

Since ancient times, it was considered a male mineral, so it is more suitable for dynamic people. With the growth of the skill of jewelers, who learned how to cut jewelry, the marvelous crystal became a favorite of women. Today it is considered truly masculine, the properties of which are legendary in China.

Green garnet stone: magical properties

A green crystal is called a demantoid and is considered the patron saint of talented people. He is revered not only by musicians, writers and actors who dream of revealing their inner potential, but also by sorcerers and magicians. After all, green minerals are able to develop psychic abilities and awaken the hidden potential of the owner.

The owner who wears an amulet with this crystal always feels a surge of strength, but at the same time feels inner balance and is in a good mood. He easily converges with a variety of people and maintains long-term relationships with them. The green garnet stone in the photo is often confused with an emerald, and its properties and meaning for people who believe in it are no less amazing.

Black garnet stone: magical properties

A black crystal (almandine) endows the owner with the character of a conqueror of hearts, because it has long been considered a female talisman. Ladies who love to be in the spotlight, but do not enjoy the expected attention of gentlemen, thus trying to attract good luck in love affairs. Moreover, love magic does not necessarily work in jewelry or amulets. A black stone, taken as part of the rock, is placed in the bedroom and helps spouses hone the art of love. Large stones are considered exclusive and valuable in themselves, even without additional cutting.

Admirers of the pomegranate consider it a living organism, endowed with worldly wisdom, character and subject to mood swings. He knows a lot and transfers knowledge to his owners for self-development. He saves the owner from troubles in life and in love. Karmic knots developed by previous generations are also removed with the help of this mineral. Pyrope is a talisman of travelers, like the one whose properties protect on water and in the air.

Healing properties of pomegranate stone

The history of the use of crystals for medicinal purposes dates back thousands of years. Uncut stones were used as decorations and amulets, and ritual figurines of deities were carved from some. But in addition to mystical characteristics, people also noted the healing properties of minerals. From medicinal crystals, ground into powder, ointments and medicines for internal use were made. Shamans and priests were involved in healing, so these two industries were interconnected. These methods were popular in the East and in the West.

Pyrope is also credited with many qualities, because it has been energized for thousands of years. Bright red or crimson pyrope:

  • treats cardiovascular, respiratory system and circulation;
  • helps to cure infectious diseases and sepsis;
  • relieves the condition of pregnant women during childbirth;
  • relieves kidney pain and pain symptoms in case of poisoning;
  • has a general tonic effect on the body.

A green pebble is able to regulate the activity of the thyroid gland, colorless ones are good for the digestive system, and a black one will help to cope with allergies. Of course, it is impossible to solve all problems with the help of one mineral. Belief in miraculous power helps at the level of suggestion. But with proper medical treatment, pomegranate really helps to endure diseases more easily and without complications.

Fans of natural healing methods use red or black crystals for relaxation. At the end of each day, you need to pick up beads or a bracelet made of natural stone and just hold it in your hands, sorting through the beads like a rosary. The soft sound of pebbles beating against each other has a relaxing effect, and uncut beads take away the negative energy received during the day.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Pomegranate is a wayward stone, and even experts cannot give a clear description of the properties in order to accurately indicate to whom exactly it is more suitable for the sign of the zodiac. The mineral is endowed with great power, it drives some people into depression, it stimulates others to exploits and accomplishments. A pebble should not just be worn as an ornament, you need to communicate with it. And only those who find a common language with the pomegranate are able to adopt all of its miraculous energy.

Garnet stone will bring considerable benefit from the magical and healing properties for women. scorpions. He is able to pacify internal contradictions, jealousy and discover new facets of passion. But excessive love is fatal, so the stars do not recommend wearing the mineral to Scorpios all the time. Judgment will help such people find inner balance. Another topaz talisman will help Scorpios in this, it is worth telling about its “properties” separately.

Capricorns will make a perfect pair with a bright red mineral. They feed on his greatness and power, which will lead Capricorn to career heights. For women of this zodiac sign, a green heliotrope will ensure good luck in love. And he will add confidence, whose properties for Capricorns are also healing.

Fickle Aquarius they will find inner peace if they wear black mineral jewelry. The pebble will direct their energy into a creative channel and will have a sobering effect on the biggest dreamers. But rose quartz is considered the best talisman in love for Aquarius, and you can learn many more interesting facts about its other properties. For

Sagittarius and Gemini a pebble will help to find new facets of passion. Changeable natures will give depth of thought, and too impulsive will provide constancy in love and friendship. A dark red pebble will give Libra confidence in the correctness of the choice. Refined Virgos with a pomegranate as a talisman will be able to overcome natural shyness. And give Virgins a little recklessness will help.

It is traditionally believed that the properties that a garnet stone possesses are contraindicated for representatives of such signs of the zodiac as Cancer and Pisces. The impulsive energy of the mineral can confuse too flexible people. It undermines the already anxious nature of its owner, bringing dissonance to his personal life. The moon is considered the patron of Cancer, which means that the moonstone with its magical and healing properties can serve as a talisman.

Share with us how close the topic of precious and semi-precious minerals is to you? Do you believe in the miraculous properties that people attribute to the carbuncle? Write your comments, we will be grateful.

Among the many different stones, garnets are held in high esteem by jewelers. Garnet stone has magical and healing properties, a unique meaning and influence on different signs of the zodiac. Relate to the planet Mars.

Each type of pomegranate has its own formula. More often, the mineral is found in solid form, it contains an admixture of vanadium, iron and titanium.

The hardness on the generally accepted scale is 7.5. Density indicators range from 3.2 to 4.3 g/cm 3 . There are both transparent and non-transparent specimens. If we talk about brilliance, then it can also be different: from resinous to diamond.

The gem has a cubic syngony, lack of cleavage, uneven conchoidal fracture.

Chemical general formula R 2+ 3 R 3+ 2 3 .


Garnet is a typical endogenous material. Different species have their own characteristics of location. Pyrope can be found in igneous masses, almadine in lean schist. Luxurious grossulars are formed in limestone skarns. Uvarovite is typically located in an ultramafic rock.


It is customary to distinguish between several types of minerals:

  • Fire pyrope is popular for its intense color. The deposits are South Africa and the region of Yakutia.
  • Yellow grossular with green tints is popular among jewelers who cater to well-known brands.
  • Violet-red almadine casts with amazing brilliance, bewitches. Deposits are found in Asia Minor.
  • Black andradite has a rich dark hue. It is named after stone specialist Andrada de Silva. Formed in shales and skarns.
  • Emerald green uvarovite is considered a rare mineral and is mined in the Northern Urals.

Place of Birth

The most valuable specimens were found on the territory of the Central Bohemian region. Deposits of pyrope, igneous material - in East and South Africa. On the territory of the Russian Federation, pyrope was found in the Yakutsk region. There are also deposits in Bavaria. It is worth noting that only pyropes are of jewelry value.


The pomegranate was discovered in 1270 by the alchemist Albert Magnus, who gave it the name that has survived to this day.

In ancient times, especially bright specimens were called curbuncles. On the territory of Russia, the pebbles were called the worm-like yakhonta. Green minerals are called olivines, red - garnets.

The stone acquired its name (Bagranurn) due to its resemblance to the pomegranate fruit, and is translated from Latin as a grain.

In the era of romanticism, the pomegranate was very popular. Masters carved portraits of noble nobles and rulers on a single piece. Some of the masterpieces are kept in museums around the world to this day. Products speak of the highest level of mastery of the author.


There are many legends about this amazing stone.

  • In Mongolia, pyrope is one of the sacred stones, and there is a legend that a person who finds a pomegranate on his own will discover great wealth;
  • In some ancient writings, pyrope is mentioned as the congealed blood of fire;
  • According to Jewish legends, it was the pomegranate that was the source of light in Noah's ark;
  • In Persia, minerals were considered royal stones, on which portraits of rulers were engraved.


Garnet is used as a semiconductor material. Previously, they were cut in the form of cabochons. Opaque specimens were more often used in the abrasive industry.

Garnet is also very popular as a collection mineral. The famous composer P. Smetana presented his wife with a luxurious necklace, which is still kept in the Prague Museum.

Garnet serves as a crystal for the laser, it is added to the cement.

Magic abilities

  • It is believed that this stone brings its owner optimism and confidence in the future, strength of mind. At the same time, regular wearing of jewelry allows you to gain the goodwill of others.
  • It is especially recommended for pregnant women, it promotes easy childbirth and gaining vitality.
  • Red gems awaken the desire to create masterpieces in creative natures, work as a muse or a talisman.
  • The stone symbolizes love and gratitude, therefore it is often customary to give products from it to the second half. Young girls who dream of success with the opposite sex must constantly be in contact with the stone.
  • The stone is also mentioned in the writings of medieval Europe, when it was used as an amulet worn by a warrior.
  • The gem is not recommended for teenagers and the elderly. Also, do not choose him lazy, with a lack of an active lifestyle. Otherwise, their existence will be filled with ridiculous stories, luck will leave them.
  • He gives women prudence and wisdom.
  • Green specimens will help to allocate time and do everything, therefore it should be worn by people with an active lifestyle. They also improve the atmosphere in the family and relationships with households.
  • Yellow specimens are much cheaper than the rest, but in terms of their energy they are not inferior to them. They are worn by weak and needy people.
  • During rest, or on vacation, it is better to part with the stone in order to provide the body with relaxation and peace.
  • Almadin in its energy is recommended for young ladies, as it helps to make the relationship of a teenager with others more harmonious. It is better to wear beads, they will help determine the choice of profession. It is also acceptable for travelers.

Healing effect

In the East, it was previously believed that wearing a stone contributes to a quick recovery and a decrease in temperature.

People who often suffer from headaches are also advised to wear pomegranate products. In particular, the ring on the middle finger of the right hand.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Most of all, the stone has a positive effect on Aries and Scorpions. Do not wear jewelry Taurus, Cancer and Pisces. Green minerals are suitable for Aquarius and Libra. Wearing a stone is recommended for people who are modest and withdrawn. Thus, one can become more confident and open to communication.

  • Scorpions are given the opportunity to cope with internal contradictions, jealousy.
  • For Aquarius, the opportunity to deal with volatility and build personal relationships. It will help the dreamy representatives of this zodiac sign to look at the world more realistically.
  • To increase the passion and sensuality that Sagittarians lack so much, it is worth wearing pomegranate jewelry, which will help them become wiser.
  • Libra will gain additional energy, which will help to gain confidence in actions. In this case, the products should be red.

How to distinguish from a fake

The mineral is often not faked, since the cost of synthetically grown stone is more than the original. But it will be quite problematic to distinguish a fake from a real stone. To understand, experts use binoculars. At home, the nugget is placed on a cork stand to avoid contact with metal, and placed on a scale. Now a magnet is brought to the grenade and at a short distance, the arrow will move. An artificial option cannot affect the magnet.

How to care

It is worth noting that it can be combined with agate, emerald and sapphire.

In the process of wearing, you can not leave the stone under direct ultraviolet rays.

To clean it from dust, soaking the mineral is not recommended. Otherwise, his magical abilities will be weakened. It is better to wash it in soapy water, then rinse it in running water and wipe it dry with a flannel cloth.

Best of all, the products feel in a box with velvet upholstery. At the same time, it is desirable that it be intended for pomegranate products. It is not recommended to put other decorations in it.

Price category

It cannot be said that garnet is an expensive stone. Although some copies cost a lot. The formation of the price is influenced by the size, quality and properties of the stone. If desired, people with different incomes can purchase it, but faceted options can cost a lot of money. Among the champions are specimens of pink color.

It is not for nothing that the gemstone garnet received such a name, because its dark red crystals in the rock are so reminiscent of the grains of the fruit of the same name. Translated from the Latin "granum" - means "grain" or "grain".

In the old days, the mineral garnet was called "carbuncle", compared with burning coals (from the Latin "karban" - "coal").
The modern name was given, presumably, by the alchemist Albert Magnus in 1270.
In Rus', the garnet gem was called a worm, venis or becheta. In Europe, all red stones, including garnets, were called anfraks.

Gran - a measure of weight in the old days, for which small grains of fruits were used. This is about one fifth of a gram.

Garnet stones: physical properties

Combination of metals with quartz. Iron impurities give the mineral its characteristic dark red color.
General chemical formula R2+3 R3+2 3. In the formula, the first place (R2) is iron, manganese or calcium, the second (R3) is aluminum, iron or chromium.
The difference in the chemical composition of the gem determines their colors and types.

Garnet stone: types

After the classification of minerals was made by scientists in 1803, the following types of garnet began to be distinguished:

  • almandine - Fe3Al23 - one of the hardest varieties, has a dark red, cherry color. It is believed that he received the name from the city of Alabanda, where there was also an almandine deposit, and the gem was traded. Therefore, another name is “Alaban ruby.” The most expensive type of pomegranate.
  • andraites (or andradites) Ca3Fe23 - a kind of gem, named after the mineral scientist from Brazil de Andrada, who discovered the mineral in the 19th century.
  • grossular - Ca3Al23 calcium variety, has olive, greenish, yellow-brown and reddish hues. The stone was discovered at the end of the 19th century, it was named after the Latin word meaning green berry.
  • demantoid Ca3Fe2 3 - a variety of garnet, from the andradite group, has a rare green color. Produced only in Russia. Very highly valued in jewelry. The name translates as "diamond-like".
  • pyrope - Mg3Al23 dark red or bright red gem, very rarely found in nature in the form of a polyhedron, usually as phenocrysts. Diamond companion. It looks like a light, so it got its name from the Greek word meaning "like fire."
  • spessartine - Mn3Al23 - tangerine (orange) color. Spessartine deposits were discovered in the 19th century. in the foothills of the Alps, spessartine is also currently mined in the Urals, in South Africa, Australia, and Norway.
  • uvarovite - Ca3Cr23 - has a deep green color. Miniature, very beautiful stone. Named in honor of Count Uvarov, another name is "Ural emerald".

Andradite Grossular
Demantoid pyrope Spessartine

As can be seen from the list, garnet can be of almost any color, with the exception of the blue spectrum. White, almost transparent is called leucogarnet, almost black - melanite or shorlomite, yellow - hessonite.

leucogarnet Uvarovite Melanite Hessonite

Natural garnet: deposits

The mineral is quite common. Its varieties are mined in Austria, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, the USA and South Africa. In Russia, as noted above, in the Urals there is a deposit of green garnets - spessartines. Pyropes are mined in Yakutia and Chukotka.
The most valuable jewelry gems are mined in Karelia in the USA (the Wrangel deposit).

Garnet stone - products

Transparent minerals have jewelry value. But the stone is used not only for jewelry, but also for industrial purposes. It is an abrasive material and also a semiconductor.
In jewelry, due to the variety of colors, the stone has been highly valued since ancient times.
Jewelers often make pendants, rings and brooches from the dark red mineral.

The magical properties of garnet stone

Ancient Eastern magicians considered stones to kindle passion. "In the hands of a man possessed by love and passion, the stone was filled with fire, as if with blood."
In addition, in ancient Persia, for example, the mineral was royal, as it gave its owner power and power.
In ancient Rome, there was a belief that this gem helps a woman give birth safely.
Knights in the Crusades wore garnet rings to protect themselves from wounds and poisons. In general, it should be noted that historically the properties of the mineral were first valued and used predominantly by men, whether for protection from wounds or to attract power.
Now let's see what magical properties of pomegranate can be used at the present time.

  • In love. Fills with energy and passion, attracts love. If your chosen one does not reciprocate, it is worth giving her a pendant (to wear closer to her heart) or a ring on her ring finger, and she will definitely pay attention to you!
  • For success. There is no doubt that the stone gives joy, confidence, and therefore makes its owner more successful in all matters. This is a talisman for travelers, it will protect them from all troubles on the road. The fact that a mineral tends to give power and strength has already been mentioned, this has been tested for centuries.
  • In war, a pebble is an indispensable amulet from wounds and injuries.
  • This is a wonderful talisman for creative people: artists, poets, directors, actors, everyone who needs to be passionate in their profession.

Natural pomegranate - healing properties

In oriental medicine, the stone has long been used to lower the temperature, as well as for sore throats and lung diseases. It is also useful to wear a pomegranate for headaches, as it relieves them. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use gold rings with a gem, which are worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Who suits the garnet stone according to the signs of the zodiac

It has the ability to evoke and maintain passion in its owner, and therefore is not recommended by astrologers for lazy and emotionally inactive people, it will only exhaust them.
For Capricorns, garnet is a very suitable gem because it helps them in dedication at work.
For Sagittarius and Leo, this is also a suitable stone, because they already have a rather quick-tempered character, and wearing a talisman with a garnet will support their passion and activity. Aries, on the other hand, are not recommended a gem, because the intensity of the passions of the representatives of this sign is very changeable, and he needs constancy of energy.
If Aries and Taurus are active people, then they can wear red garnet, other types of mineral will not suit them.
For Cancers, Pisces, Libra and Aquarius, green garnets are best suited.

How to distinguish a pomegranate from a fake

The crystal is quite inexpensive and therefore, as a rule, it is not customary to fake it. Often the mineral is passed off as a more expensive ruby, so it is more relevant to know how to distinguish a ruby ​​and a garnet. And yet, on the market you can meet scammers who pass off simple glass as precious gems.
The simple rules for choosing jewelry with natural rather than artificial garnet are as follows:

  • Natural stone is denser, so it can scratch glass;
  • Natural cannot be perfectly even in color and transparency, and its brilliance will not be dazzling;
  • A natural mineral has a size no larger than a grain;
  • Red - has a rich color, very similar to the fruit of the same name.

Mankind has always been attracted to stones that, by their appearance, remind of the most secret feelings. One of these gems was a rich red mineral that excites the blood.

It got its name due to the visual similarity in shape and color with the grains of the fruit of the Phoenician apple - pomegranate. The old Russian name is "vinisa" or "wormy yahont".

Features, history and varieties of stone

Pomegranate - was popular at all times, it was an unspoken symbol of strength, power, luxury and passion. To date, it is believed that the name of the stone was introduced by the medieval alchemist Albert Magnus in 1270, who studied the properties of precious minerals and the possibility of gaining eternal life. Also in those days, grenades with a perfectly polished surface were used to depict portraits of gods, rulers, warriors and loved ones.

These truly luxurious examples of engraving art have been preserved in some museums and can be seen in the photo today. In 1803, the group of garnets expanded significantly, as it was proved that it included stones with a color other than red, with different properties. From about that time, the stone began to be used in the construction and abrasive (grinding wheels, shoelaces, powders) industry, instrument making and electronics (ferromagnet).

Despite the fact that many people mean by pomegranate its exclusively red hue, this is not entirely correct. Nature knows a much larger number of colors of this mineral, which can be seen in the photo. Conventionally, 6 varieties are distinguished, the properties of which are unique:

Deposits and properties of stone

The largest representatives of the pomegranate (468.5 and 633.4 carats) were found in the mountains of the Central Bohemian region, where this gem was mined for many centuries. Those who needed large types of minerals went there. Also, large-scale masonry of the mineral is found in South and East Africa, Bavaria. In Russia, stone deposits are located in the Yakutsk region, the Urals.

The following countries are much smaller in terms of mineral production: Finland, Ukraine, Canada, Brazil, Karelia, Argentina, Austria, India, Norway, the USA and the island of Madagascar.

Depending on the type of mineral and its weight, properties and structure may differ. However, there are general indicators that are suitable for all types of pomegranate. Basic properties:

Healing and magical properties, stone and zodiac signs

In ancient times, pomegranate was especially famous for its medicinal properties. During their campaigns, which usually dragged on for many years, the crusaders wore pomegranate rings on their hands. It was believed that he relieved pain, and also prevented diseases and protected from injuries. In Rus', it was given to a woman during childbirth, believing that it facilitates the birth of a baby and gives him protection from diseases.

In India, it was common to wear a necklace made of this mineral, framed in silver. Thus, the effect was on the area of ​​the heart and lungs, preventing inflammatory processes, as well as improving blood circulation. It was also believed that wearing a garnet ring on the middle finger helped with chronic diseases, fever, migraines, and potency problems.

Garnet is especially valued for its inherent magical properties. Let's look at who the stone suits and who does not. The mineral is ideal for reformers, active, subject to the passions of people. He grants them happiness, prosperity, true love, protects them from misfortunes, sobers the mind in extreme situations.

The pomegranate is not suitable for unprincipled, weak, greedy people and is especially dangerous for those who got it dishonestly.

Regular wearing of a stone cheers up, invigorates. If you need to relax, it is better to take a break from jewelry for several days to balance the magical effect and relieve stress. The mineral is considered a symbol of strong ties: love, friendship and kindred. It acquires special significance for a person if it is given as a sign of sincere feelings and memory.

Based on the color, the stone has a different meaning:

Interaction with the signs of the zodiac is also an important element. He is especially good in the magical application of such zodiac signs as Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Whoever the stone does not suit is the water signs of the Zodiac - Pisces and Cancers. The rest of the zodiacs are recommended green, and especially active representatives of the non-fiery signs of the zodiac are allowed shades of red.

How to understand that the stone is natural and how to care for it?

It is quite easy to identify a fake with a binocular. But at home, it is also possible to determine whether the copy is real or not. To do this, put a cork stand on the scales, and a mineral on it. And at a distance of 1 cm bring a magnet. The real stone will start to react with the magnet, the scale will start to move.

In general, the material is rarely counterfeited, as it is economically unprofitable.

In order for the pomegranate to serve you for a long time, there are several rules for caring for it:

The pomegranate will become an excellent ally, bring happiness and good luck to the owner who will show him love and care.
