DIY paintings for Cosmonautics Day. Video master class on creating crafts for Cosmonautics Day from plastic bottles

Before Cosmonautics Day, various exhibitions of crafts are organized in preschool and school institutions. Today, a space rocket, UFO or solar system can be easily made even from scrap materials. Spend some interesting leisure time with your children and turn disposable tableware, cardboard boxes or rolls from toilet paper V creative crafts on the theme "Space". You can make many unique products yourself.

Flying saucer made from paper dishes

Interest in UFOs arose quite a long time ago, so any child will be interested in making a flying saucer, which he often saw in films and cartoons. The easiest way to make such a craft is from plastic or paper different sizes.

A UFO made from two plates, one of which serves as a control cabin, will look original. In order to glue them together, you need to make cuts in the lower part of a small plate, and then bend them in a circle and glue them onto a large plate. If you are working with paper materials, then this can be easily done using regular PVA; it is better to glue the plastic with hot glue. Don’t forget to paint your craft with acrylic paints and decorate it by gluing regular buttons along the outline.

A flying saucer made from half and half will look original big egg from Kinder Surprise. You can even use part of a plastic egg; it will be much more convenient to glue than the larger half. Don't forget to decorate your craft.

DIY space station

From toilet paper rolls and towels you can make either a ship or an entire space station. For this you will need plastic bottles, double-sided tape, spray paint, plastic plates or bowls, acrylic paints. First, consider the design and dimensions of the future station. After that, prepare everything necessary materials and tools. The parts can be glued together using tape or hot glue. Make the base of the station from a 1.5 or 2 liter bottle. A beautiful stand is made from disposable plates or containers that will need to be turned over and placed on top of each other.

Attach one long towel roll and 6 small ones at the bottom to the bottle. Small parts from old toys you may find useful in making a space station with your own hands. After you have completely assembled the craft, you can start painting. First use spray paint, and then apply a pattern or some kind of design with acrylics. This craft will definitely win at the space exhibition.

If your craft consists of a small number of small elements, then instead of paint you can use regular foil, which covers the entire craft.

Master class: How to make a rocket

From the usual cardboard roll, which most often ends up in the trash after use, it is easy to make a real space rocket. To do this, take a roll and a piece corrugated cardboard. After this, make 4 cuts on the roll up to 5 cm deep and twist them so that you get a cone. This will be the top part of the rocket. Glue it tightly with PVA.

Rocket made from cardboard boxes for children

Space robots from scrap materials

If your child is delighted with robots, there is no need to buy finished toy in the shop. Try to make a beautiful robot with your own hands. This does not require any specific knowledge or skills. You can use regular cardboard boxes different sizes and toilet paper rolls. Metal effect give it a fake look using foil.

Children imagine Space as endless mysterious world, which is inhabited by unusual creatures endowed with superpowers. You shouldn’t convince your child otherwise; it’s better to use these fantasies for development. imaginative thinking. The craft can be done by a group or by an individual child.

Invite your child to make a craft from materials that can always be found at home, and you will get some fun ones. space crafts. This article will present to your attention several master classes where you will learn how to make crafts on the theme of Space.

Painting from cereals "Space"

Crafts (in kindergarten) may look different. For example, excellent material There will be cereal for creativity.

Source materials:

  • gouache paints;
  • cereals: rice, beans, buckwheat, peas;
  • multi-colored plasticine;
  • cardboard, foil;
  • glue, brush, scissors;
  • saucers;
  • transparent varnish (can be used for painting nails).

So, how is it made from cereals for kindergarten? Look below:

  1. In advance, so that they have time to dry, we paint the cereals in various colors: rice - in yellow, buckwheat - in blue, peas and beans - in different colors. To do this you need to dilute gouache paints. various colors water and apply to cereals. Dry.
  2. Draw the contours of any space objects (rocket, moon, planets, stars) onto a sheet of cardboard. then you should knead the plasticine well and sculpt an image of the Moon and a rocket.
  3. Press the decorated beans and peas into the plasticine as tightly as possible so that the plasticine is not visible in the gaps.
  4. Cover the rocket porthole with foil and also frame the picture.
  5. Carefully apply glue to the outline of the stars, sprinkle with yellow rice cereal. When the glue dries, shake off excess.
  6. Thickly coat the unoccupied spaces with glue and cover with blue buckwheat groats. Shake off excess. Repeat as many times as possible until all the voids are filled.
  7. Apply varnish to some of the details of the painting.

Craft "Space" from unleavened dough

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten are easy to make from this raw material. You just have to stock up on patience and some materials:

  • food colorings;
  • unleavened dough;
  • wire;
  • sticks, beads, buttons, balls, eyes for toys;
  • stack;
  • rolls of cardboard (from under foil, cling film, parchment paper);
  • straws for cocktails.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten are easy to do:

  1. First you need to prepare multi-colored dough. To do this, mix different food colors into the pieces of dough.
  2. Next, you should give the child the opportunity to choose the objects and characters he wants to sculpt. For example, a funny alien with several eyes.
  3. You can offer to sculpt the planet Earth. To do this, you need to stock up on enough blue and green dough.
  4. Very interesting idea- make figures of the planets of the solar system. Attach the resulting planets and the Sun to threads. The sun in the middle, planets around, you get a beautiful “Solar System” pendant.
  5. Another type of pendant: cut out stars using a cookie cutter, decorate with beads, balls, sparkles and hang on strings.
  6. Making a space base will be a real flight of fancy. To do this, place sand in a tray. From cardboard rolls make rockets, spaceships. Place them on a pallet.

The craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is ready! You can safely participate in the exhibition.

Souvenir "Rocket"

Materials and tools required for work:

  • small plastic bottle;
  • paints;
  • brushes, scissors;
  • corrugated colored paper, cardboard, aluminum foil;
  • large beads;
  • glue, tape.

Stages of rocket manufacturing:

  1. U plastic bottle cut off the bottom. Cut a porthole just above the center of the bottle body.
  2. Roll a cone out of a piece of soft cardboard, secure it with a stapler or glue, use scissors to straighten the edge and glue the cone on top of the bottle.
  3. From thick cardboard cut out two circles. Cut one circle into four parts (these are rocket stabilizers). Leave the other circle whole to decorate the porthole.
  4. Form two small cylinders from soft cardboard - these are the rocket nozzles.
  5. Paint the body orange, stabilizers - blue, nozzles - black. Wrap a cardboard ring for the porthole in foil.
  6. Wrap the top of the rocket in foil and glue the parts in place. Decorate with beads and pieces of foil.
  7. Cut a lot of thin strips out of yellow, orange and red paper (corrugated) and attach them inside the nozzles - it will look like a fire escaping.

Plasticine panel "Mysterious Space": materials

Craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten from natural material It’s easy to do, and above we looked at options using cereal. For a plasticine composition you will need to purchase:

  • multi-colored plasticine for children's creativity;
  • thick cardboard in black, blue or purple;
  • plasticine board;
  • stack.

Craft technique

Making a panel is not difficult, you just have to show your imagination.

  1. One of the details of the panel, the Sun, is molded from yellow, orange, and red plasticine. A piece of plasticine needs to be rolled into a ball, stuck to a sheet of cardboard that serves as the base of the panel, and crushed into a flat cake. Stretch another piece of plasticine the length of a thin stick to completely wrap the sun. Secure it around the Sun and rub it on the cardboard with your finger. So it's ready.
  2. The moon is molded from pieces of plasticine in brown, white and yellow colors. Plasticine for this different colors blends slightly to form a marbled pattern. You can depict both the month and the full moon by giving the piece the appropriate shape and attaching it to the base in a flattened form.
  3. It’s very easy to make stars: to do this, you need to roll up small plasticine balls and, attaching them to the base, stick them from the center to the periphery.
  4. The planets of the solar system are molded in the same way as full moon, only for each planet you need to choose your own mixture of colors (for Earth - blue, green, white, for Mars - red, brown, etc.). For Saturn, you need to make a belt depicting rings.
  5. The next detail of the panel - the rocket - consists of a plasticine rectangle. You need to attach a triangle above it, and smear a piece of orange-red plasticine under the rocket, which will depict fire from the rocket. At the end, you need to decorate the rocket with details to your own taste. The craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is ready!

After these master classes, you will be able to conduct very interesting and educational activities with making handicrafts and telling stories about Space.

It is very important to instill respect and culture in our children. I think it is very right to widely celebrate All-Russian Cosmonautics Day, which takes place on April 12. It is inextricably linked with the name of the first earthling to fly beyond the Earth’s orbit, Yuri Gagarin.

And more importantly, this is our compatriot. For our children it is authority, courage and bravery. Therefore, in all kindergartens and schools on this day they hold a craft competition on this topic.

The first thing that comes to mind is a rocket and an astronaut. However, I have found a lot of original ideas on the theme of Space for you, let's start implementing them.

You need to start the most simple options, so let’s look at what we can make with our preschoolers. With them we will use the most simple materials: paper, cardboard and plasticine.

For this rocket, you need to make blanks, because four-year-old children are not yet very good at using scissors, so they need help cutting out the parts.

My daughter just loves gluing rockets. We have already dedicated an entire album to them. Self-adhesive paper was specially purchased for this purpose. It is very bright and easy to stick.

The idea of ​​a balloon Martian caught my eye. There’s certainly nothing simpler!

Also, the alien can be cardboard, and decorate the plate with sequins, which stick well with PVA glue.

To help, I suggest taking ready-made template rockets and stretch the plasticine over it with your fingers. To be able to use this picture many times, laminate it or cover it on both sides with wide tape.

Also use ready-made planet forms for appliqué, and at the same time broaden your child’s horizons by explaining to him that there are several planets, and we live on the blue one called Earth.

I bring two step by step wizard class on how to evenly embed blanks of colored paper.

And another template for cutting. All figures have a long tongue with the former base. This base needs to be glued. Then you will succeed 3D applique with 3D effect.

Another idea made on a sheet of cardboard wrapped in a garbage bag. How to make these I gave detailed master Class.

More templates for cutting.

You can assemble this flying machine from cardboard.

From toilet rolls you can glue together cool simple rockets.

Or use glitter paper for decoration.

Now I’ll show you how to make such a rocket step by step.

You can combine a craft and a postcard. And make the tail of the rocket from threads of red, orange and yellow flowers that resemble flames.

Look at these templates, it immediately comes to mind that there are also lunar rovers, satellites and the planet Moon itself, so many options for creativity. Or you can simply cut out these figures and stick them on blue or black cardboard.

Also, just give your child a coloring book on the theme of Space and keep it as a souvenir.

Any of these coloring pages can be used as a template to make a plasticine craft, stained glass paints or cereals! you just need to fill the space between the lines with the selected material.

For example, my child and I love to stretch plasticine with our fingers. And for this purpose, a coloring book with large pictures was specially purchased.

By the way, buy soft plasticine for these purposes!

Crafts for April 12th for schoolchildren

For schoolchildren, the requirements become more complicated. But on the other hand, it is much easier for them than for kids, because the amount of materials they can use increases.

For example, make gingerbread cookies on the theme of Space in the form of a comet, planets, or flying saucer. You can replace gingerbread salt dough. And also after baking, paint it with colored glaze. How to prepare it is well described by my colleague

Or use cotton pads. They can be colored and passed off as planets of the solar system.

It is also a very painstaking work for those who like to embroider with beads. It can be replaced with bugles, sequins, or even use the cross stitch technique.

Here is an example of how to replace beads with buttons.

First graders can be asked to make a rocket out of a cardboard roll.

Or this option with a passenger)))

How to properly make a rocket that has a base is shown in the instructions. Everything is very detailed and the child himself will be able to repeat all the steps.

You can cut the stand according to this pattern.

How do you like the idea? volumetric crafts? When the whole Cosmodrome is looking at you, maybe Baikonur itself?

You can make a craft on a stick. We will need skewers for shish kebab. For the tail use corrugated paper or napkins.

A cocktail straw works great too.

Use two pieces to hide the place where the tube is attached.

You can create a whole composition of crafts using this technique. By the way, you can also put them in a glass with semolina, sugar or salt. Cereals and spices will prevent the chopsticks from moving and tilting.

Glue together a planet from papier-mâché.

Older children also work with plasticine. But they are already using complex techniques for working with flagella and shapes.

Another cool plasticine job. Look, the whole sky is made of these same flagella.

And here is my daughter’s and my favorite technique for stretching plasticine. It is suitable for children of all ages.

Teachers will also like cardboard hangers with passengers inside and thread tails.

If you like to use unusual materials, then I advise you to take pasta. What can they do with them! They even glue the balls, as we did with thread and PVA glue. Or they create beautiful design for work.

Felt is also suitable for creativity. It is easy to apply transparent super glue. Products are made from it according to the same patterns as paper applications, because this fabric holds its shape perfectly and has a thickness convenient for work.

Fabric stores will offer you many shades and different thicknesses of sheets of this material. There's a lot to choose from.

But using these patterns you can assemble an astronaut, a plate and a rocket.

They need to be transferred to paper and then to felt.

Make a fabric applique out of it.

This template will do.

Or this very not simple, but super photo frame with images of children.

By the way, about the photo! There are also some very original ideas with them. For example, portray a child as an astronaut.

Or use this angle. You can also paste photographs of friends or classmates onto each planet.

A paper helmet will help you feel like an astronaut.

It can be made thicker and more real by using the papier-mâché technique.

To do this, inflate a balloon and apply newspaper, generously moistened with paste, onto it. This is how many layers are made. Then, after drying, the ball bursts and carefully peels off from the structure. The final layer is always made of white paper so that you can beautifully decorate the craft.

You can cut out balls like these from sponges and polyurethane foam and assemble them into a smaller copy of the Solar System.

I think original idea this wreath with stars, planets and an astronaut. Shapes can be cut out from the coloring pages above.

For home use Make a jet engine with your son using plastic crafts.

An even more serious version of the space composition, which can be made from salt dough, plasticine and even clay.

Saturn from plastic ball and the disc will conquer any teacher!

Such balls are sold in florist shops. We made a similar one from polyurethane foam. We poured it into the model, dried it and stationery knife We cut out the shape we needed.

The connection point will be fixed with a toothpick.

Everyone will also like the volumetric applique.

All its zest is in the paper spiral that holds the plane or rocket.

Enough complex idea from paper pieces. It is important to observe here color scheme and the shape of all objects. It can take quite a lot of time, but it looks very grown-up.

More options simple rockets in different tones.

And now I’ll show you how to conquer all your classmates and teachers! We need to do something big, like a growth rocket!

IN assembly hall it can be used as decoration and decoration, as well as as a photo zone.

Or you can leave it at home, let your son be happy.

Here is a version of an exhibition sample.

It’s not a shame to nominate such a rocket for a competition, but we’ll talk about that later.

Step-by-step master class on rockets using origami technique?

Origami allows you to create independent paper objects without the use of scissors and glue. Often one sheet of A4 format is enough for them. And there are a lot of rocket options, there are those that stand on their tails, and there are those that are used for volumetric applications.

The simplest version of the rocket is made in three minutes.

After you find the middle of the sheet along the length, you need to fold both upper corners towards it.

Then we form the body.

And side elements. Turning the edge out.

We repeat the same for the second side.

I will also give step by step diagram, which is supported by the top master class.

The origami base can be supplemented with paper tubes.

There is a technique modular origami, when a picture or figure is assembled from many small parts of the same size. Here is an example of this technique.

Of course, you won’t be able to do it quickly, but your hand skills will develop.

And, of course, you need to see how a complex craft is made.

Be patient and repeat all the steps shown with your child. Perhaps he is your future engineer or designer!

Making a rocket from plastic bottles and waste material

They are gaining more and more popularity. They are used by summer residents to decorate their plots and are used to make homework to school.

For example, using different volumes you can make such an instance.

Or you still have disposable tableware at home, then you can use it almost for its intended purpose. Replace the plastic plate with a flying one for the alien.

Or transform a bottle of mouthwash into a flying machine, and even with a photograph of an astronaut.

From ice cream sticks, plastic container and processed cheese boxes can also make a cool plate.

And make radars out of wire.

Another idea from disposable tableware.

And when you have a whole bottle of Fanta and some cardboard, assemble a very realistic model.

Aliens can be made from wire and kinder eggs.

Old disks will also come in handy.

This option generally deserves all praise. So people tried and captured the name of the Mir rocket and elevated our country.

I think you were inspired by these simple crafts, so let's look at how to make them step by step.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle and cut out the porthole.

A cone can be made using this method, when one cut is made in the circle to the middle and the edge is placed on the adjacent side.

We paint all the cardboard parts and the bottle body itself.

For gluing, it is better to use hot glue, so all the parts will be better fixed.

Ideas for the competition for April 12

Of course, in every educational institution All kinds of competitions are organized and children are forced to participate in them. But not all works are then taken to the exhibition. Let's look at the options that deserve close attention to yourself.

For junior classes select a cardboard rocket.

For older adults, suggest making a whole composition with elements of Space.

It is done on the basis cardboard box, which is painted blue or black on the inside. And all the prepared elements are attracted to the top of the line.

I specially selected a lot of photographs made in one idea to make it clearer for you.

You can hang any content in the style of Space: planets, stars, comets, rockets, astronauts, etc.

I also really liked it big idea parade of planets.

It is glued together in layers, in which a smaller circle is cut out.

This is what the workpiece looks like.

Leaf with a circle cut out large diameter, is placed first, the rest go in order of decreasing diameter.

I would also take a plasticine idea to the exhibition, which is very carefully executed and quite labor-intensive.

An option on how to make craters on the surface of the moon.

Well, remember about the growth rocket, which can also be submitted for the competition. After all, big crafts are very popular at such events.

I'm done for today. If you have more ideas, please describe them in the comments below the article.

An important attribute of any event dedicated to Cosmonautics Day is various crafts on the theme "Space". These can be either stars and planets cut out of paper, or more complex man-made products: rockets and flying saucers.

This easy-to-make craft can soar up like a real one. space rocket! The model can be made for Cosmonautics Day and with its help explain to children the operation of some laws of aerodynamics.

We need:

  • empty plastic bottle with cork;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • a pump with a needle (a pump for inflating balls or swimming mattresses is suitable);
  • some water.

Since the main purpose of a rocket made from a plastic bottle is to launch it into a spectacular flight, at the end of which it, alas, will fall apart, it is not necessary to tinker with the model for hours, designing every detail. It is enough to make 4 parts from cardboard - a cone-shaped “roof” and 3 blades and tape them tightly to the bottle with tape.

Insert the pump needle into the bottle cap. Make sure that the hole matches the diameter of the needle, otherwise water will leak out. Alternatively, water can be poured immediately before launching the rocket. Now it's time to put the pump into action! You can see what a rocket flight from a plastic bottle looks like in video 1. From parts of a collapsed craft, you can assemble a new one and launch it dozens of times a day!

Toilet paper rocket

You won't believe it, but a themed mini-masterpiece for Cosmonautics Day can even be made from a roll of used toilet paper or paper towel. In addition to it, we will need:

  • Multi-colored paper for decoration (you can take leftover wallpaper, decor flower bouquets or stock up on a set of colored paper for creativity).
  • Glue gun. You can do without it, carefully using a glue brush, but still with the help of this accessory the work will go much faster.
  • Scissors.
  • Beer glass.
  • Becheva.
  • Scraps of fabric or any other flexible material to create a flame tail at the bottom of the rocket.

If you were wondering why you need a beer glass for paper crafts, the answer is simple. According to the diameter of its neck, we cut out a round blank for the head compartment of our rocket from colored paper. We turn the glass over, place it on a sheet, trace it in a circle, and cut it out. In the resulting workpiece you need to make a cut along the radius.

We cut out a fragment from colored paper, which, when rolled into a tube, should be approximately 1/4 wider than the diameter of the sleeve and several cm longer than it. We wrap it around the sleeve and carefully glue it. Special attention We pay attention to the design of the edges.

We bend the edges of one of the sides (the one to which the head compartment will be attached) as shown in the figure.

Now we need to make a cone from our blank. Fold the paper as shown in fig. 5. and glue it well. Using an awl, punch a hole in the top of the cone and thread a double-folded twine through it (you will need it to hang the rocket). Tie the ends of the twine and pull them inside the cone to form a loop.

Cut ribbon or corrugated paper into strips and glue them inside the paper tube at the bottom. Our space rocket has flames flying out of its tail!

On top part Apply glue to the tube and attach the rocket head compartment blank. When the glue is completely dry, the craft can be hung by the string.

Paper plate UFO

Simple decor for a room or school office for Cosmonautics Day you can do it at a quick fix. The basis of the craft is ordinary paper plates for a picnic (plastic ones are not suitable, because they are not very convenient to paint).

Necessary materials:

  • paper plates (it is better if they are of different diameters);
  • markers;
  • reflective tape;
  • glue.

One UFO consists of 2 plate halves. We paint the bottom of two plates in the same style. We cut the reflective tape into narrow strips 10-15 cm long. We coat the rim of one of the plates with glue and glue the strips of tape, keeping equal intervals. While the glue is not dry, cover this half with a second plate to make a “sandwich”.

Beautiful craft is ready! Such toys can be thrown like frisbees (not a bad idea for a competition for Cosmonautics Day).

3D flying saucer

If you believe modern media, not only rockets and shuttles roam the expanses of space, but also UFOs. For Cosmonautics Day at school or themed circle you can make a three-dimensional model spaceship aliens. The craft can be used not only to decorate a stand for Cosmonautics Day, it can also be exhibited at other thematic events, for example, at Halloween celebrations.

You will have to tinker a little with cutting out the base from wood. As an alternative to the wooden base of the plate, any round element of sufficient diameter will do, or you can take a ready-made one (for example, you can cut a circle out of foam plastic). In addition, we will need a tarpaulin (preferably with a reflective effect), several wooden blocks, transparent plastic plate a breakfast cereal box and a toy in the shape of an alien.

In Figure 1-5 you can see what a three-dimensional flying saucer looks like on different stages creation. If you surround her electric garlands and alien figures, you will get a luxurious installation for Cosmonautics Day.

Cosmonautics Day is a holiday that gives educators great opportunity Reveal the secrets of the Universe for children. This is an endless layer of cognitive information that conceals everything that is so interesting to children: a mystery, a fairy tale, a fantasy without boundaries. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day presented in our section are an opportunity to bring endless world space, to literally touch with your hands the secrets of the universe.

We create the Universe with our own hands

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All sections | Space. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day

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Embodiment space theme opens up to teachers huge selection topics: history of space exploration, the first artificial satellite of the Earth, the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the mystery of our natural satellite the Moon, the Universe with many other worlds, the existence of alien civilizations. Any of these themes has already been embodied in the works of preschoolers.

Teachers use everything known materials and technology. Having studied unconventional methods drawing, children create whimsical pictures of other worlds. Young researchers are taking their first steps in designing and prototyping rockets and space stations. Using the appliqué technique, preschoolers create bright panels depicting solar system with many space objects. And of course, kids love making sculptures of spacecraft, aliens, and robots. These crafts are made by children using the methods of plasticine printing, modeling from salt dough, and constructing from all kinds of waste materials.

Before giving little fingers something to do, teachers activate the inquisitive minds of preschoolers. There is no more favorable topic for the development of abstract imagination than space. Having become acquainted with the already implemented ideas for crafts for Cosmonautics Day on the pages of our section, you will have many of your own thoughts and ideas. Discover the secrets of space together with your students!
