When do you start paying your pension? Cases in which the due amount is not credited to the bank card

Today, Sberbank remains the credit institution through which most Russians receive their pensions. Now the majority of operations are carried out through electronic systems, and pensioners withdraw the money put to them from the cards. However, for obvious reasons, many of them are not “advanced” Internet users and cannot regularly monitor the status of their account. It is easier for them to come to the bank on the set day, already knowing that the money was transferred from the pension fund. That is why many older citizens have a question, when does the pension come to the Sberbank card?

The principles on the basis of which the date of accrual of money on a Sberbank card is chosen

The determination of a specific date for the appearance of credited funds on a pensioner's account and, accordingly, on his card does not depend on Sberbank. The credit institution acts only as an intermediary between the Pension Fund of Russia and its clients. Usually, the bank processes pension accruals fairly quickly, and after the transfer, they get on the cards of the Russians within one or two days. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing some principles that allow you to at least approximately calculate the date of receipt of the long-awaited money.

  1. According to the rules established in our country, pensioners receive their money every month on the same day.
  2. However, sometimes, due to technical necessity, the date of transferring the pension to the Sberbank card is shifted, but not more than two or three days.
  3. Generally in most regions, money is paid before the 15th day of each month, that is, on this day they already get on the cards of customers.
  4. Usually, the day of payment is assigned to a person individually, based on the date he received the first amount.
  5. In other regions, the money goes to settlement accounts before the 20-21st. These dates are the limit admissible terms pension payments in accordance with Russian laws.

Thus, there is no universal answer to the question of how many pensions are transferred to the Sberbank card. However, some regional offices of the Russian Pension Fund, understanding the needs of older people, calculate quarterly accrual schedules and post this information on their official website. For example, this information provided by the Petrozavodsk branch of the fund.

However, most departments of the organization do not inform customers about the days of payments, which can vary within 2-3 days.

Deadline for disability benefits

This category of citizens who are entitled to monthly payments receive money according to a slightly different scheme, so the timing of transferring a pension to a Sberbank card depends on a number of nuances. IN more this applies to persons with handicapped who must annually confirm their disability. People with a life-long disability receive financial assistance, like ordinary pensioners - according to the same rules and within the same time frame. The accrual of money for the category of residents confirming their disability occurs according to the following rules:

  • disabled people also receive their pension monthly on the same day;
  • every year, the date of crediting the amount to the client’s bank account from the Pension Fund, and, consequently, its transfer to the disabled person’s card, is set depending on the timing of the procedure for confirming one's status A;
  • also at the beginning of the next year of payment of their terms may vary depending on the time of the formal procedure for the exchange of documents between medical board and FIU.

Usually, after confirming his incapacity for work, a person is notified of the appointment of a payment date for him. After that, the schedule for transferring the pension to the Sberbank card will be determined, and payments will occur on the same date. However, of course, various failures and other problems may occur, due to which the dates will be shifted within 1-3 days.

Cases in which the due amount is not credited to the bank card

The calculation of benefits is not a fully automatic process, therefore, various errors and inaccuracies sometimes occur during banking operations. It is this factor that is the main reason why the pension was not transferred to the Sberbank card. Looking at the problem in more detail, unpleasant situation may result from the following errors:

  • incorrect preparation of a payment order by the PFR employees, due to which the operation is interrupted by the bank, and the money is returned to the sender;
  • uncoordinated actions of institutions when sending bank details of pensioners to the fund;
  • Mistakes made when drawing up an application for issuing a card and a personal account.

What should pensioners do in the event of such problems and the lack of funds in the bank account?

  1. First of all, it should contact any branch of Sberbank and ask them for a printout of transactions occurring with the account.
  2. If the document confirms that for one reason or another the pension was not credited to the client, it is necessary once again take the data on bank details and contact the FIU department.
  3. In the Pension Fund, you need to verify all the data: whether they have an application for the payment of a pension to the current account of a bank card, whether the details at the disposal of the fund employees are correct.
  4. If all information is correct, then find out if the money was transferred by the fund itself.
  5. In cases where the transfers took place, but the money never arrived on the card, the Pension Fund without fail draws up a request to Sberbank about the location of funds.

If this problem occurs, you should not worry, because, in the end, the lost funds will still be found and will be transferred to the pensioner. In order for the error to be corrected as soon as possible short terms, it is necessary to contact the relevant structures without postponing this issue, because the more time passes from the date of the transfer, the more difficult it will be for the employees of the PFR and Sberbank to figure out the reasons for what happened and return the pensioner to his pension.

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What is an old-age insurance pension and to whom is it paid?

  • As for the abolition of payments in general, such a proposal was discussed in the Government, and even a draft law was considered to abolish pensions for those citizens whose annual income exceeds one million rubles.
  • However, due to the contradiction of this project with the rights of citizens to pension provision and possible economic and social consequences, such a law was not adopted.

Accordingly, the pension continues to be paid, but in smaller size compared to non-working due to the refusal of the Government to carry out indexation.

Suspension and resumption of pension

Payment of a pension in the event of:

  1. its non-receipt by a pensioner within six months;
  2. expiration of a residence permit in the Russian Federation;
  3. the absence of documents confirming the right of a citizen to a pension in the territory of a foreign state in accordance with an international treaty when he moves abroad;
  4. the absence of a citizen's application for leaving our country to a foreign state with which an international agreement has not been concluded.

The suspension of payment is carried out for a period of six months from the 1st day of the next month in which the specified circumstances occurred.

To resume payment, a pensioner must apply to the FIU with an appropriate application, attaching to it Required documents. A written appeal is considered within five working days. If a positive decision is made pay pensions will resume on the 1st of the next month.

Consideration of an application may be delayed for no more than three months only if it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the submitted documents.

Termination and restoration of payments

Pay labor pension when:

  1. the death of a pensioner or his recognition as missing;
  2. after six months from the date of suspension of payment;
  3. submission of false documents or discovery of circumstances that deprive a citizen of the right to payment;
  4. non-submission of a residence permit by a pensioner after six months from the date of suspension of the pension;
  5. refusal to receive payment by the pensioner himself.

The termination of payment is carried out from the 1st day of the next month in which the circumstances listed above occurred.

In some cases, after the submission of the necessary documents and a written request to PFR pension can be restored. The term for consideration of such an application is 5 working days.

How to transfer pension when changing residence?

The payment of a pension at another place of residence when a citizen moves depends on the new place of registration:

  • on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • or outside our country.

In the first case, the pension can be transferred both at the place of registration and at the place of actual residence on the basis of a written application. For this it is necessary apply to the territorial body of the PFR at a new place of residence.

After requesting a payment case, no later than one working day after the citizen’s application, the necessary documents will be received at his new place of residence within three working days.

The transfer of payment documents is also carried out if the pensioner received money to a bank account, since the information contained in the file will be necessary for further recalculations.

If a pensioner moves abroad, the payment of a pension at a new place of residence is resumed in accordance with the rules approved by international treaties concluded by Russia with other states.

Pension is guaranteed by the state monthly payment disabled citizens who have reached retirement age, citizens with seniority, the disabled, persons who have lost their breadwinner and other citizens. From 2013 to 2015 in Russia was held pension reform aimed at changing the procedure for calculating and paying labor pensions. In December 2013, two federal law "About insurance pensions" And "About funded pension" entered into force on January 1, 2015.

As a result of the adoption of these laws, labor pensions have been transformed into pensions. They are separate and self-paid.

Each post office has such a delivery period and a pension delivery schedule, according to which the pensioner is set date of receipt of pension.

  • If the day of receipt of the pension falls on a weekend or holiday, the pension can be delivered earlier than the date set, but in the current month and not earlier than three days before the date of receipt of the payment.
  • Retiree can get a pension later, but within the delivery period (schedule) set by the post office.

If a pensioner has chosen a credit organization as a delivery body, then the procedure for paying a pension (schedule) in these organizations is the same as in post offices.

Power of attorney to receive a pension by another person

Various methods of delivery of pensions provide the pensioner with the opportunity to choose the most convenient way for him to receive a pension. But there are situations when a pensioner, due to various life circumstances, cannot receive a pension on his own. In this case, the pension can be received another person on the basis of a power of attorney issued by a pensioner.

A power of attorney is a notarized document that the pensioner himself issues to his authorized representative in order to receive a pension. It can be issued by a notary on a paid basis, or it can be certified free of charge and it will be equated to a notarized one (clause 2, part 1, article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, from September 1, 2013, a power of attorney for receiving pension payments can be certified free of charge by the organization, in which the pensioner studies, or works or administration medical institution in which he is undergoing treatment (clause 3, article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Previously, powers of attorney were certified by housing maintenance organizations, but since September 1, 2013 they have lost given right in connection with amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, powers of attorney confirmed by these organizations prior to September 1, 2013 remain valid until their expiration date.

  • If in power of attorney no deadline specified for which it was issued, it is considered that it was issued for one year (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the trustee will be able to receive a pension during the year.
  • If valid for more than one year, then the payment of pension provision is made during the entire period of validity of the power of attorney, but subject to confirmation by the pensioner of the fact of his registration at the place of receipt of pension payments every year.

Relocation pension

If a citizen changes his place of residence, then the payment of a pension is carried out at his new place of relocation. In this case, the pensioner must notify the territorial branch of the FIU in order for the pension file to be sent to the new place of residence.

It is necessary to request a payment case in connection with the move even if you receive a pension on a bank card. The point is that it contains all necessary information, which may be needed by a pensioner and an employee of the PFR at a new place of residence, for example, for.

The pensioner left Smolensk for permanent residence in St. Petersburg. The pension was transferred to a bank card account opened with Sberbank in Smolensk.

In St. Petersburg, a pensioner must apply to the territorial body of the PFR with a request for a payment (pension) case with previous place residence. At the same time, he must present a passport with a mark of registration at the new place of residence. Employees of the Pension Fund of St. Petersburg, no later than one working day after the pensioner's request, send a request to the Pension Fund branch. Smolensk, from where the payment case must be sent no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the request.

After the receipt of the pension case, within 2 working days, an order is issued to register it and extend the payment of the pension.

The pensioner can change the method of delivery or the carrier by written notification of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.

If a pensioner leaves for permanent residence in another state, then this procedure does not apply. There is a different procedure for paying pensioners traveling abroad.

How to get a pension after the death of a pensioner?

Payment of unreceived amounts of pensions after the death of a pensioner are made by the PFR body, which previously paid the pension. The amounts of the pension due to the pensioner in the current month and remaining unreceived in the specified month due to his death are paid. These amounts are paid to persons (relatives) living with a citizen on the day of his death . The list of these persons is specified in part 2 of article 10 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions".

If several relatives apply for an unpaid pension at once, then the amounts due to the deceased will be divided between them equally.

To receive a pension of the deceased, it is necessary to write an application at the Pension Fund office, as well as provide the following documents:

  1. death certificate;
  2. information about the composition of the family;
  3. documents confirming family relations with a deceased pensioner;
  4. applicant's passport.

An unreceived pension should be applied for within six months from the date of death of the pensioner, otherwise these amounts will be included in the inheritance and will be inherited on a general basis.


Citizens are carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund at their place of residence. Establishment and payment of pensions declarative character, therefore, if a right arises, a citizen must independently apply for appointment to the territorial body of the PFR, in the same place it is necessary to select convenient way delivery.

  • The pensioner can receive payments personally or through a trustee.
  • In order to receive pension coverage when changing the place of residence, a citizen must apply at the new place of residence (stay) to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • After the death of a pensioner, the accrued, unreceived pension is entitled to be received by citizens who lived with the pensioner on the day of his death.

In general, when applying for a pension, Pension Fund specialists ask how a pensioner will receive a pension in his hands or by transfer to a bank (on a card). And of course, they must warn in what time frame this will be done. My parents, for example, receive a pension in their hands. On the 20th day of each month, specialists bring it to your home (there is an option that the Russian post is also involved in posting pensions. Just check the date of transfer of the pension in your Pension Fund Administration. I submitted my pension documents 1 month before turning 55 years old. The Pension Fund immediately said, that the pension will come on the 10th of January (birthday in December) immediately in 2 months.I issued the card later, but apparently, if I had a card right away, the money would have arrived at the same time.It is strange that your mother would not they said when to wait for receipt, it is their responsibility.

Payment of a pension

Usually this is a Pension Fund in a certain region of the country. Financial support from the state is received by the pensioner on a monthly basis on a specific date, which is appointed by the FIU.


Depending on who will receive the pension, there are certain conditions benefits accrual:

  • If the payment is for a child, one of the parents or guardian of the child can pick it up. Starting from the age of 14, a teenager has the right to independently receive funds in a convenient way;
  • If a pensioner is in a psychiatric hospital or a place of deprivation of liberty, the funds are credited to a special account, the safety of which is obliged to ensure the administration of the institution;
  • Persons living in a nursing home receive a pension under standard conditions.

The procedure for paying benefits is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

About pension

If, due to the death of a pensioner, unreceived money remains (for example, for the current month when the death of a citizen occurred), relatives who lived in the same living space with him will be able to receive funds. If there are several close people, the amount of the unreceived pension is divided into several equal parts between all relatives.
To receive funds, you need to contact the territorial division of the PF of the city with the following documents:

  • Citizen's death certificate;
  • Information about the composition of the family;
  • Passport or passports of applicants for payment;
  • Documents confirming the family relationship between the deceased and the applicant.

To whom and how much is paid funded part pensions funded pension- this is part of the labor pension, which is formed on the basis of pension savings citizen.

How long are the terms for accruing a pension after submitting documents

  • 1 when pension is paid after appointment
    • 1.1 How the first old-age pension is paid
  • 2 How long after registration of a pension should it be credited to the card?
  • 3 When a pension is paid in Russia: the procedure and regulations for calculating benefits
    • 3.1 Power of attorney to receive a pension
    • 3.2 Payment upon change of residence
    • 3.3 When is a pension paid after the death of a pensioner?
    • 3.4 To whom and on what date the funded part of the pension is paid

How is the first old-age pension paid? ? TELL. given by the author Rokula, the best answer is Article 19. Deadlines for assigning a labor pension 1.

When a pension is paid in Russia: the procedure and regulations for calculating benefits

After the expiration of the 10-day period established by law for consideration of the application, or if there is objective reasons, an extended period of consideration, the pensioner receives a notification of the need to appear at the department for the appointment of material support. During a personal reception, the citizen is informed about the accrual of payments, the date of their receipt is set, and a pension certificate is issued.

Dates for calculating the old-age pension The law determines from which day the old-age pension is calculated. The accrual falls on the first day of the month when the application is submitted to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund, but cannot be scheduled earlier than the agreed date.

Example. The application was submitted on March 15th. At the same time, the period for considering an application for an old-age pension will be extended, if all documents are available, until March 25.

From appointment to first payment of pension

At the same time, the method of receiving funds does not matter: even if the money is credited to a bank card, information about the new place of residence must still be transferred to the PF. This is done in this way:

  1. At the new place of registration, get a note in the passport office about the change of registration;
  2. With a passport, he will go to the Pension Fund at the new place of registration.
    There you need to write an application for moving;
  3. After that, within three working days, the payment case from the old place of residence will be transferred to the PF at the new place of registration.

It should be borne in mind that if a person moved abroad, then the procedure for receiving a pension changes: a trustee will be able to receive money.

The procedure for calculating and paying pensions


RF. It should be borne in mind that if the day of receiving benefits falls on a holiday or weekend, money may be allocated a day or two earlier than set. Power of attorney for receiving a pension A power of attorney is a notarized document that entitles a third party to receive payment for a pensioner.

As a rule, it is issued by a notary public for a fee. The document is necessary if the pensioner who is assigned the allowance cannot receive it for some reason, for example:
  1. Disability;
  2. Serious illness;
  3. Absence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  4. Own desire of an elderly person.

Any citizen of Russia can receive money by proxy: it does not matter whether he is a relative of a pensioner or not. To draw up a document, you need to contact the notary office at the place of residence.

How long after the pension is issued, should it be credited to the card?

It is necessary that two parties be present: the principal and the trustee. The document contains the following information:

  • Full name of the trustee and the principal;
  • Series and number of the passport of the trustee and the principal;
  • The validity period of the document;
  • Full name of the bank and account number (if the pension is received by the bank), or the name of the post office.

After issuing a power of attorney with it, you need to contact the bank or the post office (depending on the method of receiving funds), after reissuing the documents, the trustee will be able to receive finance for an elderly person.

Payment upon change of residence Each citizen receiving pension benefit, tied to the territorial division of the PF in your city. Therefore, if he changes his place in the registration, he needs to notify the Pension Fund about this.

Terms of accrual and payment of pensions

The labor pension (part of the labor old-age pension) is assigned from the date of applying for the specified pension (for the specified part of the labor old-age pension), except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 4 and 4.1 of this article, but in all cases not earlier than from the date of the emergence of the right to the specified pension (the specified part of the old-age labor pension). 2. The day of applying for a labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension) is the day when the body responsible for providing pensions receives the relevant application with all the necessary documents.

If said statement is sent by mail and at the same time all the necessary documents are attached to it, then the day of applying for a labor pension (part of the old-age labor pension) is the date indicated on the postmark of the federal postal organization at the place of sending this application. 3.

When is the first old-age pension paid?

Such knowledge is necessary so that the beneficiary can plan his budget, and, if necessary, decide contentious issues on payments. How long does it take to consider an application for a first pension The terms for assigning a pension established by law after submitting an application should not exceed 10 days from the date of the citizen's application to the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. The date of application for the appointment of a pension is the day when the application was accepted and registered by the branch of the Pension Fund. The reason for exceeding the 10-day period for consideration of the application may be the submission of an incomplete package of documents that the pensioner must provide on the day the application is submitted. In this case, the citizen receives a recommendation from the appointment department cash payments about the need to supplement the existing package of documents with the missing certificate or certificate.

When should the first pension be paid?

As far as I know, in this case may be the most various situations. For example, even if you make your pension payments in advance, then you can wait for three whole calendar months until they arrive on a plastic card, or you can get them already in the next calendar month, as was the case with my parents.
In any case, all legal pension payments will be transferred to a plastic card. I started to receive a pension at a time when there were no bank cards. So I can't say anything about timing. This partly depends on the promptness of the employees of the Pension Fund. It is possible that in January the pension will not arrive. But then in February the amount for two months should be received. To different people transfer pension to different days month. For example, my pension for the current month is credited to my bank card on the twentieth day.

The process of registration of pension provision in Russia with this year simplified considerably. But citizens are still interested in the terms for calculating pensions after submitting documents - every newly-made pensioner wants to know when he can receive his first payment.

The conditions for the appointment of a pension include the fulfillment of the requirements for seniority. Today, the minimum period that must be worked out for the calculation of benefits is eight years. In the future, it is planned to increase it - by 2025, the first pension will be due only to those who have worked for at least fifteen years.

When submitting papers, a citizen must fill out special form statements. Its form, as well as a sample, can now be obtained at the Pension Fund branch and viewed on the Internet. Those who wish to arm themselves with all the documents and quickly submit them for immediate processing can even download a form from the network.

You can also apply in the same way - in person or online. After filling out and submitting the papers, the terms for assigning a pension are calculated in ten days - it is during this period of time that the employees of the Pension Fund are required to consider the person's appeal and make a decision on payments.

When making an application, a potential pensioner indicates:

  • your data - last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the address of permanent residence;
  • passport information, insurance certificate data;
  • in cases of recognition of a person as incapacitated - information about the legal guardian or other representative;
  • type of pension due;
  • list of documents attached to the application.

When forming an application, a citizen is obliged to list in it sufficient grounds for calculating pensions. The list of attached documents should contain exactly those papers that can confirm his right to payments.

List of papers for submission to the Pension Fund

In addition to the application, a citizen who applied for a pension provides the following certificates and papers:

  • passport;
  • a certificate of payroll for five years of work - it does not matter which years of work will be taken, the main thing is that the experience during this time is continuous;
  • work book;
  • documents certifying the presence insurance experience for the appointment of a pension;
  • medical insurance certificate.

IN individual cases pensioners attach other documents. They may be:

  • military ID - for former military personnel;
  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs - for those who were engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  • birth certificates of all children - for mothers with many children who have benefits;
  • certificate of disability - to those who are the guardian of the disabled person;
  • confirmation of the change of surname - if necessary;
  • documents on the presence of dependents in care;
  • proof of work in special conditions- if, according to the legislation, these industries are related to the basis for calculating preferential benefits;
  • documents proving the participation of a person in any programs of material financing of pension provision.

After the citizen has collected the entire package of papers, filled out an application and submitted it to Pension Fund, he can only wait for the first transfers. And they begin immediately - according to the law, the payment of a pension is carried out after the application is submitted. However, in the traditional procedure for assigning benefits, when applying personally to the body providing pensions, a citizen needs to take into account the following points:

  • the application must necessarily fully comply with the established model;
  • both the application and the package with all papers and certificates must be prepared a month before the specific date of retirement;
  • all documents are submitted either in person to the Pension Fund, or by contacting the post office or the MFC;
  • if any of necessary papers were not attached to the application initially, they should be reported in the first three months - otherwise the process of applying for a pension will be terminated and a second procedure will be required;
  • in no case should we forget about indicating information about the place of residence and bank details - through which the pension will be transferred to the card;
  • the accrual of a pension should be carried out from the date of application, but only after the institution makes a positive decision on the citizen.

When to expect money. The timing of the pension

Despite the fact that the law strictly stipulates the terms for assigning an insurance pension and they are 10 days, exceptions often occur in practice. Therefore, there are situations when the first benefits are paid earlier or later than the stated period.

Most often, pensioners receive their first pension later than expected, in case of mistakes made during registration - either not all documents were provided, or there were some shortcomings in the application. However, employees of the state institution must urgently warn the applicant of inconsistencies and provide him with time to quickly correct errors. If all the papers are filled out correctly and submitted on time, the first accrual should come in the next month, and on the first day. The verification of the entire package is carried out by the employees of the Pension Fund within ten days.

In some cases, a person does not need to wait at all for consideration of the issue of pension accruals. Everything happens much faster. Short terms for accruing a pension after submitting documents can be:

  • in case of dismissal of a citizen due to old age, he only needs to contact the Pension Fund and notify him of the fact of leaving work;
  • upon recognition of a citizen as a disabled person - on the same day, you can apply to government agency without any statements;
  • in the event of the death of the breadwinner, the citizen is entitled to a payment, for which one should apply to the FIU within 12 months from the date of death;
  • for those who already receive disability benefits - in this case, the person will start receiving labor pension payments after reaching the appropriate age. For men, the age limit is set at 60 years, for women - at 55.

In all of the above situations, accruals are formed already before the appeal of citizens. However, a personal visit to a person of the organization may be necessary to clarify any information. As a rule, this concerns the information that the citizen himself wants to know.

If we talk about the timing of the payments themselves, the type of benefit plays a role here. Accruals of labor pensions by age are of an indefinite nature - that is, payments must be made throughout the life of the pensioner. Disability benefits are paid only during the period when a person is officially recognized as disabled. That is, if a disability group is removed from him due to a cure, from that day the allowance also ceases to be received. A person does not need to notify the Pension Fund about the fact of recovery - among state organizations there is its own single database, and information about such changes is received by employees promptly. This also explains the reduction in the terms of calculating certain types of pensions in certain situations.

When going on a well-deserved rest, citizens need to worry in advance and collect the entire package of required certificates and papers. After all, the sooner you contact the appropriate organization, the easier and will pass faster the procedure for obtaining a long-awaited allowance.

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