Abstract on New Year's toy technology. Lesson summary "New Year's toys" Video

Subject: "New Year's toy."

Lesson type: combined

Type of lesson: volumetric weaving

The purpose of the lesson: introduce the technique of volumetric weaving

Lesson objectives:

    To develop the skills of sample analysis and planning.

    Development of memory, imagination, attention, development of imaginative logical thinking.

    Cultivating willpower, perseverance, precision, commitment, caring attitude towards materials and tools, instilling diligence and diligence

Lesson equipment:

a) for the teacher: made toys, colored paper, scissors, glue.

b) for students: colored paper, scissors, pencil, ruler, glue.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Posting new material

    Practical work

    Summing up the lesson

During the classes

Lesson elements

Contents of lesson elements

Teaching methods and techniques

1. Org. moment

Guys, are you ready for the lesson? Today we will have very interesting work. I will introduce you to the volumetric weaving technique.

2. Reporting new material

The topic of our lesson today is “New Year's toy. Volumetric weaving."

Christmas tree decorations in different countries

    In most Mexican homes, a popular decoration is “el Nacimiento” (arrangements of figurines that depict the scene of the birth of Christ from the Bible). However, a decorated fir tree is also present somewhere in the house.

    Christmas trees are brought to Greenland because their own trees do not grow there due to the cold climate. Residents decorate “foreign women” with candles and bright ornaments.

    Guatemalans decorate the Christmas tree with figures from biblical scenes.

    New Year in Brazil falls in the summer, and then the inhabitants of this country decorate the Christmas trees with small balls of cotton, as if it were falling snow.

    In Ireland, Christmas trees are decorated with colored lanterns, tinsel and baubles.

    In Sweden they decorate with stars, toys in the form of the sun and snowflakes, and animal figures made of straw and wood.

How many strips do you think should be taken? How to arrange them? For the toy we will need two different colors of paper.

Guys, listen and watch carefully the stages of the work:

1.Lay a piece of paper horizontally. Mark the sides of the paper with a ruler, 3 centimeters each, and draw with a pencil. Do the same action until the end of the paper.

2.Cut the resulting strips. Take two strips of the same color and glue the end of one strip to the other, do the same with strips of a different color.

3. Glue strips of different colors to each other. 4.Fold the bottom strip over the top and press. Then fold the second strip over and press it too. In this way, bend and press the strips to the very end.

5. Secure the ends of the strips with glue.

6.You have made accordions. Think of what kind of animal this accordion will look like and draw faces, cut it out and glue it.

Physical education minute

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Spun and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Verbal and visual methods


Verbal and visual methods

3. Practical work

During independent work of students, I conduct individual and frontal work as necessary.

4. Summing up the lesson

Guys, you all worked well in class today.

Analysis of students' work, exhibition of grades.

Now write down your homework. Bring to the next lesson: colored paper, glue. Get your workspaces in order.

Topic: Making a New Year's toy.

Goals: teach how to make a Christmas tree toy;

Develop paper processing skills: folding, gluing;

Correction of fine motor skills of fingers by bending paper, gluing;

Fostering accuracy and respect for materials.

Equipment: signal cards, paper, step-by-step samples, instruction manuals.

1. Organizational moment.

1.Say “Hello” with your hands.

Let's say "Hello" with our eyes.

Let's say "Hello" with our mouth.


There will be joy all around!

2. Guys, today in class I wish you good luck and want you to succeed. When I walked to you today, the sun was shining. I wanted to meet you as soon as possible. My mood is cheerful and cheerful.

What mood did you have when you came to class? Raise your hands, who's in a good mood?

Who has it bad?

3. Report of the duty officer.


Guys, do you want to play?

Look what's on your desk? (circles)

What color are these circles? (blue, yellow)

When you hear a word that matches the word “autumn,” raise the yellow circle; for the word “winter,” raise the blue circle.

When will you raise the yellow circle?

When is it blue?

(Snow, falling leaves, frost, skis, September, skates, mushrooms, sun, December, snowflake, pen, rain, snowdrift, puddle).

2. Message of the topic, goals.

1.- A letter was delivered to us today. Diana, read from whom. (From Santa Claus)

Let's see what he wrote to us.

Suddenly a snowstorm came

They twirled and sang:

"Winter has come to us -

And here comes

New Year!"

And it's time to cook

Christmas tree festive outfit:

“Only, mind you, the toys themselves

Make it, kids!

Well, I'm done writing

I'm in a hurry to get to you, kids.

And with me there are loads of gifts

I'll be there soon, Santa Claus.

So, guys, what task did we receive from Santa Claus? (dress up, decorate the Christmas tree.)

Why do they decorate the Christmas tree?

2.- Today we will make Christmas tree decorations and decorate our little Christmas tree with them. You will communicate with each other using a quiet voice. You need to do the work so that Santa Claus likes it.

3. Main part

1.- Guys, when does the New Year start?

How are you preparing for the New Year?

2.Display and analysis of samples.

Look, this is the kind of toy we will make today. The toy will consist of four parts. All parts are connected to each other using glue.

3. Explanation.

I will explain and show how the toy is made. Listen carefully and remember the sequence of work. We will need four circles.

Take the finished circle. We bend it in half. Smooth out the fold well. Let's do the same with three circles.

We glue each half to each other. You also need to glue a thread so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

4. Repetition.

Guys, what should we do first?

And then?

What is the thread for?

5. Finger gymnastics.

Guys, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Two kittens met: meow-meow!

Two puppies: woof-woof-woof!

Two little pigs: oink-oink-oink!

Two foals: and - ho-ho!

Two bulls: moo-oo!

Look how the horns turned out!

6. Safety instructions when working with glue.

We have to work with glue. Let's remember the rules for working with it.

We work on backing sheets.

Take a little glue onto the brush.

Apply a thin layer of glue to the parts.

Remove excess glue with a napkin.

The brush with glue should not be put in the mouth.

When finished, place the brush on the stand.

7.Complete the work (quiet music is turned on, help from the teacher).

4. Results.

1.Analysis of children's work.

Guys, we decorated our Christmas tree. Look how elegant and beautiful she is. Let's give our Christmas tree a song.

What kind of tree is this?

The whole top of the head is in silver -

Bloomed here today

Venue: State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 2099”

"Santa Claus's Workshop."

Purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance with folk traditions in Rus'. Involving students in making their own holiday decorations.

Tasks : teaching - to master practical skills in making toys, repeat the rules of safe work with scissors and a needle, get acquainted with the basic concepts of the compositional construction of an object - compositional modeling; developing - develop fine motor skills of the hands, eye, aesthetic taste, imagination, awaken curiosity in the field of decorative and applied arts, technical aesthetics educational - cultivate accuracy, patience.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part .

Teacher: Dear guys. Look at the calendar sheet. What date is today?

Teacher: Children, the most beautiful and most beloved holiday among the people is approaching - New Year. Very soon the forest beauty of the Christmas tree will rightfully reign in your home. And let her reign not be long, but how much joy and fun she will bring with her. And decorating a Christmas tree is a pleasure. And here is a box with Christmas tree decorations. (The teacher shows New Year's toys from the box)

Teacher: My heart skips a beat when I see this magic box. I really like going through the toys in it and hanging them on the Christmas tree. This is a very enjoyable activity. Over the past year, you've forgotten what toys are in your boxes. You open it, and there... shiny stars, beads, cones, nuts. How beautiful and fragile they all are! And we need to try to hang everything. After all, all the toys are very dear to us: some we made with our own hands, some were left to us from our grandmother, and some are simply beautiful. Today I propose to make New Year's souvenirs - toys - with your own hands. After all, handmade toys are especially expensive; they will decorate your Christmas tree and bring joy to you and your loved ones. Therefore, the topic of our lesson, as you probably already guessed, is “New Year’s toys.”

Teacher: Guys, today I offer you your choice of making New Year’s toys, and now you can guess which ones yourself.

(The teacher asks the children riddles)

1) The star spun a little in the air, sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake) (Teacher shows a snowflake from the box)

2) She feeds the birds in the forest. On holiday, he will dress in bright foil, his scales will shine brightly, and he will decorate our Christmas tree with himself. (Lump) (Teacher shows a bump from the box)

3) The silver carrot clings deftly to the roof, clings to the cornice and grows downward in winter. (Icicle) (Teacher shows an icicle from the box)

2. Main part.

Teacher: Previously in Rus', only 200-300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with vegetables from the garden, which, of course, were silvered and gilded. Of course it was potatoes. Then people learned to make glass balls. The art of their manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed on by masters by inheritance, from generation to generation. These balls, sprinkled with silver and gold dust, were very expensive and only a few could afford them. All sorts of goodies and sweets were hung on the tree: candies, apples, nuts - each country has its own New Year's decoration. And how much joy the children had when they were able to pick and cut something tasty from the tree! And there was also gingerbread! Previously, in Rus', even in rich families, children did not eat sweets randomly, every day, but received sweets for the holiday in a little bag or hung them on the Christmas tree and received them as a prize. Glass jewelry appeared only in the 19th century in Germany. According to one legend, this happened completely by accident. Once upon a time there lived a master glassblower. And when it came time to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money for either candy or nuts. But could he leave his children without a holiday? The master thought and thought and finally came up with an idea. Having waited until the children had fallen asleep, he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of toys out of glass: apples, candies, gingerbread cookies - and all of it sparkled, shimmered and sparkled. They say that the children liked these decorations so much that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! The master’s idea turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable and then became a tradition. And Christmas tree decorations began to be made from paper, wax, cotton wool, and foil. Decorating the interior for the New Year is a very exciting, but at the same time responsible process, and in order to make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, I want to decorate my home. There is one beautiful tradition that came to us from Western countries - hanging a Christmas wreath on the door. Of course, you can buy a wreath in a store, but it’s more interesting to make it yourself. Guys, I suggest you make a Christmas wreath from fragrant pine twigs that will fill your home with a pleasant aroma. According to folk traditions, the Christmas Wreath should appear in the house four weeks before Christmas. Every Sunday before the holiday, a candle is inserted into it, each of which symbolizes a certain bright feeling: love, faith, hope and friendship. And I also want to invite you to make a New Year's decoration for your guardian angel Christmas tree. The figurine of an angel is traditionally associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays. Teacher: Guys, have you decided on the choice of souvenir?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: So that the work begins to boil, Let's prepare everything for the job, We will cut and sew, Everything should be in order.

Teacher: Guys, name the tools that are on your table? And a magic box will help you.

Teacher: What safety rules do we need to know? (Students take turns naming the instruments in poetic form)

Teacher: Children, how should you use scissors correctly?

Children: Don’t joke with scissors, don’t twist them in your hands in vain, and, holding them by the sharp edge, pass them on to a friend. As soon as the work is finished - The scissors need care. Don’t forget to close them and put them back in place.

Teacher: Guys, here are examples of New Year’s decorations: Look at these decorations and tell me what they have in common?

Children: These souvenirs are made without using a needle. These toys are designed to decorate the Christmas tree.

Teacher: Okay. How do these toys differ from each other?

Children: Color, shape, decoration.

Teacher: Correct! What materials and tools do you think we will need for our work?

Children: napkins, scissors, guipure, white fabric, PVA glue, thread.

Teacher: Remember the sayings - what must be observed and not forgotten in any work.

Children:“Get the job done, and don’t leave rework”

“Where there is neatness, there is neatness”

"Seven times measure cut once"

“Done hastily, but done for fun”

Practical work:

Teacher: Guys, now let’s get to work. Technological maps will be your assistants in making crafts. Look at them carefully, select the necessary materials, and let's get to work.

Teacher: Guys, I think it’s time for some physical education. Guys, please stand up. We will conduct finger gymnastics corresponding to the theme of our lesson - “New Year”. Physical Education Minute New Year is coming! Let's clap our hands. Children dance in a circle. The hands are clasped with the fingers, the arms are extended, the hands are in and out. Balls are hanging on the tree, we alternately connect the fingers on both hands, forming a ball. The lanterns are glowing. Flashlights Here are the pieces of ice sparkling, clench and sharply unclench your fists in turn, Snowflakes are spinning. It’s easy and smooth to move your hands. Santa Claus is coming to visit, His fingers are walking on his knees or on the floor. He brings gifts to everyone. Let's rub our palms against each other To count the gifts, We'll bend our fingers: Clap our knees or the floor, one hand with a palm, the other with a fist, and then change 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We massage each finger in turn. Teacher: We continue the practical work.

3. Final part.

Teacher: Guys, have you all finished your work? Let's see what we got. (demonstration of manufactured souvenirs) (As they are made, children put their work on the common table)

Teacher: Children, look at what beautiful and interesting decorations you have made. (All works are reviewed and discussed, identifying the most accurate and tasteful ones)

Teacher: Well done guys! Everyone got the job done. Did you like your crafts yourself?

Children: ... answer.

Teacher: Guys, you worked hard and made wonderful decorations for your home. I think your loved ones will like it too.

Teacher: Well done guys! Let's put away the tools and get our workspace in order. Our lesson is over.

Abstract of GCD

Educational field: “Artistic creativity”

This summary can be used in the work of creative associations of children.
Topic: “Christmas tree toys” , senior group.
Kind of activity: modeling
Program content:
Integration of educational areas:“Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical education”, “Music”, “Socialization”.

1. Educational:
Create conditions for interest in the upcoming New Year holidays. Expand children's horizons, offer to consider samples of decoratively designed toys, consolidate knowledge of some laws of composition, and enrich children's vocabulary.
To develop children’s ability to use templates, cut out the shape of a toy from plastic material (salt dough), and decorate it with decorative elements, using the laws of composition.

2. Developmental:
Create conditions for the development of visual perception, sense of form, rhythm, composition. Development of the eye and fine motor skills. Synchronize the work of both hands.

3. Educational:
Create conditions for the development of aesthetic taste, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness, and the desire to help other children.

Equipment and tools:
Salted dough of different colors, stacks, napkins, jars of water, boards for modeling, glue, brushes for gluing decorations, foil for drying products, samples of Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough, templates of various shapes, decorative elements (pieces of foil, beads and etc.); silhouettes of Christmas trees made of cardboard, felt-tip pens for relaxation. A disc containing a recording of a piece of music.

Preliminary work: Preparing salt dough of different colors, getting to know its properties. Consideration of technological maps depicting options for constructing a pattern on different forms.

Progress of activities:

Educator:- Hello guys! A letter came to our group - a request from children in the younger group. Children ask us to help them decorate the New Year tree; they need Christmas tree decorations for the holiday.

Educator:- Guys, can we help the kids?
- Children's answers.
- What will we make toys from?
— Children's answers

Educator:- Right! We have salted dough of different colors, glue, and decorative elements. Now I will show you samples of toys. Do you guys like these toys? Tell me, what are they decorated with?

Children:— Yes, the toys are very beautiful, decorated with beads, stars, and colored dough elements.

Educator:- Guys, we will call these decorations decorative elements, repeat.
-Children's chorus repeat.

Educator:- I would like to remind you guys that the location of the pattern depends on the shape of the product, so the pattern turns out beautiful, the toys are elegant. I invite you to take a closer look. Here is the butterfly shape. Are the laws of composition observed here? Is symmetry visible here in the arrangement of decorative elements?

Children:- Yes, we see the same pattern on the wings on the right and left.

Educator: Yes, the wings of the butterfly are symmetrical, identical, as if one wing is reflected in the other and this gives it elegance and beauty. But guys, an icicle in the shape of a diamond! Are the laws of composition observed here? Are the elements arranged rhythmically along the edge of the form?

Children:— Yes, here the decorative elements are located at the same distance.

Educator:- Let's remember what is the name of the pattern in which geometric elements are combined and repeated?

Children:- This is an ornament.

Educator: That's right guys - it's an ornament. You can use this pattern to decorate your toy. Here is another toy in the shape of a Christmas tree, decorated with beads. Here you also see the rhythmic arrangement of decorative elements, so the Christmas tree looks very elegant.
(Further, all toys are considered, attention is paid to the color scheme).
Now guys, we will do a little warm-up and start playing with toys.

Physical education minute
Gymnastic exercises to music.
Hands raised and shook -
(We swing our arms up.)
These are trees in the forest.
(Gently lower your hands down.)
They bent their arms, shook their hands -
(Shaking hands.)
The wind blows away the dew.
(We wave our hands in front of us.)
Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -
(Spread your arms to the sides.)
These are the birds flying towards us.
(We turn the torso to the sides.)
We’ll also show you how they sit down -
(We squat.)
The wings were folded back.
(We stand up, hide our hands behind our backs.)

Practical part:

Educator:- Now I suggest you choose the shape of the template - the silhouette of the toy that you would like to make, dough of any color and start cutting out the shape of the toy using a stack. We put the extra pieces of dough aside. Align the edges of the finished shape using water and think about how you would like to decorate your toy, observing the laws of composition. We will carefully glue the decorative elements.
As the task progresses, I provide the necessary individual assistance.
A selection of music plays (quietly).

I remind the children that they need to make a hole in the product (with the blunt end of the brush) so that they can thread the thread.
We lay out the finished toys on the table.

D/i: "Toy Store"

Educator: - Look guys! We ended up with a small display case with toys, as if in a store. I suggest you take some time off and play. Let's imagine that we work as advertising agents in a store. We will advertise our products. Please describe your toy in a beautiful artistic word, give it an original name, explain why it is interesting and what its benefits are.
Children take turns advertising their toy.

Result of activity:

Educator:— All our toys turned out beautiful and neat. I see that you guys tried! Please answer, what method did we use to make toys?
-Children's answers.
Educator:— What laws of composition did you use when decorating?
- Children's answers.

Educator:- Now we need time for our toys to dry, we will cover them with acrylic varnish and give them to the children of the younger group.

— Guys, in what mood did you start making toys?
- Children's answers.
-What’s your mood now?
- Children's answers.
- Please mark your mood on these silhouettes of Christmas trees - happy or sad.
Children draw.
- Well done boys! You did a good deed and helped the kids prepare for the holiday. You're all in a good mood, thanks guys!

additional education teacher,


city ​​of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Center for Additional Education of Children "UNITER"

Ruzaevsky municipal district

Open lesson


Developed and conducted by: teacher

additional education

Pligina N.V.

Ruzaevka 2015

"Making a New Year's toy"

Lesson topic : "New Year's toy."

Type of activity : learning new material and consolidating acquired knowledge and skills.


    creating conditions for students to develop creative abilities, imagination, creative thinking in practical activities;

    acquaintance with the history and traditions of the New Year holiday;

    teach children how to make Christmas decorations from paper step by step;


    consolidate acquired knowledge and skills;

    teach to work according to models, templates;

    cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste;

    develop a work culture;

    to cultivate neatness and precision in work, perseverance and hard work;

    develop attention, ability to compare, analyze;

    develop motor skills of hands and fingers

    use of health-saving elements in class (physical education sessions, change of activities);

    monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in class.

Lesson form: traditional.

Methods: explanatory-illustrated, reproductive

For the teacher: computer, projector, demonstration screen, safety rules, sample of the finished toy, handouts.

For students: colored paper, scissors, glue stick, templates, braid for eyelet...

Progress of the lesson.

    Introductory part.

1.1 Organizational moment.

Check if everything is ready for the lesson

1.2 Safety briefing.

Safety precautions when working with scissors.

1. Store the scissors in the specified place and position.

2. Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinge joints.

3. Do not hold scissors with the blade facing up.

4. Do not leave scissors with open blades.

5. While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.

6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.

7. Pass the closed scissors rings forward.

8. Don't cut with scissors as you go. Do not approach your friend while working.

    Theoretical part.

Subject message. Conversation.

Good afternoon guys! Today we have an unusual activity. It is associated with the holiday. On the night of December 31 to January 1, we will celebrate the most magical and wonderful holiday, New Year! Are you looking forward to this holiday? Of course, in all countries of the world this holiday is considered special because on New Year's Eve people make wishes and give each other gifts. New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday; both adults and children love it.

Hearing the clock strike, we listen to the passing of the old year, and wait with bated breath for the new year. We all believe that everything will work out in the new year, the year will be successful and happy. With great desire we choose gifts for loved ones, prepare delicious dishes, decorate our home and arrange a holiday for ourselves and our loved ones.

And one of the moments of preparation is the design and decoration of our home. How do you guys decorate your houses?

May the New Year bring you good luck,
Solve complex problems
And success will bring with it,
Happiness and love to boot!

Today we will make Christmas tree decorations with our own hands. Does anyone know how the tradition of decorating the New Year tree with toys began?

Nadya Tretyak will tell us about the history of the tradition of decorating Christmas trees. She prepared a message on this topic.

Previously, in Rus', only 200-300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with vegetables from the garden, which, of course, were silvered and gilded. Of course it was potatoes. Then people learned to make glass balls. The art of their manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed on by masters by inheritance, from generation to generation. These balls, sprinkled with silver and gold dust, were very expensive and only a few could afford them. All sorts of goodies and sweets were hung on the tree: candies, apples, nuts - each country has its own New Year's decoration. And how much joy the children had when they were able to pick and cut something tasty from the tree! And there was also gingerbread! Previously, in Rus', even in rich families, children did not eat sweets randomly, every day, but received sweets for the holiday in a little bag or hung them on the Christmas tree and received them as a prize.

Glass jewelry appeared only in the 19th century in Germany. According to one legend, this happened completely by accident. Once upon a time there lived a master glassblower. And when it came time to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money for either candy or nuts. But could he leave his children without a holiday? The master thought and thought and finally came up with an idea. Having waited until the children had fallen asleep, he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of toys out of glass: apples, candies, gingerbread cookies - and all of it sparkled, shimmered and sparkled. They say that the children liked these decorations so much that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! The master’s idea turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable and then became a tradition. And Christmas tree decorations began to be made from paper, wax, cotton wool, and foil. Decorating the interior for the New Year is a very exciting, but at the same time responsible process, and in order to make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance.

So, the first Christmas tree decorations were exclusively edible. These included apples, tangerines, oranges, carrots, potatoes, eggs, nuts, waffles, gingerbread cookies, figured sugar and candies. This is no coincidence. Each of them symbolized something important. For example, an apple personified a bountiful harvest, an egg - continuous life, nuts - the mystery of divine providence, waffles - a holy blessing... In addition, citrus slices, cinnamon sticks and candied fruits were attached to the branches of the tree. All these goodies were eaten on New Year's Eve, and the wrapper remained hanging. In the old days, a Christmas tree decorated in this way was credited with the magical ability to ward off evil spirits. And coniferous branches decorated with apples were strengthened above the threshold and at the windows in order to protect the family from witchcraft and attract happiness.

But there are also purely Russian features. So, in Rus', Christmas tree decorations were also made from rags, straw, flax, colored ribbons, spikelets, rowan tassels. Dolls were often made, about which the people had a special idea. A rag doll, usually faceless and unremarkable in appearance, was protection from disease, misfortune and evil spirits. That’s what they called her: Bereginya. Homemade dolls were treated with care and respect. They believed that well-being, prosperity and even the harvest depended on them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Christmas trees were decorated with cotton toys, paper garlands, papier-mâché figures, etc. The production of Christmas tree decorations in Russia was very small - in St. Petersburg and Klin. The first specialized glass Christmas tree production in Russia was opened under, on the estate of Prince Menshikov, at the beginning.

Cotton toys were made from twisted pressed cotton, which was wound onto skeletal frames in the shape of animals and people. The painted blanks were covered with starch paste with mica, which made them hard and slightly shiny. These toys - fruits and vegetables, fairy-tale characters and animals - were usually placed on the lower branches of the Christmas tree - children could touch them and even play with them. Masks and toys were made from papier-mâché using a simple technology: soaked paper was glued in layers onto a frame, and the dried products were painted.

Glass balls in our country were also an expensive pleasure: in the past, one ball cost almost as much as a modern car. Therefore, in Russia they even sold special albums for creating homemade toys, where they cut out and glued according to the instructions. In addition, we were the only ones who made glass icicles.

In 1925, New Year celebrations in Russia were banned and resumed only in 1935. But the New Year was made a Soviet holiday - accordingly, New Year's toys changed. Figures of children, clowns, ballerinas, birds, animals, fruits and vegetables, of course, remained. And instead of angels, pioneers, Budenovites, Red Army soldiers, and women in red headscarves appeared. Star-shaped pendant toys with a hammer and sickle and balls with stars appeared. The era of aeronautics was reflected on Christmas trees with toys-airships with the inscription “USSR”, airplanes, parachutes with tiny parachutists.

By the middle of the 20th century, the range of Christmas tree decorations had become very rich, although they were made from less effective materials than today. But a lot of imagination was invested in them. Various birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard.

3. Practical part.

And now we will make our own unique New Year's toys. I will tell you the sequence of completing the task, and then you will begin to complete it.. For this we will need our presentation, which I have prepared for you.

Physical education (arm warm-up)

Now let’s prepare our hands for work so that our fingers are flexible and dexterous; they need to be warmed up. -clench and unclench your fists; - clench and unclench your fingers; - rub your palms together; - clench your hands into fists and make circular movements with them; - Let's clap our hands.

New Year's ball.

The most common and universal toys for the New Year are Christmas tree balls. You can make them yourself from any thick paper: colored cardboard, colorful postcards or old magazine covers. Plain colored balls will give a uniform style to the room, while multi-colored ones will give an atmosphere of fun and fairy-tale magic.

For the manufacture ofpaper ball You will need:

You need to draw 20 circles on paper, all of the same size. You need to fit an equilateral triangle into the circles! For this we will use ready-made templates. Now we cut out this circle with an equilateral triangle inscribed in it, press the lines of the resulting triangle with scissors (so that they bend nicely and evenly).

You won't need a pencil and ruler anymore. Now it's the glue's turn! Glue the resulting blanks together, connecting the “ears” in pairs:

You won't need a pencil and ruler anymore. Now it's timeglue! Glue the resulting blanks together, connecting the “ears” in pairs:

First glue it together5 triangles:

Separately glue 4 triangles in the same way, but before gluing the last, fifth, we insertloop for hanging. Inside there should be a large knot, a tied bead, a button or a piece of paper (this will then prevent the loop from coming out):

Glue the fifth one
triangle, we get the finished upper partpaper ballwith loop for hanging:

Of the remaining10 elements we will make the middle of our unusual ball. We glue the individual fragments into a strip and close it into a ring. All we have to do is assemble the ball by gluing together the top, bottom and middle.

Glue the upper and lower “lid” to the base in sequence.

Glue, glue, gluewith your own handsuntil we get a ball. Depending on the initial radius of the circle, the final dimensions of the resultingNew Year's ball:

If you make such a ball from transparent durable elasticplastic, then you can put something inside for beauty. For example, twisted tinsel or evenNew Year's gift!
Balloonscan be donewith your own handsfrom old New Year's cards or calendars, you can paint with watercolors or any other available paints. You can stick foil on the blanks, cover the balls with hairspray with glitter...

4. Final part.

Guys, have you all finished your work? Let's see what we got. (demonstration of manufactured souvenirs). Look what beautiful and interesting decorations you have made. (All works are reviewed and discussed, identifying the most accurate and tasteful). Well done boys! Everyone got the job done. Did you like your crafts yourself? You guys did a great job and made wonderful decorations for your home. I think your loved ones will like it too. Did you like our lesson?Thanks to everyone who took part in our lesson.Let's put away the tools and get our workspace in order. Our lesson is over.

Thank you all very much for your participation.
