DIY leather lilies. Master class on DIY leather painting: lily technique

Paintings are rightfully recognized as the most beautiful and versatile interior decoration item. In addition to the usual paintings, there are many other interesting techniques. One of these is the method of creating a painting from leather. Surely you have seen similar paintings, but would you like to try to make such a masterpiece with your own hands? It's very simple, and this master class on leather painting will help you with this.

Beautiful bouquet

Every girl loves flowers, but, unfortunately, living plants do not delight us with their beauty for very long, so leather flowers would be an excellent alternative, because they look very natural. One of the favorite flowers of all women is lilies, so we will try to “revive” them. We will make the painting shown in the photo above.

For this master class you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Leather and leatherette;
  2. Glue;
  3. Spray paints;
  4. Acrylic paints;
  5. Wire;
  6. Gold enamel;
  7. Foil.

So, the materials are prepared, you can start working. First, you need to prepare a lily petal template from cardboard. Now take a light-colored suede leather and trace the template on the wrong side. For one flower you will need six pieces. On the petal you need to immediately mark the middle, and then cut out the details.

So, we have cut out the petals, now we need to place the wire in the marked center and glue it there. Thus, we give natural curves to our leaf. There is no need to seal the end.

Now you need to glue a thin wire along the edge of the petal; we mask this wire by wrapping the edges of the skin.

We need to make the center of the flower, for this we cut out a strip of leather, 6 cm long and 5 cm wide. We glue it, make a pestle from wire covered with leather, “plant” it all on the wire and glue it together.

You need to glue wire into the stamens and attach them to the middle.

We bend the edges of the petals so that they lie in a beautiful way (the glued wires will help us here). Glue all the petals to the middle.

Now the flower needs to be painted.

We draw the stamens with brown color and continue the design of the bud.

Now you need to cut the template out of cardboard again.

Now you need to cut out parts for the bud from thick foam rubber, such as those shown in the photo. These elements need to be glued to the wire.

Now the resulting product needs to be wrapped in leather.

Now you need to make leaves from the leather, they are made in exactly the same way as the petals, only we will paint them green.

Now you need to prepare the plywood for the background and base of the picture.

We decorate the background of the painting with leather and prepare the vase. You can make the vase voluminous or simply cut it out of a piece of leather.

From various planks you can make something like bricks. Place foil between the boards to prevent it from sagging too much.

We cut out pieces from the leather, as shown in the photo, and paste them over the stem.

Now you need to paint the background of the picture with spray paints.

Now you need to make a beautiful composition of flowers and glue them to the background.

This completes the work on the painting.

Sunset and mask

Most often, it is floral motifs that become subjects for leather paintings, but some artists manage to make unique works of art from the simplest leather scraps. But not only flowers can be made from a leather product; we bring to your attention a video tutorial, after which you will be able to make a beautiful “Sunset” painting.

It will be a little more difficult to create such a picture, but the result will exceed all your expectations. We invite you to watch a video tutorial from which you will learn how to create such a masterpiece.

We invite you to look at other paintings made from leather.

These are the beautiful roses you can make from leather, you just need to use your imagination.

Such works of art will perfectly act as a gift; the recipient may think that you purchased such a masterpiece in a store or from some famous artist. You should definitely try yourself in this art, even if it seems difficult at first. Over time, your skills will progress and you will reach a high level and be able to create your own leather paintings.

Video on the topic of the article

The technique for making leather paintings can be varied. We invite you to watch some of the video tutorials below, and you can easily repeat the masterpieces from any master class.

Majestic, elegant, proud, gentle lily! A symbol of purity and innocence, hope and love - this is what this divine flower is called. So many beautiful legends and stories have been created about him. It is believed that the lily is a house for little elves who are born and die along with the flower. In the evenings, they sway on their corollas and stamens, creating a gentle chime and spreading an intoxicating aroma throughout the garden.
The French dynasty of kings Louis used the image of this magnificent flower on the coat of arms, banner, and coins. Which meant compassion and justice for one’s subjects. And today not a single modern wedding is complete without bouquets with these beauties. They are given to the bride, friend, beloved, wife.

More than 110 species and colors of this plant are known. One of the beautiful ones is a pale pink mother-of-pearl lily. Let's try to make it out of leather in the form of a brooch, and it will decorate your evening outfit, make you individual and attractive!

Working time:5-6 hours
What you will need:
Pieces of leather 25 x 25 cm.
PVA glue, hot glue
Acrylic metallic paints
Paper, pen, ruler, brush, sponge
Bulki, double and single flower knife
Scissors, pliers, tweezers, thick and thin fishing line,
Semolina or other loose colored grains
Letons, threads, pins (photo 2,3)

Candle, matches
Hair fixation spray

Beginning of work
1.Prepare the skin for work. If it has been used, clean it, remove the threads, wash it in warm soapy water and dry it. Transfer the pattern of petals, leaves, buds to the suede side of the leather as many as indicated in (photo 4) and carefully cut out.

Treat the parts with flower bouillon so that it takes on a “boat” shape. On the front surface, draw the veins parallel to the center with a hot single knife. If you don't have a tool, use an ordinary knife with a blunt end.
2.If you have ready-made letons, then divide them into all petals, leaves, buds, 15 cm each. Carefully glue them with PVA glue along the central veins. Turn over the parts of the flower petals and bud, and run a hot double knife along the front side along the central vein so that the wire hits the middle of the knife. For the base of the bud, prepare a leton with cotton wool wrapped around it and treat it with PVA glue. Now it will be easy for you to hold and process the edges of all parts over the flame of a candle or gas burner so that they are rounded and take on more natural shapes (photo 5-7).

You can make letons yourself from thin wire, wrapped in a spiral at an angle of 45 degrees with a strip of crepe (corrugated) paper. It is sold in stationery or craft stores.
My skin is brown, so I had to paint it with acrylic paints. But if you have colored skin, then you don’t need to dye it, you can adjust it a little. I painted several layers.
Petals and bud
First, I applied white acrylic paint from Gamma with a brush, then lightly gave it a pink tint with a sponge (I mixed white and a drop of red). I painted the same on the front and back sides. I shaded the base of the petals a little with green, then on top of all the petals I went over them with a sponge again in white, but with a metallic tint. This is metallic acrylic paint. The result was a soft pink pearlescent color. The bud is painted in the same way.
The leaves of the flower have several shades: green, turquoise, red, white, brown. I applied it with a sponge, in places (photos 8-10).

Stamens and pistil(photo 11-15)

While the paint dries, prepare the stamens. I made them simply from fishing line, and they look natural, in my opinion. For the pestle, I picked up a thick 8 cm fishing line, tied the tip in a knot, and cut off the excess. I bent 6 tips of the stamens. I dipped all the ends into thick PVA construction glue and let it sit for a minute and a half. After that, the pestle was dipped in saffron powder, and the stamens in tomato powder. When they were dry, I sprayed them with hairspray. This way they will be fixed and will not crumble. The stamens and pistil can be dipped in semolina, painted with paint or gouache. Just let it dry and crush it a little so that it is free-flowing.
Assembling the lily (photo 16,17)

Assembling the flower is easy, since every part is on a wire. First we collect the pistil and stamens. Place the stamens in the middle of the pistil, tie everything with thread and secure with a little hot glue. Now, on this brush of stamens and pistil, collect wide petals in turn, secure each one with threads and hot glue. The second circle - narrow petals are also secured with threads and glue; they need to be arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Attach a green leaf to the same branch. You can wrap the branch with thin leather, corrugated paper or cloth.
Wrap the base of the bud - a leton with cotton wool and a pestle inserted into it - with a finished piece of leather. Correct and glue the side edges of the bud with PVA glue. Wrap a branch from the base of the bud with thin leather, adding lily leaves one at a time.
It remains to collect two branches into one, secure them with wire, wrap them in leather, install and secure with a pin (photo 18-20).

The result is such a lovely mother-of-pearl lily! Thanks to everyone who came to our master class. Try to make this beauty and you will get great aesthetic pleasure.

The master class was provided by Zamira Rasulova.

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I suggest making a lily flower for future decoration.

- Genuine Leather

- scissors

- PVA glue

— glue-moment Crystal

- paint for tinting

So, let's start!

I wish you pleasant viewing.

Choose the skin color you want to make the lily. Cut out six petals. We outline our blanks with a pen.

For one lily, six petals and 4-5 leaves are enough.

Cut out:

Using a brush, coat all the petals from the inside out with PVA glue diluted 1:2 (1 part glue + 2 parts PVA)

We stretch the edges of the petals and leave them to dry.

We fold the green leaves like an accordion and twist them onto the handle.

Leave to dry, straighten and stretch across the width.

In the middle of the petals we coat with instant glue, coat the wire in the same way, and apply it as in the photo. Lightly dry:

We begin to pinch the wire inward. Where it is not glued, add glue with a toothpick.

It turns out like this.

Making the pistil and stamens:

Glue small squares (anthers) onto the stamens. Press on both sides. You need to take thin skin, mine is a bit thick. Then we cut the anthers in a semicircle:

We revive it, make specks, mine are black:

We take our pestle and grease it with glue. We also lubricate the three petals at the base, let them sit, and glue them as in the photo:

Glue the second row of petals.

We also glue the green leaves:

I present to your attention my next work. I am a big fan of lilies, I wanted to immortalize my love in a painting. The size of the painting is 50 x 60 cm.

We will need:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • PVA glue, shoe glue "Moment" or extra strong, superglue "Moment" gel;
  • Aerosol paints;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Floral wire or other (1 mm and 0.5 mm);
  • Golden enamel;
  • Foil;
  • Wooden blanks;
  • Leatherette.

From cardboard I cut out a template of a lily petal, measuring 12 x 8 cm. I made the edge wavy. Then, on the light leather, on the suede side, we draw a template for all flowers at once (for 1 you need - 6 pieces) and cut it out. I immediately draw the middle so that later it will be convenient to glue the wire.

Now, from the suede side, we glue a wire 0.5 mm thick into the petals, but not the entire length, leaving the edge free.

Now we glue the wire along the edge of the petal. We use “Moment” shoe glue or extra strong glue.

For the center, cut out a piece of leather 5 x 6 cm, bend the edge along the width and glue 0.5 cm. For the pestle: I took plastic from a cotton swab and covered it with leather. Then we take 1 mm floral wire, make a loop at the end. Next, glue everything together: twist the wire, pestle and center into a tube and seal it.

For the stamens, cut out strips of skin of this size. For 1 flower you need 5 pieces.

We glue wire into strips of leather. We twist the edges of the stamens and glue them to the middle.

We bend the edges of the petals as we like and glue them to the middle.

Let's color the flowers! First I sprayed it with white spray paint, then yellow, and then sprayed a little light green in the middle.

For the buds, cut out pieces of leather this size.

For the base of the bud, I cut out these blanks from hard foam rubber (packaging material) and glued in 1 mm wire.

We also glue a wire into the edge of the skin of the future bud, wrap the bud shape in leather and glue it.

We make leaves of different sizes, paint them with green spray paint, and then a little gold on the sides. You can see more details here. For the buds, I made the leaves smaller and on the stem.

I cut the plywood to fit the frame. I had these wooden scraps - now they came in handy, I glued them in a circle, imitating bricks. Glue a piece of black leatherette in the middle.

Like this. We estimate how much leather is needed to drape the “bricks”. The vase is a wooden blank, sawn into two parts and covered with black leather. The decor is a strip of leather glued with wire, curved and painted with gold enamel. I have a more detailed description here.

We glue the skin onto the “bricks” - I glued it with PVA, it’s very convenient. I placed foil between the “bricks” so that the skin would not sag too much. And along the edge of the arch I laid a piece of wire - hard, so that the edge was smoother.

For flowers, we cut out details like these and glue the stem and stem.

Like this. And then we paint it with green spray paint. For the buds and the largest leaves that hang from the vase, we also cover the stems with leather.

We paint the background with different spray paints to make it lighter, as if light is streaming from the arch.

We paint the skin along the edge of the arch with golden enamel - only the bulges.

About the stand: this is a semicircular piece of wood, we cover it with the same leather as the bricks and paint it.

Now that everything is ready, we lay out the composition on the picture, and then, carefully lifting all the details, glue them to the base with “Moment” superglue-gel.

The picture is ready.

Side view.

On the other side.

In different lighting.

Girls, since our master class on leather painting is still delayed (the performer is sick), shouldn’t we make a panel with flowers in the meantime? Moreover, someone prepared the skin! We made panels like this two years ago, when older children came to see me.

These are examples of work. Everyone loved the lily. Of course, it’s not difficult to do, and the flower is large, even 3 flowers make a composition. The source, of course, was the Internet, the work of girls on forums, they contributed something of their own.... I never got around to doing a master class then, but recently I saw a painfully familiar work. The fact is that a young woman came to my classes. Her daughter was not interested, but her mother was very interested, so I allowed her to go (and so, we have a children’s club). .

Lena's master class.

1. Make a petal pattern from cardboard (mine: length 10 cm, width 5 cm, base 2.5 cm); Transfer to the skin, cut out, adding 5 mm for the bend (except for the base). You need 6 petals, a rectangle (about the size of a matchbox), and stamens - 4 cm each.

2. Bend the rectangle, twist it into a tight tube, and glue it at the edge.

3. Glue the stamens to form a pistil

4. Lubricate the petal along the edge with “Moment” from the suede side, smear it with a cotton swab.

5.Fold the edges and press with your fingers.

6.Lubricate the middle of the petal (along the length).

7. Bend the petal. We make the remaining petals in the same way.

8. Lubricate the petal at the base with glue.

9. Assembling the lily: glue the first petal onto the pistil

the remaining 3

10. Cover the finished flower with a primer. (I’ll add on my own: car primer, in a can)

11. Paint with acrylic paints without using water
