The Magic of Vedic Wisdom. Conversations about Slavic magic

The greatest mysteries and secrets of magic Smirnova Inna Mikhailovna


Her hymns provide inexhaustible material on magic and sorcery among the Indians. This literary monument dates from around the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. Its name comes from the name of the mythical fire priest Atharvan. The connection of this collection of hymns with the priests of fire is obvious: conspiracies were usually pronounced over the fire, into which sacrificial libations were made.

The original name Atharva Veda did not include the word Veda. It sounded like "Atharva" or "Atharvangirasa" - a name consisting of the names of two mythical clans: Atharvana and Angirasa (angiras - the name of semi-divine beings, intermediaries between gods and people). According to Indian tradition, it is believed that the connection of the Atharva Veda with the two named clans reflects the dual nature of the conspiracies of this collection: white magic - conspiracies aimed at achieving good - is associated with Atharvans, and black magic - conspiracies aimed at achieving evil - with Angirases.

There are several types of spells found in the Atharva Veda.

The most common are healing spells. Various diseases are listed in magic formulas. For each disease, treatment, healing procedures and magical actions are prescribed. So, drinks and ointments were prepared from various herbs and medicinal plants, mixing them with water. Water played a big role, it was not only part of various medicines, but was used for ablution. Healing herbs served not only as medicines, but also as amulets. Special procedures were also used: for example, they treated snake venom with fire, burning the stung place with a torch and throwing this torch towards the crawling snake. However, the main therapeutic tool in the Atharva Veda was still a conspiracy. Thus, obviously, the line between magical and rational treatment is almost impossible to draw.

There are also requests of a specific order: for a cure for a mental disorder, for release from debt, for salvation from hostile witchcraft, for avoiding the wrath of certain deities, for the well-being of a child, for wealth, longevity, love, and so on.

In the same conspiracy of the Atharvaveda, different themes are often intertwined. Thus, a conspiracy against illness often turns out to be a conspiracy for a long life and is sometimes indistinguishable from conspiracies against demons, and so on. In conspiracies for healing and longevity, the idea is expressed that the caster recreates the life or health of a sick person, and does not heal in the proper sense of the word. Thus, we are talking about a kind of symbolic likeness of a cosmogonic act. That is why episodes about the creation of medicinal herbs are included in different versions of cosmogonic myths.

Since not only hymns, but any text in general, can be used for magical purposes, an idea arose about the power of the word of the expressed truth. That is, there was a belief that if the statement is true, then the wish will come true. The word, according to the concepts of the Indians, reflects the essence of the object designated by it. Hence the special attitude to the name of a person.

The name is the essence of a person, and to “capture” the name of the enemy, that is, to know his name, means to get the enemy into your power. Therefore, your name should be hidden. Hence the motive for recognizing secret names in the Atharvaveda incantations and naming these names: after all, to pronounce correctly means to tell the truth, otherwise, to acquire magical power.

Each conspiracy necessarily contains requests or wishes. The spell had to be spoken in an undertone. In a conversation against the enemy, it was supposed to call his name, kinship, or at least say that these data are known to the caster. Often in conspiracies, the “magic word” is repeated, from which the greatest action is expected. So, in a love spell uttered by a man, the word “honey” is repeated (I, 34). At the end of the stanza, a “magic refrain” can be repeated, conveying the most important thing in a conspiracy - the content of the request. Such, for example, is the refrain in a love spell uttered by a woman: “Let him flare up to me” (VI, 130).

In conspiracies, they constantly resort to saying the truth for magical purposes. For example, in a conspiracy against witchcraft they say: “Moonlight is similar to the sun, the night has a similar nature to the day. I call on the truth to help: let the sorcerers lose their juice! (IV, 18.1). Against witchcraft, all the places where it was created should be listed: “What they did for you in a raw vessel, what they did in mixed grains, the witchcraft that they did in raw meat, I take back!” (V, 31). Equally detailed are the listings of snakes cast out, various demons and enemies.

The magical procedure performed by the spell may also include certain magical actions. This part of the procedure is optional, but it is quite common. Actions are of two types.

First, those that can be called real, or non-symbolic. So, the exorcist gives the sick man medicine, smears him with ointment, sprinkles sand on his wounds, brings a jug of water into a new, not yet inhabited house, ties various amulets, digs a healing plant out of the ground with a shovel, makes a fire, makes a sacrificial libation into it, and so on.

In conspiracies, sacrifices for magical purposes are repeatedly mentioned. Here is a conspiracy for a long life, pronounced over a seriously ill person: “I tore it out with the help of a sacrificial libation, thousand-eyed, hundred-manly, giving a hundred lives ...” (III, 3). The ritual of sacrifice is taken by magic from ritual practice, but here this ritual is used for completely different purposes, which is reflected in its material embodiment. In general, the form of ritual adopted in the rites is preserved: a sacrificial fire is laid out, a fire is lit, libations are made into it, mantras are pronounced. But only for the purposes of black magic, the sacrificial fire should be turned to the south - the country of the kingdom of the dead (and not to the east or northeast - the region of the gods); instead of cow's ghee (a cow is a sacred animal), a libation is made with vegetable oil; instead of taking everything with the right hand, as the priest does in the usual ritual, here the caster takes everything with the left hand, and so on. In cases such as magical sacrifice, the literal acts are inseparable from the symbolic.

Secondly, the caster, pronouncing the conspiracy, also performs purely symbolic actions: he sends witchcraft away, sending back to the sorcerer, poison to the snake, the curse to the curser, releases jealousy from the heart, drives away bad dreams, finds the breath of a dying person by the wind, vision - the sun and so on.

In the magical practice presented in the Atharva Veda, two types of symbolic and non-symbolic actions are distinguished. One of the simplest types of magical action is wiping, rinsing, shaking off. Thus, diseases are washed away with water, curses, sin, evil are erased with the apamarga plant (apamarga - “eraser”); illnesses and sins are shaken off on other people.

Another type of simple magical action is the practice of transferring a magical substance from one person or object to another: witchcraft to a sorcerer, and so on.

Direct contact with the object - the carrier of a favorable substance, makes the contacting person involved in this substance. In accordance with this belief, amulets are put on: plants, grains, gold and silver, precious stones, pearls. Sometimes amulets are dipped into milk, honey, water, which are also considered as carriers of a favorable substance.

All sorts of predictions are also based on magic - imitative, or imitative: a certain, symbolically interpreted situation in the present is considered as a model of a future event. So, in order to find out which army will win, they kindle a fire, and it is believed that the army will be defeated, in whose direction the smoke from the fire will stretch. Imitative magic is also involved in many other practices: jealousy is driven out by lowering a red-hot ax into cold water, jaundice is driven away on yellow birds or in the sun, and the like.

The magical procedure may include the use of so-called intermediaries. They are of two kinds: those with which direct contact is possible (amulets), and those with which such contact is impossible (gods, sun, moon, stars, and so on).

Conspiracies against demons, sorcerers and enemies form that part of the Atharvaveda, which is traditionally associated with the Angiras and is actually black magic. The Atharvaveda is characterized by the indistinguishability between demons and sorcerers. Black magic in this monument is directed equally against evil spirits and against enemies, moreover, in some conspiracies, enemies are quite clearly understood as people: rivals in love, hostile relatives, those who send curses, in a word, persons described by the formula popular in Akhtarvaveda : "Who hates us, and whom we hate."

Agni served as an ally of the spellcasters in the fight against demons: the fire of the sacrificial fire was considered the killer of demons. Other allies were amulets. They were pieces of wood of certain species, suspended on colored threads, twigs of certain plants or lead. The latter was used as an amulet, primarily at funerals, to protect the living from the destructive effects of the cremation fire of Agni, the corpse-eater. Everything that was connected with funeral rites was dangerous for the living and required purification rites, accompanied by conspiracies. So, after the “meat-devouring” cremation fire, another, clean, expiatory fire was lit from the fire of the householder, and the dirty “meat-eater” was spoken to.

Mythology in the Atharvaveda occupies a subordinate position compared to magic. It is not the gods themselves that are important to the spellcaster, but their own ability to use them in the interests of magic, to benefit from them with the help of well-developed techniques.

Thus, the Atharva Veda, the Veda of spells, is traditionally considered a book of magic, and the main character in it is an individual who realizes himself as the center of everything. The leitmotif of this Veda: "The head of Indra, the head of heaven and earth is this man, the head of all that exists" (Atharva Veda, VI, 86, 1). This man - a magician - assures the suffering: "Do not be afraid, you will not die, I make you reach old age, I expel the yaksha that spoils the members from your members" (Atharvaveda, V, 30, 8). The magician is confident in his power and consciously seeks to subdue the psyche of others: “I grasp your mind with my mind, follow my intentions with your intentions, I place your hearts under my control, follow your paths with my movement” (Atharva Veda, VI , 94, 2).

The main action performed by the magician is healing or, conversely, damage sent to the enemy. The approach to treatment is psychological, but it is possible that reciting a certain spell formula in a certain rhythm had more than just a psychological effect. In Buddhism, it is believed that a rhythmic mantra - a spell affects not so much its meaning, but the vibrations it produces. In fact, the magic priest turned the magical action into a complex ritual, while he himself became one of the participants in the sacrifice.

If the Rig Veda was a priestly literature, then the Atharva Veda was a folk literature. Magical actions, apparently, reflected the ideas of the Indian population to a greater extent than the stylized and thought-out system of ritual recorded in the Rig Veda.

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The Old Believers or Rodovers belong to the period of the ancient Slavs. Then it was a huge tribe that spread not only on the territory of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but in the Balkans, in the Baltic states. They worshiped the ancient gods, brought them rich sacrifices in exchange for a harvest and peacetime. Old Russian conspiracies are not known to many. They formed the basis of Slavic magic, and later began to be used by modern practitioners.

They have great power, because their power comes from nature, the spiritual connection of man and his ancestors.

If you are looking for strong protective, healing spells, as well as effective damage, then you should delve into the study of this magical tradition. For the Old Believers, they were of great importance, they will help you. The memory of generations will help to perform a powerful natural ritual. Your life will change for the better, because you know how to manage its course.

Religion of Ancient Rus'

Everyone knows that Ancient Rus' was pagan. There are many beautiful legends, stories about gods and heroes. Before the baptism of Rus', sacrifices were made, the Magi helped people choose the right time for sowing, building, they blessed them for exploits and battles. Women received help and relief during difficult childbirth, they had the support of the goddesses Lada and Mokosh. A lot of time has passed since then. A decision was made on the Baptism of Rus', the transition to the Orthodox faith.

Temples were destroyed, idols were burned, and traditions were forgotten. But, it was only in humans. For a very long time, paganism remained the main, most powerful religion of the Old Believers. They did not accept the new God and his faith. New idols were built in the forests, rituals were held in secret. In some places, they were against the worship of the new God at all. There, the old rites were conducted, services were held in the name of Perun, Yarilo, Svarozhich. People did not want to forget their gods. There were many such centers in the East.

The Old Believers have preserved their traditions from much earlier times. The baptism of Rus' was aimed at eradicating paganism, but even it was divided into two camps. There are several generations of Slavic pagan gods. The first, the most ancient, begins with the Thunderer Perun. Later, many centuries later, Yarilo came to his place - a wise, fair, very warlike god. This is where the split happened. The Old Believers wanted to continue their rituals in honor of Perun, and the worshipers of the new gods unanimously shouted that the future belongs to Yaril - the Sun, Light, Strength.

Old Believers and worshipers of the new gods

Even before the arrival of the Orthodox faith, entire regions appeared that did not recognize the power of the New Gods. They did not want to give the tribal faith of their grandfathers. Mysticism played a huge role in their lives. The faith of the Old Believers was closely connected with magic and rituals. Most of the conspiracies that belong to the Slavic period came to us from the time of the Old pagan gods. This was the beginning of the great Slavic magic, which fed from the source of natural power:

  • Earth is mother, protector. She provided food, clothing, the ability to sow and harvest crops.
  • Water - there would be no crop without water. A person cannot live without water, a plant, an animal needs it every day. The Slavs settled along the rivers not only for the sake of their crops, but also thinking about protection. Crossing the turbulent river is not easy, so on the one hand their cities were well protected.
  • Air is as essential as water.
  • Fire - warmth, light, protection from wild animals. With the help of fire, you can not only cook food and heat your home, create weapons. Even then, the Slavs knew how to subdue the metal.

These four elements are pure nature for all Old Believers. She nourished their magic, giving the power of all the elements at once. Rituals were performed that formed the basis of today's elemental and natural magic.

In those days, the balance between black and white magic was much stronger.

Another important feature is Rod. The ancient Slavs even had a god named Rod, who sacredly kept the connection between generations. All the power of the ancestors is behind the back of the one who honors the family history, knows the names of great-grandfathers and follows their faith. Nature and the strength of the family helped the mystics of ancient Rus'. They received great power from the blessings of their ancestors. Their life was full of mysticism, rituals, conspiracies. Both whites and blacks.

In those distant times, nature and fate were ruthless to man. He had to use two types of magic at once in order to survive. The Old Believers had many enemies, but they also had friends. Their gods always stood nearby, reminding themselves of themselves with peals of thunder, rain, the bright Sun or fertile soil.

Old Gods and New Gods

There are several generations of gods. They were transformed, because the idea of ​​a person about the world and the forces of nature was changing. The oldest gods belong to the era of Animism. This means that a person saw a soul in everything:

  • forces of nature: rain, thunder, lightning, clear weather;
  • animals: ritual, totem animals for gods and goddesses, they served as victims or, on the contrary, were glorified;
  • nature: stones, trees;
  • change of seasons: the coming to power of one or another god was accompanied by a change in weather, temperature, living conditions.

For the Old Believers there was nothing, no one without a soul. The whole world was created at the behest of the gods, which means that even in the smallest stone on a dusty road there is a part of the divine touch.

The most ancient gods:

  • Perun - Thunderer, Father and Creator;
  • Mother - she is earth, sky, water and fire. Later Lada.

In addition to these gods, there were also children and grandchildren:

  • Khors is a god personifying the Sun. Later, when Yarilo came to power in heaven, he combined the power of Perun and Khors in himself;
  • Dazhdbog - commanded the rains, rivers, seas. He was asked for good rains for a bountiful harvest;
  • Semargl - conveyed to people the will of the gods. He was the messenger and voice of the higher deities;
  • Stribog - the lord of the winds;
  • Rod - the protector of the clan, family, home;
  • Svarozhich is the god of fire and blacksmithing. According to legend, he gave people fire, taught them how to forge iron.
Dazhdbog, Simargl, Stribog

These are male deities, but what about women? They had their own goddesses:

  • Makosh is a female goddess. She taught the women how to spin, sew, cook and keep the house clean. Later it will be replaced by Friday. She also taught women to create amulets, to protect the house from evil spirits;
  • Women in labor - provide assistance during pregnancy, childbirth. These goddesses keep a record of every child born, creating their own destiny for him;
  • Beregini - they are only half goddesses. This is a bird woman. A very kind character who always stood up for a woman, protected her from suffering, troubles, misfortunes.

Everyone from young to old believed in these gods. This tradition does not fade even after 1000 years.

The power of ancient conspiracies

Conspiracies were part of everyday life. From what did the Slavs defend themselves?

Chernobog with his army of demons, devils, water. They were the main enemies of mankind. So that there was peace in the house, the children did not get sick, the old people lived peacefully, and the harvest was good, it was worth defending themselves from the influence of an evil god. He was also revered, but his army could do much harm with its cunning. All the black deeds of man only increased this army of evil.
Chernobog, on the other hand, caused diseases, damage, could kill with his will or cripple even the most skilled warrior. But the worst thing is that he put bad thoughts into people:

  • bewitch;
  • kill;
  • steal;
  • take away.

Then he no longer acted by himself, but by the hands of other people. Against such black deeds, amulets were created, talismans that protected the will, the soul of a person. Other conspiracies helped to heal people from diseases. Magi were engaged in such magic, but it was also common among ordinary residents. They knew how with the help of magic:

  • drive away diseases;
  • help in childbirth;
  • relieve fever;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • save children and adults from death.

All these rituals were accompanied by sacrifices. Today, few people make traditional sacrifices, but this tradition has survived. The gods will gladly accept homemade kvass, good beer, ritual fire, fresh flowers, animal blood from you. To do this, it is not necessary to kill a chicken or a pig, as was done before. Today, fans of this tradition buy fresh meat, beef or pork heart. Such a sacrifice pleases the old gods. If you want to follow exactly the ancient rituals, you will have to slaughter a ritual animal.

Simple conspiracies

They do not need rituals at all, you can say every day for your own protection or not for yourself. It is best to have a small image (idol) of the deity you choose to worship. It must be made independently from clay, wood or stone. Such an idol helps to appeal to God more quickly. These conspiracies must be learned by heart, the gods do not like it when words are read on paper or from a computer screen. During rituals or conspiracies, it is generally better to be on the street, closer to the open window. Nature will help you, give you the strength to carry out the conspiracy of the Old Believers.

A few simple spells for every day will help you get started with this amazing, interesting, ancient tradition.

Conspiracy for health

This spell of the Old Believers is suitable for children, adults. It can be said to yourself or another person. So, use it when something hurts you, or your loved ones get sick. You need to put a hand on a person’s forehead and say:

“I will be blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there is a white-combustible stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the white wing of the swan. As the white wing bounced off, so bounce, jump back, jump back from (the name is spoken) native flames, fevers and fevers - Khripusha, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant, Windy, Confused, Zyabukha, Shaking, Fire, Pukhleya, Zhelteya, Nemeya, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapusha. From a violent little head with clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart. I came from the wind, go to the wind, I came from the water, go to the water, I came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century. The mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched a tender leg, and from that wound, yes, not blood-ore, but from that wound, yes, pure water. Yes, the water is pure, that flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, on that island and on that Buyan, on that Buyan, yes, a mound is high. On the mound that stone-alatyr lies in full breadth. Do not lift it, do not roll it up while the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under that stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Wanderer Lie down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron-Kin to guard, I ask you diligently: You enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Oh, mother Lada, mother Swa (heavenly) pure! Do not leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace on us, as if we honor and glorify you Now and forever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Until the end of time, while the Yarilo sun shines on us!

The pain quickly goes away, and the person falls asleep. This is the only side effect.

Conspiracy-request for protection

Ask for protection in difficult times - the Slavic gods will not leave the request unanswered. Your entire family will come to your defense and support. You do not need to use every day, but only when you are in danger. It is short, so memorize it, teach your child.

Whatever happens, say:

“Father, you are Semargl-Firebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! As you burn and scorch grass-ant, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches have a raw oak, and slept with (the name is spoken) of sorrow and illness. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!”

Help will come to you suddenly, but it will be exactly when you need it.

A conspiracy for happiness in life

For happiness in life, this conspiracy is pronounced. It helps especially well if you have a "black bar". No job, no money, bad family relationships. This conspiracy will change everything, turn it upside down. You will have every chance for happiness. This is what you dream about today, the Slavs dreamed about the same many centuries ago. Text:

“Zarya-Zarenitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight. Dawn-Zarenitsa in the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and lay down from me (the name is spoken) and take away the accursed power from me, all the ailments of adversity. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!”

For success in any business

May all your endeavors be successful. Say softly:

“Work, work, be to me, the servant of God (name), in the hunt. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for every harvest. Forever and ever. Goy!

This short, simple plot is powerful. Your words will be heard. Do not do it very often, you may offend the gods with your desire for profit. It is best to choose the most important things, before you start, say this text 1-3 times. You will have the support you need.

Among the Old Believers, this ceremony was performed in the field, so it is better not to deviate from tradition.

Ancient Ritual of the Forces of Nature

This ritual is suitable for strong conspiracies when you need to increase your personal power. On a windy day, go out into an open field, preferably all planted with rye, wheat, corn.

  • You need to stand in the middle of the field, draw a circle around you with a new knife.
  • Kindle a fire in the north, put a container with rain or river water in the south.
  • East will correspond to the elements of air.
  • In the west, collect fresh earth with your own hands, pour it into a pile.
  • Get on your knees saying:

"Perun! Wake up to those who call Thee, Glorious and Trislaven! Health and a multitude of the Family to all the children of Svarog, give, Kindness of patronage, show mercy, rule over everyone, even from the Motherland! Taco be, taco be, taco be!”

  • Ask God for strength to carry out your ritual. You need to address Perun respectfully, but without fear. God loves the brave, encourages them, will always help. And those who fawn, complain, he does not listen.
  • In this circle, thank all the elemental elements for being present.
  • Begin to carry out your ritual and conspiracy. You now have the power of a great ancient god.

A very good sign is the beginning of thunder, rain during an elemental ritual. This means that Perun blessed you for the ritual, he will help you in every possible way.

Conspiracy healing from drunkenness

The big problem is drunkenness. To get rid of a person, you need to perform a ritual. Ask Perun and the forces of nature for help. When you have completed the preparations for the ritual, place on the ground in a circle:

  • patient's personal item;
  • a bottle of vodka;
  • three leaves of laurel;
  • egg.
The call of forces is a prerequisite for the rite

Take a personal item and put three bay leaves on it. They have the magical property of protection, give wisdom and purify the mind.

“White spirits, help (name) remember the old life the way I remember it. Help him overcome the passion that is destroying himself, and the whole family, and his wife, and children. Help to find a new meaning in life and start life from a blank slate. Let the good stay, let the bad go forever.”

  • Lay the egg on the ground with the pointed end down.
  • Now you need to pour the whole bottle of vodka without residue on the ground on the egg.
  • While pouring, say: as fiery water goes into the ground, pours from an egg, so (name) is freed from its dependence, burden. Let it be so. Goy.

You need to leave a personal item there on the field, and bury the bottle and egg in different places. At the end of the elemental ritual, they usually thank the deity, the forces for their presence, let them go. Only after that you can leave the circle, leave the field.

Conspiracy to protect from all evils

After the ritual, you need to lie on the ground, say loudly:

“Perun, Rod, Svarog, protect my house and the entrance to it, my body and the work I do, from all those who oppose me, from all those who wish me harm, whose names I will tell you, and from whom I suffer without guilt. Protect me. Goy"

The earth will give you the power of protection you need. She is a mother, ancestor, nurse. The earth will take away any troubles from you, and give you happiness. Do not throw away the clothes to which they lay during the conspiracy, but keep them at home as a protective talisman.

Home protection

Take a candle and bring it to the place where you will perform the ritual. After calling Perun, the forces of the elements, light a candle. She needs to be spoken to:

“My beloved home! I drive out anger, envy, discontent and quarrels! May love, peace, joy and peace reign within these walls!”

  • Bring the candle home and light it.
  • Round off all corners.
  • Light her corners, jambs, window frames.
  • So your house will be reliably protected from any hardships and troubles.

Conspiracy from envious people

A conspiracy will help from envious people and evil tongues:

“From a bad hour, from a bad eye, from a girl’s, from a youth, from a night, midnight, from a day, noon, from an hour, half an hour, from a gray eye, from a yellow eye, from a black eye, which jokes and dries this person. He didn’t flatter you dashingly, didn’t do evil, take out all the ailments from the whole white body and from the violent head. And if you don’t stop joking and drying this person, I’ll go pray to the family, I’ll bow to the Sun, I’ll bow to Perun, I’ll turn to the Roof, they will send terrible clouds on you, they will beat you with thunders, they will burn you with lightning, they will pierce through the ashes through Mother Earth cheese . Oh, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, could you save God, help us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour to dissuade.

If you know a person who spreads gossip about you, talks about you, then imagine him during the ritual. He will stop very soon, and if he starts again, the gods will punish him.

Dark magic of the Old Believers

In addition to protective and healing magic, there is another side. This is the dark magic of the Old Believers. It includes damage, curses, love spells and a variety of destructive spells. They came from Chernobog himself, who also sought to help people by teaching them to control the souls of others. Anyone who dares to utter these conspiracies will be able to repair his love, hit the enemy, or avenge the offense. Traditionally it was considered a great sin, but they were used anyway.

If you lose something valuable or get cut badly after the spell, then your debt to Chernobog has been paid.

There is no such person whom Chernobog could not convert to his faith. He tempts his soul with power, but always takes his own. The victim is not defined for him, because this lord of the underworld, the lord of darkness himself chooses his victim.

The stronger the impact, the more valuable the sacrifice for it will be. Prepare with an open mind to sacrifice something dear to make an impact. These are the rules, they were like that in the days of the ancient Slavs, they are the same today. The strength of this magic is in following the traditions, because that is how it managed to survive even after 1000 years.

Love spell of a guy

Love spells and prisushki belong to dark magic. They may sound quite harmless, but they are not. In fact, any love spell or sexual attraction is coercion. You are destroying the protection of a person, you are subordinating his will to yourself.

To bewitch a guy, you need to come to where the birches grow. Tie three red ribbons on the birch, but firmly. Knots can be moistened with water so that they do not untie. Tell:

“Oh birch, beauty!
Help me, help me!
Send love and happiness to me!
Like birds nest in pairs,
So I want to meet my sweetheart!”

Tighten the knots tight. Leave, don't turn around. Now the first message from a loved one will come in 3 days.

Enchant any person

To bewitch a guy or a girl is a strong spell. I need to cut my hand a little. So cut so that there is blood. Go to the boy's or girl's house. Shake off this blood behind the ground, looking to the South next to the house of the beloved person. Tell:

“I ask you Kama, I ask you Lada,
Help my misfortune, weave a sweetheart into my fate.
He will love me, he will be nice to me.
I ask you Kama, I ask you Lada,
How the branches of birch and oak intertwined,
So in my life, the betrothed will appear.

Now he won't get away from you. The legs themselves will bring the beloved or the beloved to you.

The return of an ancient tradition

Today you can be anyone, which means that if you want to profess the religion of the ancient Slavs, Old Believers, then all the cards are in your hands. There is a lot of literature on this topic, forums, communities. You choose the path yourself:

  • join the community of Old Believers, conduct rituals together, exchange experiences;
  • go your own way into the depths of ancient magic.

All doors are open to you. Today, you can’t surprise anyone with your interests, so you can easily get hung up on what you love. There are many workshops in which amulets are made, attributes for rituals, in strict accordance with tradition. Buy everything you need there or make your own.

Followers of the Old Believer tradition recommend spending more time in nature. Make fires, swim in the rivers, meet the winds, breathe deeply. This will help you to be closer to nature, to restore the balance of power. Follow white magic or black - your choice. In any case, these are powerful spells, proven rituals, the result you need. Your world will change if you start these practices.

Interview with the international newspaper "MAGIA" by Sergey Dimkov.

K .: What can you tell about magic and the Vedas?

S: Veda is Knowledge. The Vedas are the records of this Knowledge, which were made by the sages of the past. Vedas 5 thousand years.

Five thousand years is not the age of Knowledge, but of records.

Eat the four main Vedas, which are born from the level of stillness and the level of Being .

So magic is one of the four directions of the Vedic teachings. This is a set of certain laws, spells, which guided the pandits (singers of magical hymns), sages, saints to awaken certain vibrations of the Mind of Nature.

You can sing a certain hymn and it will rain, you can sing another one and the rain will stop.

If a Person is pure and bright enough, then he can do something good for another. With the help of spells and rituals, heal, attract good luck ...

But there is an expression: "The path to hell is paved with good intentions."

If a person came to ask someone for help, and he is not enlightened, then this can be quite dangerous. We do not know how fully the Law of nature, the Will of God, operates through it.

Knowledge and wisdom are already structurally embedded in the consciousness and abilities of a person.

The most you can do is to give him the "magic of knowledge".

And it consists in eliminating stress and tension from the physiology.

Any religion, any metaphysics, and even physics say that the whole system of the Universe is filled with certain properties of life (in physics it is a “single field of the laws of nature”, the Vedas call it “Being”, Christians call it “Father”). There is not a single smallest particle in which these properties were not present. All our cells, DNA, RNA, etc. – filled with the light of God, Natural Law!

If we ask someone for something, then we are saying that the Creator is stingy and did not give us something, let him give us more.

This cannot be. It is not necessary to ask anyone for anything, and it is impossible, because every Human is the embodiment of all the laws of nature.

The nervous system of Man, his brain and the whole physiology as a whole, are a complete expression of all the natural laws of the Cosmos.

If we are on the side of knowledge, goodness, then we are moving evolutionarily. As soon as we don't choose this, we get punished with diseases, problems, crime, terrorism.

On the one hand, there is a choice, on the other hand, as soon as you do not choose enlightenment and something beautiful, then here you get a reverse blow.

This blow is not from God, but according to the law of karma: "What you sow, you will reap."

This rural proverb is 100% expression of the law of karma.

If an apple tree seed falls into the ground, then an apple tree will grow, if pears, then a pear. If a person has done something bad, then sooner or later, he himself or his relatives will definitely receive the consequences of that negativity, the seeds of which he sowed.

Hence the conclusion - do only good deeds.

This is not because some bearded grandfather said so, but simply because the law of karma works that way.

K .: And how can one get away from the law of karma?

If a person wants to free himself from the not very good heritage of his ancestors, what should he do?

S.: There is always an answer to action. It's just that the calmer the mind, the purer the body, the milder effect on us will have the returned deed. Yes, and we will meet the problem calmly and with an understanding of what is happening.

It is said that Jesus accepted all our sins.

It should not be understood that this fact refers to the events when He was nailed to the cross and He suffered. No! He achieved enlightenment, He became the embodiment and source of harmony, Bliss, and this influence greatly cleansed the entire space from the accumulated sin (excitement, rough energy).

Therefore, it is necessary to sing of His greatness in the knowledge of the fullness of life and His enlightenment.

By His example, He showed that everyone can achieve this. It is simply necessary to calm down and do good. Cleansing from sin is accomplished with the enlightenment of any person. This is a cosmic phenomenon.

Guru Dev, Maharishi's Master, was so fully established in the Peace of Being and awakened his harmonizing influence in the manifest Universe so strongly that it created an incredibly beneficial effect for many millennia.

If a person wants to help himself, he must realize that he is the magician of his life. He can awaken such magical currents, such energy that he will remove from himself all the fetters of ignorance and any karma.

Fetters are born due to a lack of understanding of the nature of life, and the weakness of physiology, due to accumulated stresses.

Eliminate stress, pull these “thorns” out of your body and the physiology itself will tune in to the Cosmic vibrations, the Natural Law, the Will of God!

Until you cleanse yourself both spiritually and physically, these sprouts (crushed, accumulated stresses) will give negative impulses, some kind of excitement. This can get you carried away and the behavior will not be good. Consequently, suffering and trouble will come to us again.

What should be done specifically for purification, for the ability not to sin and to act for the benefit of all?

1. Engage in spiritual practice.

3. Decide on nutrition.

By nutrition, it is necessary to understand any perception through the five channels of the senses: (smell, touch, sight, taste and hearing). The fact is that we get an instant imprint in the nervous system, from any information coming through these channels.

You turn on the TV - some action movie is on, you feel how tension begins to fill your mind and body. And when you watch the film "I'm walking around Moscow", you feel something pleasant, calm fills you.

The main thing is that the pure nervous system simply feels it, there is no prejudice or self-adjustment to this or that perception.

Thus, perceiving negativity, a person gradually becomes rough, not refined (without spirituality).

Physiology becomes so impure, stressed that it no longer feels the abnormality of this way of life.

4. Follow the daily routine.

People have forgotten that the whole universe functions according to the Single Law of Nature – the Will of God. This law prescribes to Man when he should be awake or rest.

A person should be active from early morning to early evening. Then go to sleep, eliminate fatigue and do good again, filled with pure energy of the beginning day.

A person leading an active nocturnal lifestyle fills himself with the qualities of these, say, non-evolutionary energies, and acquires habits that are not good for health and life in general, which lead to illness and suffering.

In general, it is self-destruction in the pursuit of illusory sensual pleasures.

Over time, this information can accumulate in the DNA, and this will be passed on to children who will not be able to fall asleep on time.

Then, it is explained simply: "I am an owl." It is necessary to get out of this through healthy habits, spiritual practices and self-discipline.

5. Shape your own environment.

Ancient wisdom says: "Go to wise people, pure, enlightened."

If you feel that situations or a person are not good, do not make contact. After all, we are saturated with those qualities of the environment in which we have been for a long time.

As the Chinese said: "If you run for a long time in the dew, you become wet."

K .: In addition to the “negative inheritance”, a person can pick up damage, evil eye, ... What can you say about this?

S .: You can simply say in one word - excitement.

If a person is: angry, rude, not kind, he can be said to be excited, tense. Then additional rudeness or negativity is attracted, that's all.

It's best not to talk about it. You need to start the techniques of harmonization, purification of yourself and that's it.

There are many ways: to change the diet (the entire range of perception), the way of life, the situation in which you live, all this will have a beneficial effect.

It is very good to do prayer practices, meditation.

You can regularly perform several yoga poses - asanas (5-10 minutes), then lie down with your eyes closed on your back, slightly spreading your legs and putting your hands along your body - 5 minutes, then sit comfortably on a chair, close your eyes and be in silence with yourself 10-15 minutes (meditate)

Take a shower before class.

Do this whole procedure 2 times a day (before going to work, to awaken and strengthen the physiology, and after, to relieve fatigue and stress).

Do not take a receiver or a tape recorder with you, just listen to nature, feel it, look at its perfection.

It's good to look at the horizon line. Looking at it, we naturally calm down.

K .: Many people who are prone to evil eye, damage, are afraid of the full moon, feel some discomfort during the full moon. What do you say about this?

S .: There is no need to be afraid of the full moon!

A negative attitude has developed towards it as a result of the fact that in this phase the Human physiology is most effectively and powerfully released from tension and imbalances at the level of the mind and body.

When such processes take place, the brain perceives it. Since stress was often accumulated as a result of some negative impressions, it disappears from us with the same sensations and feelings. (The thorn is removed with a thorn)

It is not always comfortable and pleasant, but it is a cleansing process.

From the point of view of physics at this time human physiology stretched:

- on the one hand it is pulled by the Earth;

On the other hand, the Moon. And from this stretched, flexible state, the dissolution of everything negative comes easier and more complete.

If you do not feel too comfortable, you can meditate at this time, you can take herbal sedative decoctions.

At this time, oil massages (Abhyanga) are of great help.

They are spent for ten minutes in the morning and in the evening in a warm room slowly. Perfectly balances and calms the mind of TM.

K: Can you tell me more about TM?

WITH.: this is contemplation.

"Transcendere" - translates as "get out of something." So, Transcendental Meditation - this is the ability to think, calm down, that is, get out of a state of excitement, stress. An excited mind becomes calm, balanced.

What is it for?

The possibilities of the brain or the natural abilities of man are now very limited. We use them at 2-5 percent of their full potential.

From here on two percent we love, we use creative abilities, we are just as conscientious, and so on. Hence all the problems that we see in society and in the personal life of a person.

The perception of the sense organs, intuition is also extremely limited at the present time. The result is a lot of mistakes and suffering. This is because the physical abilities of the body are not developed.

Here is an illustration to help you understand the situation.

So, you have purchased a modern video - center, in which there are a lot of services. But you have not been trained to use it. All you have done is plug it into an outlet. And a picture appeared, where something is barely visible and that's it. But since it happens to everyone, it is accepted as the norm.

So, over time, Mankind gets used to such a picture of perception and considers it the norm of life.

Hence such “normal” medicine with huge side effects. Education that does not develop the brain. A policy that does not prevent, but creates tension and wars. An economy that promotes greed and slave labor.

And there are candidates of sciences, doctors, academicians of all aspects of such a "normal" life.

All this is due to the fact that the bulk of Humanity is not enlightened, does not fully use its capabilities.

This means that the physiology of people is so stressed that it does not allow a more realistic perception of the surrounding reality.

And in such a situation, a huge number of sciences are born that simply study ignorance, but do not eliminate it.

Only by knowing himself, a Human develops the full potential of the brain.

Then everything he does automatically works in accordance with all the laws of nature. In other words, man does not sin.

Otherwise, the intentions are good, but it is impossible to realize them according to the Laws of Nature.

A person is in his own trap of misunderstanding the purpose of Life due to incomplete and incorrect functioning of the brain.

How to develop the full potential of the brain? And why is the TM technique suggested?

That which is natural, that which comes without tension, is most attuned to the Laws of Nature.

TM is different naturalness , practicing it you do not need to make an effort, even special faith in the technique is not required. everything happens automatically.

The analogy is this:

A person who can run can walk, it takes less effort.

Moreover, he can stop and lie down quite easily.

This example shows that greater dynamism includes less activity, it is only necessary to make no effort to be in it.

The mind, thinking and, accordingly, the brain can be excited, active (fussy), and can be calm. In this state, we are more harmonious and successful. Scientists have found that it is a relaxed, calm state of the body that allows the flow of energies that develop brain structures.

When we, over time, are firmly established in this level of peace, we easily accept any situation in life.

In a calm state of mind, negative thoughts do not appear, just as there is no trace of darkness in a lighted room!

The main thing is that now it is scientific and ordered knowledge that can be comprehended in a systematic way. It can be mastered regardless of religious beliefs and without drastic changes in lifestyle.

K .: But can you talk about TM in a practical aspect?

The practical side of learning should only be taught from the initiating teacher to the student in a face-to-face meeting following scientifically validated learning steps.

This is what all teachers trained by the Maharishi do. This is done for the purity of Knowledge and the effectiveness of practice for many years to come for the next generations.

So - during a personal briefing, questions may arise that need to be clarified here so that there is no doubt left.

K: According to the wisdom of the Vedas, wealth and enlightenment are not by any chance at opposite poles? If not, then tell me how to become rich?

S: Real wealth. Those. what is from God is a reward.

If a Human wants to get rich quickly, get rich in any way, then he can do it at the expense of other people, but then we will inevitably face the fruits of negative actions.

But if he wants to become rich in all levels of life, then he must become wise.

In order for the support of nature to naturally come to this person, he must be ready to receive it.

Real wealth comes to those who can get it.

There is great energy and potential in wealth.

If a person comes to you and brings a million in a hat, this is the fruit of your own good deeds. This person just delivered it to the address.

If you're supposed to have wealth come one way or another, it will come. Although you also need to be awakened in order not to miss this moment.

To become rich, you need to feel the trends of luck, and for this you need to have a deep intuitive feeling in order to solve the problem. Transcendental Meditation develops intuition.

K .: So, we will meditate together. But luck still does not hurt ... Can you give any recommendations on this?

S .: Luck begins with the fact that we ourselves are ready to stimulate its flows.

Start with yourself. Be not disturbed, wake up. Wish everyone well, do not do what is not pleasant to others.

If you want to in your home good vibrations appeared, pure energy, suitable for revitalizing the Devatas (Laws of Nature) responsible for good luck, then there only people should live.

Of course, we love animals, but in their habitats

(a dog in the yard, a cow in a barn, wild animals in the forest).

Concerning colors, then although the black color is considered practical, nevertheless it is not a very favorable color, it attracts negativity.

One should wear satvic (pleasant) colors, bright colors of the rainbow (according to the days of the week), which attract beneficial energies from the environment.

It is not bad to know that a certain planet is responsible for each day and its qualities.

On Saturday you can’t start anything (neither get married, nor study, nor a new business), because Saturn rules Saturday. This planet creates some excitement in the body and mind, and we can make mistakes in judging events and do the wrong thing. To balance its influence, you need to be at peace, meditate, walk in nature, be alone.

Therefore, the Jews are great for spending this day in spiritual practice.

Free Saturday from all worries and fuss. Be as calm as possible on this day. It is good to stock up on energy on this day with the help of silence.

Try at least once to spend the Sabbath in silence.

And that means not watching TV, not talking to anyone, and not even listening to music. It's hard but useful

K .: What would you like to wish the readers of "Magic"?

S: Never be disappointed in yourself, never think badly about yourself.

Remember: every next moment is more evolutionary than the previous one. Forget the past, it no longer exists, and tune in to goodness! And this skill is acquired with the practice of TM.

Try to inspire yourself every day to search for something bright, better and great!!!

“…We will succeed by helping others to succeed. Everyone is looking for growth opportunities…”


Sergey Dimkov

[email protected]

Each country knows its rituals, conspiracies, dating back to ancient traditions. The Indian Vedas also belong to such conspiracies.

The Vedas are the oldest collection of Hindu scriptures. For many generations they were passed from mouth to mouth, and were written down much later. It is believed that the Vedas are a kind of revelation that was sent down to earth by the gods. The very word "Veda" means "wisdom". The Vedas include hymns to the gods and powerful incantations.

According to scientists, the Vedas were created over a very long period, thousands of years, starting from the 16th century BC. They were recorded on the bark of trees and palm leaves, that is, on short-lived material. Not surprisingly, the latest manuscript now available dates from the 11th century. However, this did not prevent them from surviving to this day, and they are still used, like pagan conspiracies.

The Vedas are divided into four parts:

Rig Veda- the most ancient, includes hymns to the gods;
Yajurveda— texts for fire sacrifices;
Samaveda- consists of chants;
Atharva Veda- a part that includes spells and conspiracies.

Atharvaveda: secret knowledge that helps today

It is this part of the Vedas that turns out to be the most interesting for us. In it you can find hymns and eulogies to the deities. And the mantras from these Vedas can work like real spells, a kind of ancient Indian conspiracies. Atharvaveda includes many spells, conspiracies, including well-being, wealth and prosperity. We will tell you about such a conspiracy.

Conspiracy for wealth

This text must be read according to special rules. To do this, it is important to catch the rhythm of the text and not just say it or read it to yourself, but sing it. You can do it out loud. You do not need to mint words loudly: pronounce them clearly enough, but keeping the melodiousness. To enhance the effect, you should light aromatic oils, use special incense sticks or purchase an aroma lamp. Pay attention to the choice of aroma sticks: they are an important part of the ritual and you need to choose the right ones.

Let all the rivers flow
Winds together, birds fly together
Let them rejoice in this sacrifice of mine!
I offer a confluence of sacrificial libations.

In ancient India, this spell was accompanied by a sacrificial libation of ghee from a cow, a sacred animal. Sometimes it was replaced with vegetable. Now this part of the ceremony is considered conditional. If you lit candles at the very beginning and poured aromatic oil into the lamp, this part of the ceremony has already been completed, and you can continue reading the plot.

Come right here to my call,
Flocking here!
Strengthen me, oh songs!
Let all the cattle come here, that there is,
Let all the wealth that is in him abide.

Those eternal springs
Rivers that flow together -
All these confluences

Those streams of butter and milk and water
that flock together,
All these confluences
We make wealth flow to me.

The mantra is repeated several times. The most important thing here is how much energy you put into reading and how much you immerse yourself in the rite itself. Therefore, do not despair if the first time you do not succeed: after all, some training may be required to read the mantras. Build the skill first if necessary.

Reading such ancient conspiracies can take time, and you will have to wait to fulfill your cherished desire. But the result will also please you, because the Indian Vedas are truly time-tested. If you want to get rich as quickly as possible, quick money conspiracies will suit you. All the best, well-being to your house, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.05.2016 04:11

Often, we lack a favorable combination of circumstances and luck to make our desire come true. However, this is not...


Atharvaveda (translated from Sanskrit atharvan - ancient rishi, veda - knowledge) is one of the four ancient sacred texts of Hinduism (Vedas), which is the last (fourth). It is believed that the Atharva Veda was mainly composed by two groups of rishis (sages) known as the Bhrigu and the Angirasas. Some texts of the Atharvaveda were written by other authors (Kausika, Vasistha and Kasyapa). At the moment, two editions (shakhas) of the Atharvaveda, Shaunakiya and Paippalada, have survived.

Atharva Veda (Veda of spells), belonging to the earliest, Vedic, period of ancient Indian literature, this monument occupies a special place among other Vedas, differing from them in its content and ritual purpose. Atharvaveda reflects many aspects of the daily life of the ancient Indians, which makes it unique. Other Vedas are addressed to the gods, whose exploits they praise. They represent high, hieratic poetry and can only indirectly reflect the interests and needs of the people of that time.

The Atharva Veda expresses the needs and desires of the Vedic people much more directly. Its main content is related to healing (healing) spells, divination, witchcraft, magic verses, etc., as well as the rules for the treatment of numerous diseases with herbs, which laid the foundation for ancient Indian medicine. This is a kind of encyclopedia of the life of the Vedic tribes, from which you can get information about the anointing of the king to the kingdom, and about the wedding or funeral, and about the construction of the hut, and about the treatment of the sick.

Atharvaveda was not immediately included in the Vedas. In the early texts it is not mentioned, but when it begins to be mentioned, it is not as the Veda. From ancient times and for a very long time, Indian literature speaks of the three Vedas. Tradition has long regarded the Atharvaveda as a work of the lowest order, since it is devoted to such a dubious and dangerous subject as witchcraft. The Atharva Veda, by its content, is connected in many respects with medicine and astrology; meanwhile, in the ancient Indian books of laws - dharmashastras, doctors and astrologers were declared unclean, the use of the roots of medicinal plants was forbidden, and severe punishment was generally prescribed for witchcraft. The most orthodox Brahminical schools never accepted the fourth Veda.

It should be noted that the Atharvaveda is the first Indian text related to medicine. It lists living agents as the causes of disease, such as yatudhanya (yatudhānya), krimi (kṛimi), and durnam (durṇama). The Atharvans seek them out and kill them with drugs to defeat the disease. This approach to disease is surprisingly advanced compared to the trihumoral theory () developed in the Puranic period. Remnants of the original Atharvanic thoughts still remained in the Puranic period, as we can see in Sushruta's medical treatise, where it is stated that microbes are the cause of leprosy. Sushruta also expands the role of helminths in causing diseases. These two sayings can be traced back to the Atharva Veda Samhita. The Atharvaveda describes the disease of leprosy and is recommended for the treatment of rajani aushadhi. Aushadha is described as a plant with black stems and dark spots, from which it can be concluded that it is most likely a lichen with antibiotic properties. Thus, the Atharvaveda can be considered the first text to record the use of antibiotics.

The Atharva Veda also contains information about the military techniques of that time. It describes many military devices: an arrow with a channel for poison, poison from castor beans, a poisoned net, hook traps, the use of disease-spreading beetles and smoke screens. These references to military practices related to the rituals of the Kshatriyas (caste of warriors) were the reason for the formation of a bad reputation for the Atharvaveda, which was expressed in the reluctance to recognize it as a Veda.
