Manicure for school: how to make your nails beautiful. Manicure for school, interesting ideas school nail art

You need to take care of your nails at any age. From early childhood, girls try to imitate their mother, trying on her outfits, shoes, and secretly painting their lips and nails. At the age of 12-14, any girl tries to look good by taking care of her hair, face and nails. But a young lady must understand that each age has a certain type of manicure, and that a manicure for teenagers is in many ways different from the one done by her older sister, mother or models from magazines.

How to care for nails at 12-16 years old?

When it comes to manicure for girls 12-14-16 years old, the main goal that is pursued is nail care and protection. Teenage manicure requires a special approach, since nails at this age are still very elastic and contain much more moisture than the nail plate of an adult woman. Therefore, careful nail care in adolescence is necessary, first of all, in order to prevent fragility, brittleness and splitting of nails in the future.

Basic tips for nail care for 12-16 year olds:

  • It is necessary to always keep your nails clean and dry to prevent contamination and infection;
  • for teenagers, it is better to give the nail plate a straight shape with rounded edges, since pointed or rounded nails are much weaker and much easier to damage;
  • Don't bite or bite your nails. A damaged nail plate is at high risk of infection;
  • You should not use acetone-based nail polish remover, as this substance dries out your nails, making them prone to splitting, brittle and brittle;
  • It is necessary to thoroughly sterilize all nail care tools: nail files, orange sticks, tweezers, etc. Otherwise, you can introduce an infection into the body;
  • You should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and moisturize them with a nourishing, protective or moisturizing cream.

Manicures for teenagers, as well as for adults, need to be done regularly so that a girl’s nails always look beautiful and well-groomed, both for going to school, for a holiday, and for every day.

Teenage manicure for school

Some schools have a strict dress code that all students must adhere to, making it impossible for girls to stand out through their clothing. However, schoolgirls 12-16 years old can show their individuality with beautiful and well-groomed nails.

A manicure for school should not only be attractive and interesting, but also appropriate within the walls of the educational institution. Well-groomed and neat nails of a schoolgirl with a suitable varnish color and a minimal amount of decor look very fashionable, elegant and stylish.

A beautiful manicure for teenagers involves clean and neatly trimmed nails. To school, it is better to wear nails coated with regular varnish in discreet shades (beige, pearl, soft pink, mother-of-pearl), since such a coating is very easy to erase with nail polish remover and every week you can please yourself and surprise your classmate with a new interesting design.

The main rule of school manicure is short, clean and well-groomed nails!

Let's consider several types of manicure for school, which will be appropriate within the walls of an educational institution and will not cause nagging teachers:

  1. Coating with colorless varnish. This teenage manicure is ideal for girls 10-12 years old. It will emphasize the beauty and naturalness of well-groomed nails and will not attract undue attention. You can add a little glitter to the surface so that the manicure shines with new colors and does not contradict strict school rules.
  2. Nails in pastel colors. For a 13-14 year old schoolgirl, decorative varnishes in light pastel colors are best, which will emphasize the naturalness and elegance of the nails. A monochromatic coating in beige, white, pink and peach shades looks very touching, cute, stylish and at the same time discreet.
  3. French manicure. An excellent option for girls 14-16 years old. The classic French jacket harmonizes perfectly with the school uniform and emphasizes the sophisticated taste of the young lady. If the school rules are not very strict, then the standard jacket can be diversified with small patterns or designs in the form of a butterfly, flower, or bow.
  4. Nails with newspaper print. A very unusual decor for high school girls, provided that school rules allow decorating nails in this way. Words, numbers, musical notes or mathematical formulas printed on the nails fully correspond to the school theme. And such an unusual design will arouse the interest of not only classmates, but also teachers.

A manicure for school should be discreet and discreet. As a modest manicure for an exemplary teenage girl, you can decorate not all nails, but only one, focusing attention on it with the help of a simple pattern or design. A picture drawn with a thin brush will reflect the character of the schoolgirl, emphasize her individuality, distinguishing her from her classmates.

Holiday manicure for teenagers

Teenage girls begin to grow up, acquire individuality and want to be noticeable and stand out. Young fashionistas copy girls from their mothers' popular magazines, and for girls 12-14 years old it is very important to feel stylish, fashionable and attractive. Therefore, for many teenagers, a bright holiday manicure is a way of self-expression and self-affirmation.

For girls 11-13 years old, you can offer an “adult” option, but not without childish spontaneity. Bright patterns and drawings depicting fruits, sea creatures, cakes, and emoticons should not only be flashy, but reflect the mood of the little fashionista. Teenage nails can be decorated in a fun cartoon version. A manicure with your favorite characters will please the eye and lift your child’s spirits. Animals, flowers and butterflies are not a complete list of possible design solutions.

For girls 14-16 years old, you can get your nails done with shellac for the summer. Such a long-lasting manicure would be appropriate for a trip to the seaside or to a children's camp, when the girl will not have the opportunity to regularly care for her nails and apply a new coating. And if you can’t wear bright nails to school, then a birthday, a beach party, a disco for teenagers is just the occasion for bright, flashy nails with provocative pictures. You can decorate all your nails or focus on one of them.

Manicure for teenagers is not only nail care, but also a great way to show off your individuality. Therefore, girls should be allowed to be bright, at least on those days when they do not have to go to school. And in an educational institution, manicure can be more restrained and moderately strict.

To attract the attention of others and surprise everyone with your unique style and original taste, you just need to paint your nails. And this assumption applies not only to college graduates and office employees, but also to ordinary schoolgirls who follow fashion trends and follow all fashion trends. And if you listen to the opinion of designers, not only outfits, makeup and hairstyle should be stylish, but also a beautiful school manicure.

It is this, at first glance, insignificant detail in the image of a young lady that draws attention to itself and emphasizes the teenager’s individuality. Especially when the school has a dress code.

Features of school manicure

First of all, a manicure for teenage girls involves medium-length nails that have a well-groomed appearance and are covered with gel polish or regular polish in calm shades and neutral tones. It is not at all necessary to cut your nails at the root, leaving no chance for even the simplest and most unpretentious manicure. It is enough to trim your nails, leaving a few millimeters from the edge, to create a neat nail design for schoolgirl girls.

As for the shape of the nail plate, it is best to choose the classic oval option. And despite its traditional appearance, the oval shape of the manicure looks very gentle and harmonious, taking into account age criteria. Square, rectangular and pointed nail shapes look a little ridiculous in the image of a student, even if this schoolgirl is in her final year.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that most modern schools have introduced a dress code. According to which, educational institutions have certain standards of appearance. That is why it is worth considering the appropriateness of a particular manicure in order to avoid any comments or complaints from teachers in the future.

  • Basic rules for caring for a school manicure
  • Initially, it is necessary to clean nails opened with varnish at home, preferably with an acetone-free liquid.
  • Make a bath with essential oils of rose, vanilla or delicate jasmine. It would be a good idea to use regular sea salt, which will strengthen the nail plate and add some useful minerals and trace elements.
  • Then use an orange stick to clean the children’s nails and move the cuticles a little. When doing this procedure, you should be careful, because sensitive skin can be easily damaged.
  • If necessary, cut off hangnails with nail scissors or tongs.
  • File your future manicure with your favorite nail file
  • Treat the skin with a special moisturizer and do a small palm massage.
  • Cover the nail plate with a strengthening vitamin product

By following these simple basic rules, it is very easy to make your hands well-groomed and beautiful. And the subsequent nail design depends entirely on the imagination of the child, mother or specialist. In any case, do not forget that manicure ideas done at home or in a beauty salon must maintain a certain balance and meet school standards and requirements.

Alexandra offers several unusual ideas in her video:

Manicure ideas for schoolgirls

It is worth noting that manicure for teenage girls is a kind of ideal option for self-expression. Therefore, design and creative drawing ideas for this age category are most often presented in an interesting and unique design. For example, extraordinary patterns, all kinds of geometric shapes, or simply romantic inscriptions revealed with gel polish can decorate even the shortest nails of teenagers. However, it should be remembered that nail design should not be provocative and flashy, but rather gentle and as light as possible.

Idea 1. Transparent coating

Well-groomed nails will look great under regular clear polish that won't attract much attention from teachers. In addition, this manicure design is ideal for the shortest nails. But if you also use gel polish during the process, then the transparent manicure will delight you with its beauty for a long time. As a rule, this design fits perfectly with absolutely any clothing, fits perfectly into the image of younger schoolgirls and can emphasize childish elegance.

Idea 2. Manicure in pastel colors

Manicure design in pastel colors, an ideal solution for teenagers who like to decorate their nails at home, without using gel polish and other newfangled manicure innovations. The color palette of pastel varnishes is extensive, which allows you to choose a shade that will fit perfectly into both an everyday school look and a festive one. Also, pastel colors fit well on short nails, while visually lengthening them, emphasizing the natural beauty of the manicure.

Idea 3. French manicure.

A classic French manicure for short nails, a universal nail art that can be suitable for any school event and a great option for high school girls. Classic French design, stylishly harmonizes with any school outfit and demonstrates the refined taste of its owner. In cases where simple designs and decorative elements are allowed, you can dilute the classic design style with small stones, rhinestones or sparkles, securing them with a simple gel polish.

Idea 4. Manicure with glitter

By diluting the typical transparent base of the varnish with decorative sparkles, you can create an original picture that will give many positive emotions throughout the day not only to its owner, but also to those around him. However, it is worth considering that impractical glitter can cause discomfort, which is why stylists recommend applying gel, which will preserve the pristine beauty of the manicure for a long time and strengthen the nails.

Idea 5. Bright accents

A very fashionable, and at the same time, the simplest solution to creating a creative educational manicure is to highlight 1 nail with a different color. As a result of this original idea, most nails are painted in one gel polish, while other nails may differ in shade or pattern.

Are they not allowed to go to school with long, brightly painted nails? No problem! We will tell you how to make a discreet, but beautiful and stylish manicure on short nails.

Leave bright nails of crazy colors, decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, and voluminous stickers for parties and holidays. At school, manicure should be neat and discreet. Stop, stop, that doesn't mean boring! On the contrary, it can be very stylish and original, just without extreme, so as not to give you a reason to reprimand you.

But before you decide which color scheme to choose, let's figure out how to do a manicure at home:

    If there was already polish on your nails, remove it with a special liquid. At the same time, when choosing it in a store, make sure that there is no acetone there. We need healthy nails, right?

    Prepare a bath of hot water to steam your hands. Drop a few drops of rose or jasmine essential oil into it and add a little sea salt - this will help strengthen your nails. Keep your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

    Apply a special product to soften the cuticle (the thick layer of skin at the base of the nail plate). Take a special manicure stick and move the cuticle to the base of the nail. Be careful, the skin there is very delicate.

    If necessary, very delicately cut off all burrs (with nail scissors or tongs).

    File your nails with a file, giving them the shape you like (oval or square). Nails can only be filed “dry” (to avoid their delamination) and the movements of the file should be directed from the edge of the nail to its center. The ideal length of nails for school is 2-3 mm.

    Apply cream to your hands and nails. The cream should be well absorbed. Then the nails must be degreased using nail polish remover.

    Apply a clear base coat to your nails and let it dry.

    Apply one coat of colored polish, let it dry, and then apply another coat.

    Seal the result with clear varnish.

    Make sure the polish is completely dry before leaving your desk to go about your daily activities. We don't want to redo everything, do we?

Ideas for school manicure:

    French manicure- a win-win option for all occasions. But if you are already tired of classic white, try yellow pink or blue polish. You can go even further and paint the tip of each nail a different color! And to make such a manicure neat, use special strips for French manicure, which need to be glued at a distance of about 3 mm from the tip of the nail.

    Bright accents. Let your nails be in calm pastel shades, but with a few bright details. For example, on 1-2 nails of each hand you can draw polka dots, flowers, hearts or bows. Can't draw? Glue the finished sticker for manicure.

    Through one. Choose two similar colors that go together and paint your nails, alternating shades.

What manicure do you like best?

Girls are not taught from early childhood that they are future workers and builders of communism; they are, first of all, future women. There is no shame in learning to be beautiful and it is never too early. There are special cosmetics for children and teenagers. But school... Is it appropriate to go to school with bright makeup, makeup, and, moreover, extensions? Yes, everyone recognizes girls’ right to take care of themselves, but where does beauty end and challenge begin?

Who can be against painted nails?

We should not forget that many teachers are people of the old school; they grew up and even started working at a time when, not only makeup, but a ribbon of an “ununiform” color was considered a crime and immorality. It is not surprising that such teachers look without delight at the bright, fantasy manicure of their students.

Of course, girls can defend their right, argue with teachers... But you should think carefully about whether it is worth it. Nails painted to her taste (often unsettled, childish) - and a damaged relationship with the teacher, this is the first. The second point is whether the girl herself feels that she is able to withstand the fight for her nails.

It is quite possible that after much arguing she will still have to give in to the teacher. In this case, it is easier and more useful to do it right away. Suppose the nails are brought into the proper form, in the teacher’s opinion, but the conflict may be remembered, and how this will come back to haunt those responsible is unknown.

Should girls paint their nails?

Well, the subject of the dispute itself is a bright manicure. Without a doubt, a hygienic manicure is not only possible, but necessary. But I also want to paint my perfectly designed nails. No one is afraid that varnishes can have a detrimental effect on a child’s body, especially since there are special coatings for children and teenagers. You shouldn't extend your nails or make yours too long.

Extensions on children's hands look really wild, and too long nails obviously won't decorate them. Moreover, you can injure yourself and cause harm to others; they can interfere with outdoor games and physical education lessons. Natural, clean, processed nails are what young girls need.

The covering for school can be done not in bright, with patterns, but in gentle, natural, pastel colors. The discreet, calm color of the nails will not irritate anyone, and besides, it is practical for the girl herself - the flaws that inevitably appear during the day will not be obvious, it is easy to apply in the morning and wash off in the evening. A catchy, provocative manicure will wait until the holidays.

During adolescence, many habits are instilled that remain for life. Manicure for teenagers is an important hygienic nail care procedure. It should be performed once every 7–10 days. Moreover, not only girls, but also boys need to be taught to properly care for their nails. Teenage manicure is very different from adult manicure. It is important to choose the right design and pay special attention to the safety of the products used. Let's find out how to properly care for your nails at a young age, and what decor options you can choose so as not to shock school teachers.

Important rules for teenage manicure

When choosing nail polish, it is important to decide on the color and design. In Soviet times, painted nails on a schoolgirl were considered a gross violation of discipline. And now each school has its own dress code for the appearance of students. Even in modern schools, bright, pretentious and complex manicures are not encouraged.

Looks discreet and simple design with neutral shades, and all kinds of textures are relevant as decoration. This can be glitter, dust, or dry glitter. Since school rules often do not allow long nails, it is worth paying attention to interesting designs for short nail plates.

Teenage manicure is best done unedged, as it is safer.

  • Nails should be cut with nail scissors.
  • To give your nails the desired shape, you should use a nail file.
  • If there are changes in the structure of the nails or their appearance, you should consult a dermatologist. This will avoid many problems, such as the appearance of fungus.

Often in teenagers, nails become brittle and brittle. This happens when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.

Advice! Any young girl will suit a neutral option with colorless varnish and glitter decoration. Full coverage is applied along the edge of the nail.

Manicure for children

Often mothers do manicures for their little daughters themselves. Children's manicure has important nuances:

  • The cuticle can only be slightly pushed back and only after special baths.
  • All products must be from the children's series. This applies not only to varnish, but also to cream, soap and oil.

Advice! The length of a child's nail must be at least 2 mm, otherwise the nail will be shortened with each subsequent procedure.

How to take care of your nails

The main function of nails is to protect the fingertips. It is with their help that you can scratch yourself and hold any objects in your hands, but just do not chew. Since this is harmful not only to appearance, but also to health.

Here are basic nail care tips:

  • Keep them clean and dry to prevent infection.
  • Choose a straight nail shape, as rounded or pointed nails are easier to break.
  • A damaged nail plate can become a source of infection, so you should not gnaw or bite it.

Can be used to strengthen nails special baths. You can add it to warm water lemon juice or sea salt

Advice! The condition of the nail plate can often indicate the presence of any problems in the body. If the nails are deformed or pale, then this indicates malnutrition, skin diseases or even some kind of infection.

How to choose a varnish

To create a manicure, special varnishes, solvents and hardeners are required. Most often, their composition is safe, but there are cases of individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, when using for the first time, you need to be careful.

For teenage manicure it is better to choose liquids without acetone. This component dries out nails and makes them weaker.

It is not recommended to have nail extensions done during adolescence, but if you decide to do so, you need to make sure that the materials offered do not contain methacrylate. This component is prohibited in many countries as it causes a severe allergic reaction.

Advice! To prevent varnish from harming children’s fragile nails, you need to choose a product that contains calcium and vitamins. Remember that a low-quality product can cause an allergic reaction.

What are the problems with nails?

Due to the fact that nails are located on the tips of the fingers, they are easily injured. But even if you avoid such troubles, there are other problems with the nail plates that you should be aware of:

  • Nibbled nails are easily damaged and serve as a source of infection.
  • You can become infected with fungus if you walk barefoot when visiting a public pool or shower.
  • The nail plate can change color due to injury, poor diet, or health problems.
  • Hangnails often provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process.
  • Ingrown toenails are a very painful nuisance that can occur if not trimmed correctly.

Advice! For preventive purposes, it is worth eating more foods containing calcium, as well as using special oils to nourish the nail plate.

Carrying out a hygienic manicure

Hygienic manicure for nails for teenagers can become the basis for additional decor or for an original design. Moreover, all products must be approved for children, and must also be made on a natural basis.

Suitable for elementary and middle school girls clear nail polish using a small amount of glitter or even special stickers. Do not forget to remove the old coating in a timely manner, and also monitor overgrown nail plates.

Advice! For girls, it is worth choosing water-based varnishes. They are very easy to remove. Products from manufacturers such as Snails Kids, Piggy Paint and Keeki are safe.

Stylish design options

In adolescence, you can no longer use the children's version of the manicure, but move on to a more adult one. But even in this case, you should not use trimming manicure techniques.

French manicure

French can be done at home. It will require white and pastel colored varnish, a fixative, a base coat and special adhesive-based strips. First, the base is applied, and then the pastel-colored varnish is distributed. After the nail has dried, a strip is glued to the protruding edge of the nail plate, and white varnish is distributed on top. Then the strip is removed and the design is painted over with a fixing compound.

Lunar manicure

Moon manicure is very simple to perform, so it is great for teenagers. This uses varnish of two different colors and adhesive strips.

First of all, the base is distributed. Then apply the color that will be closer to the base. Then the strip is fixed to the base of the nail, and the free part is painted into the main background.

Advice! An unusual design can be obtained by using some decorative elements: beads, rhinestones, decorative sprinkles and sequins.

Stylish ombre

This fashionable solution complements a hairstyle in the same coloring style or a gradient in clothing. In this case, in addition to the base solution and hardener, you will need a piece of foam rubber and several shades of varnish. Ombre is a smooth transition from the brightest to the palest shade from one color palette.

Strips of different varnishes are applied to a smooth surface. Then a sponge is lightly pressed against the nails.

Advice! For variety, you can apply a design on your nails in the form of musical notes, graphic patterns or flowers.

Painted version

To do a manicure with painted elements, you need some experience. You can try applying decor using a thin brush or toothpick. If the pattern is difficult to apply, then you can use ready-made slider stickers, which are attached to the nail plate and then covered with a transparent varnish.

Decor for short nails

You can make a wonderful manicure for short nails for teenagers, because the quality of the design is important, not the length. Short nail plates are convenient. In addition, the risk of breaking them is reduced.

If you choose the right design and color, your nails will look original and interesting.

The decor should be chosen very carefully so that bright details do not catch the eye.

The following decorations are relevant:

  • microbeads and rhinestones;
  • lace;
  • special dust or glitter;
  • threads and colored sand.

Solid color design can be decorated microbeads or rhinestones. Rhinestones look great at the base of the nail plate or on the edge. Microbeads are used for loose designs. It can be pressed into a layer of fresh varnish.

Dust and glitter are applied before the varnish dries.

Lace You can purchase a variety of shades, but it is better not to use contrasting colors. This decor should be a tone darker or lighter than the main background.

Advice! For decoration, you can use not only special threads, but also ordinary ones for embroidery. They are laid out in the form of a pattern on the main background, and secured on top with a top.

Manicure for summer

While studying, it is better not to use too bright designs and contrasting color combinations. But in the summer there are no longer any serious restrictions.

Remember that long nails are not in fashion now. But short nail plates with bright patterns are very popular.

Polka dots can be in contrasting colors

So, what ideas are trending:

  • Fruits applied to the main background using a thin brush or template.
  • Patterns must match the outfit or accessories.
  • Polka dots May be in contrasting colors.
  • Geometric figures on a plain background.

Advice! To create an unusual decor, you can choose designs with butterflies, animals, cartoon characters or floral arrangements.

How to do a manicure correctly

And to summarize, it’s worth telling a little about how teenage manicure is performed correctly. So, here we go:

  • Wash your hands very well with antibacterial soap and dry them. If soap was not used, then another disinfectant solution is used.
  • It is important to form the correct and comfortable shape of the nail. A nail file will be useful for this. Do not use metal products; it is better if it is rubber-based with a special coating. File the nail plate in one direction only. This will avoid delamination.
  • Wash your hands very well with antibacterial soap and dry them. If soap was not used, then another disinfectant solution is used.

    Fashionable and stylish manicure does not mean bright and catchy. The neat and beautiful design will become a real decoration for any young girl.
