Cartoon characters made from vegetables with your own hands. Crafts from vegetables (104 photos) - for school and garden

Good afternoon, today we will make crafts from vegetables and fruits. In this article I have collected the most complete collection of the cutest crafts, with a theme suitable for kindergarten and school. Autumn competitions at school are often organized on the theme of crafts made from vegetables (and not just from chestnuts and cones). It happens very often that that your child did not immediately tell you about the competition, often you will only find out about the craft by Monday on Sunday evening. And therefore, it is important to quickly EVALUATE the contents of your pantry and FIND an idea in the depths of the Internet that will suit your vegetable household stock.

That is why I decided to combine in one article all types of vegetables and fruits who can take part in creating crafts for the garden and school. You don't have to sift through heaps of Internet pages. Here you will find all ideas for children's crafts– in one article at once.

Here's what we'll be doing today:

  • Crafts from cucumber, pepper.
  • Crafts for the garden from onions, cabbage and potatoes.
  • Crafts and eggplants and zucchini.
  • Carved sculptures-crafts from carrots and radishes.
  • Flat crafts-paintings from vegetables and fruits.
  • Animal crafts from oranges, kiwi, bananas and lemons.
  • Crafts from watermelons, pineapples, and melons.
  • And I put it in a separate article


We'll start with vegetable children's crafts... and then we'll move on to sweet fruit sculptures. You will see that you can make a chipmunk out of an ordinary onion. And cut roses from radishes, which will bloom on their own if you put them in a glass of water. What am I telling you... now you will see everything for yourself.

Crafts FROM ONION for school and garden.

You can make many interesting sculptures from vegetables as well as from fruits. Here are the onion chickens. We take the young onion out of the garden right along with the stem, and cut the stem-stem into feathers - we move them apart, this “broom” we place on a carrot base post.

And here is another craft FROM RED ONION. Chipmunk with white stripes and fluffy tail from onion feathers. I'll tell you in detail how to make it yourself...

Take two red onions suitable size and shape (it is better to take fresh bulbs, straight from the garden - they are then even in color and elastic). And we immediately make white stripes on them - to do this, you need to cut the top skin of the onion with a blade and then carefully remove it (like shavings) so that you get a white “bald patch” in this place.

Forming a little body- take a long wooden skewer or toothpick and stick it into the belly bulb in the area of ​​the future neck. And stick an onion head onto the protruding end.

Making a tail- bend the green feathers of the onion into the shape of a tail, the lower part of the tail tie with thread or rubber band in a bundle.. And in a saucepan cook sugar syrup(3 tablespoons of sugar + half a teaspoon of water) - when the sugar melts and boils, coat the onion feathers with this sticky sweet glue (so that they stick together into a single tail) - dry it all. And then we pierce the lower and middle part of the tail-bun with toothpicks and stick it into the back of the onion-butt.

Paws- these are cuts on the onion-tummy. To make the paws detach and protrude from the tummy, you can place pieces of plasticine under them. Ears These are small slices from another onion - we stick them into the slits on the chipmunk’s head. Eyes- these are olives (you can use raisins, or pieces of black eggplant skin). The tendrils are also white cuts on the colored skin of the onion.

You can paste over a rectangular box (of tea or cookies) with onion feathers and make it from such a blank VEGETABLE RECORDER... or RADIO. Vegetable buttons are pricked with toothpicks or glued to sugar syrup (see recipe in Onion Chipmunk).


flesh carving.

Crafts from PUMPKIN PUMP . Even pumpkin pulp can become a source of beautiful crafts. The pumpkin is soft enough to cut out whatever your heart desires. For example, these majestic pink flamingos.

Birds can also be cut out from regular CARROTS. In the photo below we see how a man creates his masterpieces right on the street.

You can make a simple sculpture from the whole side of a pumpkin - for example, the face of a donkey.

Pumpkins are a very interesting product for creativity. You can talk about it for a long time and with photo examples. That’s why I’ve collected a lot of different pumpkin crafts in a special article.

Crafts from radish vegetable

white and pink.

From WHITE RADISH You can also cut out beautiful parrots. White radish - resembles a huge white carrot. It can be cut perfectly with a knife into any shape. And the wings don’t have to be made from radishes either. You can take hard stalks from BEIJING CABBAGE. A beautiful and simple vegetable craft for kindergarten and school. The jury will really like it.

And here is a craft made from red radishes... Also a very cute family of pink birds in a nest made of tops, pods or onion feathers.

And a gorgeous bouquet of vegetable roses. Here are photo instructions on how to do it. We cut the radishes with a knife into shavings - in a checkerboard pattern (like cabbage leaves on a stalk). Then we put such a cut radish in water - and under the influence of water it swells and opens its petals. We string the buds onto wooden skewers - and so that the stems are green, we insert each skewer inside an onion feather.


crafts-bouquets for the garden and school.

And below we see how flowers are created from vegetables and fruits. Oval flowers with a halo of narrow petals (also from radishes), orange buds with a berry in the middle (from tangerines). Palms made from bell peppers and a carrot trunk, or a skewer trunk and grapes strung on it.

Here's an idea on how to create lush tulips from sweet peppers. Or delicate white daisies made from thinly sliced ​​white mini pumpkins (with a yellow carrot center). An excellent craft for children who are bored at the dacha.

And here is a way to make ASTRA from the stalk of Chinese cabbage. If you add rose flowers from red cabbage to such a Beijing aster, you get an elegant composition for an exhibition at school or kindergarten.

Crafts from Zucchini and other vegetables.

Here is a penguin bird from ZUCCHINI - with a sweet red pepper bow and orange eyes. It’s very easy and accessible to make with your own hands, even for children.

And here is another bird with a tomato head and a green crest and green pepper wings. The belly is a white zucchini.

You can make human or animal heads from squash crops.

If the fruit has a pointed shape, then you can play it like the face of a puppy or mouse.

You can also make a sculptural dragon craft from zucchini halves. But this is a real challenge to our creativity. The most important thing here is the head - if you have the muzzle, then you can continue and make the body.

Using the same principle, you can create similar composite sculptures from oranges.


vegetable crafts for the garden.

The black color of the eggplant tells us the creation of black and white animals that live on our planet - and these are ZEBRAS, WHALES, PENGUINS, AND KOALAS. (I didn’t find koalas among the photos of crafts - but it’s a good idea).

Eggplant can act as an insert element in crafts made from other vegetables (see photo below with a rooster and monkey).

Crafts from cabbage and other vegetables.

Cauliflower is an interesting material in its structure. Its bizarre shapes themselves suggest the theme of vegetable sculptures. These are, of course, sheep, polar bears, poodles and other furry animals.


Even ordinary potatoes can become an interesting tool for children's creativity. These minions can be made from potatoes - they can be dressed in overalls made from black eggplants. The minions themselves can be painted with yellow gouache paint. Glasses can be cut from round carrots (cut the carrot into a circle and cut a round hole in the circle).

The very shape of the potato can give you an idea for a craft - in the photo above we see that the potato in the shape of panties suggested the idea of ​​​​creating a girl in shorts. You can also look for interesting shapes in a bag of potatoes - for example, in the form of Peppa Pig's head, you very often come across them.
You will find more ideas for potato crafts in a special article on our website

Crafts FROM PEPPERS and other vegetables.

Sweet and hot peppers can be a source of inspiration. Their smooth, shiny shape guarantees the beauty of the final craft. Like this motorbike can be assembled by connecting all the parts with toothpicks (plasticine can be placed inside as an additional fastener for toothpicks). Thread citrus wheels onto toothpicks as well.

Roosters and overseas birds can be made from peppers in a fancy curved shape. You can look for these in a store, or better yet, at the market or at your dacha.

And here crabs and crayfish... They are made from several pepper vegetables. And to be honest, PHOTOSHOP has also WORKED here (they removed what was unnecessary and added what was not needed) - but the idea is still worth trying to implement it for real.

And here, in the photo below with dragon, everything is fair. No photoshop – only the skillful hands of a master and the eye of an artist. Bean pods (whiskers and horns), corn stalks (ears and tail), apple (for the muzzle), carrots (paws and spinal teeth), toothpicks (claws and fasteners).

It is important to be able to look at fruits and vegetables this way an artist's eye, squint, blur your eyes and suddenly, in this foggy haze, see a future sculpture in a pile of vegetables.


Sculptures for kindergarten are most often animals. Children love animals, and animals love children. This is how nature intended it. Therefore, we will make cute animals from cucumbers. Cucumbers are, of course, GREEN CROCODILES.

Although sea inhabitants (dolphins and sharks) can also be carved from a green greenhouse cucumber. Make fins, gills-cuts, a white neck with a slit of a toothy mouth.


But what kind of flat collage crafts can be made from vegetables and fruits. You can take famous paintings by famous artists as an ideological basis. And try to repeat them in your vegetable creativity.

Alon Zaid, an elderly artist, came up with the idea of ​​recreating famous paintings from fruits and vegetables. Here is the quiet Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, The Son of Man by Rene Magritte, the portrait of Dora Maar by Pablo Picasso

Here you go, Mona Lisa, aka Gioconda, by the great master Leonardo Da Vinci.

Here is another famous painting by Pablo Picasso.

You don’t have to repeat the MASTERPIECES of painting from the Hermitage... but come up with your own painting from vegetables.

And also don’t forget that in addition to vegetables, THERE ARE ALSO FRUITS. And they have their own visual capabilities. Its bright colors and interesting cut patterns.

So, since we got to the fruits, let's see what we can make for the garden competition from these fruits.


And now, let's move on to fruit compositions and sculptures. I will show you the easiest crafts to implement with your own hands from apples, pears, bananas, pineapples, aruboza peels and melon fruits.

Crafts from pulpy fruits
apples, kiwi, pears, bananas.

Here are some cute, childish crafts made from kiwi. To create them, you need to select unripe hard fruits. The slices of the slices should be blotted with a paper napkin so that the juice does not bleed through.

But crafts from apples and pears - if you use one whole fruit + a thin slice of the second fruit, you can get such interesting crafts (a mouse and an elephant). Where thin slices serve as details for the ears and face. And from an apple cutting you can make a trunk for an elephant. Delicious and fun crafts that you can make with your kids and then eat.

And here are crafts made from juicy pears. To create such birds, we choose harder varieties.

And to prevent the cut area without the peel from darkening, you need to lubricate it with a brush dipped in lemon juice.

And if you are making a craft from a pear, without the peel, and even with finely chopped feathers (as in the photo of the birds below), then it is better to protect such a craft so that it does not darken, and so that the “feathers” do not fall out and wrinkle. We use gelatin for protection. Pour gelatin powder with water. When it swells, heat it until it dissolves (but do not bring it to a boil!!!). And we grease our entire craft with this warm gelatin syrup. It will become shiny and will look fresh for a long time, nothing will darken or wither. Only important— we make the gelatin solution for such a lubricant 2 times thicker than jelly. That is, we read the instructions on the package and pour 2 times more powder into 2 times less water.

Crafts from bright red apples are made using exactly the same principle. Treat white sections with lemon juice(so that they don’t turn black) and you can also grease them with gelatin syrup (so that they don’t wilt or wrinkle).

Can be done crab craft from apple slices - also paint it in beet juice so that it is red, or grease it with lemon juice so that it remains white (does not rust).

You can make it from a green apple hummingbird. A great little fruit craft for kids.

You can make pots with flowers from the tops of large apples - cut the bald spots of the petals into them - you will get an elegant composition with your own hands from vegetables.

Children's crafts from bananas.

Of course you need to make minions out of bananas. This is clear to everyone. Bananas are yellow, so are minions. You can dress them in overalls made of cucumbers. You can make a whole family for an exhibition in a school or kindergarten.

You can make an octopus out of a banana. Add citrus fish and red pepper crab to it (see photo below in this article). And make a whole underwater kingdom out of vegetables and fruits.

Or make a cute duck family out of banana tails.

Here's an idea for dachshund puppies - with skinned ears and green tails. The eyes are cut out and the pupils are inserted from black paper.


along with helping vegetables.

In lemons, you can play with their shaped feature - a POINTED NOSE. And make these cute little mice out of lemon (you just need to cut off their side so that the mouse lies on its tummy. Cut round ears from the peel of the cut lemon tummy. Cut a lemon on the top of the little mouse’s head and insert an ear into the cut. Cut a thin tail from the scraps of skin. And honey A children's craft for a competition in the garden or school is ready. By the way, you can use a piece of pumpkin. make MOUSE CHEESE and even cut round holes in it.

If you cut a lemon or orange peel along the contours we need - and then peel it off. We get a curly “bald patch” on the orange (as in the photo with crafts below). This citrus “bald patch” can serve as a white belly for two chickens or penguins (in the right photo below).

From oranges you can make a cat (with cut stripes on the back and tail) and a bear cub with tangerine ears.

All parts are pinned onto toothpicks and stuck into the orange pulp.

Citrus peels cut perfectly into any flat shapes (like cardboard). Therefore, it can be used to carve complex carved shapes of fish fins and tails. Beautiful crafts in underwater style, add crabs made from apples, starfish from orange peels.

Citrus fruits can be used in crafts as an addition to a sculpture made from vegetables (for example, in the form of a wing for a parrot made from tomatoes and onions). Or the entire sculpture can be made from oranges cut into round shapes (as in the photo with the lion below).

If you take a rectangular cardboard box and cover it with orange peel, you will get the basis for creating a camera.


and other fruits and vegetables.

Here are interesting ideas for those who don’t mind sacrificing pineapple for the sake of children’s creativity. A small melon can become the head of an owl - we make eyes from round radishes and olives, winged eyebrows from the peel of black eggplants, yellow paws from lemon halves.

From half a pineapple you can make a crocodile with eyes (radishes and olives) and paws (kiwi). Of course, such a crocodile requires a lot of pineapple sides. It’s not my salary to get carried away with this - but if you don’t have financial problems, then choose this cutie - the pineapple crocodile will definitely not remain in a modest shadow at the school exhibition.

Or you can make a turtle from one half of a pineapple - and cut the legs and head from the pulp of a pumpkin, carrot, potato or other vegetable or fruit. A simple and beautiful children's craft made from vegetables.

And here is a pineapple hedgehog. To be honest, this is most likely the result of Photoshop, or the very painstaking work of a pineapple pulp cutter - you need to cut the peel off the side of the pineapple, then shape the pulp into the shape of the legs and head. Then use toothpicks to secure the stem comb to the hedgehog.

But the idea with a parrot bird is suitable if you find a pineapple with a long tail. We cut it from the pineapple by pushing the knife deeper into its pulp so that the tail is cut off along with the yellow center. We stick a red pepper nose and olive eyes into the parrot's head and attach it to a wooden skewer to its habitat.


You can make many crafts from watermelon. We are all familiar with the masterpieces of watermelon rind carving. Here I will not offer complex sculptural tricks. We are simple parents - we are not that talented - we need simpler ideas. Here I have collected the most accessible crafts made from watermelon rind to the common man.

Here's a turtle The craft is easy to do with your own hands - Cut the watermelon so as to remove the side round part (this will be the shell) - remove the pulp so as not to interfere. On this oval part we draw future patterns with a felt-tip pen, and then we cut all the contours with a knife - we get a carved pattern of the shell. All that remains is to cut out the paws and head from other pieces of crust - attach all this with toothpicks to the bottom of the shell.

And here are the gaping mouths of sharks and frogs. We also draw future cuts on the watermelon. Cutting a segment of watermelon - we get a mouth cutout. We remove all the pulp from inside with a spoon and eat it. And then with the empty watermelon belly we do what we need - either a frog or a shark . Shark teeth are very easy to make– first, we make a shallow cut-groove along the edge of the mouth (to the depth of the green layer). Then we cut off the thin green skin along this groove and leave the thick white skin. From this remaining white part we form teeth - we simply cut out and throw out triangular segments from it - and we get triangular remains - teeth. We make a slot - insert the fin into it - make a chipped indentation for the eyes and insert black olives.

And the frog doesn’t need teeth - the eyes are made from halves of a green lime and two cherries on toothpicks.

Here is an example of how you can make a cartoon character out of a watermelon. In the first case (minion), we put a large yellow POMELO fruit inside the green watermelon overalls.

But here are crafts for boys made from oblong watermelons - watermelon ships and a submarine. We don’t sell such oval watermelons, but you can try to make similar crafts from round ones.

Or use an oval melon. Sails made of orange peels.

You can make a chicken out of an orange and put it in a small melon like a shell. A rabbit with ears, a frog, or create your own character.

But crafts made from melon are more complicated - an owl with lettuce leaves and a watermelon belly. Fish with carved scales and fins.

Here are some ideas for crafts made from vegetables for an exhibition in the garden or school. I hope you have found a craft that suits your needs here and will be happy to make it with your children. What you do with your own hands heals the soul. It seems to me that it doesn’t hurt for every person to take a break from watching TV and please their soul and their children a little.

Doing something together, amicably, without arguing or quarreling in the process is another day that you will remember with warmth years later. It's moments like these that are remembered.... and not those when the boss handed you a certificate... Everything vain fades from memory over the years... but the present takes root and remains a bright picture in old age. Let's collect such pictures - in our hearts.

Let's create such moments for our children - let them have something to remember about their childhood. After all, what do we remember about our childhood years? Only these are the days when dad and mom suddenly forgot about their adult affairs and spent time in stupid and useless, but so fun and necessary, fun with the children.

Happy vegetable gardening.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site
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One of the most relevant autumn themes for creativity is autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits. Crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten are of great interest because young children take special pleasure in making unusual figures from autumn fruits that are familiar to them.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits for school are distinguished by more complex execution techniques, a large number of small parts and the complexity of their attachment.

Many children have a desire to learn more about various vegetables, they better remember the names of autumn gifts, and learn to distinguish vegetables from fruits.

Animals made from vegetables and fruits

Children will surely love making animals out of vegetables and fruits.

Vegetable craft “zoo”. A giraffe, a zebra and a vegetable turtle will live in our zoo.

For the “Giraffe” craft, we will need toothpicks, a pear and young dense tomatoes (you can use small plums or gooseberries). Insert toothpicks into the pear. We will need four toothpicks from the bottom - these are the legs. For the long neck of the giraffe, we will need to insert either a longer stick or use two toothpicks.

We string tomatoes on the neck one by one.

A funny autumn hedgehog is made from pears and grapes.

Eggplant crafts

For the zebra craft we will need toothpicks, eggplants and small tomatoes. Peel the skin from the eggplant using narrow strips. Place the end of the eggplant on the toothpicks.

We place the head from the tip of the eggplant and the stems with tomatoes on toothpicks. Eggplant zebra - ready!

You can also make a funny penguin in a tailcoat from eggplant.

A handsome cockerel made of vegetables and fruits comfortably sits on the base of a pineapple.

You can make a fast helicopter out of eggplant and carrots.

DIY zucchini crafts

A whole family of penguins can be made from zucchini.

The curved zucchini itself begs to be used for making funny animals and birds.

You can make an airplane out of zucchini.

Turtle made from small and large zucchini.

The turtle is very easy to make. We will need a flat pepper and a broccoli floret.

Using a knife, cut holes in the pepper.

We insert the head and legs of broccoli into the holes. We make eyes from berries or greens.

We glue eyes and horns from vegetables and herbs to the giraffe. We give the zebra eyes and ears. Our zoo of vegetables and fruits is ready!

a small pear can become a bird with the help of grapes, strawberries and kebab skewers;

Potato crafts

You can make a lovely autumn hedgehog from potatoes and berries. We attach the berries to the potatoes using toothpicks.

Potato and carrot pigs

You can make wonderful pigs from potatoes and carrots. Attach the carrot ears and snout to a small red potato using toothpicks.

We attach the four legs in the same way. Eyes made from cloves or peppercorns can be glued on. Potato pig - ready!

You can make several pigs and set up a small farm with bedding, a bush and a trough for feeding pigs.

Craft “Elephant made from beets”

You can use beets to make another funny autumn character - an elephant.

Craft “Elephant made from beets”

Autumn craft from onions

You can make a big-eared bunny from an onion. The parts of the craft are attached to each other using matches.

Cauliflower Crafts

Perhaps the most popular craft made from cauliflower is the sheep.

This is a fun cauliflower turkey.

The very shape of cauliflower gives us another original idea - a snowman.

A very simple and very original dragonfly is made from peas.

A very simple craft, but it absolutely delights children - a crocodile made from carrots.

You can make a touching autumn hare from zucchini and cabbage. The cabbage heads are held together with toothpicks.

We make the arms, legs and ears of the bunny from zucchini, which we also attach with toothpicks.

Transport from vegetables and fruits

You can make a very impressive boat from zucchini, eggplant, carrots and cabbage leaves. Make a hole in the zucchini. Cut off the end of the zucchini. Using a toothpick, attach the tip of the eggplant to the zucchini.

Cabbage leaves should be boiled a little. They will become softer and more pliable.

Look at the video on how to make a boat from zucchini:

And finally, the most festive vehicle made of vegetables is a carriage made of pumpkins. For a large orange pumpkin, you will need to hollow out the inside and cut out windows and doors. The rest of the design of the carriage depends on the available materials and your imagination.

DIY apple crafts

Apples can be used to make fast racing cars.

Apples make a very beautiful cockerel. We make the body, tail and stand. We fasten the parts with toothpicks.

We make the comb, nose and beard from carrots. We also secure the head with a toothpick.

Apple craft “Cockerel”

Apples can be used to make a very impressive autumn caterpillar. We secure the apples together with a toothpick. We make legs from carrots, which are also attached with a toothpick.

We also attach the apple head with a toothpick. The apple caterpillar is ready!

You can make horns, a nose and a necklace from natural materials for the apple caterpillar.

You can make a gorgeous bear out of apples.

You can make a funny duckling in a shell from melon, orange, carrots and berries.

Crafts on a plate (original fruit presentation)

From grapes and lettuce leaves - a caterpillar on the grass.

From an apple and grapes - an owl.

Grapes, bananas, tomatoes and pears make a peacock with a magic tail.

You can make an amazingly beautiful “hummingbird in flowers” ​​craft from fruits.

From banana, strawberries, raisins, and cottage cheese, you can put a whole picture “Plane in the clouds” on a plate.

A variety of dense fruits and vegetables make excellent stamps.

Very beautiful stamps for drawing can be made from celery, onions, cabbage and many other vegetables and herbs. The drawing process itself will bring many unforgettable impressions.

Watch the video on how to make a potato stamp:

Flowers from vegetables and fruits

Apples and pomegranate make a beautiful and tasty autumn bouquet.

This bouquet is crowned with a rose flower.

Craft “Queen Autumn” made from corn

Crafts made from corn look very original. We decided to make a fall queen out of corn. We decorate the corn with an autumn crown of berries and flowers, and hang beautiful voluminous earrings on it. We put a fruit face on it. We fix all parts of the craft with glue.

We make a corn dress from dry corn leaves. We decorate it with berries and flowers. Queen Autumn is ready! This craft will take its rightful place in the autumn crafts competition.

Corn craft "Queen Autumn"

It turns out that you can make very elegant autumn flowers from corn leaves:

As a rule, children make crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands with great joy. You can combine different ideas to create something original. After creating your unique character or picture, don’t forget to take a photo as a souvenir.

Autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits reviews:

“I would never have thought how many things can be made from vegetables)” (Anastasia)

“Pineapple flowers))) a dream!”

All parents whose children attend kindergartens and schools are well aware of the traditional autumn exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials, vegetables and fruits. In general, these crafts are created from the gifts of autumn. You can come up with such crafts in advance and make them according to your own project, but if you got busy and forgot about this event, and your child surprised you in the evening with the news that “tomorrow is the last day and you need to bring it urgently,” there is no time to think and you need to do everything quickly. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to make crafts from vegetables. We will offer you several options for such crafts that will be cute for you.

Which option to choose?

Well, in the fall, the basis for a vegetable exhibition sculpture, in general, can be found in any home. But any, so to speak, set for it can be found already in the yard in the form of leaves, twigs or sticks, seeds, berries, if there is a park nearby, then you can even get hold of pine cones and acorns there. At home, we add more plasticine, toothpicks, scraps of fabric, thread, pins with colored heads, and you can start creating.

So, everything is collected on the table and you and your child begin to create. Do not hesitate to resort to children’s imagination, because children really love such creative gatherings with adults. It is clear that an adult will do everything much faster and cleaner, but your child also needs to develop and train in creative skills and abilities, so be patient.

An elementary option is a hedgehog.

In the fall, many parents make crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition. And it is precisely for such parents that we offer our bold and very interesting ideas. For this craft we take:

  • any mushrooms,
  • bunch of rowan,
  • large carrot,
  • three chestnuts,
  • oblong shaped pumpkin
  • a few ranet apples,
  • spruce branches,
  • a couple of potatoes
  • all kinds of leaves (preferably multi-colored),
  • a jar of toothpicks,
  • knife and tray.

We make it step by step:

  1. We will have a tray as a clearing, so we cover it with leaves, put spruce branches, you can add different sticks to make it look like a forest floor.
  2. Our hedgehog will be in the middle of this clearing. We arrange the pumpkin in the required way, make legs from potatoes by cutting each of them in half and attach them with toothpicks on the sides in certain places to the body, that is, to the pumpkin. You can make cuts at the ends with a knife to look like fingers.
  3. Next up is the muzzle. We make it from a piece of peeled carrot, attach a chestnut to the tip in the form of a spout, and the caps of acorns or olives will serve as eyes. And we attach all this again to the body with a toothpick.
  4. Now we decorate the body itself. Using the remaining toothpicks, we make a needle-shaped back for the hedgehog by sticking the toothpicks into the top surface of the pumpkin. And we already string mushrooms, berries, acorns and apples on them.

That's it, the exhibition craft is ready.

Funny pumpkin men.

If you want to see crafts on the theme of autumn using vegetables, then this article will be useful. You can make funny little people from pumpkins. They can be made not only from pumpkins, but also from eggplants or zucchini.


  1. We use a regular knife to cut out the facial features; if they are asymmetrical, it’s okay, just make them more fun.
  2. And if you need not only a head with a face, but also a torso with arms and legs, then you can make it from sticks or pieces of vegetables, also attached with toothpicks.

Interesting cauliflower lamb.

Not just an original, but also an easy-to-make craft. Take a small head of cauliflower, eggplant, and olives with pepper.


  1. You just need to cut a strip from the eggplant to make it stable. And we will still need it later; under no circumstances should we throw it away.
  2. We separate the cabbage into inflorescences so that it looks like colored curls. We attach them to the eggplant with toothpicks.
  3. We cut out a lamb's nose from the pepper and attach it to the eggplant. We make eyes from olives, and cut our cut strip in half, we get sheep ears, and we also attach them to the craft.

Another craft is ready.

Flower and vegetable vase.

A vegetable with a thick skin can make a wonderful vase. Pumpkin is best suited for this. We also take a polyoleum chisel, a screwdriver, and a knife.


  1. After cutting off the top of the pumpkin, we remove all the pulp from it. And now we use a screwdriver to make holes in it for decoration.
  2. To apply a design on it, take a linoleum chisel; it will do an excellent job with pumpkin peel.
  3. But first we apply the drawing using a stencil.
  4. Then we use a nail to pierce holes in the pumpkin along the contour of the design. And now we draw the printed pattern with a chisel. In this case, we remove only the outer layer of the peel.
  5. In such a vase you can put not only a flower bouquet, but also a bouquet of leaves or berry branches. And after the exhibition, such a craft will perfectly help decorate the festive table.

Cucumber crocodile Gena.

There are also photos of children's crafts made from vegetables. In addition, each craft has a detailed description. Which child (and adult) doesn’t know the famous cartoon character? Take 2 cucumbers (one must have a slight bend), a small piece of carrot and again toothpicks.

We do it like this:

  1. We cut the straight cucumber in half lengthwise, and from the curved one we will make the body.
  2. We cut off the butts from the cut halves, this will be a crocodile head.
  3. Place the curved cucumber - the body - with its nose down.
  4. We attach one of the halves to its lower part with a toothpick; this will be the tail; for greater similarity, you can apply several notches on it with a knife.
  5. From one of the butts, cutting it in half, you can make legs and attach them with toothpicks.
  6. We attach the muzzle to the upper part of the body, and use a knife to make it “toothy” from below using notches.
  7. We make eye circles from carrots and attach them to the muzzle.

That's it, Gena is ready.

Potato caterpillar.

Any kindergartener can handle this craft. For it you need 7 small potatoes, preferably the same size, a carrot, green paint, toothpicks, matches and 2 beads.

Manufacturing instructions.

  1. We paint all the potatoes with green paint.
  2. After they dry, we connect everything together with toothpicks.
  3. We attach eyes from beads.

Let's go to the exhibition!

Eggplant penguins.

Our publication also presents crafts made from vegetables that can be taken to school. In the fall, blue eggplant vegetables can make beautiful penguins. We take an eggplant, the stalk on it is required. You will also need decorative beads, a knife, toothpicks and 2 pins.

Let's assemble our penguin:

  1. Cut one strip from the eggplant without touching the stalk. The belly is ready.
  2. We cut off a little from the lower (thick) part to give the figure stability.
  3. We get the wings like this: we make cuts on the sides and bend them outward.
  4. We attach beads for eyes to the head, cut out the remaining necessary details from carrots and attach them to the figurine.

Let's go to the exhibition!

Zucchini tractors.

A tractor can be made from 2 larger and smaller zucchini. Let's supplement the list with a tomato and toothpicks. Let's assemble our tractor.

  1. We mentally divide the larger zucchini in half.
  2. In the back of it we will cut out recesses for the cart.
  3. Cut the other zucchini (the smaller one) in half.
  4. Place 1 half on a large zucchini and cut out windows in it.
  5. The little tomato inside plays the role of a tractor driver.
  6. From the second half we cut off circles - 4 wheels. We attach them to the sides of the tractor.

Popular minions.

To make minions, we again take pumpkins. In addition, deep plates, paints (gouache can be used), round cardboard and sewing pins, black plasticine, toothpicks and scissors. Now let's make a cartoon.

  1. Wash and dry the pumpkin. Place tail down on a plate or bowl.
  2. Paint the pumpkin yellow. Dry properly.
  3. We cover the upper part of the pumpkin up to the middle with yellow paint a second time, and on the lower part with blue paint we draw the desired outline and paint over it. Use white paint and a thin brush to imitate denim stitching.
  4. In the upper part we draw the contours of the eyes and mouth, then draw the mouth with red paint, and the eyes with white paint.
  5. We make hair from plasticine and pins.
  6. Glasses. Take a roll of toilet paper and cut out 2 circles from them.
  7. Paint them with white paint and wait for them to dry.
  8. Attach the glasses to the figure.
  9. The minion is ready.

Cheerful cabbage bunny.

As you can see, you can make various crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten. An ordinary head of cabbage can make an excellent bunny. We will also need red and black paint, a tomato, a couple of long cauliflower leaves, a large potato and a brush with toothpicks.

  1. From 2 separated sheets, cut out 2 ovals.
  2. From long leaves we make ears and fasten them on the sides, and from a tomato we make a nose and fasten it in the front in the middle.
  3. Draw eyebrows (black) and mouth (red) with paints.
  4. We cut the potatoes in half and attach these legs to the bottom with toothpicks.
  5. We glue cabbage ovals (these are the whites of the eyes), and draw a pupil in them.
  6. That's it, our bunny is ready for the exhibition.


It turns out that beautiful crafts from vegetables are easy to make. A single figure is, of course, interesting, but a whole composition, a landscape or a frame from a cartoon or fairy tale will add even more impressions. As well as the jury's votes in your favor. So, fantasize and be creative to your heart’s content; use the presented master classes, as well as photographs, as tips or ideas.

If you use: cabbage, carrots, eggplants, then you can make characters such as: Cheburashka, Gena the crocodile, Doctor Aibolit, Baba Yaga and Goldfish. From the above vegetables you can create not only individual figures. For example, if you have the desire, you can make beautiful compositions. It could be: a fungus with a snail or a tower with a mouse. In general, all kids and adults will enjoy working with such crafts.

Even the most restless boys can be involved in making interesting crafts. They will enjoy creating a variety of vehicles. For this purpose, the following may be useful: potato tubers, elongated cucumbers and pumpkins, and zucchini. From such vegetables you can create: trains, tanks, cars and buses. Such products can be sent to an exhibition. In addition, such crafts can be used in your games for some time.

Thanks to those vegetables that ripen in the fall, you can make funny animals that can also be edible.

Every year, autumn gives us generous harvests of vegetables and fruits, which make such delicious preserves for the winter. However, other uses can be found for the ripe gifts of nature, turning them into original and creative interior decorations. Thus, many children enjoy making crafts from vegetables and fruits for exhibitions and competitions in kindergarten or school. This is where your imagination can run wild! After all, truly fabulous “characters” can be created from an “ordinary” overripe cucumber, potato or multi-colored bell pepper. Of course, in some moments, little “craftsmen” will need the help of adults - to attach or cut out the necessary part of the product. However, the result of such joint creativity will amaze both children and parents. We have selected the most original master classes with step-by-step photos of crafts made from autumn vegetables and fruits. And with the help of the video you can clearly study the exciting process of creating such funny figures. So, you stock up on fruits and vegetables, and from our side - interesting ideas and inspiration!

DIY vegetable and fruit craft “Apple caterpillar” for kindergarten – step-by-step master class with photos

In kindergarten, competitions are usually held for the best crafts on the theme of autumn, as well as for various significant dates and holidays. Kids, with the help of their parents, create their own handmade masterpieces and bring them to kindergarten, where the winner of the competition is determined. Make an original craft from vegetables and fruits “Apple Caterpillar” with your own hands - our step-by-step master class with photos describes in detail the process of making such a cute caterpillar. Undoubtedly, your creation will take first place at an exhibition or competition!

Materials for making crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten:

  • small apples
  • fresh carrots
  • rowan berries
  • plasticine
  • toothpicks
  • shells

Step-by-step instructions for making your own crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten

  1. Cut the carrots into rings and put them on toothpicks.

  2. Now you need to insert toothpicks into the apples to connect them together.

  3. We make funny “horns” for our caterpillar from rowan berries.

  4. A small shell will become a hat, and we will sculpt the eyes, nose and mouth from plasticine.

  5. The result is a funny apple caterpillar on carrot legs.

Crafts from fruits and vegetables “Apple caterpillar” with your own hands for kindergarten - master class on video

With the help of this video, you and your child can easily master a master class on making crafts from fruits and vegetables - “Apple Caterpillar”. In this case, the caterpillar can be not only green, but also red or yellow. Good luck with your fruit fantasies!

Crafts from vegetables and fruits “Helicopter” for an exhibition at school - master class with step-by-step photos

Such an original craft made from vegetables and fruits can be prepared for a school exhibition. As the “main” material, we choose a zucchini or a medium-sized pumpkin - fortunately, in the fall they can be chosen in any shape and to suit every taste. Of course, a schoolchild is quite capable of making a “Helicopter” craft made from fruits and vegetables, but the work process will be more fun with mom or dad. Well, let's fly!

Necessary materials for DIY fruit and vegetable crafts for school

  • pumpkin or zucchini of suitable size and shape
  • flat box - the basis for the future “helicopter”
  • chopsticks – 4 pcs.
  • carnations
  • white and brown paper
  • black cardboard - according to the size of the box
  • toothpicks
  • ash fruits
  • glue
  • with an awl
  • felt-tip pens or colored markers

Step-by-step master class on children's crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition at school:

  1. We are preparing a platform for our vegetable helicopter. To do this, take the lid of the box and glue a sheet of cardboard onto it. Then we cut out two strips of white paper along the length of the box and glue them to the lid, parallel to each other.

  2. Again, take white paper and cut out a circle and glue it onto the strips (as in the photo). We also glue two wooden sticks on the surface of the circle.

  3. Let's start making the helicopter. For the tail rotor, cut out two circles from brown paper (each 2 cm in diameter). We apply glue to the wrong side of one circle and place ash fruits and a toothpick in a cross shape, with which the screw will be attached to the body of our “aircraft”. Cover the second circle with glue and apply it to the first, on top of the screw.

  4. Using an awl, we make a couple of holes in the lid of the box (platform), into which we insert a toothpick. Place the pumpkin on toothpicks and attach the tail rotor.

  5. We will need a nail to secure the main propeller.

  6. We draw windows. That’s it, the original “Helicopter” craft made from vegetables and fruits is ready!

DIY vegetable craft “Helicopter” for an exhibition at school - video master class

For the “Helicopter” vegetable craft, we will need eggplant and carrots, as well as toothpicks and a knife. With the help of this video you will learn how to make such a wonderful vegetable craft with your own hands for an exhibition at school or kindergarten.

Photos of children's crafts from vegetables for kindergarten and school

The imagination of kids is truly limitless. It would seem like ordinary vegetables - but what beauty you can make from them with your own hands! We offer you a selection of beautiful photos of children's crafts made from vegetables, the authors of which are kindergarten and elementary school students.

Photos of children's crafts from fruits for kindergarten and school

The autumn abundance of seasonal fruits delights with its amazing taste and inspires creativity. The photo shows the best children's crafts made from fruits - using this sample you can make a craft for a school exhibition or kindergarten. Or just eat this delicious treat right away.

Marina Suzdaleva

The participants of "" have already spent the first week with their kids based on the fairy tale "Turnip". And the most creative mothers and their children made crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands. Judging by the reviews, such a creative activity not only served as a good way to develop imagination, but also had a positive effect on the appetite of the players!

Vegetable machine

Craft materials:

The idea to do it appeared quite quickly. My son loves all kinds of technology! Besides, I wanted to come up with something that he would really be interested in doing. And also something voluminous, not flat, so that you can play with the craft a little, and not hang it on the wall. Everything else was dad's idea.

At first they thought of collecting it for toothpicks, but then they decided - our man is growing! My son enthusiastically hammered in all the nails and glued on the headlights. Then he collected the driver: Cipollino.

As a machine, the craft did not last very long. But after the game, Yura spent a very long time cooking vegetable soup and feeding it to everyone.

Danilova Olga, son Yura, 2.5 years old, St. Petersburg.

Crafts from vegetables: butterfly and racing car

My name is Maria and I have two children, Vasilisa, 6.5 years old, and Mark, 11 months old.

My daughter came up with and performed the craft herself. Vasilisa decided to do butterfly. It consisted of the following vegetables:

  • carrot - body;
  • salad - wings;
  • basil - decoration.

The butterfly also had legs and a face.

The second craft is flower. Unfortunately, the photo did not survive. consisted of the following vegetables:

  • sliced ​​cucumbers – stem;
  • lettuce leaves and radishes - flower petals;
  • tomato - middle.

Mark helped dad with racing car. The wheels were carrots on toothpicks, the body was a cucumber, and in the driver’s seat sat a tomato. Once everything was done, we came up with a fairy tale about new characters. A whirlwind of fantasy took the daughter far, far away. And in the end everything was quickly eaten!

Reproduction of a painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

I thought for a long time about what I could do with fruits and vegetables that would be so unusual and interesting to surprise and delight my daughter. I remembered Giuseppe Arcimboldo and his painting “Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II as Vertumnus”! The ancient Italian god of natural abundance and Vertumnus was considered the god of transformations. And the Italian painter captured the image of the emperor from a variety of vegetables and fruits, for which he was awarded the title of Palatine.

The theme of vegetables and fruits fit perfectly into the scenario of a fabulous week, and we decided to make a reproduction of a picture of their real fruits. At the same time, let’s touch a little bit of beauty by harvesting the granny from “Repka”.

We found aesthetically pleasing products in the refrigerator; there were viburnums, pine cones and chestnuts on the balcony. My daughter was able to lay out some of her hair and beard.

Of course, we don’t pretend to be similar, we got our own colorful character, but, in my opinion, he’s also very cute :)

Svetlana Klichova and Lera, 2 years 4 months, Moscow

I thought for a long time about what we should do. In one of the fairy tales, Vanya especially liked the fox. So we decided to make it from boiled carrots and fasten it with toothpicks.

I boiled 3 carrots of different sizes, peeled them, and made a body and a muzzle from the big one. When they attached the body to the muzzle, Vanya kept trying to tear off the head. Then we also attached the arms and legs to the fox using toothpicks. When Vanya realized what happened, he laughed! In general, she did not live long. Vanya began to take it apart and eat it.

Geido Olga and little son Vanya (1 year 3 months), from Novosibirsk.

The idea of ​​​​creating an edible car did not come by chance. My son still learns new things through his mouth, and he absolutely raves about cars, especially tractors. So we tried to make an edible car: it’s delicious and you can play with it. Because My son doesn’t have many skills yet, so we decided to focus on something not very complicated. To make the machine we needed:

  • Apple;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Cucumber;
  • Grape.

Instead of an apple, you can take a pear, then the silhouette will be even more interesting.

You need to cut the apple in half and then cut it lengthwise into slices. The toothpicks will serve as the axis. But the wheels are cucumbers and grapes. Everything is prepared, you can start...

I assembled the first machine myself, showing and telling my son what to do and why. My son assembled the second car on his own, but with his grandmother’s help. First, I stuck one toothpick into the apple slice, after which I began to string first a cucumber slice on one side, and then half a grape. Then he repeated this procedure on the other side. Having made the front wheels, we turned the car over and he stuck a second toothpick into the apple, marking the second axle. On which I first strung cucumber slices, and then grapes.

The hardest part of the job was to prevent my son from eating all the parts of the car in the process. But the result exceeded all expectations. After finishing work, the son took his typewriter and began to purr, rolling it across the table.

Kosteva Oksana, son Sashenka 1 year 8 months, Dolgoprudny.

Still life "Forest clearing"

To create a still life you need:

  1. Potatoes - several pieces, depending on how many and what size the mushrooms are;
  2. Greens for creating grass. In our case: parsley and cabbage leaf;
  3. The lid of the box is preferably brown, like earth.

Process of creation:

  1. Together with your child, start tearing cabbage leaves and tearing off parsley leaves to create “greenery” for the bottom of the box lid;
  2. While the child is fascinated by this process, peel one part of the potato and shape it into a column (this is the mushroom stem), and cut the second part in half (this will be the mushroom cap) and cut out a container inside to hold the cap on the stem;
  3. Collecting a still life.

The work is ready!

Gavrilova Faina and daughter Taisiya, 1 year old, Arkhangelsk.

Hedgehog made from pear and counting sticks

We created a hedgehog from a pear and needles - counting sticks, which we stuck into this same pear with the baby. I made the hedgehog's paws from apple slices.

Misha took an active part, but only in getting needles :)

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Misha (1.2 years), St. Petersburg.

We made a hedgehog and a chanterelle from fresh potatoes, carrots, matches and beans. While peeling potatoes, I accidentally came across two very curved potatoes that looked like animals. I inserted the eyes from beans and fresh carrots myself, cut out holes for the chanterelle's ears, and Olesya, with my help, inserted ears from fresh carrots there. We inserted needles into the hedgehog, first from toothpicks, then from matches.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

The clearing was sprinkled with green grass (dill), the hedgehog brought apples (pieces of carrots) and pears. Then we painted our animals with brown gouache using cotton swabs.

Olga Antonenko from Yaroslavl and daughter Olesya, 1 year 4 months.

We prepare the necessary materials:

  • Potatoes – 1 piece;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Plasticine black, white, red, green;
  • Spaghetti.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Mix red and green plasticine until brown;
  2. We attach brown plasticine to the potato and draw out the face;
  3. Roll 2 balls out of white plasticine and attach eyes;
  4. We make 3 balls from black plasticine: 1 larger and 2 smaller. From them we make a nose and pupils;
  5. Cut 2 circles from carrots. We make longitudinal holes in the “head” of the mouse and insert ears;
  6. We make a tail and antennae from spaghetti and our mouse is ready.

You can play!

Victoria Pechieva, mother of 2 children: Anastasia (2 years 5 months) and Matvey (8 months). Krasnodar region, Belorechensk.

We needed:

  • Pear - 1 piece;
  • Grapes – 10 pcs;
  • Toothpicks – 10 pieces.

We decided to make a hedgehog. To begin with, we examined the pear - touched, smelled and nibbled a little. They unscrewed its tail (stem), and for strength I put dough under it so that the pear would not roll. Then, the grapes were examined in the same way. We have already learned about toothpicks.

Manufacturing process: Place the pear on the dough. Then I gave my daughter toothpicks, took her hand in mine, and we inserted the toothpicks into the pear. Of course, this didn't happen without pulling the toothpicks back out. We touched and felt everything, the hedgehog’s prickly needles... Similarly, we put grapes on toothpicks, bit them a little in the process, well, that’s okay... And to top it off, they put a bunch of grapes on top. This is how our hedgehog turned out.

Alla Shuvalova, daughter Lenochka, 10 months. We are from Samara.

For a creative competition of crafts from vegetables, we decided to make characters from the same fairy tale: a dog, a cat, a mouse.

For the craft you will need:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • toothpicks or matches;
  • plasticine;

Wash and dry vegetables. The body parts are attached to each other with toothpicks. The eyes, ears, and tails are plasticine, they need to be attached to a toothpick, because... plasticine does not stick to the peel.

Our dog is made from carrots, our cat is made from potatoes, and our mouse is made from beets. The whole family did it, my daughter chose the colors of plasticine and pinched off pieces. As soon as all the characters were made, they immediately acted out the fairy tale! We haven’t made crafts from vegetables before, and without your competition, we probably wouldn’t have done it either.

Gulnara Gazizova, daughter Leysan (2.3 years old), Chelyabinsk.

Idea for a craft: a horse is carrying the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip” from the harvest in a cart and stops to smell the flowers on a stump, where a hedgehog is also sitting.


  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • toothpicks;
  • eye stickers.

Creation process: cut out the insides of the zucchini, cut it into a muzzle and body. The part that was not included in the composition became a stump. Indentations (hooves) were cut out of the potatoes. The carrots were cut into 4 rectangles (these are legs), another carrot into circles (cart wheels). We cut out plates (ears) and thin straws (flower stems). All the components of the horse were placed on toothpicks (my daughter stuck them in, I threaded them).

The cabbage leaves were placed around the plate and my daughter stapled them together. And she attached wheels to the toothpicks.
