A man does not give gifts to a woman. What the f@ck: a man doesn't give gifts

For no reason, especially when your favorite guy does it. But sometimes the representatives of the weaker sex complain that the guys do not pay due attention to this issue and very rarely give them flowers with gifts, or do not make such presents at all. Let's analyze this situation and look for ways out of it.


First, let's take a look at the reasons why a guy does not give gifts.
  • Doesn't think about it. Most of the time, guys just don't care about giving gifts. Is that really what holidays are for? The fact that you will be very pleased with him does not even occur to him.

  • Nothing to give. If you analyze the situation, then in order to wait for presents, you need to create a desire to do this. Perhaps you don’t give something that would arouse your boyfriend’s desire to give you more and more gifts, while such gifts should be given not for something, but from a simple impulse of feelings and soul in order to see a sweet smile again and again your beloved. Maybe your relationship is just not so sincere or close?

  • There is no point in giving. There are times when the other half does not see the point in giving you something, and there may be quite a few reasons: he does not see prospects in your relationship, you take any of his souvenirs for granted, or you always do not like them. This can also include the situation when a guy, due to his inner convictions, does not understand the meaning, why give gifts ?!

  • Don't know what to give. Probably, the guy just doesn't know what to present to you. Maybe you are a very wealthy girl or have presented yourself in such a light that he simply does not know how to please or surprise you. Or he does not know what to give at all, since he is not an expert in souvenirs and for him this process is a whole torment and test. The language of hints will help here.

  • Doesn't want to spoil. This reason is perfectly described by the saying: "Give him a finger, he will bite off his hand ...". Some guys don't give anything because they're afraid that girls might get used to it and gifts for them will become a matter of course, they will want them more and more each time and in large quantities. It is better to immediately transfer such characters to the friend zone, and maybe even further.

  • No money. Due to various circumstances, your boyfriend may not have free money for presents, or the amount he has does not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba worthy souvenir for you. Make it clear that you are happy with any trinket, and for you the main thing is this sign of attention, and its material value.

  • Greed. Well, why not mention the misers who spare their money for a gift for a girl, even for a modest flower. There are guys who not only don’t give anything because of their greed, but don’t even treat them to a cup of coffee in a cafe, always dividing the bills in half. No matter how miserly he was, could he at least pick a rose from a flower bed ?!

  • He gives you everything in full. If a guy always pays for you in various entertainment establishments: in restaurants, cafes, cinemas, shops - these are also some kind of gifts. Maybe he is just practical, thinking that instead of constant presents and flowers, he will better take you to a restaurant or cafe without denying your desires - this is much better than an “empty” and useless souvenir.

  • Doesn't want to give a reason. There are guys who take gifts as a sign that he is serious and thus declares his desire to build a serious relationship, which he is simply not ready for or his intentions for you are not serious.

  • Examination. The lack of various souvenirs from the guy's side can be a simple check. Agree that now there are a lot of girls of a mercantile nature who only need material goods from a guy, so many guys play it safe, wanting to check the sincerity of a girl’s feelings for herself in this way. On the one hand, he may be right, but what prevents him from giving gifts himself: flowers, sweets, soft toys - if you don’t demand anything from him at all, where is the logic ?!

  • Doesn't understand it. Some guys just do not understand the meaning of gifts, why and why they are given ?! What do they have to do with conquering a girl?! What is the point in flowers that will wither in 2 days and a souvenir that will gather dust?! In a word, men are not such romantic natures, and they need to either constantly hint at how you would like such a gift, or open the world of romance and romantic relationships for him.

  • Fears. Perhaps he just doesn’t want to look ridiculous in your eyes, because he doesn’t know how to do it: he is afraid that you won’t like the gift, or before him you were given armfuls of roses, gold and cars, and his rosette or teddy bear will look rather absurd in their background. Let him know that he is wrong.
Here are the reasons. We advise you to analyze them and find the insidious one that controls the mind of your boyfriend. You can go in a more interesting way, directly, to very delicately (so as not to frighten) ask him why he never gave you flowers and souvenirs. How does he not understand that you just want his attention, so that his gifts remind him of him and express his feelings.

The opinion that a guy should give gifts to his girlfriend is wrong, however, such presents very clearly express his attitude towards you.

Are gifts important to you?

If a guy rarely gives presents or does not do it at all, then many girls are offended by this. But here it is very important to honestly admit to yourself why you feel this way? Why do you want him to give you gifts and what do you expect to see as gifts? Of course, any present of a loved one is the cutest in the world, but they are not the main thing.

Sometimes the lack of presents from a guy is a kind of indicator that in family life you shouldn’t count on much, except for holidays, and those are far from a fact. It may also indicate that the guy is not very generous or his feelings are not so strong that he would like to make you a nice souvenir or flowers.

Even if the guy does not give flowers and gifts, what is wrong and reprehensible in this ?! The main thing is how he treats you: sincerely, gently, honestly and with love.

Many women, as a relationship develops, ask themselves: Why does a man stop giving gifts?

If earlier there were flowers, and gifts, and invitations to romantic dates, then with the “experience” of relationships, all this needs to beg, beg, hint (the latter is useless).

Today, as part of our rubric What men say about women men will answer the question regarding why they stop giving gifts to the woman they love.

“Why does a man not give gifts to a woman?“So she didn’t deserve… I’m kidding, of course. To answer your question based on personal experience, I simply have no time. I forget that I need to continue the candy-bouquet period, when there are children at home who need to be fed, bills, various tasks and household issues. Everything fades into the background somehow.

I try to please my woman as much as possible - when there is time and money. But it is always not enough for her, she is constantly dissatisfied with something, for this reason she receives gifts and surprises less and less.

When a woman is already conquered, you somehow relax ... If there is also a joint life, family, children, then it is somehow stupid to count on romance, because there are more serious questions. But on holidays I try to please my wife, not to forget about attention.

Why don't men give gifts?“Probably because women stopped appreciating it. Or the gifts are not of “high quality” enough, or maybe there is simply no desire to do so. It is necessary to give a man an incentive, to arouse in him a desire to pamper her with something. You know better.

Why not just say directly that you are missing something? “Darling, treat me with flowers next month, I will be pleased…” - my girlfriend sometimes throws me similar phrases, I mark myself on the phone and fulfill her desire. Both are satisfied.

The last time I brought flowers to my wife, and simply, for no reason, I fell under suspicion and under interrogation. It was terribly annoying. Now I have no desire to do something like that - again I will be suspected of being a leftist or something else.

If a man stopped giving gifts, so the woman stopped trying in bed. I believe there is a direct link here. Give a man affection, satisfaction, passion - you'll see, he wants to do something special for you.

Most often, a man simply has thoughts clogged with other problems. I think there is nothing criminal in reminding him of the lack of signs of attention on his part. But without tantrums and demands, but somehow in a smart way, with affection and female wisdom.

I just don't know what to give to my beloved. Our entire budget is strictly scheduled, sometimes we can go somewhere together or with children. On March 8 I give flowers, I don’t forget about it. Probably, we need to introduce a couple more international women's days, and then we will please you more often.

Why make a problem out of it? Tell me what you want and I'll buy it for you. If, of course, I have such an opportunity.

I don’t understand at all why for some women, gifts are the main thing in a relationship. In any case, if there are no gifts, a man has no desire to do this. Even if there is no opportunity, desire is a powerful engine that will help you find this opportunity. But the woman is responsible for the desire”, MEN

I'll add the following...

Do you have any questions for men? - Write in the comments and, perhaps, it will be taken as the basis for the next article.

Hello, dear guests and friends of the site about original congratulations! Why does a man not give gifts?

You know, in search of interesting ideas, I sometimes visit forums where the topics of gifts for the holidays are discussed.

And here's what's interesting - on many resources, girls ask the same question: what to do if a man does not give gifts? Basically, of course, claims are made against husbands. And this is not at all surprising.

If during the period of courtship, the representatives of the stronger sex still somehow try to show their attention, then after several years of living together, many of them consider their mission accomplished in this regard and limit themselves, at best, to banal practical gifts for the main holidays (New Year, March 8, birthday).

Yes, and in my environment, to be honest, there are very few men who, without reminders and indications of specific models of what they want, present surprises to their wives for no reason (for the sake of justice, it’s worth saying that there are still a couple of them).

Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out the problem.

Why does a man not give gifts?

The reasons for this phenomenon are called completely different, here the most popular opinions:

  • The most banal reason: the man is greedy (more often the wording is more stringent: he is a MISSER 🙂). Moreover, greed often hides under the guise of a lack of money, stable financial well-being, uncertainty in further relationships, etc. Well, perhaps this fact is indeed the case.
  • The second reason: a man is not too reverent about a woman, so he does not feel the desire to bring joy to her with the help of such a simple tool as gifts.
  • The third reason: a woman DOES NOT KNOW how to properly accept gifts. Moreover, this applies not only to gifts from beloved men, but in general to any presentations. For example, when asked what to give you, she replies: “Yes, you don’t need anything, I’m already happy for you.” Imagine, I caught myself thinking that I myself often behave this way when I am asked about gifts for the holidays. Like this: I really like to give gifts, but it turns out that I don’t know how to accept them 🙁 ... I will improve!

Even more reasons why men do not give gifts to their women, you will learn from this video. I listened with interest - the girl speaks funny, but I largely agree with her.

Why a man does not give gifts: the opinion of psychologists

I am interested in psychology, and sometimes I listen and watch speeches by specialists in this field, including on the topic of relationships. And almost all of them name one reason for the inattention of men to the topic of gifts, here it is: just men are DIFFERENT.

The nature of men is such that they really do not see and do not notice the need to arrange surprises. Men are not so emotional, they are not so quick-witted, and often cannot understand what is wanted from them, even if women make explicit hints about something specific. And moreover, they often do not even suspect that women really want to receive gifts, that they really need it.

And what do psychologists advise us? Unfortunately, nothing magical: you need to stop waiting and just tell men what exactly we want to get for the holiday. Yes, that's how everything is quite prosaic: model, article, color, price, in which store to buy, and even better, even how to get there and the store's opening hours. And you will be happy...

Are you ready for such gifts? I personally - no. I don't need them in this case. After all, then you can just take the money and buy everything yourself, right?

What do women desire?

Indeed, why do we need gifts from men? Why do we wait for them every time with excitement and trepidation?

It's simple: we want attention, care. In the context of this, gifts for a woman are a sign that a man thinks about her, loves, cares. So right?

And a gift doesn't have to be expensive! It might even be free. Yes, yes, if you read, or rather the comments on it, you will see that women call worthless surprises as the most memorable gifts from their beloved men. But it was these congratulations that became memorable and the best for them.

I can say from my own experience that not the most expensive of the gifts I received was the most memorable for me, I wrote about him in.

By the way, that case turned out to be significant! Seeing my reaction then, my husband began to approach the choice of presents with more creativity than before. He began to surprise me, something that had not been observed before him. Good trend though 🙂 . I am sure that men, like us, experience pleasant feelings when their gift causes great joy, surprise, delight.

Therefore, it seems to me that it is worth showing our men how much we like to receive gifts, what emotions we get at the same time, how happy we are even with simple signs of attention.

Now let's move on to the main thing.

A man does not give gifts? Let's play 🙂!

If it so happened that your man does not give gifts, but you would really like to bring such a “gift” story into your relationship, I suggest you play an interesting game. Let's call her "Couple Surprise".

Let's try to show him that giving joy to his beloved is a pleasant thing. What the hell is not kidding, right? In any case, you risk nothing. In the worst case, everything will remain as it is, but in the best ... What if he likes to please you 🙂?

Game plan

  • Choose a time, for example, on one of the weekends, when you can allocate 3-4 hours for the game.
  • Arriving at a large shopping center together. It is important. Children must first be placed in the reliable good hands of close people or friends - those whom you really trust. So that during the time you have allotted for the game, you do not worry about anything and try to have fun.
  • Allocate a gift budget. For example, 1000 or 2000 rubles. Divide the amount in half.
  • Assign a time - for example, one hour.
  • Task: each of you must buy a gift for your half at the appointed time (that is, a wife for her husband, a husband for his wife). With this condition, you disperse in different directions, making an appointment at a certain place. Best of all in a cafe (you can right in the mall).
  • Having met, you sit down at a table, order something tasty and take turns guessing: what did you buy for each other? You are trying to figure out what your husband bought for you, and he is trying to guess what you bought for him. If the answer is incorrect, the turn passes to the other spouse. Questions should be asked only those that can be answered with “yes” or “no”.
  • Having guessed, everyone receives their gift and rejoices 🙂. By the way, it’s worth rejoicing in any case, even if you didn’t get what you secretly expected. The outcome of the game depends on your reaction, namely, will your soul mate enjoy gifting you, will he want to do it again?

And one more tip for you.

You shouldn't tell your husband that you read about this game on the Internet (oh how they don't like it!). Better get him interested. Say something like: you know, I really want to spend the evening with you, but somehow unusual, I want some kind of surprise, surprise. Let's do this? And tell me about this idea.

As a rule, men perceive it with surprise, but without negativity (of course, there are exceptions, but I think you yourself know whether it is worth starting all this, and how best to present this kind of information to your man 🙂).

In general, if people love each other, then there is no embarrassment from the unusual situation. The process of choosing, and most importantly, giving gifts is fun and easy. After all, in fact, this game is not only an opportunity to get a little surprise, but also just to be together, to have a good time with each other.

I suggest you play such a simple and pleasant game if your man does not give gifts, but you would really like this.

How do you like the idea? I really want to know your opinion. Share in the comments, I will be very happy!

What will we see if we go to Instagram any popular girl?

Most often, these are travel, luxury apartments, expensive cars, elite restaurants and sheer fun.

If we looked at the profile of a man, we would think: “Yes, well done, he made a living and now he can afford a lot,” but the girl’s profile raises the question: “What kind of successful man provided her with all this?”

Nobody argues that a woman can achieve success on her own and afford absolutely everything.

But if she wants to find harmony and not live in constant stress, she needs a real man.

That is why, when looking at beautiful and happy girls in Instagram you can understand that behind all this is the love of their guys, embodied in gifts.

Are you often showered with bouquets, decorations, taken to the shores of the oceans simply because you are a beautiful woman? If not, it's time to change the situation!

Reason 1. You are a strong woman

To begin with, men and women are divided into two types - strong and weak. Harmonious relations are possible only with the union of a strong man and a weak woman, but not vice versa.

Now compare this rule with your personal life - what kind of woman are you in it?

If you solve all your problems yourself, dedicate your life to your career, pay in a restaurant in half with a man, or pay the bill for him, you are a strong woman.

What made you like this? Surely a couple of unsuccessful novels and the opinion that a man can never be completely relied upon.

You're right - you really can't count on a weak man. Dealing with such guys, you never know how to be weak, gentle and natural.


Stop being a female superhero! Until you change yourself, you will continue to attract only weak men and lazy people.

Do you want expensive gifts, mountains of flowers and endless compliments in your life?

Then become weak and sensitive, at least for a week. If you are already paired with a weak man, nothing will change.

But a strong man will immediately feel the change and want to please his beloved girl with something insanely pleasant.

Reason 2. You do not know how to thank

You have already understood that in a harmonious relationship, the strong take care of the weak. But this does not mean that a man will turn into a bottomless source of pleasure.

Harmony means a mutually beneficial relationship, which means that you also need to give your loved one something in return.

What does a strong and independent man need? Your gratitude as a source of inspiration. Believe me, many representatives of the stronger sex love to give gifts.

But when they receive silence, a nod, or a barely audible thank you in response, this does not motivate them for further care and romance.


Gratitude is the best way to motivate a man to give gifts. This is easy to learn, the main thing is to understand what exactly your man wants.


He wants to hear that you are extremely pleased, you are amazed by his taste, attentiveness, etc. The more refined the gratitude, the better.


If a gift deserves more than just words - do it! A pleasant massage after a working day, a delicious dinner performed by you, passionate sex - do not limit yourself in ingenuity.

mutual gift

This is a rare case, because in response a man needs emotions, but not something material. You can try to put these emotions into your present.

Draw a portrait of your beloved man, knit him socks or a scarf, show any of your talents and create something unique. He will appreciate it.

Reason 3. You realized late

You could have made your biggest mistake on the first date. Girls prepare for this event in a special way and try to present themselves from the best side.

Modest, picky, in love and admiring - this is how a man sees you. The mission was a success, and now he wants to build a serious relationship.

But here's the problem: the girl on the first date and the girl in real life are two different people.

The first does not need anything from a man, except for love, and the second wants to have expensive gifts and a beautiful life.

Sooner or later, your desires will manifest, which will horrify your husband: “What happened to you? Did you start dating me just for the money?”

He can be understood, because he fell in love with the very girl who did not need anything and she was ready to create a paradise even in a hut.


Immediately declare your position - you want to receive attention and gifts. This should be done in a neat and unobtrusive manner.

No requests for a new iPhone or a gold necklace. After such requests, the date may end, and you will be labeled a "purse hunter."

Start with a restaurant and pay the bill for dinner. If a man feeds a pretty girl at his own expense, this will be the first step towards a harmonious relationship.

Ask him to pay the fare or buy you something in the store. It should be something inexpensive and really necessary.

A month's supply of food or full-fledged shopping will not work, but some fruit, a chocolate bar or a hat you like will be a great test.

Make sure you like him. Even a rich and strong man does not want to spend money on someone he doubts.

So, having taught a man to please you, you will ensure that he himself will delight you with gifts.

You are the main reason

How to hint a man to give flowers? No need to beg or come up with cunning motivation - you need to be the one who cannot help but give a gift.

Become weak, gentle and romantic. Don't talk to men the way they talk to each other. Be sophisticated, feminine, stand out with just that.

A guy doesn't give gifts to someone he doesn't admire. Learn to be grateful. This is really important. Notice every act of your husband and every little thing that is done for your good. Gratitude is the best motivation.

You are a worthy woman and you will not tolerate paradise in a hut. Do you want proper living conditions and expensive gifts? Claim it right away to cut off random weak men.

Convinced that all three points are met? Then expect an unforgettable gift from your man and be sure to share the result in the comments.
