What comes Santa Claus in Australia. What is Santa Claus called in different countries? How is New Year's Eve celebrated in Australia?

To the question What is the name of Santa Claus in Australia? given by the author On the individual the best answer is Santa Claus in different languages
AT new year's eve Our children are looking forward to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Who are the kids waiting for in other countries? Read and remember!
Australia, USA - Santa Claus. The American grandfather wears a cap and red jacket, smokes a pipe, travels through the air on reindeer, and enters the house through a pipe. Australian Santa Claus is the same, only in swimming trunks and on a scooter (you know, it's hot on the first of January in the country of kangaroos :-).
Austria - Sylvester
Altai region- Sook-Taadak
England - Father Christmas
Belgium, Poland - Saint Nicholas. According to legend, he left golden apples in a slipper in front of the fireplace to his family. It was a very long time ago, so St. Nicholas is considered the very first Santa Claus. He rides a horse, wearing a miter and a white episcopal robe. He is always accompanied by the Moorish servant Black Peter, who carries a bag with gifts for obedient children behind his back, and in his hands - rods for naughty ones.
Greece, Cyprus - Saint Basil
Denmark - Ületomte, Ülemanden, Saint Nicholas
Western Slavs - Saints Mikalaus
Italy - Babo Nattale. Besides him, to obedient children the good fairy Befana (La Befana) comes and gives gifts. The naughty people get a piece of coal from the evil sorceress Befana.
Spain - Papa Noel
Kazakhstan - Ayaz-ata
Kalmykia - Zul
Cambodia - Ded Zhar
Karelia - Pakkainen
China - Sho Hing, Sheng Dan Laozhen
Colombia - Papa Pascual
Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun accompanied by Zazan Ohin (Snow Maiden) and Shin Zhila (boy- New Year). New Year in Mongolia coincides with the festival of cattle breeding, so Santa Claus wears the clothes of a cattle breeder.
Netherlands - Sanderklaas
Norway - Nisse (small brownies). Nisse wear knitted caps and love tasty things.)
Russia - Father Frost, Father Treskun, Morozko and Karachun rolled into one. He looks a little stern. He wears a fur coat to the ground and a high hat, in his hands he has an ice staff and a bag of gifts.
Romania - Mosh Jerile
Savoy - Saint Schaland
Uzbekistan - Korbobo and Korgyz (Snow Maiden). In the Uzbek villages on New Year's Eve, a "snow grandfather" in a striped robe rides a donkey. This is Corbobo.
Finland - Joulupukki. This name was not given to him in vain: "Youlu" means Christmas, and "pukki" - a goat. Many years ago, Santa Claus wore a goat skin and delivered gifts on a goat.
France - Ded January, Pere Noel. The French "Father January" walks with a staff and wears a wide-brimmed hat.
Czech Republic - Ded Mikulas
Sweden - Kris Kringl, Yulnissan, Yul Tomten (Yolotomten)
Japan - Oji-san
All Santa Clauses bring gifts, but everyone does it in their own way:
Russian Santa Claus puts a gift under the Christmas tree.
In the sock, gifts are found by the British and Irish, and in the boot - by the Mexicans.
New Year gifts dumped down the chimney in France, and onto the balcony in Spain.
In Sweden, Santa Claus puts gifts on the stove, and in Germany he leaves them on the windowsill.
Santa Clauses - they are all so different. They look different, one is kind, and the other can scold. Everyone has their own personal way to sneak into the holiday home. But whatever Santa Claus you are, you are there to congratulate and give a gift!

Australian Santa Claus. fairy tale. Chapter 1

Three stages of a man's growth:
1. He believes in Santa Claus.
2. He does not believe in Santa Claus.
3. He himself is Santa Claus.
(Old joke)

Snow, winter, New Year
Winter. Photo: Nikolai Bogatyrev
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Deciduous On the ruins of love. PoemsWhat is not necessary. Parable
The blizzard played out in earnest. as if creature, she circled in a winter waltz, around a lonely house, scattering snowdrifts with a wide hem, lined up to the very window. The house was warm and cozy. The fire danced in the fireplace, and the wood crackled merrily. The thick window frames drowned out the howling of the blizzard, making it less menacing and scary. On the contrary, this winter song pleasantly lulled, plunging into a sweet slumber. A man in a red caftan sat in an old armchair in front of the fireplace and stared blankly at the fire. And behind a large oak table, where a mountain of letters and envelopes towered, a man crouched on the edge of a wooden chair. short stature, dressed in a green camisole. Strictly looking over his glasses, he turned to the man sitting by the fireplace:

- Nick, why aren't you going on the road? There is very little left before the New Year, and the deer in the sleigh are not harnessed ...

- Oh, oh ... - moaned Nick, reluctantly looking away from the fire and turning towards the table. – Eric, can I be transferred to another station? I got tired of flying to the ends of the world every year. The heat is at its peak there. It's summer, you know? It is difficult to work if the thermometer shows plus thirty-five, and you are wearing a warm caftan, a hat, boots and a beard to boot. Swap me with Joulupukki or Santa Claus responsible for Finland and Russia.

“Sorry, Nick, with all due respect to you, I can’t,” Eric spread his hands. - Not allowed. Joulupukki and Santa Claus have a long history. And you received a complaint last year. The New Year Commission is not happy with your work. AT recent times there is no holiday atmosphere in Australia.

“It’s all because of the heat,” Nick tried to justify himself.

Eric didn't seem to think that was a good reason. Nick, without waiting for any comments, continued:

- Then let me change the image suitable for the Australian climate. Shorts, a T-shirt, a baseball cap… – Nick began to list, but Eric immediately interrupted him.

- In accordance with the requirements established over the years, on New Year's Eve Santa Claus, Father Frost and other magical workers must be dressed in special clothes.

“But these rules were drawn up before the discovery of Australia. They are outdated and should be revisited.

These requirements have been around for centuries. And it's not for us to change them. Well, enough with idle talk, and so much magical time wasted. Take the deer and go on a fabulous journey!

- Yeah, take the deer, - Nick was indignant. - I can still force myself to go to the hot embrace of Australia, but the reindeer flatly refused to go on another trip. They rested their horns, they won’t go, and that’s it.

“Yes, it’s hard to convince animals,” the man in the green camisole drawled, puzzled.

“What if I take a car instead of deer?” With air conditioning! - Joyfully exclaimed Nick, quite rubbing his hands.

But Eric was adamant.

“Not allowed,” he said, furrowing his brows. - The rules also say that the transport must be alive.

- How can I go if there is nothing to do? Nick asked desperately.

The man at the table pondered, scratched his head and suggested:

- And you take some Australian animals for this purpose.

- For example?

“Well, kangaroo…” Eric said uncertainly.

- Oh no, please! Nick yelled as he got up from his chair. “Do you know how tired I am from the tiring shaking in the sleigh? Seasickness even started.

“Then harness the ostriches.

- Even better. Try it yourself! I already tried this last year, when my deer, having settled in the shade, did not want to move on. I had to use Emu's service, so I shook the sand out of my beard for a whole week.

“Listen, how picky you are. It's not for you, it's not like that.

- Well, you yourself try? – said Nick, again sitting down in a chair.

“Okay, now I’ll think of something…” Eric said condescendingly.

Outside, dusk was approaching, early in this part of the world. The storm subsided. Snowflakes were slowly falling outside the window. Eric lit a kerosene lamp, went to a shelf with books and began to look for desired volume. Taking out the largest book and leafing through it a little, he finally cried out:

- I know what kind of transport you need! This will be what you need! You don't even need a sled.

Where will I put the gifts? Nick was surprised.

- Don't be afraid, there will be a place for you for gifts!

Will tell you about how the main characters of the New Year holidays look like in different countries ah world.

Tovlis babua (Georgia)

Tovlis babua is translated from Georgian as "snow grandfather". This is a gray-haired old man with a long beard. He is dressed in a black or white chokha with a white nabadi cloak, and he has a traditional Svan hat on his head. Tovlis babua brings gifts to children in a big sack "khurjini".

Santa Claus (Russia)

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov

In his hands, Santa Claus holds a crystal staff with a bull's head - a symbol of fertility and happiness. He rides in a painted sleigh pulled by a trio of snow-white horses. Fairy tale hero accompanied by his granddaughter - Snegurochka.

Santa Claus (USA, Canada, Australia, Western Europe)

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Bogodvid

Santa Claus is not dressed in a fur coat, but in a short red jacket. He has a red cap on his head, and the same glasses on his nose. Santa rides across the sky on a sleigh pulled by deer, with a retinue of elves and gifts. Santa Claus places gifts for children under the Christmas tree, as well as in socks helpfully hung over the fireplace. Santa enters the house through the chimney.

Yollupukki (Finland)

© photo: Sputnik / Pavel Lisitsyn

Yollupukki long hair, he wears a tall cone-shaped hat and red clothes. He is surrounded by gnomes in pointed caps and capes with white fur. Yollupukki's hut stands on a mountain. His wife Muori and gnomes live in it. Finnish Santa Claus wears a goatskin jacket with leather belt and a red cap.

Jõuluvana (Estonia)

© photo: Sputnik / Vadim Zhernov

Jõuluvana is similar to his Finnish relative Joulupukki: long White hair, a snow-white beard, a red sheepskin coat and a cone-shaped cap with a pompom. He does not dress up in a goatskin, but reindeer he has, as well as assistants - gnomes. And Yyuluvan's wife is Mother Winter.

Sinter Klaas (Holland)


Sintaklaas is an old man with a white beard and hair, in a red robe and miter, riding a white horse. He has the big Book, which describes gifts for all children, their names and addresses. Sintaklaas arrives on a ship accompanied by black servants.

Pere Noel and Saint Schaland (France)


There are two Santa Clauses in France. One is called Per-Noel. He is kind and brings gifts to the children in a basket. The second Santa Claus is called Shaland - this is a bearded old man who wears fur hat and a warm travel coat. Hidden in his basket are rods for naughty and lazy children.

Kahand Pap (Armenia)

© photo: Sputnik / Asatur Yesayants

The Armenian Santa Claus is surrounded by fabulous creatures: Khlvliks - noisy and active little men and Aralez - half animals, half people. Kahand Pap goes to congratulate the children on their granddaughter Dzyunanushik.

Korbobo (Uzbekistan)

© photo: Sputnik / Roman Khasaev

He is dressed in a striped robe made of national fabric and a festive red skullcap. Corbobo is accompanied by his granddaughter Korkis. He uses a small donkey as transport.

Zyuzya (Belarus)

Depicted as a bald grandfather of small stature, with a long gray beard. He walks barefoot, without a hat, in a white casing. In his hand is an iron mace. His breath is a strong chill. His tears are icicles. Hoarfrost - frozen words. And her hair is snow clouds. He really does not like those who complain about the cold. © AP Photo / Vadim Ghirda

Romanian teacher dressed as Santa Claus in Bucharest

Mosh Krachun wears a mustache and beard. He is dressed in a red sheepskin coat just below the knees with the corresponding ornament of ancient times, behind his shoulders is a bag called desaga. And all this is done with national ornaments. Mosh Krechun is wearing a sheepskin coat on his head, and instead of felt boots there are postols on his feet. He is accompanied by the characters of national fairy tales - Guguts and Fulguts.

The inhabitants of the Earth have been preparing for this celebration for a long time. Perhaps this is the only event that is widely celebrated, observing all traditions and customs. It is interesting to know how the New Year is celebrated in Australia, where January 1 falls on the hottest period?

Australian Santa Claus

We Europeans, accustomed to harsh winters, cannot imagine the New Year without snow. And in Australia it's a common thing. They celebrate this holiday earlier than other countries. In the midst of the hot season, locals come to the beach to celebrate the New Year. In Australia, traditions are similar to ours. Residents are also congratulated by Santa Claus, only he appears extravagantly - rushing in front of those who meet in a bathing suit and on a personal brightly decorated She replaces him New Year's sleigh and You can recognize him by the presence of a traditional Santa hat with a pompom and a white beard.

This performance takes place on the popular Bondi Beach. This is how they celebrate the New Year in Australia.

New Year's events

All the entertainment held in Australia at the New Year's Eve unfolds under the starry sky.

Melbourne invites citizens with free dancing parties on the Yarra River and Federation Square. More than half a million people come to the live music concert held in Brisbane. The music festival is also held in the states of Tasmania and Victoria, where a large number of youth.

The most grandiose spectacle is the fireworks in Sydney! In addition to numerous fireworks in all parts of the city, as well as on marinas and parks, the most luxurious new year show conducted from the Harbor Bridge. The light show is performed in accordance with the chosen theme. Every year the stories are different and bright. The first colorful fireworks are distributed at 21:00. Families with children and those who want to go home early can watch it. Then the lights illuminate the entire bay of Sydney. This is how the spectacular show "Parade of Lights" begins. They are lit by all ships in the bay - sailboats, ferries, ships. Volleys of salute before the main midnight are fired several more times. And the most impressive view this spectacle is opened from the site. As the New Year is celebrated in Australia, it is not destined to be held in the northern countries.

holiday tree

Residents of the mainland under the sun, just like on other continents, are looking forward to the New Year in Australia with trepidation. The customs of local residents differ little from other states. Here, too, prepare for the celebration in advance. Decorate the streets bright garlands, dress up artificial Christmas trees and get classic Santa hats.

Due to the absence of growing Christmas trees in Australia, green trees are brought in advance from the northern countries, since on this continent the Christmas tree is a traditional symbol of the New Year. Australian homes also install and decorate artificial trees. Some residents replace the spruce with a local exotic plant called "metrosideros". This is an evergreen naturalized culture with large scarlet flowers. The tree is decorated with figurines of local animals dressed up as Santa Claus.

When the clock strikes 12

As they celebrate the New Year in Australia under open sky, and all the festivities are held on the street, the event is accompanied by a very loud noise. During the battle of the chimes, volleys of numerous salutes and fireworks, the emotional cries of the Australians join them. The New Year is called with the thunder of drums, whistles, pipes, horns, explosions of firecrackers and congratulations. After that, the residents go home. And the next one will continue on the beach, where picnics will be arranged, barbecues will be fired up, and surfers will cut through the coastal expanses of the ocean.

Soon the New Year will knock on the door of every house ... More precisely, Santa Claus will knock ... Or maybe it will be cute brownies in knitted caps ?! Or the beautiful fairy Befana?! We need to figure out who to expect on New Year's Eve.

Here's what they are, these Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens:

  • Australia, USA - Santa Claus. The American grandfather wears a cap and red jacket, smokes a pipe, travels through the air on reindeer, and enters the house through a pipe. Australian Santa Claus is the same, only in swimming trunks and on a scooter (you know, it's hot on the first of January in the country of kangaroos :-).
  • Austria - Sylvester
  • Altai Territory — Sook-Taadak
  • England - Father Christmas
  • Belgium, Poland - St. Nicholas. According to legend, he left golden apples in a slipper in front of the fireplace to his family. It was a very long time ago, so St. Nicholas is considered the very first Santa Claus. He rides a horse, wearing a miter and a white episcopal robe. He is always accompanied by the Moor servant Black Peter, who carries a bag with gifts for obedient children behind his back, and in his hands - rods for naughty people.
  • Greece, Cyprus - Saint Basil
  • Denmark - Ületomte, Ülemanden, Saint Nicholas
  • Western Slavs - Saints Mikalaus
  • Italy - Babo Nattale. In addition to him, the good fairy Befana (La Befana) comes to obedient children and gives gifts. The naughty people get a piece of coal from the evil sorceress Befana.
  • Spain - Papa Noel
  • Kazakhstan - Ayaz-ata
  • Kalmykia - Zul
  • Cambodia - Ded Zhar
  • Karelia — Pakkainen
  • China - Sho Hing, Sheng Dan Laozhen
  • Columbia - Pascual
  • Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun, accompanied by Zazan Ohin (Snow Maiden) and Shin Zhila ( boy-new year). New Year in Mongolia coincides with the festival of cattle breeding, so Santa Claus wears the clothes of a cattle breeder.
  • Netherlands - Sanderklaas
  • Norway - Nisse (small brownies). Nisse wear knitted caps and love tasty things.)
  • Russia - Father Frost, Father Treskun, Morozko and Karachun rolled into one. He looks a little stern. He wears a fur coat to the ground and a high hat, in his hands he has an ice staff and a bag of gifts.
  • Romania - Mosh Jerile
  • Savoy - Saint Schaland
  • Uzbekistan - Korbobo and Korgyz (Snow Maiden). In the Uzbek villages on New Year's Eve, a "snow grandfather" in a striped robe rides a donkey. This is Corbobo.
  • Finland - Joulupukki. This name was not given to him in vain: “Youlu” means Christmas, and “pukki” means a goat. Many years ago, Santa Claus wore a goat skin and delivered gifts on a goat.
  • France - Grandfather January, Pere Noel. The French "Father January" walks with a staff and wears a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Czech Republic - Grandfather Mikulas
  • Sweden - Kris Kringl, Yulnissan, Yul Tomten (Yolotomten)
  • Japan - Oji-san

All Santa Clauses bring gifts, but everyone does it in their own way:

  • Russian Santa Claus puts a gift under the Christmas tree.
  • The British and Irish find gifts in the sock, and the Mexicans in the shoe.
  • New Year's gifts are thrown down the chimney in France, and onto the balcony in Spain.
  • In Sweden, Santa Claus puts gifts on the stove, and in Germany he leaves them on the windowsill.

Santa Claus - they are all so different. They look different, one is kind, and the other can scold. Everyone has their own personal way to sneak into the holiday home.

But whatever Santa Claus you are, you are there to congratulate and give a gift!
