Application of semi-permanent mascara. Covering eyelashes with permanent mascara

Applying mascara every day is a tedious and extremely accurate task, many girls spend more than one day learning how to paint correctly. What do you do when you don't have enough time? Permanent mascara is the way to go!

If you think that permanent mascara is something that can be applied at home, then you are deeply mistaken. Of course, you can also carry out the procedure yourself, but it is better to seek help from a good specialist in the salon. The whole process takes no more than 15 - 20 minutes, and the result will delight you for a long time. The more time you spend with paint on your eyelashes, the richer the color will turn out. Why turn to specialists if everything is so simple and accessible? The answer is very banal - staining eyelashes with permanent mascara on your own - you run the risk of causing allergies, getting burned or irritated, ruining your eyelashes for a long time.

A few basic rules

Applying semi-permanent mascara is very easy. The main requirement is a clean face without a gram of makeup. It is also necessary to remove such mascara in the cabin. On your own, you will not be able to paint over your eyes evenly and apply mascara to all parts of the eyelashes. The main thing is to choose a good master and high-quality material. By the way, the use of permanent mascara is very often associated with eyelash extensions, many of them are carried out together. You can see the result in the photo!

Eyelash care after the procedure

Of course, immediately after the procedure, you must be patient for 24 hours, which means that washing is contraindicated for you, visiting the sauna and swimming pool, you also need to limit contact with the eyes, do not rub them and do not touch the cilia. Permanent mascara does not tolerate the use of any cosmetics that contain various oils in its composition, it is also strictly contraindicated to paint eyelashes with ordinary mascara over permanent. By the way, curling irons and eyelash combs should also be put aside while wearing permanent mascara.

After the expiration of the day, you can go to the pool and sauna with a clear conscience, swim in the sea, it is very resistant and resistant to the external environment. Feel yourself on any vacation one hundred percent! Your eyelashes will be saturated and beautiful for a whole month! Then, of course, you need to contact a specialist to remove the remedy.

Are negative consequences possible?

Permanent mascara has no special contraindications. You can continue your normal lifestyle, actively relax and forget about it for a few weeks. Unfortunately, all the problems that are associated with permanent mascara are associated only with its incorrect application. Therefore, it is recommended to do this procedure only in the salon! If such mascara gets into the eyes, irritation and allergies may well occur, and even a corneal burn. Be attentive to your health.

For a month, the cilia under the permanent coating are somewhat weakened. Therefore, after removal, take a few weeks to restore them. Use a variety of oils and eyelash masks. After this period of time, the procedure can be repeated. By the way, do not be alarmed if, after removing this product, your eyelashes fall down - this is quite a common occurrence. The fact is that a semi-permanent coating does not allow the cilia to fall off, that is, to be updated. They seem to be "soldered". With the same extension, they can gradually fall out one at a time, but in this case they have no such option. Naturally, after removing permanent makeup, all “hanging” eyelashes will fall out.

A languid look from under thick eyelashes... Extraordinarily beautiful eyes... Surely, many women have managed to feel like Hollywood movie stars. It turns out that it is not so difficult to make eyes irresistible, it is only important to choose the right frame.

Permanent mascara is a new evolutionary cosmetic product with which a special coating is applied to the eyelashes. In Europe, it has been used since 2010 thanks to the development of scientists from the UK. In our country, the tool is just beginning to gain popularity.

After application, eyelashes acquire additional volume, length and a pronounced bend. The look becomes more expressive. The most weighty argument in favor of the "permanent mascara" tool is the feedback from clients who were lucky enough to try its effect on themselves.


The main component is the pigment, due to which the staining occurs. Complement the composition of ingredients approved for use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. In general terms, the procedure is not much different from hair coloring: you need to apply mascara, carefully painting over each eyelash. However, the composition is not so aggressive, because the mucous membrane of the eye is very close.

Who is shown the procedure

Coloring eyelashes with permanent mascara is recommended for those whom nature has awarded moderately thick, long and beautiful eyelashes. The use of the product will emphasize. The procedure is often carried out before going on vacation, when you don’t want to waste time applying makeup, but there is an irresistible desire to please and be well-groomed.

Often, those who do not know how to beautifully paint eyelashes are in a hurry to resort to the services of professional masters. Why waste time repeatedly removing and applying makeup when you can spend only half an hour applying special mascara.

The procedure is carried out on the upper and lower eyelashes. The color of the carcass is black, gray, blue and brown. The vast majority of clients order coloring in classic black.

Product Benefits

  • The effect persists for 3 weeks.
  • Eyelashes do not stick together (subject to professional application).
  • Natural look and no lumps.
  • The mascara does not crumble and does not flow, so you can not be afraid to visit the sauna, swimming pool and gym.
  • The lack of contact with the mucous membrane, the absence of fumes cause a hypoallergenic effect.
  • You can save time that was spent daily on applying makeup in the morning and removing it before bed.

The real increase in the volume of eyelashes is 15-35%, lengthening - no more than 12-15%, and then, provided that high-quality permanent mascara is used. Reviews and photos where they are trying to demonstrate a unique effect to you, it is better to immediately question them so that in the future it will not be offensive. Permanent coloring is just the option when the result is as natural and natural as possible!

How to properly care for eyelashes after the procedure

For eyelashes, reviews of which are mostly positive, it will become an indispensable tool only if the clients of beauty salons follow all the recommendations of the master.

  1. Immediately after applying the mascara, contact with water should be avoided - the integrity of the layer can be violated and the procedure will have to be repeated.
  2. On the first day after application, you should not visit the sauna, since steam and hot water have a negative effect on the coating that has not yet been strengthened. Adjust your eyelashes very carefully, do not rub your eyes.
  3. Wash your face regularly (morning and evening). This is a common hygiene procedure that should not be forgotten.
  4. Do not apply the usual decorative agent over permanent mascara - eyelashes can stick together.
  5. When choosing products for removing makeup from the skin around the eyes, preference is given to those that do not contain oils.
  6. Do not try to remove the mascara yourself - you can damage the eyelashes and in the future you will have to restore them. Removal of a permanent remedy is performed only in a specialized salon, where there are the necessary compositions, and the master will perform all the steps of the procedure carefully and correctly.

How to achieve an amazing curve

And now, perhaps, the most sensitive moment, which manufacturers are silent about. It is almost impossible to achieve a spectacular bending of eyelashes using only mascara. But permanent mascara and biowave eyelashes in the complex will be an excellent solution. As a rule, these procedures are offered to be performed together. Then the result will exceed all expectations, and the problem of straight or downy eyelashes will be over.

Eyelash curling is performed as follows: first, the eyelashes are fixed on a special roller with glue. The diameter of the roller is small, medium or large. If the eyelashes are short, the master chooses the base that is smaller.

Apply the composition and hold for 10-20 minutes. Then use a product that dissolves the glue on the roller, and carefully release the eyelashes. Permanent mascara and eyelash curler used together can also save money on the procedure. Complex processing reduces the cost by 20%. The curling effect can last from 6 to 8 weeks. It is important to know that re-curling is performed only after the ciliary layer is completely renewed.

Permanent mascara: reviews

Most of the clients of the salons note that they did not experience any discomfort during the professional application of mascara. The main thing is to sit still and not open your eyes. The mascara dries very quickly, so the master needs to show skill: to have time to apply the product and separate the cilia. The procedure lasts about 30-40 minutes, as a rule, paint in 2 layers.

It is important to understand that coloring eyelashes with permanent mascara allows you not to use the usual decorative product every day. I woke up in the morning, washed my face - and immediately beautiful! Do not wait for an increase in length and volume by 2-3 times - this will not happen. But if you suddenly rubbed your eye or dived in the pool, then you can not be afraid of the appearance of black circles under the eyes.

For some clients, the result was unexpected, because as a result, the eyelashes did not become lush and long. The bottom line is that many people confuse permanent coloring and extension, and the result is radically different.

As for contraindications, they include individual intolerance to individual ingredients (even despite the hypoallergenic composition), as well as increased eye sensitivity.

Permanent mascara is a mascara that stays on the eyelashes for two to three weeks. If ordinary mascara needs to be washed off every evening and applied again every morning, then by choosing permanent mascara, you can forget about this problem for a while.

After the procedure, the eyelashes look very natural, and you can not be afraid that at the most inopportune moment the mascara will flow, and there will be stains under the eyes.

What is permanent mascara used for and what result does it give?

Permanent mascara is suitable for those girls who want to make their eyelashes more fluffy and long.

This is a professional cosmetic product that, after being applied to the cilia, is not felt at all and does not cause any discomfort.

The mascara perfectly covers the eyelashes, does not lie down in lumps and does not crumble. The result is thick, voluminous and dark eyelashes that look very natural.

How long does the effect last?

Permanent mascara stays on the cilia for about two to three weeks. This is provided that the girl strictly observes all the rules.

After that, the mascara gradually begins to wash off.

If, however, permanent mascara is applied to the eyelashes after their biowave, then the effect of gracefully curved eyelashes will last for two months.

Is it possible to apply permanent mascara at home?

Permanent mascara is a professional cosmetic product, so only a highly qualified specialist who has the necessary knowledge and skills can apply it to the cilia.

It is absolutely impossible to carry out the procedure on your own, because you can cause irreparable harm to your eyes. It is best to sign up for a procedure in a beauty salon.

The cost of the procedure in the salon?

The cost will depend on many factors: the city in which the girl lives, the qualifications of the specialist and the general prices in the beauty salon.

On average, for covering the lower and upper cilia with permanent mascara, you will have to pay about 1700-2200 rubles. For biowave you have to pay 550-750 rubles. The total cost of two procedures is 2250-2950 rubles.

How long does the procedure take?

If a girl wants to cover both the lower and upper eyelashes with permanent mascara, then this procedure will take about forty-five minutes.

The master will cover the upper eyelashes with mascara in about thirty minutes, and the lower ones in fifteen minutes. You can use permanent mascara for both girls with natural and extended eyelashes.

What can not be done immediately after the procedure?

It is advisable to refrain from going to the sauna, bath or taking a bath for the first 24 hours after applying permanent mascara.

In general, contact with water during this period of time is highly undesirable. In addition, you can not apply ordinary mascara to the cilia or use makeup remover.

Cream for the care of the area around the eyes should not contain any oils. Also, you can not comb the cilia with a brush or curl them with special tweezers.

What is eyelash biowave with permanent mascara?

Biowave eyelashes is a fairly easy and harmless procedure, which should be carried out by a highly professional master. Its duration is 45-55 minutes.

After biowave, the cilia will acquire a beautiful and graceful curve, which will last for about a month. And the applied permanent mascara will give the eyes a special expressiveness, making the eyelashes voluminous, dark and fluffy.

How is coloring done?

This procedure is carried out in several steps. First, the master seals the lower eyelashes with special silicone pads, after which he carefully combs the eyelashes and degreases them using a special brush.

Using a microbrush, the master paints the first layer of lashes with mascara in small sectors. It is necessary to carefully paint over each individual eyelash and carefully separate them with tweezers.

The bottom row of cilia is stained in the same way.

The most famous brands of eyelash products

To date, two favorites can be distinguished: permanent mascara from the myscara brand and permanent mascara from the kodi brand.

Both brands produce high-quality cosmetics that do not cause allergic reactions and do not contain toxic substances.

Mascara myscara will give girls the opportunity to look attractive at any time of the day. And kodi mascara is particularly easy to apply.

Is it difficult to learn how to cover eyelashes with permanent mascara?

Becoming a professional and learning how to work with permanent mascara is really not difficult.

All you need is to go through training courses and be patient.

This procedure requires perseverance and scrupulousness from the master.

In addition, when buying professional permanent mascara, some companies give a free training disc, which will also help you understand the subtlety of this procedure.

Are there special courses that you can study?

Yes, such courses exist. As a rule, master classes are held in big cities. All masters who attend such courses receive a certificate at the end.

Courses will help you to keep abreast of cosmetology innovations and attract new customers.

In addition, this product is not sold without training, so masters who want to provide this service to their clients must attend courses without fail.

How long is the training and what is the cost of the courses?

The training usually includes the three ways to apply permanent mascara, the basics of eyelash care and the rules to follow when removing mascara, as well as practical exercises.

Its duration is one working day or three academic hours. You can practice both in a group and individually. Price - 2700-3500 rubles.

The price depends on the skill level of the teacher, on the city in which the training is conducted, as well as on the number of people in the group.

Every year, new technologies appear in the field of cosmetology. Not so long ago, semi-permanent mascara was also invented.

Eyelashes after painting with semi-permanent mascara

It is made on the basis of low-allergenic components. It quite gently affects the structure of the eyelashes, noticeably lengthening and thickening them.

After interior painting

Semi-permanent mascara has become a real gift for girls who, for some reason, cannot use regular mascara or have eyelash extensions. This mascara lasts much longer than regular mascara.

Cosmetic features

Semi-permanent mascara is a viscous substance that resembles glue or resin in texture. It is applied directly to natural lashes, which then become darker, 10% longer and 30% thicker. The same effect can be obtained from the use of regular mascara, but it is not as durable. And the permanent coating in its original form remains on the eyelashes for up to 4 weeks.

Lovely semi-permanent mascara

You can use this tool on both the upper and lower eyelashes. It makes it possible to forget about the daily makeup procedure in the morning for almost a month.

Mascara goes well with perm and artificial eyelash extensions. Its use is allowed for contact lens wearers and those suffering from allergies, dry eye syndrome and increased tearing.

i-beauty semi-permanent mascara

Pros of semi-permanent mascara

With semi-permanent mascara, it will be possible to lead a normal life: visit the pool, sauna, take a shower, sleep in a comfortable position.

Permanent eyelashes are not afraid of water and you will no longer worry about whether the mascara has spread or not.

Here are some of the benefits it provides:

  • safety of use;
  • does not harm the structure of eyelashes;
  • lack of special care;
  • eyelashes become longer and thicker;
  • full compatibility with day or evening make-up;
  • you can choose the required brightness;
  • perfectly envelops each eyelash;
  • does not wash off, does not crumble.

Description of the coloring procedure in the salon

Eyelashes are usually biowaved before dyeing. Biowave forms the foundation for the mascara, after which it lays on the hairs more easily, absorbs into their structure more efficiently and will emphasize your eyes longer.

Eyelash biowave

The composition for biowave softens the eyelashes so that they can be given a beautiful bend and streamlined so that all the hairs have a beautiful and correct one-to-one direction.

How painting is done

  • The ink is heated to room temperature, the master needs to take care of this in advance.
  • After that, the protection of the lower eyelid is provided. To do this, it is covered with a special pillow.
  • Eyelashes are covered with semi-permanent mascara using a special applicator brush from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. During painting, the hairs are constantly separated by thin tweezers, so they are given the necessary bend.
  • Then 2 layers of permanent coating are applied, or even 3 if necessary.
  • If necessary, the lower eyelashes are also covered with mascara, following the same technology.
  • Finally, a protective coating is applied.

The duration of staining is about an hour. As soon as the mascara is applied to the eyelashes, you need to wait for it to completely harden - this is about another half an hour.

Semi-permanent mascara after biowaving

Special care after the procedure is not required, but the following rules must be observed:

  • During the first day it is necessary to exclude all possible contact with water. It is forbidden to wash your face, stay in the sun for a long time, visit a bath or sauna.
  • At first, you should not roughly rub your eyes or expose them to other mechanical influences, which can lead to premature removal of the permanent from the eyelashes.
  • It is not recommended to apply on top of regular mascara or other means, this will spoil the appearance of the eyes and shorten the life of the dyes.

A day after applying the permanent coating, you can and even need to wash your face with water 2 times a day. After 4 weeks, it will begin to gradually crumble and roll.

The composition of semi-permanent mascara does not contain aggressive substances that can harm the eyelashes. The product has no contraindications for use.

After the permanent coating, the eyelashes look as natural as possible, become longer and more voluminous. The effect of the procedure will be maximum if you follow the special recommendations for care.

What is the difference from eyelash extensions

If we compare the visual effect of permanent mascara with the eyelash extension procedure, then it is not so obvious.

eyelash extension

Here are the cases in which it is worth resorting to the staining procedure with semi-permanent mascara:

  • there is a desire to make eyelashes more expressive;
  • eyelash extension is contraindicated;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to ordinary mascara;
  • no time for daily makeup.

Semi-permanent mascara

500-3500 r.

Semi-permanent eyelash coloring It's a salon procedure. The technique involves the application of a permanent dye for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. After visiting the master, you no longer have to do makeup every day. You look flawless 24 hours a day.

Who is semi-permanent mascara suitable for?

Eyelash coloring with semi-permanent mascara is suitable for women who do not like extensions, although they do not mind extending the effect of makeup up to 3 weeks. The procedure is suitable for increasing volume and length. The result is saved under adverse weather conditions (rain, snowfall, high humidity).

Preparation for coloring eyelashes

A necessary condition for the paint to lay down evenly, and the result to meet expectations, is pre-curling of eyelashes. Biowave is done to increase the volume - mascara does not add curl to the eyelashes by itself.

Application of semi-permanent mascara at Beauty Lab.

The eyelashes are covered with semi-permanent mascara in six stages.

Stage 1. Removes make-up with an oil-free formula. Places protective collagen pads on the area under the eyelids, covering the lower eyelashes (to prevent sticking to the upper row).

Stage 3. Apply the primer with a cotton swab in a twisting motion from the roots to the tips. Allows to dry for 1.5-2 minutes.

Stage 4. Squeezes ink onto a crystal for glue or a holder rod.

Stage 5. It applies the coloring composition with a microbrush, moving from the roots to the tips, starting from the inner layer. Separates eyelashes with tweezers. Then apply the composition to the upper side and use the tweezers again to prevent adjacent lashes from sticking together.

Stage 6. Repeat the procedure for the second eye and remove the collagen lining.

Application of semi-permanent mascara is possible in 2-3 layers. Before re-painting, the master waits until the first layer is completely dry.

The video below illustrates the sequence of manipulations and shows the result of the procedure.

Materials for semi-permanent eyelash coloring

Eyelash dyeing with permanent mascara began to be performed when resistant rubber-based adhesives were released to the market. The latter gives flexibility to colored eyelashes. In addition to cyanoacrylate, high-quality professional cosmetics include pigment and water-repellent substances. The components keep the coating in its original form for 2-3 weeks.

The price of semi-permanent eyelash tinting depends on the brand of the cosmetic product. Today on the market are the compositions of the following manufacturers:

  • Myscara (UK) - adds volume and curl, lengthens the eyelashes;
  • IQ Mascara (United States) - composition based on medical components, the manufacturer focuses on professional use;
  • DP Lash (Germany) - dries faster than analogues, has a soft formula - the materials in the composition are safe for health;
  • Lash Black (Great Britain) — hypoallergenic cosmetics based on natural ingredients;
  • Diva Lash (France) is a material for sensitive skin that increases volume by 15% and length by 50%.

In addition, the master uses a professional composition for biowave ISO Option. The material contains moisturizing additives and is suitable for thin eyelashes. You can buy an eyelash curler when you study the product catalog.

Colored eyelash care

There are four rules for the care of colored eyelashes:

  1. do not wet one hour after the procedure;
  2. avoid saunas, pools and baths 1-2 days after the procedure;
  3. do not use greasy face creams;
  4. don't use regular mascara.

The result of the procedure

Coloring eyelashes with semi-permanent mascara makes the look expressive and at the same time natural. Visually, eyelashes become thicker by 30-50% and longer by 10-15%.

How long will the result be?

The result after permanent eyelash coloring in the salon lasts up to 2-3 weeks. After that, the paint will gradually wash off. You can remove the coating with a professional composition from the master or at home with a greasy cream. After that, correction is allowed. Biowave is not required, since the effect of the previous one is enough to keep the eyelashes curled.

Eyelash tinting prices with semi-permanent mascara

We offer the best prices for staining with semi-permanent mascara - from 500 rubles for the bottom row. The master will promptly paint the eyelashes, the cost of the procedure depends on the following parameters:

  • the top or bottom row is corrected;
  • the number of layers of the coloring composition;
  • whether preliminary biowave is necessary.


The photos posted on the page before and after the procedure illustrate the result of the master's work. You can see that the eyelashes have become thicker, darker and longer, as after applying mascara for maximum volume.

Feedback from our clients

My natural eyelashes are not bad: thick and black. I used to do only biowave, but then I heard enough reviews from my friends and decided on permanent mascara. And then there's rest on the nose. The result - there is no effect of false eyelashes, everything looks quite natural, like regular makeup. And on vacation it is convenient - cosmetics are not needed and after contact with water nothing crumbles.

I did semi-permanent coloring along with biowave eyelashes in October, when I went to the sea - the price for both procedures was around 3,500 rubles. Quite inexpensive, considering that I signed up for the TOP-master Maria Semenovich. The result is quite good. I'll do it again before my next vacation. The only drawback is that the mascara lasted a little less than two weeks. But the attack on the eyelashes was terrible: heat, high humidity, sun.

Polina Tikhomirova

I have had eyelash extensions for several years. Very convenient - always in full dress and mascara is not needed. But from building up, you also have to rest. I restored my natural eyelashes in 2-3 weeks and decided to walk in natural volume. As a result, I got tired of daily makeup in a month. So I decided to try permanent tinting of the upper lashes on myself. I was afraid of “spider legs” in front of my eyes, as happens if you overdo it with mascara for volume, but Marina did everything on a level. The paint went on smoothly and neatly. And biowave in combination with coloring created an effect similar to building. I liked it very much!

Questions and answers

Is it possible to color eyelashes and do extensions at the same time?

We combine upper lash extensions with lower lash tinting. The result in this case looks as harmonious as possible. Beauty Lab invites those who wish to dye eyebrows and eyelashes. When the classes are over, you will receive a certificate in your hands, which will confirm that you have successfully completed the training.
