Unexpected facts about twins. Twin fingerprints Do twins have the same fingerprints?

Twin fingerprints

Scientists compared the fingerprints of identical twins. Twins are similar in appearance, they have the same blood type. Doctors know that when transplanting organs from one twin to another, rejection does not occur. But the fingerprints of the twins are completely different! Even quintuplets born in Canada have nothing in common in the structure of patterns on their fingertips.

Why are fingerprints unique and never repeated? Perhaps because in nature there are no absolutely identical stones, leaves, birds, animals ... And the person himself - his face, arms, legs, fingers - is asymmetrical. The right eye is necessarily different from the left, and so on.

Even the ancient Indian tribes knew about these facts and used the outline of two fingers instead of a signature. The scribe inserted a special bamboo board or palkua between the index and middle fingers of the left hand; another person circled the fingers or marked the distance between the joints with notches.

Belgian statistician Adolf Quetelet claimed that there are no two people in the world with exactly the same body structure. And in 1860 in Belgium, the head of the Stevens prison, referring to Quetelet, suggested measuring some parts of the body of criminals. Stevens was sure that height, head circumference, the length of the feet and ears, the width of the chest cannot be hidden by clothes, makeup, and even more so - a false name. Stevens' proposal was not supported.

But the theory of the Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso has long been popular among detectives and writers. Lombroso, who worked as a prison doctor for several years, was sure that there was a special type of person - a "born criminal".

Moreover, it is easy to determine it by physical signs - the structure of the skull, the shape of the ears, nose and superciliary arches.

Definition of a criminal according to Lombroso's theory

Some provisions of Lombroso's theory look ridiculous from a modern point of view. For example, the claim that the earlobes of killers are larger than those of document forgers. Lombroso's theory, and especially his opinion that "criminals are born," led criminologists to a dead end. His followers proposed to eliminate "potential criminals" from society in advance. And the real criminals would walk free ...

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Popular science , Biotechnology

Identical or identical twins are the result of the fertilization of one egg and the development of two or more fetuses. These twins have not only a portrait resemblance, but also the same genotype. A quarter of these twins are mirrored, they may have moles on different cheeks and even a heart located on the right side of one of them. But their fingerprints are always different.

Each fingerprint contains two types of features - global and local. Global ones are visible to the naked eye: the papillary pattern can be in the form of an arch, loop, spiral. This knowledge in fingerprinting is used to divide the database into classes. Further, local features are used - a detailed drawing with islands, branches, endings of lines in the pattern.

Despite the outward similarity, the fingerprints of each of the twins are uniquebecause their pattern is due to the interaction of the genetic code and the human environment.

The formation of the fingers of the embryo, which occurs between 10 and 16 weeks of gestation, is influenced by various aspects: the position of the fetus in the uterus, maternal nutrition, blood pressure, changes in hormone levels, growth rate, contact with amniotic fluid and skin. On a global scale, the probability of finding two people with the same fingerprint is so small that in forensics the uniqueness of each person's fingerprint is taken as 100%.

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15 Surprising Facts About Twins!

Can twins have different biological fathers?

Every month, a woman's body produces one egg that can be fertilized by one sperm. However, sometimes there are two eggs, each of which can get its own sperm - including two sperm from two different partners.

Can twins be of different races?

If the parents of twins are of different races, their eggs and sperm contain the genetic potential of different skin colors. There are a million potential outcomes for twins in this case. Situations where both of them bear only signs of the same race are quite rare.

There are many stories around the world about twins who were separated for one reason or another in childhood, but nevertheless, the life of one of them was almost a reflection of the life of the other. Sometimes these similarities go beyond mere coincidence - for example, marriages to women who are called by the same name, the same names they give to children, the same professions, and even simultaneous illnesses.

Cousins ​​born twins genetically related

If male identical twins and female identical twins decide to have children, legally the children of both couples will be first cousins ​​but genetically indistinguishable from siblings.

Since the genetic makeup of identical twins is identical, if two pairs of identical twins have children, their children will have the same genetic makeup as their cousins.

The birth of twins prolongs life

It is believed that a woman who gives birth to twins is generally healthier than women who fail, since twins are an evolutionary trick in trying to reproduce a healthy mother's gene set twice in one pregnancy.

Who is more likely to have twins?

Tall women are more likely to have twins. Countries where women are taller than average also have high rates of twins. Tall people have a high concentration of growth hormone; in women, growth hormone increases the likelihood of conceiving twins.

Women who eat a lot of dairy are also more likely to have twins.

Women who eat a lot of animal products, including dairy products, are five times more likely to conceive twins than others.

If a woman is a twin herself, then she is more likely to have twins.

Also, this probability increases if she already has twin children or siblings who are twins.

Twins begin to interact already in the womb

According to an Italian study, twins start touching each other as early as 14 weeks. By 18 weeks they are touching their twin more than themselves. It is interesting that at the same time they are quite gentle with each other.

"Mirror Twins"

Gemini can be mirror images of each other. Then they are called "mirror twins". About a quarter of twins interact in the womb upside down and become literally a reflection of each other. One of them becomes left-handed, the other - right-handed; they also have moles and birthmarks in a mirror order.

Gemini can read each other's minds

Some Siamese twins can see through each other's eyes and read each other's minds. Some twins that are fused at the head are fused at the thalamus. The thalamus is the part of the brain that controls sensation and muscle responses. As a result, one Siamese twin can see through the eyes of the other, read the mind of the other, and feel what the other feels.

A woman's body can adapt to twins

If a mother is breastfeeding two twins, her breasts regulate the milk temperature individually for each of the babies.

How to distinguish between twins?

Looking at the belly button is the easiest way to tell twins apart. Navels are not genetically determined, they are scars left from the tying of the umbilical cord. Each navel is slightly different from the others.

Twins' fingerprints

Even identical twins have different fingerprints.

This happens despite sharing the same DNA, because our fingerprints are formed when we touch the amniotic sac as a fetus. Its unique shape determines what your baby's fingerprints will look like.

Gemini is left handed

Twins are twice as likely to be left-handed than normal people

Twins can be born a few months apart

Due to various complications, such as premature rupture of amniotic fluid, sometimes the birth of twins can be weeks or even months apart. The registered record for such a difference is 87 days, that is, almost three months!

Identical twins can become elusive criminals

Due to the fact that their DNA is 99.9% similar, experts can spend a lot of time figuring out who exactly is at fault if both deny guilt. Thus, both of them can remain at large as long as possible during the investigation.

They say that between twins at birth there is a special bond that does not disappear over the years. And they are also called two halves of one whole.

The following amazing facts about twins are the best proof of their uniqueness:

1. In 2008, a UK couple found out they were twins of the same sex who were separated at birth.

Each of the children ended up in a foster family, and years later they met and got married, not suspecting that they were brother and sister to each other. As a result, they had to dissolve the marriage in court.

2. Twins can have different biological fathers.

This is indeed possible, but the chance of conceiving such twins is 1 in 400.

3. Women who eat a lot of dairy are more likely to have twins.

Wild yam also increases the chance of conceiving twins.

4. If a pair of identical (identical) male twins have children from identical female twins, then legally their children will be cousins ​​or sisters, but in fact they will be relatives

If one pair of identical twins marries another pair of twins, then this phenomenon is called a “quaternary union” or “quartet marriage”.

5. 69 - the largest number of children born from one woman. By the age of 40, the Russian woman had 16 twins, 7 triplets and 4 quadruplets

The heroine's mother died in 2010 at the age of 93.

6. Every person has their own unique smell, except for twins.

A pair of twins with the same DNA share the same scent. However, dogs can be trained to tell these twins apart even if they live in the same environment and eat the same foods.

7. Despite the resemblance, the "star" sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are actually fraternal, not identical twins.

The sisters look like monozygotic (identical) twins, but in reality they are dizygotic, that is, they have different genotypes.

8. The first “Siamese twins” known to science produced a total of 21 children, and now their descendants number more than 1,500 people.

Conjoined twins Eng and Chang Bunker were born in 1811, spent their childhood in the UK, and then moved to Thailand.

9. Ernest Hemingway's mother made him wear his sister's clothes because she always dreamed of twins.

Hemingway's sister's name was Marceline, and his mother affectionately called the boy "Ernestine." The woman also called both children "sweet Dutch dolls." In the photo below, Ernest is on the right of his parents, and Marceline is on the left.

10 Identical Twins Have Different Fingerprints

Fingerprints are formed in the womb after the separation of the embryos.

11. Twins begin to communicate with each other even in the womb.

By week 14, they can reach each other, and by week 18, they tend to touch each other more than themselves.

12. Some twins have their own language.

In the absence of adults, twin babies may develop their own speech patterns. They spend a lot of time together, so they have no shortage of oral practice. Unfortunately, when children begin to learn to speak, their own language is forgotten.

13. The chance of getting pregnant with twins increases with age.

Women over the age of 35 produce more follicle-stimulating hormone than women younger than that age. This hormone increases the chances of having twins. But at the same time, this same hormone, ironically, affects fertility and reduces the chances of getting pregnant.

14. Twin men can also have twins, provided that their wives produce two eggs at once.

The chance of giving birth to fraternal twins increases if the woman is a fraternal twin herself or has already given birth to fraternal twins.

15. 22% of all twins are left-handed. Among ordinary people, left-handedness occurs only in 10%

There is a theory according to which left-handedness begins to form even in the womb.

16. Nigeria has the highest rate of multiple pregnancies and identical twins in the world.

The rarest multiple pregnancy occurs in Chinese women.

17. It's normal for female polar bears to give birth to twins. In fact, they most often give birth to twin cubs and less often to triplets or one cub.

Females give offspring up to 25 years.
