Nervous breakdown during pregnancy. Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy

“Calm, only calm,” said the unforgettable Carlson, and his words are the most true for those women who are in such a wonderful period of their lives as expecting a child. How do nerves, tears, tantrums affect the baby during pregnancy? Experts say that our mood during pregnancy is reflected in the physical and emotional health of the unborn baby.

The emotions that the expectant mother experiences during pregnancy are formed on her attitude towards pregnancy in general, on her relationship with the father of her child, on planning the pregnancy itself, on successes and failures in professional activities, and on a variety of factors in addition to those already mentioned. And all emotions are preceded by neurohormones. And if the expectant mother is worried, is in a stressful state, or a state of fear, then the hormones produced at the same time, together with the blood, penetrate the placenta and affect the health of her child. A wide variety of negative thoughts are the cause of a stressful situation, which means that due to stress hormones, the endocrine system of the unborn child is constantly activated, which affects the embryonic brain development. And the result of this influence is the birth of children, who subsequently show a wide variety of behavioral problems. In addition, children of constantly nervous mothers are often born premature, irritable, hyperactive, with complaints of colic.

If, during pregnancy, the expectant mother experienced positive emotions, then the endophins and encephalins produced at the same time contribute to the development of a healthy child with a balanced character.

But how difficult it is to control your emotional state during pregnancy. Jumping hormones, to which the body is not yet accustomed, has not adapted, cause jumps and mood swings, even for reasons that are not dependent on external factors. Just now, the pregnant woman was calm, balanced, and a minute later she was already crying, and she could not even clearly explain the reason for these profuse tears. Absolutely everything can affect the mood of the expectant mother: from an accidentally heard word to a misunderstood look. True, with the proper support of the people around, and with some effort on her part, the expectant mother may well learn to control these mood swings, which last, basically, almost the entire first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, with stable work of the hormonal system, there will be no such mood swings. And the future mother should already support her mood on her own.

And this means that every expectant mother should make every effort to ensure that her child is born healthy. Why you need to minimize your own emotional and physical stress. What can be done for this? First of all, admit to yourself that you are pregnant. So do not try to act at home and at work in the same way as you acted before. Do not consider pregnancy as an annoying hindrance to your professional and career growth, use this time to your advantage, find time for rest and relaxation.

Do not restrain yourself in the manifestation of joy, give yourself these moments, do not put them off for later. Don't worry if things don't go the way you planned. You may feel tired, nauseous, lethargic, but it will all pass. Just admit to yourself that this is temporary and not worth getting nervous about.

Be prepared for any surprises. No one knows how your pregnancy will go. Labor may begin a few weeks before the date prescribed by the doctor, you may need to stay in bed, and if you are internally ready for anything, then this will not cause you stress.

Try to maintain an emotional connection with all your relatives. Let them patronize themselves, indulge, help you. After all, you don't have to deal with everything alone. And if the people around you offer their help, feel free to accept it, and be glad that you are surrounded by caring and loving people.

And, most importantly, do not close yourself in your world, in your apartment. After all, pregnancy is not a disease. So this is not a reason to refuse to communicate with both friends and relatives. If you do not like something in their behavior, just tell them about it, and do not be offended by them, do not be angry. After all, the health of your baby will depend on it.

By the day your baby is born, come calm, confident in the happy outcome of pregnancy and childbirth, with a feeling of happiness that very soon you will be able to see and pick up, and not just feel under the heart of this little man dearest to you. Now you know how nerves, tears, tantrums affect the baby during pregnancy. Love, be loved and be happy.

During pregnancy, you can not be nervous, almost everyone knows about it. And yet, even if pregnancy is desired and everything is going well, mood swings do occur.

Only a woman should not take part in bearing a child. That is, of course, physically she and only she carries a child in her stomach, it is her body that supplies him with everything necessary. But close people, especially the husband, are simply obliged to support the future mother. At this time, the emotional state can change ten times a day. The smallest little things piss me off. There was a waist and there is no way to put on your favorite dress - a universal problem. It pesters toxicosis - trouble. A loved one should be ready for this and reassure his wife, talk about his love, explain that all troubles will pass.

Of course, a woman herself can control her condition, control herself. Well, why cry because of the rain on the street, if very soon the sun will be reflected in the puddles. Any experiences mommy is immediately reflected in the baby. His heart starts beating too fast. The nervous system of the child is not yet adapted to stress and various pathologies can develop. Judging by the research, the anxiety of the mother can cause the birth of a small child with a heart defect. Calm pregnant women are more likely to give birth to a perfectly healthy baby.

The danger lies also in the fact that during stress there is a spasm of blood vessels. This does not threaten an ordinary person, but it is dangerous for a child in the womb, since at this time he does not receive enough oxygen, which negatively affects the brain. If a pregnant woman has to go to the hospital for preservation, the doctor will explain that excessive nervous shocks can lead to a miscarriage. Experts say that you should not get carried away with sedatives, but you can drink valerian in courses, this will calm you down and will not bring harm. In especially difficult cases, it is better to consult a psychologist.

Women are nervous because of hormonal changes. Dealing with them, of course, is difficult, but if you try, you will succeed. First of all, you need to remember that all mood swings are due to the little man in the tummy. You can’t be angry with him, which means that with all your might you should humble your anger and irritability. Each person has a favorite activity that calms and sets up peace. You can try to knit socks for a baby, or read an interesting book, which will also distract from experiences. And finally, it is worth listening to yourself and imagining what a little person will be like, who will be born very soon.

The reasons why pregnant women are nervous can lie not only in hormonal surges, but also in the real fears of a woman. If she does not have a husband, or he is not able to surround her with attention and provide financial support, this is already a clear reason for worries. But the future mother should, first of all, take care of the health of the child. Therefore, there are no obstacles to using folk remedies. If motherwort and marsh cudweed are brewed in equal parts with boiling water and insisted in a thermos, you will get a wonderful soothing tea.

Relatives of a pregnant woman should also take care of her. You need to rejoice with her when the child moves. Smooth out various conflicts, help her cope with experiences. Sometimes just a few kind words are enough to quell the irritation. For a grandmother or aunt, it is also important that the grandson or nephew is healthy. And a loved one can give flowers and cute gifts, or together with his wife buy different things for a baby. All this will calm the pregnant woman, set her in a positive way. The support of family and friends is very important for a woman during pregnancy.

Sometimes a woman cannot even determine the cause of nervousness herself. Maybe you should sit down and think about the circumstances of your life. If it doesn’t work out on your own, you should contact a good psychologist and deal with the situation with him. In some cases, a woman's relatives can also consult a specialist on how to calm the nerves of a pregnant woman. It is important to take care of the future of the child all together, the whole family. After all, even in his mother's tummy he feels how he is loved and expected.

Negative emotions, if a woman experiences them often, will inevitably affect the child's nervous system. He will not sleep well and eat, often cry. Not always a pregnant woman is able to cope with her experiences herself. Natural sedatives help in cases where they are drunk constantly. They must accumulate in the body and only then will they have an effect. Strong tranquilizers, of course, give a quick result, but they are dangerous. Such medicines can be prescribed by a doctor in a serious situation, when there is no other way to calm a woman. Auto-training has a good effect on the nervous system, it is best to find a suitable teacher and, under his guidance, master a few simple exercises.

A pregnant woman is prone to emotional outbursts due to changes in the hormonal factor. For this reason, she may have mood swings, tearfulness, irritability. Relatives and friends will help to overcome this.

Most pregnant women know that any emotional experience affects the condition of the baby. A close physiological connection with it is manifested at the level of all organs and systems. What happens if you are nervous during pregnancy? Violation of the rhythm of breathing and heart, changes in the level of hormones, the activity of the nervous system in the mother will immediately affect the child.

The gestation period is very difficult emotionally. Anxiety in a woman arises due to many external reasons: the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, its complications, the need to regularly undergo diagnostic examinations. There is constantly more or less pronounced anxiety about the condition of the child, and at the end of the term - about the upcoming birth. All this is exacerbated by changes in the endocrine system. An imbalance of hormones makes a woman more whiny, restless, suspicious, irritable. Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy? What to do to avoid unnecessary emotional experiences?

All women have to be nervous during pregnancy, it is impossible to completely exclude situations that cause emotional outbursts. But only intense and prolonged experiences can negatively affect the state of the mother and child. Daily troubles do not cause significant changes in the body of a pregnant woman, compensatory mechanisms work.

Nervous stresses during pregnancy very quickly lead to disturbances in the emotional state: tearfulness, irascibility, irritability, depression. With prolonged exposure to a stressor, depression can develop. All this negatively affects the course of pregnancy, since there is a connection between what a woman experiences and the benefits in the work of body systems.

Why should pregnant women not be nervous? Because prolonged emotional experiences can provoke a number of complications:

  • Spontaneous abortion. If you are nervous in the early stages of pregnancy, the already existing risk of miscarriage increases. The situation is the more dangerous, the more intense the stress factor (psychological trauma).
  • Early discharge of amniotic fluid. Protracted emotional experiences lead to tension, which manifests itself at all levels (mental, physiological). As a result, the integrity of the bubble may be broken.
  • Abnormal cessation of fetal development. The most dangerous is the 8th week. At this time, stressful circumstances can lead to.

Thus, prolonged and intense emotional experiences are dangerous for the course of pregnancy. Prolonged exposure to a stressor or a sudden traumatic event can trigger an abortion.

Consequences of emotional instability during pregnancy

If you are nervous a lot during pregnancy, then this will lead to the following problems:

  • Blood pressure will rise, the heart rate will become rapid, uneven. This will lead to changes in the vessels of the placenta and fetus, and then to. As a result, the child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, begins to lag behind in development.
  • The manifestations will intensify.
  • The sleep-wake regime will be disturbed, chronic fatigue and depression will develop.

Being nervous during pregnancy is dangerous because it is fraught with undesirable consequences for the health of the child.

After birth, he may show:

  • emotional excitability, increased anxiety and hypersensitivity to external stimuli, meteorological dependence;
  • violations of sleep and wakefulness, in severe cases leading to a delay in mental and physical development;
  • insufficient weight gain;
  • susceptibility to asthma.

Children of restless mothers often toss and turn in the stomach, push, kick.

How to deal with emotional stress during pregnancy?

Since it is almost impossible not to be nervous during pregnancy, you should try to reduce the intensity and duration of experiences.

The emotional state is easier to control when its impact on the process of bearing a child and his health is clear.

  • Planning. Making a plan (daily, weekly, monthly) makes the future more predictable, certain and reduces anxiety.
  • Information about pregnancy. Communication on the forums of young mothers, reading articles, books about bearing a child significantly reduce the level of anxiety of the expectant mother. It becomes clear what is behind all the processes, changes occurring in the body.
  • Support for a loved one. The help of relatives is always more effective than any other. For most women, the support of a husband is important. Often close women (mother, sister, girlfriend) who have already given birth to children become good helpers in the fight against anxiety and anxiety.
  • Child contact. Even with a baby in the stomach, you can interact: stroke, talk, sing songs. All this helps to establish emotional contact with him, to calm down.
  • Search for positive emotions. It is necessary to find time for what gives pleasure: books, films, walks, communication with positive people, delicious food. You can even write it into a plan, then execution will be more likely.
  • Compliance with the daily routine. It should include full sleep, including daytime sleep, five meals a day in small portions, walks in the fresh air. By the way, during physical exertion, even light, the production of the hormone of happiness increases, so walking, light dancing can quickly cheer you up.

If a woman has a nervous job, during pregnancy it is worth developing a protective mechanism: do not take everything to heart, do not connect emotionally to the performance of duties. The emphasis should be on the functional component of the activity: what should be done, how, when. Most employees treat pregnant colleagues more gently than others.

Every expectant mother needs to know why it is impossible to be nervous during pregnancy. Prolonged stress, psychological trauma adversely affect the condition of the woman, the process of bearing and the health of the child. You can prevent emotional experiences by following simple recommendations. In severe cases, when you can’t help yourself on your own, you need to seek help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist). Reception of sedatives is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Useful video about stress during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women become irritable and psychologically less stable. First of all, this condition is facilitated by a dramatically changing hormonal background, which affects sudden mood swings. Particularly noticeable are manifestations of groundless tearfulness, anxiety and feelings of helplessness, which previously did not manifest themselves without an objective reason.

Usually in the first three months of pregnancy, such psychological changes occur in a woman's body, because her hormonal background is just beginning to rebuild. Naturally, for her, these are new sensations that you need to get used to and learn how to control them.

Causes of mental mood changes during the first trimester

  1. existing neurological disease.
  2. The presence of hypochondria, because now you have to constantly worry not only about your health, but also about the health of your child.
  3. In case of unplanned pregnancy.
  4. During pregnancy, there is no support from relatives and friends.
  5. If there were problems with the endocrine system before pregnancy, and complications of the disease occurred during pregnancy.

Negative consequences of tantrums during pregnancy?

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for all nine months of pregnancy not to be nervous once, you need to be an absolutely insensitive person, and such people do not exist. Therefore, experts recommend adhering to the “golden mean”, that is, there is no need to restrain emotions and tears, because the production of cortisol provokes this state, and you are not to blame for this. But, you need to release the ardor in a reasonable way, in no case do you need to bring yourself to hysteria or a nervous breakdown. You need to control your mental state and the release of this harmful hormone. In the event of such situations, the result can be various negative situations:

  1. The threat of miscarriage can be triggered by a nervous breakdown in early pregnancy. This is due to a sharp release of cortisol, which brings the uterus into tone, its muscles contract and no longer hold, but throw out the fetus. In late pregnancy, this situation can lead to preterm labor, where the baby is not always alive or well after birth. In general, the direct dependence of the nervous state and the release of the hormone is a big threat during pregnancy.
  2. Tantrums and nervous breakdowns have a devastating effect on the development of the psyche and body of the child. The mental state of the mother is transmitted to the child, he also feels a strong nervous tension, which can be a threat to him from congenital schizophrenia and autism. Boys are especially sensitive to such sharp changes than girls.
  3. The threat of developing stress in utero and after birth in a child. This can provoke congenital mental and nervous diseases in a child. This happens due to the fact that together with the blood and through the placenta the child receives hormones, and cortisol, entering the child's body, leads to hypoxia, shortness of breath and fetal development. Even after birth, the baby will be whiny, eat and sleep poorly, which will negatively affect its development. In the process of such behavior, the mother will be constantly nervous, the child, for objective reasons, too, and this circle in such a situation is closed for an indefinite time.
  4. The threat of weak immunity in a newborn. The result of a nervous breakdown can be hyperactivity and weakened immunity, which reduces attention, and the child is very difficult to learn.

What else provokes increased irritability and mental instability?

  1. A sharp drop in hormonal levels. It should be borne in mind that in pregnant women, due to a sharp hormonal background, sudden mood swings are observed, even if this was not observed even before pregnancy. Therefore, in no case should you forget this and provoke a pregnant woman.
  2. Weather sensitivity. Against the background of hormonal surges, this tendency manifests itself more often than in those periods when, before pregnancy, it was simply not paid attention to. That is, in addition to objective changes in nature, a pregnant woman can react to very insignificant and imperceptible things for others.
  3. Moon calendar. Even in ancient times, people knew that the menstrual and lunar cycles are interconnected, this is due to an increase in friction, ebbs and flows. During pregnancy, menstruation stops, but the body remembers, so amniotic fluid is replenished and blood volume too. A pregnant woman in this state feels ongoing discomfort, which is the cause of a mood swing.
  4. The psychological environment of a pregnant woman. Firstly, the pregnant woman is worried that now attention, care and love will have to be shared by the child. Will she have the strength and skills to be a good mother? She also has worries about the fact that with the birth of a child, everything can change beyond recognition and she will have to adapt to a new life.
  5. Unplanned pregnancy. Usually in such situations, women are more prone to nervous breakdowns and hysteria. After all, this is a shocking situation for them, where they have to drastically change all plans for life. But, whatever it was, the birth of a child is always only a positive moment. Therefore, a mother should take care of her child and herself even during pregnancy.

How to calm the nerves?

Psychologists say that coping with stressful situations is not so difficult, for this you need to follow the rules:

  1. During pregnancy, you need to limit yourself less, all your desires need to be fulfilled. But, of course, in moderation. Do not succumb to constant drowsiness. Only a balanced regimen, involving walks in the fresh air, can reduce the nervous tension of a pregnant woman.
  2. Before registering for pregnancy, you need to choose a good doctor in advance. You should not miss scheduled visits and consultations, at the first sign of an unstable mental state, the pregnant doctor will prescribe medication. And is it important! After all, you need to be careful in every possible way, and not bring yourself to nervous overstrain and breakdown.
  3. Be sure to attend courses for expectant mothers, where they conduct classes in gymnastics, swimming and other useful procedures. If the doctor allows you to attend such events, then you do not need to refuse them. Firstly, it will dispel you and you will change the situation, and secondly, it is taking care of your health and your baby.
  4. During pregnancy, you need to prepare to the maximum for the upcoming birth, so you should read a lot of specialized literature in advance. From all the moments you need to draw only everything positive, increase this knowledge and happily prepare for a meeting with the baby.
  5. Another effective way to calm down is to mentally force yourself to pull yourself together. Instead of public transport, you can walk a couple of stops on foot and think about something good.

Video: how stress during pregnancy affects the development of the child

Any pregnant woman should know that the waste of nerves during pregnancy can have extremely negative consequences, both for her own condition and for the baby inside the womb. Because the expectant mother is closely connected with the child at the level of all life-supporting systems and internal organs. A small organism feels even the slightest anxiety of the mother, and the activity of the nervous system is reflected in it. It is necessary to know and take into account how nerves affect pregnancy in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

Troubles happen to each of us regularly, whether it be minor domestic problems or serious life troubles, it doesn’t matter. People react differently to such situations, but the intensity of the nerves during pregnancy increases and what may not be a problem for an ordinary person, for a pregnant woman will become a tragedy. This is due to the hormonal restructuring of the body, which originates in the first trimester of pregnancy and ends after the birth of a small organism. In women during this period, the mood often changes, emotionality, vulnerability, susceptibility increase.


How can frequent experiences affect the health of the mother and her child. What threats do they pose?

  1. miscarriage or premature birth.
  2. Defects of various systems of the child's body, developmental delays.
  3. Anxious sleep of the child, restlessness, inability to sleep and, as a result, poor health.
  4. Starting from an early age, problems with memory, thinking and perception of the world around. Possible dementia or mental retardation.
  5. Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. An increase in the stress hormone - cortisol, which entails oxygen starvation, thinning of blood vessels and a lack of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby.
  6. Shyness, irritability and hyperactivity of a child born in a stressful state. It is difficult for them to manage and control his actions. In this case, you can not do without treatment and the use of special methods of psychology.
  7. Asymmetry of various parts of the child's body. These can be differences in the face, limbs, etc.
  8. Fetal presentation is a frequent consequence of a woman's nervous tension during the gestation period. This greatly complicates the process of natural childbirth and can be fraught with consequences for two organisms: mother and child.

Ways to get rid of anxiety

It is impossible not to be nervous at all, but it is possible to reduce these experiences to a minimum. Emotions are better controlled when you realize what harm they bring to the body inside the womb.

  1. Information about pregnancy and childbirth. Today, there is a lot of access to information about pregnancy and childbirth, parenting: forums, audio books, e-books, magazines, etc. Passion for knowledge during the period of gestation will help to distract from minor troubles, learn more about the processes of the relationship between mother and child and realize the changes that occur in the female body.
  2. Compliance with the daily routine. These rules apply to all people who want to stay healthy, but for pregnant women they are fundamental. It is necessary to balance your diet with vitamins and essential elements, spend more time outdoors, perform minimal loads and sleep well. You can do gymnastics, dance, yoga or other useful hobby that will not only charge you with positive, but also limit the time for extraneous restless thoughts.
  3. Planning. Make a to-do list for the day or month. Then anxiety will visit you less often, because you will follow a clearly defined plan.
  4. Close ones. The help of relatives and people close to you will not leave you alone with your problems, they will help you find a way out of difficult situations and give advice in time. Feel free to contact them for support and help.
  5. Positive emotions. Draw positive from daily little things: a good movie or book, dancing, singing, meeting interesting people, your favorite hobby. All this will fill the day with colors and will not let it fade away.

Relationship with the child. Talk to him, tell him about your plans, send him songs, stroke. This will establish a closer emotional connection and drive away feelings.

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother should be aware of the dangers of experiences and why it is necessary to control her nerves during this period. First of all, you need to remember about the child and the possible consequences for him. If the case is serious and you cannot cope on your own, seek help from a doctor who will prescribe safe sedatives for you. But do not use medications on your own.
