About three ancient holidays of the end of summer: Honey Spas, Apple Spas and Linen Spas. August – holidays

During the Honey Savior (August 14), honeycombs with honey were cut out. The water in the rivers was blessed with this honey, and after the blessing of the water, children were bathed in it. Moreover, the shirts the children wore before swimming were thrown into the river, and the child was dressed in a new, unwashed shirt. Let's remember ancient hymn Rig Veda, where the images of Heaven and God the Creator of the Universe are associated with honey:
“Honey (the winds blow upon the pious,

Rivers flow honey,

Let the plants be honey for us!

Let Heaven, our father, be honey!”

...In Sanskrit, the language of ancient Indian culture, the word “Mad-hu” (honey) is associated with such concepts as: sweet, pleasant, lovely, nectar, milk, holy, sacred, suitable for sacrifice, as well as wisdom, intelligence, intelligence , insight, life experience and, finally, an intoxicating, intoxicating drink.

V.A. Vasigin writes in connection with ancient Indian home rituals: “In ancient times, among Indians, honey symbolized the essence of life, immortality; it supposedly had fertilizing abilities and therefore they poured it along with oil into the first furrow.”

It was honey in all variations that was the main food product and object of worship in the rites of the Honey Savior. This day marked the beginning of the harvest, regardless of the fact that part of it had already been collected by that time. Ancient ritual sacrifices of honey and honey drinks were supposed to make all the fruits of the earth and all the waters of the rivers sweet for people. Honey was a symbol and sign of the God of Heaven - “Grandfather” and therefore they sprinkled river waters with it before bathing children in it.

...Like others summer holidays « Honey Spas“is a set of rituals associated with the function of preservation and salvation. The main meaning of this preservation (salvation) is to introduce the next generation to the treasures of knowledge of their ancestors. Having washed themselves in the “honey waters” of Father Sky, children must be ready to realize the fullness of existence, acquire life experience and knowledge.

...The second holiday of the August cycle – “ Apple Spas"(August 19) is also entirely connected with the idea of ​​preservation and salvation.

In ancient times, among the Indo-European peoples, the apple orchard was a symbol eternal life- Raya.

Thus, ancient Greek mythology preserved the memory of a wonderful apple tree with golden apples of eternal youth, which, at the behest of Mother Earth (Gaia), “grew in distant ancient Hyperborea.” At the foot of this apple tree, a spring of living water flowed from the depths - the water of immortality. Thus, ancient Greek mythology preserved the memory of the pan-Indo-European ancestral home and those mythological ideas that developed in this ancestral home in the depths of millennia.

We have already noted that in Russian folk tradition The apple tree and apples take up a huge space. In folk tales, apples are a symbol of vitality, beauty, wisdom, happiness, and good luck. And this is not surprising. After all, even today half of the world’s apple orchards are located in Russia. Well, in ancient times, wild apple trees grew far in the North. Note that it is the fruits of wild apple trees that are the richest necessary for a person vitamin "C".

During the celebration of the Apple Savior, everyone began to eat apples. Until August 19, women whose children died tried not to eat apples, because they believed that then their children “would get an apple in the next world.” Ideas about the moral character of a person were associated with apples. So, they put it in the mouth of a newborn baked apple so that he doesn't grow up to be a drunkard. The idea of ​​the apple tree as a kind of “tree of life” is so archaic that it is preserved even in the mythology of the Kalash - inhabitants of the Hindu Kush mountains (Afghanistan) - descendants of the first Indo-European immigrants to the subcontinent.

Returning again to Russian folk tale“Little Khavroshechka”, we note that the thought is very clearly indicated here - an evil, insidious, dishonest (i.e. sinful) person cannot pluck, and therefore taste, the fruit from the tree of life and knowledge, which in the fairy tale is an apple tree. Based on this, one can understand the location of the rituals in the Three Saviors.

The first "Honey Savior" - children are preparing to become students. They undergo a sacred bath in the “Honey Waters”, rich in wisdom, knowledge, and life experience of previous generations, and, floating their old shirts on the water, say goodbye to their carefree childhood.

During the Apple Savior, children receive a supply of apples along with vitality, necessary for initiation into knowledge.

The last, third holiday of the cycle “Linen” (linen) or “Zhitny Spas” (August 29). On this day, women, rolling along the compressed fields, said: “Nivka, Nivka, give my snare, to the pestle, to the beater, to the threshing machine, to the crooked spindle!” . Associated with the completion of the harvest, with the subsequent long process of obtaining yarn, canvas, and a set of ornamental patterns - “sacred texts”, this holiday is also entirely dedicated to conservation. This is the preservation of the harvest, the preservation of vitality, the preservation of sacred knowledge captured in sacred ornamental texts.

The Third Savior, as it were, finally separates the fates of children - boys and girls. The first will go to learn to read and write, the second - handicrafts. It is known that a newborn girl's umbilical cord (in the Russian tradition) was almost always previously cut on a spinning wheel or spindle so that she would become a skilled spinner. The boy's umbilical cord was cut on a block for weaving bast shoes, and sometimes on a book, so that the newborn would grow up to be a master of his craft or a literate person.

The outstanding researcher of Russian culture V.A. Gorodtsov wrote in 1926: “The sewing of young girls and the knowledge of literacy of young men was given same value and we will understand this when we are convinced that the sewing of the maidens expressed the same important knowledge for the population of the sacred symbols of that old, and therefore dear, faith by which the people lived for thousands of years. Just as the Vestals, the pure virgins of Rome, kept an unquenchable fire, a symbol of the deified heavenly fire-sun, so the young virgins of the Russian North obliged and are obligated to carry and carry the symbols of their primitive folk cult from ancient times to the present day.” He, speaking about North Russian embroidery and weaving, noted that: “According to reviews from quite competent people, these are the best works of their kind in the world.” Let us remember that in Sanskrit, the language of ancient non-Aryan culture, the North Russian dialect word “prastava” (meaning an ornamental stripe decorating clothes, towels, tablecloths, wedding sheets) means “sacred hymn, wise speech,” and the most ancient pan-Indo-European sky god Varuna wore the name is Prajapati, which literally means "Father of Yarn".

The last, third holiday of the cycle “Linen” (linen) or “Zhitny Spas” (August 29). On this day, women, rolling along the compressed fields, said: “Nivka, Nivka, give my snare, to the pestle, to the beater, to the threshing machine, to the crooked spindle!” . Associated with the completion of the harvest, with the subsequent long process of obtaining yarn, canvas, and a set of ornamental patterns - “sacred texts”, this holiday is also entirely dedicated to conservation.
Girls, who had to learn to spin, weave, and embroider (just like boys), began after the initiation of the Three Spas to study their complex science - the science of the future life of women.

Thus, the three holidays of the end of summer - the time of “preservation” - really preserved and saved the existing structure of social relations, preserved the continuity of knowledge, traditions, beliefs accumulated by this community of people. “Three Spas” - Honey (August 14), Apple (August 19) and Linen (August 29) - is primarily a set of initiation rites for children who have reached the age of apprenticeship.

Zharnikova S. V.
from the book "The Golden Thread"

Are there any mentions of him in our pagan sources?
The archaic nature of Spas rites prompted many researchers to speak out in favor of the pagan origin of the Savior.

Thus, G. Dyachenko, referring to Buslaev, wrote: “Savior, Savior is the “Deliverer” from all troubles and

One should not think that this word appeared simultaneously with the appearance of Christianity; on the contrary, it was used by the Slavs back in paganism: The Kraledvor manuscript already mentions that "The Slavs called their Gods Spas».

Probably, among the Slavs, just as in the Vedic tradition, next to the name of God, his epithet was used, for example: the Almighty Svarog. Also in the Book of Veles, among the names of months (weeks or decades) we find the name Spasits (Spasich). We can assume that these were days intended to honor the Savior.

Spasovka is the time when the spirits and souls of the Ancestors (deceased relatives) visit their families and appear on earth, just as on other holidays of the Svarozhy Stake (for example, Radunitsa, Rusalia). Our people believe that the Ancestors promote the flowering and ripening of fruits, protect fields, orchards and vegetable gardens... Therefore, on these days they made sacrifices to the Family and the Rozhanitsy, as family gods. It was they who solemnly made and lit Spassky candles from new wax, crumbled the bread, and poured out the honey drink. Ancient pagan prayers have come down to us, which were read for each candle (and there were three of them - “trinity”):

“Our most holy fertile Earth, fields, orchards, orchards - the light of the Sun is yours!
Righteous Sun, clear month, bright dawns, most pure sky, be
merciful to people and cattle! Forests, waters, clean air, all souls
Our righteous harmony is for the benefit and benefit of all of you! "

As we see, the ancients are glorified here, namely the pagan Gods - the Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Sky and the spirits of ancestors, who are in charge of God Veles. It is not for nothing that in the harvesting ritual the last unharvested ears of corn are dedicated to Veles, which are solemnly tied with a red ribbon right on the field and to which bread is sacrificed. This ritual is called Velesovaya or Spasovaya Beard (sometimes - Grandfather's Beard). All this eloquently testifies to the long-standing religious tradition, which millennia could not destroy.

Spasich (Spasovka) has three stages

The first one is Makovey, or the Savior on the Water (Wet Savior), which is associated with the Goddess of Water Data or Mokosha, who is at the same time the patroness of women, fertility, vegetation - in general, the water element.
For the First Savior, beekeepers take honey, honeycombs, and melt wax; housewives prepare poppies and potions, flowers, ears of corn for wreaths - all this is intended for consecration. In ancient times, it was on this day that worship took place
rivers and springs to which sacrifices of honey and bread were made.

Poppy in Ukraine is a symbol of fertility, a talisman against malevolent forces.

The second holiday of this cycle is the Apple Savior, or the Savior on the Mountain.

The Church adapted its legend about the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor to this holiday. However, there is one of many examples of the superposition of later myths on ancient ones pagan customs, after all, the Gods of the Savior were revered on high mountains, rocks or at sources (in places that the Gods love). Military fraternities, funeral feasts, and commemoration of fallen soldiers also took place here.

In Ukraine, the magic of the beginning was very highly developed, therefore the first fruits of the Earth needed ritual consecration in order to ensure abundance throughout the year. And this was achieved through sacrifice. They made sacrifices to water, fire, the wise men, godfathers and neighbors, who were given apples, pears, honey, honeycombs, etc.
The commemoration of the ancestors was also carried out together; after the brotherhood they said: “Those souls whom we remembered also ate with us.”. The consecrated “beginnings” were preserved until the new harvest or the beginning of sowing, they were used throughout the year for treatment, smoking, amulet, and at the end of the summer circle (Svarozhy Stake) - the remains were ritually destroyed, i.e. they threw them into the fire, into the gardens, into the water. On the eve of the Second Savior, the mysterious spell of Zhitnik, the Spirit of the Field, was preserved in some places so that the land would be fertile. On Apple Spas there were also rituals with water: holy water was sprinkled on the ground plowed for winter crops.

The third Savior is called the Bread Savior
Until this day, the housewife bakes the first bread of the new harvest. With bread and salt, she accompanies the owner to the field where he sows winter crops. In the pagan faith there was no fast of the Savior, as there is in Christianity.

Ukrainian wreaths were age-related, ritual, ordinary, and magical.
One of these wreaths, the wreath of the Savior, is woven in the spring, when the lady’s slipper and apple trees bloom. Add more cherry leaves.
They put a wreath only on the Savior (August 19).
The corresponding ribbons were tied to the wreath: in the middle - orange, then blue, blue, yellow, violet - the colors of the Savior. Yellow is the color of the sun.

The Savior walked towards the Sun - Yarily and asked him for one ray of spring in order to bless with it the spring flowers from the girl’s corolla. And Yarilo answered: “I will give you a ray of wisdom and health, but you bring me in your palms two drops of blue water (hence the blue ribbons), stars of the blue night (blue), joy of life (yellow) and human wisdom (Violet).”
Spas agrees to this and three days later he brings everything promised to the Sun. And the Sun hands over its ray to bless the trees. Touches every branch. Apples. Plums...


SPAS - Patron of the harvest. Our ancestors called all their gods Saviors, saviors, protectors, patrons and, above all, the one who bestows life and material wealth.

The Feast of the Savior consists of three parts:

Beginning of August. First Savior (Makovey). Thanks to the All-God and the Native Gods for the harvest. Consecration of flowers, springs and wells.

Mid August. Second Spas (Bolshoi, Yablochny). Blessing of honey and other garden gifts, after which they are allowed to be eaten.

Rus' again meets its Savior Yablochny,

He hides fruits in the cellar to make a supply.

Autumn's first. A light haze - sadness.

My Rus' smells like ripe apples.

It seems Christian holiday, but its roots are pagan. That's why they call him: some - the Savior on the Mountain, some - the First Autumns, and some simply - Pea Day.

Savior on the Mountain is in honor of the Savior on Mount Tabor, where Christ appeared to his disciples.

It is believed that today apples are purchased directly magical power. Especially for those parents who have lost children, and for those children whose parents have already died.

From this evening, summer bows its head to autumn, and in the north of Russia it ripens. By the way, it is as round as an apple. And it is also a desirable treat for today’s holiday table.

They say that on this day you should wear something white for the glory of the Savior, it is advisable to eat a piece of apple and be sure to spend the evening singing in the sun.

The sun is hot, the sun is clear!

So the red summer is rolling towards sunset!

Thank you for the warmth, dear Sun,

You have given me a generous harvest.

The sun is clear! The sun is hot!

We are waiting for a good autumn with gifts!

End of August. Third Spas (Khlebny). Consecration and consumption of a sacrificial loaf of new grain, thanksgiving to Dazhbog for generous gifts, harvest. Blessing of grain for sowing winter crops.

Nut Spas, aka Khlebny, aka Canvas.

Canvas Spas is a Christian holiday in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. It is believed that this image appeared on the canvas with which Jesus wiped himself. The canvas was then sent to the ruler of Edessa to heal him. In Kholshchovoy Spas, it was customary to consecrate wells - in memory of the source from which the Savior washed himself. And on this day it would be good to sell (or buy) something made of fabric. Best gift this day - a towel.

Bread Spas is a holiday for farmers. This is one of the main holidays of farmers. Indeed, if there is bread, there will be life. And today is the most holiday decoration your table is rye bread.

And here Nut saved- This pagan holiday fortune tellers. For it is believed that on this day the nuts themselves have the greatest magical power. It was on this day that nut branches were prepared for their rituals. And for those who like to take a steam bath, today they need to prepare hazel brooms - they will certainly take away all the illness. The stores are very big choice nuts And they are all very tasty. But today you should choose hazel - our Russian hazel from the birch family.

This is such a holiday today. One in three persons. What in general for Slavic people and not surprising.

(24) Especially for the site - Natalia.

Every person asks the question: where did I come into this world? But those who prefer to take a broader and more global view pose the question differently: who are my ancestors? Each nation has its own beliefs about where its roots grow, traditions and culture originate. And, as a rule, than ancient people, the richer this idea is, and, unfortunately, the more difficult it is to trace the thread of fate lost in centuries, if not millennia, that should connect us and our forefathers.

The idea of ​​who our ancestors were is often based on cultural interpretations, preserved historical monuments such as settlements and temples, and handwritten texts. Legends about the great deeds of the founders of our families always occupy important place in the heart of every Slav. But who are they? What were the names of those who gave life to one of the most powerful wise and good peoples in this world, to the Slavs? Their names were Spas.

Savior is very ancient word, deeply rooted in our history. It is interpreted as “carrier” or “conductor”. “Pass” is the root of this word, and there are derivatives from it in our own modern language, as well as in more ancient forms of the Russian language. The most striking examples that clearly depict its meaning are: the pastor, in other words, the guide, the shepherd and the pasture, the one who leads the animals to the field so that they gain vitality there, the shepherd, this is the name of the belt, the purpose of which is to tie together various parts. Also, the word Pas is one of the names of the oldest, and one of the most revered in Rus', god - Veles. He was the main guardian of the Slavic souls who went to another world, and it was he, according to popular rumors, who was assigned the role of the one who would lead them to the next World. Rescuers come to us to provide assistance. For example, to help us, in order to, through your efforts, turn us away from unfaithful and destructive paths, turn us back to the righteous, turn us back to God. All the actions of the Spas are aimed at this; they strive to help the human race follow its difficult path and achieve happiness, saving them and promoting their spiritual development.

According to the Magi of the Ancestral Fire, we had the following Spas: Bogumir, Mir, Dazhdbog, Rama, Mamai and Kolodiy.

The first Savior, according to the knowledge of the guardians of the Slavic faith, the Guardians, is considered the World, he is considered our forefather, who lived more than two million years ago, he was also the first to whom the Slavic Vedas, the Pokon of the Family of the Most High, were given. He is believed to be a descendant of Surya, the Sun God.

The world - it must be interpreted not only as a person, but also as the first community, its image. She was created after Old World poisoned into oblivion. The Savior of the World is called a husband, but the guardians of the Slavic Faith, the Guardians, say that the word Peace was given to all the Glorious, they could hear God’s words, they would never have fallen under the pressure of the immorality and dirt of this world, they would have resisted the road of temptations leading to the abyss of the soul , to oblivion. Therefore, we should not trample on customs that were formed long before our appearance in this world: we will call the Savior of the World a certain person, while at the same time interpreting him as a single race, different in its manifestation.

Looking at how the world is gradually beginning to collapse on its own, and rapidly descending into spiritual oblivion, the Savior of the World gave the Slavic Vedas to the human race in order to preserve us, to protect us from the abyss. After all, before these terrible times, our souls were one with the All-God, but in troubled times we began to renounce, and ceased to see and feel ourselves true, we began to do evil deeds, deeds that the All-God could not approve or tolerate.

This event took place on Svarog Morning, in the most heavenly times. The world, our forefather, having received into our hands the knowledge of Love, Light and Justice, gave them to us so that we, at a time when our world is covered by Svarog Twilight and Night, would have with us the Law of the Family of the Almighty, and could strive and achieve original unity, will learn it again. All of us, being descendants of the World, received from it the greatest gift - the opportunity to achieve spiritual purification and enlightenment, and now we can become Knowers. But the freedom given to us was not interpreted and accepted by everyone as it was right, as it should have been. Many, having received freedom, chose a different path, leading away from the Light into Darkness.

The world also taught its children not only to receive knowledge about God and follow it, but also to store it, distribute it, pass it on from generation to generation, bestow it by word of mouth. This is how those who can no longer “See with the Spirit” began to accept with the Mind, and again received the opportunity to achieve unity with the All-God, our teacher, our father. And so Pokon began to be kept in different generations, passed on from father to son, from son to his descendant.

Like a soul, reaching higher levels, Mir was betrothed to his other half - his wife Mira. They formed in themselves and in their image a true spiritual unit, a family, since they were inseparable, being halves of one whole. And that’s why they are sometimes called Gemini, Brother and Sister. But this is not an entirely correct interpretation, which must be accompanied by a word of explanation: this unity is not blood, but spiritual. Peace and Mira, the forefathers of everything in our world, are the embodiment of a single principle, one soul, in two forms and persons. It is here that the ancient custom of the Aryans has its roots, when those who were destined for each other by the Gods are called Brother and Sister, in spiritual unity. Our forefathers invested their lives so that Love, lost earlier, would be revived again.

But the Savior of the World saw that not everyone could comprehend his gifts, the knowledge that he brought to his children, and he turned to the Sun God, his father. He gave him a golden pipe in order to delight and glorify the world, and also gave him a golden cue in order to rule this world.

Over the course of many years, Mir granted continuation to his family, and became the first Kiy, the one who rules the Glorious. And when there was not enough Earth for the Glorious, the Forefather World expanded its boundaries, and then did this again, twice. For there was not enough space for all his descendants.

He divided the world for different kinds to different lands, so that everyone lives in his own land and does not interfere with his neighbors. And as long as Mir and Mira lived, people did not know what grief was and what death was.

But having given everything to his children, the World decided that the hour had come and to prove to them that they were worthy, to be a continuation of his family, he gave rise to the hours of testing for the Glorious. The first city on our land was founded by Mir, and it was named Boru, which is interpreted as protected or defended. In this city, people could find peace for themselves, taking refuge from the severe cold and floods of mighty waters, and bury their cattle there. And the people living in that city, no worse than before, knew neither troubles nor worries. But when Mir, with his wife Mira, went to Svarozh Meadows in order to graze Veles’s heavenly flocks there, then different times came. Times of testing and confrontation with evil and evil.

Photos from free sources

Apple Spas is celebrated on August 19 (August 6 to Julian calendar) every year. This is a folk Christian holiday, the second of the three Spas. Its official church name is Transfiguration.

By folk signs, Apple Spas means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature. U Eastern Slavs Only from Apple Savior was it possible to eat apples and dishes made from the fruits of the new harvest. On this day they are blessed in the church.

Apple Savior August 19 is considered the official end of summer and the arrival of autumn - after it the nights become cold, and it is time to harvest.

Other names of the holiday: Second Savior, Middle Savior, Savior on the Mountain, Transfiguration, Pea Day, Feast of First Fruits, First Autumn.

history of the holiday

More than two thousand years ago, Jesus and the apostles Peter, James and John climbed Mount Tabor in Palestine. They came here to pray. During prayer, the Transfiguration occurred: Jesus' face lit up with light, and his clothes suddenly became snow-white. At that moment, the apostles felt indescribable joy.

And then they saw two prophets suddenly appear, talking to Jesus about his imminent exodus, which was soon to take place in Jerusalem. Christ’s disciples were shocked by everything they saw, and Jesus himself forbade them to talk about the events they witnessed during prayer. They had to remain silent until Christ was resurrected, as was destined for him.

If you believe the Gospel, then the Transfiguration of the Lord happened exactly forty days before Easter. But as these days went Lent, then the church moved great holiday Transformations for August.


Popular beliefs and traditions that have come down to today, are closely related to church rules. In particular, we must not forget that we are fasting, so we cannot refuse it. But a small relaxation is allowed. On the Second Spas they eat fish. In preparation for the holiday, they collect ripe fruits to bless them in the church. Until this day, it is forbidden to eat fruits of the new harvest. The ban applies not only to the usual apples and pears, but also to grapes.

On August 19, people go to temples with these fruits, where they place them on a specially prepared table. During the service, the fruits brought are consecrated. At the end of the service, people go home to celebrate with the whole family. festive table celebrate this date. Among the treats there must be dishes with apples, for example, apple pie, pancakes with apples. Dishes with mushrooms were also prepared here.

Apple Savior Day is often called the holiday that celebrates autumn. Also, prayer services are held in the gardens, the collection and preparation of apples and other fruits for the winter begins.


  • If you eat an apple on August 19 and make a wish, it will definitely come true
  • If a fly lands on Spas, on your hand, twice, it’s good luck.
  • Whatever the weather is like on this holiday, it will be like that in January.
  • If during the day it's raining- There will also be a lot of precipitation in winter.
  • If Spas is dry, autumn will be the same.
  • The Savior has passed - summer has left us.
  • The weather is clear - autumn will be dry, rainy - wet.
  • The last piece of apple eaten that day has magical power. If you make a wish immediately after consuming it, it will come true.
  • If you treat a beggar with an apple on August 19, then the next a year will pass in abundance.
  • Picking unripe apples on this day is a bad omen.
  • A clear, cloudless sky means a frosty winter.
  • Bees flock to honey - to prosperity in the house.

Fortune telling

Cut the apple skin into one strip. Now throw it into the fire. And take a close look at the shape of the apple skin. What letter does it resemble? The name of your betrothed will begin with this letter.

You can strengthen feelings between lovers by eating an apple broken into equal parts with your loved one at the same time. The fruit must be beautiful and not spoiled.

Having selected three identical-sized apples of yellow, green and red colors from the new harvest, place them in a basket or box, make a wish, and imagine how it will come true. Closing your eyes, mix the apples and pull out one of them. Red means the fulfillment of your wish, yellow - you will have to work hard to make it come true. Green apple means that the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling for the whole year is done in this way: the top of the fruit is cut down to the seeds. If they form a beautiful, symmetrical pattern, it means good luck, joy, love, material well-being. Otherwise, you will have to “earn” fate’s favor.

You can find out whether your income will increase by throwing an apple up. If it falls to the right, income will increase, to the left, it will remain the same. An apple falling in the center can mean heavy financial situation, which may force you to take on debt.


There are no overly strict prohibitions on Apple Spas, and yet the holiday falls during the strict Dormition Fast, which does not welcome violations of the Lenten diet.

You cannot eat apples before the Apple Savior, and even on this day, until the fruit is blessed in the church.

You cannot sew, knit, clean, or construction work. In general, it is better not to perform any physical work except for cooking and harvesting.

Remember that the Assumption Fast continues until August 27th. Therefore, you cannot have fun, or eat meat, eggs, or fatty foods.

You should also not kill or drive away insects.

On this day it is customary to treat children, poor and sick people. Good housewives bake apple pies.
