Volumetric rose made of satin ribbon. Learning to make roses from satin ribbons. full list

How majestic and elegant red roses look! It’s just a pity that fresh flowers won’t last long in your hair if you braid them into your hair. Yes, and it’s quite difficult to do this. Another thing is exact copies of kanzashi flowers. From banal satin ribbons, which are now available in a wide variety of stores in stores, you can create flowers of any kind, including beautiful roses.

Let's look at modeling a scarlet rose so that you don't have even the slightest doubt that everyone can practice and, over time, create their own masterpieces from ribbons. In the proposed format, the hair clip is decorated with a rose with a diameter of 6 cm. However, this is by no means the only use for such a charming product, because an unusual decoration will perfectly complement a hoop or belt, handbag, cosmetic bag or hair tie; it is difficult to list all the options at once. Watch the master class DIY ribbon rose step by step photo and try making your first roses!

Materials for creating kanzashi roses from ribbons with your own hands step by step photo:

  • scarlet (rich color) satin ribbon 5 cm wide - you need to cut the roll into squares with a side of 5 cm, 38-40 pieces in total;
  • green (rich color) satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide - you will need 3 pieces of 10 cm each;
  • a metal clip 7 cm long (or 6 cm if you don’t want the hairpin to peek out from under the rose);
  • circle of green felt or Thomas - 4 cm in diameter.

Step-by-step modeling of kanzashi roses from ribbons with your own hands step-by-step photo.

A satin rose, like a living flower, will consist of a large (38-40 pieces) number of individual petals. Prepare scarlet squares with a side of 5 cm for their modeling (use a ribbon of this width for convenience). Before further operations, singe the tape so as not to be distracted by processing the edges. Flame processing of satin should be done with particular care if fabric is used rather than finished ribbon. Connect two opposite corners in a square and solder with a flame.

In the resulting triangle, also join all the corners, pressing the hot satin with your fingers or a clamp.

Having grabbed the prepared structure in the central part with a clamp, cut off the lower part by 0.5 cm and scorch it again to fix the envelope in this position.

Make all 38-40 petals at once so that you can later combine them into a single luxurious bud.

The proposed rose used pointed leaves. To model them from 2.5 cm wide green satin ribbon, you will need a soldering iron or some other tool that can melt the fabric in an even line. Fold each strip in half to create rectangles measuring 2.5 cm by 5 cm. Then draw the tip of the soldering iron diagonally into each two-layer rectangle.

The 6 resulting right triangles (double) will be used for leaves.

From the red petals, begin to create an exact copy of the rose flower. Make the inside of the bud from a piece rolled into a tube.

Attach 2-3 petals to the outside of the tube, dabbing with hot glue.

Continue forming a bud from scarlet petals.

Use all prepared 38-40 blanks.

Open the bud as the petals attach.

At the back of the flower there is a round center (gluing area) that needs to be hidden.

Open each green triangle. Using a hot soldering iron, the halves will be connected by hypotenuses (soldered with hot metal). On one side (where the strips were folded) cut the pieces. Start gluing the pointed leaves to the back.

Glue all 6 leaves.

Kanzashi rose is ready. You can decorate any hairpin with it.

In the above version, the rose was glued to the clip. In addition to the clamp, you need a green felt circle.

Glue the base.

Such an elegant hairpin, made by the caring, skillful hands of a Kanzashi craftswoman, is an excellent gift. This exclusive handmade product is suitable for everyday wear, for going out and for any occasion.

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Find out 10 ways to make your own ribbon rose. Satin, silk, organza, etc. are suitable as a base.

Ribbon rose. Method No. 1


  • One meter of red satin ribbon
  • Threads to match
  • Glue gun
  • Lighter or candle

To ensure that all the little things are always at hand and nothing gets lost, do


1. Singe the ends of the tape so that it does not fray. Hold the ribbon with the wrong side facing you. Stepping back a couple of centimeters from the edge, bend the tape with the front side facing you at an angle of 30 degrees (Fig. 1). After this, along the edge at the bottom, bend the tape away from you, also at a slight angle (Fig. 2). For convenience, secure with a pin.

2. From the upper corner of the edge of the tape, sew a “forward needle” seam, first down, then to the right, passing the previously made folds along the edge (Fig. 3). Take the threads to match the ribbon so that they are not visible in the finished work.

3. After this, bend the tape again, first down towards you, and then up away from you (Fig. 4 and 5). Sew along the edge. Continue making folds further. Depending on the splendor of the rose, it is enough to make from 6 to 11 bends. There are 9 of them in the presented work.

4. Having reached the end of the tape, singe the edge if you have not done this earlier (Fig. 7). Pull the thread and gather the ribbon as shown in photo 8.

5. Start twisting the end of the ribbon - this will be the middle of the rose (Fig. 9). Continue to form a fairly dense center. Secure folds with hot glue.

6. Continue twisting the rose from the ribbon, periodically applying glue at the edge (Fig. 11, 12). In Fig. Figure 13 shows what the reverse side looks like. If you are making a rose for a bouquet, then you can immediately glue it to the base of the bouquet.

If you want to make a brooch or hairpin from a rose, then cut out a circle from felt and glue the rose to it, and then fix the brooch or elastic band.

Ribbon rose. Method number 2


  • One meter of satin or silk ribbon
  • Threads to match


1. Singe the ends of the ribbon so that there is no unnecessary fringe. Bend the ribbon toward you at an angle of 50-60 degrees, stepping back 5 cm from the edge. Roll up the core of the rose tightly (Fig. 1).

2. Bend the long part of the tape upward away from you so that the edges of the tapes meet and are strictly parallel to each other (Fig. 4). For convenience, secure the bends with a pin.

3. Fold the work along the line where the edges of the tapes meet (Fig. 5). Sew with a needle-forward stitch close to the edge, the pins will prevent the tape from slipping. Then take them out.
Take the threads to match the ribbon. This tutorial uses contrasting colors to show where the seam goes.

4. Next, repeat steps 2-3 until the end of the tape (Fig. 6).

5. Gather the ribbon slightly by pulling the thread (Fig. 7-8). Secure the end of the thread.

6. Twist a rose from the collected ribbon, starting from the previously made center of the flower (Fig. 9-10). Secure the work with thread or hot glue. Add leaves to the rose and use it in various crafts.

Rose made from a single ribbon. Method number 3


  • 1 m of satin or silk ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • threads to match the ribbon or glue gun;
  • lighter


1. Scorch the edges of the tape with fire. Bend 1.5 cm of tape from the edge diagonally (Fig. 1). Roll this fold to the left, making 3 turns (Fig. 2) - this is the middle of the ribbon rose. Sew it at the base or glue it with hot glue, securing the folds.

2. With one hand, hold the rose from below, with the other, bend the ribbon down, then around the middle of the rose. Sew or glue the resulting petal to the base. Bend the top edge of the tape back and down again, make another turn around the middle, and sew to the base.

3. In the same way, make all the petals to the required volume of the rose from the ribbon. Secure all folds with invisible stitches. The tail at the base can be attached to a wire if necessary or simply cut off.

Roses made from ribbons using this method turn out to be quite large in diameter and flat when viewed from the side. They look great in duplicate bouquets, happiness trees made of satin flowers, as well as when embroidering pictures with ribbons.

Pleated rose made of satin ribbon. Method number 4

This method is perfect for making roses from a narrow satin ribbon.


  • 0.5 m of satin ribbon 1 cm wide;
  • lighter


1. The first thing you need is to find the middle of the tape, then fold it in half (Fig. 1).

2. Move the ends of the tape relative to each other to form a right angle (Fig. 2).

3. Holding the bend, flip the end of the tape that you hold in your right hand to the left side (Fig. 3).

4. Now the end of the ribbon looking down needs to be thrown up (Fig. 4).

5. Throw the end of the tape in your left hand to the right. Each time the tape goes from above (Fig. 5).

6. Move the upper end of the tape down (Fig. 6).

7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you run out of tape. You will get an accordion (Fig. 7-8).

8. Hold both ends of the tape and release the accordion (Fig. 9).

9. Gently pull one end of the tape. In this case, the accordion will puff up and take the shape of a rose (Fig. 10-11).

10. Turn the ribbon rose back towards you and tie a double knot. Now the rose will not bloom (Fig. 12).

11. Trim the excess length of the tape (Fig. 13) and singe the ends (Fig. 14).

12. Add leaves. Now you know how to make a miniature rose from ribbon.

A simple ribbon rose. Method number 5

A very simple and effective rose.


  • One meter of satin ribbon
  • Lighter
  • Threads to match


1. Step back 6 cm from the edge of the tape, make a bend. The front side of the tape should be facing you (Fig. 1).

2. Fold the tape as shown in the photo (Fig. 3).

3. Take the resulting accordion from the tape so that the kinks are on the sides (right and left). Cut the top of the accordion in a semicircle, without cutting 2-2.5 cm to the bottom edge (Fig. 4).

4. Unravel the tape and singe the cut edges along the entire length so that they do not crumble (Fig. 5-6).

5. Place a “forward needle” seam along the bottom edge of the tape (Fig. 7). Pull the thread to gather the satin ribbon (Fig. 8).

6. Start winding the ribbon from one end. In Fig. Figure 8 shows the middle of the rose. Gradually increase the number of petals. Secure the tape with thread or glue. As a result, you will get a rosette made from ribbon, as in Fig. 12.

Another pleated ribbon rose. Method number 6

Rose from pieces of ribbon. Method number 7

Method number 8

A simple ribbon rose. Method number 9


  • One meter of satin ribbon 5 cm wide
  • Threads to match the ribbon
  • Glue gun
  • Beads


1. Singe the ends of the tape. Bend the end of the tape into a triangle and begin stitching the tape along the edge using a “forward needle” seam (Fig. 1). Sew the entire ribbon like this, ending with a folded triangle at the end.

2. Stretch the thread to create frills and secure with a knot (Fig. 2). Straighten all the folds so that they lie nicely.

3. Apply a little hot glue to one end of the ribbon (Fig. 3) and connect it to the other end to form a ring (Fig. 4).

4. Apply a thin strip of glue along the arc of the edge of the gathered tape (Fig. 5). Glue the tape along the edge so that there is no hole in the center (Fig. 6).

5. Fold the edge work into an accordion or “S” shape. Glue with hot glue (Fig. 7). Additionally, it can be secured with threads.

6. Straighten out all the folds (Fig. 8). Glue the beads (Fig. 9). The ribbon rose is ready. Now you can use it to decorate anything your heart desires - a hair clip, a handbag or another fashion accessory.

Method number 10


  • 3-4 m of satin ribbon with wire edges 1 cm wide
  • Glue gun


1. Cut a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from felt or other dense material (Fig. 1).

2. From one edge of the tape, open the seam by one centimeter and release the wire. Next, you need to bend the end of the wire so that the wire does not fly out (Fig. 3).

3. Also release the wire from the opposite end of the tape (Fig. 4). From this side we will pull it.

4. Pull the second end of the wire (from step 3) to gather the tape a little. We do not need large frills, but only uniform waves (Fig. 5).

5. Start gluing the tape to the felt around the circumference with hot glue (Fig. 6).

6. Continue gluing the tape, moving in a spiral towards the center (Fig. 7).

7. Closer to the center it becomes inconvenient to carefully distribute the tape. Therefore, cut off the remaining free segment, twist the tight middle (Fig. 8) and glue it to the center of the flower (Fig. 9).
You can make such a beautiful and easy-to-make rose from a ribbon.

Making your own ribbon rose is a great way to personalize your clothing with your own accessories. Don't believe me? Just try it!

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    Roses made from satin or satin are a great way for a beginning needleworker to create something beautiful with their own hands. For this you can use any fabric, even shoe laces.

    To create a rose you will need

    1. 1. Tape
    2. 2. Scissors

    Process of creation

    1. 1. It all starts with the selection of material. Decide on the color of the future roses, then cut about twenty centimeters of the prepared fabric. Remember that if the section is short, it will be difficult to work with.
    2. 2. Bend the ribbon so that its halves are perpendicular to each other, fold the lower part of the ribbon over the middle so that the upper part is at the bottom. We repeat this until the tape runs out.
    3. 3. Pinch the free ends of the tape with your index finger and thumb so that the resulting structure stretches out like an accordion of squares. Now take the free end and carefully pull it towards you, pulling it out of the resulting accordion. Its folds form rose petals, folded together. Pull it until the rose takes the desired shape, but do not overdo it so that the rose does not fall apart.
    4. 4. Now tie a knot behind the rose and trim off any excess. At this time, it is better to turn the rose over and press it with your finger so that its petals do not unfurl.
    5. 5. The rose is ready.
    • The longer your ribbon is, the more petals the rose will have.
    • To finally create a rose, you need to attach a wire to it like a stem and wrap it with a hair ribbon. The main thing to remember is that everything is proportional.
    • If the fabric is stiff, the shape of the petals will be clearer.
    • The size of the flower depends on the width of the ribbon.
    • You can make a whole bouquet from satin ribbons and present it as a gift to friends.

    simple rose

    Despite the fact that any material is suitable for this rose, it will come out most beautifully from satin. Also, the technology for its creation is so simple that even a child can do it.

    We will need

    1. 1. Needle.
    2. 2. Thread to match the color of the flower.
    3. 3. Tape.
    4. 4. Glue.
    5. 5. Button as an imitation of the middle.
    6. 6. Scissors.

    Creation method

    1. 1. After threading the needle, cut about thirty centimeters of ribbon.
    2. 2. At the bottom of the tape, begin to thread the tape onto the needle with small stitches and thus get to the other edge.
    3. 3. Pull the ribbon by pulling the edges of the thread as far as possible.
    4. 4. Gather the resulting shuttlecock from the ribbon into a circle, tie the ends with a double knot, cut off all excess.
    5. 5. Glue the ends together with glue so that they point inside the flower.
    6. 6. After the glue has dried, place the flower under the press until it becomes flat.
    7. 7. Cover the seam with a button, gluing it in the center.
    8. 8. The flower is ready!

    You can make the flower more original by using buttons of different sizes that can be glued one on top of the other. You can also trim the flower with beads or sprinkle it with sparkles.

    Satin rose

    This process is significantly different from the previous one and allows you to create flowers of unprecedented beauty that can be attached literally anywhere.

    We will need

    1. 1. Four centimeter tape, one and a half meters long.
    2. 6. Scissors.
    3. 1. Needle.
    4. 4. Threads.

    Creation method

    1. 1. On a thread threaded into a needle, tie the ends with a knot. Fold one corner of the ribbon to the middle and sew with a couple of stitches. This will be the beginning.
    2. 2. Start wrapping the ribbon to the other corner from the stitched one. Make five or six turns and secure with stitches.
    3. 3. Bend the free side, to the right of the assembled tape, at an angle of forty-five degrees to the bottom. Wrap the gathered ribbon inward until the fold is clearly defined. Secure all layers with threads. This will form the petals.
    4. 4. Repeat this procedure along the entire length.
    5. 5. At the very end of the petal, make a second fold and sew it to the main flower.
    6. 6. Done!

    Different bend angles and ribbon tension change the appearance of the flower.

    Wire ribbon peony

  • 3. Continue wrapping and pinning through all layers in a crisscross pattern. When the needle begins to pass tightly, you can fasten it to the previous row.
  • 4. Having reached the end, turn the open cut inward and hem it to the flower base. Remove excess wire.
  • 5. A circle is cut out of felt for the base of the flower and a rectangle is sewn to it to serve as an attachment to a hairpin or dress.
  • 6. Sew the felt to the base and the rectangle to the circle.
  • 7. The flower is ready.

Roses made from ribbons can become quite an original accessory or decorative element, especially if they are made by hand. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in making such crafts. And in today's master class we give you the opportunity to learn how to create several types of satin roses.

From narrow and wide ribbons

You will need:

  • ribbon of any color from any material, but keep in mind that it is easiest to work with satin, linen and guipure;
  • sharp scissors for needlework;
  • “superglue” for different surfaces;
  • thin needle and thread (one or two).

Take the ribbon in your comfortable hand and bend it in the middle.

For a small rose you will need about forty to fifty centimeters of tape. The fold should form a perfect ninety degree angle. Now place the second edge of the tape on top of the first fold at the same angle. As a result, the angle should point upwards away from you.

Take it with two fingers and place the tape on the left over the end of the tape on the right. Cut where the ribbon extends beyond the edges and “tails” of the ribbon. As a result, the design should visually resemble an envelope. It needs to be fixed. To do this, walk along its edges with a thin tie and pull the thread to fold the ribbon into a bud.

Next, begin adding layers of petals to the bud.

Roses from narrow ribbons are created according to a similar principle. Grasp any corner with two fingers and begin to twist the material in a circle, reaching the end, bring the edges down and sew at the base of the rose.

Composite flowers from wide ribbons begin to be made like small roses - this will be a bud. When the bud is ready, they begin to wind a wide ribbon. If you want to create a ribbon rose with more petals, you will have to gradually expand it, making the petals larger. However, two or three turns are enough to imitate this flower.

The finished ribbon rose must always be fixed so that it does not fall apart. It is best to sew it at the base.

Volumetric rose

To make one rose you will need:

  • red satin ribbon (5 cm wide, 1.5 meters long);
  • green satin ribbon;
  • red and green threads;
  • beads;
  • needle and pins;
  • wooden skewer;
  • gouache;
  • brush;
  • PVA glue;
  • newspaper;
  • candle or lighter;
  • foam rubber

Take a red ribbon, bend one edge at an angle of 90 0 with the satin side up and secure with a pin.

Bend the longer edge of the ribbon 90 degrees too, but in a mirror image and pin it with a pin. It turns out to be a kind of triangle.

Now bend the long edge of the tape again at 90 degrees, but this time relative to the second fold and secure it again with a pin.

Make the fourth fold at an angle to create a square shape and secure the ribbon with a pin.

The resulting workpiece must be placed on a piece of foam rubber. The center of the flower should be marked with a large needle.

After this, continue to bend the ribbon in the same way as you did in the first row, but now pierce each resulting triangle with a pin through and through.

Moving on to folding the third row of petals, remove the pin from the first triangle of the second row and use it to secure the new triangle of the third row.

You need to ensure that each subsequent row is slightly smaller than the previous one.

Continue laying the tape in layers until there are 15-20 centimeters left to the edge of the tape.

Lightly roll the remaining edge of the ribbon into a tube, with the bright side facing out.

Pass the end of the ribbon through the center of the craft along a large needle.

Remove the entire piece from the foam together with pins, without removing them, and carefully pull out the edge of the tape from the bottom side.

Take the red thread and pull all the layers together with one stitch, including the middle of the twisted ribbon. Do not cut the thread from the bottom yet.

Now you can remove the top four pins and fluff the rose by slightly scrolling the rows relative to each other.

Now sew each part of the squares, passing the needle vertically up and back.

When stitching each layer, bring the needle vertically to the center of the flower, stringing beads onto it, and returning it back.

Fold the remaining ribbon at the bottom in half and sew it to the lower petals.

Now take a small piece of green tape, slightly larger than a matchbox, and, having made a hole in the center of this piece, put it on a wooden skewer.

Then, using scissors, make a fringe along the edge, making cuts one centimeter towards the center.

Turn the resulting green workpiece over with the bright side down and pass it over a candle flame, thereby removing all the unevenness and lint.

Hold the workpiece over the fire for a few seconds so that the petals bend down. Do not bring the fabric close to the fire, otherwise it may turn black and melt.

Now make a mixture of green and blue gouache and PVA glue.

Carefully holding the edge, coat a wooden skewer with this dark green mixture. When the skewer is dry, paint the remaining light edge.

Using a few stitches, attach a small piece of foam rubber to the bud from the bottom side.

According to the depth of the cuts on the green workpiece, mark in a circle using a green thread. Don't cut the thread yet.

Place the green blank on a painted skewer and place it level with the foam rubber that is sewn to the bottom of the bud. Now you can tighten the thread.

The foam rubber must be hidden under the green blank. To do this, use small stitches in a circle to sew several green leaves to the nearest row of rose petals.

Tighten the thread and cut it.

Cut out 6 leaves of any shape from the green ribbon.

Treat each leaf over the fire so that their edges do not fray.

Cut out several strips from the newspaper: two measuring 5 by 6 centimeters and four measuring 2 by 4 centimeters. And using a thin rod, twist them into a tube diagonally, being sure to fix the edges with glue.

Cut each tube slightly on one edge. For these places they will be attached to each other.

Cut the other edge of each tube at an angle.

Now glue the smaller pieces to the larger ones in pairs.

The resulting branches need to be painted dark green with the previously prepared mixture.

After the branches have dried, coat each top cut with PVA glue.

And glue the green leaves to them with the front side.

Attach the finished branches with leaves to the stem using glue.

Now you can finally cover the stem with green paint, hiding all the joints.

Compound rose

We suggest making a wonderful composite rose, which can later easily become a hair decoration, a brooch, or a bright accessory to a bag, bracelet or belt.

You will need:

  • satin ribbon of bright color;
  • a small piece of green fabric;
  • sharp small scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • candle;
  • matches or lighter.

At the first stage, cut out 12 rounded petals from the ribbon. After this, light the candle and hold each petal over the flame, processing the edges. It is ideal if the petals begin to curl in the middle, but do not turn black at the edges.

At the second stage, you can proceed to assembling the product.

Roll the first petals into a tight bud, sewing them to each other. Place all the rest sequentially on top of each other, forming an opening flower.

Sew each petal with small stitches to the base of the rose.

To add naturalness, cover the base of the flower with a piece of green fabric, gathering it into an accordion.

Finally, you can sew an elastic band to the finished flower.

Using the kanzashi technique

To create a neat rose using the kanzashi technique you need to take:

  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • soldering iron or lighter;
  • universal glue.

Cut the tape into squares measuring 5 by 5 centimeters. You will need 22 squares.

Fold one square in half into a triangle. Fold the edges of the resulting triangle into the middle again. Cut off the lower sharp part and carefully burn it over a fire. You will get a petal. Carry out similar actions with the remaining squares.

Now we need to cut two pieces of 10 centimeters from the tape, from which we will make rose leaves.

Each piece needs to be folded in half with the front side inward, the lower right corner should be cut off, and the cut line should be cauterized. Turning the product right side out, we get cone-shaped leaves.

You can collect crafts. Apply a small amount of glue to the bottom face of the petal. Roll the first petal into a tube - it will become the center of the flower, and glue all the other petals in a circle. Attach two large cone-shaped sheets last.

After the flower is assembled, cut a small circle from the tape, burn its edges and glue it to the back of the craft to hide any possible imperfections.

This rose can be used as a decoration for an elastic band, hairpin or hoop.
