Coloring properties of coffee for hair: how to get the desired shade? We dye our hair with coffee at home We dye our hair with coffee at home.

Coffee hair coloring has been around for centuries, and in some cultures, is still used more than chemical hair dye, as it's much cheaper and doesn't harm your hair.

When you try to dye your hair with coffee, you will no longer be able to deny yourself such a pleasure. All you need to do is do it every week and they will look amazing.

Coffee hair coloring allows you to highlight the natural reds and browns of your hair or hide gray hair, it will also help you with this.

According to the National Cancer Institute, there are over 5,000 different chemicals used in hair dye factories, many of which are considered carcinogenic. Unlike traditional hair dyes, which are toxic and can dry out or even damage your hair, coffee is all natural. By using these simple coffee recipes, you will see results instantly.

How to make coffee hair dye. Recipes

Hair coloring coffee Recipe number 1

Make one mug of black coffee as usual. Place the coffee in the refrigerator to chill. In a bowl, mix 2 cups of leave-in conditioner with 2 tbsp. spoons of ground coffee and add cold brewed coffee, mixing well with a spoon. Massage the mixture into dry hair. Leave it on your hair for an hour or as long as you need. The more paint stays on the hair, the darker it will turn out. Wash off the paint with warm water.

Hair coloring coffee Recipe number 2

1. Pour half a cup of conditioner into a cup and add a tablespoon of instant coffee beans. Stir with a spoon until the coffee is completely dissolved.

2. Take either 1 tablespoon of instant coffee and 1/4 cup of hot water to it, or brew strong coffee. Now pour 1/4 cup of instant hot coffee or 1/4 cup of brewed coffee into the conditioner and stir the mixture until all ingredients are combined. Let it brew for five minutes.

3. Now it's time to go to the bathroom.

4. Lay an old towel over your shoulders to catch any coffee drips. Scoop up some of the coffee mixture and gently apply to dry hair, being careful not to let it drip onto your face, hands, or floor.

5. Continue applying the mixture until you cover the entire head. Massage the coffee dye into your hair and scalp for two minutes.

6. Wrap your hair in a bag and tie it in a knot, you can also additionally wrap your hair with a towel, this will keep you warm and the coffee will be absorbed faster. Leave the mixture on your hair for 15-30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Shampoo your hair to get rid of excess coffee, rinse and dry your hair with a towel.

7. Dry as usual and you already have coffee hair color.

Hair coloring coffee Recipe number 3

What you need for coffee hair coloring

Basin or bowl

Strong brewed coffee

hair comb

1. First of all, make yourself a pot of strong coffee. The darker the better. You must use natural coffee. When you make coffee, wait for it to cool down. You will need 2 to 4 cups of strong coffee depending on the length of your hair. To make coffee, pour 1.5 cups of water into a saucepan, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Add 6 tbsp. spoons of coffee in a pot of water and boil for 15 minutes.

2. After you wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner, dip your hair into a basin of ready-made coffee.

3. Use a mug to scoop up coffee and water your hair, about 15 times.

4. Make sure you wet your hair completely.

5. Spread the coffee from the roots of the hair to the tips with your fingers or a comb.

7. Press the hair over the sink

8. Another way to dye your hair with coffee is to buy an applicator bottle at a cosmetics and perfume store. Pour strong black coffee (chilled, of course) into the applicator and use it as a spray.

9. You can wrap your hair in a bag, but in no case will it absorb the paint with a towel.

10. Wait 20 or 30 minutes and then wash off. Dry your hair in the sun.

- Repeat the coloring process if you do not get the desired result when you first dye your hair with coffee. It may take several treatments to get the desired result.

- Be careful using coffee on blonde hair. The effect of coffee can be immediate and undesirable for blondes.

- Test the effect of coffee on one strand of hair at the back of the head before coloring the entire head. To do this, apply paint and leave for the desired time, then rinse off and check the result.

- If you can't stand the smell of coffee, you can replace it with black tea.

- Don't use shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate because it slows down hair growth and leaches out natural oils, as well as washes coffee out of your hair.

Coffee hair coloring: What you need to know

1. Hair dye will be washed off with every shampoo. So you have to color your hair every week

2. The more times you dye your hair with coffee, the deeper and richer the color will last on your hair.

3. Coffee gives your hair the smell of coffee, and in order to get rid of it, you need to wash your hair 2-3 times. For those who do not really like the smell of coffee, or are going somewhere to go, we recommend that you dye your hair 3 days in advance or wash your hair three times, which is guaranteed to get rid of this smell.

4. The color you will receive depends on your hair color. If you have brown hair, the color will become richer, shinier and slightly darker. The more you dye your hair, the darker it becomes.

Hair Coloring Coffee: Pros and Cons

The only real downside to coffee hair coloring is that it may not suit your hair color. It is great for people with blond or gray hair, and also helps bring out the red undertones in dark hair.

Some women dislike coffee because it contains oils that make hair sticky. But if you add conditioner to the mixture, then you can get rid of such a nuisance.

The main advantage of coffee hair coloring is that it does not cause any harm to the hair and is absolutely environmentally friendly. These are all natural hair dyes that you can make in your kitchen. Try it and you will see the result.

Precautions: Anything that can dye hair can also dye other things: skin, towels and clothes. Therefore, precautions must be taken.

Coffee hair coloring: before and after photos

Useful articles

For more than one century, mankind has not tired of thanking the man who discovered coffee for the whole world. Unfortunately, his name is not known: this can be learned from many legends. But it still has not lost its relevance. A well-known invigorating drink is prepared from coffee beans, they are used in aromatherapy. And with the help of coffee, you can dye your hair, while not only not damaging their structure, but also significantly improving their condition. Today we will tell how to dye your hair with coffee, and share the secrets of this procedure.

How to dye your hair with coffee at home? Recipes.

Before proceeding with this procedure, you need to learn a few rules.

So, what you need to know so that the new tone of your curls after using this product as a dye does not become a headache:

Coffee hair coloring - folk recipes

The great thing is that in order for the curls to become the color of dark chocolate, you do not have to invest a lot of time and effort: the recipes for hair dyes from this fragrant product are very simple and do not require any original and exotic ingredients. With a minimum of effort, you can get the maximum effect: a new juicy shade, shine and increase in volume.

But before how to dye your hair with coffee, you need to make sure that such experiments will not cause itching, irritation or any other kind of allergic reaction (check the finished paint on your wrist or the back of your neck, if after 20 minutes you have not noticed any changes other than a slight staining, you can use coffee dye) .

And even before dyeing the entire hair, you need to check whether the new shade will suit you. To do this, dye a small strand from the thick of your hair, dyeing it with the prepared composition.

Give your hair a coffee color

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp cognac
  • 2 yolks
  • 1.5 tsp vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp ground grains
  • Some warm water

The sequence of preparation: all components are mixed until a homogeneous consistency, the resulting mask is allowed to sweat a little (about half an hour - an hour) in a dark place. Then, using a cosmetic brush or sponge, the dye is applied to the strands, aged for about 20 minutes. After rinsing, the hair acquires a light coffee shade. If there is a desire to make it richer, then the procedure can be repeated, and you can do this several times until the new color satisfies the owner of the hair.

Making hair brown

The composition of the mask:

  • Henna packaging
  • 2 tbsp ground grains
  • Some warm water

Preparation sequence: henna must be diluted with water until a consistency similar to soft dough is formed. Then you need to mix in the coffee. The paint should be a little infused. Also, with a brush, a coloring mask is applied to the strands and washed off after 15 minutes.

This method is also good because the hair follicles, having been saturated with nutrients, are restored and become stronger than usual.

Easy coffee hair coloring
  • 3 tbsp ground grains
  • 2 tbsp no-rinse hair conditioner
  • Some hot water

Preparation sequence: Brew 2 cups of medium-strength coffee, cool one of them. Mix cold coffee with leave-in conditioner and the rest of the ground beans. Mix thoroughly and apply the mass on the strands as evenly as possible and leave for 1 hour. If you want to get a darker tone, then keep the paint longer, and then rinse your hair under running water.

And what to do with the second cup of flavored drink? It is recommended to enjoy it before dyeing your hair with coffee.

The most common hair coloring method is coffee.
  • Pot of freshly brewed strong coffee made from natural beans

The sequence of preparation: pour one and a half glasses of hot water 6 tbsp. coffee, which should be sweated within a quarter of an hour. Next, clean curls are applied hair conditioner. After the head is watered with this solution at least 10 times. The mask is distributed with a comb along the entire length. A kind of turban is constructed from a towel on the head so that the dyeing process goes faster (chemical law: as the temperature rises, the reaction accelerates). After half an hour, the mixture can be washed off in the shower, and - voila! - the hair color has become more expressive, and the hair itself has acquired an unusual silkiness.

Cream-mask for hair coloring with sea buckthorn oil

You will need:

  • 60g coffee
  • 1 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • 4 drops of nettle oil

Cooking sequence: all ingredients are mixed, infused for a while. The coloring mixture should be applied to curls for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Coloring mask based on natural coffee, honey and basma

You will need:

  • 3g henna powder
  • 3g basma powder
  • 3g sunflower oil
  • Coffee grounds

All components are mixed. The prepared mixture should be applied to the scalp and strands. The mask is kept for half an hour and washed off under the shower.

The fastest way to dye your hair with coffee

If you are in a hurry, but at the same time want your hair to become more spectacular, it does not always take a lot of time. A method that allows you to instantly dye your hair with coffee can be considered spraying your hair with a coffee drink using a spray gun. First, apply the first layer, comb, apply the second layer. Curls are saturated with color as with normal staining.

Coffee, as a natural ingredient, will not be harmful to your hair, unlike classic dyes containing ammonia, which is harmful in all respects. Therefore, if you are in doubt about which method to use to dye your hair, undoubtedly choose coffee as the most useful coloring option.

Girls I want to tell you how you can dye your hair with ground coffee, and also at the same time treat them using not complicated, but very effective coffee hair mask Anyone can make this mask, it's very easy!

For a coloring coffee hair mask, we need the following products:

  • Kefir (preferably fatter and thicker)
  • Any ground coffee
  • Cinnamon
  • Thick hair mask (better strengthening) why thick to get the right consistency!

1. Take one tablespoon of cinnamon

2. 5 art. spoons of ground coffee

3. 3 art. spoons of hair mask

4. 6-7 tablespoons of kefir, I pour it just by eye (or to the desired consistency)

Coffee and kefir can be put a little more or a little less, depending on your length and thickness of hair!

Thoroughly mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained, it turns out such a thick coffee mask, which has just wonderful fragrance!

We apply such a mask to the hair (I applied it to dry ones, although it is advisable to apply it to wet ones!), You can apply it with a hair coloring brush, but it seems to me that it is inconvenient with such a mask, so I just apply it with my hands and rub it along the entire length)

When applied, you need to put on a hat, or you can put a bag on your head))) I put on a regular bag ! Such a mask is of a rather thick consistency, like paint is obtained, and it will not spread, it can only leak a little!

This coffee shop I kept the aska on my hair for about 20 minutes, then washed it off with a little warm water! You need to rinse with a very large amount of water so that all the coffee grains are washed out of the hair!

  • As a result, when I dried my hair with a hair dryer, I felt how it became - incredibly silky and soft, such do not come from any other mask !!! They also turned into a very pleasant coffee shade, the color "coffee with milk" turned out, the photo does not fully convey this color, it looks much better in life!

It is also very important for me that the color turned out without a single hint of a redhead, and I did not want a redhead at all! I really regret that I had not dyed my hair in such a great way, and most importantly, natural! Next time I plan to keep such a coffee mask on my hair for about an hour to enhance the shade!

A photo with a flash does not convey the accuracy of the color, but it conveys the shine that is obtained on the hair from such a mask!

Also, I would like to point out that such a mask practically cures hair damaged by ammonia dyes or perms (as in my case), chem. I spoiled them enough with paints, so I need to restore them, and such a mask is simply wonderful in this regard!

Since I can’t not dye my hair at all, because. I don’t really like my natural shade, and such hair coloring with ground coffee not only gives the hair a beautiful shade and well-groomed appearance, but also deeply affects the hair and is able to completely restore it with repeated use!

In addition, if you often dye your hair in this way, then they will already acquire a permanent coffee shade, just like this coloring option will help to remove unwanted redhead from your hair!

And if you want, for example, not only to get a coffee shade on your hair, but also to make it a little lighter, then you can add more lemon juice to such a mask, and then rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile!

Making a new hairstyle, coloring the strands in a different color, they change their appearance beyond recognition. Change of image gives new vitality, energy. However, frequent experiments with strands have a deplorable effect on their state of health.

Technology is constantly evolving, there are many means by which you can dye your hair. But folk remedies do not lose their relevance. Women prefer to dye curls at home, with preparations made from natural ingredients. One popular remedy is coffee.

Beneficial features

Coffee grounds are a source of caffeine, nicotinic acid and other useful substances. If you dye your hair with coffee, then in addition to the color, the following result will be noticeable:

  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the scalp;
  • elimination of the causes of seborrhea;
  • accelerate the growth of strands;
  • reduction in hair loss.


Women who appreciate the benefits of the dye decide to dye their hair with coffee:

  • naturalness of the product;
  • does not have a harmful effect on the structure of the strands;
  • positively affects the appearance of curls;
  • hair needs to be dyed several times with coffee to achieve the desired shade;
  • coffee is inexpensive compared to modern coloring preparations;
  • The procedure is easy to carry out at home.


Coffee is a natural product that has no side effects. It is suitable for different types of strands.

Before applying the composition, testing is carried out on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the product.

Recipe with conditioner

You can dye your hair with coffee, which is mixed with conditioner. To prepare the product, mix 100 ml of conditioner and 1 tablespoon of instant coffee. Add 50 ml of hot water to the thoroughly mixed mixture and let it brew for 5 minutes.

The drug is applied to dry braids and scalp with massaging movements. Polyethylene is put on the head, the strands are wrapped with a terry towel. The time it takes to dye your hair is 30 minutes. The strands are washed off first with warm water, then washed with shampoo.

You can dye your hair in this way until you get the desired shade.

Recipe using henna

Colorless henna coffee is used to color and strengthen hair. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed, poured with water until a slurry is formed. The mixture should be infused for 20 minutes. The drug is applied to dry curls for 30 minutes, washed off with water without the use of hair washing products.

Recipe with sea buckthorn oil

With this tool, you can color the strands and give them strength and shine. Ground coffee in the amount of 4 tablespoons is mixed with 5 drops of nettle oil and 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. The coloring agent is applied to the strands for 20 minutes, washed off with shampoo.

Rum remedy

1 teaspoon of rum, 2 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of ground coffee and vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of warm water are mixed until smooth. The substance is applied to the strands. Keep on curls for 5-15 minutes. The saturation of the shade that will turn out depends on the time of the procedure. Wash off with warm water.

Paint with henna and basma

To dye your hair and give it shine will help a tool using basma and henna. To prepare, brew 6 tablespoons of ground coffee so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream. 1 tablespoon of basma, 2 tablespoons of henna, 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil are added to coffee. The mixture is applied to the hair until it cools down. Keep on the head for 6 hours. Rinse off with mild shampoos. Rinse the strands with water with a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Chamomile remedy

1 tablespoon of strong coffee is added to 100 ml of decoction of chamomile flowers. The infusion is taken warm. Add 6 drops of rosemary oil to the mixture.

The product is distributed over the strands and the hair is wrapped with polyethylene. After an hour, wash off with warm water.

How often can you use

Products from natural products do not harm the hair, so they are used more often than paint with a complex chemical composition. It is allowed to dye coffee hair as often as necessary.

Brunettes know that if you dye your curls with dark colors, they lose their shine. To restore shine to the hair, make masks with coffee.

  • A drink that has been brewed and cooled to room temperature is good to use as a rinse aid.
  • If the drink is sprayed onto the hair from a spray bottle, then the strands will become alive and beautiful.
  • If the drug turned out to be thick, it is first rubbed into the scalp, then distributed through the hair.
  • To dye your hair with a liquid preparation, it is enough to rinse the curls with it several times.
  • To remove the smell of the drink, rinsing the strands with water, to which essential oils of lavender, orange or rosemary have been added, helps.
  • Coloring recipes contain a dosage of components that is designed for medium-length braids. Focusing on the density and length of the strands, add or reduce the amount of ingredients.

The product, which was prepared at home, does not contain ammonia, so the effect that is obtained as a result of its use is not so persistent. You will need to dye your hair more often.
