Oktoberfest entertainment. Oktoberfest style beer party

Beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It is drunk by old people, young people, women and men. Of course, beer is, first of all, alcohol, so you need to know when to stop. From excessive consumption of beer, health problems can arise and, possibly, the so-called “beer belly” will grow. But if you keep yourself within limits, beer will not do any harm. Sometimes you can even go a little too far with beer - for example, at a beer festival. Provided, of course, that such holidays are not held every day or even every month.

Where to feast, pour beer there

For example, in Germany every year Oktoberfest - the largest folk festival on the planet. This holiday gathers about six million visitors, among which a significant proportion are foreigners who came to Munich specifically to participate in the festivities. Participation involves the consumption of the most delicious oktoberfest beer . In addition, visitors to the holiday are actively involved in a variety of entertainment: these are attractions (both traditional carousels and complex structures like roller coasters), contests, and games. On the days of the holiday, the streets are filled with beer tents and colorful attractions, and a costume procession takes place. In a word, Oktoberfest is a holiday for all holidays!

With dark beer for a bright tomorrow!

Similar events are held in some other cities of the world, although their scale is not so great. Oktoberfests are held in Brazil, the USA and even in Moscow. It is worth thinking that over time beer festivities will become even more massive and interesting. Moreover, our lovers and admirers of this drink are not getting smaller. You can not wait for the opportunity to go to Munich for Oktoberfest, but arrange your own beer festival or beer party. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, company anniversary, wedding anniversary, graduation, or any other special occasion, a beer theme will come in handy, especially if most of your friends would like to join the beer party too.

Here the spirit of intoxication, here it smells of beer!

What do you need to organize beer party in honor of any holiday? Of course, you need quality beer. But this is not enough. First you need to choose a venue for the holiday. In the warm season, you can arrange a beer party in the fresh air. Well, if there is slush or frost outside the window, you will have to celebrate under the roof. It can be an apartment or a country house. With a large number of guests, you will need to rent a banquet hall or bar, and it is desirable that this be beer restaurant . Firstly, in beer restaurants and bars, the halls are already decorated accordingly. Secondly, they usually have a TV room connected to satellite broadcasting, so beer party can be combined with watching a football broadcast. And, thirdly, they serve excellent beer and snacks suitable for it!

When you see a beer, don't pass by!

How to decorate a beer party venue? You can decorate the room with figures from balloons in the form of beer bottles and cans. From real multi-colored beer cans (of course, already empty) you can make garlands and hang them from the ceiling. Huge images of beer mugs and beer labels can be placed on the floor on a stand, hung from the ceiling or hung on the walls.

Tables at a beer party should be covered with tablecloths with Bavarian blue and white diamonds (hello, Oktoberfest!). Take the same ornament for napkins, flags on the table, etc. A barrel decorated with flowers and ribbons will not be superfluous. Beer decor (candles, garlands, posters, napkins, etc.) can be found in stores.


Oktoberfest style table

Another garland


It’s not so strange that the beer is brewed, but it’s astonishing that it hasn’t been drunk!

Beer party at home, in a bar or outdoors: what to do?

Of course, drink beer. But without interesting entertainment, it will get boring very quickly. It is necessary to offer guests various beer games and competitions.

1. "Beer - and from thirst, and from hunger." Call several volunteers and give them a bottle of beer, each of which has a baby nipple on the neck. Whoever drinks (literally sucks) beer faster is the winner.

2. Throwing rings. Rings can be made from cardboard or buy a game with lightweight plastic rings. Only rings this time need to be thrown on empty beer bottles and cans, spaced at different distances. Give points for each hit. The farther the bottle or can is from the thrower, the higher the score. The first player receives several rings and throws them, after which points are calculated. Then the next player throws, then another, and so on. The one with the most points wins.

3. Another competition for accuracy. Only this time you need to try to get beer caps into a large mug standing on the floor or on the table.

4. "No hands." A bottle of beer (open) is placed in front of each volunteer. Task: drink all the contents as quickly as possible without using your hands. The help of other guests is also not allowed.

5. Eyes wide shut. Two couples are playing. One of the couple is blindfolded. The second is the guide. Blindfolded participants are led to tables (or stools) on which stands a bottle of beer. In the teeth of the “mole rats” there are straws for cocktails. The task is to hit the straw in the neck of the bottle and drink all the beer. Guides give clues, but only verbal. When the winner is determined, you can invite the second couple to participate and repeat the game by introducing the raffle element. When the blindfolds are blindfolded, the beer bottles will be replaced with regular salt water or even milk bottles. The reaction of the "mole rat" who hit the neck of the bottle with a straw will be very violent!

6. Mr. "Beer belly". The name of the competition has not been announced. The presenter, holding a centimeter tape in his hands, invites men to leave the tables and begins to scare: “Now we will arrange a competition for the greatest manhood. I will measure your merits and determine the winner.” The host heats up the situation, and when the men are already preparing to escape, the host announces that the dignity of a man is his beer belly! Whoever has more, he won. You can determine the largest belly by measuring or during a fashion show with protruding bellies. In the second case, to determine the winner, you need to vote among the rest of the guests.

7. "Beer riddles". This is an intellectual contest. You need to guess the brands of beer known in our country.


  • The beer is named after a folk tale (“Three Bears”);
  • In the name of the beer - cereal ("Barley ear");
  • Beer is a major river in Russia (“Don”);
  • Beer-pensioner (“Old Miller”);
  • The name of the beer contains the “favorite” car of Russians (“Zhigulevskoye”);
  • The name of the beer contains a polar animal (“Polar Bear”);
  • The name of this beer contains a container made of precious metal (“Golden Barrel”);
  • In the name of the beer - one of the cardinal points ("Red East");
  • A beer named after a man who neglects diets and sports ("Fat Man");
  • A beer named after the favorite hobby of many men (“Hunting”);
  • The name of the beer is the same as the picture of the famous Russian artist (“Three Heroes”);
  • If you add a soft sign to the end of the name of this beer, you get a verb that is directly related to beer (“PIT”).

8. Competition "Dutiki". Suitable for outdoor activities. Volunteers are given a large mug of beer and a straw for cocktails. The host announces that the winner will be the one who blows beer faster than others. Participants think that beer should be drunk. But the Host stops them and reminds them of the sounded word “blow out”. Beer needs to be blown out - not blown into yourself, but vice versa. Participants blow through a straw, the beer foams and gradually overflows through the walls of the glass. To make it work, you need to take wide and not very tall glasses (you can even bowls) and cheap beer, which foams more. Whoever empties the vessel faster (or almost completely empties it), wins.

9. Racing with beer. 2-4 volunteers are called. Everyone gets a glass of beer. The glass should be tall and filled literally to the brim. The task is to reach a certain mark and return to the start without spilling the beer. Participants at the command of the Host start running (although this does not look like running). Whoever gets back to the start first wins. Anyone who spills beer while running is disqualified.

10. Frozen beer. In advance, preparing for this competition, you need to pour beer into a mold - such that a piece of ice as a result can fit in your mouth. But at the same time, the ice must be rather big. Another object, such as a coin, should be placed in the freezing container. Pieces of beer ice with a coin inside are distributed to volunteers. They must dissolve the ice as quickly as possible and fish out a coin. Whoever is faster wins.

11. Songs about beer. The host divides all the participants into two teams and suggests taking turns naming songs in which the word “beer” occurs. The team that names the last song wins.

You can hold a song contest in the form of “Guess the melody”. To do this, the organizer needs to find songs about beer and make small musical cuts (backing tracks). Participants, after listening to the fragment, must remember the song. You can use music from the following songs (the songs are dedicated to beer or they just contain the word “beer”):

  • Tea “BEER”
  • Dune “Dream”
  • Accident “Smell of Beer”
  • “Drink beer” accident
  • Dune "It's not beer that kills people"
  • Cabaret duet “Academy” “For beer”
  • Mikhail Grebenshchikov "Hug Dances"(Smoked trout, cold beer…)
  • Lyube "Guys from our yard"(Remember, they carried beer in a can? Oh, the whole yard cursed at this ...)
  • Factory "Russia - Champion"(Not whiskey, but vodka; Not tonic, but beer ...)

Beer party is good! How about a beer wedding?

A beer festival can also be arranged in honor of the wedding. If you love Germany and beer, you can organize german style wedding . The wedding will be your little Oktoberfest. The banquet hall of the beer restaurant, white and blue rhombuses in decor and costumes, a sea of ​​beer, many interesting games, German folk songs and dances and, of course, delicious German sausages - guests will be delighted! Holding oktoberfest weddings does not require a predominantly youth audience, because beer is loved by people of any gender and age.

Oktoberfest in Munich is the largest and most famous folk festival in the world, which annually attracts more than 6 million guests. Among the local population, the holiday is known as Wiesn. It is held annually in the center of Munich, from mid-September to the first or second Sunday in October.

history of the holiday

The first Oktoberfest was held over 200 years ago. It took place in honor of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghaus. Ludwig was fond of the history and traditions of Ancient Greece. He proposed to hold competitions in the style of the Olympic Games. The offer was accepted with enthusiasm and on October 17, 1810, the races were arranged, accompanied by a grand celebration. This day is considered the date of the first Oktoberfest. However, at that time the famous Bavarian festival was predominantly sporting in nature, until the rights to organize it were transferred to the Munich city council.

Since then, the beer festival has been trying to be held annually. The exception was those years in which Bavaria took part in various wars or was engulfed by a cholera epidemic. Throughout its history, Oktoberfest has been constantly modernized and supplemented with various innovations. For example, electrification or the opening of new attractions, such as rock climbing, bowling, carousels, etc.

Initially, the beer festival was held in mid-October. However, in 1872 it was decided to hold it at a warmer time - in September, with the expectation that the last Sunday of the festival would fall in October. The influx of foreign tourists to the beer festival began in 1960. Mostly foreign guests come from Italy, USA, Japan and Australia.

How to get to Oktoberfest

Franz Josef Strauss International Airport is located 28 km from Munich. The city center can be reached by Lufthansa bus (Lufthansa - Airport - Bus) or S-Bahn commuter train lines S1 and S8.

Theresa Meadow, where the famous festival takes place every year, is located near the main railway station in Munich. From major German cities such as Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Dresden and Frankfurt, you can get here using the ICE high-speed train.

As there is no parking at the Oktoberfest venue, it is best to get to it using public transport. There are several U-Bahn lines from various parts of Munich to Teresa Meadow. You need to navigate to the Theresienwiese metro station.

Events and entertainment Oktoberfest

The official opening of the festival is a parade of owners of beer tents accompanied by an orchestra in festive teams, on which beer barrels are installed. The solemn procession is led by the Mayor of Munich. The parade starts in the city center and continues all the way to Teresa's Meadow.

After the procession at noon sharp, the burgomaster traditionally drives the tap into the first keg of beer in the Schottenhamel tent. From that moment on, Oktoberfest is officially considered open, and bottling and sale of beer is allowed.

One of the most important events of the beer festival is a costume procession. On the 1st Sunday of the festival, about 8,000 people, dressed in national and historical costumes, walk from the building of the former Bavarian parliament to the venue of the holiday. About 40 decorated teams take part in the parade, as well as representatives of the Bavarian government and the shooting society.

A popular Oktoberfest outfit is the traditional Bavarian costume. For women, this is a dirndl - a sundress with an apron and a bow tied to the left side. For men - leather pants.

Entertainment and attractions

  • Rollercoaster Olympia Looping. Their length is more than 1250 meters, and the maximum speed of the moving train is 100 km/h.
  • Ferris wheel, allowing you to explore the surroundings of Munich. In clear weather, the Alps open before the eyes of visitors. The height of the wheel is 50 m. Its capacity is 192 people.
  • Roller coaster Alpina Bahn. The total length of the track is 910 meters, and the maximum speed is about 80 km/h. Due to the absence of overturning elements on the attraction, these roller coasters are popular among families with children.
  • The flea circus is a popular attraction that has been operating for over 50 years.
  • Power Tower II is the world's tallest mobile free fall tower. Its height is 66 m, and the fall speed is over 79 km/h.

Oktoberfest rules

  • You must come to the tent in advance. On weekends - until 11 am, on weekdays until 14:30.
  • After leaving the tent, there is a fairly high chance that you will not get into it again that day. Even a reserve does not always guarantee that they will be allowed to go inside again.
  • To reserve tents, contact their representatives. Their contacts, as a rule, can be found on the official website of the holiday.
  • Officially, smoking in tents is prohibited. There are special places for smokers.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take beer mugs with you. Hundreds of police officers are watching the festival visitors. Cameras have been installed in many areas.

Traditional Oktoberfest food and drink

The main drink of Oktoberfest is beer specially brewed in Munich breweries. Unlike ordinary light beer, it is aged for a longer period. This beer has a pronounced malt flavor.

On weekends, tents open from 9 am. On weekdays, beer is served from 10:00 am to 10:30 pm. More than 6 million liters of this drink are sold annually at the festival. In addition to it, visitors to the festival can taste a variety of wines, non-alcoholic and strong alcoholic drinks.

traditional beer

  • Augustiner is a brand of beer that can be enjoyed at the Fischer - Vroni and Augustiner - Festhalle tents.
  • Spaten-Franziskaner is a beer bottled in the Ochsenbraterei/Spatenbräu-Festhalle, Hippodrom and Schottenhammel tents.
  • Paulaner is a popular beer served in the stalls of Käfer's Wies'n Schänke, Armbrustschützenzelt and Winzerer Fähndl.
  • Löwenbräu is a world famous brand of beer that can be bought at the Löwenbräu-Festhalle and Schützen-Festzelt tents.
  • Hofbräu is a beer that can be ordered at the festival's largest tent, the Hofbräu Festzelt.
  • Hacker-Pschorr. It is bottled in 2 tents - Bräurosl and Hacker-Festzelt.

Popular beer snacks

  • Hendl - fried chicken.
  • Brezn is a salty pretzel.
  • Weisswurst are white sausages that are a traditional Munich dish.
  • Kartoffelsalat - potato salad.
  • Schweinshaxe - pork ham.
  • Steckerlfisch - fish baked on a stick.

Some facts about Oktoberfest

  • The main problem of Oktoberfest is the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages by the guests of the holiday. As a result, in the vicinity of the festival venue, the Bavarian police collect a huge number of so-called "beer corpses" - people who, after drinking too much alcohol, fall asleep right on the streets of the city. They are taken to the Red Cross tent, where they are brought back to normal.
  • Security at Oktoberfest is monitored by the Bavarian police. About 2 dozen video surveillance cameras are being installed on the Teresa Meadow. With their help, the police track possible and accomplished offenders.
  • Only local brewing companies that brew special beer for the festival take part in Oktoberfest. The alcohol content in it is about 6-7%.
  • The festival lasts at least 16 and no more than 18 days.

Similar holidays in the world

There are several analogues of the famous Munich Beer Festival all over the world. The largest of them:

  • in Qingdao (China) - a beer festival that annually attracts more than 3 million visitors.
  • in Kitchener (Canada) - Canadian Oktoberfest, attracting about 700 thousand people.
  • in Blumenau (Brazil) - a beer festival, which is attended by more than 600 thousand guests.
  • in Cincinnati (USA) - a beer festival that attracts more than 500 thousand visitors.

Germany also has a counterpart to Oktoberfest, which takes place annually in Hamburg. In addition, another major beer festival is held in Stuttgart - Cannstatter Volksfest, which has its own history and traditions. This is the second largest and most important beer festival in the world.

Juicy Bavarian sausages, incendiary music, gorgeous girls in revealing outfits and it is cold, foamy, thick barley gold! Sounds fun? Then an Oktoberfest-style beer party is your thing!

The format is ideal for a birthday or other noisy holiday without a hint of officialdom. The best place is in the fresh air in a large tent or in the open air among a heap of themed decorations. Not a season? Then a spacious cafe hall, free from interior frills.

The October festival in Munich is a riot, a rage, a real madness of millions of beer lovers! To recreate the atmosphere of Oktoberfest, it is desirable that there are a lot of people at the party.


The most popular colors are white and blue, the flag of Bavaria. Another option is black, red and yellow, the flag of Germany. But in theory, you can choose any colors for the party, because there are dozens of tents at Oktoberfest, and each has its own atmosphere.

  • hang ribbons, garlands and flags in selected colors. Gather paper national dresses and hats, glasses, labels, drawings of peddlers into garlands. The topic is popular, everything is on the net (print or order sets). There should be a lot of garlands and ribbons, especially on the ceiling - an imitation of a tent.

Garlands with triangles are easy to make from white and blue wallpaper (the cheapest paper ones). Cut into rhombuses, fold in half beforehand. It is better to cut wallpaper with a stationery knife on thick cardboard - much faster than with scissors. And then, already on a fixed thread, smear with a pencil-glue and you're done.

  • decorate the walls with "beads" of pretzels, views of Munich at night or Teresa's meadow, photos of festively decorated carts, thematic pictures and quotes - sayings, jokes about beer (the choice is huge);

  • large Oktoberfest-style paraphernalia will hide unnecessary details of the situation and come in handy for photos - full-length beer mugs, huge gingerbread, barrels, pedlars and Bavarians in national costumes. Cardboard + printout or drawing on double tape;
  • to enhance the atmosphere of a themed party, hang a banner with the Oktoberfest sign at the entrance, signs with the names of beer brands in German around the hall. Labels can be glued to balloons of suitable colors. It is not difficult to make glasses and bottles from long balls (or buy foil ones in the theme);

  • put a few barrels or large boxes covered with tablecloths. From paper, make canopies / umbrellas over each "table". Light snacks, a drink of a certain brand (print and re-stick labels). It will turn out atmospheric, almost like tents at a real festival!
  • Since Oktoberfest takes place in autumn, vegetables, fruits, seasonal flowers, bouquets of cereals are used in the design of tents. Something can be found at any time of the year, red leaves cut out of paper, barley - print drawings, buy artificial hops or also drawings;

  • Add some flair to your party decor. For example, flowers in beer glasses or jars, pour weak tea instead of water. You can put electric garlands in bottles without labels. In mugs filled with the same tea - blue and white miniature candles.
  • for funny photos to remember the party, Oktoberfest-style paraphernalia is useful: mustaches, hats, flags, etc.. Skewer + printed picture. For the background - a view of the Teresa meadow at night, Neuschwanstein, a press wall with the names of the stamps.

Do not forget about invitations - a postcard in the form of a beer mug, a pretzel, a gingerbread, a sham ticket to Munich. Thematic flyer with humor: “Beer fest in the company of hot chickens and the coolest Bavarian pretzels!”, “Drinks and toilets are free!”, “Drinking a lot is harmful. But not enough - boring!


At this party, an Oktoberfest-style dress code is desirable - the outfits are very atmospheric! For women, of course, a peddler costume. It can be rented or partially assembled, partially sewn. Image elements:

  • blouse with a revealing neckline, frilled, flounced sleeves or lanterns. The color is mostly white;

  • bright lace-up corsage, preferably with patterned braid(national element). Can be sham;
  • fluffy skirt of any length, often just below the knee or mischievous short. The color does not necessarily repeat, but certainly goes well with the corsage. Instead of a blouse and skirt, a sundress of a similar style is suitable;
  • a miniature apron in a contrasting shade so as not to blend into the skirt;

  • white stockings / stockings, closed shoes with low heels(dancing in high heels is uncomfortable). You can tie a scarf on your head or put on a hat.

Jewelry and accessories on Oktoberfest girls are either absent altogether or modest - they do not distract from the main thing. By the way, you can cover up the main thing if a frank costume confuses you (it’s even more reliable).

The traditional hairstyle is two pigtails or ponytails, tied with ribbons in the color of a skirt or bodice lacing. The makeup of the Bavarian peddler is rather modest, emphasizing the image of an innocent rural girl.

Men only need to wear a shirt, shorts/cropped trousers with suspenders and a hat. Shorts can be made from cheap trousers by sewing suspenders from the cut off bottom. Or you can not torment the stronger sex with such frills, limiting yourself to suspenders and a hat + regular trousers, a white or plaid shirt.

If there is little time for preparation, have guests come in any comfortable clothes.. After all, the dress code is the smallest part of the party. Yes, and most people attend Oktoberfest not in suits, but in casual T-shirts and jeans. By the way, the white top and denim bottom are just in the style of the color scheme.

To emphasize the theme, prepare accessories - hats, beer helmets, white-and-blue checkered neckerchiefs, badges in the form of thematic paraphernalia (stick cardboard on the badge).

Menu, serving

On the design of the table, you can save time - the main decoration should be food. White and blue tablecloths, simple rustic dishes, one-liter Maßkrug or disposable cups if there are not enough glass containers for everyone.

Put fruits in upside-down hats, put bouquets of sunflowers, chrysanthemums or cereals in mugs. Hang a few garlands, pretzel beads and painted gingerbread in a recognizable style (you can paint, just for the entourage).

The table is preferably common, long - several composed, as before at weddings. Dishes can be put on a common table or, for reliability, on a separate one - guests fill the plates with goodies and sit down at the common table.

The food at the Oktoberfest party is predominantly fatty and very satisfying. Harmful, but it allows you not to lose your head after a couple of liters of the main drink of the holiday. For those who do not like beer, young wines are sold at the festival.

The menu is the same year after year. This is a tradition, in a sense, even a landmark of the October festival. Of course, you can add to the list at your discretion.

  • pork, chicken and white Munich sausages;
  • Hendl chickens, served in halves (carcass cut lengthwise). This is the most beloved and most requested dish of the fest;
  • Bavarian pork knuckle;
  • meat stew with stewed vegetables;
  • potatoes fried or boiled whole, Kartoffelsalat (traditional salad, very popular);
  • Steckerlfisch - fish on a stick, baked in coals;
  • sauerkraut, fresh cabbage salads, tomatoes, herbs, bunches of radishes.

The recipes are pretty simple and are available online. Pretzels are also easy to make. And also buy a salted cracker (there is a similar shape), nuts, felted fish and other snacks.

Sweet-toothed cupcakes in the form of beer mugs will be pleased: cut off the lid of the biscuit, make a hole, fill with cream, decorate with mastic and pour cream before serving.


By tradition, the festival begins after the exclamation of "O'zapft is!" - uncorked! The honor of driving a tap into the first barrel is given to the burgomaster. You can start the Oktoberfest-style party scenario in the same way by solemnly handing the birthday boy a wooden mallet.

The plot scenario at such a party would be superfluous. The goal is just to relax and have fun in an informal relaxing environment. And so as not to be bored, prepare contests. For the victory, give a bottle of good German beer or choose the king and queen of Oktoberfest according to the results.

When you search for “Oktoberfest music”, there are entire collections of suitable songs and melodies on the net - national, orchestral, modern. Download several compositions to immerse guests in the atmosphere of the festive Bavaria.

Any alcoholic games will fit into the party scenario. For example, the same beer pong and Flip Cup will be entirely in the subject (the rules are on the net). Contests where you need to drink more / faster are best held in the middle of the party, when the guests have already eaten, but are not too “hot” yet. We offer ideas for competitions in the style of Oktoberfest.

Kill and drink

By analogy with the opening ceremony of the festival, but we will not drive in a crane, but nails. Every year, viewers count the blows and keep statistics. The goal of the burgomaster is to drive in the crane in as few strokes as possible. Then the minister-president drinks the first portion and that's it - the people can go for a walk!

Thick long bar, nails, hammer. In turn, if the hammer is one. Boys compete with boys, girls compete with girls. The one who drives the nail in the fewest number of strokes wins.

Let this be the first competition, while the guests can still hold the instrument firmly in their hands and hit the hat. For entourage, after a driven nail, the guest should say a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion and drink. It will turn out to be a very colorful opening of the party.

Here is this force!

Traditionally, a competition for peddler girls, but you can all together, only again divided into chicks and pretzels. By analogy with the transfer of wild gravity - a few liter Maßkrug.

Guests take a chair by the legs, pressing their elbows to their sides, stand like this for 20 seconds. Then the leader puts a plastic water bottle (safer than glass) on the chairs and pauses. Then another bottle, and another, and another.

One by one, the guests drop the bottles, dropping out of the competition. If at the end there are a couple of super hardy "pedlars" left, the host asks them to stand on one leg, stretch their arms forward, and jump.

Best beer belly

And this is a competition for guys, but also - what's the difference? Sizeless t-shirt, balloons. How many T-shirts, so many participants at a time. In a minute, you need to stuff balls into a T-shirt so that you get a big belly. The leader determines the winner by measuring the "waist".

Another option is to mark the circle with a ribbon, tie large pillows to the stomachs. The goal is to push the opponent with a “belly” beyond the boundaries of an impromptu arena.


Beer cans and a children's ball are popular entertainment at the fest. Where are the banks from? And cunning locals bring drinks with them, knowing about exorbitant prices.

"Mini golf"

Drive a ping-pong ball into a cup on the ground with a mop. For elimination, three attempts, the distance is increasing each time.

Entertainment and competitions for a team party scenario:

  • For five minutes. come up with a beer name and slogan. These will be the names and slogans of the teams.
  • Drink your beer through straws before your rivals. Large "team" capacity at the rate of about 300 ml per person.
  • Transfer "beer" (better let it be weak tea) from a common full basin to the team's container. Full pelvis in the center, the capacity of the teams at some distance. Carry with paper cups (glass can be broken when they all scoop from a common basin). Time is limited. Whose basin has more drink?

  • Build a tower higher than your rivals. Traditionally from mugs, but this is dangerous - empty disposable glasses or kegs of loto are better (similar to barrels).
  • Oktoberfest in numbers - a quiz to give guests a little rest. You need to name an approximate number. Plus points to the team whose answer is closer to the truth. Questions:
    • the maximum number of strokes on the crane (19), and the minimum (1)
    • how long is the festival? (average 16)
    • number of visitors (about 6 million)
    • entrance fee (free)
    • what about a liter of beer? (10 euros) and half a chicken? (10 euros)
    • how many companies are allowed to sell beer at this fest? (total 6)
    • how many chickens eat annually? (about 500.000)
    • do they drink beer? (about 7 million liters)
    • how many toilets are there? (about 850).

The list is easy to continue, there is a lot of information on the net. And every year doctors pump out about 700 "beer corpses". You can arrange a competition for the most "dead" guest - lie absolutely still while the rest tickle and make you laugh. Who will last longer?

In addition to competitions, be sure to dance to the incendiary Bavarian music! It will be great if the host shows simple national dance moves or plays a video on a big screen. Happy festival to you!

Present: mugs and / or T-shirts with a commemorative inscription, themed key rings, bottle openers with the flag of Germany / Bavaria, coasters for mugs and other beer accessories.

Guests from all over the world come to the festival, because at Oktoberfest everyone can get an unforgettable experience.

Despite the fact that Oktoberfest is a beer festival, the organizers keep repeating that this is a holiday for the whole family. And even if a person does not drink beer, he will find entertainment to his liking.

Magazine EUROMAG prepared an overview of the best entertainment and attractions of the upcoming Oktoberfest.

OriginalPitt'stodeswand or Sheer Munich wall is the largest motorcycle show in Germany. This is a historical attraction, the original was built already in 1928: Original Pitt's Todeswand has been developing a school of steep riding for more than 80 years. Brave men and women show desperate tricks in a pipe 8 m high and 12 m in diameter. Breathtaking acrobatics, blind riding and wild races captivate the public.

At the same time, the tradition is observed very strictly. “You can restore, you can’t modernize.” Therefore, the old wooden structure is protected to the last detail, because it has been in operation since 1934. Cars - Indian Scouts - are also originals that the daughters of Emperor Wilhelm II themselves saw.

Those who once tickled their nerves in Original Pitt's Todeswand come here again and again. Fascinating numbers in the "hellish cauldron" will resonate with the whole family.

Munich AlpineMenzel's road (Menzels Münchner Zugspitzbahn) offers guests a fast-paced trip through the land of a winter fairy tale.

For more than 50 years, the alpine road has existed at Oktoberfest, and it is thanks to its traditional character that more and more visitors come here. Two-seater gondolas, swinging and hesitating, fly through the winter landscape - and this is at the end of summer.

Blue-and-white gondolas circle the snowman, ride through the dreamy and snow-covered mountain landscape, shaking the passengers as they should.

Toboggan is a huge hill with a long history. It has been possible to ride it since 1906, when Anton Bausch built the first German toboggan in the style of the Parisian one. To climb to the top of the tower, you need to use the eight-meter lift, which in itself can be a daring undertaking.

In 1908, at Oktoberfest, there were three copies of this rollercoaster by origin, now only one remains, which was bought in 1920 by Hans Conrad. Then the toboggan had two additional slides and it was much higher. Later, the tower was shortened, one of the slides was removed, and the toboggan was rebuilt so that it could be transported from place to place. Spouses Konrad then traveled to Croatia, Italy and Austria. Since 1933, the huge Konrad hill has appeared in Munich once a year, at the Oktoberfest.

Ferris wheel Feldl (Feldl's Teufelsrad) has been entertaining audiences since 1910. During this agility test, the task is not so much to prove yourself, but to get really laughed at. As you sit on the revolving wheel and try not to fall off it, Werner Zimmerl, who has been working on this attraction since 1994, throws Styrofoam balls at you and tries to fall off in many other ways.

True, this “wheel of laughter”, as it is often called, will not suit touchy people, because here you can listen to a bunch of Bavarian jokes about yourself for your own money. By the way, this is one of the cheapest attractions at Oktoberfest, because once you pay for the entrance, you can watch what is happening as a spectator for hours.

"Original special magic theater" by Johann Schichtl, where the viewer can see such oddities as the decapitation of a living person with a guillotine, has existed since 1869 and is still very popular with viewers.

Since 2001, visitors can additionally feast on "Shihtl's Heavenly Tavern", where you can buy various refreshing drinks and small snacks. They honor an old tradition and offer "homemade raspberry lemonade with indelible dye" so that everyone who has already been to the Schichtl Theater will be marked with a red stripe on their face. There is a lot of reminiscent of the traditional Oktoberfest here.

Ferris wheel - one of the special attractions of Oktoberfest is beautiful and huge. The huge steel structure is one of the heirs of the so-called "Russian wheels", which have been very popular in Russia, Turkey and Eastern countries since the 17th and 18th centuries.

Of course, before the wheels were not as huge as they are now. The wheel on Teresa's meadow reaches 50 meters in height and allows you to look at the whole city. The view from it, especially when a dry strong wind blows, is beautiful and perfect for photography, because from here you can even see the mountains.

Of course, the organizers of Oktoberfest did not forget about the smallest guests. On every visit Oktoberfest with kids must include a ride in one of the colored helicopters, chopper bikes or fire trucks.

Three riding arenas at once invite the little ones and the smallest " ride a pony". Older children prefer hupferl("Jumper"), Wilde Maus("Wild Mouse"), autoscooter("Auto Scooter") or Schiffschaukel("Swing-ship").

An absolute hit among children - " flea circus". Here, tiny trained fleas show what they've learned. From playing football to swinging. They also look good mouse circus" And " Casper Theater».

Oktoberfest (instructions for use)
Discussions on the topic: “and what good did you find in this Oktoberfest, booze and nothing more” - they got me!
Having plucked up the nerve, I will try to formulate my attitude towards this holiday and maybe, given the experience of my Oktoberfests, give some advice.
Every year, since 2003, I go to Munich and hope that this tradition will continue...

I'll start, as usual, with an excursion into the history of the holiday.

Oktoberfest, or as the Munich people themselves familiarly call it - Wiesn first took place on October 12, 1810 on the occasion of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig (in the future King Ludwig I, please do not confuse with Ludwig II, who ruined Bavaria, but became famous for his castles and now fashionable sodomy) and Princess Teresa of Saxony (by her name, by the way, the meadow is named where the holiday takes place - Theresienwiese).
The first holiday meant a free treat for everyone from the future king during the races. Remind how such an event ended in Russia? However, in respectable Bavaria, Khodynka did not happen, but the holiday was a success, and it was decided to arrange it annually. The king, of course, quickly got tired of charity, and the organization of all this disgrace was transferred to the Munich city authorities, who, with the sharpness characteristic of all officials, turned it into a commercial enterprise. To begin with, the beer was not DISTRIBUTE, but SOLD, and then the fair was added to this. Then, again, by order of the city authorities, and apparently not without kickbacks, it is established that only six Munich breweries have the right to sell beer at the holiday: Spaten (Spaten), Augustiner (Augustiner), Paulaner (Paulaner), Hacker-Pschor ( Hacker-Pschorr), Hofbrauhaus (Hofbroyhaus), and Lowenbrau (Löwenbräu).

The holiday is always held at the end of September-October, and its duration is approximately 15 days. Why about? Because traditionally it starts on Saturday, and should end on the first Sunday of October. Here, out of sports interest, I calculated, at my leisure, the dates of the future Fests:
2010 --- 18.09-3.10. This one will be the anniversary! 200 years!
2011 --- 17.09-3.10.
2012 --- 22.09-07.10.
2013 --- 21.09.-06.10.
It should be noted that the annuality of the holiday was still violated by wars and cholera epidemics, and despite the fact that in 2010 the holiday will turn 200 years old, its serial number will be less. Internet resources about Oktoberfest:

http://www.oktoberfest.de and private pagehttp://www.theoktoberfest.com/HTML/index.html
The peculiarity of the holiday is that the beer is brewed for the holiday special, aged longer than usual and has a pronounced malty taste and a strength of 5.2 to 6%. Beer, I dare say, - zachёtno!
It is served, as elsewhere in Bavaria, in liter glass mugs - Maas'ah.

Aunt waitresses show miracles of endurance, dragging with a cry of "forzicht!" (carefully) as many as 9 (!) of these mugs at a time! Try to lift 16 kg. Mastered? And how about 500-700 times a day to carry them through a crowded hall? The duties of the waiters include, by the way, also preparation for cleaning after the closing of the tent, i.e. remove tables and benches by folding them along the walls. However, this work, although hard, is well rewarded. Waiters for 16 days of Fest earn at least 10,000 euros + tips!
Periodically, the Bavarian press circulates rumors about the possibility of replacing glass mugs with plastic ones. However, the Bavarians indignantly reject such a replacement, and in this I personally agree with them! Theft of these mugs at Festus is almost an obligatory element of the holiday. Although they are sold around in souvenir stalls, stealing such a mug as a souvenir from Oktoberfest is a sweet deal! Moreover, it seems to me that the cost of a mug has long been hammered into the price of beer at the Fest by the organizers of the holiday. True, prices are growing at an alarming rate every year. If at my first Fest in 2003 I drank beer at 6:70, now in 2008 it is already at 8:25! It should be noted that the price can jump up to 10-20 cents on weekends.
This beer is sold ONLY in specially arranged tents.
The main, "large" tents can accommodate up to 10,000 visitors. Inside, quite nicely decorated. In Hoffbroe, for example, garlands of hops:

In Hacker-Pschor, the ceiling is in the form of a cloudy sky, it is no coincidence that Hacker’s slogan: “Hacker - Pschor himmel der Bayern” (this is the sky of Bavaria)

In the center of the tent are rows of long sturdy tables and benches. The strength of the tables has been repeatedly tested by crowds of people who climb up to dance on them in the evening. There is a second tier - a balcony, boxes with tables separated by partitions along the walls, for preliminary reservation, usually in the center on a special platform an orchestra. The list of tents is easy to find on oktoberfest.de The peculiarity of the tents is that they are perhaps the only catering establishments in Germany where smoking is still allowed. (upd from 2011 - prohibited)
In addition to these really huge beer pavilions, there are a number of smaller tents with a capacity of about 1000 people. For example, Fischer-Vroni, a feature of which, in addition to fish cuisine (which is clear from the name), is the glory of a tent for sexual minorities that has stuck to it. I'll paste a quote from Wikipedia here: « Like the Augustiner tent, beer is served from real wooden barrels. There is an interesting tradition associated with this tent: every second Monday of the holiday, representatives of sexual minorities gather in it. This tradition is connected with the fact that the (already deceased) owner of the Prosecco bar (former homosexual) ordered tables for his friends here at this time. Other homosexuals and lesbians have joined this tradition. Despite the death of the founder, the tradition continued and continues to this day.”
Here, by the way, we will talk about food. The most classic Oktoberfest is spit-roasted chicken (Hendel) + Bretzel (Brеtzel) + beer.

It is difficult to call this combination healthy food, and indeed German cuisine is difficult, but chicken, well-fried, with a crispy crust, and with salty pretzel, and with beer, is a miracle how delicious! The tents also offer other food that is no less saturated with cholesterol: khakse, sausages, meat, etc.

No, it’s all of high quality and relatively tasty, of course, but it’s grub “from the assembly line” (walking around the tent, you can look at the kitchen where it’s all cooked, it’s still a sight! The 9th circle of Hell!), And I prefer to eat a decent pig's leg, other places in Munich, since there are plenty of them. Outside of the tents, there are plenty of places where you can eat quite thoroughly. Numerous stalls with sausages, meat, etc. on the braziers. It is difficult to stay hungry on Terezin Meadow. However, even if you are completely full, it is difficult to resist a sizzling piece of meat fresh from the grill, stuffed together with fried onions into a bun, or half a meter bratwurst with mustard!

I will note two "chips"!
Suppose you managed to find a place in the tent, or in the beergarten next to it. (I will tell you how to do this a little later). Let me remind you that only there, in the tent, you will be sold beer. Do not be lazy, and while they bring you beer, run outside, or take in advance with you to the tent, fried chicken bought outside.
It will turn out cheaper, faster, and the taste is the same. Grab a pretzel along the way.
Practical Germans practice this all the time.

The second "chip". From year to year, but only in one place in the meadow, I find a small kiosk in which for 5 years in a row the same hefty, even by Bavarian standards, man has been selling ... PICKLES!

He has several types of them: from spicy with pepper to quite familiar Russian salting, they cost about one and a half euros for a couple, but insanely tasty, after a beer and a hearty snack, crunch on the go with a cucumber.

Separately - sweets! Traditional Bavarian gingerbread Lebkuchen in the form of a heart, with icing inscriptions like: Gruss vom Oktoberfest, despite their external decorativeness, they are quite edible. They are gigantic in size! A bunch of candied, chocolate-covered, glazed and God knows what fruits and nuts! There are several tents - cafes, with coffee / tea, strudel, cakes and other goodies.

If suddenly you belong to that exotic breed of people who do not drink beer (although I have no idea how this can be), there are meadows and stalls on the territory, usually in the form of carousels, with schnapps, vodka, cocktails, liquors, champagne and other alcohol.
In some places, and these are the ONLY places in the meadow where you can buy beer outside the tents, there are stalls with Weißbier. But only Weissbier! And be prepared for the fact that when you buy, you will be charged a deposit per glass, 2ro. They give out a token, which, having passed along with a glass, will be exchanged back for 2 euros.
Go ahead? In the sense: we are already “full-drunken”, a couple of liters of beer, half a chicken, etc. the snack has subsided slightly, can we stretch ourselves?

Oh! I completely forgot! Inside is already at least a couple of liters!
The toilets in the meadow are all right. They are inside the tents, next to the tents, and just in strategically important places. This year I saw on local TV in the “Oktoberfest Diary” the number of 2520 toilet places available for visitors to the meadow. And remember: ALL TOILETS at Festa are FREE! Ignore all suspicious individuals with plates at the entrance, begging for “teeeps pliz”. These personalities have lately come in only two types: Russian-speakers with a southern Russian accent and Afronigers with unaccented French. All of them, regardless of the accent - "to the garden."

Let's go to the attractions. Along the way, we will wave a couple of shots of schnapps (williyamsbirn), for courage. Carousel swings! Pseudo-Czech-Polish amusement parks, rolling around the provincial towns of Russia - nervously smoke on the sidelines.
A whole amusement park has been built in accordance with the scope of Oktoberfest. From the already familiar American (or Russian?) rollercoasters to completely insane crap on which you are already spinning in three planes. Or a hundred-meter-high tower with a sliding platform, which, hovering at a height, abruptly falls down to the squeal of the people sitting on it. Often from this screeching you can distinguish “Washuuuu maaaat !!” and other stronger expressions of compatriots. Lack of culture? Nuuu I don’t know, falling from such a height, such exclamations involuntarily break out. Yes, and from those sitting nearby, “Scheisse”, “Fak”, etc. often rushes.

There are also more innocent entertainments: a huge Ferris wheel, fear rooms and mirror labyrinths, idyllic carousels with horses and elephants for children. Children, by the way, the Germans willingly drag with them to Oktoberfest, even with strollers managing to maneuver them in a dense crowd. For the very young, a clearing with gnomes, small houses, all sorts of climbing frames and toys was noticed. I didn’t specify, but I suspect that there are probably baby sisters there as well.
What other entertainment? Orchestra performances often take place on the steps descending from the statue of Bavaria. The men with long wooden pipes are especially colorful.

Yes, and just huddle among the idle people, moving from a stall with souvenirs to a kiosk with sweets, believe me, it is also wonderful entertainment! It is a special pleasure to watch the Bavarians (and recently not only them) in colorful national clothes, euphoniously called "trachts" i.e. -traditional.
Local residents are generally kind to their particular Bavarian features, traditions, dialect, etc. and during the Festus, God himself ordered to dress up in traditional leather pants with suspenders and coarse leather boots. Frau, young and old, flaunt in "dirndl" - traditional dresses with a fairly open neckline and lush hem with frills.

Once every four years, an agricultural exhibition is attached to the Oktoberfest on a part of the Terezin Meadow. Somehow I didn’t bother to go inside, according to the impressions of my friends - a typical VDNKh! With boars producers, champion bulls and mutant pumpkins

Questions / Answers / Any advice.
--- What to do at Oktoberfest?

Yes, do nothing! Rest!
Most importantly: do not expect someone to entertain you, give you beer, etc.
Just come to Theresienwiese, join the tight friendly crowd, buy a stupid beer mug hat, have a beer naps or something, forget about your cell phone, you won’t hear it anyway over the noise of the crowd and music, go on the carousel, try to fit into the tent, sing along to the orchestra, (often playing "kalinka" and "black eyes" to everyone's delight), dance on the tables, clink glasses and hug with unfamiliar drunken people of all nationalities.

--- How to get into the tent?
The question is almost religious. I will say right away and it's a shame: forget about all the possibilities of booking places in tents. Why? PATAMUSHTA! I have not yet seen a single person who has succeeded. No, theoretically it is possible, but in practice - anril! To be honest, you shouldn't bother with it. For bad money, you can, of course, buy a ready-made reservation from travel agencies, or on some kind of Internet market, but why? In each tent there are places free from booking. Of course, there are enough people who want to attend them, BUT if you don’t come at the end of the day, but say around 12-13 o’clock, and if you are not a crowd of 5-10 people, then even after standing in line at the entrance, there are a couple of places inside the tent. If you are a company, I suggest this option. It is necessary to come not late, i.e. around 13 - 14:00 at this time in the beer gardens with tents it is still possible to take a whole table. In the beergarten, by the way, it is even more comfortable to sit than inside. It's not so smoky, at any moment a part of the company can dump on a swing-carousel, for schnapps, souvenirs, etc. Next, a hint that has been successfully practiced repeatedly: with mugs of beer in your hands, you confidently go into the tent, occupy a free patch in front of the orchestra platform and start dancing and having fun. To order another beer, you put your mug on the nearest table, and after catching the waitress, you order. Moreover, as a rule, the nearest table by this moment is already your friends, brothers and drinking companions. I repeat: together, three, four, we ALWAYS found empty seats at the tables in ANY tent, even in the evenings in the midst of festivities.
A little initiative, communication skills in communication and you will not be left without a place.

---- Isn't it dangerous to be among thousands of drunken crowds?

To begin with, I will quote the impressions of a person who first came to Fest:
""However, then you realize that there is no aggression, everyone is very complacent and they are not going to beat you with mugs and forged boots. On the contrary, no one is opposed to you sitting in an empty seat, they will tell you "Gruce gott!" (traditional Bavarian greeting, something like "God help!"), clink a mug and, if you like it, offer to rock, sing and yell together: Ein prooozit, ein prooozit! ""
Believe me, the maximum trouble that threatens you in a crowd of thousands is to be accidentally doused with beer, or you are inadvertently pushed in the aisle between the rows of tables, but in this case, even from your absolutely drunk "offender", you run the risk of immediately hearing not "your mother !”, but: Entschuldigen, Excuse me, Scuse, Pardon, etc. This is usually followed by a friendly gesture with a mug with an offer to clink glasses and drink.
Sometimes I saw a picture on the street: a rather drunk gentleman with feeling, selflessly, with all his foolishness, breaks his mug, honestly stolen from the tent, on the asphalt. But this is understandable! This person, squeezed in everyday life by the notorious German "Ordnung", may have the only opportunity in the year to play tricks, like this - with all his heart to gasp a mug on the asphalt! Wouldn't you take advantage? Remember a good Russian booze! At your last New Year's corporate party, no one was rowdy? No? If you didn’t ask, then you have a corporate worker! ...

However, no one canceled elementary security measures: put your wallet in the front pocket of your trousers, fasten your handbags, etc. Pickpockets from all over Europe, especially its eastern part, also love and wait for Oktoberfest.
In 2008, 450 police officers ensured your safety in Festa, according to local authorities. I had to watch how they work professionally. Picture: a heavily drunk Italian, hanging on the arms of an equally drunken friend, suddenly, with all his foolishness, blurted out on the asphalt and calmed down, right on the street between the tents. How a man of 5-6 policemen appeared from under the ground. One of them bent over the "victim" and called the doctors on the radio, the rest surrounded them with their backs to the incident in a tight ring, and correctly pushed the crowd of curious people back. After a couple of minutes, doctors arrived with stretchers, the policemen organized a free passage for them, 5 minutes - the incident was over.

Council number 4.

If you are planning to visit Munich during Oktoberfest, I highly recommend booking your hotel and airfare VERY EARLY! I personally do it already in May. It should be understood that during the Fest in Munich there are NO cheap hotels in principle! The price of 160 euros per night for a room in the city, not in the middle of nowhere - this is a VERY GOOD PRICE! An alternative could be a hotel on the outskirts of Munich, you can find it much cheaper, but look for it near the U-bahn station, most of the lines of which somehow go to the Hauptbahnhof’a (central station) from which it’s a stone’s throw to Theresienwiese. Where to look? Look at: venere.com, booking.com, hotels.de.
With a flight a little easier, even in July you can still catch BerlinAir for 100 euros. Considering that a bunch of AKs fly from Moscow to Munich (Aeroflot, S7, Lufthansa, etc.), finding a flight, if you do this in advance, will not be difficult.

Council number 5.

When to be at the Fest? At the opening - interesting, no doubt! Parade, procession of the host breweries, ceremony and opening of the first barrel of celebratory beer by the mayor of Munich with the characteristic exclamation “Oh zapft is!” (this year the burgomaster distinguished himself - he hammered a crane into a barrel with two blows!).
BUT! There are a lot of people who want to see the opening with their own eyes! It is also difficult to get into the tents on the opening day. It is better to go to the meadow on a weekday than on the weekend. And try to avoid the final weekend of the festival. This is Italianische Wochenende. Traditionally, a lot of Italians come these days, and I already mentioned in my opinion that mostly teenagers and Italians are very drunk at the Fest. The Munichers scornfully joke that “the Germans save up money all year to relax for a couple of weeks in Italy by the sea, and the Italians save money all year to drink it away at Oktoberfest in a couple of days!”
And of course, the best thing is when we meet there, for many years in a row, with our auto-rush company! More and more of us gather there every year.

Advice GREAT!

I repeat, don't expect anyone to entertain you at Oktoberfest, and for God's sake don't treat it like a big booze! Try to join in and catch the mood of carefree fun.

Recently, it has become almost “fashionable” to scold Oktoberfest as a “tourist attraction”, as a senseless booze, etc.
But every year at the end of September, the Munich people take their “trachten” out of the cabinets and go to Theresienwiese!

Do you know what annoys me the most when I return from Oktoberfest?
The incomprehensible degree of idiocy is the question of acquaintances who find out that I was at Oktoberfest:

So how is it? Did you drink beer there?

No, blah! .... I went there to drink milk!?!

to other materials and photo reports from Oktoberfests in this magazine

link to MUSEUM OF BEER AND OKTOBERFEST I'll stick it here.
