Description of jewelry examples. Tips to Increase the Likelihood of Jewelry Selling

Before I give examples of how to use information about the trendy colors of the season in communication with a client, let's remember how our mind works.

So why are we buying? Motivation and sales strategy.
The buyer combines two types of consciousness - logical and emotional. Logical consciousness compares prices and quality of goods, making a rational decision about the need to purchase a product: “you can invest in gold, jewelry can be worn for 20 years.” Emotional consciousness evaluates purchases in a completely different way. Logic is relegated to the background, and desires and feelings come to the fore. The mind of the buyer is captured by passion, enthusiasm and excitement. “I have wanted such a beautiful pendant for a long time. And she's just a unique color.
These two types of consciousness are at opposite poles, and often the buyer is torn between them, not daring to make the final choice. Everyone has experienced this feeling and everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes to make a purchase decision.

Offering jewelry to the client, your task is to give him pleasant emotions. The description of the jewelry tag is not a presentation and, of course, does not entail an emotional upsurge. There are many ways to change the mood of a client, and one of them is the knowledge of the symbolism of color and the description of stones through the trendy pantone palette. Back in 1810, in the work “Teaching about Color”, the great German poet and philosopher I.V. Goethe wrote: "Color is a product of light that evokes emotions."

We all know that each season dictates its own rules. Fashionistas follow the whims of Her Majesty Fashion and try to please her in every possible way, thereby filling themselves with even more attractiveness and endearing the whole world to them. We will share with you the brightest and most original ideas on how to tell customers about the most fashionable novelties and make the client fall in love with you, your salon and leave happy and with a purchase!

The main colors of the upcoming autumn, according to Pantone, are characterized as "the unity of strength, confidence and versatility", and also destroy the usual boundaries of gender.

The desire for balance, strength and optimism - this is how its creators describe the mood of the autumn palette. Shades of blue are the leading party, earth colors are used as support, accents are explosions of bright colors.

I propose to go straight to the examples. Consider the options for using the Pantone fashion palette at different stages of sales.

It is important to use not only the names of the fashion palette itself, but to be able to see the meaning of the color and convey its mood to the Client.

Establishing contact

There is no second chance to make a first impression. That is why the first stage of sales lays the foundation for all further relationships with the client: he has just crossed the threshold of your salon, and now all power over him is in the hands of a consultant. And it depends only on you with what the client leaves the salon and whether he will return again.

It's no secret that by skillfully choosing colors, you can revive absolutely any image or add spice to it. By focusing on a fashionable color palette, you can easily become a stylish guide for your customers.

Examples of phrases to establish contact:
. Pay attention to the ruby ​​of saturated color "Aurora Red", which is mega relevant this season. Its satin sheen carries boundless love, energy, confidence that sparkles in the stone itself and will bring this charge into your life, inspire you to new achievements. What colors of stones do you like?
. And on this showcase live rauchtopazes of a delicious chocolate shade, having overflows from a transparent to a rich shade of coffee, which reveal the sparkling brilliance of this mysterious stone. What shades of stones do you like?
. I would like to present to you one of the most passionate collections of our salon - a collection with a noble garnet color "Aurora Red". The collection has a special mood. With what mood do you like jewelry?
. Check out the jewelry collection, where the mysterious amethysts, in this season's fashionable purple-violet hue, are the favorite. What jewelry do you like best? Let me tell you about it!
. The highlight of our collection and the king of autumn admires you from this showcase. These are languid rauchtopazes. Their color varies from “gentle haze” to “bitter chocolate”, and there are also the rarest whiskey-colored stones. What color stones do you like best?
. Pay attention to the most popular and fashionable stone of this fall. A stone with a rich palette of browns that shines in a variety of styles. What style of jewelry do you like?
. Explore our inspirational collection. We have collected royal sapphires in all colors of the blue palette: from underwater blue to azure. Exquisitely looks shade "coastal strip", which is a favorite this season. Which stone admires you, let me introduce you?

Jewelry Presentation
To rise to a new level of professional growth, a thorough knowledge of the fashion trends of each season is simply necessary. With this knowledge, you will skillfully fill your sales with new accents and creative mood, you can easily demonstrate your professionalism and awareness in the world of fashion and luxury. After all, color elements can be found in any jewelry - knowledge of fashionable colors will help to successfully offer your range of jewelry as unique and unrepeatable.

Not everyone succeeds in kindling the desire to have a beautiful and unique jewelry, despite its cost, to be able to tell about the jewelry in a fascinating way and reveal all its features, advantages and benefits from the purchase. The world of luxury jewelry is full of many colored stones, and the ability to tell a client about them in an interesting way once again proves the high skill of a consultant. And we will help you raise this skill even higher!

Presentation examples:
. The aristocratic radiance of topaz reveals the whole sublimity of the heavenly hue. Admire the color of this stone, and you will see how new horizons are revealed with each turn of the stone. Such an amazing combination of elegance, lightness and individuality fills the jewelry with a special charm and inspiration. With this decoration, you attract new events into your life. This will allow you to always draw inspiration and collect admiring glances.
. It's good that you noticed the delicate shimmer of this citrine. This is a unique color and also the most fashionable this season. It has not only a modest and charming radiance, but also deliciously called "spicy mustard". Thanks to just such a moderate shade, citrine becomes a soft addition to any look and can become a worthy companion of your every day. See how elegantly it harmonizes with your image. Agree, it is pleasant and convenient when a piece of jewelry can easily and with a special charm complement your daily look. This is exactly the ability of citrine with a delicious hint of "spicy mustard".
. Good afternoon! I am glad to present you our new collection, which reflects all the latest trends in jewelry fashion. I want to draw your attention to this amazing ring, which is made in a gentle romantic style. Pay attention to the exquisite, harmonious combination of precious stones: fabulous amethysts of a “radiant orchid” shade and delicate, blue topazes with a slight aquamarine tone, emphasized by a rich shade of London topaz with an incommensurable depth of royal blue. Isn't it a great combination? The central stone is accentuated by the delicate sparkle of diamonds and, in contrast with white gold, creates a stylish and at the same time bright combination. This will allow you to emphasize your delicate taste, the ring is perfect for any everyday look. You will always be the center of attention with this beautiful piece of jewelry. Let's try on this magical decoration!
. I can suggest you create a vibrant look using contrasting colors of the stones. Check out this season's trendy Aurora Red ruby ​​ring, crafted in an Art Deco style. This style skillfully combines simple forms and the luxury of precious stones. This jewelry will emphasize the brightness of your image and add passion to your life. Rubies will help you melt even the coldest heart. Do you like this decoration?
. Take a look at jewelry with noble emeralds in this season's trendy color "juicy meadow". The velvet radiance and deep color of the stone are harmoniously complemented by the border of the precious metal. Diamonds scattered around the emerald in lace. The classic combination of the soft glow of metal and precious stones once again emphasizes the beauty and self-sufficiency of the green handsome man. This jewelry will become your indispensable decoration for all occasions. A timeless classic, and this is its main advantage, isn't it?
. The mysterious and deep color of rauchtopaz seems to echo the romantic melodies of autumn. Wonderful coffee-colored stones are an integral element of a mysterious image, alluring and desirable... How much sophistication and elegance magnificent rauchtopazes can bring to the refined style of any girl! Jewelry with this stone is the best evidence of her excellent taste! You just want to invite such a girl to a cozy cafe for a cup of hot chocolate and warm heartfelt conversations...
. The main sophistication of this decoration is the alluring rauchtopaz. A stone of the rarest color of milk chocolate. This color of the stone embodies great power and demonstrates it with aristocratic brilliance. The energy of the stone seems to envelop its owner with warmth and saves her from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. With such an ornament, you will be under the reliable protection of your talisman.
. The year promises to be active, and all active people need rest! And blue, the color of the coming year, is not only a symbol of dreams and promises of happiness, but also an effective calming color. It will help to recover from stormy days, restore mental comfort and physical strength. And at the same time, blue remains one of the most beautiful and exciting colors, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off - it has such a hypnotic effect on others!
. I want to pay special attention to jewelry with noble sapphires. Sapphires are not only precious and majestic stones, but also virtuoso diplomats. Thanks to their deep blue color, they are magically able to highlight any style of decoration and show all its beauty. Jewelry with a sapphire without words will emphasize your refined taste and will be a great addition to any of your jewelry.

Useful phrases you can use when describing jewelry:
. Color options
. Color solutions
. Composition basis
. Expressive paints / color power
. picturesque balance
. Color Rhythm
. Color color
. Subtle tonal transitions
. Masters demonstrate a sense of color
. The effect of exposure to warm and cold tones, giving a feeling of airiness
. A new color sound is achieved that looks very feminine
. Refined color palette
. A variety of effects are created by combining
. Tonal gradations
. Aesthetic side

Work with objections
Dealing with various objections has always been and remains the most relevant stage of sales, which is a demonstration of the consultant's skill level and the foundation for further relations between the salon and the buyer. We offer answers to objections using knowledge about the colors of the season.

"The color" juicy meadow "is a little intrusive"

It's good that you noted the unique color of this stone. Indeed, he is the only one who has such a rare color scheme that embodies a good mood. And I want to note that this is an aristocratic stone, it evokes warm feelings after the first date. I invite you to try on the jewelry, and you will see for yourself how the color of this stone harmoniously adapts to your personality.
"Brown color ... Somehow boring and gloomy"
. It's good that you emphasized the diplomatic color of the "jewelry king of autumn." This is a stone that can show different moods. Indeed, I agree with you, rauchtopaz is one of the few stones that has a natural chocolate color, and this is its uniqueness. Pay attention to how easily it sparkles with all its facets at the slightest movement of the decoration. And at the same moment, he easily becomes absolutely calm and peaceful, if you need it. For the modern world, a stone that can change the mood with just your desire is a unique find. See how now he is trying to please you, sparkling with all his facets! It is no coincidence that every season the fashion industry presents chocolate shades of stones again and again ...

"Blue color is only good for winter or autumn"
. It's good that you paid attention to the ability of sapphire to warm the mood on cool days. Indeed, this stone in the cold season is filled with even greater density and velvety radiance, and at the same time it knows how to be joyful and radiant, catching the sun's rays. Let's see together how cornflower blue notes flash in the depths of the stone when light hits the edges and the stone is immediately filled with a joyful mood. Agree, this is a pleasant feature of the stone - to be able to change the mood in different circumstances. Sapphire is a born diplomat, he will adapt to any of your outfits and will be able to be a worthy companion at any time of the year. In addition, this year designers delight customers with new shades of sapphire - "river blue" and "air blue". The choice is limitless!

“The idea is interesting, but the color looks strange”
. Thank you for such a sophisticated comment, and I agree with you, the idea is really amazing. In design, light elegance is an amazing freedom from restrictions. Every detail in the jewelry is designed to emphasize the superiority and self-sufficiency of the image. Agree, there is a special mysticism in this decoration, each element creates an overall composition. And the luxurious colors of the stones - "saffron" and "pink cedar" - elegantly contrast with flawless diamonds. Let's try on the decoration, and you can see how advantageous this model looks.

"Amethyst - a stone for an amateur"
. It's good that you started talking about feelings, you really need to fall in love with jewelry ... And preferably at first sight. I agree that purple can evoke different emotions, and that is why it is timeless. You have probably noticed that the intensity of the shade changes with each season, and yet the violet shade itself is always in fashion, isn't it? Let's see together how the fashionable lilac-violet shade of amethyst adapts diplomatically and elegantly to your image. Emphasizes your femininity, do you agree? You like?

As you can see, fashion color information can be used at different stages of sales. On the eve of the New Year, I recommend using knowledge of the fashion palette to describe gift ideas. In November, our training center conducts an online training "Technology of Sales in the New Year", where we consider this tool in detail. We are happy to share with you interesting and effective techniques!

Multiply your potential, improve, get results!
I wish you great sales!

If you use the services of someone else's needlework online store to sell beaded jewelry or created your own, then you probably faced the need to write a product description.

- How to describe the decoration?
- So be sure to buy it!

In an online store, the buyer cannot touch the jewelry, try it on ... He relies only on the photo that you successfully edited in Photoshop, and on your description. You, as a psychic wizard, must, through these few lines, suggest that this jewelry simply needs to be purchased.

I think you have noticed more than once how saleswomen talk to customers, and so we need to learn this.

Take the time and effort to hone your descriptions, and you will not be left without sales.

Tip #1: Think of a name for the decoration.

Give descriptive names to jewelry, not vague and "pretentious".
Remember that sometimes a title will be considered without a photo of your work.
In a search engine, in a catalog, for example, the reader will always see the title and a brief description, but there is no photo.

Here are some examples
"The Perfect Bracelet for the Perfect Woman" is much better than the name "Crystal Bracelet".
"Summer bracelet for every day" is better than "Summer Shadow".

Tip #2: List benefits, not features.

To know which advantage to emphasize, you need to know your client.
What they want? What is important to them? Beauty or reliability? Status, presentability or admiring glances of men?

Here are some examples of benefits:
Necklace of perfect length, looks good with a V-neckline, makes you pay attention to the face. Lengthens the neck.
Strong weaving: the decoration made in this technique will not tear, even when the child pulls on it.

Tip #3: Add emotion and logic.

People buy on an emotional impulse, but with a logical approach. So it's a good idea - to combine logic and emotion - a blow from both sides.
It's good if you include 3 emotional notes and 2 logical ones.

Examples of emotional benefits:
you will be loved
You will be unique
you will be attractive

Examples of logical advantages:
We solve the problem (for example, if this is a great solution for a gift on March 8)
Save money (for example, free shipping or discounts)

Tip #4: The description should be clear.

Throw away all "smart science" terms. No one wants to read official high-flown descriptions filled with big words. You don't have to write a dissertation. Write in a conversational style in accessible language.

Tip #5: Address the reader in a single person.

Imagine that you are talking to your best friend. With just one person. Address not to the crowd, but to the one for which you created this jewelry! This will help build trust, which will eventually lead to a sale.

Tip #6: Say "you" instead of "I" more often.

The sweetest word (after a person's own name!) is the word "you".

So, instead of talking about yourself and what you wanted to create, talk about what the product will do for them.

For example...
"You will feel like the queen of the ball on your wedding day"
it's incomparably better than
"I created this necklace for a bride who wants to be prom queen on her wedding day."

Tip #7: Add a short story.

People often buy handmade products to feel their uniqueness. Add uniqueness and originality to your works, tell the reader that your jewelry is unlike others, that they are made in a single copy! They are unique because their author (that is, you yourself) is original and unique.

Here are some examples of stories:

How did you get into beading
The history of the creation of some jewelry (what prompted you to make this particular jewelry)
Interesting coincidences

Tip #8 Mandatory Guarantee.

You should always offer some sort of guarantee to increase your customer's confidence (free repair or replacement if it breaks).
This will undoubtedly increase your sales, but will not increase the number of "victim" appeals. The secret is that even if you offer to send a broken jewelry for repair (exchange) at your own expense, not many will want to go to the post office.

Tip #9 Buy button effect.

People are indecisive creatures. Ads that directly tell people to buy increase the likelihood that they will do so. This is why you often see "buy" or "add to cart" buttons in online stores.
So feel free to tell readers at the end of the description what to do next, which is to click the "Add to Cart" button to checkout now.
Encourage readers to buy! Order if you want! This is the law of advertising...

Tip #10 The buying process should be easy and straightforward.

The easier it is to order, the better.
Try simplifying the checkout to one button, don't ask people to enter more additional information than they need. The easier it is to buy from your online store, the more sales you will see.

Try implementing some of these tips in your store and see what happens.

Hello dear readers!

We continue to analyze the sale situation with you. Sale is a series of successive actions of the seller in order to convince the buyer to purchase the goods.

The seller in communication with the buyer goes through 5 stages:

1. Greeting

2. Clarifying desires

3. Presentation of goods

4. Dealing with objections

5. Completion of the sale

In previous issues, we have reviewed the techniques that are used in the "Welcome the buyer" and "Clarify the client's desires" stages. Today we will talk about how to act effectively in the "Jewellery Presentation" stage. The purpose of the third step is to describe the jewelry that the customer is interested in and make a case for purchasing each of these items. At this stage, the seller talks about the goods.


We offer the seller a universal scheme for describing jewelry. This scheme includes three blocks:

Who made the decoration:

2. Company

What is the decoration made of?

How the decoration is made:

6. Lock design

The first step in describing is to give names. You need to name the country, company, metal, stone, decorative elements and castle design! When describing jewelry, it is possible to skip the points of this scheme. Every piece of jewelry has a country and a manufacturing company. The remaining items - metal, stone, decorative elements and castle design - are optional. For example, a piece of jewelry can be made without the use of metal, without the use of stones, without special decorative elements, or without a lock. The lock is provided only on certain types of jewelry (earrings, chain, necklace, necklace, bracelet, brooch). Table No. 1 shows examples of such a brief description of jewelry.

The second step in the description is to list the properties or distinguishing features. It is necessary to reveal the features of the country, company, metal, stone, decorative elements and castle construction! To avoid advertising, we omit the discussion of countries and manufacturers. This question will be left to independent work. He will think about what features of the country and the manufacturer can inspire the buyer's trust and interest. For example, a buyer may be interested in such features of the company as a long time in the jewelry market, international contacts, long-term cooperation with your store, etc. Table No. 2 presents a complete scheme for describing a piece of jewelry. The first column is the first step in the description, the second column is the second step in the description. Please note that this table discusses in detail all the possible features of metal, stone, decorative elements and castle design.

Table number 1.


Ring "Snake Gorynych"

Earrings "Forest Tale"

Chain "Sailor"

1. Country




2. Company

3. Metal




4. Stone





Weaving "Ribbon-

6. Lock design



Table number 2

What is the name of?

What properties(distinguishing features) have?

1. What is the name of the country?

What are the characteristics of a country?

2. What is the name of the company?

What properties does the company have?

3. What is the name of the metal?

What are the properties of a metal?

Precious, non-precious


Color, shade

Size - Weight

4. What is the name of the stone?

What properties does the stone have?

Precious, Semi-Precious, Ornamental, Organic, Cultured


Color, transparency, gloss


Size - Weight

5. What are the decorative elements called?

What properties do decorative elements have?

Certain processing and shape of the metal

Certain selection, location and fastening of stones

6. What is the name of the castle design?

What are the properties of the castle structure?




When describing a piece of jewelry, a different sequence of six points of this scheme is possible. For example, you can first talk about the country and the manufacturer, then describe the features of the metal and decorative elements made of metal, move on to the description of stone and decorative elements using stones, and finally mention the design of the castle. The description inside the item can also be built in any sequence. For example, when describing a stone, you can first say what type of stone this stone belongs to, indicate the hardness, size, weight, and then describe the color, cut. Description of jewelry is a creative process. How you do it is up to you!

The author of the article tried to describe his jewelry according to this scheme. This scheme has been tested and proven to be effective. To practice, try to describe your jewelry too. For example, let's describe the jewelry depicted in the drawings.

The Serpent Gorynych ring was made by the Russian jewelry company X. Russian jewelry is highly valued on the world market. Company X exports its products to a number of foreign countries. The ring is made of 585 gold. Gold is a precious metal. But precious metals are not used in their pure form. Why? Noble metals are relatively soft and have low strength. Therefore, alloys of precious metals with other metals are used. Alloys have high hardness and mechanical strength. Sample is the content of the main precious metal in the alloy. The most common amount of gold in an alloy is 58.5%. Gold is yellow with a red tint. The color and shade depend on the composition of the alloy. Copper in the alloy gives a more yellow color with a transition to red. The lower part of the rim of the ring (shank) has a small width (2 mm) and expands towards the top. The weight of the ring is 2.72 grams. The top is made in the form of three heads of snakes. The heads are decorated with background grainy filigree. The ring is made using three identical emeralds. Emerald is a precious stone. Hardness - 9. The stones are green, transparent, have a glassy sheen. The cut is round brilliant. The stones are 1.3 mm in diameter and weigh 0.01 carats.

Emeralds are the eyes of snakes. The stones are fixed with the help of a deaf cast. Deaf fastening emphasizes the shape of the stone.

Earrings "Forest Fairy Tale" are made by the Russian jewelry company Y. Russian products are very popular abroad. Company Y jewelry is worn by many foreign stars. Earrings are made of 925 sterling silver. The length of the earring is 2 cm. The metal part of the earrings has a classic shape. The earrings are made using 14 garnets. Garnet belongs to the semi-precious stones. Hardness - 7. The stones are dark red, transparent, have a glassy sheen. The diameter of the stones is 2 mm. The border is round. Stones are attached in 7 pieces on each earring using a corner cast. Corner cast provides maximum access to light. In appearance, the combination of stones resembles a blackberry. The total weight of the product is 7 grams. Earrings - with an English lock. The English castle is very reliable.

The Sailor chain was made by the Russian jewelry company Z. Russian companies are famous for their unique handicrafts. Company Z has already released several exclusive collections. The chain is made of 585 gold. Gold has a pale yellow color. Chain length - 50 cm, width - 2.5 mm. weight - 10 grams. Weaving - "Ribbon". Each link is assembled from many coils of wire. The castle is carabiner. The carabiner lock is very reliable.


What determines the persuasiveness of the presentation of jewelry? The persuasiveness of a presentation depends on the language of description. To persuade a customer to buy, speak the language of the customer's benefits. Remember: you are not selling product features, but the value of those features. That is why it is effective to use the ST technique when presenting jewelry. The CB technique is the translation of the Properties of a piece of jewelry into a Consumer Benefit.

The CB technique consists of 5 steps:

1. The property of the jewelry.

2. Connecting phrase such as: "This will allow you ...", "For you, this means ..". "And then you can ...".

3. Benefit arising from the property of the jewelry.

4. Closing question like: "Is this important to you..." "Is this interesting to you?".

5. Getting an answer to your question (yes, no, not really).

For example, “The ring is made of 585 gold. Very strong alloy. For you, this means that the jewelry will be worn for a very long time. Is this important to you?”, “Earrings are made of 925 sterling silver. For you, this means that the earrings will not darken. Is this important to you?”, “Chain with carabiner lock. A very simple lock. This will allow you to fasten the chain while looking. Is this important to you?". Pause after the question. The pause gives the buyer the opportunity to answer your question.

No need to tell the buyer about all the properties and corresponding consumer values ​​of the product! Concentrate on those features of the piece of jewelry that are most important to the buyer. And you should have learned about this at the stage “Clarifying the desires of the client”.


In the previous section, we formulated the rule: “To convince a customer to buy, you need to list the benefits of the customer.” What is customer benefit? A benefit is a benefit or advantage that a customer acquires with a product. The advantage can be at the level of reason and at the level of emotions. Therefore, the seller should give both rational and emotional arguments in favor of purchasing the product.

Rational arguments are the rational advantages of this product over other products. For example, “Cannes are attached with the help of a corner cast. Corner cast provides maximum access to light. For you, this means that the pebbles will sparkle and shimmer in the sun. Is this important to you?”, “Earrings with an English lock. Very reliable lock, For you it means that you will never lose them. Is this important to you?"

Emotional arguments are the emotional advantages of a person with this product over other people. For example, “Jewelry of company Y is worn by many foreign stars. You will feel like a special person”, “Intense red color of the stone. This color will give you a special confidence. When the salesperson makes an emotional argument, the CB technique is performed loosely. It is important to name the property and advantage of the buyer on an emotional level.

It is worth noting that the same property of the product has both rational and emotional benefits for the customer. For example, "Colorless stone. This will allow you to wear jewelry with any clothes. Is this important to you?" or: “A colorless stone. Reminds me of champagne splashes. You will feel like a risky person.”

A detailed and correct story about a piece of jewelry can lead to the close of a sale right away. But often at this stage of the sale, the buyer still doubts. And then we move on to work with the objections of the client. Read in the next issue of the Jewelery Trade Navigator about the techniques of the fourth stage "Working with customer objections".



1. Characteristics of jewelry

1.1 History

1.2 Production and materials used in the production of jewelry

1.3 Commodity characteristics of jewelry

1.4 Classification and range of jewelry

1.5 Consumer properties of jewelry

1.6 Marking, packaging, branding of jewelry

1.7 Rules for handling and caring for jewelry

2. Research of the trade assortment of jewelry

2.1 Assortment analysis

3. Confirmation of conformity of jewelry

3.1 Certification participants

3.2 Certification procedure



Jewelry art originated in ancient times. Gold and silver have long been used in ancient Russian art. The main materials in the production of jewelry are noble (precious) metals and their alloys, precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones, synthetic stones, glass, bone, enamel, plastics.

The purpose of writing this course work is to study the range of jewelry.

ü Describe jewelry;

ü Explore the trade assortment of jewelry;

ü Confirmation of conformity of jewelry;

1. Characteristics of jewelry

1.1 History of jewelry

Jewelry (from the Latin uwel - jewel) is an ornament or household item made of metals, sometimes with other decorative materials, made at an artistic level and with great mastery.

At the beginning, for the manufacture of jewelry, a person used exclusively gold, then gradually began to use silver, precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, amber, and today stones grown under special conditions, which are not inferior to natural ones in their external characteristics and physico-chemical properties: emerald, pomegranate, turquoise, opal, malachite, etc.

Jewelry business on the territory of Russia arose from time immemorial. The centers of jewelry creation at different times were Kyiv, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, Novgorod, Pskov, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Masterpieces created by ingenious jewelers of all times, gold items with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, pearls, gold and silver tableware adorn the best museums in the world.

The jewelry industry in Russia, inextricably linked with such industries as gold processing and cutting, unites enterprises - manufacturers of products from precious metals and precious stones and organizations that sell jewelry.

Currently, more than 500 enterprises operate in the jewelry industry, including about 80 engaged in the production of diamond jewelry.

1.2 Production and materials used in production

First, a sketch is developed, a model of the jewelry is created. The main processes of making jewelry are: preparation of materials, creation of a form, finishing, artistic processing, cutting, and fixing inserts (stones).

Cutting is carried out on special machines. Common types of cut: brilliant, cut rose, table, step, cabochon.

Fixing stones to products. The place where the stone is attached to the products is called the caste (frame), the caste must firmly hold the stone. There are different ways of fixing stones in products.

Prong bartack is the most common. The stone is fixed with the help of paws (prongs), which are bent and cover the stone from all sides.

Grisant setting - the stone is fixed around the circumference with a metal rim and finished with a small notch - grisant.

With a smooth setting, the stone is fixed in a cast or drilled socket, the edges of which are crimped to the edges of the stone.

Noble (precious) metals and their alloys

Metals are called noble because of their natural properties - chemical resistance, ductility, beautiful appearance, and precious - for their high cost.

In its pure form, these metals are not used, since they have low mechanical strength and are rather soft. Alloys of noble metals with others have better mechanical properties. The composition of alloys is regulated by state standards.

The noble metals include gold, silver, platinum, as well as palladium, ruthenium, iridium, rhodium, osmium.

Gold- the metal is ductile, soft, ductile and malleable, and also chemically resistant. Gold dissolves in a mixture of nitric hydrochloric acids "aqua regia", in strong poisons, easily reacts with mercury. The composition of gold alloys may include silver, copper, palladium, platinum, nickel, etc. In the jewelry industry, gold alloys are used: 375, 500, 583, 585.750, 958.

Silver- a beautiful, white, soft, shiny metal, malleable, resistant to oxidation, has exceptional reflectivity. Silver is resistant to alkalis, but dissolves in nitric and concentrated sulfuric acids, combining with hydrogen sulfide, while being covered with a thin coating. Silver alloys have only one alloying element - copper. Silver alloys are used in the jewelry industry: 750, 800, 875.916, 925, 960.

Platinum- silvery-white, heavy, refractory metal. In jewelry, an alloy of the 950th test is used.

Non-ferrous metals and their alloys

Non-ferrous metals include aluminum, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, lead, chromium. For the manufacture of inexpensive jewelry, the following copper alloys are used.

Brass- an alloy of copper and zinc, has a beautiful yellow color, similar to gold.

Bronze- an alloy of copper and tin, used for casting souvenirs, art products of small forms.

Melchior- an alloy of copper (80%) and nickel (20%). Usually cupronickel products are coated with a layer of silver, this gives them a beautiful appearance.

Nickel silver- copper alloy (65%), nickel (20%); It has high resistance to corrosion and good mechanical properties. Products made of nickel silver also silver, products after silvering are very similar to silver.

jewelry stones

Stones are natural and synthetic. Natural stones can be of mineral or organic origin. In jewelry practice and in trade, stones are classified as precious, semi-precious and ornamental.

To gems include stones of mineral origin - very hard, transparent: diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires; organic origin - pearls.

For precious stones, the weight unit is a carat, equal to 0.2 g, and for all other stones, a gram.

Diamond- the hardest stone; a cut diamond is called a "brilliant". Depending on the number of defects, diamonds are divided into 8 groups, the most valuable diamonds are "pure water".

Emerald (from the Greek "smaragdos" - hard) is a fragile stone of grassy green color.

Ruby(from the Latin "rubech" - red) is a kind of red corundum mineral.

Sapphire- (from the Greek "Sapphieros" - blue) a transparent variety of corundum of various colors - from dark blue to pale blue. Natural sapphire is considered a rare stone, although it is valued cheaper than ruby.

Pearl- a precious stone of organic origin, formed in the shells of sea and river mollusks. The color of pearls is from white to black.

Semi-precious stones are transparent, colorless or colored stones. The unit of mass of semi-precious stones is the gram. Semi-precious stones include:

alexandrite- under different lighting, it changes color from thick green to crimson red;

chrysolite is a transparent mineral from yellowish green to deep green, the stone is quite rare;

turquoise - opaque mineral sky blue, goes well with silver;

Garnet- solid, can be transparent, translucent, and opaque, reddish shades (more than 30). Garnet is used both as a base and as inserts for jewelry (bracelets, beads, necklaces, etc.)

topaz is a heavy, hard, transparent stone, mostly yellowish, but there are also other shades.

Semi-precious stones also include spinel, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, tourmaline, zircon, hyacinth, opal, moonstone, rock crystal, smoky quartz and stones of organic origin - amber, coral.

Amber is a fossil resin of coniferous trees of the Tertiary period. Transparent amber with inclusions of insects and plant particles is valued. Amber is used for making beads, brooches, earrings, bracelets, etc.

Coral is a calcareous mass of skeletons of invertebrate marine animals. Coral is pink-white, white, reddish shades. Coral is a valuable material for making earrings, necklaces, beads, jewelry inserts.

Ornamental stones are opaque minerals or slightly translucent, inferior in hardness to semi-precious stones. Ornamental stones have beautiful patterns and colors, so they are widely used in the jewelry industry.

Chalcedony- hard ornamental stone, color grayish-blue. There are many varieties of chalcedony.

Cornelian- a variety of chalcedony with reddish hues (quartz group).

Agate- is of volcanic origin, is a multicolored-patterned variety of chalcedony.

Onyx- a variety of multi-colored agate, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for carving cameos and amulets.

cat eye- a variety of agate of different shades; cut cabochon, when moving, the stone gives an ebb and play, reminiscent of a cat's eye.

Jasper it can be very diverse in coloring of various shades, more often it is painted in brick-red or brown color. Jasper is used as a facing, decorative material for columns, lamps, etc.

Malachite- an opaque mineral containing up to 57% copper, has a green color of different shades. Malachite is a stone of medium hardness, in the cut it has a complex beautiful pattern.

In the production of jewelry, artificial stones - crystals are used. Some of them are called synthetic.

Synthetic emerald has the characteristics of a natural gem.

cubic zirconia- got its name from the first four initial letters of the name of the institute where it was created (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences). The starting material for cubic zirconia is mainly zirconium oxide and hafnium.

In the production of jewelry, various decorative and ornamental materials are used: glass, bone, horn, papier-mâché, and plastics.

1.3 Commodity characteristics of jewelry (table No. 1)

Genus Consumer products intended for individual consumers for personal use Class Non-food products that satisfy social needs Subclass Satisfies similar groups of needs with certain differences Group Satisfies the needs of certain groups

1.4Classification and range of jewelry

Jewelry by purpose is divided into groups:

ü Items of personal adornment;

ü Toilet items;

ü Table setting items;

ü Items for interior decoration;

ü Watch accessories;

ü Souvenirs;

Jewelry is distinguished depending on the material used, and is also characterized by shape, design features, finish (products can be smooth, engraved, with niello, enamel, etc.)

Jewelry is produced as separate items and in sets (sets).

The items of personal jewelry include earrings, rings, beads, bracelets, pendants, medallions, chains, necklaces.

Earrings- a common type of jewelry, they are made from various materials, various shapes and configurations. Earrings are attached to the earlobe with a hook, a lock on a hook, a spring-loaded folding lock or a lock in the form of a screw with a nut.

Clips- Earrings for non-pierced ears are made from inexpensive metals.

Rings- made of gold, silver and copper alloys. Metal rings are called wedding rings, and rings with inserts are decorative.

Beads - type of women's jewelry. They are made from precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones, from glass, bone, wood, plastic. Beads beautifully complement the clothes and should be harmoniously combined with it.

Bracelets- made for jewelry and watches. Depending on the design, there are rigid, spring-loaded locks. Finishing: smooth, engraved, embossed, with niello, enamel, wire, with an insert of stones.

medallions- these are small pendants, the front side is smooth or with a pattern (openable, not openable).

Headsets- This is a set of items with the same artistic design.

Zodiac signs- a picture corresponding to the constellation.

Toiletries include powder boxes, tie clips, framed mirrors, jewelry boxes, perfume bottles, etc.

Serving items are intended for table decoration. These include crockery and cutlery made of precious metals. Products are produced in the form of separate items, in the form of services and devices.

The range of items for interior decoration includes small sculptures, wall decorations, flower vases, caskets, stone carvings, etc.

Accessories for watches include bracelets, onboard chains - watch straps, etc. Onboard chains are designed to fasten pocket watches to the side of the vest. The length of the side chains is 300 mm.

Souvenirs are products that reflect national or regional cultural characteristics, as well as memorable dates, achievements in sports, etc.

1.5Consumer properties of jewelry

The main consumer properties are aesthetic. Jewelry has a beautiful appearance, and can always find its buyer. Most consumers have a desire for beauty and harmony. Appearance, design, fashion, style, perfection of production performance can serve as indicators of aesthetic properties.

Appearance- a complex indicator, including the shape, color, surface condition.

Design- due to their artistic design.

Style is a historically established community of means of artistic expression.

Fashion- manifestation of the tastes of consumers, formed or established in a certain social environment, through the external design of goods. Most quickly, fashion changes to non-food items, namely jewelry.

1.6Marking, branding and packaging of jewelry

All jewelry must have a sample. The main types of samples: spool, metric, carat.

Spool test was used in Russia until 1927, and was determined by the number of precious metal spools in a pound of alloy (the spool was 4.266 g of gold, the pound is equal to 96 spools or 409.5 g).

Metric proof adopted in 1922, but actually began to be applied since 1927. The metric test means the amount of precious metal in 1000 weight units of the alloy and is indicated by a three-digit number.

So, gold of 583-metric test means that in 1000 g there are 583 g of chemically pure gold, the remaining 417 g are ligature metals.

Carat tests and the word "gold" are indicated on gold imported products. If the products are marked “gold-field”, then this means that the product is made of a certain alloy with gold plating; at the same time, the manufacturer indicates the sample of gold and the thickness of the deposition.

If such a product is made in Germany, then the explanatory marking "Goldmult" - "painted in gold" is indicated on it.

For silver, there are lot, metric and spool samples. If the product was made at the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, the hallmark is in the spool system (samples 78, 84.90). If the product was produced before the end of the 19th century, then it was marked with Roman numerals - a lot test. Since 1927, silver items have been marked with the hallmark of the metric system. The ratio of metric, spool and carat samples of gold. Sample system (Table No. 2).

Marking (branding) of articles made of precious metals is regulated by the following regulations:

ü Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.1992 No. 1152 “Regulations on samples and branding of products from precious metals in the Russian Federation”;

ü Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 No. 114 and dated June 15, 1994 No. 684.

Table number 2

The ratio of metric, spool and carat samples of gold. Sample system.




375 36 9 583 56 14 750 72 18 958 92 23 1000 96 24

In accordance with these documents, the sale of jewelry is carried out only if they have hotprints of the state hallmarks of the Russian Federation.

Name - an imprint of the maker's mark, consisting of numbers and letters. The number indicates the year of manufacture, and the letter indicates the manufacturer's symbol. Details are indicated on the label of products made of precious metals: on the front side - the name and trademark of the manufacturer, product name, product code, article number, name and sample of the precious metal, weight of the product in grams. On the reverse side - the size of the ring, bracelet, chain, the name of the material of the inserts, the designation of the standard.

Labels are attached with white thread and sealed.

Jewelry has all-Russian articles. The first digit of the product is the product material group, the second and third are the product group, the fourth and fifth are the insert material, the subsequent digits from 01 to 99 are the serial number. For example: art.101011 - 1-material - gold; 01 - watch bracelet; 01 - without insert, 1z serial number.

Jewelry Packaging

Jewelry is packed in individual, group and transport containers. Individual packaging is made of paper bags, plastic film bags, boxes of various materials and cases. Packaging should ensure the safety of the quality of products and their quantity during transportation and storage.

On boxes with fragile products, warning labels or icons should be applied: “Do not throw!”, “Top”, a picture of a glass, which means: “Caution glass”.

Stores selling products made of precious metals must have scales to check parcels and boxes with products with an accuracy of 1 gram, and each product - up to 0.01 gram.

1.7 Jewelry handling and care

To preserve jewelry, it is necessary to handle it with care and follow the rules of operation and care. It is not recommended to leave rings on the hand when doing household chores. It should be remembered that when performing work involving the use of sulphurous, mercury compounds, dark spots may appear on gold products, and the products may be destroyed.

A dark coating appears on silver products in wet rooms. Dark spots from silver items are removed mainly by brushing with tooth powder or finely crushed chalk. You can refresh silver items by washing in warm soapy water with the addition of ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Pearls tarnish from the sweat and fat secreted by the body, and also deteriorate from dampness. From sharp fluctuations in temperature, it collapses. To remove fatty deposits, pearls should be washed with soapy water, then rinsed and dried. Pearls should be stored in a dry place.

2.Research of the trade assortment of jewelry

2.1 Analysis of the range of jewelry

a) men; (20%) b) women; (80%)

The survey involved 50 women and 50 men, women are more likely to purchase jewelry.

2. Age?

a) under 18 years of age; (25%) c) from 30 to 50 years; (10%)

b) from 18 to 30 years; (60%)d) over 50 years; (five%)

As a result of the analysis, it turned out that the largest number of purchases falls on the age of 18 to 30 years, then either tastes for the purchase of goods change, or the absence of favorable conditions for this.

3. Social status?

a) worker; (5%) c) student; (five%)

b) an entrepreneur; (50%)d) pensioner; (5%)

e) a housewife; (35%)

More jewelry is purchased by an entrepreneur and a housewife, it all depends on the availability of finances.

4. Consumer preferences when choosing a store?

a) Adamas (18%) d) Department store (12.2%)

b) Diamond (13.8%) e) Jewelery Empire (11.6%)

c) At the Amur Fair (12.7%) f) Huafu shopping center (9.5)

When choosing a store, Adamas is preferred (18%), this store has established itself on the positive side.

5. Does the price affect your choice when buying?

b) no; (40%)

For consumers in the city of Blagoveshchensk, the price plays an important role when choosing jewelry, but for 40% of consumers it is not a problem.

6. What do you prefer more?

a) gold; (65%) c) others; (10%)

b) silver; (25%)

Among consumers, gold is the most acceptable option, depending on tastes, age, social status.

7. Which gems do you prefer?

a) a diamond (35%) b) ruby; (15%)

c) pearls; (35%) d) emerald; (fifteen%)

Buyers give the greatest preference to diamonds and pearls.

8. When choosing items of personal jewelry, you often focus on:

a) earrings; (35%) b) rings; (35%)

c) beads; (20%) d) clips; (10%)

The most purchased products are earrings and rings, beads and clip-on earrings are less purchased.

9. Is the quality of the manufactured product one of the important indicators when making a purchase?

a) yes; (96%)b) No; (4%)

The majority of jewelry consumers believe that quality is the most important indicator.

10. What causes pearls to tarnish?

a) Fat; (60%) b) don't know; (40%)

Conclusion: As a result of the research, it turned out:

ü The majority of jewelry consumers are women;

ü The price is a significant indicator when choosing any product;

ü Adamas store is the best store among analogues;

ü Consumers insist on the quality of the product;

ü Most consumers choose gold when buying.

3.Jewelry Confirmation

3.1Certification participants

Certification participants are manufacturers of products and service providers, the first party - applicants, customers-sellers, as well as organizations representing a third party - certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers), the federal testing authority for technical regulation.

The main participants are applicants, certification bodies (CB) and testing laboratories (TL). It is they who participate in the procedure of each specific object at all stages.

The applicant has the right:

ü Choose the form and scheme of confirmation of conformity provided for certain types of products;

ü Apply for mandatory certification in any (OS) area of ​​accreditation, which is distributed to the products that the applicant intends to certify.

The applicant must:

ü Ensure that products meet the established requirements;

ü To put into circulation products that are subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity.

ü Present to the state control bodies, as well as to interested parties, documents confirming the confirmation of compliance.

ü Notify the OS of changes made to the technical documentation or technological processes for the production of certified products.

ü Suspend the production of products that have passed the conformity assessment and do not meet the established requirements on the basis of decisions of state control bodies.

Certification bodies perform the following functions:

ü Engage testing laboratories on a contractual basis for testing in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

ü Exercise control over the objects of certification, if such control is provided for by the relevant scheme of mandatory certification and the contract;

ü Suspend or terminate the certificate of conformity issued by them;

The OS is responsible for the validity and correctness of the issuance of the certificate of conformity, for compliance with the certification rules.

Testing laboratories carry out tests of specific products and issue test reports for certification purposes. IP

They are responsible for the compliance of the certification of tests carried out by it with the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as the reliability and objectivity of the results.

The OS is not entitled to provide information about the applicant to accredited testing laboratories.

3.2 Certification procedure

Product certification takes place in the following stages:

1) Submission of an application for certification;

2) Consideration and decision making on the application;

3) Selection, identification of samples and their testing;

4) Verification of production (if provided by the certification scheme);

5) Analysis of the results obtained, making a decision on the possibility of issuing a certificate;

6) Issuance of a certificate of conformity;

7) Inspection control of certified products in accordance with the certification scheme.

The results of inspection control are documented in an act.

According to the results of control, certification bodies can suspend or cancel the certification, and in case of product compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.


In the course of the work done, it became known: the history of the emergence of jewelry, assortment, classification, production.

The main goal in the conditions of market relations is the formation of a certain assortment. This activity relies on identifying and forecasting future demand, analyzing and estimating for future development.

In the city of Blagoveshchensk, there is a high demand for jewelry, but it is not the same in different periods. During the holidays, the number of purchases increases to 98%. On non-holidays, the number of purchases is not higher than 50%.

Currently, there are more and more jewelry stores in the city. In addition to large salons Adamas, Almaz, Jewelery Empire, there were such as: Goldfish, Russian Gold, Aphrodite, Golden Island, Tuymada Diamond.


1) Melnichenko T.A. Commodity research of jewelry, artistic folk craft. 2002

2) Nikolaeva M.A. Merchandising of consumer goods. 1997

3) Neverov A.N. Commodity research and organization of trade in non-food products. year 2000.

4) Kozyulina N.S. Commodity research of non-food products. 2002.

5) Lifits A.I. Standardization, metrology, certification. year 2000.

From 2 to 5 on. So many styles are distinguished by art historians for each of the periods of history. There are 11 of them. We start the countdown from ancient times.

They are followed by antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Rococo, Classicism. Next come romanticism, eclecticism, modernism and modern times. In the Middle Ages, for example, they worked in the style, in the spirit of the Vikings and in the Gothic manner.

The latter dominated. Some jewelry trends have passed from the era to. In order not to spread the thought along the tree, we will single out the most popular and long-playing ones. Consider their features and philosophical background.

Jewelry in the ancient Egyptian style

They belong to the era of ancient times. It also includes Greek and Byzantine. Egyptian is the most mystified. Most of the jewelry contains divine images.

These are not only creatures with human bodies and heads, but also their earthly incarnations. The scarab, for example, is one of the hypostases. present in many modern styles.

Symbolically, they mean a connection with the luminary, feeding it with energy. Therefore, the use of or tones is typical for the Egyptian direction.

Silver was used less, but it was valued on a par with, since it was associated with Isis. This is the goddess of fertility, and at the same time the secrets of life. So, Egyptian stylistics appeal to the feminine, maternal, creative principles.

Since jewelry in Egypt was dedicated to deities, invoking their location in this way, the jewelry was made massive and bright. Should be visible from heaven. By the way, the Egyptians considered each stone in jewelry to be a conductor to the energy of one of.

The favorite gems of the ancient people were, mountain,. They are also decorated with modern yes, in order to preserve the style of the Egyptian era.

Pictured is an Egyptian-style decoration.

Gothic style jewelry

Gothic style jewelry almost not inferior in massiveness to the ancient Egyptian ones. The philosophy of the era is based on the dream of God's city on earth. Hence the majestic structures with pointed elements.

The latter became a sign of aspiration to heaven. The inhabitants of the Middle Ages saw the City of God as something monumental and majestic. This was reflected in architecture, and then in clothes and jewelry. There was no place for flying tissues and barely noticeable yes.

They chose from the stones of the Middle Ages. Shaded with white metals, it reminded of the frailty of life. It was also associated with rings in the form of skulls. Rubies reminded of the blood of the Lord. Gothic jewelry, in general, is replete with hidden and explicit creeds, for example,.

Oriental style jewelry

The style is timeless, linked to the geography and culture of the region. Egyptian also belong to the east. Other jewels of the group are just as large. Their massiveness can be expressed in compositions of dozens of small items.

In, for example, thin ones are worn like this. But, whatever the jewels of the East, they are always symmetrical. Harmony is the basis of the attitude of the inhabitants of the region. They do not like disorder and believe that only symmetry can be divine.

Oriental style jewelry

Japanese style jewelry

The Japanese focused on hair ornaments. They were invested not so much religious as social meaning. They called the similarity of hairpins, decorated with stones and flowers,.

Historically, their coloring, the number and type of buds, without words, told what kind of woman was born, what she does, whether she is married or not. The main materials for kanzashi: and turtles.

Of these, others are made in the Japanese style. Residents of the country gravitate towards natural materials with warm energy. Cold metal is more often allowed on weapons than jewelry. Kanzashi style jewelry give warmth to natural materials.

Wear, and the Japanese began only a few decades ago. Prior to this, kimonos and hairstyles were richly decorated. There was no need for other decor.

Having taken off their kimono and loosened their hair, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising did not refuse the abundance of silk in their jewelry. Fabrics in Japanese jewelry are equivalent to wood and.

Japanese style jewelry

Shibori Jewelry

The cult of silk is elevated to the forefront in shibori. This is a subclass of Japanese jewelry. However, historically shibori was invented in India, from where the technique "came" to the islands. It turns out that the style is more oriental, it has a lot of ethnicity.

The essence of products in a special technique of dyeing fabrics. Nodules are tied on them, into which the pigment penetrates only partially. As a result, stains appear on the matter. In jewelry, such fabrics are combined with beads, stones, metal,.

Shibori fabrics are voluminous. Without folds on fabrics, their coloring looks worse. Shibori silk ribbons are specially pleated. Such beauty does not make sense to crush. Therefore, shibori jewelry is large in size, but light, like the silk itself. The compositions are usually based on felt and leather.

In the photo, decoration in the style of shibori

Ethno style jewelry

An even broader concept than the jewels of the East. Ethnic jewelry includes products in national style. There may be Egyptian, and Japanese, and African, and Indian motifs.

Canons of beauty were created at the stage of formation of tribes. Then they did not have glass or plastic at their disposal. Ethno style jewelry purely natural, made from threads, shells, wood, metal and. Jewelers also work with skin, bones, fangs, horsehair.

Ethno jewelry is a material expression of the wisdom of the people, their beliefs. The Tibetans, for example, created dzi. These are elongated pebbles with holes in the center. Basically, they take.

This is a variety of quartz, and it is the most common mineral on earth. There is also plenty of quartz in Tibet. Eyes are schematically applied to dZi beads. One will give confidence.

Two eyes promise happiness in love. Three eyes on the bead help to achieve prosperity and wealth. The inhabitants of Tibet believe that dZi beads fell from heaven and carry their patronage.

Ethno style decoration

Russian style jewelry

Russian style jewelry- a particular example of ethnicity. It is easier to call them Slavic. Modern masters recreate neck torcs. These are metal necklaces. As a rule, stylized rays depart from the base.

Reminds teeth, but they symbolize the sun. The hryvnias themselves are a barrier to the exit of the soul from the body. Our ancestors believed that metal on - a kind of castle.

Almost all jewelry had a protective value. In addition to metals, beads and were used. Slavic style, for example, corresponds to red. This is also a ring symbol.

Color is associated with the sun, that is, light, life. But, most importantly, red is visible from afar. Evil spirits will not want to fly to the "fire". The circle of the bracelet closes a person, does not allow filth to approach him.

In the photo, decorations in the Slavic style

Nautical style jewelry

This style is alien to the Slavs. It is believed that the fashion of copying sailors' outfits originated in England. A portrait of the son of Louis the 16th has been preserved. painted by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun. This is a French portrait painter.

So, the heir to Louis is depicted in a suit similar to that of sailors. The people began to follow the rulers. Then, Coco Chanel introduced the marine style to the masses.

But, nautical decorations do not end with strands of pearls, anchors and a combination of blue and white. Jewelers make shells, turtles, tridents and mermaids from metal and stones.

The fashion for nautical-style jewelry was born during modern times, that is, at the end of the 19th century. Like modern products, the jewels of the "seas" are characterized by streamlined shapes.

However, there may be some causticity in the decorations of the category. In this regard, the direction is eclectic, that is, it absorbs the features of other styles of art, for example, art deco. To catch his motives, just look at the platinum star.

The metal is given the shape of rough twigs of corals. Intertwined with oval diamonds and drop-shaped onyxes, they make up the likeness of a starfish. Pear-shaped crystals look up with sharp edges. It seems that the decoration is prickly.

Nautical style jewelry

Gatsby Jewelry

The Great Gatsby is a novel by Francis Fitzgerald. He came out in 1925. The same year is the starting point for art deco style. He replaced Art Nouveau and belongs to the newest time of art. It was the Jazz Age outside.

During the break between the two world wars, people tried to forget themselves, to get away from the realities of the world, surrounding themselves with luxury. Hence the deliberate decorativeness of art deco and decorations in the style.

They have a lot of geometric patterns, color contrasts and expensive materials, for example, ivory,. Among the favorites, as well, pearls. Its threads become infinitely long, then hang down to the floor, then repeatedly wrap around the neck,.

The Jazz Age is also famous for hair ornaments. The ladies began to cut them off, emphasizing the beauty of their faces with hoops from the same,. The compositions were complemented with feathers, opals and diamonds. These are the very jewels, looking at which you remember the images of Hollywood divas, their luxurious, sophisticated and refined life.

Gatsby Jewelry

Provence style jewelry

This style is opposed to Art Deco. Instead of the splendor of a big city - rural comfort. Provence is a region of France where agricultural plots, vineyards, and lavender fields are concentrated.

Its lilac inflorescences-spikelets are the main motif in the decorations of the style. Lavender buds are made from, and other stones. The products emphasize the naturalness of village life, its freedom and unpretentiousness.

Instead of fanciful geometry - flowers and petals. Instead of color contrast overflows of halftones. Instead of ostentatiously luxurious materials - any. Even a wreath of wild flowers - decoration in Provence style.

In the photo, decoration in the style of Provence

Boho style jewelry

The roots of the style go back to the Middle Ages, as it borrowed the name from the gypsy tribes that roamed France in the 15th-16th centuries. Bohemiens is translated as "wandering".

People of art noticed the freedom-loving gypsies, their brightness and disobedience to common canons. This tempted the creators and they began to imitate the vagrants with their clothes and jewelry.

The city dwellers mixed their style with their own. It turned out something bright, original, multi-layered. So, boho style jewelry must be extravagant.

Boho-style jewelry is worn massively. There are several rings on each finger, dozens of bracelets on her hands, and fenichny threads and diamond necklaces around her neck.

The combination of penny textures, materials, designs with bohemian chic is the basis of the direction. Mandatory, as well, femininity. The volume of jewelry and their mass are facilitated by floral motifs, flowing ribbons, and flowers. There is ethnicity, but there is no rudeness.

Boho style jewelry

Steampunk jewelry

Steampunk is the idea of ​​a steam engine civilization. Humanity has surpassed it. The era of steampunk suggests a frozen time of the middle of the 19th century, that is, the period of classicism.

If people still use steam engines, they would be improved, like other inventions of the era. This is the idea of ​​steampunk jewelry.

Here are nuts, and gears, screws, valves and other components of the technological breakthrough of the 19th century. Rings resemble segments of metal pipes.

On the chain weighs a dial from, or an alien assembled from mechanical units. Earrings are also a set of gears and cogs sealed in glass rectangles.

Of the materials, it recognizes not only metal, but also mahogany, natural threads, ropes. Of the stones, onyx and fit into the direction. Their combination seems gloomy.

However, steampunk jewelry is used even for images. Bolts complemented with lace and satin look intriguing, give a sense of the versatility of nature and a combination of tenderness with durability.

Pictured is a steampunk decoration
