Features of ecological education of preschoolers in preschool. Ecological education in dow

Environmental education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a continuous process of development of children, aimed at shaping their ecological culture, which is expressed in the presence of:

  • sustainable knowledge about nature and its relationships;
  • respect for nature;
  • correct understanding of the concept of "healthy lifestyle";
  • moral and environmentally valuable attitudes, behavioral skills;
  • emotional responsiveness to wildlife;
  • positive aesthetic sensations from admiring nature;
  • ability to recognize the features of the surrounding world.

The issues of the implementation of environmental education in a preschool educational institution are especially important. After all, just at the age of 3-5 years, the foundations of attitude are laid. On the other hand, the child's knowledge of nature is an important factor in the educational process.

Environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the GEF, can be implemented through the following activities:

  • observations;
  • experiences;
  • research;
  • games;
  • work;
  • artistic and aesthetic practice;
  • acquaintance with natural history literature;
  • physical education and sports.

An important point is the need for environmental education in two directions:

  • in training sessions;
  • in everyday life.

It is necessary to strive, as far as possible, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom in the process of subject-transforming activity in nature. Children should be involved in caring for plants and animals, maintaining a favorable ecological environment. As a result, preschoolers form a personal experience of influencing nature, cognitive interests are activated, and a need for activities in nature is formed.

Forms of environmental education

The kindergarten teacher has a wide range of forms of environmental education:

  • collective;
  • group;
  • individual.

Among collective forms the most popular are the ecological holidays “Gifts of Nature”, “Autumn Ball”, “Hello, summer”, “Oh, winter-winter”, etc. Also often practiced is joint labor activity for cleaning and landscaping, work in flower beds and the site. Children should be encouraged to participate in trainings, conferences, lessons of kindness, environmental marathons and festivals.

To group forms of work include excursions, research and experiments. An effective form of group work is to involve children in the development of projects. In addition, for small groups of pupils, it is recommended to organize such events as the performance of the propaganda team, role-playing games, the activities of circles or clubs of an environmental orientation, and participation in environmental campaigns.

AT individual form observing nature. Positive emotions are evoked in children by such types of individual activities as participation in competitions, artistic and aesthetic activities: making crafts, modeling, creating drawings, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the existing forms of interaction with parents:

  • consultations;
  • contests;
  • family meetings;
  • exhibitions of children's works;
  • methodical bulletins;
  • holidays.

The participation of parents in joint work with children increases the interest of preschoolers in the task, helps to establish contact between family members, bring them together emotionally, and contributes to the formation of an ecological culture among adults. The main thing is to interest parents in such activities, to offer them personally significant environmental information.

Methods of ecological education of preschoolers

Determining the most effective methods of environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, it is necessary to give preference to games, visual-effective and project-based ones.


The main method of environmental education is observation. It allows you to carry out sensory knowledge of objects of nature. In this case, all forms of perception can be involved.

Most often, preschoolers are invited to observe the state of nature and plant life. Such observations should be made regularly throughout the year. This type of work is an indispensable element of daily walks. In addition, birds, domestic animals and insects become objects of observation from time to time. Approximately 1-2 times a month, children observe social objects, features of the work activity of adults.

When organizing surveillance, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • the object of observation must be accessible to perception;
  • the time for observation should be 5-10 minutes;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests.

The main thing is that observation should not be an end in itself. It is necessary that this process be multi-stage:

  • perception of objects of nature;
  • study of the characteristics of a given object, its relationship with other objects or phenomena;
  • creative display of the received information.

The teacher should direct the activities of preschoolers in the process of observation, ask questions, and set problem tasks for them. The main thing is to evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to continue such activities on their own.

A game

The game provides children with freedom of action, looseness and the opportunity to take the initiative. However, in order to use gaming activities in the process of environmental education, it is necessary to organize it in such a way that there is no threat or harm to wildlife.

An obligatory attribute of children's life are toys that depict objects of nature. Playing with them, preschoolers imitate the habits and lifestyle of animals.

A separate type of work on environmental education is the manufacture of toys from natural materials. Children will get acquainted with the characteristics of natural objects, and the fact that as a result of such an activity a beautiful bright toy will turn out increases interest in these activities.

Story games, practice games, illustration games and dramatizations are practiced in kindergarten. It is very useful to offer children practical games with objects such as sand, water, clay. The purpose of these games is not only to have fun and make a figure or make a house (splashing water, blowing soap bubbles, etc.), but also to learn the properties of these natural materials.

Project activity

A great way to combine a variety of activities aimed at understanding the world around us is the project method. It provides for the implementation by preschoolers of practical purposeful activities and contributes to the formation of their personal life experience in interaction with natural objects.

Working on a project gives the child the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge, feel like a tester, and participate “on an equal footing” with adults in joint cognitive activities. With preschoolers, you can implement research, practice-oriented, role-playing, creative projects. Usually these are short-term group or individual projects.

Creation of ecological environment

An important educational aspect that influences the formation of ecological culture among preschoolers is the creation of a favorable ecological environment in kindergarten. This is a continuous process that involves the organization of a special ecological space and the implementation of regular actions aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for wildlife in it.

The most common varieties of this form of work are the creation of a "living corner", the cultivation of indoor flowers, the design of a flower bed. The educational effect will be achieved only if children do not just observe animals and plants, but take an active part in caring for them.

The relevance of environmental problems in modern society brings the issues of environmental education to the fore. An important task is being solved in a preschool institution - not only to reveal the beauty of nature to children, but also to teach them to notice and appreciate it on their own.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 3 "Solnyshko" settlement Liman" of the Astrakhan region

Ecological education in kindergarten»

Be prepared by:

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3

"Sun" p. Liman "

KaryukinLidia Mikhailovna

“All efforts in education will be in vain,

until you teach your pupils

love the field, the birds and the flowers.”

D. reskin

Preschool age is a valuable stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of the personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature, the world around. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude towards the environment, forms the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to form ecological knowledge, norms and rules of interaction with nature, foster empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional, moral and effective attitude to the world. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is not by chance that teachers face the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

Environmental education is carried out in kindergarten through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in the classroom. In the implementation of the tasks of environmental education, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are the corners of nature in all gruppah, room of nature, a properly designed and cultivated area, giving the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature; organizing systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, introducing children to regular work. On the site you can createspecial playground of nature,outline an ecological path, highlight , corner of the Green Pharmacy.

Tasks of teacherscome down to the following:

1. Create conditions for the formation of elementary biological ideas:

to acquaint with the development of life on Earth (talk about the origin, variety of life forms: about microorganisms, plants, animals, their origin, life features, habitat, etc.) ;

to provide an opportunity to master educational material in an accessible form;

to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

2. Provide conditions for the development of environmental consciousness:

to acquaint with representatives of animate and inanimate nature;

talk about the relationship and interaction of all objects of nature;

to promote the formation of a consciously correct attitude to the planet Earth (our common home) and to man as part of nature;

to acquaint with the problem of environmental pollution, with the rules of personal safety;

promote the development of a careful and responsible attitude towards the environment;

create conditions for independent activities to preserve and improve the environment.

. I use forms and methods of working with childrentsyathe most varied.These are excursions, observations, viewing pictures, classes - conversations of a cognitive-heuristic nature, various role-playing, didactic and educational games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, environmental tests and tasks, video and audio recordings.

Work in preschool

Introduction to the natural world . Excursion toentertainment center "October"G. Astrakhan.

A feature of environmental education is the great importance of a positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, educators not only take this into account themselves, but also pay considerable attention to working with parents. Here it is necessary to reach full mutual understanding. Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it..ATto instill in children a positive attitude towards nature is possible only when the parents themselves have an ecological culture. The effect of raising children is largely due to the extent to which environmental values ​​are perceived by adults as vital. A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They act like the adults around them. Parents should be aware of this. That is why, before starting ecologicalwork with children, parents should be involved in this problem.ATpreschool teachers conductparent meetings, lecture halls, open days . Exhibitions of flowers, handicrafts made from natural materials, a competition of drawings about nature are held annually. Parents attend classes on ecology, take part in environmental events, holidays : "We are friends of nature"Autumn Melody”, “Winter Tale”, etc.

To kidyou need to show various manifestations of beauty in the natural world: flowering plants, shrubs and trees in autumn dress, chiaroscuro contrasts, landscapes at different times of the year, and much, much more. At the same time, an adult should remember that absolutely everything that lives in full-fledged (unspoiled, not poisoned, unlimited) conditions is beautiful in nature - this is the sphere of aesthetic feelings, aesthetic perception of the child.

ATeducation in children of love for nature, the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks of the kindergarten. In this work, his first helpers should be his parents.

The effectiveness of solving the problems of environmental education depends on their repeated and variable use. They contribute to the formation of clear knowledge about the world around preschoolers.


1. Manevtsova L.M. "Leaf in the palm of your hand" - St. Petersburg.: « CHILDHOOD -PRESS" 2004

2. Kondratieva N.N. etc. "We" environmental education program

children" - St. Petersburg.: « CHILDHOOD_ PRESS, 2000

3. Bondarenko T.M. « Ecologicalphysical activities with children 5-6 years old ”- Voronezh. TC-Teacher. 2004

For many centuries, man behaved like a consumer in relation to nature: he cut down forests, mined minerals, was engaged in agriculture, not thinking about the future. This led to a reduction in the area of ​​forests, depletion of land resources, subsoil.

There comes a turning point in the history of the development of the planet, when a person begins to think about the consequences of his consumer attitude to the earth. The upbringing of a new person who is able to assess the scale of the problem has become relevant.

Ecological education in kindergarten

Already at a young age, the interaction of the baby with peers, with adults, with objects of nature begins. The child shows curiosity, asks why questions, adopts the values ​​and traditions of the elders.

Ages 3 to 6 are the most susceptible. A preschooler learns from the experience of adults, based on trust in them. From an early age, he learns to actively cooperate with nature, to empathize with her.

Ecological education is laid in the family and continues in the nursery. Each preschool institution draws up its own program for the formation of environmental knowledge, covering the entire educational process, starting with a walk and ending with training sessions.

Problems of environmental education

The main problem in this direction is the low equipment of gardens. Conditions are necessary for the creation of a winter garden, mini-laboratories. For the implementation of gaming activities, didactic materials, maps, manuals, models, toys are needed.

The second problem is the viability of the developed system of education. The program and the whole methodology of environmental education of preschoolers will be implemented in the case when each stage of work is thought out, the result of the work: how we want to see the pupil at the time of entering the school.

Criteria for environmental education of older preschoolers

The well-known teacher and scientist T. A. Markova believes that the main criteria can be:

  • goodwill of children to all living things;
  • the degree of interest in animate and inanimate nature;
  • desire to contact natural subjects;
  • the ability to take care of plants and animals.

Ecological culture allows you to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, feel responsible for your steps and understand the consequences of a harmful attitude to the earth.

How does the formation of ecological representation among preschoolers begin in the preschool educational institution

The first step is to create conditions for this work: a corner of nature with an aquarium, small animals in a group, a small winter garden, a museum of nature. The living corner may contain birds, fish, reptiles, small animals.

The guys feed them, clean, observe, study their features. Walks are also important, when the children observe and draw conclusions about certain phenomena in animate and inanimate nature.

The role of parents in environmental education cannot be underestimated. Now the families contain cats, dogs, parrots, turtles. There are aquariums, indoor plants. Adults should daily introduce children to the world of nature, comprehend its secrets, so that from early childhood there is a sense of unity with the outside world.

Goals and objectives of environmental education for preschoolers

Environmental education in kindergarten and the very methodology of environmental education of preschoolers is a set of activities aimed at performing several tasks:

  1. To give an idea of ​​the interconnectedness of the subjects of nature.
  2. Cultivate a respectful and thrifty attitude towards the “common home”.
  3. Learn how to properly interact with the subjects of the surrounding world.

Purpose: to form an ecological culture of the child.

Conditions for environmental education

The formation of knowledge and skills in ecology requires compliance with certain conditions in preschool institutions. The process itself involves the education of ecological culture of children of senior preschool age with the following approaches:

  • integrated approach, i.e. implementation of the process of environmental education through various activities: musical, theatrical, artistic, physical, gaming, labor;
  • organization of an ecological and developing environment in kindergarten;
  • use of the surrounding nature as the development of ecological culture;
  • monitoring to identify the level of environmental education of preschool children.

The system of work on the education of ecological culture of preschool children

Forms of environmental education


The main form of environmental education in kindergarten is a lesson. On them, the intuitive ideas of children are transformed, deepened, expanded. The process of environmental education of preschoolers takes place in several types of classes:

  1. At the primary familiarization classes, children get acquainted with plants and animals, their habitat and growth, living conditions. This refers to those objects of nature that cannot be observed around oneself. The teacher talks about plants and animals, shows their appearance, introduces the manners, habits of animals, features of plant growth. Paintings, videos, conversations, reading excerpts from works of art, for example, stories by V. Bianchi, are used as visual aids. Introductory classes are held in all groups.
  2. In-depth cognitive classes are designed to form the idea of ​​preschoolers about the relationships between plants and animals, the relationship between plant growth and the weather conditions of a certain area, the dependence of animals on environmental factors, the adaptability of animals, reptiles, birds to natural conditions. The means of visualization here can be a demonstration of models of natural complexes, a targeted conversation, primitive experiments.
  3. In generalizing classes, knowledge is systematized, a single picture of a particular natural environment is formed, conclusions are drawn about the relationship between flora and fauna, climatic conditions, and soil. For example, generalizing classes on the topics "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer".
  4. Classes of a complex nature are based on the interaction of different types of activities: creative, playful, artistic. They often go beyond one lesson. The alternation of playing and drawing, reading and viewing does not tire preschoolers. If this happens, physical exercises or physical minutes come to the rescue.


This is one of the most interesting forms of work. The advantage of the tour is that preschool children can directly contemplate the inhabitants of the zoo, park, meadow, square. They can listen to birds singing, smell flowers, stroke animals and reptiles, examine their appearance, observe their behavior and nutrition. These are nature tours.

You can take children on excursions to agricultural enterprises: greenhouses, gardens, greenhouses, vegetable gardens. Such trips are organized to get acquainted with the work of people at different enterprises. Conducting excursions requires a lot of preparation: the educator himself needs to familiarize himself with the method of conducting it, think over the main stages, types of activities, techniques that may be of interest to preschool children.

Search activity

Primary search activity is organized for older preschoolers. In the course of joint work, a problematic question is formulated that requires an answer: why do birds fly south? Why does the snow melt? Why are the leaves falling?

Search activity is either a heuristic conversation, or observation, or experiment.

Methods and techniques of environmental education

The methodology of ecological education of preschoolers implies 3 groups of methods:

  1. Visual: looking at pictures, modeling, watching movies, observing.
  2. Practical: game, experiments, physical labor.
  3. Verbal: storytelling, reading.

Visual Methods

The formation of adequate ideas about the environment is possible when using visual aids in the classroom. Keeping weather calendars, getting acquainted with the paintings of famous landscape painters, watching documentaries about the forest, meadow, mountains expand and deepen the understanding of preschoolers about nature, consolidate knowledge about the interaction of representatives of animate and inanimate nature.

Observation makes it possible to learn the relationship of animals and plants, their adaptability to the conditions of the natural environment. It develops figurative thinking, increases interest in the observed objects. Examples of topics in the younger group: getting to know the bird, its appearance, its feeding, behavior, in the older group: the living conditions of the bird, its hearing, rest, sleep.

Modeling models of forests, meadows, lakes, fields can become a common project of children, educators and parents. Joint activities will strengthen the positive worldview of the project participants.

Practical Methods

In the older preschool age, curiosity begins to manifest itself in children, and in this period such practical methods as primitive experience and experiment are effective.

It is interesting to make small experiments with water, sand, clay, stone. All these materials make up the natural landscape. Educators offer to freeze water, give it different colors, compare the strength of wood and stone, watch how sand and clay pass water. These are small experiments that arouse interest in a five-year-old child.

verbal methods

It all depends on the ability of the educator to tell about the life of plants and animals in an interesting way. Diction, intonation, tone of voice also play a big role in awakening kids' interest in life around them. The story may be accompanied by a conversation between the teacher and the children.

Reading excerpts from cognitive and fiction develops the imagination, enhances mental activity, generates curiosity, gives ground for curiosity, the desire to know the natural world.

Organization of a subject-play environment in the process of environmental education of preschoolers

In the kindergarten, a subject-play environment is organized in order to awaken the cognitive interest of children in the unknown surrounding space. The main activity in preschool age is play. This includes excursions, houseplant care, and keeping a weather calendar. Thanks to the skillful approach of the educator through the game, children learn about the world, begin to feel like a part of it, begin to think about how to behave with nature.

Effective environmental education through play activities

Through the game, the understanding of the life of plants and animals, obtained during excursions, direct contact with the inhabitants of the meadow, forest, pond, is fixed.

Technology of the ecological game:

  1. Selecting a theme from the program.
  2. Definition of the purpose and conditions of the game.
  3. Thinking through the phased moves of the game.
  4. Distribution of roles.
  5. Introduction to the rules.

The method of teaching such games depends on the characteristics of the age of the preschooler. There are different types of games: subject, board, verbal, creative. When creating creative game situations, you can use fairy-tale characters.

For example, Little Red Riding Hood goes to her grandmother through the forest and can meet different inhabitants, collect leaves from forest trees. Toys are important for games: dolls, fish, animals. They should be aesthetic, bright, realistic. In this case, the game stimulates the activity of children, increases their emotional mood.

Creation of a favorable ecological environment

The process will be successful when a favorable, positive ecological environment is created around the child.

The presence of experimental sites in the garden, an ecological trail, a winter garden, an aquarium, a living corner makes it possible to increase the efficiency of all forms and methods of work in this direction.

Problematic tasks in environmental education

The teacher can start the experiment with a problematic task, for example: what will happen to the plants if all the water dries up? What will happen to the plants if eternal night comes? ... After such questions-assumptions, children should be involved directly in the experience. Another option is possible: the children perform the experiment, and as a conclusion from it, a question is posed.

However, in the teacher's reserve there is also a demonstration experience, which is often used in practical classes. But it is not worth identifying it with the educational one. A mandatory requirement before demonstrating such an experience is a clear explanation to the children of its purpose and the content of the task, and at the end of it, the children draw conclusions and arguments on their own.

The educator only corrects the newly acquired knowledge, encourages children to independently select similar experiments thematically. In all cases, the educator should remember that the main condition for the effectiveness of the research work of children is their active active position.

Actions with objects of nature are an obligatory component of knowledge. At the same time, the actions of children should be clearly adequate to the knowledge, skills and abilities that are being acquired. And the material environment for the experiment should allow for its variability and problematic nature, stimulate children to further knowledge.

The nature of the actions of older preschoolers is determined by:

  • the level of development, the possibility of creating microgroups with differentiated tasks, adapted content, means for them;
  • the level of development of speech, the ability to argue their own assumptions, reasoning;
  • the level of development of verbal-conceptual thinking, the ability to generalize by comparison, highlighting the common in a number of features, objects, as well as abstraction;
  • the content of a specific task, which, depending on the situation, must be completed in stages or in full.

Children will get acquainted with the science of ecology at school, but environmental education must begin at a preschool age. To some, this may seem premature. However, child psychologists note the age of 5-6 years as the most receptive, open to learning. During this period, the child's attitude to himself, to the world around him is formed, a coordinate of values ​​is built.

Every year the environmental situation in the world is deteriorating, and our goal, the goal of modern parents and teachers, is to educate environmentally educated people who will treat nature as a friend, protect it, and improve methods for saving it.

Environmental education in kindergarten contributes to:

  • the formation of objective ideas about the processes occurring in nature;
  • formation of respect for nature.

The following programs can be used to work in the ecological direction in kindergarten:

  • The basic program for the development of preschoolers "Origins",
  • Ryzhova N.A.: "Our home is nature",
  • Nikolaeva S.N.: "Young ecologist",
  • Voronkevich O.A.: "Welcome to ecology",
  • Kondratieva E.E.: "We",
  • Veresov A.: "We are earthlings",
  • Popova T.I.: "The world around us",
  • Kochemasova E.E.: "Hello world!".

Environmental education in kindergarten should begin with the teacher himself

Only an environmentally literate person can form an environmentally conscious personality. The teacher must have a number of skills.

Curious is the study conducted in the Tyumen region. More than 200 respondents took part in it: 167 educators and 71 heads from local preschool institutions. The study was conducted in the form of a questionnaire. Let's take a look at some illustrative data.

To the question about work is carried out in the preschool educational institution in the environmental direction by educators who do not have the appropriate education or environmental specialists, it turned out that

  • only in 1.4% of kindergartens classes are conducted by ecologists;
  • in 98.6% of cases, classes are conducted by educators who do not have an environmental education.

In addition, for the most part, preschool institutions lack environmental program and methodological materials:

  • only 16.9% of kindergartens are provided with the necessary equipment and teaching materials in sufficient quantities;
  • in 56.3% of kindergartens there is a lack of methodological material;
  • 26.8% of preschool educational institutions do not have any environmental education materials at all.

O the need to resort to the help of a methodologist-ecologist said heads of 84.5% of preschool institutions.

Ecological education in kindergarten carried out in various forms :

  • the most popular were environmental classes and conversations - 33.9%;
  • excursions and phenological walks - 22.6%,
  • observations in nature - 14.5%,
  • leisure activities - 10.8%,
  • games - 9.7%;
  • practical work (experiments) - 4.8%,
  • consultations with parents - 2.2%,
  • thematic exhibitions - 1.6%.

Forms of environmental education in kindergarten

Environmental education in kindergarten is carried out in several directions: directly with the main participants in the educational process - with children, at the pedagogical level, in cooperation with parents.

Forms of work with children

Forms of work with children include environmental activities and conversations. The rules of safe behavior in nature are discussed with children, classes are held "Pantry of nature", "Forest is a helper of man", "Useful inventions" and others.

The musical director, together with the methodologist and educators, prepares ecological holidays : "Ecological Knowledge Day", "Earth Day", "Summer Festival". Leisure activities are organized in the form of KVN "Connoisseurs of Nature".

During targeted walks, excursions, the teacher, together with the children, conducts observations in nature . This can be both a direct acquaintance with the surrounding flora and fauna, and educational work, for example, with masterpieces of fine art: looking at landscape paintings.

Practical experience children receive by helping to care for plants and animals. As the child grows older, the range of his responsibilities expands. Older children are often involved in joint projects with preschoolers from kindergarten and younger groups. For example, younger guys grow vegetables in the garden, and their older comrades hold demonstrative workshops on cooking salads and other dishes from these vegetables.

Children of the preparatory group can lead "environmental diary" , in which all observations, notes, experiments are entered.

Forms of work with the teaching staff

As the study cited above showed, the teaching staff needs to improve their skills, acquire appropriate skills in the subject of ecology. This is directed business games , for example, "Ecological education by means of wildlife", reviews of partial programs, seminars "Didactic games with ecological content".

It turns out to be in demand workshop "New game techniques that contribute to the environmental education of preschoolers."

One of the stimulating factors is the spirit of competition. Organized vernissages of pedagogical ideas "Ecological walks", "Environmental actions", "Forms of work on environmental education".

To improve the level of environmental literacy of teachers, booklets on topical environmental issues in the world in general and in the city in particular.

Forms of work with parents

Interaction with parents is a necessary component of environmental education in kindergarten. An adult should lead by example to a child.

Despite the fact that many parents do not have free time, they still enthusiastically respond to offers to take part in a joint subbotnik , landscaping the territory of the kindergarten, preparing feeders, collecting garbage, batteries, etc.

Environmental education should be continued beyond the preschool. On weekends or holidays, children are given the task of collecting together with their parents exhibits for the museum of nature in the garden, make crafts from natural material, draw a wall newspaper .

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 10 "Beryozka"


Environmental education in the preschool educational institution »

Prepared by: Ermakova S.I. educator

general development groups

from 3 to 4 years old №6 "Bees"


The time is not far off when today's boys and girls will become adults, and responsibility for the life of our society, for the fate of the entire Earth will fall on their shoulders. That is why it is very important to cultivate in each of them a feeling of love for nature, respect for all living things, the ability to foresee the consequences of their behavior in nature.

The child must understand that in nature there is no "no one's" river, unnecessary grass, useless insects. In nature, everything is harmoniously interconnected, the violation of one of the chains threatens to disrupt the natural balance.

What is ecology?

Ecology - This is a science that studies the relationship of organisms with the environment and with each other.

See how sometimes frivolously, neglecting the elementary norms of behavior, we can throw away a plastic bottle, cups. And so do many, and all this happens in front of children. But we need to educate the ecological culture of behavior among preschoolers, to awaken their ecological consciousness. ecological culture behavior is formed on the basis of knowledge, practical skills, aesthetic experiences. A preschooler must learn to empathize with living beings: the living is hurt, he must be loved, it is impossible to kill an animal, we have no right to destroy what nature has created. We need to put in the minds of children a sense of the world around us, as a huge house in which we all live.Recently, two types of programs have been created: integrated, aimed at the comprehensive development of children, and partial, providing one or more areas of education and development. Complex: "Rainbow", "Childhood", "Development", "Origins", "Kindergarten - the house of joy", "Baby". Partial (environmental): "Semitsvetik", "Nature and the artist", "Our home is nature", "Life around us", "Spider line", "We", "Young ecologist".

Tasks of ecological upbringing and education of children:

    Mastering new knowledge, consolidating and enriching previously acquired;

    Formation of skills and abilities to care for plants and animals;

    Formation of the ability to see the relationship of phenomena in nature, the ability to draw conclusions;

    Education of independence through communication with nature;

    Education of aesthetic feelings;

    Education of love for nature, homeland;

Development of imagination, thinking, attention, speech. All work on environmental education and upbringing is built on 3 blocks:

    specially organized training in the form of classes;

    joint activities of an adult with children;

free independent activity of children.

Ecology classes are:

    classes-observation of animals and plants;

    classes on the classification of ideas about nature;

    classes to teach children how to care for plants and animals;

    classes in compiling descriptive, comparative stories about objects of nature;


    classes to familiarize with the work of adults in nature;

    complex classes.

In the classroom, a variety of techniques and methods can be used to ensure the active position of the child and cause the development of emotions and feelings in children, which contribute to the manifestation of a humane attitude towards nature:

    solving problem situations;

    elementary experimentation;

    work with models;




    posing problem questions;

    participation of children in the care of plants;

    completing assignments from workbooks, etc.

The following types of games are used in kindergarten:

    Didactic games to clarify and consolidate knowledge about objects, natural phenomena, plants and animals.

    Object games (with leaves, seeds, flowers) - “Wonderful bag”, “Find out what's in your hand”, “Tops and roots”.

    Board games in order to systematize children's knowledge about plants, animals, inanimate phenomena


    word games “Who flies, runs, jumps”, “In the air, in the water, on the ground”, “The fourth extra”.

    Game exercises on the definition of various objects by their qualities and properties, the development of observation: “Find a tree by a leaf”, “Bring a yellow leaf”, etc.

    Outdoor games in order to imitate the habits of animals, reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature "Mice and a cat", "Sun and rain", "Earth, water, fire, air", etc.

    Creative games in order to reflect the impressions received in the course of classes, excursions, everyday life (plot-role-playing natural history games, building games with natural materials, etc.).

    Task games carried out as a result of observations:

    fairy tales-crosswords about animals;

    solve riddles and recognize heroes;

    find mistakes in the artist, poet;

    maybe it is or not

Verbal Methods:

Reading fiction:

In children's literature, nature is displayed by various artistic means. Being scientific in its content, natural history for children should be artistic at the same time. This is her specialty.

The book about nature is of great educational value. It expands children's ideas, introduces them to natural phenomena, the life of plants and animals, helps to establish connections and relationships that exist in nature.

The founders of the Soviet children's natural history book are V. V. Bianki and M. M. Prishvin. Interesting are the tales of V.V. Bianchi “Whose are these legs?”, “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails”, etc.

Literature for reading and telling children:

N. Akimushkin "These are all cats";

N. Akimushkin "These are all dogs";

V. Bianchi "Fish House";

V. Bianchi "Our Birds";

G. Ganeizer "In the meadow";

Yu. Dmitriev "Who lives in the forest and what grows in the forest";

Yu. Dmitriev "The stories of my clearing";

M. D. Makhlin “About those who are not loved”;

A. Mikhailov "That's the chrysalis!";

N. Osipov "In the water and near the water";

N. Pavlova "Butterflies";

E. Permyak "Chizhik-Pyzhik";

M. M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow";

E. Serova "Our flowers";

N. Sladkov "The Rooks Have Arrived";

N. Sladkov "From Dawn to Dawn";

N. Sladkov "Colorful Wings";

N. Sladkov "Solstice"

G. Skrebitsky "Four Artists";

K. D. Ushinsky "Four Desires";

G. Snegirev "Who Plants the Forest";

V. Chaplin "At the Zoo";

E. Shin "Tales found in the country" and etc.

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems about nature.

Teacher's story:

Solving certain educational tasks, the teacher builds a story taking into account the experience and interest of preschoolers, addresses it to children of a specific age group. This is its advantage in comparison with reading fiction. The perception of a story for children is a rather complex mental activity. The child should be able to listen and hear the speech of an adult, comprehend it in the course of the story, actively recreate quite vivid images on the basis of a verbal description, establish and understand the connections and dependencies that the teacher is talking about, correlate the new content of the story with his previous experience. The educator's story about nature should be built taking into account these requirements. The knowledge communicated in the story must meet the requirements of reliability, scientific character. The teacher, before reporting something to the children, checks the correctness of the facts. The story should be entertaining, have a vivid dynamic plot, be emotional. Plotless stories, long descriptions do not attract the attention of the children, they are not remembered. The story must be accompanied by illustrative material - photographs, paintings, filmstrips. Without visualization, interest in the story decreases, it is worse perceived by children. The duration of the story for older children should be no more than 10-15 minutes.


Based on the didactic tasks, there are 2 types of conversations: preliminary and final. Preliminary conversation is used by educators before observation, excursion. The purpose of such a conversation is to clarify the experience of children in order to establish a connection between the upcoming observation and existing knowledge. The final conversation is aimed at systematization and generalization of the facts obtained, their concretization, consolidation and clarification. These conversations can be of different levels in terms of content: some conversations are held after observing a narrow range of observed objects (for example, a conversation about migratory birds, wintering in the forest, etc.), others that affect a wider range of phenomena (for example, conversations about seasons), to systematize children's knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature, about the life of plants, about animals, about the work of people.

Children of the first seven years of life are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. This obliges teachers to build the learning process in such a way that children learn the basic necessary information not by verbal, but by a visual method (by capturing real objects and events of the world around them). In the program of environmental education for preschoolers, the main emphasis should be placed on observations, experiments and productive activities of children in nature.

Can be classified according to different principles:

1. By the nature of the objects used in experiments and observations:

With plants;

With animals;

With objects of inanimate nature;

The object of which is a person.

2. Location of experiments and observations:

In the group room;

Location on.

3. By number of children:

Individual (1 - 4 children);

Group (5 - 10 children);

Collective (the whole group).

4. Due to their implementation:



posed in response to a child's question.

5. By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process:

Episodic (conducted on a case-by-case basis);


6. By duration:

Short-term (from 5 to 15 minutes);

Long (over 15 minutes).

7. By the number of observations for the same object:

- single;

Multiple, or cyclic.

8. Place in the loop:



Final and concluding.

9. By the nature of mental operations:

Ascertaining (allowing you to see some one state of an object or one phenomenon without connection with other objects and phenomena);

Comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of the process or note changes in the state of the object);

Generalizing (experiments in which the general patterns of the process studied earlier in separate stages are traced).

10. By the nature of the cognitive activity of children:

- illustrative (children know everything, and observation and experiment only confirm familiar facts);

Search (children do not know in advance what the result will be);

Solution of experimental problems.

11. According to the method of application:

- demonstration;


Demo called observations and experiments in which there is only one object, and this object is in the hands of the teacher. The teacher himself conducts the experiment (“demonstrates it”), and the children follow the progress and results.

Frontal such observations and experiments are called in which there are many objects, and they are in the hands of children.

Working with parents

A large place in the system of environmental education in kindergarten should be given to the joint activities of children and their parents:

    holding parent meetings of an environmental orientation (KVN, quizzes, "Field of Miracles", etc.;

    field trips with children;

    participation of parents in sports and musical celebrations of an ecological orientation;

    joint landscaping of the territory of the kindergarten;

    thematic exhibitions of handicrafts made from natural materials, drawings about nature made jointly by parents and children, issuance of family environmental newspapers;

    visual information;

In order to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of their children, its actual implementation in the family, it is necessary to conduct a survey of parents, conversations. The results of the survey must be submitted to parent-teacher meetings for analysis, discussion, and in order to outline further work with parents and children. Such work with the family contributes to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents, the development of the correct forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the family, and helps to create a more favorable environment in the family.

Consultation for educators

"Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers"

Prepared by the teacher: Ermakova S.I. .

Scientists identify the activity of experimentation as the leading activity of preschool age: "Children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development of the child."

Experimentation permeates all spheres of children's activity: classes, walks, sleep. A preschooler is already a researcher in itself, showing a keen interest in various kinds of research activities - in experimentation. Experiments help develop thinking, logic, creativity of the child, allow you to visually show the connections between living and non-living things in nature.

Research allows the child to find answers to the questions "how?" and "why?". Elementary experiments, experiments help the child acquire new knowledge about a particular subject. This activity is aimed at the real transformation of things during which the preschooler learns their properties and connections that are inaccessible to direct perception. Knowledge gained during the experiment are remembered for a long time.

The development of experimental activities of preschool children offers solutions to the following problems:

1. Formation of dialectical thinking in preschoolers

2. Development of one's own cognitive experience in a generalized form using visual aids (standards, models)

3. Expanding the prospects for the development of search and cognitive activity of children by including their mental, modeling and transformative actions.

The content of experimental activities is implemented in the following activities:

1) educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (game, communication, GCD labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

2) educational activities carried out during regime moments;

3) interaction with families of children.

1) Directly educational activity (GCD) of the cognitive cycle is supplemented by experimental, search activities, which makes it possible to enrich the tasks of cognitive development with new content and enhance the developmental effect. GCD called "Amazing is near", is short in time and takes place in the first half of the day. It contributes to the expansion and deepening of previously acquired knowledge.

2) Outside of class, experiments in the laboratory are carried out at the request of the children on their own, the teacher clarifies with the child the purpose of the experiment, but does not interfere in its course. The results of experiments and the output of knowledge gained in the independent activity of children are reflected in further conversations. Children enthusiastically talk about who did what, and what happened to whom, analyze the data received. This has a positive effect on the development of children's speech, the ability to build complex sentences, and draw conclusions. The role of the educator is to prepare key questions that trigger and support the activity of pupils. The final conclusion is formulated by the educator.

In mastering the experimental activity of children, observation is of great importance. With its help, children learn not only the external parameters of natural objects (color, structure, smell, etc.), but also acquire various skills aimed at the knowledge or practical transformation of nature (work on caring for plants and animals, fine arts activities and children's stories based on observations).

During excursions and targeted walks, acquaintance with the diversity of the organic world takes place, observations are made of objects and natural phenomena at different times of the year; children learn to navigate the area. A walk is a wonderful time when educators can gradually introduce children to the secrets of nature - animate and inanimate, talk about the life of a wide variety of plants and animals, and they have the opportunity to experiment in natural conditions.

3) It is known that not a single upbringing or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and the teacher.

In my opinion, the main tasks in interaction with parents are:

it is necessary to establish partnership relations with the family of each pupil and unite efforts for the development and upbringing of children;

create an atmosphere of common interests;

to activate and enrich the parenting skills of parents;

formation in parents of a responsible attitude for the nature of the native land through the upbringing of the child.

Experiments can be classified according to different principles.

1. By the nature of the objects used in the experiment

2. At the place of the experiments

3. By the number of children

4. Because of their holding

5. By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process

6. By duration

7. By the number of observations of the same object

8. By place in the cycle

9. By the nature of mental operations

10. By the nature of the cognitive activity of children

11. According to the method of application in the audience.

One of the conditions for solving problems in experimental activities in kindergarten is the organization of a developing environment. The subject environment surrounds and influences the child from the first minutes of his life. The main requirements for the environment as a developmental tool is to ensure the development of active independent children's activities.

In the corner of experimental activity (mini-laboratory, science center) the following should be highlighted:

1) a place for a permanent exhibition, which houses a museum, various collections. Exhibits, rare items (shells, stones, crystals, feathers, etc.)

2) place for appliances

Place for storing materials (natural, "waste")

3) a place for experiments

The materials of this zone are distributed in the following areas: "Sand and Water", "Sound", "Magnets", "Paper", "Light", "Glass and Plastic", "Rubber".

The main equipment in the corner are:

assistant devices: magnifiers, scales, hourglass, compass, magnets;

a variety of vessels made of various materials (plastic, glass, metal, ceramics);

natural material: pebbles, clay, sand, shells, cones, feathers, moss, leaves, etc.;

recycled material: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabrics, plastics, corks, etc.;

technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, studs, etc..;

different types of paper: plain, cardboard, emery, copying, etc.;

dyes: food and non-food (gouache, watercolors, etc.);

medical materials: pipettes, flasks, wooden sticks, syringes (without needles), measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, etc.;

other materials: mirrors, balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored and transparent glasses, sieve, etc.

When equipping an experimentation corner, the following requirements must be taken into account:

safety for the life and health of children;


location availability

As laboratory glassware, cups from yogurt, ice cream, plastic bottles are used. I visually show children the possibility of recycling materials that are thrown away in excess and pollute the environment. This is a very important educational moment. It is important that everything is signed or diagrams are drawn - symbols. You can use various jars with lids and kinder - surprises.

For the organization of independent children's activities, cards-schemes for conducting experiments can be developed. Together with children, symbols are developed that allow and prohibit signs.The material for conducting experiments in the experimentation corner changes in accordance with the work plan

Properly organized experimental activity makes it possible to satisfy the need of children for new knowledge, impressions, and contributes to the upbringing of an inquisitive, independent, successful child. In this case, the child acts as a researcher. As practice shows, the experience of searching, experimental activities acquired at preschool age helps preschoolers to successfully develop their creative abilities in the future.

To help the educator:


Exercises for the development of attention, memory, logical thinking (can be organized before class).

Consultation for educators

"Planning Experimental Activities"

Prepared by the teacher: Ermakova S.I..

Target: expanding the knowledge of teachers about the development of cognitive interest and cognitive activity of preschool children by means of experimental activities.

    To expand the knowledge of educators about the importance of experimentation in the development of preschool children

    To form ideas about the correct organization of experimentation with a preschool child.

    Clarify the knowledge of teachers about the filling of the corners of experimental activities.

Planned result:
Knowledge and practical application of the organization of experimental activities with preschool children.
Literature for preparing a consultation:
1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. The unknown is near. M., 2004
2. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method. / Management of the preschool educational institution, N 4, 2004, p. 84 - 92
3. Korotkova N.A. Cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers. / Child in kindergarten. N 3, 4, 5 2003, N 1, 2002
4. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers. / Edited by L.N. Prokhorovy M., 2004
5. Solovieva E. How to organize the search activities of children. / Preschool education. No. 1, 2005
6. Materials of Internet sites.

Introductory part.

We will begin our consultation with the question: what role does experimentation play in the development of a preschool child? (answers of educators).

Throughout preschool childhood, along with play activities, cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of the child's personality.

In the process of cognitive activity, such integrative qualities as curiosity, activity, independence are formed, which are important prerequisites for the successful education of a child in school.

For the formation of these qualities in children, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of their cognitive activity, based on their cognitive interest. Thanks to which, both the knowledge itself and the process of acquiring it can become the driving force behind the development of the intellect and an important factor in the education of the child's personality.

The main task of the preschool educational institution is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this. Methodological recommendations for conducting classes using experimentation are found in the works of various authors N.N. Podyakova, F.A. Sokhina, S.N. Nikolaeva. These authors propose to organize the work in such a way that children can repeat the experience shown by adults, can observe, answer questions using the result of the experiments. With this form, the child masters experimentation as an activity and his actions are of a reproductive nature. Experimentation does not become a valuable activity in itself, as it arises at the initiative of an adult. In order for experimentation to become the leading activity, it must arise on the initiative of the child himself. An obligatory element of the lifestyle of preschoolers is participation in resolving problem situations, in conducting elementary experiments, experimenting, and in making models.
An experiment carried out independently by a child allows him to create a model of a phenomenon and generalize the results obtained in an effective way, compare them, classify and draw conclusions from these phenomena for a person and himself.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded thatfor preschool children, experimentation, along with play, is the leading activity.

The structure of children's experimentation.
Like any activity, the activity of experimentation has its own structure.

    Target: development of the child's skills to interact with the objects under study in "laboratory" conditions as a means of knowing the world around

    Tasks: 1) development of thought processes; 2) development of mental operations; 3) mastering the methods of cognition; 4) development of causal relationships and relationships

    Content: information about objects and phenomena, objects

    Motive: cognitive needs, cognitive interest, which are based on the orienting reflex "What is it?", "What is it?" In senior preschool age, cognitive interest has a focus: "Learn - learn - learn"

    Funds: language, speech, search actions

    Forms: elementary search activity, experiments, experiments

    Terms: gradual complication, organization of conditions for independent and educational activities, use of problem situations

    Result: experience of independent activity, research work, new knowledge and skills that make up a whole range of mental neoplasms.

The sequence of children's experimentation.

On the slide, teachers are presented with the words: putting forward a hypothesis, testing an assumption, goal setting, problem situation, formulation of a conclusion, new hypothesisExercise: build a sequence of children's experimentation.
Next slide with correct answer:

    Problematic situation.

    Goal setting.

    Putting forward hypotheses.

    Checking the assumption.

    If the assumption was confirmed: the formulation of conclusions (how it happened)

    If the assumption was not confirmed: the emergence of a new hypothesis, its implementation in action, the confirmation of a new hypothesis, the formulation of the conclusion (how it turned out), the formulation of the conclusions (how it turned out).

During the experiment, the child needs to answer next questions:

    How do I do it?

    Why do I do it this way and not otherwise?

    Why am I doing this, that I want to know what happened as a result?

Task for educators: on the presented abstracts of the experiments, highlight the sequence of experimentation.


with objects of animate and inanimate nature (with plants, insects, air, water, sand, earth);

with different properties of substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility);

with the main types of movement (speed, direction);

we develop geographical representations - we introduce the globe, we give knowledge about the solar system, about various cosmic phenomena;

introduce children to safety rules.

Approximate structure of the lesson - experimentation

    Statement of the research problem in the form of one or another variant of the problem situation.

    Clarification of life safety rules in the course of experimentation.

    Refinement of the research plan.

    The choice of equipment, its independent placement by children in the study area.

    The distribution of children into subgroups, the choice of leaders, helping to organize peers, commenting on the course and results of joint activities of children in groups.

    Analysis and generalization of the results of experimentation obtained by children.

The content of the corners of the experimental activity. Corner tasks: development of primary natural science ideas, observation, curiosity, activity, mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, observation); the formation of skills to comprehensively examine the subject.

In the corner of experimental activity (mini-laboratory, science center) the following should be highlighted:
1) a place for a permanent exhibition, which houses a museum, various collections. Exhibits, rare items (shells, stones, crystals, feathers, etc.)
2) place for appliances
Place for storing materials (natural, "waste")
3) a place for experiments
4) a place for unstructured materials (sand, water, sawdust, shavings, polystyrene, etc.)
