The first fetal movements during repeated pregnancy. Baby moving during pregnancy

Good afternoon, for some it’s already evening or even morning! My special greetings to all pregnant readers, because today’s topic is again about them. Well, I love you, what can I do, that’s why I pay so much attention. I know how many worries, worries and questions expectant mothers sometimes have. I will answer one of them today. Many people ask: “When can you feel the fetus moving?” I’ll answer this: everything is purely individual.

Experienced mothers will confirm: the timing when they felt the first cherished push of a tiny hand or foot inside the tummy varies. Differences of a week or two from the norm of the appearance of the first movements are considered insignificant. But about the norm itself, and when you should start worrying if the baby “sits” too quietly, read on...

Early movements: are they possible?

During your first pregnancy, it seems that the little life inside is about to make itself known. Inexperienced girls already at 12 weeks are trying to catch some movements within themselves. And they succeed! Only it is not the child who moves, but internal organs that are displaced due to the growing uterus or accumulated gases that make themselves felt. Understand that at such a short time the baby is still swimming inside the tummy like a fish, and you simply cannot feel his movements.

But when it becomes a little cramped for him, namely, from about 18 weeks of pregnancy, you yourself will understand. Either with his elbow, or with his head, or with his knee, he will “stretch” your belly in one direction or the other. It is generally accepted that a first-time mother should feel the first movements from 18 to 22 weeks. During the second pregnancy, the baby begins to move earlier - already from the 16th week.

Why do multiparous women feel movements earlier? Well, firstly, their abdominal wall is already quite stretched and more sensitive. And secondly, they already know what the baby’s first movements are like. By the way, many compare it with the “fluttering of a butterfly”, which only barely touches the walls of the abdomen with its “wings”.

During the third pregnancy, the baby moves at about 15 weeks, possibly a little earlier. It is believed that overweight women feel movements later than skinny women. This is all due to the fact that the fat layer on the abdomen prevents you from clearly “hearing” the baby’s signals.

At how many weeks can you feel the baby’s obvious, strong kicks? In the second trimester, that is, from about 18 weeks, the child’s movements are still quite chaotic. It has not yet taken a certain position and is “walking” in the amniotic fluid, so you will feel small tremors from different sides. Stronger movements, when you can already feel the protruding tiny knee or elbow with your palm, will begin in the 3rd trimester.

Don't hit me in the ribs, baby

At how many weeks does the baby finally settle in the stomach with its head down (cephalic presentation), or up (breech presentation) and no longer changes position? After 32 weeks, the baby will become clumsy, gain weight, and it will be more difficult for him to move. True, get ready for active attacks with your feet in the right hypochondrium (with a cephalic presentation) or... in the bladder (with a pelvic presentation).

Both are not pleasant, especially closer to childbirth. Personally, my 4-kilogram son immediately pushed me in the ribs and pressed him down with his head. I remember waking up at night because the child was bored and was playing “football” inside me, kicking my bones. And I constantly wanted to go to the toilet, my bladder was being disturbed. Almost always the urges were false, in a word, the baby was making fun of me. So get ready, moms.

Closer to childbirth, it’s not butterflies fluttering inside the belly, but small elephant foals pushing. In addition, children have a habit of hiccupping often after swallowing amniotic fluid. As I remember now: you are trying to sleep, you just close your eyes, and your belly begins to shake, as if with the first tremors of an earthquake. When I tell my son about this now, he laughs fervently. And then it wasn’t funny to me at all.

Before the birth itself, about two days later, a noticeable calm is felt. The baby no longer pushes, but freezes, as if at the “start” before a race, or rather an “escape”, which he is about to complete. Although some livelies, on the contrary, begin to move even more actively than before, warming up, so to speak.

Are you moving normally?

Many mothers wonder how much movement should be normal? This question is correct and very competent. The number of movements of the baby is an indicator of its normal functioning in the womb. Therefore, count it! From the very beginning, from the first tremors, that is, from 20 weeks to 26, the baby will not move often, or rather, you will not always notice his activity. He's still small for you.

From 26 to 28 weeks, the baby should move about 10 times every 2-3 hours. Gynecologists advise mothers to keep a calendar of movements, where they need to note how many times the fetus moves in two hours. If the baby “does not fulfill the norm”, but moves, for example, not 10, but 6-7 times during the specified time, there is no need to worry.

When no movements are felt at all, you should change your body position, walk a little, eat something. It has been proven that after eating, the fetus noticeably perks up. You need to be wary if the “lull” lasts more than 6 hours: immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

The gynecologist will listen to the baby’s heart; it should beat at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute (read the topic “”). Even if the heart beats within normal limits, after listening you will have a CTG (cardiotocography) to determine whether the baby has

Calm is a sign of hypoxia

If it is discovered that the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen, the mother will be prescribed special medications to improve blood circulation and the supply of nutrients. CTG and Doppler measurements will be performed periodically again. Unfortunately, it happens that all the measures taken do not help, and hypoxia begins to increase. Then an emergency birth is prescribed so that the baby does not suffocate. Whether this will be a natural birth or not, the gynecologist will decide.

To avoid this and bring your baby to term, if you have the slightest doubt, run to the doctor. Sometimes delay can be too costly. If the baby sits too quietly in the stomach or, on the contrary, “dances” around the clock, you should check if everything is in order!

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth! Write in the comments at what time you felt the first movements of your children, describe what these sensations were like for you. And now I say goodbye to you for a while, see you soon!

From time immemorial, expectant mothers listened with anxiety, joy and hope to the movements of their unborn baby. And today, despite the wide choice of modern methods for studying the intrauterine state of the fetus, movement remains the main indicator of the child’s well-being, confirming his viability.

When and why does the baby move?

In order to better understand the “language” of fetal movement, we need to remember some stages of the baby’s development in the mother’s womb, scientifically the stages of embryogenesis.

In the human embryo, the first heartbeats appear on the 21st day of development. Elements of skeletal muscle begin to develop due to early contractile activity. Rhythmic contractile activity of primary muscle fibers is observed even before the nervous system of the embryo begins to take shape.

At the end of the embryonic period (end) and the beginning of the fetal period (from the 8th week of pregnancy), the fetal nervous system begins to develop, which is responsible for motor activity. That is, by this moment there is already muscle tissue, there are nerve fibers that “send” impulses to the muscles, ensuring their contraction.

Motor reflexes caused by excitation of nerve endings are established from the end. The first reflexes in response to irritation of the perioral zone (near the mouth) - the mandibular (buccal) and maxillary (maxillary) branches of the trigeminal nerve occur in the fetus at 7.5 weeks of pregnancy. Reflexes appear caused by irritation of areas of the skin to which the spinal nerves go.

In a word, the baby begins to move in the uterus quite early. True, these movements are not yet coordinated and not conscious, and the relative sizes of the embryo and amniotic sac are such that the embryo floats freely in the amniotic fluid and rarely touches the wall of the uterus so that the mother can feel it. However, already from bumping into the wall of the uterus, the baby can change the trajectory of movement. The fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process. In the fetus, motor activity appears in response to sounds (primarily to the mother’s voice, to changes in its intonation). The fetus begins to squint. B - moves the umbilical cord with his hands, clenches and unclenches his fingers, touches his face and even covers his face with his hands when there are sharp, loud and unpleasant sounds.

In order for the fetal brain to develop and function normally, a variety of stimuli and a sufficient level of their intensity are necessary. The perception of specific sensations has already been formed, and now the baby learns to respond to them with movement.

In the first trimester, the child has already formed ideas about comfort. They help the baby navigate what the intensity of various external stimuli should be. The fetus discovers that by moving, it can regulate the intensity of stimulation (for example, move away from loud sounds); it becomes the “creator” of its own life.

The main task of the fetus is to develop. To do this, he needs food and a lot of incentives. If there is not enough nutrition and oxygen, the fetus begins to move more actively and thereby massage the placenta in order to receive a sufficient portion of blood during uterine contractions, and with it nutrition and oxygen. Or, let’s say, the mother lies on her back, thereby squeezing the largest vessels of the body (the inferior vena cava and the bifurcation of the aorta) with the pregnant uterus. The fetus will immediately respond with violent movements and force the mother to change her body position, so pregnant women are recommended to lie only on their side. If the fetus presses against the loops of the umbilical cord, it also begins to actively move and changes its position.

How does mom feel?

What does the baby’s unusual “behavior” mean?

If there is a deviation from the normal rhythm, frequency and nature of movements, listening to heart sounds, ultrasound, and CTG are necessary.

What kind of intrauterine suffering are we talking about when we talk about disturbances in the motor activity of the fetus? Most often, intrauterine fetal suffering is caused by hypoxia (oxygen starvation). The causes of hypoxia are: complications of pregnancy, various diseases (anemia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.), bleeding, fetal-placental insufficiency, prolapse from the uterine cavity and pressing of the prolapsed umbilical cord loops by the fetal head, fetal diseases (Rhesus - conflict, fetal infection). Acute oxygen deficiency can be diagnosed by auscultation (listening) to fetal heart sounds. In case of chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia, cardiotocography indicators (recording heartbeats using a special device) are more informative. When the fetus moves, the heart rate normally increases by 10-15 beats per minute.

In the initial stages of intrauterine hypoxia, restless fetal behavior is noted, which consists of increased frequency and intensification of its motor activity. With progressive hypoxia of the fetus, a weakening and cessation of its movements occurs.

Concluding our conversation, I would like to remind expectant mothers: the baby’s first movements are not only an indicator of his condition, but also unique sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life.

Elena Glinina
obstetrician-gynecologist of the Lyubertsy maternity hospital


Please tell me, can early fetal movements be a cause for concern? This is my first time giving birth and my baby started moving too early at 17 weeks. Thanks for the answer.

02/07/2014 01:10:15, Anna Sergucheva

I am in the ninth month of pregnancy. Please tell me how many fetal movements are normal for this period and how to count the movements?

09/18/2008 00:16:26, Elena

I know firsthand about the Author of this article. I myself gave birth to Elena Alexandrovna and I know that every word she says is the most precious truth. This is an amazing woman with a kind, open heart. Everything she says can be believed unconditionally.

09.11.2007 23:37:03, Anastasia

Thank you for the article, it really helped me to correctly assess the cause of my little one’s anxiety.

02/21/2006 00:01:34, Maria

Menya ochen bespokoit chto ya, nahodyas na 26 nedele beremennosti do sih por ne ponimayu, kogda moemu malyshu horosho, a kogda ploho, nukogda ne znayu kak traktovat te or inye ego sheveleniya.

Some very general article. Sometimes it happens that you simply don’t feel the child, but this does not mean that he is not moving. This can happen with polyhydramnios, for example. That's exactly what happened to me.

But if the baby moves less than 10 times, then what? this is bad?

08/18/2005 09:39:18, Tanya

Comment on the article "Baby's first movements: reasons for joy and anxiety"

The baby's movements. Fetal development. Pregnancy and childbirth. Section: Fetal development (I’m 32 weeks, the baby is actively kicking, his stomach is shaking). The baby's movements.


If the nature and intensity of movements suddenly change dramatically, it is better to tell your doctor about it. This can happen due to a lack of oxygen and nutrition.

This is temperament :))) get ready for an active child

I have one daughter - she moved CONSTANTLY, day and night, and was born with the same big butt. Now 5 years old, he doesn’t sit still, he’s constantly on the move.

When she was a baby on guard duty and slept with us, I understood why I felt her constantly moving, she even moves and tosses and turns in her sleep!!!

More about the movements. Fetal development. Pregnancy and childbirth. At what point do movements become visible from the outside? I mean, if you look at your bare belly, you can already see that the child is warming up in the belly :) Who had it like that?


At 20-22 weeks, my bumps were visible when Sonya was doing gymnastics. But I had a placenta along the back wall and before pregnancy I had a completely flat stomach.

God, how long ago it seems... :)

1st pregnancy, I felt one before 18 weeks, and my husband began to feel and see exactly a week later, i.e. at 19 weeks the belly really started to jump

10.23.2012 22:47:20, _mestnaya_

Very strong movements. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Pregnancy and childbirth. You are moving and should feel it more strongly. And at about 26 weeks my baby seems to be rolling around, I don’t even feel any sharp kicks.


I have a very rambunctious baby, and her activity peaks at night too. I myself can’t sleep, and it also wakes up my husband if I snuggle up to him - the truth hits so hard that he wakes up. And for a long, long time, without a break. Not kicks, but real pushes, so that I was thrown up on the bed. But even at the ultrasound at 12 weeks, the doctor told us - oooh, a fighting baby, I haven’t seen such an active one for a long time! Even then I was jumping all over my stomach :)

Well, there are children who are active and some who are not so active.....they are all different))))
You can do a Doppler to calm your soul))))

Movements and colds. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Of course he moves, but somehow not so actively. Previously, my stomach was shaking, but now the tremors are not strong and not so frequent.


Katyusha, maybe the little one just feels that you’re weak, so he’s hiding too?

If there was a high temperature, in short, everything spoke of the flu, then one could worry about a lack of oxygen, for example. And if it’s just a mild cold, then it’s okay!!!

About night movements and routine :). Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. There has been no movement for a day now. Fetal development. don’t worry, my kids (and I have three of them) also tormented me, they didn’t move at all, I had to coax them by stroking their tummy.

Pregnancy is the happiest time for every woman. But full awareness of the miracle comes with the first timid, barely noticeable movement of the tiny creature.

This moment is especially significant for those who are preparing to become mothers for the first time. The baby's first movements occur at seven to eight weeks. But you can feel them closer to the second half of pregnancy.

Slender, thin women feel the tremors a little earlier and more clearly. Full later, due to their physiology. But the difference is insignificant - no more than ten days.

First movements during pregnancy

The first movements during the first pregnancy

  • During the first pregnancy, a woman clearly hears the baby's kicks, starting from the twentieth week. For some, this happens a week earlier or later.
  • This is no longer a chaotic movement, but a completely conscious one, no matter how surprising it may be.
  • It is during this period that the vestibular apparatus begins to form in the fetus. The baby bends his arms and legs, tumbles, and looks for a comfortable position for sleeping.
  • There is enough space around it to float freely in the amniotic fluid, because the baby’s size is still small, from 20 to 25 centimeters.

This is what a baby looks like at 20 weeks pregnant

First movements during second pregnancy

  • During the second pregnancy, the walls of the uterus are more stretched and sensitive, so the woman feels the movement of the baby at 18-19 weeks, or even earlier.
  • In addition, the expectant mother is already experienced and knows well how to evaluate the floating “fish” in her stomach. This is exactly how almost all pregnant women describe the first movement.
  • The intestines will no longer be able to mislead the woman; she will not confuse the baby’s first kicks with anything.

Second pregnancy
  • During the second pregnancy, the belly begins to grow earlier, because the abdominal muscles are not so elastic and elastic. It is located slightly lower and can put pressure on the bladder.
  • The positive thing is that the position of the fetus does not impede breathing, and this allows you to fully rest. But fatigue may be worse.
  • Due to pressure on the pelvis, aching pain appears in the lower back, which means you need gymnastics and walks.

Gymnastics for pregnant women

Third pregnancy: fetal movements

Even earlier, the first movements of the baby during the third pregnancy are noticeable. Already at 15-16 weeks, a woman is sure that the “fluttering of butterflies” in her body is nothing more than the first greeting from her baby.

The back muscles take on the main load, try to organize for yourself the most gentle regime:

  • Try to rest in the afternoon
  • Don't lift heavy objects
  • Do not stand for more than 15 minutes, change your body position often, lean on something stable
  • Sleep on your side with your knees slightly bent

Adequate rest during pregnancy
  • Each organism is individual, so you should not rely too much on specific dates. These are average statistical data, and errors are quite acceptable.
  • It is possible that your third baby is calmer or lazy, so his movements will begin to be felt a couple of weeks later. The location of the placenta may also affect it.
  • Previously, movement is observed by those women whose placenta is closer to the anterior wall of the uterus.

At what week of pregnancy should women begin to move?

Whatever the pregnancy, movement should be heard no later than 22-23 weeks. During this period, the child not only swims, he can stretch and even hiccup.

There is no need to be scared; experts consider this phenomenon to be quite normal. This manifests itself as fetal shuddering at regular intervals.

Baby at 20 weeks of pregnancy

It is also necessary to take into account that even in the womb, children are different in activity. After all, their nervous system is already forming, and at this time it is at a fairly high level.

But this does not mean that the mother should not react to weak movements or too long breaks in the pushes. A day for this period is not a reason to worry, but if it is more, you need to conduct an examination. The child may not be getting enough oxygen.

Excessive fetal movement during pregnancy: reasons

  • Oddly enough, doctors also associate excessive fetal movement with oxygen starvation. This is partly true, it wouldn’t hurt to get checked again, but many consider excessive activity to be the norm.
  • The baby is strong, gets all the nutrients in abundance, that’s why he plays pranks. In any case, all experts agree that active movement is better than weak movement.
  • The expectant mother also needs to pay attention to her diet. Coffee, chocolate, strong tea can have a stimulating effect on a child.
  • You do not need to give up these products, but you need to consume them in very limited quantities.
Drinking coffee during pregnancy

If excessive activity is caused by stimulants due to poor nutrition, this can cause future problems with the baby’s nervous system.

Alcohol should generally become taboo for a pregnant woman if she wants to give birth to a healthy child.

Movements during pregnancy: sensations

The main thing that a pregnant woman feels when her baby moves for the first time is incomparable delight. Probably at this moment the maternal instinct is born.

Baby's first movements
  • The onset of movement is so weak that it can only be experienced at complete rest. The feeling is as if something is fluttering or shimmering inside.
  • A month later, the tremors become more pronounced. The baby is developing, growing and getting stronger. At the moment of repulsion from the walls of the uterus, its movement can be felt even with the palm of your hand. The fruit is still small and floats in a large space for itself, so its movement appears in different places.
  • When a woman walks or does something, the child most often sleeps, lulled by the measured movement of his “cradle.” But as soon as the mother lies down, the baby wakes up and begins to push.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby reacts to the mother’s voice and mood. He hears music and can behave more actively if the sounds are not pleasant to him, or vice versa - the tiny esthete gets pleasure.

Baby listening to music
  • The baby develops a certain routine. Mom knows when he sleeps and what position is most comfortable for the child. If something is wrong, he will let you know with a push.
  • The movements take on the character of communication, the woman understands how the little child is feeling, whether he has enough oxygen, whether the baby is comfortable.
  • And it’s difficult to call the baby’s activity at this stage a movement, it’s more like kicking, but so pleasant.
  • When turning over, the stomach changes shape and can roll over to the left or right. And it happens that the butt or leg protrudes.
  • Closer to birth, the baby takes a certain position and no longer tumbles as actively as before. It’s good if the baby is positioned head down, this will make childbirth easier.
  • If there is pelvic diligence, a caesarean section may be recommended, since natural delivery will be difficult for both mother and baby.
  • An ultrasound will determine the exact position, but the woman herself can do this. When head-down, the legs will be on top, and with them he pushes most actively. Mom will definitely feel it.
Correct positioning of the fetus before birth

Movement during pregnancy is normal:
When does a baby start to beat?

  • Week 20 - this is the period you need to focus on. But if another week or two has passed and no movements are felt, you need to sound the alarm. Even a plump woman during her first pregnancy should hear the baby’s slight movements.
  • Up to 26 weeks, the nature of the tremors is so unstable that the break between them can be from several hours to a day. If more, then you need to do CHT in the clinic.
  • Starting from week 28, the baby is active up to 10 times in 3 hours.

To control the number of movements, you can make a graph like the one in the picture below:

In the proposed version, the countdown starts from 31 weeks, but you can do this from an earlier period. Enter the number of pushes into the cells and compare your indicators with those that should be at a certain time.

This will allow you to observe your activity graph at home. If movements occur less frequently than normal, then the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen.

17 - 18 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • At this stage, the baby begins to give the first signals to his mother. They are weak, barely noticeable. The baby is tiny, up to 13 centimeters, and this allows him to move freely in his mother’s tummy.
  • The eyes are still closed, but they are already responding to light. And on the fingers appeared those lines that make each person unique.
  • The most active children can make themselves felt from several times an hour to complete rest during the day. Both at 17-18 weeks are considered normal.

19 – 21 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • The child has grown significantly - up to 26 centimeters. His brain is actively developing, his movements become more conscious.
  • The internal organs are almost developed, but they cannot yet function outside the mother’s body. The movements have a certain frequency, because the baby sleeps a lot - up to 18 hours a day, which means at this time he is almost inaudible.
  • The norm of movements is up to 4 times per hour. The nature of the tremors is still weak.

22 – 24 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

By this time, the child weighs up to 500 grams with a height of 30 centimeters. He becomes a little cramped, which means mom hears stronger tremors.

The face acquires the features it will have at birth. In a successful ultrasound picture, you can see the appearance of your son or daughter.

Ultrasound images

The tummy is noticeably increasing, a woman needs to think about looser clothes. By evening your legs get tired, your shoes should be comfortable and have low heels.

This is the most active period of movement, the child sleeps less and moves more - up to 15 times within an hour. Each baby's sleep time is different - from 3 to 5 hours.

27 - 29 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • The child weighs almost one and a half kilograms, and his height is 40 centimeters. The eyes are open, but in bright light the baby closes them.
  • The skin becomes smoother, and the first fat accumulates underneath it. Body weight is growing rapidly and will at least double before birth. With normal development, he pushes strongly and often, even when sleeping.
  • The frequency is the same, but the character is more intense. At this stage, the baby is most often in pelvic position, but soon he will turn head down.

38 - 39 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • At this stage, the baby is completely ready for the long-awaited birth. All its organs are developed, the necessary enzymes for processing food are formed in the ventricle.
  • The child distinguishes the movements that occur around him. Movements are only in the form of pushing by various parts of the small body. Although not so small - height up to 52 centimeters, and weight more than 3 kilograms.
  • She will no longer be able to turn over; the size of her uterus does not allow it. Mom needs to monitor her feelings - warning signs of contractions may appear.

9 months - giving birth soon

Such an important stage of life is behind us, but so short! Pregnancy brings so many emotions and joyful moments. The movement of a baby is the most significant and unforgettable feeling for every woman.

And it doesn’t matter what the birth is - the first, second or fifth, the first tremors cannot be compared with anything, much less described. It is nature itself, so wise and generous, that has given us the opportunity to feel the development of a new life.

Video: Baby moves in the stomach

Expectant mothers wait impatiently and excitedly for the baby to make itself known with light kicks, so they often ask the doctor at what stage the baby begins to move. In order not to miss an important moment, listen to your feelings. One day you will feel a timid movement within yourself. The first movement is always imperceptible and weak, but brings a storm of positive emotions.

If you ask a gynecologist the question at what month can you feel the baby beating when the baby begins to push, he will confidently answer that in the fifth, although the fetus tries to move in the uterus much earlier.

  • At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo in the mother’s belly resembles a small berry, weighs about 3 g, but is already moving. Nerve endings are developing, the formation of organs is being completed, and their formation should soon begin. A woman is not able to feel movement at this time, as it is very weak and has a convulsive nature. The embryo is still too small. The amniotic fluid reliably protects it, and it rarely touches the walls of the reproductive organ.
  • At 12 weeks, the baby's weight increases to 15 g. He can suck a finger, clench his hands into fists, turn his head and actively move in the womb. These movements are still invisible to the mother. For her to feel them, he needs to grow up a little.
  • At week 15, the baby’s facial features, legs and arms develop. He begins to move more actively, but still cannot fully express himself.

Every week the baby develops, grows, and gradually his movements become noticeable to the expectant mother. A little later, dad can also feel them by putting his ear to his tummy and placing his hand on it. At the end of pregnancy, the baby begins to kick a lot, and this is noticeable to everyone around him.

First tremors

At what weeks does the baby begin to move so that the mother can feel his kicks? There is no exact answer. If a woman is carrying a baby for the first time, this occurs at approximately 20 weeks. During the second pregnancy, movement can be felt a little earlier, at 17-18 weeks. These terms are approximate and may deviate more or less. This happens for various reasons.

  • Much depends on the individual sensitivity of the woman.
  • You can make a mistake when calculating the gestational age.
  • Sometimes the fat layer on the belly of the expectant mother prevents you from feeling light tremors.

The second child develops just like the first. A multiparous mother notices movements faster because she has experienced these sensations before. Inexperienced women often do not pay attention to them, mistaking them for seething in the intestines.

It happens differently. Some mothers claim that the baby begins to move at 12 or 14 weeks. Experts believe that this is impossible. The fruit has not yet formed to the size where its beating can be felt. Most likely, problems in the intestines are making themselves felt.

In order not to miss when the baby begins to move in the stomach, listen to yourself from the 16th week.

At first you may feel light, gentle touches inside yourself. What are they, how can they begin? They say touch is reminiscent of the beating of a butterfly's wings or the swimming of a tiny fish. The first shocks are not sharp and strong, so they are easy to miss. They are vaguely similar to intestinal peristalsis.

Having felt the movement, the woman must remember at how many weeks the baby began to move, and tell the specialist about this when visiting the consultation. Using this indicator, the doctor calculates the expected day of birth. If a woman is carrying a child for the first time, 20 weeks are added to the date; for a multiparous mother, 22 weeks are added. It is difficult to say how accurate such a calculation will be. But together with ultrasound data and the date of the last menstruation, it helps to calculate the long-awaited day of the birth of the baby.

Baby activity

From the moment the baby begins to move in the stomach, a new one begins. The expectant mother feels how life is developing inside her. These sensations are bright and exciting. The child moves and thus communicates with the mother. Over time, you will notice how he reacts to your voice, mood changes and many other factors. He will make himself known very often with strong pushes or gentle stroking.

What do babies do in the mother's womb? Their activities can be easily observed using an ultrasound machine. Babies drink amniotic fluid, suck tiny fingers, knock their legs, finger the umbilical cord, and twist their heads. Every week the tremors become more intense, and when the baby turns over, the mother’s belly trembles.

Sometimes the growing belly begins to move rhythmically and scares expectant mothers. They think the baby is hiccupping. Doctors believe that such twitching is caused by the baby swallowing amniotic fluid. This is a normal phenomenon and does not threaten the fetus.

  • Strong movement is felt at 24 - 25 weeks, the baby has grown enough and vigorously informs the mother about its existence. If he is too active and pushes painfully, most likely something is causing him discomfort. Perhaps loud music is disturbing him, or the mother’s position has led to compression of large vessels, and the fetus does not have enough oxygen.
  • At 32 weeks, the grown-up child hears sounds perfectly, recognizes the voices of relatives, and has a well-developed nervous system. The baby begins to actively turn over and spin, but there is less and less free space in the uterus, so his movements can bring slight discomfort to women.

Unborn children love classical music. Gentle sounds soothe them, and they freeze, listening. Babies love when their parents talk to them and are keenly aware of their emotional state. If mom is upset, they start pushing and worrying. Therefore, during pregnancy, a healthy microclimate in the family is very important.

Many mothers often complain that their baby keeps them from sleeping at night. The fact is that women, immersed in household chores, do not notice during the day how active the baby is. At night, in a relaxed state, its tremors are felt more strongly. In addition, when walking, the mother’s belly sways smoothly, and the baby likes it. At night, he begins to spin around to find a more comfortable position for himself. In the coming weeks, he will turn head down and calm down, awaiting his birth.

When should you see a doctor?

From 24 weeks, the baby moves about 10 times per hour with periodic 3-hour breaks. They should not alarm you; the baby needs rest and just sleeps. But if no movements are felt for more than 12 hours, you need to urgently call a doctor so that he can listen to the baby’s heartbeat and, if necessary, prescribe an ultrasound.

Causes for concern are painful, excessively violent movements of the fetus and weak, infrequent movement. They may indicate that something is wrong with the baby. Therefore, without wasting time, contact your obstetrician for examination.

Most often, such phenomena indicate fetal hypoxia. Oxygen starvation negatively affects the development of the baby, so it needs to be identified in time and treatment started.

  • A good way to determine hypoxia is cardiotocography. The study consists of counting the fetal heartbeat using a special device. The procedure is prescribed after the 28th week of pregnancy. To be sure that the baby has enough oxygen, it is advisable to undergo it once every 10 days before the onset of labor.
  • In addition to cardiotocography, the expectant mother needs to closely monitor the baby’s activity throughout the day. Starting from the 28th week, the gynecologist recommends keeping a diary of the baby’s movements. This is not difficult to do. In the morning, you need to carefully notice every movement of the baby and after 10 movements, make a note in a notebook indicating the time when the baby pushes.
  • If you make 10 such entries over the course of 12 hours, it means that the baby is feeling well and is not suffering from oxygen starvation. When the marks are much smaller or they exceed the norm by one and a half times, you should consult a doctor for an in-depth examination.

Every pregnancy is accompanied by amazing sensations. One of these is the baby's first movement in the tummy. There is nothing more beautiful than feeling the kicks of tiny legs inside you, feeling how the little one begins to beat, roll over and kick. If you notice any strange things during this period, don't panic. Each pregnancy is individual, and much depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow his instructions. Nine months will pass quickly, and the baby will be born strong and healthy.

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to be interested in questions related to the motor activity of the fetus: “At what stage does the baby begin to move?”, “When will I feel the first movements?” In addition to them, a pregnant woman may be bothered by intense or, conversely, weak movements of the baby. These and other important issues are discussed in the article.

First movements

The baby's first movements begin at the embryonic stage of development (pregnancy 8-10 weeks). It is impossible to feel this, but they can be clearly seen during the first ultrasound examination. The embryo has a size of 4-7 cm and its movements are uncontrolled (unconscious) nervous twitches associated with the growth and development of the baby and his central nervous system.

During this period, the embryo is deep in the pelvis, and it is still very small, so if the pregnant woman feels like something is “twitching” in her stomach, then these are probably signs of flatulence or simple nerve impulses radiating to the lower abdomen.

How long should I wait?

An indicator such as “the first fetal movement” carries important information for the leading gynecologist, indicating the correct development of the child and his general health. A woman can feel such sensations starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. The specific timing depends solely on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman.

The following factors are also worth considering:

  • Figure of a woman. If a pregnant woman has a thin build, then she can feel the baby’s movement from the 20th week. The more weight a woman has, the less sensitive the first movements will be.
  • Number of births. If a woman has already given birth, then the second and subsequent pregnancy can be felt at a slightly earlier stage (from 18 weeks). This is due to the fact that the woman giving birth already knows exactly how the baby is pushing, plus under such circumstances the woman becomes more sensitive.
  • Active lifestyle. When a woman leads an active life during pregnancy: she does household chores, goes to work, takes up interesting hobbies that involve high mobility - during such periods she simply does not have time to pay attention to the first tremors of her baby.

Typically, average pregnant women begin to feel fetal movement at 18-22 weeks.

There are cases when the expectant mother does not feel the first kicks of the baby even at 23-24 weeks. But this does not mean that the pregnancy is pathological. However, you should notify your obstetrician-gynecologist about this (to eliminate risks). Most often, a woman simply has low sensitivity or the baby prefers to rest during the daytime, and at night, while mommy is sleeping, he tumbles around.

Feelings and duration by week of pregnancy

This section will examine fetal movements starting from the 18th week and ending at the final 40th week. The presented data may differ slightly from the actual sensations of the pregnant woman, since each expectant mother has a unique body and the reaction with sensitivity may vary partially.

From 18 to 19 weeks - slight slight twitching, sensations of increased flatulence. You can feel 5 or more of these “kicks” per day. The duration is approximately 2-10 seconds in one short period of movement. If you look closely at the lower abdomen, you can see how the skin twitches in places during movement - it is in this place that the baby sends its first signs of tangible activity to the mother.

From 20 to 25 weeks- at this time, the movements become more noticeable, and they can no longer be confused with gases, but their intensity is still not great.

From 26 to 30 weeks– during this period the baby becomes much larger and all his movements are felt very clearly. With active vigor of the fetus, the stomach can “shake.” In some cases, with sudden movements of the baby, the mother may even feel slight discomfort, especially if the child “kicks” her in the bladder. The number of movements is approximately 10 times a day. With breaks for the child to sleep (1-3 hours).

From 31 to 36 weeks– at this stage the fetus begins to move and “shove” most strongly. He has already grown well, and most of his organs are already mature. This is an almost full-fledged healthy child and his movements are already conscious: sometimes he turns over in his sleep, sometimes he is awake - playing with his arms and legs. May stretch (the abdomen sharply stretches to one side for 3-10 seconds), hiccup (rhythmic twitching for 1-10 minutes).

From 36 to 40 weeks - During this period, the fetus may slightly reduce its activity. The baby becomes very large and has practically no room left for somersaults. At this stage, the child can remain in one position for half a day and at the same time put pressure on some organ. The pregnant woman probably began to notice that her rib was aching, her stomach was aching, or she was “shooting” in the liver area. In such situations, you need to somehow force the baby to move; the pregnant woman can eat chocolate, stroke her belly and talk to him, or go for a walk. But despite the child’s calmer behavior, movements should be felt at least 10 times a day.

Norms of physical activity

Every pregnant woman at different stages thinks about whether the baby is moving too little/too much? Suddenly he felt sick in his stomach? To help the expectant mother understand his condition by the baby’s movements, the norms of fetal motor activity are presented below:

Trimester of pregnancy Normal movements Less than normal More than normal
First 0 0 0
Second 10-20 movements per day.

The increase in the number of movements depends on the stage of pregnancy.

Less than 10 movements per day.

Lack of movement for 5 or more hours.

More than 25 movements per day and no fetal sleep period during the day.
Third At least 10 movements per day.

Fetal movement activity decreases slightly, depending on increasing period

At the beginning of the 3rd trimester, fetal movements less than normal are considered less than 10 movements per day.

By the end of the 3rd trimester, the alarm should be sounded if the child moved no more than 5-6 times. It is also necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the child has not moved for 7-10 hours.

More than 20 movements, as well as lack of sleep, constant sharp and painful kicks of the fetus and uncontrolled turning over

If for some reason a pregnant woman notices deviations from the norm, then on the same day she needs to visit a gynecologist or call an ambulance to find out the reasons for the increased or decreased activity of the fetus.

Under no circumstances should you remain idle. Since in case of deviations, the life of the fetus may be at risk and it risks dying within a few hours.

Methods for counting movements

To determine in more detail the norm of fetal motor activity, we came up with several options for counting movements. These methods should be used only when the expectant mother suspects the possibility of any deviations in the activity of her baby. Also, such calculations are used “as planned” in some clinics by leading gynecologists for a more detailed study of the condition of the fetus. They require that a pregnant woman keep a diary of the child’s activity every day, starting from the 28th week until the birth.

D. Pearson

This method involves counting every tenth movement. This is how it is done.

A woman counts her child’s movements every day from 9 am to 9 pm. As soon as the pregnant woman has counted 10 movements, it is necessary to mark with a cross approximately at what hour she felt the baby’s 10th kick.

Let's take an example of part of this table:

_28 _ week of pregnancy _29 _ week of pregnancy
Time/date 02.11 03.11 04.11 05.11 06.11 07.11 08.11 09.11 10.11 11.11 12.11 13.11 14.11 15.11
13:30 X
14:00 X
14:30 X X
15:00 X X X
15:30 X X
16:00 X X X
16:30 X
Number of movements (if less than 10) 8

If the child moves 10 times throughout the day, then everything is fine with the fetus and nothing bothers the child.

If a pregnant woman recorded less than 10 movements (for example, on November 15, the fetus made 8 movements per day, i.e. less than expected), then we enter this in the “Number of movements” line, indicating exactly how many times the baby moved during the day (accordingly, a cross on that day we don’t put it). It is important to show these indicators to the gynecologist within 1-2 days. Perhaps the child is suffering from hypoxia.

During the counting process, absolutely all the baby’s movements are recorded, even barely perceptible twitches.

Around Cardiff

The Cardiff method of counting movements assumes the same scheme as the Pearson method (fixing the range of fetal movements for 12 hours), but you can start counting movements at any time. The calculation results are similar.

The norm is when the baby makes about 3 movements per hour.

According to Sadowski

This method involves counting and recording movements after eating. The main rule is that you should start counting movements after eating for 2 hours. If in the end the pregnant woman counts less than 4 movements within two hours, then she urgently needs to report this to the gynecologist.

Pain during fetal activity: normal or pathological?

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may feel pain in the abdomen. In some cases, these pains may be within normal limits, but to a greater extent they indicate pathology. Pain when the baby moves can also indicate normal development of the baby, or abnormalities in the development of pregnancy.

  • If a pregnant woman feels pain during fetal movement before the 30th week and the pain is recorded exclusively in one place, then this is a reason to report this information to the leading obstetrician-gynecologist. He will prescribe an ultrasound of the pregnant woman’s internal organs, a clinical and biochemical blood test, a general urine test, etc.
  • If a pregnant woman sometimes feels pain during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy when the child actively moves or when there are sharp kicks to any area of ​​the abdomen, then this is not a deviation. These feelings are quite normal, because as the uterus grows, it compresses all the organs in the abdominal cavity, and sharp kicks from the fetus can give the expectant mother uncomfortable and moderately painful sensations.
  • If pain began to occur in the later stages (from 30 until childbirth), then there are 2 options: either the child is large and with active movement touches and infringes on neighboring organs, or there is a possible pathology, which a gynecologist must find out.

In any case, if you begin to feel pain in your stomach, be sure to tell your doctor, even if you think that the child just kicked you hard.

Features in multiparous women

As mentioned above, multiparous women begin to feel the first movements earlier than primiparous women. But this does not mean at all that if there are no movements at 17-20 weeks, then the multiparous woman needs to sound the alarm. Each pregnancy, be it the first or the fifth, has its own characteristics and the sensation of movement in some pregnancy may be early, or it may be late.

So that the expectant mother does not have doubts and fears, it is better to go for an ultrasound once again and check how the baby is doing in the womb. Moreover, this study is safe for the baby.

Causes for concern

If a pregnant woman observes the following abnormalities, she should urgently visit a doctor or call an ambulance:

  1. When the fetus moved, sharp pain appeared in the lower abdomen.
  2. During very active movements, blood or brown discharge appears.
  3. The child has stopped moving: does not respond to stroking, to eating sweet pregnant foods, or to sounds - for 6 hours.
  4. If a pregnant woman feels unusual movements for the child: twitching and shaking, similar to a nervous tic (not to be confused with fetal hiccups), constant turning from side to side for several hours in a row.
  5. The child has no rest time (sleep) throughout the day.

The doctor will be required to send you for tests (fetal ultrasound, Doppler, fetal CTG), and also prescribe additional tests (blood for coagulogram, for TORCH infections, smear for STIs, blood for antibodies, etc.). Perhaps the woman has worsened blood circulation in the placenta due to blood thickening, an inflammatory process has begun, or there is a Rh conflict.

Fetal movement during pregnancy is a very detailed indicator of the condition of the child in the womb. If you carefully monitor them, you can significantly reduce the risks of complications, and you can also simply enjoy communication with your unborn child.
