Why does detachment of the ovum occur during pregnancy? Detachment of the ovum: causes, symptoms and treatment. What are the consequences of ovum abruption and can they be prevented?

Women who have already been expecting a child know that in the first weeks of pregnancy is especially vulnerable. Statistics show that most interruptions occur in the first week of pregnancy. A woman preparing for motherhood should avoid negative factors that provoke complications. This article talks about what can cause abortion, how spontaneous abortion occurs in the first weeks and what a woman can do to prevent such a pregnancy outcome.

Factors leading to detachment of the fertilized egg from the chorion

It is very important to note that any woman, even a completely healthy one, may face the threat of miscarriage. The fertilized egg begins to separate from the membrane, the chorion, and this is the beginning of a miscarriage. A retrochorial hematoma appears at the site of detachment. Gradually, it begins to grow and complete detachment of the fertilized egg occurs, which is called spontaneous abortion.

Currently, modern doctors have access to early methods for diagnosing this pathology. This gives them the opportunity to intervene as early as possible and stop the destructive process. It is usually difficult to determine what exactly causes a miscarriage, but there are a number of factors that can trigger the onset of such a situation:

  • These may be congenital anomalies of the structure and development of the uterus, the development of tumor processes, the presence of antibodies in the blood caused by a conflict of Rh factors, as well as the presence of previously terminated pregnancies.
  • The psychological and emotional comfort of a woman, the adequacy of her physical activity, alcohol intake, environmental conditions, and so on are important.
  • Detachment of the ovum can begin if a woman’s body does not produce enough progesterone.
  • Diseases suffered at the beginning of pregnancy can also provoke detachment.

It is almost impossible to predict that a pregnancy may be terminated. The attention of the expectant mother to herself and the child is essential in order to notice warning signs in time.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back should alert a woman, even if it is very minor. Spotting of any nature and color should also not go unnoticed. In this case, you should contact a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination.

It happens that detachments are repeated several times during pregnancy. But if these conditions are not missed, and the fertilized egg itself is healthy, then in the end it is well fixed in the uterus and proceeds safely.

You should not think that detachment of the ovum is a direct indication for a woman’s hospitalization. Everything will depend on the degree of detachment, stage of pregnancy and the general condition and desire of the patient. But if these conditions are left without proper attention and treatment, then the likelihood of losing the pregnancy is too great.

Ultrasound examination is the main way to diagnose this pathology, along with a general examination by a gynecologist. Using ultrasound, the doctor will be able to see the outer membrane of the fertilized egg and assess its condition. It will also be important for him to have a hematoma between the fertilized egg and the chorion, that is, its membrane.

The condition of the fetus also needs to be assessed. From the sixth week it is possible to listen to his heartbeat. And the fertilized egg itself can be detected on ultrasound by the end of the first month of pregnancy.

Not all detachments are the same. They can appear at different stages of pregnancy and have different etiologies and severity.

Pregnancy that was terminated immediately after fertilization. This happens in the first days, when menstruation is not even delayed and the woman does not know about her situation. An ultrasound examination is not yet able to determine the presence of a fertilized egg due to the pregnancy being too short. Only a blood test for hCG can confirm the presence of pregnancy. If the fertilized egg exfoliates at this stage, the woman begins to bleed, which she regards as the beginning of menstruation. This situation of spontaneous abortion is caused by disturbances in the woman’s hormonal background or disturbances in the development of the fertilized egg.

There are pathologies that differ in the degree of detachment. The possibility of maintaining a pregnancy exists only in case of incomplete detachment of the ovum. This happens when not the entire shell peels off, but only some part of it. An ultrasound determines the presence of a hematoma, and the woman declares the presence of bloody discharge. All this is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back.

With proper therapy, it is possible to maintain pregnancy. If there is a complete detachment of the egg from its outer shell, then the pregnancy is terminated. The embryo dies, the tone of the uterus appears, which in this way tries to get rid of it. The woman begins to bleed profusely, which may even threaten her life. There is no talk about the possibility of maintaining a pregnancy in this position.

Another type of abruption is a situation in which a pregnancy is not developing. Detachment begins when the embryo has already died and the woman’s body begins to reject it. During an ultrasound examination, the fetal heartbeat cannot be heard, the uterus begins to decrease in size and the woman’s body does not show signs of pregnancy. After this, approximately ten days after the death of the embryo, the patient develops characteristic abdominal pain, bleeding, and the process of detachment begins. If this does not happen, the woman has the remaining membranes surgically removed.

Let us repeat once again that there is only one type of abruption when it is possible to maintain the pregnancy. In this case, the separation of the egg from the chorion occurs not completely, but partially. If such a situation is detected, the woman is recommended to be hospitalized in a medical institution and undergo measures to maintain the pregnancy under the supervision of doctors. But in the end, the decision about the need to undergo conservation or not is made by the patient.

In any case, at the initial stages of the pathological process, the woman is shown bed rest, most of the time during which she will be in a horizontal position. This will create the conditions necessary to ensure that the uterus does not become toned and is at rest. In this situation, the expectant mother being on her feet is extremely undesirable.

When walking, vibration is created and intra-abdominal pressure increases. This, in turn, will lead to uterine tone and increase the degree of detachment. It may also be recommended to use a special cushion or pillow to elevate the legs and hips and thereby ensure the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs.

During the period of struggle with detachment, the patient’s nutrition plays an important role.

  • A woman needs to remove from her diet foods that increase the activity of intestinal motility. These are the foods that cause the formation of gases in the intestines and affect the nature of the stool. It is also necessary to exclude drinks such as tea and coffee from the diet.
  • A woman’s sexual activity during this period is impossible; complete sexual rest is recommended.
  • Relatives and friends should take care of the emotional comfort of the expectant mother and protect her from possible stressful situations and experiences.
  • Along with these seemingly simple recommendations, the woman is prescribed medication therapy. According to experts, taking appropriate medications is mandatory when treating abruption of the ovum. A drug or complex of drugs is selected individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the disease and the nature of its course.

Examples of medications used to treat this pathology. Antispasmodics, magnesium preparations, hemostatic drugs, as well as vitamins and sedatives. It is mandatory to take female sex hormones.

The duration of treatment depends on how the disease responds to treatment, the patient’s behavior and compliance with her doctor’s recommendations. A two-week course is the minimum.

After completing the therapeutic course, the woman should remain under medical supervision until delivery. Doctors warn patients about the possible recurrence of detachment of the ovum until the placenta is fully formed.

Pregnancy at any stage requires a woman to take care of her condition. After all, it is now that future life is born and develops in it. However, the expectant mother needs special attention at the beginning of bearing the baby, since this new state of the body is still very sensitive to external factors. Early abruption of the ovum often occurs. In this case, there is a risk for both the health of the woman and the baby.

fertilized egg

A fertilized egg is an egg that has been fertilized by a sperm. It is attached to the walls of the uterus. In other words, this is the name for the environment in which the unborn child is located in the initial stages of development. This is the very first structure that can be seen on an ultrasound and confirm pregnancy. The egg has an oval or round shape and over time its size increases. At about 5 weeks you can see a yolk sac inside. Its presence indicates that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and the embryo has nutrients. The fertilized egg makes it possible to determine the gestational age (by its diameter), as well as possible abnormalities (by its shape, a specialist can identify the tone of the uterus).

What is abruption of the ovum in early pregnancy? Photo

One of the stages of spontaneous abortion is retrochorial hematoma. In this case, the fertilized egg that has formed begins to be rejected from the chorion. Vessels are damaged and a hematoma is formed due to the accumulation of blood. It may continue to increase. This situation leads to the fact that detachment of the fertilized egg in the early stages of pregnancy will occur until it is completely rejected. Timely treatment will help maintain pregnancy.

Why is this condition dangerous? Degree of detachment

The most severe consequences are caused by hematomas, which occupy about 40% of the fetal egg. The growth of the embryo is disrupted. The main danger of detachment lies in the fact that if not treated in a timely manner, the child can be lost. There is a very high risk of miscarriage. Detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy can have quite disastrous consequences, but if the problem is detected in time, it allows the child to develop further. Depending on the stage of retrochorial hematoma, the following types are distinguished:

  • threatened miscarriage (in which detachment is only just beginning);
  • (lingering pain in the abdomen occurs, bloody discharge can be observed);
  • abortion in progress (bleeding and pain increase, detachment increases); it is often impossible to save such a pregnancy;
  • (part of the fertilized egg is born);
  • (the egg develops in the cervix); the main method of treatment is surgery;
  • septic abortion (the most severe abortion);
  • late abortion (from 13 weeks).

There is also a failed abortion. In this case, the fertilized egg stops developing, but is not rejected.


Often it is impossible to determine the specific cause of this condition. Experts name only a number of factors that can lead to fetal rejection. Among them are hormonal disorders and pathologies of the pelvic organs (mainly the uterus). Stress and strong nervous tension can disrupt the natural. Excessive physical activity can also lead to a condition in which abruption of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy is quite possible. Some doctors identify Rh conflict between mother and child among the causes. It is important that alcohol abuse and previous abortions are also risk factors. Viral diseases and infections can also contribute to the onset of a process such as detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy. The reasons are all unfavorable factors for bearing a child, both domestic and medical.

Symptoms of the onset of spontaneous abortion

To be able to maintain pregnancy, it is very important to know the first symptoms of retrochorial hematoma and recognize them in time. Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen should alert you and force you to pay attention to it. If any discharge is detected (in this case, it will be ichorous, coffee-colored), you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Bleeding often occurs and blood pressure drops. In a hospital setting, further diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound. The doctor monitors whether the hematoma increases and whether the detachment of the ovum continues in the early stages of pregnancy. Symptoms associated with any deviations from the normal state should prompt you to seek specialist advice.

Treatment methods

The main goal of treating retrochorial hematoma is to stop its growth. Of course, this happens in a hospital. The woman is shown absolute peace. Walking is also not recommended, as this can often cause doctors to advise placing a pillow or blanket under the pelvis to ensure blood flow. If a diagnosis of “detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy” is made, treatment involves following a special diet. Since stress on the intestines is not desirable, foods that lead to constipation (or diarrhea) and increase gas formation are excluded. Emotional balance is no less important. Medications are also used in treatment, including those that stop bleeding, antispasmodics, sedatives, and vitamins. Hormonal therapy is often performed. The type of treatment is selected by the doctor purely individually. The duration is at least two weeks. The more strictly the recommendations are followed, the sooner the result will be visible. After such treatment, the woman should be under constant supervision. You should not avoid scheduled visits to the antenatal clinic.

Prevention of detachment

In order to avoid such a condition as detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to carefully plan conception. Before such an important step, it is worth visiting a number of doctors and treating possible infectious diseases. The gynecologist may prescribe some additional tests. If inflammatory processes are present, then under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It is important to take responsibility for your health in the first weeks of pregnancy, avoid taking alcohol, medications, and heavy physical activity. Stress is one of the main enemies of the unborn child. Strong emotional outbursts are not very desirable in this state, unless they are caused by positive moments.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with this, then she should remember that this is not a death sentence. With timely and correct treatment, everything can end happily and a healthy child will be born.

Most often, detachment of the ovum occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and, unfortunately, it leads to spontaneous abortion. Sometimes a woman does not even have time to understand that her pregnancy has stopped, since she did not yet suspect its onset, attributing this to a disruption in the menstrual cycle. But such a pregnancy complication can occur at any stage of pregnancy. In later stages, this is called placental abruption.

The diagnosis itself sounds ominous. But a woman must understand what is actually happening in her body, and what is the cause of such pathology.

After fertilization of the egg in the fallopian tube, the zygote, as the newly formed cell is now called, begins its movement to the uterus, where its further development will continue. This happens within about a week. At this time, the queen is preparing to meet the “new resident”. Its walls become loose, tone decreases, and blood supply increases.

Once in the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches to its walls, as if growing into it with the help of thin capillary villi, through which nutrients and oxygen will flow to it. Sometimes the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. This often occurs due to high uterine tone, as well as due to previous abortions or operations on the uterus. Without nutrition and oxygen, the embryo dies and is rejected from the body. Spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

But even if the zygote has already attached to the walls of the uterus, detachment of the fertilized egg may begin. It can be partial, and most often occurs due to nervous strain, stress, heavy lifting, infections or abdominal bruises.

In later stages of pregnancy, abruption of the ovum is called placental abruption. The cause may be late toxicosis, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. With polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies, intrauterine pressure increases. This can also lead to placental abruption.

Among the factors that can lead to detachment of the ovum are the bad habits of a woman - smoking and drinking alcohol. But this has not been reliably proven.

Signs of detachment of the ovum

A definitive diagnosis can only be made after an ultrasound examination. But if a woman experiences bloody vaginal discharge, sharp or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness and fatigue, then she should seek medical help. A woman should also be alerted by the fact that the child does not move for a long time, or his movements are weak. After an ultrasound, the doctor can reliably say whether there is a threat to the life of the fetus, and whether it is possible to help the woman maintain the pregnancy. The woman herself is not in any danger from placental abruption.

If 1/3 of the ovum is detached, then with timely hospitalization of the expectant mother and appropriate treatment, everything can return to normal.

Strict bed rest, elimination of any stress, both physical and emotional, is the key to success in the treatment of this pathology.

After a complete examination of the woman, comprehensive treatment is prescribed. The most commonly used drugs are those containing progesterone. As a rule, after 10-15 days the condition of the expectant mother stabilizes, and she safely carries the pregnancy to term. But sometimes, especially in the later stages, you have to remain in bed until birth.

If after the examination it turns out that half of the placenta has separated, then this is a clear threat to the life of the fetus. The child does not receive sufficient nutrients and suffers greatly from asphyxia. In this case, premature birth is performed by caesarean section.

The expectant mother should not worry too much and fear that detachment of the fertilized egg will certainly occur. Of course, precautions must be taken, but remember that this pathology is rare, approximately one case in 120 pregnancies. And in almost 90% of cases everything goes well. The main thing is to avoid stress, severe fears, heavy lifting and abdominal bruises. Wise nature has taken good care of making your baby feel safe in his “water house”.

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Detachment of the ovum during pregnancy

As soon as she learns about her pregnancy, a woman needs to immediately begin to treat herself and her own health more carefully, carefully and responsibly. Firstly, from this moment on, the life of the unborn baby depends entirely on the well-being of the mother’s body. Secondly, pregnancy itself causes a temporary decrease in a woman’s immunity. Thirdly, none of us is immune from the development of complications when carrying a child. Fourthly, most of them manifest themselves in the early stages of pregnancy - in the first trimester, which has the highest number of spontaneous abortions during pregnancy.

One of the most dangerous complications during pregnancy can be detachment of the ovum during pregnancy.

Detachment of the ovum: symptoms

Abruption is said to occur when the fertilized egg begins to tear away from the uterus prematurely, which naturally poses a threat to its life. The fetus cannot exist outside the uterus, and therefore complete detachment ends in its death and miscarriage. In fact, detachment is the initial stage of spontaneous abortion.

As the chorion peels off, the vessels that attach it to the uterus rupture, and a bruise occurs in this place - a hematoma. During an ultrasound, the specialist will certainly notice a hematoma forming near the placenta even at the earliest stage. If the detachment is partial and not very pronounced, then perhaps this will be the only sign of a disorder during pregnancy, which was serendipitously discovered during a routine ultrasound examination.

But very often, a woman who begins to experience chorion or fertilized egg rejection is able to notice the symptoms of detachment on her own by changes in her own well-being and in the color of vaginal discharge.

The most characteristic sign of the onset of abruption and the threat of termination of pregnancy is spotting during pregnancy. Traces of brown dried blood indicate that the hematoma formed earlier, and this is the contents coming out of it. It is this kind of discharge that is characteristic of detachment of the fertilized egg. The appearance of ichor from the genital tract indicates the “healing” of the tear, but relapses are not excluded. A change in bloody discharge toward a red color is considered a critical sign of a developing miscarriage and requires immediate hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

Harbingers of a threat can be cramping or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region (reminiscent of menstrual pain), as well as a feeling of hardness of the uterus: due to the increased tone, it spasms, rejecting the fetus, which a woman can feel as petrification in the lower abdomen.

Detachment of the ovum: causes

Why the fertilized egg of a normally started and seemingly successfully developing pregnancy suddenly begins to be rejected is not easy to answer. This can be facilitated by a huge number of different factors and reasons, among which experts highlight the following:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • past abortive cleansings;
  • diseases of the maternal reproductive system;
  • the presence of tumors of different etiologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • physiological pathologies in the development of gynecological organs;
  • infectious viral diseases suffered during pregnancy;
  • genital infections in a pregnant woman;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the impact of harmful external factors on the body of the expectant mother (chemicals, gases, etc.);
  • bad habits during pregnancy;
  • strong physical activity;

Detachment of the ovum

Early pregnancy is most at risk. Most miscarriages occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, newly minted expectant mothers should take care of themselves from the first days.

The cause of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy can be detachment of the ovum. Or rather, it is its first stage. The fertilized egg begins to be rejected from the chorion, a wound is formed here due to damage to the blood vessels, blood accumulates behind the fetal membrane, forming a hematoma, which is why this phenomenon in obstetrics is also called retrochorial hematoma. This blood formation can increase and further contribute to the detachment of the ovum. Ultimately, it is completely rejected and dies.

If no measures are taken, it is almost certain that the pregnancy will be terminated. However, timely treatment in most cases can stop the process.

Causes of detachment of the ovum

It is almost impossible to find out why the fetus begins to be rejected in each specific case. But there can be many reasons contributing to such an incipient miscarriage:

  • hormonal disorders (in particular, lack of progesterone in a woman’s body);
  • pathology of the structure and development of the uterus;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • past infectious and viral diseases;
  • fetal malformations;
  • past induced abortions;
  • other unfavorable factors (domestic, environmental, industrial).

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum

Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict abruption, but this can happen to any pregnant woman. Therefore, each of them must be extremely attentive to themselves and immediately react when any suspicious signs appear. Possible fetal rejection will be primarily indicated by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back, as during menstruation, accompanied by bleeding. You should immediately go to the hospital if you find traces of blood on your underwear (when detached, they have a coffee or ichor color). Brown discharge indicates that the hematoma is already beginning to resolve, but repeated tearing is possible, so if you do not want to tempt fate, it is better to seek medical help. I usually diagnose detachment by ultrasound.

Read also: Frozen pregnancy in the early stages

By the way, there is an opinion that natural selection occurs at the initial stage of pregnancy. And if the fetus is complete and self-sufficient, then it will survive without outside help. In the process of its struggle for life, detachment can be repeated several times, but ultimately the fertilized egg is securely attached and begins to grow and develop safely.

In general, not all women prefer to undergo preservation in case of abruption of the ovum in the early stages. However, doctors insist: the risks of miscarriage due to incipient fetal rejection without treatment are incredibly high.

Treatment of ovum abruption

If suspicions of detachment of the ovum are confirmed, the woman will certainly be admitted to the hospital. Detachment is treated inpatiently and under the supervision of doctors, although you have the right to refuse hospitalization.

The most important thing when a detachment begins is complete rest for the pregnant woman. You can’t not only do even the slightest bit of hard work, but you can’t even walk. The abdominal wall should be in a completely relaxed state, and this is only possible in a lying position. When performing any action, it still tenses, even to the smallest extent, and when walking, vibration is also created and in any case, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which also tones the uterus and can only accelerate detachment. In addition, your doctor may recommend that you place a pillow or bolster under your buttocks to help drain blood away from your pelvic area.

Too active intestinal motility now also poses a certain danger, which is why a woman is prescribed a gentle diet with the exclusion from the diet of foods that strengthen, weaken and cause gas formation, as well as coffee and tea.

There is no need to talk about sexual intercourse: any sex with a threat of termination of pregnancy is strictly prohibited!

The emotional peace of the expectant mother is no less important. It is necessary to exclude any stress and worries from a woman’s life.

Unfortunately, you can’t do without medications either, but they help maintain pregnancy, doctors say. These can be hemostatic drugs (Etamzilat), antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6), sedatives (mainly Valerian Extract), vitamins (mainly folic acid and vitamin E), hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) and others. All prescriptions must be made by the attending physician.

The duration of treatment will vary in each individual case, but it will be at least two weeks. It largely depends on the degree to which the woman complies with all medical prescriptions. So if you want the fastest improvement, then follow them strictly.

In the future, a pregnant woman who experienced abruption of the ovum in the early stages should be under strict medical supervision until the very end of pregnancy. Do not neglect routine examinations and examinations. Gynecologists say that the increased risk of relapse persists until the placenta completes its formation.

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Detachment of the ovum

Symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment of abruption of the ovum

Detachment of the ovum is a fairly common pathology that occurs mainly at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. As a result of detachment from the chorion of the fertilized egg, a hematoma is formed - a cavity with an accumulation of blood. It is the hematoma that is diagnosed using ultrasound, and on the basis of it a diagnosis of “threatened miscarriage” is made.

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum are always present in the case of a large detachment area. These are bloody discharge from the genital tract and spasmodic pain. If the hematoma is very small, a few millimeters, it can only be diagnosed using ultrasound and is an accidental finding, while the woman considers herself absolutely healthy.

Many expectant mothers are interested in the causes of detachment of the ovum in order to try to prevent the development of this pathology. However, there is no one specific reason. There are a lot of them. This is an increase in blood pressure, and, possibly, a lack of progesterone, and characteristics of the chorionic vessels, etc. Therefore, it is better not to study unnecessarily what abruption of the ovum is, but to register for pregnancy in a timely manner and undergo all recommended examinations on time, Plus, follow the correct work and rest schedule and eat right.

What consequences a detachment of the ovum can have for the mother and fetus depends on its size. As a rule, when the detachment exceeds 40 percent (compared to the fertilized egg), a miscarriage occurs. With a small detachment with a tendency to reduce the hematoma, there is no threat to the development of the fetus. This diagnosis may sound like this - partial detachment of the ovum with the formation of a hematoma. With this diagnosis, the woman is admitted to the hospital and the size of the hematoma is monitored by ultrasound. They should decrease. Brown discharge during the recovery process is considered a positive diagnostic criterion - this is “old” blood coming out, the hematoma is emptied. If, on the contrary, the hematoma becomes larger, partial detachment of the ovum may become complete, and a miscarriage will occur.

As for treatment, it is mostly symptomatic. If there is uterine tone, it is relieved with the help of tocolytic drugs. For heavy bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed. It also makes sense to prescribe progesterone drugs, preferably Utrozhestan, in order to prevent a possible lack of progesterone and save the fertilized egg with the embryo.

The expectant mother herself is required to adhere to bed rest and cease sexual activity for at least several weeks. Only such a detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy requires treatment, according to modern doctors. The main thing is to do everything so that nothing interferes with the emptying of the hematoma and its reduction in size.

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For example: fish

  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • Physiologically disturbances in the development of gynecological organs;
  • Infectious viral disease of the expectant mother during pregnancy;
  • Sexual infection;
  • The impact of negative external factors on the pregnant woman’s body (gases, chemicals, etc.);
  • Too much physical activity;
  • Nervous shocks.

The main reason, according to the vast majority of experts in this field, is progesterone deficiency.

This disorder prevents the further successful bearing of a child, since the body does not produce or produces less than necessary, the main pregnancy hormone - progesterone. It is the latter that is responsible for the maintenance and development of pregnancy.

If a woman does not notice the threatening signs or ignores them and no measures are taken, then in most cases the fertilized egg will be completely rejected by the uterus. In this case, the pregnancy will either freeze or have a miscarriage.

That is why the expectant mother should consult a doctor at the first disturbing symptoms, and if bleeding has already begun, then call emergency help and go to the nearest medical facility.

It should also be noted that with timely assistance to the hospital, there should be no cause for alarm, because gynecologists and obstetricians currently have extensive experience in treating such pathological conditions. Upon treatment, if, of course, it happened on time, the detachment that has begun can be eliminated as soon as possible.

In cases where there is a high probability that partial detachment of the ovum will progress, the woman is admitted to a hospital. In both the first and second cases, she needs absolute rest, which does not only consist of bed rest. You cannot sit or walk, make sudden movements, sexual intercourse, as well as stressful situations are completely excluded.

It is also useful to lie down with your legs slightly above body level. In the first trimester, it is recommended to regularly measure basal temperature; this measure will allow you to monitor the progress of pregnancy; for example, if the thermometer readings decrease, you should consult a doctor, as this is a bad sign.

To eliminate uterine tone, antispasmodics are prescribed, usually Papaverine, No-shpa or Magne B6. Relaxing and calming therapy is also indicated, which consists of taking valerian or motherwort.

If necessary, hemostatic medications (pr. Ditsinon) and progesterone therapy (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) are prescribed. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, it is recommended to take vitamins.

They are often prescribed at the planning stage, but if the woman has not taken them, the gynecologist recommends folic acid, tocopherol (vitamin E) and multivitamins.

Vitamin therapy is standard during pregnancy, but the drugs may vary depending on the woman’s condition and the course of the process. Also, during detachment, it is recommended to adhere to a gentle diet, which refers to measures to prevent gas formation and stool retention.

After the threatening condition has been eliminated and the woman has been discharged from the hospital home, her pregnancy must be monitored more carefully. Increased attention is provided at least until the 16th week, however, both the woman herself and doctors need to be on guard until the birth itself.

It is quite possible to stop a dangerous disorder and prevent a miscarriage. The main thing is that the first threatening symptoms are noticed in time. A woman must be extremely attentive, especially to the nature of the discharge, and must also adhere to the recommendations of doctors, because if there is a delay, the chance of maintaining the pregnancy decreases every minute.

It is necessary to regularly visit an antenatal clinic, take the required tests and undergo other studies, because this can be insurance against the development of various complications. Doctors can identify a disease or disorder at an early stage, and accordingly, take measures to eliminate it, which will save the expectant mother from problems during pregnancy.

This difficult complication is one of the most common causes of miscarriage that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy in women. It most often occurs soon after conception. Its essence lies in the fact that the fertilized egg lags behind the chorion. This phenomenon occurs quite traumatically and is accompanied by the separation of blood, which accumulates in the uterine cavity. Its reservoir is formed, the presence of which further aggravates the problem. In the absence of timely medical care, the process ends in spontaneous abortion. Therefore, it is necessary to very accurately imagine its basic essence in order to contact a specialist in time.

Causes of detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy

It is difficult to dwell on any one specific reason for the occurrence of such a phenomenon. The main factors that serve as prerequisites for the development of complications most often are:

  • severe progesterone deficiency in a woman’s body;
  • severe nervous tension;
  • lifting weights;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the uterus;
  • various anomalies of fetal development;
  • the presence of Rh conflict;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • introduction of infection;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • recent induced termination of pregnancy;
  • performing traumatic medical procedures in the pelvic area;
  • development of cancer;
  • smoking during pregnancy;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excessive passion for coffee;
  • occupational hazards;
  • influence of the external environment, etc.

In each specific case, the reason for detachment of the ovum in the early stages of gestation becomes special. It is very difficult to single out the single factor that is most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy.

However, every woman needs to have a good understanding of the reasons why a miscarriage can occur. Of course, they cannot be used to judge the essence of the process, since the final conclusion is made only after a thorough ultrasound scan. However, knowledge of the main harmful factors can prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum

The pathological process is accompanied by certain manifestations, from which it becomes clear what exactly is happening to the woman.

It usually begins with discomfort in the lower abdominal cavity. Pain often extends to the sacrum area.

At the same time, the pregnant woman experiences bloody discharge from the genitals.

In cases where they have a brown tint, we can say that the hemorrhage occurred much earlier and currently the blood is simply coming out of the uterine cavity.

If its color is no longer so pronounced and has signs of ichor, then such a sign indicates that the wound surface has begun to heal. However, an urgent visit to a gynecologist is also required in this case, since the phenomenon may re-develop.

When spotting has acquired a rich scarlet color, it is considered a critical signal. Then urgent hospitalization of the woman in a hospital may be necessary.

Treatment of ovum abruption

In situations where ultrasound has accurately recorded the development of pathology, the patient needs to be hospitalized.

When placed in a hospital, she is usually prescribed:

  • antispasmodics;
  • drugs aimed at reducing uterine tone;
  • tranquilizers;
  • hemostatic agents;
  • vitamins;
  • immunostimulants;
  • folic acid;
  • hormones;
  • progesterone, etc.

Typically, the patient requires strict bed rest for at least seven to ten days. It is advisable to lie down without moving, completely relaxing all muscles. This need arises in order to stabilize the tone of the uterus and try to reduce intra-abdominal pressure.

A small pillow should be placed under the sacrum to remove accumulated blood from the uterine cavity.

A woman needs to completely avoid any nervous overload, sleep more and try to be optimistic.

With strict adherence to all basic doctor’s prescriptions, abruption of the ovum can usually be prevented.

After returning home, the patient must carefully follow a daily routine, avoid any nervous and physical stress, and completely abstain from sexual contact. It is also better to temporarily suspend professional activity.

You should take prescribed medications and take all measures to prevent relapse of the pathology.

Even when a third of the fertilized egg has already been detached, specialists are quite capable of stopping the process, provided that all instructions are strictly followed.

In cases where the patient consults a doctor on time, only ten percent of early pregnancy is interrupted for this reason. Moreover, under the supervision of a doctor, pregnancy ends in a successful birth.


In order to finally confirm the fact of detachment of the ovum, an ultrasound examination of the uterus is required.

It is also necessary to obtain data about the processes occurring in a woman’s body, so the doctor examines her on a gynecological chair using mirrors.

Of no small importance is the analysis of the patient’s complaints and a detailed collection of anamnesis.

Once the full picture of what is happening becomes clear to the specialist, he will not only make a confident diagnosis, but also prescribe specific treatment. It is multi-stage in nature and includes both the use of symptomatic and hormonal drugs.

Photo ultrasound

The doctor makes a final conclusion only after receiving images taken with an ultrasound machine. They clearly show a retrochorial hematoma.

The fertilized egg is in the process of separation from the chorion. You can also distinguish ruptured vessels and blood accumulating in the uterine cavity. The effusion usually increases gradually. If treatment is not started in time, the fertilized egg may be completely rejected.


The most common complications of the pathology are:

  • Risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • incipient miscarriage;
  • abortion in progress;
  • partial termination of pregnancy, when part of the fertilized egg leaves;
  • sepsis.


Already when planning to conceive, you need to take a responsible attitude towards your health. It is required to carry out all the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies. If any diseases or dysfunctions are detected, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment.

You also need to completely adjust your lifestyle.

The best way to avoid abruption of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy is to carefully observe precautions.

You should completely get rid of the smoking habit, as well as any alcohol consumption.

Under no circumstances should you lift heavy objects or engage in active sports.

It is necessary to regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by your doctor.

It is necessary to monitor timely bowel movements. Increased gas formation or increased contractile movements of the digestive tract can increase the manifestations of pathology.

You should completely abandon intimate life for a dangerous period. Until permission from the gynecologist is obtained, she is under the strictest prohibition.

It is advisable to eat small portions several times a day. You should refuse:

  • sweets;
  • muffins;
  • acute;
  • foods rich in fiber;
  • bran bread;
  • legumes;
  • peas, etc.

It is also worth temporarily limiting the consumption of strongly brewed tea or coffee.

Such measures will largely avoid the threat of detachment of the fertilized egg in the early stages of pregnancy.

The course of therapy is usually about fifteen days. Provided you carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions, complete recovery occurs.

But if there is an existing or continuing risk of miscarriage or a history of spontaneous abortions, it is necessary to constantly take medications prescribed by a doctor.

It is necessary to monitor your condition and, if there is the slightest threat to the development of pregnancy or if your health worsens, seek medical help.

When referring for treatment to a hospital, you must fully follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

In the future, the woman remains under the special supervision of doctors at the antenatal clinic until childbirth. You should undergo all screening and routine and additional examinations recommended by your doctor in a timely manner. It is important to remember that the risk of spontaneous abortion remains until the end of pregnancy.

Every pregnant woman needs to know that if there is any uncharacteristic discharge from the genital tract, she should immediately consult a doctor. They are the first to indicate the threat of miscarriage.

Spasms in the lower abdomen, extending to the lumbar region, should be especially alarming. You should not ignore the feeling of fullness in the abdomen or increased muscular rigidity of the abdominal cavity.

In case of any pain or severe discomfort, increased attention to the woman’s well-being and urgent consultation with a specialist are also necessary.
