Why you shouldn’t sort things out via the Internet. TV table

Domain name and IP address management corporation ICANN warned on September 12 that it was planning to carry out the first cryptographic key change in Internet history on October 11. Because of this, some users may experience slower Internet speeds, shutdown sites, or lose access to the network completely. But there is no need to worry about this.

What kind of keys?

A cryptographic key is needed to protect Internet users from hacking. Keys are used in the DNSSEC extension to ensure the security and integrity of the Internet addressing system. That is, if an attacker wants to intercept your computer’s request and switch it to his server, he will not succeed.

Why do they change them?

Changing keys is as necessary as changing passwords to your main Internet accounts. The fact is that no matter how complex the key is, there will always be people who can crack it. Regular replacement solves this problem.

In general, the keys were supposed to be changed a year ago, but then ICANN decided that the providers were not ready yet, and postponed everything to 2018.

When is the replacement planned?

How will this affect me?

If everything goes according to ICANN's plan, then nothing. Your provider must have time to correctly configure resolvers - sets of routines to provide access to the domain name system. But ICANN understands that not all providers will have time to do this, so it assumes that some users will still have problems with the Internet.

It can be said almost unequivocally that there will be several providers around the world who will not be ready to change. But, even in the worst case, to cope with the problem, all they have to do is disable DNSSEC, install a new key and enable DNSSEC again, then users will have access to the network again.

David Conrad

ICANN Chief Technology Officer

What do the experts say?

Most operators are already ready to replace the keys. This was officially announced by VimpelCom, MTS and Rostelecom. Boris Sobolev from ESET Russia says that if you are connected to large providers, then there is no need to worry.

We do not rule out that some difficulties may arise for providers who did not take care to update the relevant software in advance. But such problems are unlikely to be widespread.

Boris Sobolev

Andrey Zaikin, head of information security at CROC, one of the largest IT companies in Russia, also believes that we shouldn’t expect any kind of apocalypse.

Operators need to install a new public key that will be used to authenticate responses to a DNS query. This key will be available to them in advance, so you shouldn’t expect any disastrous consequences.

Andrey Zaikin

What should I do if my Internet is turned off?

Do not panic. If your Internet is turned off, call your provider's support. Perhaps the interruptions will not be related to the replacement of keys, but to technical work or some kind of breakdown on the server.

But if it’s all about the keys, then all you can do is wait. ICANN says the worst-case scenario is that the Internet will be down for two days. But I can't imagine a provider that can handle an influx of calls from angry users. Probably, changing the keys will cost you a couple of non-working sites, but, of course, nothing apocalyptic will happen.

In most cases, Google can help you find useful information. However, sometimes it can work against you. We've compiled a list of things you shouldn't look for on the Internet.

1. Your symptoms

First of all, let's talk about your health problems. There are many sites that specialize in such content, but, of course, in most cases they are not created by medical specialists. Searching for the meaning of symptoms on the Internet will definitely not help, quite the contrary, it will make you feel much worse and may even lead to panic. If you have any health problems, don't ask Google. It's best to see a real doctor.

2. Any illegal actions

Take this advice seriously. You might try to find information on how to make a bomb or how to make amphetamines out of sheer interest. However, be aware that security and drug enforcement agencies are always monitoring these types of searches and your IP address may appear in their database. You don't want to get in trouble for being curious, do you?

3. Cancer

This is a case where the less you know, the better you sleep. There are many types of this disease, and most have symptoms similar to other relatively harmless conditions. Most people experience symptoms like dizziness, weakness, nausea, etc., so you are likely to mistake some other illness for cancer and start panicking.

4. Linen bugs

You've probably heard about these little monsters, especially from people who often stay in hotels. You may even have felt the damage they can cause on your own skin. But have you ever thought about what a bedbug infestation is? If you want to continue to sleep peacefully at night, don't look for this information on the Internet.

5. Skin diseases

There are many skin related diseases and most of them look very bad. You can find images of almost all of these conditions on the Internet. However, in this case, it is much better to remain ignorant because such content can be extremely disturbing. Also, do not look for information about genital infections.

6. Lungs of smokers

Many people who smoke from time to time think about the dangers of smoking, especially for the lungs. The internet is full of images of light heavy smokers, and some people may take them too seriously. You can, of course, try playing this game if you need strong motivation to give up cigarettes, but it is better not to do so.

7. Dangerous animals

Please stay away from such information if you do not want to acquire new phobias. There are a lot of terrifying animals on the planet, and some of them are probably native to your area. Moreover, such a phobia may prevent you from traveling. You don't want that to happen, do you?

8. Your name

It's no secret that in the Internet age, our privacy is questioned. If you try to Google your name, you may come across some unpleasant results. Bad photos, outdated information, irrelevant content—we all take these things too seriously. If you find something like this, you will, of course, want to delete everything. However, it is not easy. Maybe we should take this easier? Or just don't Google your name.

9. Blackhead removal

This information definitely won't scare you or get you into trouble, but it will take your time and won't let you stop. It's a little strange that blackhead removal gives so many people such visual satisfaction, but it's nonetheless true. Therefore, you should stay away from such requests.

10. Childbirth process

We've all seen scenes like this in movies. Women scream loudly, doctors try to calm them down - even on the screen everything looks very tense. However, the actual process of childbirth is a hundred times more alarming. This is especially dangerous for women to watch, as they may decide never to have children. So don't even try to look for this information. The same applies to caesarean section.

What can you search on Google?

Instead of searching for the unpleasant things collected on our list, you can simply have fun with Google. Just try typing “why”, “how”, etc. into a search engine. You will see the most popular search terms and you will be surprised at what many people are interested in. Enjoy!

In our age of social networks, many feel an irresistible desire to post their children on their feed, to show how cute, smart they are, and how proud we are of them. But few people think that now the most dangerous people for children “work” on the Internet.

For the safety of your children, we have prepared a list of measures that, although they may seem a little unnecessary, will still help to avoid risks.

We warn you, this does not mean that you should be paranoid and hide your children altogether. No. Just be smart and have boundaries in this Instagram age.

Don't put geolocations on your photos

Do not publish information about your child’s frequent pastimes. Be it a school, a gym or a cutting and sewing club. Some subjects can use the information for their own evil purposes; it is easy to track the road by seeing where the child is usually located.

Do not post photos that reveal your child’s hobbies.

Having learned what a child loves and is interested in, it is easy to deceive him and lure him in absolutely any place and situation.

Remove any images that may reveal the child's official information

It would seem an absurd point. But there are people who like to show off their newly received visas, passports and other documents on the Internet. Having the full name or important document number in hand, you can easily figure out where the child studies and lives.

Don't upload photos of children near the car

This information is more important for the safety of the parents themselves. In addition to the fact that you can provide information to criminals, you can also expose yourself. For example, these parents ended up behind bars after publishing a “car game.”

Don't post photos of your children half-dressed, no matter how cute and innocent they may be.

Perhaps you and your loved ones will find such photographs incredibly funny and amusing, but some sick people may look at them with a completely different look.

Don't share photos that will make your children blush in the future.

Surely many people have photographs of their childhood, looking at which you wonder what your parents were thinking when they took this photo. And in our childhood there was no Internet, these photos could only be seen by close people. But our children are no longer protected from this: any photograph can become publicly incriminating evidence or a memory for life.

Avoid posting photos of your child with other children

Before posting photos of your child with friends and classmates, think about whether their parents will be against it. You are not responsible for their children, and the issue of finding information about them on the Internet is not your prerogative.

Remember that when you post a photo of your child on a social network, even if you share it only with friends, you must be aware that from that moment on it is not your photo, but a public domain that anyone can use for any purpose . Be careful and always think about the safety of your children.

It would seem that the age of telephone (and even more so real) communication is coming to an end - all kinds of applications for sending messages are now at the peak of their popularity. Most of everyday communication is transferred to electronic format - you can write or respond to someone while continuing to do your own thing. This method of communication is a real salvation for those who, for many reasons, cannot leave their own home, but for everyone else it is better not to rely on virtual methods of communication. We have looked at 3 main reasons why you should not sort things out over the Internet.

You will never learn to control your speech

It just so happens that almost each of us, willy-nilly, has to communicate with many people - in transport or at a gas station, in a store and in a clinic, in line at an ATM or at the checkout. The desire to reduce the number of social contacts is quite understandable, but, unfortunately, it is hardly feasible for the majority, and it is even more unlikely that your significant other will understand such a desire. If you constantly rely on the help of electronic gadgets, then you become more and more accustomed to non-verbal communication, and there is a high probability of finally losing the remnants of your real communication skills with people. Believe me, you will still need them.

It's not reliable

This fact may seem strange to some, but its essence does not change: messages and letters are unreliable. Your message can easily get lost on the Internet or in the wilds of cellular networks - for some operators, SMS reaches the recipient with a huge delay. If you communicate via SMS, the conversation may be interrupted unexpectedly - because the money in your account runs out or your mobile phone is dead. And by the time you manage to run to the nearest terminal or find a missing charging cord, a lot of time will pass - they will definitely have time to be mortally offended at you for your silence.

With email, such problems almost never arise, but the likelihood of your email account being hacked increases many times over—do you really want someone else to find out about your correspondence? The same, by the way, applies to social networks - in addition to problems with hackers, you can forward your messages in one click to discuss them with someone else. This opportunity may be too tempting, and you won’t even know it. Do you need it?

Zero emotions

Text messages depersonalize communication - it is unlikely that you will be able to convey the full range of emotions that you feel with the help of words alone. In addition, the words in “the great and mighty” are famous for their ambiguity - sometimes without intonation, which is certainly imparted in live communication, it is impossible to understand what is being said or what exactly you meant. Any omission can rekindle an already fading quarrel, so if you still had to sort things out at a distance, express yourself clearly and clearly, and if possible, ask to meet - this will make it much easier for both you and the other person to explain, and the fervor will subside somewhat.

From time to time, a showdown is required for almost everyone who closely interacts with people. Let us note that you should not postpone such communication - it is much easier to resolve the issue or problem that has arisen, as they say, without delay. Figure out for yourself what you want to get out of such a conversation - if you feel that you just want to get psychological relief, try to find more humane ways, rather than taking it out on your partner. Communication is an art, and very few people truly master it. If you often get into discussions, these
