Vulgar and intimate pleasures of empresses. Unusual sexual quirks of great personalities of Russian history

Some of the pleasures of the Ancient World can be called truly bloodthirsty. Many people ruled in the world, but Cleopatra is unique in the sense that she was the last of the Egyptian pharaohs and the first woman politician. In one of the ancient scrolls, a contemporary wrote about her that the price of her love was death. But still there were men who were not afraid of such an ominous condition. Madly in love with Cleopatra, they gave their lives for the night spent with her, and in the morning their severed heads were displayed at the entrance to the palace...

The manners of that time

To modern man, the joys of the ancient world may seem the height of debauchery. At that time, not only cohabitation, but also legal marriages between fathers and daughters, uncles and nieces, as well as siblings, were quite widespread, especially among the nobility. Of course, the first motive that prompted such actions was property interest. In addition, people saw how they acted in such cases in the royal families, and took an example from them.

In Egypt, similar pleasures of the Ancient World were also practiced. Cleopatra and her brother were no exception. In addition, the priests actively introduced and strongly encouraged the so-called idea of ​​blood purity in the royal families. Apparently, in ancient times they already knew that repeated incest leads to various mental illnesses and other ailments of the most august descendants. Thus, the priests could use the depraved pleasures of the Ancient World to achieve their own selfish goals, because it is clear that it is much easier to control a sick or weak-minded person.

Incest in those days was a common practice, while the moral qualities of people had nothing to do with it. Take, for example, Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was, by the way, the husband of the beautiful Nefertiti. He was a progressive and good person in all respects, but during the life of his wife he also married his second daughter. Further in this article we will talk about Egypt and what were the pleasures of the Ancient World. Many ruled in the world, but still Cleopatra was a truly extraordinary woman.

General information

The future queen of Egypt was born in 69 BC. e. She was a representative of one of the most noble Greek clans. Her father was Ptolemy XII, and her mother was Cleopatra V. In addition to her, there were other children in the family: three sisters - Arsinoe, Berenice, Cleopatra VI, and two younger ones in honor of their father. When the imperious, cruel and hated ruler of Egypt finally died, his children ascended the throne: the 12-year-old son Ptolemy and his sister Cleopatra, who at that time was 17 years old. According to the custom adopted by the pharaohs, they got married.

I must say that Cleopatra VII was a fairly educated woman. She studied mathematics, philosophy, literature, and also knew how to play some musical instruments. In addition, she knew 8 languages ​​and was the only one of the entire Ptolemaic dynasty who spoke freely with the Egyptians.


Until now, it has not been possible to find a source that would reliably describe the appearance of this queen. But we can say for sure that all researchers unanimously repeat: Cleopatra was a sensual and seductive woman. This is evidenced by the facts from her life.

Now you can call the immoral pleasures of the ancient world. Cleopatra kept many men, but at that time it was not considered something shameful. It is no secret that the young pharaoh Ptolemy XIII was only nominally considered the ruler of Egypt. In fact, Queen Cleopatra was in power.

power struggle

But this could not continue for long. Dissatisfied with her reign, the mentor of Ptolemy XIII, along with other high-ranking dignitaries in 48 BC. e. raised an uprising against Cleopatra in the capital of Egypt - Alexandria. The rebellious people threatened to kill the queen, so she had to flee with her sister Arsinoe to neighboring Syrian lands. At the same time, Cleopatra did not consider herself defeated.

Soon she managed to gather an army, at the head of which she moved to the Egyptian borders. Brother and sister and husband and wife decided to find out in battle who would own power in the country. The two enemy armies met face to face about 30 miles east of Port Said, at Pelusium.


Meanwhile, Julius Caesar and Pompey were vying for power in the Roman Empire. The latter lost the battle of Pharsalos and was forced to flee to Alexandria. But the Egyptian nobles decided to curry favor with the emperor and executed Pompey. A few days later, Caesar arrived in Alexandria, where a kind of "surprise" awaited him - the severed head of his enemy. Seeing her, he was horrified and ordered Cleopatra and Ptolemy to stop the war, disband their soldiers and come to him immediately for explanations and further reconciliation.

Arriving in Alexandria, the young pharaoh began to complain about the actions of his sister. But before making a decision, Caesar wished to listen to the other side of the conflict. The queen knew that as soon as she appeared in the capital, her brother's supporters would immediately kill her. Therefore, she came up with a very original plan: she arrived in Alexandria at night on a simple fishing boat. She ordered to wrap herself in a colorful cloth (according to other sources - a carpet) and bring her to the emperor's chambers. It was both a great disguise and an original joke. Thus occurred one of the most romantic encounters in history.

Knowing the intricacies of seduction and all the love pleasures of the Ancient World that existed at that time, Cleopatra, whose love story still excites the minds of people, struck the spoiled emperor not only with her ingenuity, but also with a subtle sense of humor. In addition, her movements and even her voice literally fascinated Caesar. Julius, like other men, could not resist the love charms of a charming Egyptian woman and on the same night became her lover.

Full queen

The Alexandrian War, which Caesar waged solely for the love of Cleopatra, ended after 8 months. During the fighting, two-thirds of the Egyptian capital was burned, including the famous library. After that, Alexandria swore allegiance to Caesar, and the fullness of power, along with the throne, returned to Cleopatra.

Wasting no time, she immediately married the next brother - Ptolemy XIV. It is worth noting that this marriage was fictitious. In fact, the queen all this time was the mistress of Julius Caesar and ruled the state with the support of the imperial legions.

"Alexandrian courtesan"

Despite the fact that Rome was engulfed in unrest, and rivers of blood flowed there, Caesar was in no hurry to return there. In the sweet embrace of his mistress, he forgot both his duty and public duties. In order to keep the emperor near her, Cleopatra tried every day to surprise and interest him more and more. Until that time, not a single woman could bind Caesar, experienced in love, for a long time.

From the few scrolls that could survive, and from the works of art of that time, one can imagine what the joys of the Ancient World were. Cleopatra and her lover had fun on a luxurious ship, which was almost 100 meters long, 20 meters high and 15 meters wide. On its deck stood a real two-story palace with cedar and cypress colonnades. The ship was usually followed by an escort of 400 vessels. Such luxury was intended to demonstrate to the ruler of the Roman Empire all the greatness of Egypt, as well as the honors that they show him.

A few months later, Caesar had to say goodbye to Cleopatra and go back. The love joys of the ancient world in terms of consequences were not too different from modern ones: after some time, Cleopatra had a son named Ptolemy-Caesarion. In order to protect the queen and her child from possible enemies, there were always 3 in Alexandria that the Roman prudently left.

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Cleopatra, along with her husband and son in 46 BC. e. went on a visit to Rome, where they arranged a triumphal meeting. The locals were amazed by the unprecedented luxury of the foreign ruler's cortege: a string of chariots, sparkling with gold, followed by a large number of black Nubian slaves, as well as tame cheetahs, gazelles and antelopes.

For the sake of the “Alexandrian courtesan,” Caesar was ready to change the law that forbade a husband to have more than one wife. By the way, his legal wife was Calpurnia - a childless woman. He also wanted to officially marry the Egyptian queen and make his son Caesarion the sole heir to the Roman Empire.

It must be said that no one ever paid attention to the number of Caesar's secret mistresses and to other pleasures of the Ancient World, which were not alien to him. But when he tried to recognize Cleopatra as his lawful wife, this was taken as an insult to the whole people. And now, 2 years after the arrival of the Egyptian, in March 44 BC. e., a group of Republican conspirators kill Caesar. He was inflicted with 23. So this love story and an attempt to legitimize his relationship with the "Alexandrian seductress" ended dramatically for him. Some rulers of states paid for the pleasures of the Ancient World in this way. Cleopatra was shocked, as she did not expect such a turn of events at all.

Flight from Rome

Another blow for the queen was the document left by the murdered emperor. When the will of Julius Caesar was opened, it turned out that he appointed Octavian, his nephew, as his successor, and did not even mention the officially recognized son of Caesarion. Cleopatra realized that she and her son were in mortal danger, so she tried to leave Rome as quickly as possible and return to Alexandria.

A little later, under mysterious circumstances, her brother and husband Ptolemy XIV dies. There is an assumption that Cleopatra herself poisoned him in order to become the sole and full ruler of Egypt, and to make her son Caesarion her heir.

After the death of the Roman emperor, a confrontation began in the state between his murderers and Octavian, Lepidus and Antony, who were thirsting for revenge. In the end, the triumvirate won. Mark Antony became ruler of the eastern provinces. But Cleopatra, leaving Rome, did not know that she had managed to ignite a spark of love in his heart.

New meeting

Mark Antony was a famous Roman politician and general, as well as a friend and confidant of Julius Caesar. They always supported each other in the most difficult times for them. So it was until the death of the emperor.

After defeating Caesar's killer - Brutus - Mark went to Asia and Greece to collect an indemnity. Everywhere he was greeted with applause, and only Cleopatra did not honor the great commander with her attention. Angered, Antony ordered her to come to Tarsus.

What were the joys of the Ancient World can be judged by the way Cleopatra appeared at a seemingly business meeting. Just imagine: the lady of Egypt sailed on a ship dressed as Venus, surrounded by cupids, nymphs and fauns! A huge vessel, made of precious wood with a gilded stern, sailed under scarlet sails. It exuded an unusual fragrance and approached the shore to the sounds of the most beautiful music, when the sun was already beginning to set. In the rapidly gathering twilight, a magnificent illumination suddenly flashed on the ship.

Mark Antony - a brilliant commander, a brave man and a favorite of women, who, it would seem, knew all the joys of the Ancient World - was struck on the spot by such a grandiose performance. Therefore, instead of attacking the headstrong queen with angry speeches and threats to turn her country into one of the many provinces of the great Roman Empire, he invited Cleopatra to dine with him alone. In response, she invited Antony to board her ship, literally strewn with rose petals, and arranged a feast in his honor that lasted 4 days. With such a luxury in Egypt, the pleasures of the Ancient World were usually organized. Cleopatra (of course, we cannot provide you with a photo of a royal person, but there are as many pictures as you like) did not stop there. She invited a high-ranking Roman to visit her palace in Alexandria.

Anthony arrived in the capital and immediately went to the residence of the queen. Such a magnificent reception awaited him that he completely forgot about state affairs. Throughout the winter, orgies and other dubious amusements were held in the palace of the "Alexandrian courtesan". Having turned into a real Bacchante, she did not leave her lover for a minute and indulged all his desires. Cleopatra tried to make sure that every day spent by Mark Antony next to her was unique. She came up with more and more amusements, promising both a lot of pleasure. So she entertained her lover, who was new to such pleasures of the ancient world. The photo below is a shot from the film "Antony and Cleopatra", in which the role of the Egyptian queen was played by the magnificent Elizabeth Taylor.

king of egypt

Anthony began another military campaign in 37 BC. e. This time it was aimed at conquering Syrian lands. The Roman asked Cleopatra to give him funds for the Parthian campaign. The queen agreed, and in exchange, Mark gave her part of northern Judea and Phoenicia, and legalized his marriage and children. All thoughts of the commander were occupied exclusively by the Egyptian mistress. He gave away the lands he conquered to her children. She became known as the "New Isis" and attended audiences in the costume of a goddess: in tight-fitting clothes with a crown in the form of a hawk's head and the horns of a cow.

Wherever Antony fought, he was accompanied by the "Alexandrian courtesan", who arranged for him all sorts of pleasures of the ancient world. Many ruled in the world, but Cleopatra, like no one else, knew how to command men. She convinced Antony to renounce not only his lawful wife, but also Rome. In the end, he began to be named and, on his orders, they began to mint a coin, on which the profile of Cleopatra flaunted. In addition, her name was engraved on the shields of the once Roman legionnaires.

This behavior of Mark Antony could not but cause deep indignation of the Romans. On this occasion, in 32 BC. e. Octavian made his accusatory speech in the Senate. As a result, it was decided to declare war on the Egyptian queen. The joint army of Cleopatra and Antony was superior to the Roman one. The couple in love knew about this, relied on military power and ... lost. The fact is that the queen, who had no military experience, undertook to command part of the navy. Apparently not understanding Mark's strategy, she ordered her ships to retreat at the decisive moment of the battle. Thus the Romans won. This happened at the beginning of September 31 BC. e. near Actium in Greece. But it took another year for Octavian Augustus to reach Alexandria. In desperation, Cleopatra and Antony held a grand farewell feast, during which endless orgies took place, such as Egypt had not yet seen.

Death of Antony and Cleopatra

Octavian's troops by 30 BC e. almost approached the walls of Alexandria. Hoping to somewhat soften the anger of the new Roman emperor, the queen sends a messenger with generous gifts to him. Having known almost all the pleasures of the Ancient World, Cleopatra was still sure that at 38 she still looks just as seductive and irresistible. The royal lady decided to hide in her luxurious tomb, which was recently built on her orders, and wait a little.

Meanwhile, Mark Antony was informed that his beloved woman had committed suicide. Hearing this, he made an attempt to stab himself with a dagger. The commander was still alive when he was brought to the tomb. A few hours later, Antony died in the arms of his mistress.

While the Egyptian queen played for time, the Romans managed to capture Alexandria. After burying Mark, she returned to the palace. It is worth noting that the new Roman emperor was known for his amorous adventures, and the joys of the Ancient World were not alien to him. Cleopatra ruled over the men who ruled the world, but this time she failed to negotiate with Octavian - her feminine charms did not make any impression on the Roman.

The “seductress of Alexandria” already foresaw her future and had no illusions about this: she, chained, would be forced to walk the streets of the Eternal City behind the chariot of the triumphant. But, according to legend, Cleopatra escaped disgrace: her faithful servants gave their mistress a basket of food, where they hid a small poisonous asp. Before her death, she wrote a letter to Octavian asking him to be buried along with Mark Antony. So in 30 BC. e. on the last day of August ended the love story of the Egyptian queen.

The "Alexandrian courtesan" was buried with great honors, just as she wanted. As you know, Cleopatra was the last of the pharaohs. After her death, Egypt was annexed to the Roman Empire and given the status of a province. According to legend, Octavian August ordered the destruction of all existing images of the queen.

I must say that at that time all the nobles were familiar with the peculiar joys of the Ancient World. Many have ruled the world, but Cleopatra is unique. According to some sources, she was not a beauty, as is commonly believed. But thanks to her sharp and lively mind, education and charming charm, she was able to achieve the location of two such great commanders as Mark Antony, who were ready to give their lives for her love.

Everyone has the right to privacy, but when you are a real celebrity, even if you live decades ago, your intimate secrets will sooner or later come to the surface. And so it happened with these rulers, writers and scientists, whose sexual preferences can hardly be called normal.

1. Maxim Gorky

The well-known proletarian writer Maxim Gorky was faithful to high ideas not only in relation to his homeland, but also in matters of sex. No, of course, he did not refuse him, however, in his youth, when his peers were already discovering the wonderful world of sexual pleasures with might and main, Maxim behaved a little differently. He also went to "public establishments", but did not take an active part in the action itself, instead, he watched everything, moving to the wall and ... singing folk songs at the same time.

2. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was known as a supporter of rather aggressive sex. Turgenev even compared him with the Marquis de Sade himself. Such inclinations of the writer were confirmed by his second wife Anna Snitkina. According to her, among other things, her husband asked her to describe in detail all the sensations that she experienced while having sex with him. She also emphasized that Fyodor Mikhailovich was insanely aroused by the fact that young Anna found him a sexually attractive man.

3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

One of the greatest musicians in the history of mankind was obsessed with excrement. Although, it must be admitted that he began to compose music at the age of 5. So Wolfgang Amadeus wrote 600-something pieces of music, as well as a bunch of letters to his cousin, where he quite frankly admitted that he wanted to "defeat on her face."

4. James Joyce

The greatest writer of Ireland and the surrounding area, a pioneer of modern literature, the creator of such masterpieces as "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", "Dubliners" and "Ulysses" was very fond of non-traditional sex. While away, he liked to write long and frank letters to his wife Nora. If not for them, humanity would never have known that the classic of literature loved Nora for her "fat thighs" and for allowing her to release gases in her face.

5. Catherine the Great

Catherine has always been famous for her restless sexual appetite. Her palace even had a special room with a huge bed. If necessary, a secret mechanism divided the bed into two parts with a wall - the favorite remained on the hidden half, and on the second, the empress, who had not cooled down from love pleasures, received ambassadors and ministers. In addition, some historians argue that Catherine passionately loved horses, and this is not about platonic feelings.

6. Peter III

The husband of Catherine II had a very unusual oddity, for which, some historians classify his sexual orientation as non-traditional. The fact is that Peter III could not achieve an erection until his wife put on a male military uniform, and not any, but an enemy one, that is (for that time), the uniform of a German soldier.

7. Benjamin Franklin

The politician, diplomat, statesman, scientist and inventor, forever imprinted on a 100-dollar bill, had fun not only with natural electricity and lightning rods, but also with elderly ladies. As mistresses, he chose women 20-30, or even 40 years older than himself. Why did he prefer old women as mistresses, although he was a zealous defender of the institution of marriage? Because, as he wrote in a letter to a friend: "They have more experience, they are more reasonable and restrained, they keep a secret better and do not arouse suspicion of adultery. As for what is below the waist, you will never distinguish a young woman from an old one" .

8. Albert Einstein

The greatest mind of the 20th century, of course, most of all loved science and only science. Well, after her - everything that moves, and what the skirt is wearing. He was married twice (once to his cousin), and honestly cheated on both wives. Although, it must be said in his defense, he presented his first wife with a list of rules, in which there was a clause that she did not expect "neither intimacy nor fidelity" from him. Before marrying his cousin Elsa, he almost committed marriage to her 22-year-old daughter. In addition, he had intimate relationships with almost all of his female relatives.

9. Marquis de Sade

The French aristocrat, writer and philosopher, became famous for being a preacher of absolute freedom, not limited by morality, religion, or law, but only by satisfying the aspirations of the individual. At a time when showing a knee wrapped in a stocking was considered the height of immorality, the Marquis de Sade (actually, a count) wrote about things that make even a modern person's hair stand on end. For which he was imprisoned. True, immediately after he left the gloomy dungeons, he organized a paradise for a pervert in his castle, settling sex slaves of both sexes there for his pleasure. Having spent a total of 32 years in prisons and psychiatric hospitals, the Marquis de Sade gave the world the term "sadism", and explained that you can give yourself pleasure by whipping someone with a whip.

10. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

To achieve sexual arousal, the great French writer had to be spanked, or better yet, whipped. "He who loves punishes well," writes the inventor of direct democracy. And he also confesses that this strange feature was laid down by his own governess, who in childhood spanked the child for any offense.

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Cleopatra - used a "vibrator" from a hollow gourd filled with live bees.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra is one of the wisest mistresses, far from being a beauty in appearance. Cleopatra is perhaps the most controversial character in the ancient world. The night of love with the queen cost the man his life, however, those who wanted to experience all the passion of the fatal beauty did not become less from this. Each man was determined to conquer Cleopatra with his strength and skill, and in the morning not only stay alive, but also become her lawful husband and king of Egypt. But Cleopatra was uncompromising: she did not leave life to any of her lovers.

Egyptologists call Cleopatra not only an adherent of free love, but also an experienced fellatrix (fellatio from lat. fello - to suck), or, more simply, Cleopatra did an amazing blowjob. Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient Greeks gave her the name Meriohane - translated from Greek. - “open-mouthed”, “one that opens its mouth wide”; "wide short"; "the woman with ten thousand mouths." Cleopatra was also called Khaylon - "Thick-lipped".

Thais of Athens - a daring hetaera who seduced Alexander the Great. She went down in history as an impregnable beauty, although she was a prostitute.

She lured Macedonian by the fact that she did not want to sell her body to him for any wealth and gifts. “If you penetrate into the heart, you will conquer me and the whole world,” she said to the great conqueror.

The voluptuous Marquise de Pompadour, favorite of the French King Louis XV, is still considered one of the most tireless and skillful mistresses. The secret of her passion is in celery.

Her daily menu included two of the strongest aphrodisiacs - chocolate and celery root. The lady drank a cup of hot chocolate with celery root powder in the morning, and during the day she ate a salad of celery, apples and walnuts. It is not known for certain whether she or she knew about the exciting effect of these products, but she had sex five to ten times a day and with different partners. By the way, in many countries, peasants broadcast a bunch of celery at the head of the bed on their wedding night.

The Marquise de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson) was predicted at the age of nine that she would have a relationship with the king himself. Its origin is not exactly known. According to one version, she was not from a wealthy family at all, but she was very lucky to find herself a patron in the face of a nobleman. Her meeting with King Louis XV took place at a masquerade. The king was intrigued by the behavior of the girl who hid her face under the mask, and when she took it off, it finally struck the monarch. Progress towards the goal further was not easy, but Jeanne nevertheless achieved her goal, becoming the official favorite of the king. She continued her vigorous activity - she took up the development of art, becoming the greatest patron for many writers and artists of that time. The Marquise de Pompadour until her death remained for Louis not just a mistress, always brilliant and original, but also a friend, which is very rare.

Many ruled in the world, but Cleopatra is unique: the last of the pharaohs and the first of the ladies-politicians. There are testimonies of a contemporary who writes that she appointed death at the cost of her love, and there were men who were not afraid of such a condition; for the night spent with Cleopatra, the mad adorers paid with their lives, and in the morning their heads were exhibited in front of the palace of the seductress.

She was born in 69 BC. e. and came from a wonderful Greek family of Ptolemies. Cleopatra's parents are Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Avlet and Cleopatra V. In addition to little Cleopatra, two older sisters grew up in the family - Cleopatra VI and Berenice, a younger sister - Arsinoe and two younger brothers - Ptolemies. July 51 B.C. e. the cruel and hated by all ruler of Egypt died, having bequeathed the throne to 17-year-old Cleopatra and 12-year-old Ptolemy. Following the custom of the Egyptian pharaohs, the brother and sister got married.
Cleopatra VII received an excellent education - she studied philosophy, mathematics, literature, played various musical instruments and was fluent in eight languages. The queen was the first of the Ptolemaic pharaohs who could communicate with the Egyptians.
There is no reliable description of her appearance, but all researchers agree that Cleopatra was a seductive woman and had a voluptuous nature. To satisfy her desires, the mistress kept many beautiful men, which was not considered immoral then. It was no secret to anyone that the young Ptolemy XIII was only called pharaoh, while Cleopatra ruled the country.
In 48 BC. e. the teacher of the king, in collusion with other senior dignitaries, managed to raise the capital of Egypt, Alexandria, against Cleopatra. The indignant people threatened the life of the mistress, and she fled to neighboring Syria along with her younger sister Arsinoe, but did not consider herself defeated.
Soon Cleopatra gathered an army and moved it to the Egyptian border. Brother and sister, husband and wife decided to sort things out in battle. The two armies stood face to face at Pelusium (about 30 miles east of Port Said) on the seashore.

In the Roman Empire, too, there was a struggle for power between Julius Caesar and Pompey. After losing the battle of Pharsalos, Pompey fled to Alexandria. But the dignitaries of Egypt, wanting to curry favor with Caesar, beheaded Pompey right in front of the young pharaoh Ptolemy XIII. Three days later, the Roman emperor, who arrived in the capital of Egypt, was presented with a kind of "gift" from Ptolemy XIII - the head of Pompey. Such an offering horrified even the stern Roman, and he ordered Ptolemy and Cleopatra to stop hostilities, disband the troops and come to him for explanations and reconciliation.
Ptolemy, having appeared in Alexandria, bitterly complained about his sister. But it was not easy to convince Caesar to give preference to his brother: before finally resolving the dispute over the Egyptian throne, Caesar decided to listen to Cleopatra as well.
The disgraced queen was well aware that as soon as she openly arrived in Alexandria, her opponents would immediately kill her. Therefore, she came to the capital at night on a fishing boat. Wrapped in a piece of colorful cloth, she was brought to Caesar's chambers, placing a precious burden at his feet. It was both a disguise and an unusual joke. So happened, perhaps, the most romantic acquaintance of all times and peoples.
The spoiled emperor has never had women with such ingenuity and sense of humor. Her movements, speech, even the sound of her voice was enchanting. Julius could not resist the love charms of Cleopatra, and on the same night they became lovers.
The Alexandrian War, known as "Cleopatra's War" because Caesar fought only out of love for the queen, lasted eight months. During this time, two-thirds of Alexandria burned down (including the famous library). The capital of Egypt swore allegiance to Caesar, Arsinoe was arrested; the throne returned to Cleopatra. She immediately married the only surviving younger brother of Ptolemy XIV, Neoteros. This marriage was fictitious. The queen remained Caesar's mistress and independently ruled the state, relying on the Roman army.

Although riots broke out in Rome and blood was shed, Caesar was in no hurry to go there. In the arms of a sly temptress, he forgot both duty and state duties. In order to keep her lover near her, the "Alexandrian courtesan" surprised him every day and interested him more and more, although it was still impossible to tie a Roman experienced in love for a long time to one skirt. Their ship could serve as a model of luxury: length - almost 100 m, width - 15, height -20. On the deck is a real two-story villa with cedar and cypress colonnades. The dining room is decorated with gold and ivory. Lovers were accompanied by another 400 ships and boats - so that the Roman ruler could see what honors they were given, and be convinced of the historical greatness of Egypt.
A few months later, Julius took a touching farewell to his mistress and set off for Rome. A little later, Cleopatra gave birth to a son, whom she named Ptolemy-Caesarion. In Alexandria, to protect the queen, there were three Roman legions left by Caesar.
In 46 BC. e. she arrived in Rome with her son and husband, where she was given a real triumph. The inhabitants gasped when they saw the cortege of a foreign queen: chariots sparkling with gold, a black river of Nubian slaves, tame gazelles, antelopes and cheetahs.
Julius even tried to change the law so that he could have more than one wife, Calpurnia, who was childless, but as many as he wanted, in order to then officially marry Cleopatra and make Caesarion his sole heir.
In Rome, no one paid attention to how many secret mistresses Caesar had, however, by recognizing the Egyptian as his beloved in public, he insulted all the people of the empire. March 15, 44 B.C. e. A group of Republican conspirators killed Caesar by stabbing him 23 times. So the love story with the "Alexandrian seductress" ended tragically for him.

When Caesar's will was opened, it turned out that he appointed Octavian's nephew, the future Augustus, as his heir, but did not mention his own, officially recognized son from Cleopatra.
Cleopatra was struck like a thunder by the murder of her lover and his will. Fearing for her life and the life of her son, the queen quickly left the Eternal City and returned to Alexandria.
Some time later, her brother-husband Ptolemy XIV died, most likely poisoned on the orders of Cleopatra - no one should have stood between power and her son Caesarion. She remained the sole ruler of Egypt and immediately declared four-year-old Caesarion her heir.
In the Roman Empire, after the death of Julius Caesar, there was a war between the murderers of the emperor and Octavian, Antony and Lepidus, who were thirsting for revenge. The triumvirate took over, Mark Antony received control of the eastern provinces. When Cleopatra left Rome, she, perhaps unwittingly, ignited a spark of love in the heart of the latter ...

Mark Antony - the famous Roman politician and commander, friend and confidant of Caesar - was born around 83 BC. e. Distinguished in the cavalry, he became one of the staff officers of Gaius Julius Caesar in Gaul. In 51 B.C. e. Mark was elected quaestor, an official in charge of finances.
In 50 B.C. e., when influential groups in the Senate tried in various ways to remove the emperor from command of the troops, Antony defended the interests of Caesar against the Senate and Gnaeus Pompey. At this time, Anthony was elected to the post of people's tribune. He had the right to veto the decisions of any officials. However, in January 49 BC. e. was forced to flee north and seek refuge in Caesar's camp. The emperor immediately crossed the Rubicon, moving from Cisalpine Gaul to Italy proper "to protect the tribunes." In the civil war that followed, Antony played a significant role, participating in Caesar's military operations in Italy and Greece. And during the absence of the emperor in 49-47 BC. he commanded his troops in Italy. After some cooling
in a relationship, Julius and Antony reconciled and worked closely together during a joint consulate in 44 BC. e. until the death of Caesar.
In the 42nd, after the victory over Brutus, Antony traveled around Greece and Asia Minor, collecting indemnities, and he was enthusiastically received everywhere. Only the Egyptian queen did not honor the commander and ruler with her attention. Then Mark ordered her to come to Tarsus.

The Empress arrived by ship, dressed in a Venus costume. She was surrounded by sea nymphs, fauns and cupids. A huge ship made of precious wood, with scarlet sails, with a gilded stern, silver-plated oars, exuding a fantastic fragrance, sailed to Antony at dusk to the sounds of the most delicate music. When dusk fell, a grandiose illumination lit up on the ship. Anthony - this reveler, a brave man, a favorite of soldiers and women - was struck by a magnificent performance! Instead of angry speeches and threats to make Egypt one of the provinces of the Roman Empire, Antony, stunned, was invited to dine together. Cleopatra, in response, invited him on board and arranged a four-day feast on the ship, covered with rose petals. This was followed by an invitation to her capital residence.
At the appointed hour, Antony arrived at the palace in Alexandria, decorated with unusual luxury. And the Roman sybarite gave up on public affairs! Throughout the winter, orgies and dubious entertainment continued in the capital of Egypt. The "Alexandrian courtesan" did not leave her lover unattended day or night, turning into a voluptuous bacchante and indulging his rude instincts. She drank along with him, spoke cynically, answered him with abuse and fists. Nothing gave such pleasure to a rude Roman as to be beaten by the queen's tiny hand. In addition, with the help of close friends, she tried to make every day unique. Every morning and for the whole day, Cleopatra came up with entertainment - a real theater of pleasure with an hourly updated repertoire. Sometimes lovers dressed as commoners and wandered the streets of the city, arranging practical jokes and brawls.
In 37 BC. e. Mark Antony launched another military campaign, this time against Syria. But, having stepped on the Asian coast, he immediately sent for Cleopatra, and soon the lovers were enjoying themselves in each other's arms. The Egyptian queen, at the request of Antony, also delivered supplies for his army. In exchange for her agreeing to provide funds for the Parthian campaign, Mark Antony gave her part of the territory of Phenicia and northern Judea, and also legalized marriage and children. In due time, they had another heir - Ptolemy Philadelphius.
Unexpectedly, the first legal Roman wife, Octavia, went to Antony with equipment for his troops, and along the way, wanting to visit her husband who was on a spree. But in Athens, a letter was waiting for her, in which Mark said that there was no need to go further, he himself would come to this city. Upon learning of this, the “whore of Alexandria” put into play all the female tricks, tripled her caresses in order to prevent her lover from meeting his first (legitimate) wife. And she succeeded - Anthony canceled the trip, and Octavia returned home without seeing her husband.
The Roman thought only of the Egyptian mistress, giving away the conquered areas to her children. Caesarion was declared "king of kings", and Cleopatra - "queen of kings". She formally adopted the name of "New Isis" and gave audiences dressed in the costume of a goddess, in a tight-fitting robe and a hawk-head crown adorned with cow horns. Anthony renounced Rome and became king of Egypt. He ordered to mint a coin with the profile of Cleopatra, and to engrave her name on the shields of the legionnaires.

The Romans were deeply indignant at such actions of Mark. In 32 BC. e. Octavian made a diatribe against Antony in the Senate. He published Mark's will, where the Roman citizen and commander asked to be buried in Egypt, next to the queen, named Cleopatra's son from Julius Caesar as his heir and recognized her not only Egypt, but also many other possessions with which he endowed her. This testament was like an exploding bomb. On behalf of the Senate, Octavian declared war on Cleopatra. Anthony was then in Media and the queen, having learned about the war, joined him already in Ephesus. Winter 32-31 BC. e. they spent at Samos in amusements. Antony then sent his wife Octavia a letter informing him of the official divorce.
The army of Antony and Cleopatra had a huge numerical superiority. They hoped too much and lost. The Egyptian queen, despite her lack of experience, took command of part of the navy. In the decisive naval battle on September 2, 31 BC. e. not far from Aktium (Greece), she did not understand the strategy of her lover and at the most decisive moment she left Mark and ordered to retreat. The Romans won a complete victory, but for almost a year they advanced towards Alexandria.
Three days after the shameful defeat, Antony refused to see Cleopatra and talk to her. The lovers returned to the capital of Egypt, and the queen began to think about her own fate. Perhaps at some point she had the thought of suicide, and the mistress ordered to build a magnificent tomb for herself on the seashore. She experimented on slaves to discover a poison that kills without convulsions or pain. And such a remedy was found - the bite of a small asp snake.
Then the "Alexandrian courtesan" decided to run away. With the help of slaves and pack animals, she ferried her treasure ships along a dry route to the Red Sea, but the Arabs burned all the ships. In desperation, Antony and Cleopatra held a farewell feast. Egypt had never seen such endless revelry and orgies that raged in the royal palace.

In 30 BC. e. Octavian's army was already on the outskirts of Alexandria. Hoping to soften the new Roman commander, Cleopatra secretly sent a messenger to him with very generous gifts. She loved Antony while he was a hero, but now she was more interested in a new winner. Although the queen was already 38 years old, she still believed in the power of her own irresistibility and charm. Cleopatra locked herself in a luxurious tomb and waited.
At this time, the servants informed Mark that the mistress had committed suicide. Hearing the sad news, the lover tried to stab himself with a dagger. Then Antony, still alive, was brought by order of the queen to the tomb, and he died for several hours in her arms.
The Romans meanwhile captured Alexandria. After burying Antony, Cleopatra moved to the palace, where she was surrounded by royal honors. Cleopatra's attempt to negotiate with Octavian, known for his many amorous adventures, was unsuccessful. The female charms of the famous Egyptian had no effect on the Roman.
The queen had no illusions about her future fate - she had to walk in chains through the streets of Rome behind the victor's chariot.
The Egyptian nevertheless managed to avoid shame: according to legend, her faithful servants handed over a basket of fruit in which they hid a small poisonous snake. Before her death, Cleopatra wrote a letter in which she asked Octavian to bury her next to Mark Antony. So on the last day of August 30 BC. e. this love story is over.


The "Alexandrian courtesan" was buried with honors, next to Anthony. She was the last pharaoh, after her death, Egypt acquired the status of one of the Roman provinces. According to legend, Emperor Octavian Augustus ordered the destruction of all images of Cleopatra.
Her son from Gaius Julius Caesar - Caesarion - was executed as a likely contender for power. The daughter, Cleopatra Selene, married the king of Mauritania, nothing is known about the fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphius.
And the love stories of Cleopatra with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony still excite the minds of contemporaries.

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vulgar and intimate pleasures of empresses

Cleopatra - used a "vibrator" from a hollow gourd filled with live bees.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra is one of the wisest mistresses, far from being a beauty in appearance. Cleopatra is perhaps the most controversial character in the ancient world. The night of love with the queen cost the man his life, however, those who wanted to experience all the passion of the fatal beauty did not become less from this. Each man was determined to conquer Cleopatra with his strength and skill, and in the morning not only stay alive, but also become her lawful husband and king of Egypt. But Cleopatra was uncompromising: she did not leave life to any of her lovers.

Egyptologists call Cleopatra not only an adherent of free love, but also an experienced fellatrix (fellatio from lat. fello - to suck), or, more simply, Cleopatra did an amazing blowjob. Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient Greeks gave her the name Meriohane - translated from Greek. - "open-mouthed", "one that opens its mouth wide"; "wide short"; "the woman with ten thousand mouths." Cleopatra was also called Khaylon - "Thick-lipped".

Thais of Athens is a daring hetaera who seduced Alexander the Great. She went down in history as an impregnable beauty, although she was a prostitute. She lured Macedonian by the fact that she did not want to sell her body to him for any wealth and gifts. “If you penetrate into the heart, you will conquer me and the whole world,” she said to the great conqueror.

The voluptuous Marquise de Pompadour, favorite of the French King Louis XV, is still considered one of the most tireless and skillful mistresses. The secret of her passion is in celery. Her daily menu included two of the strongest aphrodisiacs - chocolate and celery root. The lady drank a cup of hot chocolate with celery root powder in the morning, and during the day she ate a salad of celery, apples and walnuts. It is not known for certain whether she or she knew about the exciting effect of these products, but she had sex five to ten times a day and with different partners. By the way, in many countries, peasants broadcast a bunch of celery at the head of the bed on their wedding night.

The Marquise de Pompadour (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson) was predicted at the age of nine that she would have a relationship with the king himself. Its origin is not exactly known. According to one version, she was not from a wealthy family at all, but she was very lucky to find herself a patron in the face of a nobleman. Her meeting with King Louis XV took place at a masquerade. The king was intrigued by the behavior of the girl who hid her face under the mask, and when she took it off, it finally struck the monarch. Progress towards the goal further was not easy, but Jeanne nevertheless achieved her goal, becoming the official favorite of the king. She continued her vigorous activity - she took up the development of art, becoming the greatest patron for many writers and artists of that time. The Marquise de Pompadour until her death remained for Louis not just a mistress, always brilliant and original, but also a friend, which is very rare.
