Congratulations on the day of the veterinarian.

Speaking on the occasion of the celebration of the recently established in Russia Day of the Veterinary Worker, first of all I would like to sincerely thank you for your daily tireless patient work to preserve and save the lives of animals. Veterinarians have a very important and kind mission - to give health to our smaller brothers. I'm sure they are also very grateful to you!
Today, hundreds of thousands of caring veterinarians, paramedics and laboratory assistants work shoulder to shoulder in all corners of our vast Motherland. Almost everything in such a major segment of agriculture as livestock depends on the results of your activities and professionalism. And here new technologies for the development of modern means to combat various diseases will help you. It should be noted that domestic veterinary science not only remains on top, but has long since crossed the traditional boundaries of scientific thought and amazes scientists all over the world with the most unexpected discoveries.
An important task is to attract young talented youth to veterinary medicine. To do this, we will continue to improve professional training and build a decent veterinary infrastructure in Russian cities and villages. Based on the invaluable experience of veterans, we will develop the industry, invest our strength, money and soul in its further prosperity.
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you success, health, enthusiasm and love for your chosen work!
Alexey Gordeev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

This year we are celebrating for the fifth time our professional holiday - the Day of the Veterinary Worker - introduced into the Russian calendar by order No. 188 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2014.
Your contribution to the development of the country's livestock complex, ensuring the safety of food products, and the daily struggle for epizootic well-being at the enterprises of the Russian agro-industrial complex is invaluable.
The work of veterinary service workers is extremely in demand in modern conditions, when outbreaks of certain diseases periodically occur in the world. Scientists, veterinarians, and laboratory staff at various levels are fighting them. The role of everyone in solving complex problems is extremely important!
Please accept sincere congratulations on the holiday and wishes of good health, real scientific breakthroughs and further success in your hard work!
Dmitry Patrushev, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Veterinary Worker! It is you who, with your daily work, ensure the protection of animal health and protect people from diseases, make a significant contribution to ensuring the anti-epizootic well-being of the country. The profession of a veterinarian is rightfully considered the most humane, therefore, the slogan of the FGBI “ARRIAH” “People's health through animal health” has a deep meaning.
The work of a veterinarian is extremely significant, the work requires high responsibility. In veterinary medicine, random people do not stay; this specialty is chosen by vocation.
The Day of the Veterinary Worker is a holiday that provides an additional opportunity to express gratitude to the honored workers of veterinary medicine and celebrate young professionals who have chosen this difficult profession. The authority of the Russian veterinary service is strengthened every year thanks to the selfless work of specialists both in the field and in scientific institutions.
Today, on the day of our professional holiday, I would like to thank you all for your daily painstaking work and wish you success in the development of the veterinary industry and the entire agro-industrial complex, fruitful work to ensure the venereal well-being of the Russian Federation.
Happy holiday, dear colleagues!
Let me convey my best wishes to your family, friends and loved ones! Happiness, comfort in the house, good health, good mood and all the best!
Dmitry Lozovoy, editor-in-chief of the Veterinary and Life newspaper, director of the FGBI ARRIAH

On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Samara Region and myself, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Veterinary Worker!
Today, the veterinary service of the Samara region unites highly professional workers devoted to their favorite work. I am sure that in the future your knowledge and experience will contribute to success and achievements in the field of veterinary medicine.
With your selfless work, you make a significant contribution not only to the effective development of the livestock industry in the province, but also to ensuring veterinary and epizootic well-being, the safety of the region and the country as a whole.
I sincerely wish you and your loved ones good health, prosperity and optimism, long and happy years of life!
Alexey Popov, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Samara Region - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Samara Region

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the Veterinary Worker!
The profession of a veterinary worker is one of the most difficult, since it requires, in addition to professionalism, physical strength, dedication and intuitive sensitivity to their patients, and awareness of deep responsibility for the health of not only animals, but also people - after all, the vast majority of infectious diseases in animals and humans are common .
There are no random people in our profession, only a vocation, only absolute kindness and compassion. And the result of our activity is the sincere gratitude of people and animals.
A professional holiday is a worthy occasion to express our deep gratitude to our colleagues who serve at a high level.
With special warmth on this day I wish you optimism, inexhaustible energy, the implementation of professional and life plans and ideas! And most importantly - well-being, stability, cheerfulness and energy, successful work for the benefit of the region!
Andrey Melekhin, Acting Head of the Veterinary Department of the Samara Region

A veterinarian understands his patients without words. He does not need to ask what happened, what hurts, to help a sick animal. But he will never hear from his wards words of gratitude and, even more so, congratulations. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate your veterinarian friend on his professional holiday on the last day of August.

A cat is sick, a dog is lame, you don’t know what food to buy for your beloved hamster? With all questions related to pets, we rush to the veterinarian. But the scope of veterinary medicine is much wider.

The veterinarian not only treats animals and works in a beautiful sterile room, but is engaged in disease prevention, research in laboratories, controls the quality of feed, livestock conditions, the surgeon performs operations even in the field.

Human health largely depends on the work of these specialists. After all, even the most common dog bite or an infectious disease of cows and other industrial livestock can be deadly. Therefore, veterinary workers have always been held in high esteem, and the profession is in demand. It is probably not without reason that in Russia these doctors receive congratulations on the Day of the Veterinarian twice.

When to congratulate veterinarians on the holiday

Indeed, the Day of the Veterinarian will be celebrated twice. In the spring it is customary to celebrate a world holiday. On April 27, during the celebration of the International Day of the Veterinarian, doctors raise their glasses, both for the success of their colleagues and for the health of their wards.

Holiday of veterinarians

But Russian veterinarians have another official holiday. The initiative to establish a special celebration belongs to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. In 2011, he made a proposal to celebrate a church holiday dedicated to honoring the patrons of veterinary medicine and livestock, Frol and Lavr. It is these canonized saints who are considered the first healers who understood animals without words and could help them. The date chosen is August 31 - the day of the celebration of the church celebration.

Literally three years later, this idea was supported at the official level. In 2014, an Order was signed at the Ministry of Agriculture, on the basis of which a national professional holiday was established.

Who will celebrate

During the Day of the Veterinarian in Russia in 2017, not only employees of veterinary clinics, but also employees of nurseries, zoos, employees of livestock and fish farms, and enterprises will take part in the celebrations.

Congratulations on the Day of the veterinary worker will be received by the young generation of veterinarians who are educated in specialized educational institutions and their teachers. Researchers and workers of laboratories, testing stations, ministerial chiefs will raise their glasses.

The holiday in Russia is still quite young. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate your veterinarians on August 31st. On the site This holiday, the organizers of the holidays have collected the most interesting ideas for gifts and congratulations for veterinarians.

Cool congratulations

The most memorable congratulations are those that differ from standard wishes in creativity. It is enough to take a closer look at the habits or oversights of a relative or colleague of a veterinarian to come up with an original congratulation. Or you can use ready-made original wishes.

From all fluffy and feathered, scaly and clubfoot, we present you with this award. From now on, you are "Beloved Aibolit", and every pet who has something hurts would say thanks. But since your patients are silent, let us wish you success and joy in your favorite work.

We wish you cat grace and lion courage, eagle eyes and bear health, owl wisdom and hamster thriftiness, dog devotion and puppy delight on Veterinarian Day.

Musical and humorous congratulations

No less interesting are various musical numbers and congratulations. Ditties and jokes, songs and hymns - any musical number will be appropriate at a birthday party or a professional celebration of a veterinarian.

We propose to include in the program of the holiday "Anthem of Veterinarians":

Or an excerpt from the concert of the Ural dumplings "Do not hang your tail, veterinarians":

Gifts for the holiday

The best congratulations will be an original gift for a veterinarian. But the choice of presentation must be approached creatively. Consider the preferences and personal attitude of a familiar veterinarian to the type of presentation. Some people like cool souvenirs, while others like useful things. Gift for the holiday:

  • a young girl-doctor, original pajamas with a picture of cats, complete with soft fluffy slippers;
  • a friend - a bag with a fox print;
  • a flash drive with a tiger head for a man;
  • hand the original chicken teapot to your mother-doctor;
  • sister - a furry phone case;
  • give your husband a cup with paws or a table lamp in the form of an owl;
  • the boss can be given a decanter in the form of an elephant or an ashtray-dog.

But if you think that themed gifts will not please colleagues or relatives, choose personal accessories, a book, cosmetics.

Cool postcards

Thematic cards with congratulatory verses are ideal for congratulating colleagues or friends of veterinarians. You can make them yourself or take ready-made pictures with creative inscriptions.

To hold a holiday at the workplace, you can make a wall newspaper or a collage where you can use such pictures, as well as photos of employees at work stops and unusual situations.

Congratulations in verse

If you decide to congratulate a friend by sending him an SMS, choose short original quatrains.

I have a question for you

To be honest, difficult:

Do you often touch your nose?

Ile you look down the tail.

Have you become a veterinarian?

No wonder I went to seminars,

Now you get paid

But you didn't study for nothing.

I know you treat animals

You won't hurt anyone.

We will celebrate the holiday together

We will not regret the good words.

Veterinarians are always respected,

May you always be lucky in life

And dreams come true

We will give you flowers.

Cats, dogs you will understand perfectly,

Give injections if needed

Heal tails and bellies

Get the bandages right.

Happy holiday today, let me congratulate

And from silent patients to add,

Thank you dear doctor

I want to say from the bottom of my heart.

Larisa, July 12, 2017.

Happy Veterinarian's Day!
Doctor you are wonderful for animals,
You love them all, you adore them,
And they are only healthier with you.

May your health be strong,
May your wealth grow rapidly.
Congratulations sincerely, with love.
May you be lucky in everything.

Today is vet day!
Your work is great
How to heal a cow's wound
Where to find strength for a bull,
Help both the cat and the dog
Save the fish from the blues.
You got full courage
The right way to go through life.
Good luck in this difficult task.
I wish with all my heart.

Happy Veterinarian's Day! May this kind and noble profession give you strong bearish health, soft cat tenderness and affection in love, worthy material hamster supplies and more reasons for puppy delights.

Happy Veterinarian's Day!
Let everythnig will be alright.
Let wealth grow
Everything around will be bright, fresh.

Let the animals get so sick
To have time to rest.
And let adversity not dare to torment,
May the path through life be smooth.

If the animal is sick
You always try to help
And now the disease no longer dares
Torment him, go away.

The veterinarian is kindhearted,
Lift you up at night
You are always human to them,
And we all need to be human...

I wish you work
Gave the best fruit
To spiritual care,
It gave you income.

Happy Veterinary Day!
Let for your good deeds
Good to you like an affectionate cat
Regularly goes to purr.

To heal, you yourself do not get sick,
Be happy. We really need you.
I wish you the best in the world
May everything come true that you wished.

Special Doctors Day
vet day,
Aibolites among the people
You are called by right.

With their patients
You find the language
You can help anyone:
Cat, bird, dog or bull.

I congratulate you
All veterinarians
For your pets
We are grateful to you.

We wish you joy
Success, positive
healthy patients
And a happy life.

If the dog gets sick
Or the cat will hurt the tail,
Help, no doubt
The vet will come to them.

This is not an easy matter
To explain to the beast in ailment,
What and for what reason
Well and than, in general, to treat.

Because veterinarians
This is a very valuable shot.
On this holiday date,
Everyone is happy to congratulate them!

Thank you veterinarians
For your kind hearts
Sometimes working for nothing
Bring everything to an end
Don't leave your pets in trouble
Having managed to understand them without a word.
Let the sun shine in your office
Let me hug you!

Helping animals is your calling
After all, how many of them need treatment!
I would like to expand my knowledge
And develop your skills!

May every animal be saved from pain,
I wish to help all the unfortunate,
After all, there is no nobler role in the world,
How to save someone's life so valuable!

We trust you with pets
Beloved by us and relatives.
Congratulations on the day of the veterinarian,
And we say goodbye.

We wish you good luck, strength,
So that you are so brave
Veterinarian, straight from God
So that only the road is bright!

Patience to you in this work,
Be it a kitten or a lion cub.
Fate will be obedient
As the meekest, so that the lamb!

Taking care of animals is a responsible task. If a person is unwell, then he can tell his relatives or a doctor about it, and, for example, a four-legged friend can only rely on the help of a specialist.

This is why being a veterinarian is so important. Who, if not him, should feel and understand animals. Congratulations on the Day of the veterinarian should remind him of the value of the chosen profession and inspire him for further activities.

From relatives

"Today we would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday! You have shown (showed) love and interest in animals since childhood, and now it has become a matter of life. We wish you success in it. Your patients have the ability to feel good people. We think that they were not mistaken in entrusting their health to you. May the work continue to bring pleasure, and patients never offend!"

To come up with a congratulation on the Day of the veterinarian, you need to try.

"In life, you never wanted (wanted) to go the usual way. It is not surprising that even in choosing a profession you showed some ingenuity. Only a dentist and a veterinarian can say that they were bitten by a patient at work. We wish your tailed, fluffy and toothy patients did not cause much trouble. Let the gratitude in their eyes inspire you to further work!"

"It's funny that we have a real Aibolit in our family. Thanks to you, we perceive him not just as a hero of a fairy tale, but as the best friend of animals, their protector. Every day, the veterinarian sees a wide variety of patients who need to be approached. Your skill and professionalism help in this difficult task.On behalf of the whole family and its four-legged members, we want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you patience, only good patients, success and prosperity!"

Congratulations to colleagues

"Sometimes animals turn out to be much more defenseless than people. It is at this moment that we make every effort to provide timely and effective assistance. Today is the Day of the Veterinarian, and in honor of such a significant event, I want to wish my colleagues wet noses from patients, success in work, positive emotions from communicating with animals!

"Please accept our congratulations on the Day of the Veterinarian, colleagues! Treating others is a noble and honorable occupation. But our patients are unusual: they have wet noses, they most often walk on all fours or fly, bark and sing beautiful songs, crawl and eat insects. And "It's because we are veterinarians! Even if sometimes it is not easy to find a common language with patients, but this makes the work even more interesting. I wish you to keep your tail with a gun and your nose in the wind, get valuable experience and positive emotions!"

"Dear colleagues, congratulations on the Day of the Veterinarian in prose! Scientists have proven that communication with animals improves mood and improves the condition of the body. I think we were able to verify the correctness of this statement from our own experience, because every day we have to treat animals of various species and breeds. I wish to find beauty in all patients, even those who frighten with their appearance or grin. May all patients get better, to the delight of the doctor and the owners! "

Cool congratulations

"People of professions like yours have probably improved their karma for several lives ahead! Please accept our cool congratulations on the Day of the Veterinarian! The doctor's caring and gentle hands help injured animals feel healthy again, for which they can thank with a wag of the tail and even a kiss. I wish you so that all patients invariably recover, and your every day is filled with cheerful barking, chirping and meowing!"

"How many amazing stories can be heard from the owners who brought the animal to the veterinarian! But no matter how funny this or that case may be, the doctor must help the patient feel healthy again. I wish that a white rat with a rare name Innokenty Petrovich or a canary Vitaly recovered instantly and continued to find adventure!"

"Pets and their owners may be similar in appearance or in character. But whoever visits you: a sweet old woman with a Doberman or a brutal biker with a budgerigar - let them all leave joyful and happy! Enjoy your work, grow as a specialist and more often smile!"

Congratulations on the Day of the Veterinarian in verse

Aibolit our dear,

This holiday is yours.

And congratulations on him

We wish the blessings of various.

Let the animals be happy

Your wise help.

Not knowing tired, with delight

You start your day bold.

To cure a fever

Your pet

We run to the vet

The sun will shine a little.

He has a holiday today

Let's wish him

So that even gloomy rain

He was kind to him.


You can present your congratulations on Veterinarian's Day on the last Sunday of April. It doesn't matter who they are addressed to. Decorating the working day of a loved one or colleague is not at all difficult - a few kind words on a professional holiday will cheer you up and give you positive emotions! Among the above examples, you can find congratulations for every taste.

Day of the veterinary worker is celebrated in Russia annually on August 31. In 2019, it is celebrated for the 6th time. Everyone involved in the treatment of animals participates in the events: employees of clinics, stations, nurseries, fish farms, zoos and enterprises that breed livestock and birds. Teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions join the celebrations.

An analogue of the holiday on the world stage -.

Since ancient times, animals have been of great importance to humans. Despite the development of food technology, meat and dairy products remain a source of healthy nutrition. The livestock gets sick from time to time. He needs qualified help. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who treat animals.


On this day, veterinary service workers accept congratulations. The management awards certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees, thanks the specialists for their work. Colleagues arrange feasts at which toasts are made, wishes of health and good luck, and gifts are given to each other. They exchange their accumulated experience, share their achievements, discuss new equipment and methods of therapy.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the profession of a veterinarian. Journalists interview prominent figures in the field. On the eve of the holiday, seminars and refresher courses are organized.


The event was fixed at the official level by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2014 No. 188 "On the establishment of a professional holiday - the Day of a veterinary worker." The document was signed by N. Fedorov.

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the canonized Florus and Laurus. In the Orthodox tradition, they are considered patrons of cattle. The saints were executed after the conversion of the healed son of a Byzantine priest to Christianity. In 2011, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' ordered August 31 to celebrate a church holiday in honor of veterinarians.

About the profession

Veterinarians treat animals: livestock and pets. Their duties include preventive examinations, the prevention of epidemics and the fight against their consequences, and the conduct of operations. They are part of the service for sanitary control of meat, dairy and other products. Such specialists are in demand in agricultural enterprises, veterinary clinics.

Career begins after graduating from a secondary or higher educational institution. The graduate must know the physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology of the established list of animals.

A veterinarian is a responsible profession. Mistakes can lead to big losses. The salaries of such specialists in Russia are high, mainly in private clinics.
