Wishes to the bride and groom: text, interesting options. Congratulations to the bride and groom on their wedding in prose

Wedding congratulations are always pure, solemn and interesting for the newlyweds. In them, every loved one tries to express his love, his respect, devotion and affection for the bride and groom.

  • A wedding is a special celebration. It is always filled with joy, tears of happiness, beautiful outfits, flowers and pleasant, sincere words. Congratulations occupy a special place at a wedding, because they are given a special place
  • Each guest is given a personal say. There are moments when a huge number of thoughts in the head cannot find words and a person is in an uncomfortable situation. To avoid contemptuous glances, judgment from other guests and simply standing with a microphone in your hands, you need to prepare in advance for a solemn speech
  • You can take your wedding congratulations from the Internet, read them from a postcard, write them on a piece of paper, or remember a poem.
  • But the most sincere and eloquent are always congratulations in your own words, when everything you want to say has the opportunity to voice and wish the newlyweds a happy future
beautiful wedding wishes to the newlyweds in your own words

Wedding wishes in your own words:

  • Dear newlyweds! Remember this day. On this day, all your closest people are next to you: family, best friends, colleagues and good acquaintances. We are all infinitely glad for your happiness! I wish you to be in love all your life, in love with each other. This is the only way the flame of tender feelings will not go out and you will be able to dissolve every day not in everyday life, but in your happiness. BITTER TO THE YOUNG!
  • Dear (names of the newlyweds)! I would like to congratulate you on this date, to note your incredibly beautiful wedding and careful preparation. I would like to wish you that your married life will be as colorful, festive and unforgettable. Live every day with ease, passion and sincerity in your heart. I wish longevity to your marriage, fertility and only prosperity! BITTERLY!
  • Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day, your wedding. Take a break from the guests, the music, the table and for a second remember this moment - the moment of happiness. Remember this moment as often as possible in your life and always value each other as something valuable, expensive and unique. Your marriage is the most precious thing you have. I wish you understanding, prosperity and happy days! Bitterly!

Beautiful and touching congratulations from mother to daughter in verse

A mother is always a special person in everyone’s life; she is of great importance to a child, even if he has grown up and is ready to get married. A wish from a mother should be touching, so that all maternal love, affection, and care can be read in its words.

touching wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

I have one treasure
I gave him into the hands of my son-in-law.
I want you to be happy
Your life was after the wedding.
I ask you to never swear,
And always give in to each other.
In situations, grind in, grind in,
It will be better than not to respect.
Carry your love in your heart
Through melancholy, times and years,
And love each other, love!
May your love always be!

Beautiful and sensual congratulations from the father of his daughter on her wedding

Dad is the head of the family, protection, support and the one whom children respect and love throughout their lives. A solemn congratulation to the bride from her father will be very touching and important at the wedding celebration. Such words, spoken by a loved one, always bring you to tears of happiness and are remembered for a lifetime.

beautiful and touching wedding congratulations from the father of his daughter

Today my mother and I will make our point,
We raised a charming daughter!
I want you to always be happy, daughter!
And we want you to have a good husband
She told me that “I need you too, Dad”...
Let's have a fun night tonight!
It won't be long before I'm in my mother's and my hands
Your beloved grandchildren will come, no, they will come running...

Touching parting wedding greetings from mother to son

At the wedding, the mother should wish her own son a lot of good things in his future independent life, give the right parting words, praise his wife’s choice and wish him the best. Such words always have great significance and are worth their weight in gold.

beautiful wedding wish from mother to son, groom

Son, dear, I want you to become a worthy husband,
Just try not to let us down...
Appreciate, cherish, love your wife,
Bring prosperity, harmony and happiness to your home...
You know, our life is fleeting,
Years fly by like short days,
And you try to live your life like this,
As soon as you can, be happy always!
Dad and I wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live one hundred of the best years of your life!
You children are so good today,
Love and advice to you!

Parting words from father to son for a wedding celebration, words to the groom

Only the father can give a truly parting, clear speech, which will simultaneously serve as advice and congratulations for the groom. Father's words always serve as something special for the groom, because they are spoken by a respected and experienced person.

parting and congratulatory words from father to son at a wedding

I want to leave congratulations,
Son, remember all the moments!
Your bride is a gift
Keep the warmth of love for her in your heart!
I, children, bless you,
I wish you peace and children,
To make your home cozy,
And happiness settled in him!
So that life is not boring,
The path often led to us,
So that there is no grief and litter,
So that discord may bypass your home!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in verse

It is customary to congratulate the bride and groom not only verbally, but also with beautiful and eloquent words prepared in advance.

congratulations to the bride and groom at the wedding with poems

The years run and fly by quickly,
Children leave, forgetting their father's house.
But we only congratulate you on this
The joyful clink of wine glasses.
We really want you to be happy.
Wipe away the sadness and tears from your kind eyes,
You are so wise and so beautiful now,
And we are all happy for you today!
Go through the years together with dignity,
Now you are definitely a strong family.
May your life be filled with love,
Let there be true friends nearby.

Such a fun holiday, not an easy holiday,
Rather, it is historical for all of us.
We wish you to live until your golden wedding,
Return to your parents' home as often as possible.
Appreciate and love each other
Love as if you had never loved before,
Hold hands as you move through the circle of life,
Learn to believe, wait and trust.
Let your home be a strong mistress
There would be no wife, but eternal love.
May you never know a happy life from the inside out,
And happiness comes back to you all the time again and again!

Beautiful wedding congratulations in verse from mother to daughter

I want to congratulate you, my daughter,
Read my poems to you
Remember my every line,
Whatever your mother wishes for you.
I want everything to work out for you,
So that you don't find stones on the way,
So that you smile more often in your life,
May the best be yet to come.
May your husband always be your support,
So that he gives you only love,
So that quarrels never eat you up,
So that it would be fun again and again.
You will accept my words with your soul,
And if it gets hard for you,
Love, believe and support
Each other, you are lucky in this!

wishes in verses from mother to daughter

A wish in verse from a father to his daughter, a beautiful wish for the bride

As always, you are beautiful and incomparable,
This dress and color really suits you.
I don’t like to talk and I get a little lost,
Let your husband lead you through life now.
I will be lonely without you, daughter,
You are always like a small child to me.
Everyone remember that I love you very much,
I want you to be joyful in life.
May a tree of happiness grow in your garden,
And its fruits will be the most delicious.
Let misfortune bypass your home, quarrels, bad weather,
Your husband is glorious, love and appreciate him!

Wedding wishes from father to daughter in verse

Beautiful wedding wishes from mother to son in verse

Our beloved son, dear,
We are glad to see your holiday.
Today you started a family,
And you became her head.
Be patient, smart and kind,
Everything is as we taught you.
Drive away your resentment, quarrels,
Value your wife so that you will be valued.
We sincerely wish you,
May you always live in love!

wedding wishes in verses from mother to son

Wedding congratulations from father to son in verse, congratulations to the groom

You have grown up, son, you have found a bride,
Probably the most beautiful!
The idea is stormy, you are holy
I'll tell you one thing, guys...
Run away from adversity in life!
Dive into the whirlpool of feelings,
Let your house be full
And other people appreciate you!
Let things go smoothly,
Value your wife, don’t rule your hearts.
May fate give you children
And time does not age your feelings!

wedding wishes from father to son in verses

Congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in prose, beautiful wishes

Prose always turns out to be more eloquent than poetry because it does not require suitable rhyme. Prosaic congratulations can be spontaneous, or they can be prepared in advance.

beautiful congratulations in prose for the bride and groom
  • Newlyweds! Be happy like children, perceive life's problems as trifles, solve them together and be sure to appreciate each other. Smile at life’s adversities, look into a happy future with joy and greed, and don’t look back at the mistakes you’ve made. Bitterly!
  • Beloved children! I wish you such strong love that the world has never seen before. May your every day be filled with passion, heat, fire of your feelings and awe of your relationship with each other. Notice each other's successes, support each other in difficult situations and, like two swans, carry your true love through time until the end of your life!
  • Dear newlyweds! Of all the pleasant words that were spoken today in your honor, I would like to highlight the fact that everyone in verbal form wanted to give you as much love as possible, and this is not in vain. As long as you love each other, you are an indestructible force, you are one, you are the whole world! I wish you a lot of time to accomplish everything you have planned in life, to be able to enjoy it, to give your parents grandchildren, to make all your dreams come true. Appreciate each other. Take care of each other!

Beautiful words for a wedding from a mother to her daughter in the form of prose

“My beloved daughter, today you are not just a bride. You became a wife for your loved one, found your own personal family, and appeared in the form of an adult, wise woman. I am infinitely proud of you and want you to always be happy. Be kind and patient with your husband, always be calm and remember that you are his inspiration. I am sure that you are a real housewife and will be able to create comfort for your man, so I wish you well-being, financial prosperity and the implementation of your plans.”

“Daughter, look at you! You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are simply perfect. I am proud that I raised such a well-mannered and economical girl... no, a woman. Time flies and just yesterday you were a loud baby, and today you put a wedding ring on your finger. Your father and I wish you happiness, understanding, peace, harmony in the family and only prosperity!”

“Beloved daughter! I want to congratulate you on this holiday today and wish you to make your dream come true - to have a strong and large family, so that you have a strong tall house, many happy children, prosperity and benefits. Your husband is a wonderful person, keep your love and protect each other for the rest of your life! Be happy!"

wedding wishes in prose from mother to daughter

Wishes in a prosaic form from the father of his daughter for a wedding celebration

  • My daughter, my pride, my princess! It seems to me just yesterday that I carried you in my arms from the maternity hospital, picked you up from kindergarten, saw you off to graduation and rejoiced at your success at the university. Today I had the opportunity to congratulate you on becoming a woman, a wife, a keeper of the hearth and a housewife. Perhaps I have not yet fully understood how grown up you have become and I will still wait for you in my house every day for an hour, for a couple of minutes. If God allows, give me many grandchildren so that I don’t get bored! Happiness to you, my beloved daughter!
  • My girl, you know how much you mean to me. You are all my wealth, you are the most precious thing I have. You have chosen a worthy man to become your husband and I, without a doubt, hand you over to his hands. Be a good housewife, be a kind and faithful wife, and in the future - an affectionate and caring mother. I wish your home to be full of amenities and prosperity, comfort and warmth. Let sadness never get to you and everything in life turns out exactly the way you want it!
  • My daughter, today you are a beautiful bride and young wife. I wish you that happiness pursues you throughout your married life, that joy grabs you and does not let go, that comfort and warmth settle in your home forever. So that grief bypasses your couple, and failure completely goes astray. Be kind and patient with each other, love and forgive.

wedding wishes in prose from father to daughter

Beautiful words from a mother to her son on his wedding day in prose form

« Son, today in our eyes you have become a grown man. My dad and I are infinitely proud that we raised such a handsome and well-mannered son. May there be no problems in your married life, may there always be prosperity, happiness and, most importantly, love! Appreciate and love each other!

  • Son, you have matured before our eyes. For us, you will always be the most beloved and best in the world, and therefore, we wish you only happiness and prosperity. Love, understanding and great success. Your wife is a real smart girl, protect her and lead her with you to a happy future!
  • Our dear son, today we want to congratulate you and your dad on becoming a real man, a defender of your family and a husband. Value your marriage, pamper and protect your wife, raise your children and bring prosperity to your home. We will always help you in your endeavors and always support you. Be yourself, be loved, may peace and luck be with you!

congratulations in prose for a son from his mother on his wedding

Instruction and congratulations to the groom at the wedding, wishes from father to son

« Today, son, I would like to wish you only good things, only prosperity, peace and happiness. I wish you to always be on top in business, I wish you a dream come true, I wish you a large family with many children. And you have the rest: love, a beautiful wife, loving parents.”

“Son, you have found great happiness - your beloved woman, who today has become your wife. Keep her like the apple of your eye, protect her from problems and evil, love and kiss her, and then happiness will be with you until the end of your days. I wish you to continue and give your parents beautiful and kind grandchildren. I wish you to be forever in love and happy!”

“Dear son, I didn’t notice how quickly you became a man, but today I want to congratulate you on this event and ask you to be the best husband for this charming woman. Be wise and kind, self-sufficient and fair. Let your family take root, become stronger in the soil and produce beautiful fruits. We love you!"

wishes in prose from father to son for wedding

Congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding from their parents when presenting a gift

Mischievous congratulations
You accept it, young people!
We congratulate you in words
And rhyming verses!
They chose a gift for you
We've probably been a hundred years old
But believe me, dear ones,
There is no better thing for this thing!
After all, a gift, to be honest,
Must be necessary and interesting
Of course it must be important
And even unique!
We tried, that means
We give you money to spend!

presenting wedding gifts in verse

Congratulating the newlyweds and presenting them with wedding gifts in verse

So that your happiness is nearby
And it warmed tenderly in my hands
We were told that it would be good luck
Bathing the “young ones” in money!
Prosperity to you, warmth, good luck,
May everyone's dreams come true.
And here's a little extra
Groom, accept it from us!

Everyone in this room knows
That there is no such thing as too much money!
Groom, we give you
This plump envelope!
We really believe our gift

Prosperity will give.
You spend it very boldly,
After all, money is a gainful business!

congratulations for the newlyweds and presenting them with gifts in verse

Wishes for the newlyweds in your own words and giving them gifts

“Dear newlyweds, accept this INCREDIBLE gift from us! We thought for a long time about what to give you and decided that the best gift is “of course honey,” as the famous Winnie the Pooh said. Allow yourself endless spending, fulfilling some dream or simply buying tickets to beautiful hot islands, the main thing is to do it together!”

“Young people, we decided to give you this gift because we really value home well-being and comfort. We wish you the same, may your home be full, beautiful and prosperous. Remember us as often as possible, appreciate your loved ones and each other!”

“Dear newlyweds, don’t let it bother you that we are giving you this amount of money. This is how it is customary to give banknotes. We want this gift to serve as a foundation for your budget so that you can afford a variety of pleasures and things you need for your home. Years later, you will remember where they came from and you will be pleased that your family loves and appreciates you! Peace and love to you!”

congratulating the newlyweds in your own words and presenting them with gifts

Wishes, congratulations to the newlyweds in prose and presenting them with gifts

« Young people, our gift is a contribution to your family wealth, to your first joint budget, to your ticket to a “happy, prosperous future.” Appreciate every moment spent with you. Do not deny yourself pleasures and while you have time, live for yourself. Give love to those around you and your family. Happy wedding!"

“Dear newlyweds, we are infinitely glad that you invited us to this holiday today! Thank you for the magnificent table and for the fun and for remembering us. Our gift is this sum of money, we really want it to serve you well and you spend it on what is your dream. So we will consider that we have realized at least part of it! Be happy! ALWAYS!"

“Our beloved, bride and groom! How fun and beautiful your wedding ceremony was. How deliciously and joyfully you greeted your guests. We enjoyed our time at your wedding and wish you to continue to live such a life in the future, and in order not to deny yourself anything, we give you this envelope. No, it doesn’t contain car keys, house keys, or even diamonds, it contains what you yourself want... Be happy all your life, be as smiling and contented as always today! We love you!"

congratulating the newlyweds on the holiday and presenting them with gifts in prose

Video: " The best wedding congratulations from parents"

Today in this bright hour
We congratulate you together
With the creation of a beautiful family,
After all, you didn’t meet in vain.

We wish you great love
And wild and restless,
So that you have sincerity
And a lot of happiness and warmth.

We also wish you children:
There are many daughters and sons,
So that your strong family continues,
Always remained happy.

On this day and at this hour
We want to congratulate the family,
It's created now
By the love that rules them.

Let it not fade away
Many bright days, good,
May trouble not know the way
Bring happiness and warmth to your home.

You live peacefully, amicably,
Without knowing quarrels, without offense,
After all, you need to cherish your family.
May fate be kind to you!

Today a holiday comes to you,
And congratulations to the mess,
There are flowers of different shades around,
Words for the heart and mind.

May it be the day of family union,
This tinsel holds it together
And strengthens your bonds,
For a hundred years! Hip, Hip! Hooray!

Let it be both in joy and in sorrow
Among the bustle and unnecessary words,
Will help you in the sea of ​​life,
Your lifeline is love.

May the blue bird be above you
Soars like an invisible angel,
And your union grows stronger every year,
As someone's wisdom speaks.

Everything will work out in family life,
Patience to pass the Unified State Exam,
To learn at this school,
In a family, understand each other.

Let there be everything: love and children,
And despite the long journey,
May there be light in the world for you,
Everything else is just dregs.

May your marriage last more than a century on earth!
Then it will continue in heaven.
After all, you found a person in each other,
With whom you can do miracles!

Build a house whose cup is full!
And plant trees near the house,
And fill this world of love with happiness,
Which will never end.

We wish the couple a young
Live in peace and harmony.
Share both shelter and home together,
Both joy and bad weather.

Cherish and appreciate in every possible way
Second half.
And on time, as usual, give birth
Seryozha and Polinka.

Fire of love in hot hearts
Let it never go out.
We wish you happiness, good luck,
Love for many years!

Today is the main day for you
Suddenly fate united
And it moved a little smoothly
In a wonderful rank - now family.

You always love each other
Protect from adversity.
And let the evil blizzard go away
From you to the neighboring garden.

A new family was born
A star lit up in the sky,
So may she protect you forever.
May there be candles year after year
Burn on birthday cakes
And let the feelings live in the hearts.
And let souls live in peace,
Live by one destiny!
Hand in hand, eye to eye,
Your marriage is made in heaven!

Newlyweds, I congratulate you
Happy wedding day and I want to say:
Goodbye, be sincere to each other,
Try to avoid misunderstandings.

Let trust, love and respect
They will become the basis for your family.
I wish your family growth
At least up to seven people.

It doesn't matter which of you is bigger today
Snatched myself a piece of loaf -
Sowing inequality among themselves
There is a risk of not getting the best harvest.

Give each other respect
And keep honesty with fidelity forever.
From now on you have a common desire -
So that your loved one is happy.

So be happy, two soul mates!
Being unhappy in our world is nothing new.
And if the question arises, “Who is the boss of the house?”
Remember: then friendship and love.

The treasured rings glow,
Metal warms with love,
Weddings are bright moments -
The hour of new life has come.

I wish you long, pure happiness,
Be there always.
Pour sparkling wine into your glasses!
It’s time for you to shout “bitterly.”

A wedding is always filled with emotions and new impressions. On this day it is customary to give gifts and also say wishes to the bride and groom. However, in addition to the pleasant words coming from the lips of the toastmaster, the newlyweds can hear a lot of interesting and instructive things from relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. We have prepared the most interesting and original congratulations for you today.

In many foreign films and TV series you can see the bride’s unique pre-holiday festivities before the wedding, called a bachelorette party. Like the wedding itself, this event requires preliminary preparation and a certain scenario. So, bachelorette party participants can gather in a more relaxed and unusual environment, for example, in a bowling club, cafe or disco. But the main condition for such intimate gatherings is the obligatory congratulatory words and wishes. At the same time, the bride should not invite men to her bachelorette party. True, some ladies prefer to break these rules by hiring a stripper for the hero of the occasion.

This day is very symbolic, since it is considered the last moment in a girl’s free and unmarried life. Therefore, during a bachelorette party, various pranks are allowed on the part of invited friends and the bride herself.

For example, a future married lady can have a theme party in pajamas. During it, the bride's closest and dearest friends gather in one place (most often in an apartment or house). At this time, they tell various stories from life, say parting words and wishes for the bride’s bachelorette party.

Example 1: “Our beloved, Irina! We are glad that that one and only beloved man has appeared on your horizon, for whom many are forced to wait for many years. We wish you happiness with this knight who stole your heart!”

Example 2: “Svetlana! This is your last day when you are allowed to do whatever you want. Tomorrow you will say the cherished words of consent and become a serious married lady. Enjoy every moment spent with your future spouse. Appreciate his opinion, help and consult him in everything!"

Example 3 (comic): “Finally, the day has come, Irina Petrovna, when we all breathed a sigh of relief. You have finally met your “prince.” And he may not have a white horse, but he has honor and conscience. Live with him in peace and harmony. But don’t forget about your old friends, who will always help with practical advice. And most importantly, they will always cover you at the right time.”

Example 4 (in verse):

So girlhood is over,

It is replaced by marriage and a husband.

Suddenly everything happened

We didn't expect it, Katyusha.

And let the past not be returned,

And your choice is family and life.

We wish you to risk everything,

Your spouse is your reliable shield.

We wish you joy, goodness,

Lots of kids and love.

Luck, happiness, two buckets.

Make your dreams come true

Let peace and grace reign,

In family life and everyday life.

Learn to please your spouse

Appreciate love and kindness!

The same goes for a bachelor party, organized by the groom and his friends. But if only women are present at the bachelorette party, on whose behalf wishes are made to the bride, then during the bachelor party, only men are at the center of events. Consequently, pleasant words are heard only to the groom.

Wishes for newlyweds during their wedding

The wedding process itself is richest in wishes. At this time, the future newlyweds find themselves on the path to their future life together. On the threshold of the registry office, they decide how correct their decision was, weigh everything and enter the cherished doors. It is interesting that this is the first place where young people enter hand in hand, and after visiting it, they leave as a full-fledged family contract.

During such an important moment for the newlyweds, they are accompanied and supported by honorary witnesses, parents, as well as their closest and dearest people. They are the ones who pronounce wishes to the bride and groom, giving smiles and flowers.

Example of congratulation 1: “Alexander and Natalia! We are very glad that on this wonderful day you tied the knot. In front of everyone present, a new family was born. Hope and a unit of society. We wish you not to forget this moment and carry such beautiful smiles through time . Be happy!"

Example of congratulation 2: “Dear Marina and Igor! We have gathered here for a reason. On this bright and festive day, you have become loving spouses. As you can see, your family and friends have come to support you. May peace and an atmosphere of happiness always reign in your future family. Bitterly!". These wishes to the bride and her newly-made husband can be pronounced both by the representatives of the registry office themselves and by invited guests.

in front of the celebration hall

After the newlyweds have sealed their vows, they go on a short walk, and then a festive table and the main part of the celebration await them. And, of course, the first people who meet them are their parents. They bring the wedding loaf and give pleasant words for the newlyweds.

Example 1: “Hello, young spouses! Now you have established yourself as a family and are ready to move to a completely new level in your relationship. Congratulations on this. Keep your love like the apple of your eye. Honor each other, as we respect the older generation. Appreciate your union. Live long and happily!”

Example 2 (a wish to the bride from the parents with the participation of the father and mother): “Our dear children! We are glad to congratulate you on your very first family holiday! From this day on, you will do everything together. Let the spouse support the family hearth and prepare the rear, and the husband - honors her work and provides her with the most necessary things, including material goods. I wish you happiness, patience and good luck!”

Congratulations to the newlyweds during the feast from the bride's parents

After the young people have broken their first bread and salt, they enter the celebration hall. Here a rich table awaits them, as well as many other pleasant surprises. They are traditionally seated at the head of the table, and honorary witnesses take seats next to them. Next, parents and relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and friends sit down according to their relationship.

When the time comes for the first toast, the right to vote is usually given to the parents. So, these could be relatives on the spouse's side. Here is an approximate wish for the bride from her mother: “My daughter! My little blood! Finally, I lived to see the moment when you got married. It’s hard to say how many emotions are overwhelming me now. You are like a dove living on my shoulder. It’s very difficult for me to part with you But I am sure that your husband will become the hope and support that you have always been for me and your future children!”

Wishes for the newlyweds from the father of the bride

If the bride has a full family, then in addition to the mother, the girl’s own father can also express wishes. An example of his parting words: “My dear daughter! My mother and I are happy for you and your husband! We see that you are happy and shining like the sun. We hope that this sparkle in your eyes and the smile on your lips will remain for a long period. We let you go on a free voyage, like a boat tied to a pier for a long time. Now you have your own captain who will lead you on a long and pleasant voyage along the endless waves of life’s journey. Happiness to you, and to us, many grandchildren!”

Another example of a wish for the bride: “Dear and beloved daughter! Now you are husband and wife. You have a lot in common with our son. We hope that after the wedding you will not only retain your old interests, but also develop new interests. Love to you!”

And finally, another option: “Our beloved daughter! We are glad that you have become part of our family. It was you who positively influenced our son, and he finally found his family happiness. May there be comfort in your home and may love always reign !".

Wedding wishes to the bride from the groom's mother

After parting words from the bride's parents, the floor passes to the groom's relatives. For example, his mother may say the following: “Dear daughter-in-law! We are glad that you became our son’s chosen one. As if blind, he wandered in the dark for a long time, not noticing anyone around. But you became the one who illuminated his path and gave him vision. We want you to continue to shower him with your warmth and support him in difficult times!”

Pleasant words to the newlyweds from the father of the groom

Connecting to the mother’s words, the groom’s father can say the following: “Daughter-in-law! From this day on, we will call you daughter. You are our new family member, whom we owe to our son. He was the only child in the family for a long time. Now there are two of you. Children "We are glad that you are together now. You have become a full-fledged family. Love each other and do not forget about your parents."

Return of gratitude from young parents

After congratulatory speeches from relatives, in order to pay tribute to them, the newlyweds express their return wishes to the parents of the bride and groom. One example of such a toast from a wife: “My dear mom and dad! I’m glad that you are here at this wonderful and important moment for me. Thank you for everything! I hope that you will continue to support and help me in the future!” .

Congratulations from the groom: “Dear parents! Today you have acquired a son in me. I promise to care and love your daughter. Thank you for raising her and raising her. Especially special thanks to my mother, because it was she who taught my beloved to cook borscht and her favorite cutlets. She may not be able to do some other dishes yet, but we are working on it. You are the best!”

Continuation of the banquet: further congratulations from the guests

After such congratulations, guests traditionally speak. They express words of respect and wishes to the bride, thank the parents for raising such a wonderful couple and give gifts or any other valuable things. For example: “It’s done! Finally, the moment we’ve been waiting for for so long has come. Our friend and colleague got married. We sincerely congratulate his young wife on such a profitable and promising acquisition. Bitter!”

And, of course, the fun continues.

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Love so much it makes your head spin
From happiness, like from this wine!
And live so that others only dream.
Then love is not afraid of gray hair.

So that the wine doesn’t seem bitter to you,
It needs to be sweetened a little
I think the bride guessed
How can this bitterness be removed?! Bitterly!!!
There's a wedding these days - anywhere!
And, although I’m not a toastmaster,
I will allow myself to speak.
Do you agree, guests? (guests in unison: Yes!)

That's okay. Young,
I don't have easy advice
I want to give it to you today.
Your job is to execute!

So that my husband always loves,
You, bride, never
They didn’t drink it like the mother-in-law.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

So that my wife always loves,
So that I can’t bear my brains,
You, groom, don't be a fool,
Do this all the time:
Speak at least sometimes
That she is your star!
And give flowers more often.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

So that my husband loves me more,
You, bride, be wiser
And take me to bed more often,
So that he can sleep better.
Stay young longer
Always look after yourself -
Men love with their eyes.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

You, groom, forget about the women!
If you want to go for a walk -
Go fishing
And home, to your “mermaid”!
Loyalty is forever!
Don't waste your years
To dubious meetings!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

And your last piece of advice:
Be together for a hundred years!
May God give children,
And financial surplus!
Be happy always!
There is not water in our glasses...
Let it just be bitter!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
Today is your day, young people,
Everyone is very happy for you!
You got married and from now on
Must be together every hour!

Wife, be a faithful friend -
Tender, faithful, dear,
Try to please your spouse
So that you don’t wish for a different fate.

You, husband, bring money into the house,
And give flowers every day,
Your wife is sweeter than jam,
She is the goddess of beauty.

Be happy with each other
Let it be in your house for guests
The doors will always be open
Don't forget about your friends!
If life is a river
This means that the boat in it is a family.
Let's just celebrate the wedding -
The boat will leave the pier.
May the river be long
Well, swimming is happy.
Young people, I wish you
So as not to rock the boat
Neither trouble nor evil winds,
No resentment, no infidelity.
You take care of each other
Live at least a hundred years!
A simple recipe for family happiness:
Take love as a basis
Mix the beating of hearts with love,
Weeding out sadness and anxiety.
Prepare the filling from songs, flowers,
From tender joint dawns.
So that this common pie is not soggy,
Bake with passion for at least a century!
We wish you much love,
Health, joy, attention.
To take care of each other
And they went home as if on a date.

So that life is warm in your beloved hands
Spared me from all difficulties,
So that she does not bear separation
And she gave days like holidays.

So that children's laughter rings all around,
And with him the fatigue passed
We wish you great love -
In it is the happiness of life and the strength of union!
Carry great love through life,
Keep it and protect it from evil
Let your life be like a good fairy tale,
There will also be a small saying in it:
Wealth to you, joy, laughter and jokes,
Health, success, and grandchildren to grandmothers!
May you meet everything along the way -
Both sweet and bitter moments.
After all, living life is not crossing a field,
The sun even has its eclipses.

May the two rings be inseparable
And in the dead of night, and in the autumn season.
Let fidelity warm your hearts,
Like a talisman. Good luck to you!
Let this day
Like a bright holiday,
Joy will flow into your home,
And your life will be decorated forever
Hope, Happiness and Love.

And let Love be the spring dawn
Doesn't go out for many years
Let it only be “bitter” at the wedding,
And in your life - never!

I suggest you raise your glasses and drink
for our dear... (names)! Bitterly!
To live more beautifully year after year,
So that the house is always a full cup,
To always be happy
And they never parted.
Today is your celebration,
Happy fairy tale magic,
And the romantic Mendelssohn
Turns a dream into reality.

Today is a long-awaited moment,
When the groom is worried
When there is no more beautiful bride,
When the light shines on the couple
Hope, faith and love...
Happy couple, accept it
Our modest but heartfelt gift,
Warm congratulations,
And wishes for many years to come.
Love to you, happiness, and advice!
The heavens bless you on this day.
So let miracles happen in your life
Happen more often, but love
Let it excite the blood every hour,
And every day - success pleases,
And may children's laughter be heard soon -
The pinnacle of your careful love.
God bless you young people!
Let your home be a full cup,
Your love does not cool down,
Hearts are burning, lips are burning...
Your family bless you
Friends send you congratulations.
Vivat, lovers! Firework!
You now have one hearth.
We wish you love and blessings,
We wish you happiness and children -
Let them appear soon!

Comfort in the house, many years to come,
And the eyes of the happy are a clear light.
And let your dreams come true
Your fabulous couple!
Today are two different destinies
Merged into one life forever.
We congratulate you on your wedding day:
You still have everything ahead.
You are like a fragile child -
Still very young
But all adversities are just gaps,
When you are in love with each other.

On the wedding day we wish our husband,
His wife loved him
So that life flows without evil and falsehood,
Let love be the support.
We wish our wife from the heart,
So that the husband will always be a wall,
So that in your family life
You gained the upper hand with your wisdom.

We wish the family children,
So that there is a daughter and a son.
And so that the wedding is golden
She gave us a feast a year later.
A wedding is an interesting holiday,
We are waiting for toasts, dancing, songs!
Let us congratulate you once again,
And let's shout: Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!
We congratulate you on the legality of your bonds!
May the union be happy forever!
Let your smiles shine like the sun,
And past mistakes will melt into the past.
May your path be transparent and pure,
Start filling out the white sheet from scratch!
And schedule your day minute by minute:
Minutes for business, minutes for jokes,
Minutes of luck, moments of success,
Take a moment to laugh!
Add minutes into hours and years,
And always live by the rules!
Since you got married,
We wish you to live like this:
So that the soul sings with happiness,
However, just like the body.
So that everyday life does not irritate,
On the contrary, he inspired.
To live without worries,
There was a decent bank account,
And don’t spoil it so that it’s too much -
We need to have kids!
Let your house be full
Laughter, joy, warmth!
Let them reign in it again and again
Humor, happiness and love!
How nice it is to be married!
Experience all the delights of caring,
Give love and devotion
And share the hardships together.

How nice it is to be married!
When your loved one is always nearby,
Raise the children you want
And make the house a blooming garden.

Guys, you are so lucky!
Now you are together and united,
And this is the main reason
May your happiness increase!
Today all congratulations and wishes
They sound to you, our dear ones, from the heart.
Bright wedding celebration
It will become the most important of family dates.

Happiness shines so much in the eyes of the bride!
May this light never fade!
Let her husband become her reliable support,
May he always protect her.

May your home be spared from troubles,
And there will be health, and the blood will burn.
And soon to the delight of grandparents
Let grandchildren be born. And love always reigns!
Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
Husband must obey his wife
And love her alone
And for the wife to give birth to children,
Dear, glorious naughty girls!

We expect heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
To be young forever
Us for the golden wedding
Don't forget to invite!
Be healthy, live richly,
How much will your salary allow you?
But know that the salary is always not enough -
Shake all your ancestors - they will give you more.
You have twice as many parents,
Love them more, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of pipettes, don't be afraid of diapers -
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.
But parents get bored with children.
Give them to the grandmothers, they will raise them.
But most of all I wish, however:
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.
We want to wish you to smile more often
And fall in love with each other every day again,
Always share joys and worries equally
And add as much work as possible to the storks!
So that the boat of Love does not suddenly leak,
Try to cherish mutual feelings throughout life,
No loud noise can replace it,
Not furniture, cars, carpets or sheepskin coats.
All this is not the main thing, the main thing is to swim
And in the boat of Love to help and be friends,
And if you suddenly have to be separated,
So that there is a desire to strive for each other!
And besides, what else do you need -
May you live long, happily and amicably,
You need kids: one and two.
And you will be a complete family!
To the bride:
Carry your husband in your arms,
Don't ask for a salary
Try to wash, cook, wash,
Smile more often to your father-in-law
And idolize your mother-in-law -
This is how you save love!

To the groom:
Don't disappear in the garage
Buy gifts for your wife,
Forget about girlfriends
Be an angel with your mother-in-law,
Drink more often with your father-in-law -
There will be no family, but paradise!
To the bride:
Once upon a time there was a single guy,
Handsome, smart, young.
May he always be like this
We will give you advice:
You must take care of your husband.
Let him lie down
To read the newspaper
Or just flipped through it.
If you're grumpy,
Wayward and jealous
Don't guess why
You won't find your husband at home.
So that life seems like paradise,
Don't find fault with your husband.
Laugh more often, smile,
Never be arrogant!

Love each other,
Appreciate each other.
Look for more than just spouses in each other.
But the best friend.
And I, friends, want to say that
That our heart is home,
A house with its four walls.
All corners of it are welcoming, warm,
There is a light of happiness in it! How magnificent he is!
And the first corner is the life of love,
The second is the restless babble of children,
And the third - relatives, colleagues and friends,
On the fourth day, the grandparents were called...
With all my heart I wish,
So that your corners are not empty!

Congratulating you on this bright day,
We wish you a long and happy life,
Love you passionate and beautiful,
So that misfortunes are not covered by a shadow.
We wish you only success in your worries,
So that the house rings with songs, joyful laughter,
So that a child's smile warms the heart,
So that nothing hurts you
And so that adversity does not touch you,
It seemed like minutes for years!

Your wedding day will fly by like a dream.
No one knows what lies ahead.
And the beautiful march Mendelssohn
Let him play for other lovers!
Always a wedding day, as if in a frenzy:
Noise in the head, hearts are fluttering,
And the whole world to a wonderful couple
With a generous smile he applauds!
How to extend happy days?
Get ready for the test.
It's not easy for two people to sail in a boat,
So that life does not become a punishment.
Learn to love, believe, wait,
Please each other in some way!
Diplomacy is important here.
Treat your loved one skillfully,
And everything will be as you wanted
And only you will be needed!
You, (name), young husband,
Be lenient as a friend
And don't grumble like an old grandfather,
That lunch is not always ready.
And continue every month
Celebrate the meeting with flowers,
But besides them, don’t forget
At least buy something else!

You have an important step today,
Get legally married!
Live together, don't fight,
Smile sweetly more often.
Keep love for a long time,
Without understanding, don’t blame
Be a support for each other
Otherwise you will have a hard time.
Create a good family
And, without need, do not be discouraged.

Everything will happen on the path of life:
And hills, and holes, and hillocks.
There will be everything: sun and thunder,
Summer heat, cold snowstorms.
If only true hearts
Setting off on a long journey,
They shared it among themselves until the end
Joy, and hope, and anxiety.
We wish you great luck,
So that your life is richer,
So that you have success in everything,
May you live the happiest life!

With legal marriage, allow
Congratulate you and wish you:
Cherish love all your life,
So as not to see and know evil.
Do you appreciate each other's shoulder?
And everything you can appreciate.
And if someone fell out of the circle,
Then you will be able to forgive.

Your wedding is a feast,
The best reason to have fun!
Let them give something today
What is useful on the farm!
May you have good luck in the future
Success awaits in the present
And mutual love
Will dawn with family happiness!

Don’t rush to drink a glass,
We'll have time to clear them out.
First of all, let me
I should congratulate the young people.
I want them to live together
We were always happy
So that you love each other,
We never separated.
May your marriage be legal
Clean and clear for many years,
Let no one judge you
The trace of life will not grow old.
You can drink, you need to drink
For the health of the young!
For their joy and joy!
For the health of all relatives!
Bitter radish, bitter honey,
It's bitter to eat and bitter to drink...
Honest people ask you
Sweeten our dishes.
