At what temperature to wash bed linen in a washing machine - acceptable values. Cultural washing rules

The quality of washing depends on many factors. And water temperature is one of the main ones. At best, things simply don’t stretch well, at worst, they will be hopelessly damaged. Therefore, before you wet your clothes and underwear, you need to study the information on the labels. If they are not there, then knowledge about modes, fabrics and general rules for clothing will help you navigate.

Washing temperature

Many automatic washing machines allow you to set the washing temperature with an accuracy of almost 1 degree. Therefore, it is very important to know in what cases this or that heating is used, at what temperature it is better to wash things, depending on the degree of contamination and the material of manufacture.

Up to 30 degrees

This is cool water. It is used for slightly worn items. If the stains are stubborn and strong, then pre-soaking with powder or soap will be required. This heating is suitable for delicate fabrics (wool, silk, some types of synthetics) and products that require careful handling, for example, knitwear. Also, at this temperature things do not fade.

Up to 45 degrees

From 30 to 45 degrees is the most universal temperature range. It can be used on almost all fabrics and even for daily use. Fresh stains can be easily removed in this range.

Up to 60 degrees

This mode is used for more durable and strong fabrics, such as linen or cotton. At 60 degrees, even heavy stains can be easily washed off. In this case, additional soaking or treatment with cleaning agents is not required. This mode is used for bed linen and cleaning children's clothes.
90 degrees and above

At this temperature, things are not only washed, but also disinfected. This is a way to wash cleanly without resorting to expensive and often hazardous chemicals. However, a fairly small number of things and fabrics can withstand boiling: these are natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. Even when exposed to such temperatures, they do not deform or become unusable. But they may lose color. Therefore, boiling is used mainly for white or light-colored fabrics. It is recommended to boil children's clothes, medical clothing, underwear of sick people (especially with skin diseases), textile toys, etc.

Depending on the material

Everything is clear with the purpose of temperatures. But what to do if the labels are erased or lost, and only approximately is known about the item and the material it was made from? In this case, they decide which water is best to wash in, based on previous experience or understanding of the fabric. If absolutely nothing is known about the item of clothing, then it is recommended to first wash it in cool water by hand.

Natural fabrics

The most durable and heat-resistant material of all is flax. White fabric can easily withstand boiling, and colored fabric retains colors even at 60 degrees.

Cotton is not far behind flax. It can also be boiled or machine washed at 90-95 degrees. However, the color doesn't hold up as well. Products with patterns or dyed should not be washed at temperatures above 45 degrees.

Wool is one of the most whimsical materials. It can only be rinsed in cool water and using special products.

The same applies to silk. This delicate material does not tolerate heat above 30 degrees.

Artificial fabrics

In most cases, artificial and synthetic fabrics do not tolerate heat well: the fibers become coarse, brittle, or even change their properties. Also, things may become deformed or shrink. Therefore, it is recommended to wash any synthetic clothing at a temperature no higher than 45 degrees, or even better, limit it to 30 degrees.

Viscose is easily deformed; it is better not to expose it to high temperatures, but to limit it to cool water.

One of the most heat-resistant artificial materials is polyester. He calmly tolerates heating up to 40-45 degrees. However, when overheated, the fabric “breaks”. Acetate also belongs to this group.

Elastane or lycra are quite resistant to hot water. Typically these materials are added to another type of fabric (such as cotton). The percentage determines how resistant to heat a particular thing is. Typically, clothing can withstand hot water (up to 60 degrees).

Acrylic cannot be heated: it can barely withstand 30-degree washing. It is as finicky as the wool it imitates. It also requires the use of special liquids and easily loses its shape.

When choosing a washing machine, it is important to pay attention not only to the energy consumption class, drum capacity, but also to the washing modes presented in this model. Modern models have developed a large number of modes and functions, the correct use of which guarantees the safety and cleanliness of the product for a long time.

Manufacturers of washing machines in the latest models present a wide range of modes and additional functions used to expand the capabilities of this unit and affect its cost. Before installing the program, you need to familiarize yourself with what it means and when it is recommended for activation.

In different models, programs of the same type may differ slightly in temperature, process duration, number of rinses, and spin speed.


All models have basic modes for different types of fabrics. By choosing one of them, you can adjust the temperature, number of rinses, and spin speed. At the same time, the electronic module controls the selected indicators, preventing them from being exceeded, so as not to reduce the quality or damage the laundry. The number of additional programs depends on the brand and price segment of the model.

  • Cotton (linen). Used to care for non-dyed, non-fading colored cotton and linen items at temperatures of 30, 40, 60, 90–95 °C. Includes 4-time rinsing with spin at maximum speed. Duration - from 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on the temperature.
  • Synthetics. Wash synthetic and mixed fabrics at 40–60 °C with high spin speed. Duration - 1 hour 30 minutes - 1 hour 50 minutes.
  • Handwash. Used for delicate fabrics marked “Hand Wash Only”. The drum rotates slowly with long pauses. The program involves rinsing in large quantities of water at a temperature of 30–40 °C without spinning for 50–60 minutes.
  • Wool. In gentle mode, the drum sways slightly in a small amount of water at a temperature of up to 40 °C, preventing the formation of pellets and shrinkage of the item. Spins at minimum speed. Cycle time - 1 hour. Woolen products are loaded at 2/3 of the permissible norm, since wet wool is heavy, and overloading the drum wears out the engine.
  • Silk or Delicate wash. Used for delicate cleaning of viscose, silk and lace products. The drum rotates slowly, with long pauses. Water temperature - 30–40 °C. Rinse in plenty of water without spinning. At the end of the 1-hour cycle, press at minimum speed.
  • Express wash (fast). Used for lightly soiled items. Washing at a temperature of 30–40 °C with a spin cycle at maximum speed lasts 15–30 minutes.
  • Daily wash. Use for lightly soiled clothes. Water temperature - 30–40 °C, spins at high speed. Cycle time - 40–60 minutes.
  • Pre-wash (soak). Dirty laundry is kept for up to 2 hours in water at a temperature of 30 °C before the main wash. In this case, the detergent is placed in the main and pre-wash compartments.
  • Intensive wash. Used for cleaning particularly dirty non-fading items made of cotton, linen, and synthetics. The cycle lasts 2-4 hours, depending on the model, and is divided into several stages: pre-soaking - 15-25 minutes; slow wash at 60 °C - 20–30 min; intensive at 95 °C - 30 min; slow at 60 °C - 30 min; intensive rinsing; spins at maximum speed. In this mode, the machine operates at maximum loads with high consumption of water and electricity, so it is recommended to run this program in exceptional cases.
  • Biophase. Detergents with enzymes effectively remove biological stains at temperatures of 30–40 °C. There are several types of enzymes that eliminate certain stains, so choose bio-products based on the type of stain.
  • Eco-wash. The program gently and thoroughly removes old stains. Suitable for all types of fabrics. Relevant for washing children's clothes.

It is carried out in 2 stages:

  • biophase;
  • main wash.

At the second stage, the intensity of the drum rotation increases, the temperature rises to 60 °C, the enzymes are destroyed, and the clothes are treated with other components of the detergent. Spins at high speeds. Cycle time - 2 hours.

Additional functions

The use of these programs increases the safety, comfort, and cost-effectiveness of the process.

  • Delay mode. Allows you to delay the start of the cycle by 1–24 hours. Powder is poured into the powder receptacle, laundry is loaded into the drum, a delay time is set, after which the machine automatically turns on.
  • Night mode. The program turns off the spin and sound signal at the end of the cycle.
  • Half (partial) load. This function is useful when you need to wash a small amount of laundry. When activated, the cycle time is reduced and less water is consumed.
  • Water level control. The program automatically determines the amount of water required for effective washing.
  • Spin balancing. To reduce vibration during spinning, the drum rotates slowly until the laundry is evenly distributed over it. Then the spin cycle is activated at high speeds.
  • Water clarity control. If necessary, increase the number of rinses until the remaining detergent is washed out.
  • Spin. Function of separate spin activation with the ability to independently adjust the speed.
  • Drain. Water is removed from the drum without rinsing or spinning.
  • Rinse and drain. The laundry is rinsed several times and then spun at the set speed.
  • Disabling spin. The program ends the cycle without the intended spin.
  • Extra rinse. Additionally, rinses things one more time.
  • Easy ironing. Disables the intermediate spin during rinsing and reduces the speed at the end of the cycle. The laundry remains slightly damp and less wrinkled, which makes subsequent ironing easier.
  • Foam control. Excess foam is automatically removed during the entire cycle.
  • Troubleshooting. If there are interruptions in the operation of the unit, the electronic module conducts self-diagnosis and a fault code is displayed on the display.

How to choose temperature and mode

The required program is selected depending on the material of the product and the degree of its contamination. To help you choose the right washing mode to maintain the quality of the product, the manufacturer indicates care instructions on the labels.

To wash clothes with an independent change in cycle temperature, spin speeds are guided by their maximum permissible values:

  • light cotton, linen - 60–95 °C at 1400 rpm;
  • colored cotton, linen - 40 °C at 1400 rpm;
  • synthetics - 40 °C at 600 rpm;
  • delicate fabrics, silk - 40 °C at 400 rpm;
  • wool - 40 °C at 800 rpm.

Rules for washing in a washing machine

To prevent things from getting damaged and the quality of cleaning to be high, follow the basic rules:

  • dirty laundry is pre-sorted by fabric type, color and soiling;
  • pockets are emptied of contents;
  • remove belts, loose accessories, metal objects;
  • fasten zippers, buttons, buttons;
  • terry products, trousers, skirts, knitwear, socks are turned inside out;
  • Pillowcases and duvet covers are turned out and the fuzz accumulated in the corners is removed;
  • to improve the quality of washing, laundry of different sizes is loaded into the drum;
  • detergents, softeners, and bleaching agents are placed in special compartments of the powder receptacle;
  • use washing powders and gels intended for automatic machines;
  • Detergents have been developed for different types of fabrics;
  • do not exceed the dosage of the products used;
  • comply with the permissible load of laundry;
  • They set the mode, temperature and spin speed depending on the loaded laundry.

To extend the life of your washing machine, follow these rules:

  1. Overloading laundry significantly reduces the quality of washing and leads to breakdown of the unit.
  2. Do not leave washed clothes in the drum for a long time.
  3. Use high-quality detergents according to their intended purpose.
  4. Do not exceed the dosage of washing powders.
  5. Periodically carry out preventative cleaning of the machine.

A modern automatic machine is equipped with a large number of programs and functions for caring for products made of any materials. Choosing them correctly preserves the integrity of the product, increases efficiency, saves resources, and extends the life of the washing machine.

Of course, household appliances make a woman’s life much easier, but to prevent the machine from ruining the laundry, it is recommended that before you start washing, you need to find out how to wash bed linen and what temperature should be set for careful care. Not a single household appliance can independently select a mode and temperature that will wash things well and will not cause a change in their shade, shape and quality. Therefore, when you decide to wash, you should find out in advance at what temperature to wash your bed linen, especially when washing is done regularly.

How to wash bed linen in a washing machine? The first and important stage of such manipulation is proper preparation, which is necessary before placing it in the washing drum.

It is known that if bed linen has not been properly cared for and a lot of dirt has accumulated on its base, this will make the fabric 4% heavier. This leads to difficulties during machine washing. All small debris and other components that fall on the material will remain there.

For example:
  • fats released from the skin;
  • dust particles;
  • body lotion;
  • protein compounds.

It is recommended to wash bed linen immediately after removing it from the bed, otherwise it will sit in the basket or basin and become saturated with an unpleasant odor from other dirty things. This leads to the appearance of yellowness or an unpleasant gray tint. How to wash such soiled material? To do this, the set is first washed in a basin with soap, and then poured in for soaking. After washing, the bedding is washed in the usual way at medium degrees. The box where dirty things are stored must be well ventilated and also have gaps for ventilation. Very dirty clothes should not be stored in them.

If you do not want the fabric to be damaged or deformed when washing in a machine, you should also choose the right powder or gel, on which the final result depends. So, how to wash bed linen correctly, what should you pay attention to after purchasing such an item?

It is important to note that poorly washed or wet clothes should not be placed in the basket, since after 1-2 days mold will appear in them, significantly deteriorating the condition of the fabric.

How often should I wash my bed linen? To prevent the material from turning yellow or turning gray, you should wash it once a week.

At what temperature are bed linen washed? If the fabric is colored and bright, then a temperature regime of less than 70 degrees is needed. In other cases, it is permissible to set a high mode (up to 80-90) degrees, which will gently wash the fabric and conduct a powerful disinfection of the material. After all, high temperatures kill ticks and other microorganisms.

When washing bed linen in a washing machine, it is important to first separate colored fabrics from colorless ones. It is also recommended to separate silk and cotton fabrics. To thoroughly wash the bed linen, turn out the pillowcases and duvet covers, and then clean the corners with a brush (preferably a toothbrush). All protruding threads should be cut off, as during the washing process (especially on textiles), puffs may appear.

How is the washing temperature considered correct? Powder manufacturers claim that their detergent can take care of things even in cold water. But professionals say that laundry is washed carefully and well only at elevated temperatures, which literally washes away all the accumulated dirt. Moreover, hot water breaks down fats that are often present on the base of dirty laundry, thereby improving the quality of washing.

How many degrees is better to choose? It is difficult to get confused in such information, so it is best to read the information you are interested in on the product labels, where the optimal temperature mode, degrees, type of powder, and more are written. Also, you should not ignore the fact that you should choose the temperature after purchasing the powder, because it also washes gently and well at a certain temperature.

General principles on how to wash bed linen if you don’t know what temperature to choose:
  1. 40-degree water is good for any material from which the laundry is made. It removes light to medium dirt. But it’s worth washing very dirty fabric by first soaking it in a soapy solution.
  2. Washing at 60 degrees allows you to remove stubborn stains, but before putting things in the drum, stains should be pre-treated with detergent. How often should bed linen be washed at this temperature? This should be done once a week.
  3. The boiling mode (its temperature is 95 degrees) can wash things while simultaneously disinfecting. Such degrees lead to the fact that the fabrics are washed completely.

Do I need to wash new bed linen? Yes, if a woman has just bought a set, it is recommended to do this so that all excess paint is erased and the fabric gets rid of the unpleasant odor. If it is too dirty, how many degrees should I choose?

In this case, laundry care is carried out at a temperature of 95 degrees, which will reliably wash out all the dirt from the fabric. Also, very dirty things should be soaked in advance with the addition of powder, which will allow the contaminated areas to be soaked.

What mode should I use to wash bed linen? To ensure that the fabric is washed properly, it is recommended to select a specific program. But how to choose it? The washing mode depends on the material from which the laundry is made.


  • silk and satin - in this case, it is recommended to wash the fabrics in the “Hand Wash” program, which does not heat the water more than 30 degrees (then the material will not lose its shape and color);
  • linen and satin can be washed in any mode at which the temperature can reach 40-90 degrees;
  • bamboo, chintz and cambric are washed on “Delicate wash” at 40 degrees;
  • polyester is cleaned using the “Synthetics” program, also at 40 degrees;
  • calico is washed on “Cotton” at a temperature of 60 degrees.

If you strictly adhere to these rules, your underwear will last a long time without changing its color, becoming covered in pills or losing its shape.

Do I need to wash new bed linen, and what program is best to do it on? As mentioned earlier, it is advisable to rinse new laundry. In this case, the mode depends on the material used in manufacturing. However, it is better not to use high temperatures during the first wash, because the material is clean and only needs refreshing.

By following the above tips and rules, you will be able to carefully and properly care for your bed linen, because proper care is necessary for it to last a long time and not spoil its appearance.

Ideally clean bed linen is the key to healthy sleep and good mood for the whole day. With the advent of household washing machines, women's lives became much easier. However, you need to know how to properly wash clothes in a miracle machine in order to achieve a perfect result.

A new product must be washed before use. After all, the fabric is treated with a special means to maintain its shape, and a large amount of industrial dust and dirt accumulates on it.

It is advisable to wash at the highest temperature allowed by the manufacturer. The first disinfection removes excess paint on the fabric if it is poorly dyed. After the first wash, the bedding set becomes a little smaller than originally - and this is normal.

How often should I wash?

Bed linen does not need to be changed every time after sleep; it is enough to change it once a week. During this short time, it loses its freshness, but does not have time to become greasy, so it can be easily washed off.

In winter, people sweat much less, and before going to bed they put on warm pajamas and a shirt, so you shouldn’t be sensitive about changing your bed linen. You can change the set every two weeks.

Important! If the mattress is often ventilated and made of “breathable” materials, then you can remember to change your bed “clothes” after 14 days.

The bed of a person who is bedridden or has a cold should be renewed every day; in the absence of such an opportunity, at least the pillowcases must be changed.

Preparing for washing

If the basket is filled with numerous kits, then before the procedure you need to sort by fabric type and color.

Fabric types:

  • linen and cotton. Cotton is used to produce many types of fabric. It perfectly absorbs moisture, washes easily and dries quickly. If cotton or linen fabric is heavily soiled, then for washing you should select a program at a temperature of 40, and if you need to thoroughly disinfect and obtain perfect whiteness, you should select a mode with temperature 60. You can select the maximum spin;
  • satin The material is pleasant to the touch, is of high quality and guarantees a sound sleep. It can be washed at 60 degrees. If you prefer modern powders and strong active additives for this, then the 40-degree mode will be the best option. The spin can be medium or maximum;
  • . Many housewives wash silk products incorrectly, after which the fibers of the fabric deteriorate. You can wash a silk bedding only at a temperature of 30 degrees, using a water softener and medium-strength detergents, do not use bleach! It is advisable not to use the spin mode;
  • synthetics. The buyer prefers durability and affordable cost. These are the qualities that synthetic matter has. To wash it, you need to choose a mode with a temperature no more than 30-40 degrees so that pellets do not appear on it.

Dyed bed linen fabric

Important! A white, light-colored product should never be loaded into the machine together with a colored one.

If stains of blood, coffee, or juice predominate on colored laundry, they should be treated with a special stain remover, such as hydrogen peroxide, before washing.

Important! Pay attention to the label: some silk products should only undergo chemical treatment!

At what temperature should you wash bed linen?

40 degrees– the best temperature for light-colored cotton and linen fabrics. This mode effectively washes and disinfects. Temperatures higher than necessary contribute to rapid wear of the fabric.

Wash program at medium temperature 30–50 degrees Suitable for colored and delicate fabrics.

Mode in the washing machine

Important! Do not overload the machine drum. Fill it no more than 3/4 of the way, so the bedding will be washed better.

Everyone knows that even the best quality bedding sets do not last forever. But if you follow the basic recommendations for washing machine modes, then your favorite laundry will last even longer than it is allotted. Give more preference to “delicate” modes at temperature 40 C 0, for moderately contaminated tissues it is sufficient 40 C 0, silk, satin, 3D bedding sets are washed instantly, so the “hand wash” mode is suitable for them, preferably without spinning, 30 C 0. For synthetic material, select the “Synthetic” mode.

Attention! Automatic machines have additional soaking functions. It’s better to use them than a wash cycle with maximum temperature!

What to wash

For high-quality washing of light-colored sets, you can buy a universal powder detergent or powder specifically for white items in the store. But if heavily soiled areas are found on the laundry, then you can use bleaches, enhancers, and liquid bleaches for washing machines.

Colored materials must be washed with powder marked “Color”. Special liquid shampoos have been developed. They wash the product perfectly, despite the low temperature. Detergents should not be overused. They should be free of harmful additives and easy to wash off. Otherwise, you must use the double rinse mode.

To add freshness, housewives use air conditioning. It must be added to a special cell in small quantities. Then the product will have a pleasant smell and will be easy to rinse.

Important! Before washing expensive bed linen with three-dimensional images, you need to read the manufacturer’s recommendations!

How to wash bed linen without a washing machine

Sometimes the electricity goes out and the miracle helper breaks down. Therefore, housewives also know how to wash a lot of bed linen by hand.

It is better to soak long, large sets for several hours in pre-prepared water.

  • To do this you will need:
  • large capacity (bathtub, basin);
  • 10 liters of boiled water;
  • a glass of powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry bleach;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Cool the water to the temperature required for the type of fabric, add the listed components to it and soak. After 15 hours, rinse thoroughly in clean water and carefully hang to dry.

How to remove yellow stains from white bed linen

White loses its original snow-white appearance and an ugly yellowness appears on it. You can get rid of it using the following means:

"White". This is a very aggressive remedy and should only be used extremely rarely. Bleach is added directly to the drum;

"Domestos". Suitable for both soaking and washing. Its results justify all expectations;

dishwashing detergents. The bedding is in contact with the body, so fat and sweat remain on it, which lead to yellowing of the fabric. By adding the product to the powder compartment, you can achieve incredible results;

laundry soap. With its help, all yellow spots are removed. It is necessary to soap the fabric until it is dirty yellow and leave it in a basin without water for 2 hours or a day.

Washing colored bed linen

Colored items tend to fade, so they must first be soaked in salt water, then rinsed in cold water, then washed in the desired mode and dried.

To preserve the color of cotton linen, you need to soak it in cold water mixed with turpentine. You can add a little vinegar while rinsing.

You can make blue and red laundry much brighter with baking soda by adding it during rinsing.

When washing and rinsing red and blue clothes, add a little vinegar, for pink material - ammonia. Thus, the colors of the fabric retain their brightness.

How to wash washed bed linen

There are many ways to effectively deal with washed laundry. The first assistant in this matter is ammonia. It works great when the kit is soaked in hot water from 40 to 70 degrees. As additional means, you can use baking soda, salt, peroxide.

How to Remove Tough Stains

You can remove green stains from white material using hydrogen peroxide. You need to rub the stain with a cotton pad soaked in the product. Chlorine-based bleaches are suitable for light-colored fabrics.

To remove brilliant green from colored sets, you can use laundry soap. Lather the stain and leave the product in the basin for 60 minutes. After this, wash and dry.

You can remove iodine stains with regular milk. The product is soaked in milk for half an hour and washed with laundry soap.

It is also easy to remove iodine stains from colored sheets. Pour a lot of starch on it, moisten it and leave it for several hours.

Attention! Do not leave dirty laundry in the basket for a long time. It acquires an unpleasant odor and is more difficult to wash off.

How to wash so that the fabric does not fade

A new product often fades. Run a damp cloth over the fabric and you will immediately know whether it will fade or not after washing.

If the test is positive, rinse the kit in water with vinegar or salt.

How to wash bedding without electrification

Over time, your favorite product accumulates static electricity. You can get rid of unpleasant “pricks” using a special conditioner.

How to wash without pilling

To avoid the appearance of hated pills, you must wash strictly according to the instructions and use a special conditioner for washing. Otherwise, you can easily get rid of them by adding foil balls to your laundry during washing.

Washing silk bed linen

Silk products must be treated with care. To wash them, you need to use a detergent for delicate fabrics and an appropriate conditioner. Add softeners during washing and rinse the laundry several times. If there are stains on a silk bedding item, wash it in mustard infusion.

How to wash baby bedding

Children's clothes should be washed separately. The washing mode depends on the type of fabric. Cotton products are usually made for children, which wash well at 30–40 degrees. It is necessary to use gentle cleaning agents so as not to cause allergies.

How to wash clothes to make them crispy

To give the product a stunning look and rigidity, due to which it crunches, you need to add the prepared starch paste to cold blue water, rinse the laundry and dry it naturally.

It would seem that the machines in almost every home are automatic, the powders used are from global manufacturers, and washed clothes are not always pleasing with their whiteness and freshness, colored fabrics fade, and stains sometimes remain. And complaints are heard: the machine does not wash well, the powder does not wash well. Few people realize that the blame for poor quality washing falls not on the machine, not on the powder, but on the housewives’ inability to use it all correctly!

Text: Elena MAKAROVA.


There is such a thing: laundry culture. So, according to European standards, Russians are not a particularly cultured nation in this regard: we don’t do laundry as often as is customary, we spend more water and electricity, and we save on household chemicals.

!!! You cannot store dirty laundry until washed - it is better to wash it immediately. According to statistics, Russian housewives on average do laundry 1-2 times a week. There are only 108 washes per household per year. (For comparison, in the Netherlands this number is 235 washes, i.e. they do laundry there almost every day.) We accumulate laundry for washing. At this time, dirt is well absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, is fixed in them and becomes more difficult to wash. If you make it a rule to wash lightly soiled items right away, then the dirt will not have time to set in and the stains will become old - for a good result, washing in a short program at 40 ° C without boiling and bleaching will be enough.

If this is not possible, then the laundry should be placed in baskets with holes for good ventilation.


Every housewife knows that clothes need to be sorted before washing. But unfortunately, not everyone knows that for different types of fabrics you need to use different powders, as surveys conducted by various companies show. Thus, special laundry detergents (especially for wool, for black, for delicate washing, etc.) are used in only 10 million homes.

!!! Use powders and liquid detergents for the types of fabrics for which they are intended! We are confident that regular readers of “Consumer. Household Appliances has been known for a long time, but for beginners we will repeat it again - powder for white fabrics should be used to wash whites, powder for colored fabrics should be used to wash colored fabrics, for delicate fabrics it is recommended to use special products. This is not a whim of the manufacturers: different powders have different compositions, they are aimed at solving their own problems. For example: if you wash jeans with white powder, they will turn whitish. The fact is that these powders contain oxygen-containing and optical bleaches, which allow white fabrics to shine, but they are not needed for dyed products. Laundry detergents for black items allow them to stay black longer rather than turning dark gray or dark blue. Powders for colored laundry help preserve the bright colors of clothes. Therefore, a modern housewife should have several types of washing powders and liquid detergents in her arsenal.


It is also very important how much powder you add when washing. If your washing machine itself does not know how to measure the required amount of detergent based on the weight of the laundry, then you must learn how to do this. Recommendations for the amount of powder are on each package. It’s interesting that Russian housewives usually want to save money and use less powder. The numbers speak to this: until recently, the consumption of powder per person was four kilograms per year, while the norm is six to seven kilograms. In 2007-2008 the figure grew, we hope the situation will not change this year.

The correct dosage is important because... if there is a lack of powder, the laundry does not wash and becomes gray and hard, in addition, fat particles remain on it, and a limescale deposit forms on the heating element. It is a large amount of limescale that can lead to a breakdown of the washing machine and costly repairs in the future!

!!! Measure out the required amount of powder, following the recommendations on the packaging and taking into account the degree of soiling of the laundry. The fact is that water softeners are added to almost all powders, which reduce the formation of scale. Less powder means less product - resulting in scale. Manufacturers of household chemicals and manufacturers of washing machines are well aware of this.

In the testing laboratory of the Vestel plant, we were told that when disassembling washing machines after a wash cycle, scale was observed on the heating elements of devices in which less powder was used during washing. But scale forms not only on the heating element of the machine, but also on the fibers of cotton fabric, which leads to dull colors and faster wear of things. Stingy people are known to pay twice, so don’t try to reduce the amount of powder when washing.

It is important not to overdo it with the powder! When it is in excess, foaming increases, as a result, the mechanical impact on the fabric during washing decreases, the efficiency of washing, rinsing and spinning decreases, and more water is consumed due to the additional rinsing cycle (for machines in which the additional rinse is turned on automatically). We should not forget that excessive amounts of powder cause damage to the environment.


As studies carried out by Henkel have shown, the average temperature for washing white linen in Russia is still 90-95 °C. It is at this temperature that 43% of the population washes their clothes. 46% wash at 60°C. In Europe, washing at a temperature of 95 °C is practically not used, since laundry does not accumulate and is washed more often. In addition, they use powders with enzymes, for which high temperatures are absolutely not suitable!

!!! Wash at lower temperatures; modern powders wash even at 30 °C. Turn on boiling only when washing white, heavily soiled laundry. Enzymes designed to fight a number of stains die in very hot water and do not fulfill their task. And protein stains (for example, blood stains) at such temperatures most often become firmly attached to fabrics and become practically impossible to wash off. By the way, it is better to wash chocolate stains at 40°C rather than at 60°C.

Another important aspect for the average European is energy and water costs. Using a wash program at 60°C instead of 90°C or 40°C instead of 60°C allows you to save up to 50% energy.


At first, washing machine manufacturers increased the number of washing programs, now the emphasis is on the availability of special programs: children's clothes, sports items, silk. The presence of a short program has become mandatory, allowing you to “refresh” the item and wash it after just one wearing.

!!! Select programs that suit the type of fabric and degree of soiling. And such programs should not and cannot wash socks that are dirty to the point of hardness or sheets that have been lying around for a long time without being washed. If you wash a woolen item with cotton powder, and even in an intensive wash program, then the item will be hopelessly damaged.


The standard load of a washing machine is five kilograms of laundry, although recently machines with large drum volumes have become increasingly popular, and new machines allow you to wash seven or more kilograms at a time. But manufacturers took this step not so that housewives would accumulate huge amounts of dirty clothes, but to wash large rugs, down jackets, blankets and pillows at home.

For better washing of things, this advice is relevant: do not overload the machine! So, when washing silk, the permissible norm is 1-1.5 kg (if the standard load is 5 kg), wool - 1.5-2 kg; It is recommended to load no more than 5-7 white shirts at a time.

Do not overload the machine. For better washing, reduce the load rate.

The term “big wash” is becoming obsolete and is being replaced by “always clean.” After all, a bath once a week has long been replaced by a daily shower. “Put it on, take it off, wash it” - this is the need of a modern person. And the latest technology, combined with household chemicals, gives everyone this opportunity.

When preparing this article, research materials and data from Henkel were used.

Try solving a couple of problems from a school chemistry course:

1. Two housewives were preparing to do laundry. The first one heated the water to 60° and soaked the clothes in it, the second one heated the water to a boil, boiled it for 5 minutes, cooled it to 60° and only then started washing. Who washes clothes better? What simple experiment can prove this and how can it be explained? (Soap and other detergents work much more effectively in soft water. Water hardness is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in it, which precipitate in the form of carbonates when boiled:

Ca(HCO 3) 2 p CaCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2

Mg(HCO 3) 2 p MgCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2

When water is heated only to 60 degrees, these reactions do not occur, and the water remains hard. So the laundry is washed better by the housewife who has boiled the water. This is easy to prove by simple experiment: dip a piece of soap into heated water and water of the same temperature, but boiled. In boiled water, soap dissolves almost without sediment, and in raw water a precipitate forms in the form of flakes).

For those who have very hard water in the region, it is recommended to use powders that contain water softeners, or special products suitable for automatic machines.

2. Why are stains from vegetable oil, especially hot, after a few days impossible to remove from clothes using a solvent, and at the same time, a stain from melted lard or butter can be easily removed using the same solvent even after a fairly long period of time ?

(Vegetable fats are unsaturated fats; their molecules contain double bonds, and they can polymerize, like all compounds with double bonds. Due to these processes, for example, oil paints dry to form a durable coating, since all drying oils are made based on vegetable oil, especially in light and at elevated temperatures, not only strong polymer molecules are formed, but also due to double bonds, the interaction of fat molecules with polymer molecules of the fabric occurs. It is very difficult to remove such a stain).

Therefore, stains from vegetable oils must be washed off immediately, while they are fresh.

5 million homes in Russia do not have washing machines. They still wash by hand there.

In total, 24 million washes are carried out per day in Russia!

Synthetic detergents







with reduced foaming, containing surfactants, phosphates, zeolites, citric acid.

mountain spring

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

for washing colored items

450 g, 2.1 kg, 4 kg

with concentrating ingredients, provides additional softness

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

with enzymes that work at low temperatures

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

with reduced foaming, with anti-scale components

alpine freshness

450 g, 2.4 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg, 12 kg

White clouds

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg


2.4 kg, 6 kg

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

for washing colored items

450 g, 2.4 kg

with natural chamomile and aloe extract

400 g, 3.6 kg

with reduced foaming, containing enzymes

sea ​​freshness

400 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg, 3.6 kg, 4.5 kg, 9 kg

e surfactants, silicates, enzymes, bleaches

freshness of the meadows

400 g, 3.6 kg

(optical and photo)

french scent

400 g, 2.4 kg

fresh color

400 g, 2.4 kg4.5 kg

for washing colored items

400 g, 2.4 kg

with conditioning ingredients

400 g, 2.4 kg

with the addition of natural soap

concentrated with bleach

Color Aloe Vera

concentrate for colored laundry

with stain remover and bleach

Gold Plus Freshness from Vernel

with vernel conditioner scent

450 g. 1.5 kg, 3 kg. 4.5 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

with stain remover, prevents the formation of pills

Color Plus Freshness from Vernel

450 g, 3 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

Vernel conditioner scent

450 g, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

without dyes or intense fragrances, with aloe vera extract

lemon flower

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg.

with bleaches, prevents lime from settling on fabrics.

Freshness of snowy peaks

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg

Spring Flower

400 g, 3 kg, 6 kg

Long lasting color Spring flower

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg.

erases, washes, refreshes

Almond Milk

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg

with floral scent and almond milk


Lemon Freshness

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

for washing white, cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics

Snowy heights

450 g, 3 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

Mountain Lake

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

For washing colored items

Color Mountain Lake

450 g, 3 kg, 6 kg

For washing colored items

Automatic Flower

350 g, 2.4 kg

Penetrates deeply into fabric fibers

350 g, 2.4 kg

350 g, 2.4 kg

350 g, 2.4 kg

The magic of balm

For delicate fabrics

Magic of color

For delicate fabrics


Nevskaya cosmetics

400 g, 800 g, 2400 g, 4500 g

for washing children's clothes

Neva cosmetics

Color Automatic

for washing colored items


Neva cosmetics

for washing woolen and wool blend fabrics


Nevskaya cosmetics

Lemon Automatic

with optical brightener

Nevskaya cosmetics

with the effect of removing saprophytes (linen mites)

With cotton extract

with bleach operating at 60 degrees.

Active Color

for washing colored items

Spring Valley

450 g, 2.4 kg, 5 kg

With air conditioning

450 g, 2.4 kg, 5 kg

with conditioning ingredients


450 g, 2.4 kg

Flowers of love

450 g, 2.4 kg, 3 kg

Soda Effect

450 g, 2.4 kg

450 g, 2.4 kg, 3 kg

for washing colored items

Reckitt Benckiser

Alpine freshness

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg. 9 kg

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3, 7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

White clouds

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

With conditioning ingredients

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

For washing colored items

Reckitt Benckiser

450 g, 2.2 kg

Automatic Color

450 g, 2.2 kg

380 g, 2.4 kg

380 g. 2.4 kg

Oxy granules

380 g, 2.4 kg

Nafis Cosmetics

snowy peak

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5, 4 kg

With whitening effect

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5, 4 kg

For washing colored items

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

For people with sensitive skin

Nefis cosmetics

Lemon and snowdrop

Snow-white peaks

450 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

Freshness of the ocean

450 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

With bleach

450 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

With stain remover

Nafis Cosmetics

Automatic Intentest

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

With enzyme kit

Lemon machine

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

Automatic arctic freshness

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

Automatic White flowers

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

Automatic Color

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

for washing colored items

Nafis Cosmetics

Сolor automatic

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg

for washing colored items

Orange and lemon machine

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg

for washing colored items

White flowers Automatic

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg

Snow freshness Automatic

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg

hypoallergenic, phosphate-free

For washing colored items

without phosphates, for washing colored items

For all temperature conditions


chemical plant

Bio Active automat

With liposystem for removing stains, with enzymes

Arctic Ice automatic

With double whitening system

Color Mix automatic

for washing colored items

Black Night automatic

for black and dark-dyed fabrics

Soft Idea automat

For washing wool products, with moth protection system and conditioner

For delicate fabrics

for denim with color enhancement system

Baby Small automat

for baby clothes based on soap with chamomile extract

granular, for all temperature conditions

With bleach and stain remover, effective at T - from 40°.

for washing colored items


With natural ingredients for washing children's clothes and for people with sensitive skin
