Signs of sympathy for a mature man. Hints and signs of a guy's sympathy for a girl

Often sympathy is expressed through facial expressions and gestures. When meeting a guy, he doesn’t immediately say that he is impressed and interested in the girl, but the nonverbal behavior and symptoms of a man in love give him away. But to open up to his feelings, you need more than one communication. After all, his interest may be short-term, and in the next meeting he will not pay any attention to the girl. A man in love is able to hide his sympathy for a long time and silently wait for the right moment. But if you recognize his feelings, you can help both of them find mutual love and a happy relationship.

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How to recognize a man in love?

Not all men are able to openly express their feelings. They do not give obvious signals because they are embarrassed or afraid of being rejected. Spending a lot of time in the same company: at work or at university, girls do not always understand the behavior of a timid guy who is nervous in the presence of a woman. But if a person likes someone, he experiences euphoria and elation next to him, and it’s hard not to notice.

A man in love is revealed by his gestures and behavior in the presence of an object of strong affection.

Signs Behavior
SightA guy in love looks intently at the object of his love, but looks away as soon as the girl notices his increased interest. He only looks at her like that, clearly distinguishing her from many other pretty ladies. A man’s gaze relentlessly follows his beloved, and many notice this. The eyes sparkle and the pupils enlarge if he catches the oncoming gaze. Particularly shy guys lower their eyes and blush when they look back.
GesturesHe tries to turn towards the object of desire and by the direction of his legs it is easy to understand where the girl he is interested in is located. The toe of the shoe always points in her direction. Confronted with her, the guy shakes off his clothes, straightens them and touches his hair. He worries that he doesn't look right. The fact that a man desires a woman is indicated by placing his thumbs in the front of the trouser belt. This is a subconscious instinct that pushes to demonstrate “signs of a good male”
PostureWhen communicating, he turns his entire body towards the girl, slightly leaning towards her. He straightens his shoulders, holds his head high, as if he is trying to add height to himself. While talking, the guy places his feet shoulder-width apart and keeps his hands on his hips, wanting to demonstrate good physical strength. He listens carefully to his interlocutor, afraid to miss a word. Tilts his head, lifting his chin slightly
GaitIt’s as if he feels wings behind his back, and his gait becomes light and floating. It seems that he alone hears pleasant music, making him dance and whistle
Changes in behavior and outlook on lifeThe worldview of a person in love can suddenly change to the opposite. If something previously disgusted him, he suddenly changed his point of view and decided that this was exactly what he needed. The man becomes friendlier, more cheerful and sociable. He is almost always in high spirits and ready to learn something new. Sometimes he feels that he is capable of moving mountains, commits risky and rash actions, greatly surprising those close to him.

A man in love tries with all his might to show his strengths, to look smart, brave and strong. He demonstrates this by using non-verbal cues, as reported by science such as psychology.

Nonverbal signs of different candidates

Often a girl is shown obvious signs of attention by male people from whom she does not expect them at all. Or it seems to her that they want something more than just friendship or mutual assistance. She observes sympathy:

  • husband's friend;
  • married colleague;
  • an unmarried colleague;
  • boss;
  • business partner.

The husband's friend will be lost in her presence, and even avoid meeting with her. From the outside it seems that he does not like his friend’s wife, and he can hardly tolerate her. But if you call him for a frank conversation and ask why he doesn’t like her, he will tell her the truth. This is a sad situation that often occurs in life, and there is a risk of losing both your friend and your spouse.

At work, male colleagues often show attention to women. It’s hard for adults not to notice outright indifference, but there are times when it’s only by nonverbal signs that it’s possible to determine signs of sympathy on the part of a man. Sometimes a colleague shows his interest solely through correspondence. He flirts, asks provocative questions and expects frank answers. But when meeting in person, he hides his eyes or does not talk about personal topics. In this case, he has no serious intentions and is simply having fun at work.

The boss showing signs of attentionwill become a problem, especially if he is married. Don't pay attention to or react to nonverbal behavior. It’s better to talk about your happy personal life in front of him. It is easier to avoid the consequences of communication with management than to unravel the tangle of rumors behind your back or look for a new job.

Representatives of the fair sex know: you cannot trust a man’s words. Conquerors of women's hearts are often hypocrites when declaring their love, while modest and shy guys, on the contrary, are afraid to admit their feelings. How to understand that he likes you? Psychology and body language will help you answer your question more accurately than direct questioning.

Often women wishful thinking. For example, a potential chosen one is worried for another reason, and his behavior is mistaken for hidden sympathy. You also cannot trust the outright compliments and advances that pick-up artists like to shower - modern Casanovas who hone their skills on gullible girls.

Psychologists recommend studying the behavior of a lover as a whole, since single signs do not indicate sympathy. Girls who want to understand whether they like them should pay attention to non-verbal communication, which reflects the real attitude better than words.

Nonverbal signs

Boys are stingy with words, so gestures and facial expressions are important, talking about character and hidden feelings. The position of the body will tell about the deepest impulses of the soul. Women, finding themselves in the company of a handsome man, begin to preen themselves, and involuntarily: they straighten their hair, tug at their blouse, etc. Guys are often bothered by the belt on their trousers, which they involuntarily touch, fiddle with and adjust. An agitated subject moves involuntarily to calm his nerves, so you should not rely on the sign. But if she sucks in her stomach, straightens her shoulders to appear wider, straightens her hair, there is reason to suspect sympathy.

Guys love with their eyes, so his loving gaze is involuntarily directed at the object of passion; the pupils are dilated, indicating strong sexual desire. Nonverbal signals of affection vary depending on the type of relationship the couple is in. Being friends, a man expresses a desire for closer communication, which is impossible not to notice.

A work colleague will most likely be more reserved. The boss calls the subordinate more often, pays attention to some abstract details about the work, and perhaps delays her after the end of the working day. A modest boy behaves with restraint if he is not included in the social circle of his secret lover or is not personally introduced to her. He watches from the side and waits for the right moment. Without unraveling his plans, the girl may have to wait a long time for an opportunity.

The lover strives to establish tactile contact. He touches his chosen one accidentally in a conversation or tries to provide help or a favor. However, relying on a sign is not always advisable: some, fearing to reveal their true feelings, on the contrary, try to avoid touching. Men behave this way when the object of their affection has a fan or are unsure of themselves and are afraid of being rejected. Then the guy avoids communicating with his secret love so openly that it does not go unnoticed.

Often boys offer a cute girl something of their own: a ballpoint pen, an umbrella, their own jacket to keep her warm. This is how the lover shows attention and care and subconsciously strives to delineate the boundaries of the territory, that is, claims to the woman.

Other signs that indicate sympathy include:

  • direct or indirect help - gives a hand, helps to put on a coat, etc. Often such gestures go unnoticed, since any well-mannered man behaves in a similar way. If the behavior of a particular man is unusual, the manifestations should be taken into account, since in the presence of his beloved he will want to be a true gentleman;
  • increased nervousness - when the chosen one appears, the admirer begins to get nervous. He becomes awkward in his movements, constantly fiddles with the edge of his clothes or hair, and rubs his hands. If behavior in ordinary life is uncharacteristic, sudden excitement will indicate falling in love;
  • deliberate rudeness - wanting to hide feelings from others and the object of passion, a man will be dry, and sometimes even rude. Just remember how boys pull the braids of the girls they like. In adults, the “disguise” is more sophisticated and ornate, but it can be detected.

Verbal signs

The person who likes him wants to know what is happening to his woman. He asks his acquaintances about his passion, and this will inevitably reveal his interest. Constant interest and frequent questions indicate secret or obvious sympathy. A man talks a lot about himself, especially on personal topics. Makes it clear that you are free and ready for a new relationship, describes your dream wife, and her portrait fully matches your appearance, characterizes yourself as a reliable, faithful and caring person.

Secret love is evidenced by frequent “accidents”: unexpected meetings, “erroneous” calls, the unexpected appearance of common hobbies, visits to common places. Behavior depends on temperament. Representatives of the stronger sex, who find it difficult to express their feelings, act out of disgust. They can be rude, provoke arguments, and provoke conflicts. A man who does not know how to give compliments is sarcastic and ridicules. Often, under the guise of a jester and clown, there is a vulnerable person in whose heart true love lives.

Aggression also aims to attract attention. The guy is sometimes not happy about rudeness, but he cannot show himself otherwise. A woman who wants to try to build a relationship with such an individual will have to be patient and learn to understand the true carefully hidden feelings.

How a woman should behave

If there are no intentions to start a relationship, it is better to let them know right away. It is not necessary to speak directly, it is enough to hint in a conversation directly with him or with mutual friends that you are not ready to take a serious step. This is enough for a modest person to understand your feelings and retreat. And a brave and confident person will make several attempts to captivate you; call him for a personal conversation and explain yourself.

If the interest is mutual, you will have to mirror back, unobtrusively pushing the chosen one to take decisive action. You should make it clear that you like him, through gestures or verbally.

If a boy is rude and makes jokes, it is better not to respond in such a way. This behavior indicates weakness of character. Compliments, praise and encouragement will have a stronger effect. He will not resist your charm, he will become softer, calmer, more tolerant.

If you're not sure whether the "diagnosed" signs indicate attraction, ask your potential date. However, excessive directness will confuse a man. Resourceful girls strive to change the situation so that the man makes the first move. Males by nature are breadwinners and conquerors. Having received a hint that you are ready to give the green light, he will take the necessary step and will sincerely believe that he has “conquered and conquered” without help.

What not to do

Curiosity often kills. I want to know for sure. If you suspect a man of secret sympathy, you should not engage in “backstage” gossip and ask friends and mutual acquaintances about their feelings for you. You should not mock the feelings of the person experiencing interest. Thinking of showing superiority, you can lose your secret admirer.

It is not advisable to force events. It is difficult for an indecisive man to take the first step. The fear of being rejected becomes an obstacle to new relationships. If you are confident in his intentions and want to push him, subtly hint that you are not against a new relationship. Don't mention your ex in conversations or talk badly about him. Although guys love to brag about their love victories, they don’t want to hear such talk.

Sometimes ladies see sympathy where there is none. So, an eternally excited guy who constantly preens himself and mentions you in conversations may be a temperamental person who takes care of himself and is interested in those around him.

In order not to get into trouble and avoid disappointment, it is better to double-check your chosen one, bring him into a frank conversation, create provocative situations by analyzing his behavior. Often during experiments it turns out that ideas about a possible gentleman are erroneous. Compliments do not always indicate falling in love, and rudeness and obscene jokes sometimes turn out to be a protective mask for an ardent lover.


A man who likes you always tries to stay close to you. You can see him on a walk with friends, in a club, near your home, in a store. Even if he lives in another part of the city, you will often bump into each other and see each other.

His gaze is often focused on you, trying to catch your gaze. Every time you look in his direction, you meet your eyes or see him avert them to the side. You can ask your friends to discreetly observe whether he looks at you when you turn away. If he is watching you closely at this time, it means he is seriously interested.

He is trying to find out information about you. If you know each other personally, he will spend a lot of time with you, being sincerely interested in your life and hobbies. Without such an opportunity, he will find out information through mutual friends or on social networks.

Guys show sympathy unconsciously through their gestures and movements. When a young man sees a girl he likes, he straightens his clothes, his hair, and tries to look better. His back will be straightened, he will try to look taller and slimmer. He may flex his muscles or try to impress the object of his affection in another way. In addition, he may tuck his thumbs into his back pockets or behind his belt.

His attitude towards you will be different from his usual behavior with girls. It is not uncommon for someone to try to touch or simply be closer to you, for example, to remove a hair from a shoulder or to pick up a magazine next to you. He will try to be useful, so at the first opportunity he will offer his help or rush to provide it without asking. In a conversation with you, his voice may change, become softer and more gentle, and with potential rivals his speech will be rude and harsh.

If a guy is timid and shy, it will not be easy for him to actively show his sympathy. But in your presence and when communicating with you, he will be very worried, which will affect his behavior. His speech will become confused, he will begin to get confused from excitement and blush a little. If he is fiddling with a button, playing with a zipper, or simply unknowingly twirling an object in his hands, there is a high probability that this is caused by nervous tension from your presence.


Nowadays, there is nothing wrong with a woman showing the man she likes that she is interested. Gone are the days when taking initiative was considered a purely male prerogative. But how exactly to express your sympathy for a man without seeming intrusive?


First of all, it is necessary that you have no doubts in your heart. If you think that it is shameful to show sympathy towards someone, nothing good will come of it. After all, you will feel tense. But in a matter like this, naturalness is needed.
So, you have prepared yourself psychologically. We can begin. Let's consider your actions if you liked an unfamiliar one. For example, someone you often meet in transport or a store, a sports club or a swimming pool.
First of all, look at him meaningfully and for a long time. Then evaluate the reaction and draw conclusions. Next, you can smile at. Don't be afraid, you can always justify yourself by saying that a smile is a reaction to a familiar face. Maybe even the first one. This may also look like a non-committal accident.
Find a reason to contact a man you like, supposedly “on business.” Let him teach you how to pour windshield cleaning fluid under the hood or help you fix a zipper that has come loose on your purse. All this allows a man to feel on top and promotes rapprochement. If he likes you too, he should take the initiative.

If you are already communicating with your dreams, everything is easier. Start showing him various signs of attention. You know how to flirt and make eye contact, right? You can smile meaningfully one day, feel embarrassed at other times, etc. Based on these signs, a man will guess that you like him.
Now you can evaluate his reaction. Maybe he will immediately take the bull by the horns. Or he will also start flirting with you. In this case, you can take another step forward. Let him know that you see something special in him, that he is special. Be specific - perhaps your chosen one is smarter than others or you are interested in his hobby.
If a man remains indifferent, this is also a result and a reason for thought. Maybe we should give up the effort? In any case, don’t give up right away, play “mouse”, this will keep a man interested in you.

It also happens when sympathy for a former admirer awakens. The question of whether it is worth entering one river is controversial. But you can try. Establish contact with him under a plausible pretext. You can ask for help in some matter. And if you don’t want to pull the cat by the tail, invite him to a meeting to remember the “past times” together.
Then you can start showing signs of attention. Take your time, give the man time, don’t scare him away. Find more natural reasons to meet. If your conversation was about business, suggest that you just go for a walk afterwards. Etc.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Never tell a man about your sympathy directly. This way you can scare him and ruin everything.


  • how a man shows affection in 2019

Despite the fact that times are free now, relationships between boys and girls continue to be built according to the old model. The guy wins the girl, and she is left to accept or reject his advances. Meanwhile, many girls are wondering how to show their sympathy To guy which they like.


Show your sympathy, of course, it is possible and necessary, otherwise you risk never starting a relationship with a timid, but damn attractive. However, this must be done carefully. Many, even those who like modern brave people, retain in their souls a craving for a princess who needs to be conquered.

The simplest and at the same time effective way to show your sympathy is . Smile at him and show him with all your appearance that meeting him brings you joy. Your smile will not only tell about your sympathy, but will also definitely evoke a response. sympathy at the object of your attention.

You can declare your sympathy in front of everyone. For some, the “hidden compliment” method is extremely effective. Hearing such a compliment addressed to him, not a single guy will remain indifferent. The more he thinks about your words and about you personally, the more interested you will be in him. Just don't use this weapon often; one compliment will be enough.

Tell guy about your sympathy directly. However, there are some tricks here too. It would be too straightforward to say directly: “I like you.” Many people will be confused by this. Say this: “I like that you are so reliable (smart, funny).” On the one hand, you achieved your goal - you declared your sympathy. On the other hand, they again gave him a reason to rack his brains, whether you like only a specific part of him, or his entire personality. And this awakens his reciprocal interest in you.


  • liking a guy

At an early age, figuring out whether your classmate liked you was quite easy. If he pulled your pigtails or carried your backpack, then, as they say, at least don’t go to a fortune teller. But how can you find out if a guy likes you if he is no longer of school age? There are several ways to do this.


Pay attention to his behavior. It’s not for nothing that psychologists talk about gestures. They speak quite eloquently about what a person may remain silent about. If your friend tries to touch you casually (for example, shaking your hand or during a movie show), it means that he is interested in you. At the same time, do not under any circumstances confuse these manifestations of sympathy with elementary gallantry.

How often do you communicate? Open your phone and look at the number of incoming calls from your number. Eliminate those that he committed “on business” and evaluate the result. Night calls will be a good indicator. But if there are much more or equal number of outgoing calls, think about whether you are too annoying and wouldn’t it be time to stop communicating for a while?

By the way, such behavior will be an excellent indicator of your friend’s feelings. Will he worry if he doesn't hear from you for a long time, will he take the initiative, or will he simply disappear from your list of regular contacts? Don’t be afraid to be upset now, because continuing further communication in the same rhythm further will only hurt you more over time.

Pay attention with what eyes your friend looks at you, because eyes are the mirror of the soul. If the look

What do guys do when the girls they like are around?

The guy is constantly fiddling with some item or button of his shirt in his hands. He stops doing this only from time to time.

He tells the girl to ask for help as soon as she needs anything. He promises that he will not refuse, no matter what happens.

A man hides his eyes when they meet the gaze of his beloved. He looks down, up, to the side... Anywhere, but not into the eyes of your beloved!

He will fight for the girl if he finds out that she has someone else. And nothing will stop him! When there is sympathy directed towards a girl, everything else loses its meaning.

The boy copies the facial expressions and gestures of the one to whom he is not indifferent. He doesn't think about how the girl will react to this. Everything happens as if by itself.

What else does he “introduce” into his behavior? He touches his hair and adjusts his hairstyle. This gesture is also popular among women.

An interesting picture is observed. A male person either straightens his shoulders and back, or slouches due to his stiffness and shyness.

He begins to “loom” in front of the girl, constantly looking for a reason to see her. And he almost never thinks that this could be terribly annoying.

A man in love writes beautiful letters to his beloved. Reads them or leaves them on postcards.

He plays the guitar under her window or “scratches” various confessions with paints (bright crayons) on the asphalt.

He tries in every possible way to please the “lady of his heart”, showing himself only from the best side. If a guy does this well, then he continues to be good. His behavior surprises all his relatives and friends.

The lover gives the girl flowers, gifts and a sea of ​​compliments. Such actions of his can “spread” every day and it will not stop even when the girl says directly that she has nowhere to put the things that he presents to her. He may buy her a second apartment, but he won’t stop making pleasant surprises. The girl will complain that there is nowhere to put the bouquets - she will give more than ten different vases.

The question of how guys show sympathy comes from girls more and more often. It is important for them to know this information. Especially when they begin to understand what it means to “fall head over heels in love.”

If boys feel sympathy for some girl (woman), then they constantly invite her somewhere. The invitation is accompanied by frequent messages on the Internet, calls, and sending SMS messages.

Lovers gradually learn everything about their loved one (date of birth, social circle, place of work, place of study, hobbies, hobbies, personal qualities, characteristics of temperament and character, culinary preferences, attitude towards alcohol and smoking, favorite places in the city).

Guys become best friends in order to be closer in joyful or difficult moments, in order to be aware of all the affairs of their own woman. They tolerate all women’s whims and negative qualities, they “turn off” touchiness.

If guys like a girl, then they begin to take special care of themselves (they dress nicely, quit smoking, try not to use swear words, clean their shoes of dust, use perfume).

How do they show their affection? They talk about her directly, hoping for a response to their confession. They invite the girl to meet.

A girl can be calm if a guy:

  1. Touches any part of her body (as if unnoticed) or straightens her hair (removes bangs from her eyes).
  2. Doesn’t raise his voice at her, even if she has done or done something. He talks to her tenderly - in a melodious voice.
  3. He says he has never met such a wonderful person like her. Envelops her with an “undressing” gaze.
  4. He agrees to come to her home and is not afraid to meet her parents and relatives.
  5. He begins to tremble when meeting her, but refers to the terrible cold or not very warm clothes.

There are so many girls in love, but shy! This quality (shyness) spoils a lot. After all, it’s easier to ask a guy directly about a relationship than to wait for the guy to express himself in some way.

There is a wonderful opportunity to check a person for the presence or absence of sympathy. You need to invite a guy to his birthday and see what he gives. A guy will give flowers, jewelry, a soft toy or jewelry if he cares about the girl. He gives her a mobile phone or laptop if funds allow.

You can check the guy differently. It is enough to touch his hand. If he pulls her back, he feels sympathy for the girl. If he doesn’t pay any attention to this gesture... He treats the girl exclusively as a friend.

Not all guys show their affection in some way. They are afraid of rejection or “not reciprocated.” They can also be understood. “Black streaks” darken the lives of all people. However, not every person is able to be optimistic.

Life story on the topic. . .

A guy named Andrei liked one girl, but she was going to marry a foreigner and move to another country. The guy realized that he was falling in love with Elena more and more. Realizing that he needed to do something so as not to be late, he got three jobs and started earning good money. First he rented an apartment for Lena. He promised that he would pay it (in full) every month. Then he bought her a huge suitcase of cosmetics. After these few actions, the girl made lists of what she needed, what she had long dreamed of. Andrey bought all this for her, not sparing a penny to fulfill all her desires. One day a guy drove into the apartment where her love lived, and he was driven out of there by Lena’s foreigner fiance. He told Andrei to never come close to her again. The guy didn't believe everything that was happening. A few minutes later, his beloved beauty came out of the shower and confirmed every word said by the foreign citizen.

This story was written to ask girls the following: do not take advantage of those who adore and love you! Be people, not consumer dolls!

Hello, dear readers. In this article we will look at how a man shows sympathy. You will learn how to recognize these signs by a person’s facial expressions, gestures, and behavior. Let's look at both verbal and non-verbal signs.

Characteristic manifestations

Verbal signs of sympathy include:

  • the emergence of curiosity, special interest in a certain woman;
  • the guy begins to talk about his hobbies, interests, and share his tastes;
  • feels the need to get to know the close circle of his chosen one;
  • gives compliments, praises the girl for whom he feels sympathy;
  • provides all possible support and assistance;
  • gives gifts, makes surprises;
  • verbally confesses his sympathy.

Non-verbal include:

  • pose;
  • features of facial expressions;
  • certain gestures;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • special look.

If you are interested in how to understand a man’s sympathy for a woman, then you need to pay attention to the following points.

  1. A man's facial expressions include biting or licking his lips, raised eyebrows, slightly enlarged pupils, and a constant smile.
  2. The toes of the shoes must be pointed towards the girl in whom he is interested.
  3. When communicating, a man has an open posture; he does not cross his legs and arms.
  4. The young man will take care of his appearance.
  5. Will show attentiveness and care.
  6. He will laugh at the jokes of the girl he likes.
  7. Does the right thing. He accompanies you home, gives you gifts, pays for travel, pays for food in a cafe, makes phone calls, and inquires about your well-being.
  8. Tries to copy a woman’s behavior, the position of her body, and repeats the intonation of her voice.
  9. He is an excellent listener and remembers everything a woman tells him. Such a person will remember both her favorite color and the name of her dog.
  10. Pay attention to the man's posture. If he puts his chest forward, keeps his shoulders straight, straightens them, and tries to impress with his appearance, it means he feels sympathy for the young lady. However, in this situation there may be a reverse situation: if a young man is too shy and timid, then on the contrary he will slouch, as he feels insecure at this moment. Also, if a man is too tall, he may deliberately slouch in order to be closer to his chosen one.
  11. Sympathy on the part of a man can be manifested by straightening his hair or clothes, straightening his jacket, straightening his tie, lowering the collar of his shirt. At this moment, the man is trying to do everything to look as ideal as possible, because he wants to impress the person he likes. He may also straighten his hair, thereby trying to give himself confidence.
  12. A man’s sympathy for a woman can also be manifested by increased activity on her page on social networks. The man will begin to review all the news that she posts, like photos and even comment on them.
  13. He will smile, looking at the girl he likes.
  14. Touching the face. If, while communicating with a man, a woman notices that he touches his face, this is a sign of an inner need to touch her. Thus, he transfers to himself what he wants to do, but cannot at the moment. However, you need to understand that such a sign is not always a manifestation of sympathy. Touching your face with your hands can be a habit. Therefore, it is worth observing the guy outside of your presence; perhaps under other circumstances he will also touch his face.
  15. Interested in the girl's hobbies. He will be happy to join the young lady at the exhibition, start reading a book that the girl likes, or try a dessert that she has repeatedly ordered. All this indicates that a man lives in thoughts about a specific woman, constantly thinks about her.
  16. Makes attempts to touch the girl. These touches can be made with the hands or feet. When the opportunity arises, he will definitely try to hug the woman who interests him.
  17. When communicating, he will not look at his phone, because he will be completely captivated by his partner. He can turn off the sound, or even remove it altogether in order to devote all his time to the girl he likes.

You can also familiarize yourself with how it manifests itself.

Signs of a male colleague

Let's look at the signs of sympathy for a man who is also a work colleague.

  1. Such a man will distinguish the young lady from the rest, for example, with praise for the work done; the girl can be held up as an example and admired for her experience.
  2. The young man will try to be as close as possible to the person he is interested in.
  3. Looks into the girl's eyes or in the direction where she directs her gaze.
  4. He will, as often as possible, start conversations with the young lady he is interested in. He initiates communication himself.
  5. Being next to a girl who evokes special feelings, a man will try to bare himself, take off his vest, jacket, and loosen his tie. With these actions he is trying to draw attention to his person.
  6. A man constantly crosses a girl’s boundaries, penetrating her personal space. Everyone has a personal zone, which is located in a space limited by an outstretched arm. As a rule, it includes well-known and dear people. If a man tries to invade this space, it means he wants to get closer.
  7. More and more often he tries to resort to tactile contact, put his hand on the chair on which the young lady is sitting, stroke her on the back, put his arm around her waist.
  8. He tries to stand out in front of his colleagues, tries to shine in public more often. However, it must be borne in mind that such behavior may be directed at another girl, so it is necessary to take into account other signs indicating sympathy for a particular person.
  9. A man is interested not only in work issues, but also in personal problems.
  10. He spends as much time at work as the girl he likes. Over time, he will be able to decide to take her home.
  11. Asks for advice on any issues.

Now you know how sympathy for a woman is expressed. As you can see, by carefully observing the man you are interested in, you can determine whether the person is experiencing any feelings or not. But we should not forget that a number of characteristic manifestations may indicate that the man simply treats you very well.
