Light brown ash with natural dyes. Chamomile for light hair

Once upon a time, all hair dyes were absolutely safe, as they were made exclusively from natural ingredients. Such products did not spoil the hair, and did not dry. In order to acquire a different shade, women used hair. In today's world, there are hundreds of different chemical composition paints that offer a variety of different shades and colors.

But some people continue to use natural dyes to keep their hair healthy for as long as possible. With the help of such means, you can get both dark and light. There are also natural dyes for what older people enjoy using. Indeed, in old age, the hair does not feel well, and chemical dyeing will completely destroy it.

Natural hair color looks great, but not always

Types of natural hair dyes

Even grandmothers put their hair in order, using the help of such means as:

  • "coloring decoctions".

The unsurpassed advantage of these products is that the absolute naturalness does not cause any harm to the hair structure, but rather nourishes and enriches.

After you have gone through the coloring procedure, there is no particular need to make special repair masks or apply other restoration products. But after staining with even the most expensive paint, the strands are chemically treated and in any case suffer.

Hnad - nature's gift for hair

Rules for coloring at home

In order for the procedure to be successful and bring exactly the result that a woman expects, you need to follow some rules:

    Use dyes only on natural hair. Here we are talking about the fact that if you have already dyed your hair with a different dye, then it will not be possible to predict what color will turn out in the end. You can also not use such dyes if you have recently done a perm. The strands during this period are very dry, and react differently to staining. It is also not recommended to paint before curling. These two processes cannot coexist on the same head.

    Before you start painting, wash your hair thoroughly. Natural dye is applied only to clean curls.

    After the required time has been maintained, gently wash off the paint. Do this until the water becomes clear. Otherwise, the paint will continue to work and spoil the success of the procedure.

Basma is an oriental flavor

    Natural dyes are durable, that is, they hold color firmly and for a long time. And until the paint loses its intensity, you will not be able to dye your hair in any other color. So those women who like to often repaint should think carefully before applying this method of staining.

    Both natural dyes for dark hair and dyes for light colors react sharply to external factors, such as contact with sea water. In this situation, henna-dyed hair turns green. So advice to vacationers: do not carry out the procedure before the holidays if you are going to go to warm countries.

    Like any other procedure, staining should not be carried out by people who are allergic to certain components or who have skin diseases.

And now let's look at several coloring options separately.

Application of natural henna dye

People who love red hair color resort to painting with henna. The saturation and shades of this paint are different. Much here depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If you decide to purchase such a shade, then do this:

    we breed henna in accordance with the instructions on the package,

    apply to clean hair, starting from the back of the head,

    distribute the paint well over the entire head to ensure uniformity,

    put cellophane on your head to enhance the effect of the component,

    wrap a towel around the cellophane to increase the temperature,

    after waiting for the time required to obtain the desired shade, start the cleaning process,

    very carefully wash off all the remaining paint without exception.

Following all the tips, you will get beautiful red hair that will be the envy of everyone around, while they will look fresh and healthy.

The use of basma for gray hair

This dye gives the hair an interesting shade of dark green. Some lovers of a non-standard approach to appearance use it in its pure form, but the majority of women mix it with other paints to make a new color. For example, if basma, then you get a dark brown or black color. For painting, prepare the composition according to the instructions, while taking the same amount of components, and apply on the head, avoiding contact with the skin of the face.

It is important to understand here that when painting in this way, unexpected results are possible. We are talking about the shade that turned out in the end. It may be too dark, for example. In this case, you do not need to be upset. Just rub your hair with warm sunflower oil, blow-dry, and wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat the process if necessary.

Do everything according to the rules and there will be a result

Chamomile for light hair

Not only dark shades can be acquired with the help of natural ingredients. Chamomile, for example, gives curls a touch of gold. To achieve this, take one and a half glasses of chamomile flowers and mix with a liter of vodka. Let the mixture sit for two weeks. After that, strain the product and mix with hydrogen peroxide (50 milliliters). Apply the composition to the curls, holding for forty minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.


Linden for light brown hair

To achieve a light chestnut color, it is recommended to use linden flowers.

To do this, mix one and a half glasses of hot water with five tablespoons of flowers. Put the mixture on the fire and cook until a third of the composition has evaporated. from heat, cool, and strain. We apply the mixture to the hair and wait for the desired color.

onion peel

The shade that can be obtained from such a component varies from light to dark. Depending on the structure and desire of a person, an onion broth is prepared, with the help of which staining is performed. The stronger the decoction, the stronger and richer the shade will turn out.

Application of nuts to be chestnut

A dark chestnut color can also be achieved using walnuts, or rather the peel. To do this, pass the skin through an electric meat grinder, and add water to the porridge. You should get a mixture like sour cream. After applying to the head for twenty minutes, wait and rinse with water.

Tea and cocoa: creating coffee color

Tea combined with cocoa powder can also give curls a beautiful brown color. For the procedure, you need to pour four teaspoons of tea with a glass of hot water. Boil the mixture for forty minutes and strain. Add four teaspoons of cocoa to the liquid to make a porridge. After applying it to your head, put on cellophane and wrap your head in a towel. After an hour of exposure, rinse the strands with water.

Dozens of different recipes and options are offered, and here it’s up to everyone to choose the method that suits you and makes your hair unique.

Beautiful hair is first of all healthy

Take care of your hair!

The desire of the fair sex to always look attractive often pushes them to a variety of experiments with their appearance. In addition to wardrobe and makeup, women pay a lot of attention to their hair: care products, styling, haircuts and, of course, coloring, which allows you to hide some of the flaws in your hair and refresh your image without making drastic changes to it.

Many people believe that it is possible to qualitatively change the color of curls only with the help of persistent synthetic dyes, and, on the one hand, this opinion can be considered correct. Permanent paints do have certain advantages: they have a wide palette of shades, easily paint over gray hair and give a lasting effect. But on the other hand, chemicals, especially with frequent use, can cause significant harm to the hair: disrupt its structure and provoke hair loss. What to do in this case? Come to terms with your natural color of curls. Or use natural dyes for dyeing hair, as was done in the old days, when oxidative dyes did not yet exist. These can be both factory-made products based on plant extracts, and self-prepared compositions that can safely change the shade of the hair and at the same time care for them.

Pros and cons of natural hair dyes

Natural hair dyes are called, consisting of components of natural origin, which, unlike synthetic ones, act on curls only superficially, without entering into a chemical reaction with natural pigments. The main advantages of natural paints include:

  • no destructive effect on the scalp and the structure of curls;
  • the ability to experiment with compositions to obtain interesting shades;
  • low likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • supply of hair follicles with moisture and nutrients;
  • the presence of a therapeutic effect: restoration and strengthening of hair, normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • a minimum of contraindications (natural paints, subject to good tolerance, can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding);
  • availability and relatively low cost.

With all its advantages, natural dyes have several significant disadvantages, which include:

  • short duration of the effect (in some cases, the acquired shade is kept on the hair only until the first shampoo);
  • the complexity of the process of preparing coloring compositions and a long exposure time;
  • high probability of obtaining unexpected results (especially in cases where the procedures are performed on previously dyed hair);
  • the impossibility of qualitatively painting over gray hair (gray hair is devoid of natural pigment, therefore it is difficult to dye).

Another disadvantage of natural paints is that with their help it is impossible to radically change the color of the curls. But natural remedies make it possible to give the natural color a deeper and richer shade. But keep in mind that the final result largely depends not only on the original hair color, but also on their susceptibility to coloring pigments, as well as on the proportions of the components and even on the temperature of the composition. Therefore, if you want to avoid disappointment, first test the prepared mixture on a small strand, and if the effect you are satisfied with, you can safely dye the entire hair.

Hair coloring with natural dyes: general rules

In order to achieve the desired result when dyeing hair with natural means, you must first familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Do not use natural dyes if you have recently changed your hair color with synthetic products or have undergone hairdressing procedures that involve the use of chemical compounds (permanent waving, lamination, etc.). Otherwise, the result can be very unpredictable. Coloring curls before curling is also not recommended.
  • Before you start coloring, wash your hair with shampoo. Natural dyes should be applied only to clean hair, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
  • Be sure to check the selected mixture for tolerance. Although natural dyes are considered safe, they can cause unwanted reactions in people prone to allergies. If you have any lesions on the scalp or dermatological diseases, refrain from coloring until you are completely healed.
  • Before applying paint, it is recommended to treat the skin of the face along the hairline with a greasy cream so that it (skin) does not accidentally stain. You can distribute liquid mixtures on your hair with a foam sponge for dishes, and thick ones are more convenient to apply with a wide brush.
  • If you use henna or basma to dye curls, you can add a small amount of kefir or yogurt to the finished mixture. Thanks to this, the resulting shade will be more saturated, and the hair will become shiny and silky.
  • It is better to start dyeing from the back of the head, since the hair in this area is stiffer and less susceptible to the dye. Try to distribute the composition evenly, carefully treating the roots so that they do not stand out later from the total mass of hair.
  • After all the strands have been processed with dye, put a shower cap on your head, and on top of it make a turban from a towel. Natural colors work better in heat.
  • After the required amount of time has passed (it should be indicated in the instructions or recipe), wash off the coloring composition with warm water. Rinse your hair until the running water runs clear. If paint particles remain on the curls, the shade may turn out to be uneven.
  • Keep in mind that the effect of coloring with natural products does not always appear immediately, so you may need to carry out several procedures.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some natural dyes can react to various external factors, for example, contact with chlorinated or sea water, in which dyed curls become green. Therefore, if you plan to visit the pool or the beach in the near future, refrain from experimenting with hair.

By following these simple rules, you can get the desired shade without the slightest harm to your hair. Just keep in mind that some natural remedies are long-lasting, that is, you will not be able to completely wash them off your hair soon. And until the shade becomes less pronounced, you will not be able to color the curls in a different color. Therefore, if you like to change your image often, think carefully before resorting to this method of staining.


There are many ways to change the natural shade of hair without the use of synthetic dyes. Consider the most common natural products that can be used to prepare coloring compositions.


Henna is one of the most commonly used natural dyes. In its pure form, this tool colors the hair in red shades, the intensity of which depends on their original color. Naturally light curls acquire a carrot color, light brown - copper or bright red, and on black the effect is not noticeable at all. To give the curls a light chestnut tint, henna can be diluted not with water, but with strong black tea. To obtain a dark chestnut tone, natural dye can be mixed with gruel from fresh rhubarb leaves (in a ratio of 1: 3). A rich copper hue with a reddish tint will be obtained if cranberry juice or hot red wine is added to vegetable powder. So, how to dye your hair with henna?

You will need:

  • 25 g of henna (for medium hair length);
  • 100 ml hot water.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Pour henna with hot water and mix thoroughly (water should be poured in small portions).
  • The finished mixture should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.
  • When the composition has cooled to room temperature, apply it to your hair and cover your head with polyethylene.
  • Soak the dye on the curls for the prescribed amount of time (depending on the desired shade), and then carefully wash your hair with running water and shampoo.


Basma is another popular natural dye that is used to produce dark shades (from dark chestnut to black). The main distinguishing feature of basma is that in its pure form it dyes hair blue or green, so it must be used in combination with henna and other natural dyes. How to change the color of curls with basma?

You will need:

  • 25 g of henna;
  • 25 g of basma;
  • 150–200 ml hot water.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix both dyes and dilute them with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Apply the finished composition first to the occipital region, then to the crown, temples and bangs (try to do this as quickly as possible so that the paint does not have time to oxidize).
  • Wrap your head with a film and a thick towel and soak for about 1.5 hours.
  • Rinse off the basma with shampoo and conditioner. You can change the concentration of the composition, resulting in a lighter or, conversely, darker shade. To do this, you need to mix basma with henna not in equal proportions, but in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part of basma to 2 parts of henna - to get a light chestnut or bronze color) or 2: 1 (2 parts of basma to 1 part of henna - for dark brown or black).


Linden is not able to radically change the color of curls and paint over gray hair, but with its help you can give fair hair a pleasant golden hue and a great shine. How to dye your hair with linden?

You will need:

  • 50 g dried linden flowers;
  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Fill the lime blossom with water and put the container on a slow fire.
  • Boil the raw materials until the volume of liquid in the pan is halved.
  • Cool the broth and strain it through cheesecloth.
  • Apply linden decoction to your hair with a brush, insulate your head and leave for an hour and a half.
  • Rinse your hair with water without shampoo.

pharmaceutical camomile

Staining with pharmacy chamomile is an effective and safe way to lighten curls by 1-3 tones (depending on the concentration of the decoction). In addition, chamomile helps strengthen roots, reduce hair fall and eliminate dandruff. How to dye hair with chamomile tea?

You will need:

  • 50 g dried chamomile flowers;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour boiling water over the chamomile and let the broth brew for about 40 minutes.
  • Strain the resulting solution and treat your hair with it from roots to ends.
  • Warm your head and wait 2-3 hours. It is not necessary to wash off the dye.

onion peel

A decoction of onion peels is not suitable for owners of dark hair, since their effect will be practically not noticeable. But for blondes and brown-haired women, this remedy will help to acquire a luxurious golden hue and beautiful shine. How to color curls with onion peel?

You will need:

  • 100-150 g of onion peel;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 30 g of glycerin.

Preparation and application:

  • Fill the husk with water and put the container on low heat.
  • Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook for another 30-40 minutes (the broth should acquire a rich brown color).
  • Cool the broth, strain it through cheesecloth and add glycerin.
  • Apply the prepared solution to your hair, warm your head and wait 40 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with water without shampoo. Procedures should be carried out after each shampooing.


Coloring with cinnamon is recommended for light brown or brown hair, since this spice can give dark strands an unpleasant yellow tint. Thanks to cinnamon, you can not only lighten curls by several tones, but also restore their natural shine, softness and silkiness. How to dye your hair with cinnamon?

You will need:

  • 30 g ground cinnamon;
  • 80 g of honey;
  • 50 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Heat honey in a water bath and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Distribute the finished composition on the hair and soak under insulation for about 40 minutes.
  • Wash off the cinnamon mixture with warm water and shampoo.

Black tea

The composition of black tea includes tannin, antioxidants and other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. Only light blond and chestnut curls can be dyed with tea, which after the procedure will acquire a beautiful dark chestnut shade. How to dye your hair with tea?

You will need:

  • 100 g of black tea;
  • 300 ml of water.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour the tea leaves with water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Strain the finished broth and apply on curls.
  • Warm your head and wait 30-40 minutes.
  • Rinse the strands with water without additional funds.


Coloring with natural coffee is great for owners of dark blond and brown hair. Thanks to fragrant grains, they can not only give their hair a deep shade, but also make curls stronger, voluminous and shiny. Blondes, however, are not recommended to carry out such experiments, since coffee dye can lie unevenly on blond hair. How to dye coffee hair?

You will need:

  • 50 g of natural ground coffee;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 25 g of colorless henna.

Preparation and application:

  • Brew coffee in a Turk and cool the finished drink to room temperature.
  • Mix cooled coffee with henna, apply to wet strands and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water and conditioner. If you want to get a more saturated shade, extend the dye exposure time to 60 minutes.

Lemon juice

With the help of lemon, you can lighten blond or brown hair by several tones, giving them a beautiful golden hue and an attractive shine. How to dye curls with lemon juice?

You will need:

  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 ml of vodka.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix both components and apply the finished composition to wet strands.
  • Dry the dye-treated curls in the sun, and then wash them in the usual way.

Thanks to natural dyes, you can dye curls not only without the slightest harm, but also with benefit. Natural remedies will make your hair attractive and well-groomed, and the results will surely inspire you to new experiments.

Natural hair color for various reasons does not suit many women, but not everyone wants to spoil their curls with chemical paint. There are alternative ways to dye your hair using natural hair dyes. There are several well-known methods to prepare natural dyes for your hair, then coloring your hair will be harmless, and in many cases even beneficial. Learn how to cover gray hair and when not to use natural dyes.

How to dye your hair without dye

The chemical compounds that filled the store shelves were not always available, because our grandmothers invented and tested many means to change the color of hairstyles for brunettes, redheads and beauties with blond hair. Natural hair dyes have many undeniable advantages in the form of their harmlessness to the hairline, scalp, but they keep the hair color much worse than synthetic ones.

The easiest way to change the color is for blondes, because the pigments contained in natural ingredients have little effect on the curls of brunettes. Of the proposed recipes for dark hair with a lightening effect, cinnamon, chamomile (they give an ashy color) and henna, with which the hairstyle acquires a red tint, are suitable. The rest of the methods will be less noticeable on the head, but will do an excellent job of painting over gray hair.


Henna in its pure form dyes hair red, the shades of tone at the same time depend on the country of origin. Iranian - the shade becomes closer to copper, while Indian gives a pure red glow. At the same time, mixing henna with other components gives completely different tones. Manufacturers of this popular hair dye use ready-made recipes for specific colors. For example Lash brown gives a clear chestnut tone, a healthy shine to the hair. At the same time, it is prepared very simply:

  • Break off one paint cube from a common bar - Henna Lush comes in a shape that looks like a large chocolate bar.
  • Grate the resulting cube on a coarse grater.
  • Pour boiling water, mix until a slurry with the density of kefir is obtained (green paint will turn out).
  • After 5 minutes, apply on the head, hold for several hours, putting a plastic bag on top, and then wrapping a towel around.
  • Wash off with shampoo and conditioner.

Hair dyed with henna is better able to withstand the effects of an unfavorable environment, remain radiant and healthy. Saturation with microelements and minerals makes them stronger, stronger. Visually increases the volume of hair, their elasticity, obedience. To enhance the therapeutic effect of the paint, it is mixed with honey, olive, essential oils. Henna is the best natural hair dye.


Basma staining is used only in conjunction with the base - henna. You will not be able to dye your hair separately with this dye. Depending on the amount of solution, the original color of the curls, basma gives from dark brown to black to your hairstyle. To dye with this natural dye, prepare Indian or Iranian henna according to the usual recipe. After that, powder is added to the finished mixture, mixed until a homogeneous mass. On the head, the dye will last up to 4 weeks. Basma is the best dye for curls when used with henna.


Hair coloring with linden is more of a medical nature, because. the result of manipulations can be noticeable only for blond hair. Dark hairstyles will acquire a light brown ash color. Linden will not paint over gray hair, will not change the color of curls. But it will significantly strengthen the hair, give such a shine that you will not achieve with any other paint. There are no ready-made solutions for dyeing linden-based hairstyles, so you need to do everything yourself.

A pleasant feature of coloring strands with linden is absolute harmlessness. This natural curl dye will add a healthy shine to your hair. Linden flowers are purchased at the pharmacy. One pack is enough for two coloring of medium length hair. Prepare metal utensils (bowl or mug), gauze, brush, comb.

  • half a pack is poured into a mug - 6 tbsp;
  • poured into a container of 500 ml of water;
  • bring to a boil and let half of the water boil over low heat;
  • let cool at room temperature;
  • apply with a brush to the roots, smear along the entire length of the comb;
  • wash off after 40 minutes.


Chamomile coloring is an effective and safe way to lighten your hair, even hide gray hair. It is possible to change the color by 1-3 tones. The degree of clarification in this case directly depends on how concentrated your initial decoction will be:

  • Chamomile leaves - 2 large spoons. pour 1 liter of water;
  • boil for 5 minutes on a slow fire;
  • cool, strain;
  • apply to hair from tips to roots;
  • let dry, do not wipe

onion peel

Coloring with onion peel is not suitable for owners of dark hair, because. the color will remain almost unchanged. Blondes, on the other hand, will get a pleasant, natural, golden shade of their hair. Preparing the composition for staining with onion peel is very simple:

  • 100 g of onion peel (dry, yellow part) pour 0.5 l of water;
  • boil for half an hour;
  • let cool;
  • apply on the head every day;
  • to enhance the coloring effect, it would be good to add 30 g of glycerin to the finished broth.


Cinnamon has a pronounced strengthening effect on the scalp, on the condition of the hair follicles. Hair coloring with this spice is done mainly on dark curls, because. This natural hair dye is a strong natural lightener and can make you look 1-2 shades brighter. Preparation of the solution will not take you much time and money. Prepare 100 g honey, 100 g cinnamon, 60 g water.

  • melt honey and mix with water and cinnamon;
  • apply a still warm mixture to the strands along the entire length;
  • put on a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel (put on a hat);
  • keep at least 4 hours (ideally at night);
  • Wash off with conditioner.


Tea contains many antioxidants, tannins and other substances that have a positive effect on both the skin and the very structure of the hair. Black tea is used both in combination with henna and as an independent dye. It is possible to color with tea only light or light blond strands in a beautiful dark color. Solution preparation:

  • 2 large spoons of tea pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • cook over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • cool, strain;
  • apply a decoction on the head, wrap it with polyethylene, and put a warm hat on top;
  • keep on the head for 40 minutes, then rinse off.

You can play with shades by adding cocoa or instant coffee to the finished strained broth. Be careful to use only powders without sugar. Cocoa gives your hair a mahogany hue, while coffee combined with tea gives your hair more gold. The effect of staining will last 1-2 weeks, depending on the frequency of washing.

With coffee

Coffee coloring is ideal for owners of brown and dark blond hair. On this color, the fragrant grains give the most brilliance and visible strength. It is better for blondes not to experiment with this type of coloring, because. the effect of uneven overlay of pigment on curls is possible and stains will turn out. Only natural ground coffee is used for painting. Just brew a drink in a Turk, cool with thick and apply for 30 minutes on wet hair. After that, rinse with shampoo and conditioner.


Walnut contains very strong coloring and tannins. In terms of durability, this is the most powerful natural hair dye after henna. The effect of painting can last up to 3 weeks. Only young, immature walnuts are suitable for coloring. Grind the peel of such fruits with a meat grinder, dilute with water to a state of sour cream and apply to strands for 20 minutes. If you want to dye your hair black, hold the dye two to three times longer.

Dye for gray hair at home

Gray hair remains alive and needs constant protection. Synthetic paints from gray hair can cause significant damage not only to the hair, but also to the scalp, so painting with natural products does not lose its relevance. The most popular way to color from gray hair at home is to use henna as a base. At the same time, basma is a classic of male paint. Painting with henna and basma of gray hair gives the effect of coloring in a dark color or even a black hair color.

Henna for coloring gray hair at home has a number of undeniable advantages over all natural dyes:

  • Durability - high-quality Indian henna will last on gray strands for at least 4 weeks, which is comparable to synthetic professional formulations.
  • It has no contraindications and staining occurs without harm to health.
  • Easy to apply without special skills and experience.
  • Curls become shiny, light and obedient when combed.
  • The roots of the strands are strengthened.
  • Hair is saturated with vitamins and minerals.

Video: how to dye your hair red

A beauty blogger describes the properties of madder dye compared to previously used henna. The plant leaves on the curls not red, but red. How to make a dye, which manufacturer’s powder and what consistency should be bought so that the effect of painting is maximum. The blogger provides a photo of the hair after dyeing after one, two, three weeks as a confirmation of the durability of natural hair dye

Since the time of Ancient Rome and Egypt, various natural remedies have been known that allowed girls to change the shade and color of their curls. Such natural hair dye, as a rule, was created on the basis of the leaves of plants of alkanes (better known today as henna) or indigo (basma). In addition, it was during that period that techniques began to appear with which it was possible to discolor the strands. It is interesting that the beauties of Ancient Egypt used the most unusual method of bleaching. They made a tincture of lemon juice and donkey urine. The sun's rays, ammonia and acid gradually "removed" the color of the hair. Of course, we will not use such radical methods. What kind of natural hair dye will help you quickly and harmlessly change your image?

Benefits of natural dyes

  1. Since they do not contain aggressive substances and chemicals, they can be used repeatedly.
  2. Due to their special structure, natural hair dyes, reviews of which indicate their popularity, do not damage your curls.
  3. Their use does not dry out the scalp, so you will not suffer from dull hair and split ends.
  4. Among other things, you get an excellent tool for nourishing and restoring the beauty of the strands.

Cons of using natural dyes

Despite all the advantages, natural paints also have their drawbacks, which you will learn about below:

  1. Natural hair dye can only be applied to hair that has not previously been dyed with chemicals.
  2. Most of these dyes are washed off very quickly. Only henna and basma can remain on the hair for a long time.
  3. If you use natural paint, you will not be able to say with absolute certainty what color you will get.

Natural paints and dyes

If your hair is not in good health, is brittle, dull and dry, then you should never use chemical dyes. It is in this case that it is best to dye your hair with natural dyes. Natural hair dye can be made even at home, and you don't need to be a craftsman to change your look. Be prepared for the fact that you have to repeat the painting to achieve the desired result. Henna and basma are the most famous paints. Henna has a yellow-green tint, basma is gray-green. If you dye your hair with pure henna, then you will get a reddish or reddish color (depending on how long you kept the mixture on your head). Pure basma is usually not used, as it gives a greenish-blue tint. It is combined with henna to get black hair. If you take two parts of henna and one part of basma, you get a beautiful bronze shade. Reddish-blond is obtained by mixing henna with a few teaspoons of coffee. A shade of mahogany is obtained if henna is mixed with cocoa. In order not to damage too dry hair, it is better to dilute henna or basma not with water, but with kefir. Unfortunately, natural dyes for gray hair are practically not used, as they are unable to color gray hair to such an extent that it disappears.

Hair coloring tinctures

If you just want to give your hair an interesting shade, and not dye it, then you can use special tinctures from herbs and plants. At the same time, various colors are obtained if you simply use natural hair dyes (blond, red, golden, brunette).

To make blonde hair more golden and shiny, use an infusion of chamomile. To make it, you need to take 150 g of chamomile inflorescences and boil them for 5 minutes in water. Then let it brew for about an hour. Wash and dry your hair, rinse with decoction. Don't wipe. Dry at room temperature.

Rhubarb is also suitable for those who want to give their blond curls a golden color. At the same time, it also makes too oily hair drier. A decoction can be prepared from fresh or dried roots. In this case, it is better that the plant is at least three years old.

A walnut decoction is well suited for creating a chestnut color, and a brown tint can also be obtained by making a remedy from ordinary black tea.

What do you need to remember to get a positive result?

Even if you plan to apply a natural dye to your hair, you should remember that this will not cause an allergic reaction in your body. Before dyeing your curls, try to apply a small amount of the product to the skin (it is best to choose the crook of the elbow or the part behind the ear). Leave it there for at least half an hour (but longer is better) and then wash it off. If no rashes, dry skin, redness appeared in this place during the day, then you can use this dye to color your hair without worrying about your health.

Marina Nikitina

If you decide to change your hair color, choose a natural dye, because it is safer and more useful than chemical products.

Rules to know before coloring

These are general rules to follow, pay attention to them:

Use natural hair dyes only on strands that have not been touched by store or salon paint, as well as those that have not passed or any other third-party influences, such as lamination,. If this rule is not followed, expect surprises. Curls that have been exposed to non-natural substances will absorb natural coloring components immediately after application, so rinse thoroughly from the hair after a maximum of three minutes.

Curling before natural processing with natural dyes cannot be done.

In any of the cases described above, the contact of two different materials is not recommended.

Before dyeing, be sure to make sure that you have clean hair. Rinse off styling products.
After the procedure, wash off the dyes for so long that the water that goes into the drain of the bathtub, the shower stall becomes transparent.
Due to the incompatibility of different kinds of dyes (see rule number one), this method of changing hair color is not suitable for ladies who often change their style.
Another “explosive” combination is henna and sea salt water. What do you think is the result? Green curls! Do not forget about this rule before going to sea.
To begin with, during the first staining, conduct an experiment on one small curl. And only after you see the effect with a satisfactory result, finish what you started - cover the entire hair with natural pigments, regardless of the product chosen.

Any paint that is new to you should be tested for an allergic reaction. Henna and basma are seen in causing similar reactions on the body.
For successful dyeing of dry hair, change water to kefir in recipes and tips.
While periodic hair coloring with natural dyes is being performed, change the shampoo to a sulfate-free one.


The most popular dye used to create a chestnut hair color, obtained by grinding lawsonia leaves into powder, alkanes containing tannins and sealing curls. is obtained from the dull cassia. The colorless powder, although it does not color the hair, treats it.

The effect is observed only from the use of paint from natural dyes on dark blond or brownish curls. For such a natural tone, henna is recommended. Experienced “home hairdressers” advise buying Turkish or Indian henna, but Iranian is not worth it. When choosing, determine the quality of the product: look at the color - green, yellow-green are considered normal. The red tint of the powder indicates a stale product.

Henna s will give a chestnut tint to hair. A chocolate shade will turn out in combination with tea (strong infusion) or a teaspoon of hop cones, filled with hot water.

Lighter girls, and especially those with bleached hair, are also entitled to experience the effect of this wonderful product, but the result will be different: you will get a carrot shade of strands, dark-haired ones will not see the effect at all. Light beauties with a golden hue will become fiery red. The same color will appear on curls if you mix henna with iodine solution (50 ml) and yolk or with a bag of cloves (ground - 10 g), honey (2 tablespoons) and (1 spoon). The exposure time of this paint is two hours, the rest is about six hours.

Together, basma and henna are used as natural hair dyes at home.

Of the possible additives, choose lemon juice to soften and enhance the effect of henna in the amount of one cup (henna is taken at the rate of 100 g per 10 centimeters of hair). Mix the ingredients and leave in a warm place for ten hours, add warm water, make the yogurt thick.

Light brown-golden color will turn out if you add half a glass of cold, strong coffee to the base mixture and put it in a warm place for 4 hours. Immediately before applying to curls, add 3-4 drops of olive oil and a couple of tablespoons of yogurt.

Henna powder does not stain gray hair (only up to forty percent). Store an open packet of powder in the refrigerator. If the henna has not “taken” the hair, look on the shelves for a product marked “for body art”. Henna and basma are prepared for spreading on hair only in glass or porcelain dishes, and are poured with non-boiling water.


This powder combined with cocoa will give mahogany color for dark hair. It is made from the leaves of indigo (indigo), used as part of two-component dyes, because when used alone it gives a blue-green color. Strengthens hair with tannins. It mixes with some other components and gives an additional thickening of the hair. Depending on the second component, it makes the hair black or brown.

There are frequent cases when the finish color on the hair turned out to be too dark, for example, instead of an elegant chocolate brown, you saw dark brown in the mirror. This is fixable, basma brightens the usual. Take some warm thick liquid for this and rub it into the curls. After that, it is worth warming up with a hair dryer and repeating the clarification procedure if necessary.

Prefabricated Dye Recipe:

1 option. Chestnut. 3 spoons of henna, 1 spoon of basma.

Option 2. Bronze. 1 spoon of basma, 2 - henna.

3 option. Black. 3 spoons of basma, 1 - henna.

The “basma” substance is stored after opening the sachet in a dry and dark place.

Another variation of the preparation of paint for curls to give a chestnut color is this: take amla (“gooseberry” from India, sold in Ayurvedic stores) - three tablespoons of powder, previously diluted with water. Warm this mixture for about three minutes in the microwave or 6-10 minutes in a water bath. Add basma - 100 g, lavender oil - two drops. Pour the solution into the henna base mixture.


This well-known medicinal flower that brightens curls, removes gray hair and heals them. In addition, natural hair dyes that have in make the hair golden and soften it. The composition is prepared as follows. They take a glass - one and a half dried chamomile flowers and stems and pour four glasses of vodka (it is believed that one glass contains 250 ml by volume). The next step: insisting the mixture for fourteen days, you can increase the period by two or three days. The tincture is filtered to remove the softened base, and hydrogen peroxide is added to the liquid in an amount of 50 ml. The composition is ready to use - apply to the hair for thirty to thirty-five minutes. Wash off with shampoo and warm water.

It is important not to overdo the composition with peroxide on the hair, so as not to “burn” the scalp.

Another recipe associated with the use of chamomile is as follows: a glass of dry chamomile is sent to a container, poured with half a liter of boiled water. After two hours, the infusion must be filtered through a four-fold gauze. Adding three (large, tablespoon) will soften the hair further. Keep the solution smeared for an hour, covering with a hat (oilcloth, bag) and a scarf.


Nettle is used with chamomile together, making a decoction. Mix two dry substances (and chamomile flowers) to maintain the proportions required on a one-to-one basis. Soak the curls in a pre-filtered liquid and wait an hour for the effect, then you don’t even need shampoo. Rinse after the procedure with infused chamomile.


Linden color is also used for safe coloring of curls. The color that comes out as a result of manipulating the flowers of this tree is light brown or chestnut-golden. Take 60-70 g of dried useful parts of linden and brew with water (boiling water) in the amount of one and a half large (about 250 ml) or two small (about 200 ml) glasses. Unlike other medicinal herbs, this one is brewed over a slow fire, and not by pouring boiling water over it.

Wait and stir the mixture for a long time - until an estimated 100 ml of water has evaporated. Then turn off the gas under the pot with a healing decoction and, after checking the volume of the remaining solution (1 cup), let it cool. When the mirror tells you to wash off - the desired color is obtained, then wash your hair with warm water.


For golden hair, take a pinch of dry saffron, boil over a fire and pour henna. As you mix until smooth, pour on the strands and distribute.

onion peel

The dosage of the application of the coloring pigment contained in it is rubbed into the hair every day if strong coloring is needed. With such frequent use, a light, fair-haired girl turns dark chestnut.

Onion peel stains gray hair or gives a golden, brown tint.

To have something to rub, make a decoction and strain. Use depending on the intensity of the desired effect on the “coloring” of the hair. Following the logic of the last instruction, for a slight brightening effect, prepare a non-cool solution (decoction).


Juices of beets, cranberries will give curls a cosmic (Martian) red tint. Also replace these ingredients with Cahors. The wine is heated to sixty degrees and mixed with henna.


Peeling nuts will make the strands chestnut after application. Natural homemade hair dyes include green walnut skins that are not stiff. It is ground in a blender and then cooked like this. Mix the peel, crushed in any way possible, with water until such a mass is formed that it reminds you of sour cream, and thick. After application, keep on the head for no more than twenty minutes.

A strong walnut recipe is designed to permanently color your curls, although the color will be the same as in the previous example. This time, cut or ground green peel is taken in three spoons (of course, large ones) and mixed with one spoon of alum and half a spoon -. Pour boiling water - 50 ml, simmer gently over low heat for fifteen minutes. Be sure to cool the mixture after turning off the gas, strain later. Get a dye. After forty minutes of staying on the hair, the drug is washed off with water.


It is recommended to use black tea for dandruff, as it will get rid of this problem and along the way will dye your hair dark brown, sometimes with a reddish tint. Hair coloring with natural dyes is made with cocoa and tea: they are combined in a mixture for an intense brown effect. Mix dry tea leaves (20 g) and boiling water (50 ml). After forty - forty-five minutes of boiling, add cocoa (20 g), wrap a scarf around the head wrapped in cellophane. Do not rinse off the solution, it will stain faster.

Another tea recipe for “copper” hair: take 200 grams of onion peel, add three spoons of black tea, a bottle of white wine and heat it on fire. After half an hour, apply to wet hair.


Light brown hair is dyed using darkening. For these purposes, ground is suitable - 20 grams, boiled for 5 minutes. Add a bag of henna to coffee and cool ten degrees. Apply for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Choose finely ground coffee of good quality to achieve a deep toning effect.

Broth “Assorted”: coffee (1 tsp), brewed liquid tea (3 tbsp), cocoa powder (1 tsp), boiling water (250 gram glass). It is boiled for twenty minutes, the same amount is kept on the hair, covering with a film of cellophane or polyethylene.


Consider hair dye made from natural dyes, namely rhubarb. To get a golden color, do the following: pour 200 grams of rhubarb root with a glass of dry white wine. Warm over low heat for twenty minutes until half of the liquid has evaporated. Add henna, mix. Apply with smooth movements on curls, hold for 40 minutes. Alone, without additives, the roots and stems of rhubarb color the curls in ashy color.

Sunflower and navel

Two spoons are taken from a decoction of a dye navel or sunflower and diluted with water - a wonderful “light brown” paint is ready. It will lighten the strands if you leave this collection for thirty minutes and wash your hair until the liquid for dyeing hair with natural dyes runs out. With this tool, wash your hair every day and monitor the changing color. Stop when you get what you want.

Technological process of painting

Hair coloring with natural dyes does not differ, or rather, it is completely identical to the procedure using chemical coloring agents. Apply the prepared solution from the roots, spreading further, to the very tips of the strands. A disposable hat is worn in such cases, and on top - a warming material - a scarf. What can you do to further improve the effect:

Sip tea with lemon and relax.
Have some coffee.
Drink cognac (glass).

Choose one and blood circulation will increase, this will help the absorption of coloring substances into the strands.

April 20, 2014, 03:56 PM
